First Steps Meets Royalty 3: The 8-Way

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#3 of First Steps Meets Royalty

A crossover between my Royalty series and houndlover56's First Steps series. Also features Griffin and Zander from the Amazing Race 2 and other houndlover56 stories.

Author's Note: Thanks to my boyfriend, friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are awesome. Special thanks again to my mate for writing this story with me.

First Steps Meets Royalty 3: The 8-Way

Max's POV:

Me and Lucius walk down the beach, paw in paw. "Very nice here isn't it?", I ask.

"Brings back a lot of memories", Lucius replied with a wink. Such a naughty wolf. We kiss each other on the muzzle and hug each other tight. I feel one of his paws slowly crawl down my back. Such a playful wolf too. When his paw comes to rest on my ass, that's when I French kiss him. He deepens the kiss as he rubs my ass.

"I'm feeling playful foxy", he teases.

"Oh really?", I reply. As we start to strip, I notice two people walking down the shore. It's not the first time someone has watched me have sex with Lucius. As the two get closer, they suddenly become familiar. "Hey, Lucius, do you see those two?"

Lucius looks around and then spots them. "Yep I see them. Should we let them watch?", he asks.

"We know them Lucius", I said.

"Oh", he said. I then noticed a look on his face, like something clicked in his brain. He looked at the pair again and whispered, "I think that's Todd and Wendell."

"Did they ever get on their plane back home?" I ask.

"I assumed they did", Lucius said, shrugging his shoulders. I start to walk towards who I assume is Todd and Wendell, with Lucius right on my tail.

"Hello", I said to the pair of furs. As we get closer, I notice that Todd doesn't look like himself. And that's when Lucius pipes up. He realized it before I did.

"That's not Todd and Wendell," he says, "that's Griffin & Zander from that race show you like so much."

"You like that show too Lucius", I said.

"I know. We watch it all the time", he


"Hello." Griffin says. "I think we're lost. Do you know where the... Best Inn Ever is?"

"Sure do", I said,"It's about two blocks from here. Lucius and I can lead you to it."

"Sure that'd be great." Griffin says. Me and Lucius lead the way to the Inn and I can't help but ask, "Were you two on the Amazing Race?"

"Yes." Zander says. "Why? You a fan?"

"Yep. We've seen every episode.", Lucius says.

"Cool," Griffin says, "the show's a lot of fun, you two should sign up sometime. By the way, I didn't catch your names..."

"I'm Max III", I said

"And I'm Lucius V", Lucius said.

"Griffin Reyes." Griffin says. "And this is my boyfriend Zander."

"Nice to meet you", I say.

"Same here", Lucius said.

"The feeling's mutual." Zander says. As we reach the Inn, I see 4 furs outside playing some kind of game with chalk, dice, and a hula hoop. Hold on... two of those furs I KNOW are Todd and Wendell. And the other two are Kuhlman and Hans.

"This game is confusing." Todd says. "And you said this is played all over the Coyote Empire?"

"Yep." Kuhlman says.

"I'm just as confused as you are", Wendell says. "Then again math confuses me too."

"Hi guys", I said.

"Oh hey Max. We're just playing a game. Wanna join us?", Kuhlman said. Funny. Me and Lucius were about to play a "game" of our own on the beach.

"How do you play this game?", I ask

"You roll the dice and the number you roll determines how many minutes you have to use the hula hoop for. If the hula hoop falls off of you before your minutes are up, you have to answer a random question and write your answer with chalk. If you get the question wrong, your turn ends and it's the next player's turn", Kuhlman says.

I give him a confused look. "Uh what...", I say.

Lucius then whispers to me, "I think this is one of those games Kuhlman comes up with when he's high." And Kuhlman blushing confirms that.

"Why are you blushing?", Todd asks Kuhlman.

" reason", he said. I look down and see the real reason he's blushing and let's just say it involves a tent.

"What are you looking at Max?", Kuhlman teases.

"I'm looking at my 'pets' boner." I say putting on my Dom face.

"Oh", Kuhlman says.

"He's your pet?", Griffin asks.

"It's a long story," Lucius says. "But he's not our literal pet. He just likes to bottom whenever he comes over since me and Max were both tops at one point."

"Wow, that must be hard both being tops", Zander chimes in.

"Well now we're both switches. But Max still likes to refers to Kuhlman as our 'pet' as a playful term." Lucius says.

"I see", Griffin says.

"So what brings you guys here to Sly Beach?", Lucius asks.

"Zander gave me plane tickets here for my birthday." Griffin says.

"Yep", Zander said with a wink to Griffin.

"What brings you back to Sly Beach, Todd and Wendell? Max and I were about to fly out to see you", Lucius said.

"Me and Todd missed our plane so we had to stay an extra few days." Wendell says. "By the way, how come we weren't invited to your wedding? We heard about that."

I pinned my ears down and frowned. "The postmaster refused to deliver your invitation. He said, 'I don't know where America is, so it must not exist.'", I said.

Wendell rolls his eyes. "I never did like UPS." He mutters. Awkward silence fell for the next couple of minutes. No one knew what to say. That's when I remember that me and Lucius' "pet" was aroused.

"Snap out of it guys. Everyone's getting weird over this invite thing", Kuhlman said, chill as ever.

Wendell wraps an arm around his shoulder and, in his usual cocky tone, says, "Dude. Everyone. Can see. Your boner."

"Huh?", Kuhlman says. He then looked down and noticed it. "Oh..."

"Yep", I said. "It looks like you were trying to show it off." Which actually sounds a bit like something Kuhlman would do. Does he have some sort of public fetish or something?

"Maybe but I better not whip it out in front of your new friends there", Kuhlman said, pointing to Griffin and Zander.

"Why not?" Griffin asks. "We did orgies all the time back in Knoxville. So why can't you?" I think I sensed teasing his voice.

"Good point", Kuhlman said.

"Would you guys be up for some fun and I mean all of you", I said playfully.

"An 8-way?", Todd asks

"Wait! Even better: 8-way anal." Griffin says. "I don't think it's ever been done before." Hmmmm, 3 wolves, two foxes, two coyotes and a fat tiger. Sounds interesting."

"Sure does. I'm up for that. Anyone else?", I said.

"I think we're all on board." Wendell says.

"I have the condoms", Kuhlman said. Of course HE would have the condoms.

"Do we really need them?", I ask.

"We don't use them", Todd said.

"Same here", Griffin said.

"Then maybe we shouldn't use condoms." Lucius says.

"So shall we all bareback?", I ask. Everyone murmurs in agreement.

"I'll be at the very bottom if you guys want." Hans says.

"Sounds good to me", I say, "Who's topping him?"

"Me." Kuhlman says. The two of them strip naked, revealing their hard dicks. Hans then bends over and lifts his tail. Kuhlman lubes up and fucks Hans. Griffin then takes the lube, lines himself and starts fucking Kuhlman. Immediately, the moaning starts. I get undressed and so does Lucius, Todd, and Wendell. By this point, Zander has started to fuck Griffin. Turned on even more, I lubed up and even put some on Zander's tailhole and thrust into him. As I fucked him, I felt my own tailhole being lubed up and soon feel Lucius thrusting into me.

"Fuck me!" I say.

"You never say that", Lucius said, teasingly.

"Well I'm saying it now", I said.

He then fucked me fast and hard. I moaned in ecstasy. I guess I'm finally enjoying bottoming. While I was fucking and getting fucked, Todd and Wendell joined the fun.

Wendell's POV:

Todd started to fuck Lucius and then me fuck him. Everyone was so fucking turned on including myself. I grasp my foxy's hips and thrust faster into him.

"Oh yes Wendell fuck me!", Todd shouted.

"Oh you bet I will." I say, spanking him hard. He moaned loud as I did that. I fucked him harder and faster, making him feel every inch of my cock. He tightens up his tailhole and I thrust harder. "Ohhhh, you know I love that baby!"

Griffin's POV:

I've never fucked and be fucked at the same time but I love it. My thrusts into Kuhlman get harder and faster as does the ones Zander does into me.

I can feel my orgasm coming. When I feel my dick start to swell, I smack Kuhlman's ass and fuck him harder. "I bet you like this, don't you?" I dirty talk to him.

"Oh yes I do! I love getting my ass pounded!", Kuhlman said.

"Good to know." I say before I fuck his ass harder.

Lucius' POV:

So there I was, fucking my foxy while getting fucked by another fox. What I was truly amazed about was that Max actually WANTED to be fucked and wasn't just doing it as a part of some compromise. I didn't hold back on his ass, I pounded it hard and fast and he moaned even louder.

"Tighten that tailhole for me, will you honey?", I asked.

He did just that and it felt amazing. I pounded him even more, spanking him and even letting out a slight playful growl. I feel my knot as well as Todd's swell up. Grasping his hips, I fuck Max harder and faster until I pre in his ass and soon blow my load. Todd must have cum as well because I heard him moan orgasmistically loud. I tied down Max while being tied down at the same time.

Max moans just like Todd but he actually thrusts faster into Zander for a minute. "Ohhhhhhh FUCK!!" He shouts. When he stops I notice his cum dripping down Zander's leg. He pinned his ears down and blushed in embarrassment.

"Ohhh yes!!" Zander says when Max cums on him. He eventually blows into Griffin and stops fucking him.

Zander's POV:

I guess I should've told Max that I was a prostitute at one point in my life and I didn't mind when someone came up my ass or accidentally got some on me. Because I look behind me and see him look embarrassed.

"It's fine Max. I don't mind", I say.

"Okay", Max replies and stops blushing.

"In fact, I was a prostitute at one point in my life and so I'm used to..." I reach down and wipe some of the cum off my leg. "This." I smile at him.

"I see", Max said, his ears perking back up.

I then licked his cum off my paw, which shocked him a little. My kitty cat fucks Kuhlman a bit more. As I wait for him to blow his load, I give him a few spanks and slightly play with his stomach. He purrs when I do that.

"Kuhlman I'm gonna...", Griffin starts to say, but before he can finish he cums in the coyote's ass.

Kuhlman's POV:

I came at the same time Griffin does, tying Hans down. Soon we all spoon each other as we calm down. I feel something against my back only to realize it's just Zander messing with Griffin's fat. "What'd you think of that, honey?" I ask Hans, giving his ears a little lick.

"That was fucking incredible", Hans said, his dick still hard.

"Told you orgies were fun. The more the merrier", I said. I reach down and slowly paw Hans off. My naughty barista moaned as I did that. I use my other paw to slightly massage his balls.

"Oh yes! Don't stop until I cum!", Hans said.

"Sure honey", I said. I kept at it until he shot his load all over my paw. I licked off the cum.

"Tastes likes espresso", I said jokingly.