Chapter Two: Clash of Instinct

Story by Kailas on SoFurry

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#2 of Beast of Feeling

Note: A bit of development in this one, but mainly just sex all over the place. I hope you enjoy it * * *

Chapter Two: Clash of Instinct

  • * * The sun's rays no longer kissed the morning dew. They ran from the ever-present moon that carefully sought its way past the mountains to pierce the shadows of the forest that had grown so deep since the passing of the day. The scents, sounds, the very feel of the forest was alive as ever. The werewolf heard every twitch of an animal, caught every scent of a shifting wind. Knowledge of the universe and how it ran lay at the fingertips of the beast. But only one thing was important; the needs, the want, the instinct. How it all came to be didn't matter, only that there were those things that were required of every night. But this Were was different. He was not fully in tune with those basic urges of his kind. Instead he fought them, struggled against them. Slowly the mind of the day did its best to take charge, to remember what his true goal was. Yes! That was it. He was to find that alluring woman, that one that had enraptured his senses for months. The Were was astonished to find that the one last night had seemed so like her, and yet was not. When he first came upon her he had thought that, with that similar scent, she must have been the one he was looking for. But backtracking to those spots of urine he found the two to be wholly different. By the time he arrived back where he had left the worn woman sleeping soundly she had fled, leaving him no chance to find what her daylight form was like. There were hints to go on to find the female Were. He instinctively knew where she would be, for they would meet at the beginning of the night where they had mated the night before to continue the courtship. Hundreds of years of instinct drove him to this conclusion. His rational mind fought it. He didn't even know that woman. How could he be certain she would even be interested in him during the day? What if she was repulsed with the entire thing? It made him question even meeting the Were tonight despite his insane attraction to her. So he spent a good hour trying to search out that other curious smell despite the guilt brewing in the back of his mind. For tradition was settling into his instinctive brain; a tradition bred into every Were for generations since their kind first appeared on the planet. It was a complicated ritual spanning months of flittering meetings when the moon was full, those few times when their primal selves could once again come into contact. The guilt never left him even as he sniffed out the wavering paths that lead to a series of cabins, busting in windows and clawing down doors in a vain search for the unknown. Something enticing, something that was familiar that he still couldn't quite put his finger on. He knew this female, but how? Where? Another frustrated growl left him as he slinked out of a broken window only to come to a complete halt. Sinewy muscle rippled beneath a deep coat of fur as his top slowly raised, ears perked and tuned on one sound alone. The calls of the forest took on hushed tones. Only soft notes of fear whispered through the shivering trees as a single note rose to the heavens. It was soft at first, low and deep and barely audible to those who did not know how to properly listen. It wasn't long before it grew in force and pitch, rising higher with every moment to express the one feeling that ran through the mind of the one who made such an eerie tune; longing. It was his potential mate, sending out her call to the skies. Not hoping he would answer, no. She seemed to have given up for good. Now she only spoke the loss to her friends the trees and her prey who might soon become a meal of anger and despair instead of one of necessity. His instincts flared, the blood in his veins burning with the passion and need for this woman. Yes, his hunt for this ghost of a female that eluded him had to come to an end tonight. He did the deed last night, he committed himself to this female. There was no question that the courtship must continue. Already his feet were pounding over the soft soil, hurriedly rushing him towards his destiny. And all in all he was glad for it. Glad that he would have such a wondrous and exciting woman by his side, one that he already knew he was falling in love with. This insane search for the other fem was nothing more than an obsession that would now be tossed aside for truer, lovelier things. His day thoughts gladly stopped the struggle against his instincts, letting the burning of the night coarse through him and lead him to a most wondrous destiny that lay ahead. He didn't even stop to let out an answering howl; instead he gave one on route, coming out in short spurts between breaths and particularly hard bumps. It wavered and was weak, but it conveyed an answering message for his lover; I am coming. She made no response, but he could tell by the scent that she was still in their sanctum as he came ever closer. It was only seconds before he burst through the bushes breathless, claws digging into the ground to force him to a quick halt in their small clearing. Gods themselves would have looked upon that feminine figure that stood there with both awe and fear. This male werewolf was no different; he couldn't move for his fascination with the silhouetted form that stood, poised and waiting, bright eyes piercing his very soul. Both legs and front paws were on the ground, slight movements making those large muscles of hers bulge and ripple. So large were they that they almost rivaled his own in size. Still, the feminine form was ever present. He back arched ever so slightly, drawing attention to those rounded hips and curving chest. Or, rather, chests. He often wondered about it throughout the day and even the night before when his rational mind actually managed to pop in. The woman had six breasts, one set larger than the other, the perfect mounds descending in size down her front. He could figure no reason for this since he had never seen a Were with such anatomy, but then again he usually didn't bother to question miracles. But despite her lovely, god-like frame, he was focused on her face. The light of the moon illuminated the fine tapering snout, ending in a sharp point at he black nose. The light played tricks with her colors, making her appear blue with a dark stripe of black running from just between sharp pointed ears and across that sleek back. White shimmering fangs were no longer ivory white, but black and stained with blood dripping from her lips. And her lips were pulled back, baring her teeth as a deep growl shook the air around them. It was only then that he looked at her feet, the carcass of some mangled animal laying there, dead and cold. It was only his heritage that could tell him just how badly he had fouled. No Were holds off their appetite unless they are in the courting ritual. At the beginning of the night the two fight over a piece of meat to see who the dominant one would be in the relationship. Now he had left the poor, hungry woman alone pacing around a piece of meat she desperately wanted to eat for the past hour. And from the burning fire in her eyes he could tell she was none too happy about it. The growl only lasted a few seconds before she slowly paced closer, giving the appearance of timid approach with head down and tail drooped. But those eyes stayed focused on him, cold and glaring. He knew all too well she was trying to get in close for the attack, something he allowed since he knew by now that he deserved it. When she was finally a few feet from him she lunged, slick body moving in one fluid motion to throw herself at his crouched and ready frame. He didn't move, but planted his feet to prepare for the impact. But she was a large woman, almost the size of himself and before he knew it he landed on his back, the stinging pain running along his spine as darkened fangs flashed, aiming for his neck. His back feet rose in instinct, pressing against her abdomen and shoving with all his force. A gasp left her as the wind was forced from her, teeth only inches from spilling his warm blood. He kept the force on as those jaws snapped and pressed, trying desperately to make him pay his dues. Some punishment was fine, but he fully doubted he would live if those fangs actually dug in. His back feet dug in, claws raking across that exposed stomach, forcing a yelp of pain as she finally threw herself back and away. He knew another moment to take her down would not be presented easily, so he forced himself past his own pain and rose the moment she landed. In another fluid lunge he was on top of her, fangs about her neck and gripping tightly, paws on her wrists and knees on either side of her hips. She didn't give in easily despite the fact that he could have killed her in a matter of seconds. No, her body fought and writhed beneath him, deep growls and howls of anger roaring from her captured neck as she tried desperately to remove him. He was finally forced to let one of her paws go, those dangerous claws raking sharp lines across his face and neck, a howl of pain heard in response. But his now empty paw found a place to rest. His fingers grasped at one of her needy breasts, rough pads rolling across an exposed nub of flesh that ached for attention. He could practically feel the shiver run down her spine, a responding gasp of surprise telling him he had judged correctly. She was just as ready to be taken as he was to take her. His jaws slowly began to relax, carefully judging her movements as the death grip eased off of her. She showed no sign of attack now. Her body writhed in a new heated fashion beneath his own as his fingers continued to dance across that hardening nipple, the other paw slowly letting go and taking hold of another of those ready mounds. Another gasp and a small smirk from him. Her muzzle came close to his own, nuzzling against him with affection as tongue slowly eased out to lap across those fresh wounds on his cheek. A hiss of pain left him, but the warm affections were soon returned. Not to mention those lovely sounds she made! Oh, how he loved her moans. Fingers closed around those tight nipples, ears at attention as he gave a tight pinch. And he was rewarded handsomely, a deep moan muffled against his cheek sang to those primal instincts in his body. But tradition had not been satisfied, the dominant had not been chosen. They both seemed to realize this as their intoxicating scent rose and fueled the other. In a moment her paws were on his shoulder and heaving, body pressing him and firmly rolling him over. He landed on his back with her large frame pressed upon him, fangs now nipping lovingly at his neck. And his body surged and groaned as her spread legs pressed downward. For one small moment his throbbing manhood felt the heated touch of her ready folds before she teasingly pulled herself away. She did so again and his hips bucked with need. Now she was the one wearing the smirk as a plaintive whine fed his hungry urges. The one who decided when they mated would be the dominant one and she was winning. He felt a whine of his own rolling from his lips, fingers trying to grasp at her breasts again only to be batted away. His body raged with fire for her and he knew the easiest way to fulfill his need; do what she orders, no matter what. So his paw fell willingly, another whine making her tongue loll with pleasure. She moved up further, one breast hanging before his lips as she gave an authoritative growl, claws digging into his arm to emphasize the point; no fingers this time, only his mouth to pleasure her. And his pleasure was not important, only her own. His would wait. His body and mind screamed at him, telling him not to give in even as his lips cupped around that tantalizing mound, warm tongue rolling against her body. Her head rose and she growled out her pleasure, no longer even giving him the pleasure of the sounds of her moans. Only authoritative rumbles left her as he began sucking harshly, feeling the flesh of that nipple harden even further with every ounce of attention he gave it. But his body was not pleased. He was not being touched or caressed, not even allowed those sounds he adored so much. His rational day mind once again struggled to take over, carefully puzzling over the situation. There were plenty of advantages to being the subordinate, but the thoughts of what he could do with her as the dominant were very tempting. And there was only this chance to decide. As she removed her breasts from his lips and set for him to start on another with a deep growl he made his decision. With sudden force his fangs took hold of that nipple, a howl of pain and surprise roaring from her body. He took the moment of surprise to roll her off of him, leaving her curled on her side as she grasped at the wound. He knew only one way to fully enforce his dominance completely and utterly upon her and he had to act quickly while he still had the chance. The woman, still dazed from the sudden shock of pain, gave no resistance as his large paws moved her back end to rest on its knees, her front half still flat against the ground as paws held tight to the wound. He pressed himself atop her, one paw propping his body up as the other reached for his ready cock. And oh the touch! Breath forced its way between his clenched teeth even at his own fingers running across his length. He was so used to having women fall at his feet, ready and willing to be fucked fast and hard for hours on end. All of this teasing roughhousing had gotten him hornier and more sensitive than he had been in years! But first things first. He could feel the woman stirring beneath him, paws slowly moving from the wound and clutching at the ground. She was either getting ready to be taken or to try and win her dominance again. He didn't dare chance that she was ready for another throw for dominance. Instead he held himself firmly, pressing forward to force his tip against those hot folds. His animal mind howled with need the same as she did beneath him, trying desperately to press back and take him in. It was sheer force of will that didn't let her, body pulling back only a few centimeters, the heat of their genitalia still warming one another. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, forcing back his animal mind and carefully controlling his body. With a slow breath he forced his instincts back, relaxing his body; or, namely, his bladder. The heated fluid ran through his form and along his shaft. Slowly and with great force did he finally manage the fluid through his erection, spraying messily across the waiting folds of her womanhood. The female's body jerked upward in an instant, front paws beneath her and body on paws an knees. Her head tilted to look at him over her shoulder, deep glare seen in one eye as she let out a piercing growl. He was enjoying it all himself, even pressing his head against her folds as the fluid continued in a steady string, taking in the feeling of the liquid and her pulsing, aching walls as the piss invaded her hot form. But he knew why she was so angry; it was an unspoken rule that the Were who scented the other first, either on maw or manhood, was the automatic dominant ruler. For the sub would carry around that scent for a good two weeks with everyone knowing who he or she belonged to. A thought that obviously upset the fem. Her claws dug into the ground, body stiff and unwilling, each sound a deep growl. And the sound only grew louder and worse as the flow of urine slowed and finally stopped, for now his scent pressed into the air like never before, enveloping the two with such force that no one could ignore it. Nor could they ignore their own instincts now with such a heated scent pressing around them so fiercely. The male gladly gave into his night mind again, instinct and arousal surging through him like never before. In a flash his chest was against her back, noting with pleasure that she formed so easily against him; the prefect height for his muzzle to nip teasingly at one of her ears as his hips saddled in close against her own. His paw helped to slowly ease the tip into position as the other took hold of her side. She gave no complaint, mouth open as she breathed in his heavy scent, eyes shut tight as one last, desperate whine rolled from her lips. His ears perked and his body surged forward, slamming the head and half his length into those tight folds in one fluid motion. Her head dipped as a sharp yelp left her, instinct telling her to run, body now clawing at the ground to try and escape the pain. But his paws held fast to those hips as he lapped gently at her neck and ear, willing the pain to subside, forcing her to wait until it did. He had learned the night before that she was not used to anyone near his girth, a fact that made him try to take things slow despite his need to hump her brains out as quickly as possible. But it wasn't long to wait. Her own needs were strong as ever and she seemed to will her body to relax. Those constricting walls lessened enough for him to move again, a deep thrust pressing him in all the way to his sac. He gave his own deep howl of pleasure as the heat pressed in around his cock, a heat like none he had ever encountered before. It was so strong on him that it was almost painful. Certainly not painful enough to make him stop though. His paws left her body and braced himself against the ground, instinctively burying his teeth into her this neck fur as his back paws braced against the ground. And he was suddenly moving those hips, thrusting in and out of her as fast as his muscles would let him. The beauty beneath him responded, body bouncing, mouth agape as deep sounds of pleasure pierced the hot air around them. He growled his pleasure into her neck fur, one paw raising to feel a breast bouncing and throwing forward with each harsh slap of his hips against her own, a sound that was all too audible as he pressed deeper and deeper in. The tip of his cock was reaching closer to that point. Her body grew tighter as he moved in, holding tight to her neck to keep her from instinctively pulling away from the pain. She did indeed try as the tip barely began to probe at the bruised entrance of her cervix, already used and worn from the night before. Despite her initial complaints she seemed to grow used to it, even growling in such a way to urge him to continue. A point that he needed absolutely no pressing on. He was thrusting deeper even as his erection swelled, knot now rushing at her tight walls, trying desperately to force its way in under the constant urging of the woman beneath him. And with a deep growl and harsh thrust the tip of is cock pierced the tiny cervix, the knot suddenly rushing past those tight walls and locking them together all in the same motion. His body shook with anticipation as her grasped ever tighter to her, almost crushing her beneath him as the heated night rushed through every portion of his body and to his groin. Is cock swelled even further as the seed pressed forward, releasing in a burst of passion that shot straight into her womb. Her back arched a deep, rolling howl came forward. Her body shook beneath his own as his weight pressed against her, teeth clamped shut now as the hot seed heated every part of her. Her chest rose and fell with intense speed as her walls clenched tighter at him, milking every drop he had to give. And he gave it in shot after sticky shot, spilling deep and filling her body to the brim. It wasn't long before her own passion reached its limit, body thrusting back against his own as the tightly clenching muscles suddenly rested, the fluid of her own climax spilling to mix and mingle with his own. Her felt her entire body shivering beneath his despite the fact that she had stiffened and gone still. But the stillness only lasted a few seconds before she gave in to the weakness ravaging her body. Her front paws buckled, a small howl of weakened pleasure leaving her before her head was buried in folded arms. He lifted himself off of her as much as possible, only dipping his head to lap gently at her neck, nuzzling into her arms to reach her cheek and moan out his soft sounds of pleasure to her as the last drops of his fluid dripped into her. His paws ran gently across her body, brushing down her fur and soothing her worn form. He couldn't help a small smile as he felt across her belly, partially swollen with all of the seed she held, reminding him that they both would surely have pups on the way after tonight. Her eyes stayed closed as her head finally moved out of the nest her arms had made, putting her head to one side so he might see the contented smile now on her face. She was murring pleasantly to herself as he nuzzled her cheek and snout, giving every motion of love he could think of. He slowly began to test his knot, tugging gently against her to see if he could come free. The female's body tensed all over, breathing picking up again before she slowly forced herself to calm, relaxing her muscles as much as possible. Finally he gave one harsh pull, deep moan leaving each of them as the hot fluids of their love making spilled to the ground beneath them. And he carefully took her in his arms, cradling her against his chest as he moved her to a soft, clean bed of grass in the clearing. She gave no complaint as he did so, smile still on lips as he carefully brushed his tongue over her wounded breast, ridding it of the dried blood and cleaning the wound completely. He did the same to the few other wounds she had gained during the evening. His snout finally ended up between her legs where the true mess lay. The scent of his own urine was overpowering, not to mention the clear fluid of both his and her juices. He lapped carefully, watching her body jerk as he ran his flat tongue over that oh-so sensitive clit with no end of enjoyment. But he understood just how tired she was, making sure to not arouse her too much as he dutifully cleaned her soaked inner thighs and the rest of her folds. When he finished he left to hunt, fully intent on bringing his woman a clean, fresh meal after serving him so well for the evening. He was only gone a few minutes before he appeared again, a bloodied rabbit dangling from his jaws. But upon return the tricky fem had once again eluded him. The fresh grass was empty again, no trace of her to be found. He spat the food on the ground with a raging howl of anger, only to fall upon the animal with renewed ferocity. It was only when he was done that his day mind crept in again, slowly piecing together a way to finally find the day form of his woman. Surely his scent was still on her. It would have to be! With nose pressed high into the air he caught it. Faint, she had run far already, but still there. With intense speed he set off after her, the scent growing with each pounding footfall even as the sky began to lighten and the shadows of the night slowly began to fade. The spell work of being a Were slowly began to take effect. Every night, right before the sun was seen, the Were would have to sleep before the transformation took place. There was no choice about it; he fully believed he would pass out mid-stride with the pace he was going. Everything grew blurry as he tried desperately to press on, barely able to keep track of top from bottom anymore. But one thing still remained; his scent, ever potent, so strong. More important than anything it was a guide to his woman, the one he desperately needed to see during the day. He hadn't even noticed it coming, his eyes closed as he half-heartedly continued to try and run in her direction. They flew open only as his body's instincts screamed that he was heading for danger. Sure enough he landed face first into a tree. The impact on his snout made spots flare before his eyes for only a moment before darkness enveloped him entirely. The Were was knocked out cold in an instant.