
Story by diethylether on SoFurry

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Many people dreamed of someday becoming a witch or wizard's apprentice, earning the privilege to learn some of their ancient magic and to study their mysterious ways. Joseph was no exception, having been an amateurish appreciator of the arcane arts from a very young age. Raised by a blacksmith father and a barmaid mother, the dull village life was almost painful to the curious and adventurous youth. His parents were rather understanding of his grievances, but could never afford him any form of education in wizarding. Regardless, the boy surrounded himself with tomes and grimoires, dutifully researching and practicing the bits here and there he was capable of. And then, two weeks after his 19th birthday, an announcement sparked hope in the youth's heart. The great witch Marie Coquie Annabelle was to hold a contest, taking the winner under her wings as a new pupil. Surely, with his studies, he should have a chance. And now, after passing a written test with flying colors, Joseph was to meet with the remaining contestants for a second and final stage. Fortunately, the contestants were sent a pendant that would transport them to the secret location where the test would take place. His face gleaming with hope, Joseph haphazardly grabbed his backpack, gave his sleeping parents a parting kiss, and activated the trinket.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself in a dimly lit wooden shed. Ever so slightly dazed, he carefully examined his surroundings. A shelf could be barely seen two feet away from him, tools scattered onto it, and on the corner he saw what appeared to be three bags of various sizes. Behind him was a door, and faint chattering could be heard through its frame. How much competition will I face today, he thought, shifting to a more confident posture before stepping out of the shed.

Blinding sunlight met his eyes, and before long with some strain he realized he was in a clearing amidst thick foliage. Having never seen trees this tall, the foreboding nature of their looming, surrounding visage struck a modicum of fear and anxiety onto Joseph's heart, alas he had no option but to keep his composure as a female voice dragged him back to reality.

"Hey, over here!" She said. Joseph looked for the source, and found a pale, sickly lady, not past her twenties, standing a few feet away under the shade of a tree. Accompanying her were a bald middle aged man with a long black beard and a thick woman with a toad-like appearance. He hurried over, but as he drew near the tall girl stared at him with growing concern.

"Your bag!" She yelled. "Leave it in the shed!"

Joseph stopped in his tracks and tilted his head, then shrugged and turned back. Dropping off his belongings, he quickly made his way back to the shade.

"Thank you. Name's Joseph, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

"I'm Havanna, the pleasure is all mine." The tall lady said, with a curt smile.

The man gave Joseph and annoyed glare, then sighed and extended a hand. The toad lady however refused to even look at him, seemingly lost in thought.

"Name's Graham. If you're wondering about the bag, that was my word of advice. It's not my first time taking this kind of test."

"Oh? I'll have to give it my best then!"

With a scornful huff, Graham shook his head and leaned onto the tree. Havanna then looked back towards their origin and signaled someone to come over, but before Joseph even had a chance to look, a blast of smoke nearly blew him off his feet. Once it died down, a mysterious figure adorned in a black dress stood before the four of them, a thick dark veil covering its face. A girl he had not seen before came running and stopped just short of crashing onto him, kneeling down to catch her breath.

"Aw crap, I'm not late am I?" She said, between wheezes.

"You're just on time, dear." Said the figure, with a kindly voice and a tone friendly enough to melt even the most hardened of hearts. "Now that the five of you are gathered here, let us begin the second stage of the test, shall we?"

Five? Only five even passed the written test? Joseph found himself brimming with renewed hope at the revelation.

"The test will consist of three stages: body, mind and soul." She continued, walking closer. "I will say this now, I don't expect any of you to make it past the first."

The unwavering warmth of her voice made the delivery of such prediction all the more chilling.

"Now, state your names and your academies so we can get started!"

"Havanna James, Ornsworth Arcane Studies."

"Graham Barn, Hudson School of Wizardry."

Hudson... that school was shut down many years ago, Joseph thought to himself.

"Juliett Franksvicz, Ornsworth Arcane Studies." The toad-like woman said.

"Joseph Drangleic, self-study."

There was a pause, silence weighting heavily upon Joseph. The figure stared rather judgmentally at him, but ultimately shrugged and turned to face the newcomer.

"Elise Tiara, Yggdrasil Academy." She said, quickly averting her gaze from Joseph.

The figure took a step back and removed her veil, letting loose immense flowing black hair. Before them stood Marie herself. She smiled and looked back to Joseph.

"There are no rules against uneducated apprentices, but most of them get sorted out at the written stage. Congratulations on making it this far."

Joseph could help himself, a wide smile escaping his better judgment.

"Now, for the body stage of this test, all you have to do is escape this forest."

The participants nodded, fully aware it would be no easy task.

"There is one catch, of course. Every second, the gravity in this forest will get slightly heavier, until it gets to the point your bodies can no longer move an inch. I have no intention for any contestants to die today, so please warn me if you're at your limit. I cannot guarantee your safety if you do not do so."

Her expression was grim, and the looks on the participant's faces was not any different. Snapping back to a sudden smile, she looked at each of us one last time and gestured us to move.

"Go." She uttered, before vanishing onto thin air.

With barely enough time to exchange glances, all participants dashed towards whichever direction they thought would be wisest. Juliett ran straight towards the shed, perhaps having prepared something beforehand. Graham and Havanna ran to the right, while Joseph and Elise ran straight back from the starting point.

Running as fast as he could manage, Joseph could only catch a glimpse of Elise before the was lost among the trees. Loud crunches from dry leaves echoed through the emptiness, interrupted only by the occasional gasp. Heart racing, the heavier pull started to take its toll onto Joseph's speed, panic settling in as the forest seemed to go on forever. In a fraction of a second, he saw something shine in the corner of his eyes, and without further warning, a magic missile zoomed past his face, lightly burning his nose out of sheer proximity. Rolling a few seconds too late but thankfully unharmed, he turned to look at his assailant and found none other than Elise, staring him down with the cold gaze of a predator. She fired again, but this time he had ample time to predict her moves and easily hopped away from the spell. Furiously gritting her teeth, she prepared herself for a third strike, but was quickly interrupted by a fierce swing from a thick nearby branch that sent her flying back the way she came. Startled more than ever, Joseph lost his balance and fell painfully to the ground. His ankle was all but ruined, and the slowly increasing gravity meant getting up again was not an option. Unwilling to give up, he began to crawl forwards with all his might, digging his fingers into the ground and pulling himself with every ounce of strength he had left. Even with no end in sight, he knew deep down it was already over, and he couldn't possibly reach the end before every single one of his bones was crushed by his own weight, but regardless, he dedicated every last bit of stamina he had left and pulled himself up on a tree, mentally preparing for one final dash. It was then he noticed the runes carefully carved onto the trees. At first glance they would have been easily mistaken for natural markings, but closer inspection revealed them as payback runes, which enchanted objects to return any damage inflicted onto them. Elise must have accidentally hit one of those trees, which then signaled another tree to take their revenge. With quick thinking, Joseph positioned himself ahead of the tree and punched it as hard as he could. Sure enough, it swung at him with incredible force, sending him forward at the cost of a broken rib or too.

Nearly passing out from the pain, Joseph opened his eyes again to find himself just outside the thick forest, lying on a small pool of his own blood. Soon enough, the witch appeared once again before him. "Well done. You are the second to make it this far, and the last. All other competitors have been eliminated."

And with that Joseph found himself in front of the shed again. His clothes were tattered and bloodied, but he seemed to be clear of any wounds, and free of pain. Next to him was Havanna, similarly trashed but with no visible afflictions. In front of the pair was a table, sporting 12 glasses, six on each side, each containing the same pearl white substance. The witch made her appearance with another puff of smoke and walked towards the table, shooting a confident smile at both remaining participants.

"You did a fine job out there. I believe you two will not make the sacrifices of your fellow contestants go to waste."

Sacrifice? She's joking, right? Joseph silently asked himself.

"It is time for the mind test. First, I need the both of you to take one dose and drink it."

Havanna and Joseph exchanged glances, nodding confidently to each other before taking a glass and chugging it down without hesitation. The substance was far more viscous than expected, and sported an earthly, vaguely salty taste. Upon noticing the two had finished their first dose, the witch cackled and continued.

"What you just drank was dragon semen."

Havanna immediately retched. Joseph merely stared at the witch in disbelief.

"And for the mind test. Your challenge is to last three minutes without drinking the other five glasses." She said with a wide smile.

Was that also a joke? What is the meaning of this, thought Joseph, looking at Havanna with utmost concern as she hunched over and spat out incessantly. And then it hit him, a burning sensation at the back of his throat. A taste like no other, something absolutely otherworldly. Before he could even realize what was going on, he had already chugged another glass.

Shocked, he threw the glass away and stepped away from the table. What was I doing, he pondered, looking over at Havanna who was now on her way to the third glass. Before touching it however, she stopped herself and also stepped away, a thin line of drool swinging from her lips. Joseph's body seemed to madly need another dose, his extremities trembling out of sheer withdrawal, and Havanna was in no better state. Barely half a minute had passed, and it already felt like an eternity, the shine of the pearly white cum drawing their attention like a flame to moths. Unable to hold himself any further, Joseph stepped forward and took as many cups as he could hold in one hand, desperately slathering his face in the thick substance before his judgment even had a chance to tell him otherwise.

"We have a winner it seems!" Marie said with a cheerful clap, making the table and all of Havanna's cups vanish with a single snap of her fingers. Havanna looked at the witch with the utmost relief, holding her chest and breathing heavily.

"More..." Joseph mumbled, unable to think clearly. He had a taste of the nectar of the Gods, and now he needed more of it, much more of it.

"Oh yes, I need to cure you of your addiction too." Marie said, walking over and grabbing the youth by the head before uttering an incantation.

"More!" Joseph growled, teeth growing sharper inside his maw. The witch looked surprised, and wordlessly backed away.

"Oh dear, it looks like this one had some dragon affinity."

Joseph could barely make out what she was saying. All he could think of was the delicious sensation of draconic seed running down his throat, and in his delirious fit he began to thrash, ripping his already tattered clothes to reveal scales forming onto his chest. Havanna carefully backed away, trying not to draw any attention, while the witch held her chin and considered her courses of action. Joseph growled and roared, his mouth distending forward onto a lizard-like maw, and his fingernails grew sharper and sharper until they resembles vicious claws. He stared Havanna down, murderous intent in his cold reptilian eyes. Before he could make a move, however, a blinding light emanated from the witch's hands. And then, darkness.

Waking up in a dark room and tied down from head to toe, Joseph was greeted by the witch holding a suspicious flask. He tried to say something, but his mouth was already gagged.

"You know, the chances of someone with an affinity like yours showing up at my test were so astronomically low, I didn't even consider it. My mistake, sorry about that, but now I gotta do something about it." She said, smiling ever so sweetly. "I already came up with a plan anyways. I'm sure you'll love it."

Marie walked closer and presses two fingers into Joseph's forehead, and his mind immediately went blank, before a sharp pain struck through the back of his head. Without hesitation the witch pushed further, seemingly jamming her fingers deep inside Joseph's head. At that moment, his expression went completely neutral, and his subconscious shut down entirely. Unable to even tell what was going on, Joseph wanted to scream, but his mouth wouldn't budge an inch. Pulling her hand out and wiping it clean, the witch then removed Joseph's gag.

"Now, you'll be a good boy and drink all of this."

"Yes, mistress." Joseph uttered, without his consent.

His eyes wide with fear, he began to panic and tried to set himself free, but all resistance was futile. And then, like an infection, the notion of subduing himself to his mistress spread through his mind, seeming more and more pleasant the more he thought about it. He was born to serve her, and this was the moment where it could all come to fruition. It was all clear and logical now, that pleasing her and doing her bidding was all he ever needed to do.

Noticing his change of heart, Marie released his restraints, and without further ado, Joseph took the flask and began drinking its contents, his throat met by a familiar warm and viscous substance. With each swallow, a new wave of change ran its course through his body, crimson scales sprouting from his skin and bones slowly shifting about. Soon he was no longer able to stand still, but it didn't pose much of a trouble as his thin bifurcated tongue could now reach deep inside the flask with ease. Amidst his bliss Joseph hardly noticed the fearsome wings gently sprouting from his back, and his lengthy cedar-like tail swung idly behind his hind legs. It wasn't until his chest grew larger and his neck stretched wildly that he fully noticed how far gone the transformation was, but something deep in his mind kept him from worrying too much. It was what his mistress wanted after all. And it wasn't such a bad form, either. There was something rather alleviating about all the brute strength and sheer arcane might that coursed through his veins, and he knew for sure he could take on anyone or anything. Such liberating might drilled into his head with no delay, subduing all traces of humanity he might have once had until the man once known as Joseph was reduced to a yet unnamed dragon in body, mind and soul. Scarce memories of his past life ran through his head, locked away deep into his subconsciousness where they wouldn't cause trouble for his new, improved self.

The witch stepped closer and gently stroked the red dragon's side.

"Oh, what a graceful form you have, my dear pet. I shall name you Vharast."

The dragon in turn looked at her and quietly rumbled in acceptance, ready to do her bidding.

"Now, you've consumed quite a bit of dragon semen to get there, but luckily I can still turn a profit out of you." She said with a devilish smile. With a snap of her fingers, a large tube connected to a massive barrel was nosily dragged into the room by a pale, sickly girl Vharast felt like he once knew. She bowed to the witch and left shortly after. The witch then made her way to the dragon's behind

"This is the part I think you'll really like, dear."

She pressed a finger onto the dragon's slit and began ever so delicately massage it. Shaking his hind legs in instinctive protest, the dragon huffed thick smoke as his turgid shaft was coaxed out of its rest, slowly bulging and throbbing with unexpected lust. Smiling, the witch then gave it a loving kiss on the tip before stroking it tenderly, letting each bump and ridge flow naturally onto her hands. Vharast let his tongue droop low in carnal delight, a pool of slobber forming under his maw. Marie began to stroke harder, grasping and tugging the veiny length of the dragon with dedication. Slightly losing herself, she began to carelessly please the dragon with her mouth running her tongue along its length and licking the lip with unseen devotion. The dragon himself cried in vile pleasure, feeling his inner testes bulge with anticipation. Noticing the dragon was at its breaking point and snapping back to reality, the witch hurriedly stuck his shaft onto the tube and activated its suction. Unable to resist any longer, the dragon roared with all its might as the contraction drained gallons of his seed from his wildly throbbing member, heavenly pleasure striking the beast with such intensity that he could no longer hold his balance and fell to the side. Soon after he was done dumping his load onto the tube, his cock retracted onto his slit, leaving the dirtied tube to fall to the ground. Still recovering, he looked over at the witch, who was now holding his head and caressing his horns.

"What a great pet you'll make, I'm sure of it." She smiled.

Oddly enough, she seemed to grow bigger and bigger. It took a moment or two for Vharast to realize he, in fact, was the one shrinking down. After being reduced to the size of a household cat, he was granted a collar by the benevolent witch, and roared merrily in response. It really was quite a blast to serve his mistress, and he couldn't wait for the days to come.