Chapter 9 Draft 1

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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The next morning was rather uneventful for the Black residence. Even in spite of Amanda returning, let alone the fact that Ethan had a potential target on the back of his head if he wasn't careful. After his morning habit of a sponge bath to wash up, and getting himself ready for the day, Ethan had looked around at all of his personal belongings. Closing his eyes, he played the dreams he had, and it hit him. Putting his hands out, he clenched his fists as they glowed with dark blue electricity until he opened his palms. "I should go back." Ethan thought as he looked at a map of the Johto region, and it's sister region of Kanto, laying to the east. Watching him stare at the map, let alone discharged a controlled spark, Beleza had jumped out of her ball, and slithered up to him curiously. Noticing his serpentine companion, Ethan smiled and hugged her as she asked "Ethan, is something up?"Looking into her eyes, he responded "I was thinking about yesterday, and the dreams I had. And as much as I hate to say this, I think we should go back to Saffron City. I know that relationships between Pokémon and humans is illegal over there, but it shouldn't be so bad as long as we just act normal. And even though Sabrina's already taught me how to control my powers, I think it'd still be a good idea to train  further." Hugging her a bit tighter, he acknowledged "And I've also thought about going back to traveling, and build up a team.""Do you think you should contact her first? I mean, it'd be a bit random if you were to go all the way to Saffron City without her knowing." she acknowledged.Shrugging his shoulders, he replied "No, you're right." Grabbing his phone, he thought about whether she was busy. After all, she was still a Gym Leader, so there was always the potential that she might've been battling a trainer. Playing it safe, he activated his phone as he quickly wrote down "Morning, Sabrina. I apologize beforehand if I'm disturbing you in anyway. -Ethan". Sending her the message, he looked back at Beleza, saying "And now we play the waiting game. But first, we should probably get my gear ready. It's going to be a long trip from here to Goldenrod to catch a train there to Saffron.""At least you have us to keep you company." she responded optimistically. Smiling at her remark, the two shared another hug, glad to have each other. ***After setting his gear up, he and the girls went down to get breakfast, the girls interested primarily in some diced fruit. Ethan made the two their plates, and began making himself something as Hilda had come in, a look of motherly concern of her face, asking "Did you and Nathan hear the report about a so-called terrorist with electrical powers?"Making a pan of scrambled eggs, he responded "I heard about it, Tia. I have some feeling that someone is after us.""People have always been after us, Ethan." Hilda replied. "But given that Team Phoenix is still alive,

what are you thinking?"Looking at his Aunt, Ethan explained "I'm thinking of heading out of town." Taking note of her expression, he continued "Please hear me out on this one, Tia. As much as I love this town, there isn't any actual place here where I can train myself without the fear of everyone here going after me. And given that Sabrina had gone out of her to help me control my power....""'re planning on going back to Saffron City, because her gym would be possibly the safest place for you to train?" she finished.Nodding, Ethan had said "Tia, if you are against this, I understand completely..."Much to his surprise, she replied "I'm not. Not this time." Giving him a hug as he finished making his breakfast, she closed her eyes, shedding tears as she confessed "I've always been proud of what you're capable of Ethan, and I still am." Touched by her words, Ethan hugged his Aunt back. Letting go of each other, Ethan expressed "I'm also thinking of traveling, and raising a team. Right now, I don't know what Pokémon I'd probably use. But I'm exploring ideas, and..." Before he could finish, they heard their phones go off. By instinct, he and Hilda grabbed their phones as a news message had played warning to check the local news. "I'll be right back!" Hilda said as she went into the living room to grab the remote to get the TV running."....and in other news, a local officer was killed while patrolling New Bark Town. It's unknown who killed him, but its reported of electrical burns on his body. Is this the work of the terrorist we warned about-?" the two heard  before Hilda turned off the Television in disgust. Scarfing his breakfast down, Ethan remarked hastily "I should get out of here, Tia. Everyone here knows what I'm capable of, and I'm sure someone here will rat me out and-""Ethan, no one's going to rat you out. We both know Amanda is most likely the one responsible for doing this, and we will prove it no matter what." As Hilda said that, Nathan had been passing through, dressed up in a black coat, with dark blue jeans, and boots. Unsurprisingly, Christine was right next to him. Noticing how he was dressed, she asked "Heading off somewhere, son?""Not exactly, Mom." he explained. "Christine and I were about to go about and do our routine as Aura Guardians.""Which is?" Ethan interjected."Simply put cousin, we just walk around New Bark Town, and keep an eye on things. And as Aura Guardians, we're basically taught to refrain from using our power unless we have to." Nathan responded. Feeling the need to provide a detailed explanation, he continued "Andrea once told me that twenty years ago, it was generally one Guardian and one Lucario per region to watch over. And something had changed where it's now one Guardian and Lucario per each city or town. I've tried asking her and her mother why the change, and neither has felt comfortable talking about it, so I've

always dropped the subject. Another thing I do know is that twenty years ago, it was considered a forbidden act for Guardians and their Lucario to develop romantic relationships. Why that was, I do not know. But many of the other Guardians I've tried to ask about completely ignore my question whenever I brought it up." At the mention of forbidden, Christine had a fearful look on her face. "But given that's all in the past, it shouldn't be anything to worry about. Anyway, Christine and I can wait for a few minutes before we begin checking things out."Part of Ethan was curious as to why an underground order would frown upon such private actions, but if Nathan knew nothing, then so be it. "Well, I wish you the best, Nathan." He said to his younger cousin. "My girlfriends and I were about to head over to Saffron City. Maybe raise a team, spar with Sabrina.""I'll be looking forward to which Pokémon you catch, Ethan." Hilda replied before giving him a hug goodbye. After bidding farewell to the rest of the rest of the family, Ethan had walked out, dressed in his pea coat and jeans, and wearing a backpack with some cash, and personal belongings, as well as Beleza and Phosphora in their balls. Watching her nephew leave, Hilda couldn't help but shed a tear. Trying to make his mother feel better, Nathan gave a hug and said "I'm sure he'll be alright, Mom.""I know. Ever since his birth, I've just feared of something bad happening to him." Hilda explained. Closing the door, she generated a few sparks of bright red electricity as she asked Nathan "Can I come with you? Despite having fought Dark Guardians in the past, I've never actually gotten around to studying how auras work. Then again, I doubt I could just look up a website to figure that one out.""I don't see why not, Mom." He responded. Fetching her winter jacket, the two walked outside as Christine had followed right behind her future mother in law and her mate.****Ethan*Reaching the exit of New Bark Town, he suddenly fell to his knees as he felt a headache from where he stood. "Not again." He growled to himself as his vision had blurred slightly. Sighing, he attempted to get back up and ignore the pain. In spite of his vision blurring he could make out a telephone pole, and a transformer at the tip. As he began to walk in the direction of the transformer, Beleza couldn't help but jump out of her ball, knowing what he was doing. Being able to see the telephone pole, she asked "Ethan what are you trying?"Knowing that she probably wouldn't have an idea as to what he'd be talking about, he explained "That beam over there; it's a transformer. It transfers...electricity from one...location to another.""Are you saying you want to drain some of the power coming from the machine to recharge yourself?" She asked, putting the pieces together herself."You got it." Ethan responded as the two continued their walk. "I

might risk exposing myself, but I should be able to take enough to recharge myself. Then we either run through Cherrygrove City, or find a way around it. I'm sure they'll be looking for me...wouldn't be surprised if the Aura Guardians Nathan spoke of were keeping an eye on me..."****Hilda*Joining her son, she couldn't help but feel awful at how much more time she had spent with Ethan over her own son for the last ten years. Sensing concern from his mother, Nathan couldn't help but ask "Is something troubling you, Mom?""No, nothing Nathan." she lied quickly. Wanting to change the subject, she quickly asked "Can you tell what you know about aura manipulation?"Being more in tune, Christine chimed in with her telepathy "I think the best way it can be described is that it's a spiritual essence that surrounds everyone of us. And from what others of my kind have told me, there are primarily seven colors, which would include blue, red, purple, yellow, green, orange, and pink. Admittedly, each color has various shades so no two auras are the same. And each has its own meaning."Taking a quick look around, Nathan smiled at the lack of people around where they stood. Opening his palm, he explained as it glowed with light blue aura before he dissipated it "Blue in a nutshell is the most common color depicted amongst users of Aura. The irony is that in actuality I and at least twenty to thirty other human and Lucario Guardians Christine included, possess a blue aura.""Twenty to thirty, Nathan? Just how many guardians are there?" Hilda asked, shocked to hear what she thought was a rather large number."I honestly don't know, Mom. Andrea explained to me that there was one time where the council, at least the one in Kalos, had four to five hundred guardians. From what I hear of Sinnoh, I'm sure that number's larger.....where was I again?" "You were talking about blue auras?" Hilda replied."Right, thanks. Anyway, those with blue auras are generally peacekeepers, have rather high intellect, and they show a strong dislike for fighting, but they are sometimes the ones to end them. Perhaps its due to blue auras oftentimes argued as equally powerful to the next color." Gulping, Nathan continued with a shiver "The red auras."Remembering the color of her electricity, she acknowledged to her son "I think I might actually have an idea of red auras represent, but while we're on blue, Ethan's electricity has an unusual dark blue color, which I don't recall really seeing until the end of his time at high school.""So I've noticed.""And given your explanation of each aura having a different color shade, can you tell me what a dark blue aura means?" Hilda asked out of curiosity.Sighing, her son explained "It's been said that those with a dark blue aura have a lot to fear, specifically a fear of the future or self-expression. That's all I know about it. And given that our auras are

tied to our emotions, the Guardians like to avoid recruiting those with dark colored auras with a handful of exceptions, because the amount of power they can unleash is terrifying compared to those with lighter colored auras. Heck, we avoid recruiting both humans and Lucario that show any red aura for that reason alone!"Partially changing the subject, she asked "So red auras represent immense power?""In a nutshell, but there's more than that." Christine replied, wanting her mate to take a breather. "A red aura not only represents raw physical power, but it's very dangerous. Specifically red aura Guardians are sometimes seen as the most powerful, but they're also the most emotionally unstable. We've seen what they're capable of, and what scares me is that it's possible for those with enough anger to produce an aura similar to a red one, that's even harder to control....I don't want to even think about it."Laughing, Hilda replied "That kind of reminds me of when I had developed my powers. After Hilbert became a prisoner of Team Plasma, I was bent on destroying everything connected to them. If I wasn't in a relationship with Cheren back then, I might've ended up leveling an entire city if it meant getting my brother back from their claws. I'm still surprised he stayed by my side, even when I was almost bloodthirsty with vengeancee. When I look back, it haunts me with what kind of person I had become." ****Ethan*Having spent a minute draining the near limitless amount of electricity coming from the transformer, he lowered his hands and opened his eyes, feeling refreshed and in a way, rehydrated. Sure, he still had to drink water, but he felt better than when he had walked out of town. "Feel any better?" Beleza asked. "You must've drained enough to power a....what do they call it again, a reaper, no I meant a, recreating""A recreational vehicle?" Ethan asked. Smiling, she replied "Yes, that's it. Thank you. Anyway, we should get moving. Since we can't go through Cherrygrove City....""...I'm thinking we just go around it altogether." Ethan quickly responded. "I know it'll take longer, but if it means avoiding everyone in the city altogether, then we should take it.Sighing, Beleza replied "Ethan, tell me. Are you that afraid of getting attacked by the people of Cherrygrove City?"Looking at the grassy field under his feet, he replied "That's just it. I can't think of anything else to say." Frowning, he hugged Beleza again for comfort. "Let's just get to Saffron City. The sooner we can get there, the better." Letting go of whom he had called his oldest friend, the two continued their walk towards Chreeygrove City. As they strolled along, albeit at a rather steady pace, they soon noticed the abundance of trees that had covered the outer areas of the city. Looking towards the trees, a smile had grown on Ethan's face as he noticed the thickness of the

woods right next to the city. "Well, I think I found a way around the city." He remarked with a smile, before feeling a sense of cold. "Did the temperature start to drop? Winter's over and everything!""No, I feel it too. I think it's coming from the city, as if it's coming from someone." Beleza replied, shivering slightly. "I hate to leave you alone like this, but I'm feeling cold...""Say no more dearest." He was quick to reply before putting her back into her Pokéball. Going towards the trees, he sat down, his back against a trunk before he closed his eyes and tried  to relax. Long before he and Beleza had met the young sheep that was Phosphora, he had learned to manipulate his own power over electricity to sense and detect the bio-electricity that made up other humans as well as mechanical sources, even the electricity that made up other Pokémon. And about a month earlier, he had figured out the way of seeing the color of the individual's bio-electricity, something he still had difficulty understanding, but found rather useful.Taking a deep breath, he concentrated as he saw numerous shades of colors within the city, and under normal circumstances, well by what Ethan would call normal, he'd probably just stay and watch the various color, but he soon noticed an individual with a dark purple, almost electrical aura. "Amanda." He thought. But right now, assuming it was her, he saw a solid purple, and no sign of black within. "What on earth? Her aura had a blackish purple color, not this solid purple. Unless it's an Aura Guardian doing his or her job." Either way, he didn't want to find out. He never liked the color purple anyway. Sighing, he looked towards the trees, and thought out his options. On one hand he could walk through the city like a normal person, and risk getting the attention of the people that lived in Cherrygrove City at best. At worst, encounter Amanda for a second time.Or, he could just run through the woods, which would provide a much shorter trip, but it'd possibly draw more attention from the citizens if they saw a blur in the woods. Well, assuming anybody saw him. He knew the choice was still his, but he wasn't really a fan of the options.

Chapter 9: Departure

Normally the mornings over at the Black residence were generally quiet, save for the occasional sound of young flying type Pokémon chirping for food as their parents worked almost exhaustingly to ensure their young were nourished. However, was a...

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Chapter Two

Part of Ethan was expecting for whatever knocked him out to be already having his way with him as he woke up. Much to his surprise, he was alone as he took in his surroundings. Looking around, he saw the sight of trees up above him, and the light of...

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Chapter One

        Route Sixteen of the Kalos Region is often known by many as the Mélancolie Path, and perhaps it's for good reason. Despite a constant river flowing through the route providing fresh water Pokémon for fishers to snag, the land always appears in...

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