Made For Each Other

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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#1 of Made for Each Other: Siblings and Lovers

Version 2:

Thanks to Lost Soul for some awesome error-checking. That dude is a fair-dinkum legend.

"Ready for school," Matt yelled, making his sister Sarah jump a little.

"You scared me," she said, waving a finger at him as she climbed out of bed. Matt apologized and hugged her, wrapping her in a tight, brotherly embrace. The pair had become almost inseparable over the years, and now they were heading into middle year secondary for their first day.

"I wonder if they'll put us in the same classes?" Sarah said hopefully. Matt rubbed his chin, considering it for a minute.

"It's possible, of course, we are in the same year after all." He wagged his thick tail before tucking it into his clothes. They were both anthropomorphic wolves, but both had been gifted with splendid tails that were sleek and thick.

"I swear, if this uniform makes me lose balance..." Matt began but Sarah put a finger to his lip.

"You always say that, and you always manage to stay upright. Just because you think the girls will look at you more if your tail is showing is no excuse for breaking the rules. You'll get another detention if Mrs. Varner catches you with it out again."

"It'd be worth the risk," Matt mumbled but he listened to his sister. She was usually quite logical and intelligent and over the years he had come to trust everything she said. Still, he was almost a year older and much more physically built than she was. Together they made quite the team, the muscle and the brains.

"Can you help me with this?" Sarah asked, pointing to the bra on her bed. Matt picked it up and pulled it around her, fastening it on the back. They had been together so long now that they weren't uncomfortable around each other naked. Sarah supposed it was because they were brother and sister.

Matt stepped back as she put on the rest of her uniform.

"How do I look?" she said.

"Perfect, as always," he said, putting on a cheeky smile. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, which he batted aside with easy.

"Careful, or you'll get mum up here," he said warningly. Sarah stopped immediately and returned the pillow to it's place. Sarah walked over to him, hugging him once again and placing a light kiss on his cheek.

"We wouldn't want that, would we," she said with a quiet laugh. If their parents heard them they would probably tell them both off for making too much noise too early in the morning

She grabbed her bag and walked out the door, Matt following close behind. They walked out into the cool morning air and Sarah shivered, the temperature was still very low. Matt opened his blazer jacket and motioned for Sarah to take it. Instead she opted to just bury her face in his chest, his strong arms wrapping around her as he shared his body heat.

When she was with him all her problems seemed to just melt away. Sarah felt so protected, so happy when he was around. She sighed and closed her eyes, listening to his heartbeat as she felt the warmth spread back through her body.

"Thankyou," she whispered, looking up at him. He nodded, their love for each other burning strong.

Having a brother is a great thing, Sarah told herself as she spotted their parents running out of the house. Her mum hugged her tightly, pecking her on the cheek. Her dad got to Matt first, with a handshake being the only form of contact.

"It's such a guy thing," she said to herself.

"What was that?" her mother asked.

"Oh, I just meant that it's funny that the only real conversations men have involve bragging and punches on the arm." She smiled, her eyes lingering on Matt.

"Most of them, anyway."

Her mother saw where she was looking and smiled as well.

"Don't worry, your father was the same at his age. Always trying to look his best, try and pick up one of the local females. They all settle down in the end, and it will be with the one who cares the most, not the one who looks the best. Most of the time," she added as an afterthought.

Sarah hugged her mother again.

"Have a good day, don't let too many of those boys get to you," she said with a chuckle. Sarah blushed and looked over at Matt. As usual their conversation had turned to the more deep side of things.

Or not.

"Hey dad, how many girls do you reckon' I can score this year?" he said with a laugh. Their dad shook his head.

"Judging by your past record, none, although I do see that none of them can take their eyes off you."

Sarah shook her head, Matt was always such a ladies man, but she wondered if he was actually gay at times. There had been times when absolutely drop-dead gorgeous girls at school had asked him out and he had flat out refused. Sarah wondered what he was waiting for, and when she asked she got the reply, 'the right person'.

If he waited too long there may be nobody left to ask. At least half the girls in the state had to have asked him out by now, she mused. Matt finished talking to his dad and walked back over to his sister, taking her hand. She smiled at his touch as they began to leave for the bus. He waved to their parents for a final time before they were out of sight down the road.

"They always were so good together," their mother said. Dad nodded, it was good to see them growing up so fast. He wondered how their friendship would go when they both found their own mates. Only time would tell.


"How are we for time," Matt asked as they approached the bus stop. Sarah looked at her watch; they were five minutes early.

"Good," Matt said, scratching his arm. They arrived at the bus stop and Matt flopped unceremoniously across the bench.

"Move over, you great lug," Sarah said playfully as she tried to get a seat. Matt sat up quickly, allowing her to sit.

Matt riffled through his bag, pushing countless books out of the way. Despite his apparent coolness, he was actually a real smart person inside. All of his things were well ordered, not in the usual mess boys his age left behind. Sarah was the same, probably because their mother had passed on that trait genetically.

He pulled out a car magazine and was just about to open it when the bus came around the corner, pulling up at their stop.

"Damn," he muttered, placing the magazine back in his bag. The pair gathered their things and hopped into the bus, paying the driver before taking a seat together.

He heard some snickers from the back and turned around, seeing three boys who he especially didn't want to see. They went by many names, but Matt had one for them. School bullies. Sarah groaned when she saw them and they both turned back to the front.

"Haven't they been expelled yet?" she whined. Matt shook his head.

"Obviously not," he said unhappily. The three bullies always harassed him and his sister because they were always so close together. Words like sissies, pussies, weaklings etcetera were just every day vocabulary of the three bullies that was bestowed upon them. They weren't rocket scientists, but they were built like large rockets and probably weighed as much.

"Ignore them," Matt said to her quietly after one particularly offensive remark. Sarah sighed, things had been so much easier in primary school. Why did some teenage boys have to be such Alphas? Matt rubbed her arm softly and she snuggled deeper into his fur, still a little cold.

"One day," Matt said to her, "they'll push me too far."

Sarah looked at him with worry in her eyes. Not for Matt, it wasn't his safety she was worried about, but for the bullies. She knew they deserved a good beating, but Matt was a very unlikely foe. He didn't look like much at a glance, but underneath the fur there were lean muscles and ten years of martial arts experience.

"Do you think you could beat them?" she asked with a little smile. Matt nodded, they may be big but they were slow and stupid as well. He knew how to use people's weight against them in a fight. He had studied and practiced karate, Brazilian jiu jitsu and muay thai for a long time, and was a state champion, not to mention a belt holder in two junior weight classes.

Still, it was a side of him that was well under control, and well hidden. At school and home he was the kindest person Sarah knew, and was a total pacifist. He had never started a fight, and two years ago when another bully had pushed him too far, the bully had ended up with four less teeth and a broken arm. Still, he disliked fighting without a cause.

"Why do you do martial arts then?" Sarah had once asked.

"The cause is the victory. It's like any other sport, you play to win. Take rugby for example, you don't spear tackle people in the street for no reason. Same with martial arts. It all stays on the field. Not only that, it's a way of life. Keeps you fit, health and well disciplined."

Matt's words had stayed with her. He was always very smart, just like she was. Matt shrugged off the issue and led Sarah off the bus before the bullies could harass them further. They walked to the gate, entering the excessively sized grounds of their large private school. Their parents were well off and it always rubbed off on them no matter what they did.

Matt and Sarah always had what they wanted, but their parents had a strict policy. You have to work hard to get it. Often the two siblings would do gardening for their parents for hours just to get a new football or item of clothing. The time they spent together was phenomenal and unlike other brothers and sisters they actually loved being together.

Sarah would come and cheer on Matt at all of his tournaments and he would sit with her for hours, helping her with homework or teaching her to play computer games, which she finally excelled at. Now they would play for a while each day, their competitiveness staying in the game. They were best friends until the controllers were in their paws.

Then it was on. Until the game ended, Sarah would give Matt a run for his money, but he mostly came out on top. Matt kissed Sarah goodbye on the cheek and then they parted. It always felt like somebody was taking half of them away, only to be replaced each time they were together. Matt slung his bag into his locker, fishing out his pencils and books for the first period of the day.


"Matt, could you tell me what the square root of 324 is, please?" Mrs Varner said in a nasty tone. She had always had it in for Matt, but then again, she had it in for everybody. She was widely know as Mrs Varnish, because she was cold, unforgiving and always smelt like the awful stuff.

"18, miss," replied Matt lazily. Mrs Varner looked at him coldly, she had hoped to catch him lounging off. He smiled innocently and Mrs Varner turned her annoyance to a more easy-to-beat student. Matt lounged back in his chair, waiting for the period to end. Maths was way to easy for him, he was top of the class and put in half the effort anybody else did.


Sarah's hand fired up in the air before anyone else's.

"26, Mr Simons," she said enthusiastically. He smiled at her, as usual, because she was his best student.

"You are correct," he said before returning to the board. He shook his head, the girl was a prodigy.

A few of the 'cooler' students behind her snickered. She took note of who it was and the got her laptop out of her bag. The two boys at the back were playing a multi-player game and the teacher couldn't see them. Swiftly, she hacked into their notebooks using skills her brother had taught her. She tapped away on her keyboard at a fantastic pace, shutting down the controls for their own computers through the hardware control panel.

She could hear them muttering as they realized their computer were playing up. Mr Simons saw them talking and walked back down the aisle towards the pair. Sarah covered her notebook under the table and the boys tried to do the same, but Mr Simons saw them do it. With revenge running through her veins she quickly sent them some very inappropriate images for a school environment.

"Put them on the desk," Mr Simons ordered. The boys reluctantly did, believing games would be the worst of their worries. They were wrong.

"What is THIS?" he almost yelled, swinging the computer to face the boys. As usual, everybody craned their neck to see what was on their screens. The two boys turned bright red and one muttered that he'd never seen the images before.

"I want to speak to you after class," he said disappointedly before confiscating the computers as evidence.

As he passed her on the way back to his desk, Sarah heard him mutter, "Human porn, what's next? Kids these days." She snickered lightly and the boys looked at her.

Revenge was a dish best served cold.

And anonymously.


The bell rang and Matt grabbed his books, dumped them in his locker fifty meters away and then proceeded to locate his sister. She usually met him at the edge of the garden area, so he quickly walked over to their rendezvous point. He waited a minute or two, but she didn't appear. He got worried, she was always early or at least on time to everything.

A couple of raised voices caught his attention. Across the courtyard, a distance away, he could make out four shapes. He immediately recognized one as the perfect form of his sister. It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who the other three were. Hearing Sarah call for help, he immediately dashed towards her.

The three bullies had her surrounded against a wall. One stepped forward, taunting her nastily.

"Where's your stupid brother now?" he said mockingly. He got his answer in the form of a feral, angry wolf lifting him clean off the ground and slamming him into a tree heavily. The thug collapsed and Sarah laughed, her brother was here.

Matt turned around as the other two advanced on him. He growled, the sound coming from deep in his throat. It was layered richly with menace and scorn, making the two bullies stop in their tracks. He tore his blazer and shirt from his body, tossing them to the ground. He would need all the mobility he could get.

Realizing that he was buying time the pair rushed Matt, trying to get him off guard. He wasn't. Stepping forward he ducked under one's arms while tripping another, making him land roughly on the pavement. Without stopping he turned and dealt a lethal spinning side kick that connected with the jaw of the remaining hulking menace.

The bullies' eyes rolled back in his head and he tipped backwards, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. The one on the tree was now recovering, the ringleader of the group. Matt hauled him up and laughed, kneeing him in the groin which caused him to double up in pain. The bully hit the ground on his hands and knees, wincing from the low blow.

By this stage Matt had lost it, something that he had never done before. He ruthlessly picked up the bully and shoved him into the tree, holding his forearm against his throat.

"If you... ever... and I mean ever, go near me or my sister again, I will tear you limb from limb. Do you understand?"

The bully nodded weakly, he was losing oxygen to the brain. Matt let him go and he slumped in a heap, unconscious. His rage fading, Matt quickly turned on Sarah, who flinched a little as he approached. She didn't mean for him to see it, but he did. Dropping to his knees he put his head in his hands.

"I... I've... made her afraid of me. What have I done?" he muttered. Sarah was just about to tell him otherwise but he stood up and ran, out of the school and down the road before Sarah could speak. She took one last look at the three bullies who were now very much a pitiful mess before chasing after him. There would be consequences for this.


She did her best to keep up but Sarah was nowhere near as fit as Matt. Just when he was about to dissapear from sight he stopped at what she realized was their house. She wondered why he would go there but realized her parents wouldn't be home. Matt walked inside and Sarah followed him in.

He sat down on the couch and she saw the hate for himself in his eyes as she entered the room. He looked up at her and she sat down next to him. He kept his distance, however, not allowing her their usual closeness.

"I'm sorry," he said solemnly.

"For what?" she asked.

"My actions," he replied, "I have made you afraid of me. I saw how you looked at me. You were scared." He hung his head, looking at his paws.

"I wasn't scared of you, I was just scared that you wouldn't recognize me in the fighting. You had a look in you eye that was very wild," she explained.

"Still," Matt said, looking up, "I could have hurt you if I wasn't careful. Can you forgive me?" He stared at her pleadingly and Sarah realized he was torn up over the incident.

"I never blamed you," she told him, "I forgive you, now and always."

Matt looked at her for a minute and then slowly leaned back, allowing her to move into her favorite position. Sarah saw the invitation and snuggled up into his chest, glad that she had such a strong, brave wolf protecting her. She listened to the familiar sound of his heart beating in his chest, music to her ears.

Breathing in deeply she smelt his scent, so similar to hers but yet very masculine. A twinge of emotion ran through her body and she sat up, a little surprised by what she had just felt. Matt noticed the sudden movement, thinking he had done something wrong.

"What's up?" he asked worriedly. She shook her head, indicating that nothing was up.

He stared at her for a minute and she lowered herself back onto his chest, rubbing against him lightly. Matt shuddered, thinking he was cold. Yet, it was quite warm in the house. The thought passed by as quick as it had come and he didn't consider it further. They lay there for half an hour in silence, before Sarah decided to talk about the fight.

"What do you think is going to happen?" she asked. Matt thought about it for a moment.

"The bullies have probably been found by now, we didn't exactly hide them. They probably won't tell the teaches who attacked them because they are now scared of me. Also, it would hurt their 'cool' if it got out they were beaten by one guy against their three."

"But?" Sarah asked, motioning for him to continue.

"We've both gone missing from school, there will be a couple of witnesses, no doubt, and the teachers will put two and two together." Matt sighed, he was going to cop it from the school when they found out.

"I'll make sure you weren't involved in any of this," he promised. Sarah hugged him tightly again and he shuddered, wondering why he was reacting like that to her touch.

"Thankyou," she said, "I knew you'd never let me get in trouble."

They sat there for another few minutes before the issue of parents came up.

"What are we going to tell mum and dad when they get home in three or four hours?" she asked Matt questioningly. Matt rubbed his chin.

"The truth, I guess, because it will come out sooner or later," he told her. She nodded, hoping their parents wouldn't ground them.

It began to rain outside, a light spatter on the rooftop turning into a decent downpour in minutes.

"What do you want to do now?" Sarah asked, looking out the window.

"Nothing that involves getting wet for starters," Matt replied. Sarah grabbed his hand and they walked up to her room.

Inside, she shut the door and sat down on the bed. Matt stood in front of the door and looked at her. Sarah patted the bed, indicating he could sit down. He did, and she looked at her paws awkwardly.

"Matt, I just wanted to say... thank you, for everything" she said oddly.

Matt put his paw on her chin, raising her head.

"For what?" he asked her. She sobbed quietly and he realized tears were forming in her eyes.

"For helping me at school today, for just being there for me, for all the time you spend with me. I don't deserve such a great brother as you."

Matt was a little surprised by her words.

"You deserve better than me," he said quietly, but she shook her head.

"Nothing could be better than you," she replied.

She moved her head forward just a fraction and looked into his warm, blue eyes. Almost without realizing it his head had moved closer until their lips were touching. Awkwardly Sarah closed her eyes and kissed Matt on the lips, a deep kiss unlike her usual pecks on the cheek. He sighed as all the days troubles seemed to float away.

He gasped as her tongue met his and he pulled back, moving away on the bed. Sarah looked extremely embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry," she stammered, "I just... I didn't, um, I'm sorry." Sarah was very surprised at herself, what had she been doing? Then it dawned on her, she had feelings for him.

Matt noticed the same thing, shocked with himself. It was why he had pulled back, not because he hadn't enjoyed it, but because he had. Too much.

"Sarah I..." he began but she cut him off

"Do you love me, Matt?" she asked him timidly. He sighed, nodding his head.

"Of course I do, you're my sister," he said, their conversation still awkward from the kiss.

"I know you love me as a sister, but have you ever though of me as something more?" She blushed heavily as Matt stared at her.

"What do you mean?" he said, quite confused now.

"Have you ever, you know, though of me as a..." her voice trailed off, to quiet to hear.

"A what?" he asked.

Sarah picked up the courage.

"A mate?" she said before hiding her hands. Matt almost died of embarrassment.

"What? You're my sister, so of course I haven't. What makes you say that?"

Sarah was still hiding her face, but she had an answer.

"In Sex Ed, at school last year they said that your mate should be somebody that cared for you, wouldn't abuse you, spends time with you, and loves you. You fit all of those criteria."

Matt was stunned, his sister wanted to be mates with him? It was impossible, society would never condone it.

"Did they also mention in Sex Ed that brothers and sisters can't be mates?"

"Why not?" Sarah shot back.

"Because, uh, it's because they say so. If enough people say it it must be true." He didn't really see a good reason, now that he looked back on it.

"That's not a good enough reason," she said, waving a finger at him. He looked down at her cute form and for the first time he felt a surge of lust run through his body.

What's wrong with me, he thought.

"Will you be my mate?" Sarah finally asked. Matt reeled, his sister was asking him to spend the rest of his life with her. Looking deep within himself, he knew it couldn't be right, but right now his mind was clouded with thoughts and emotions.

"Sarah, I..." he began but was silenced with a pair of soft wolf lips pressing against his. He stayed motionless for a few moments, before slowly opening his mouth and letting her tongue slip inside. For the next few minutes they kissed passionately, tongues intertwining as they shared their love for one another.

After a time they broke apart and Matt stared at her directly.

"If you will have me, I will be your mate, now and forever," he said. His voice was determined, and Sarah knew he meant it. She hugged him and they kissed again, spending another half an hour enjoying their newfound love.


A while later they were both lying on the bed, in a deep embrace, worn out after kissing for so long.

"I love you, Sarah," Matt said, stroking her fur.

"I love you too," said Sarah, snuggling into him deeper.

She sat up, looking down at him on the bed.

"If we are mates now, shouldn't we, you know, mate?" She blushed again, and Matt sat up next to her. He hadn't even thought about it, but now that he did it posed a few problems.

"What if I get you pregnant?" he asked. Sarah hadn't thought about that either, and she flopped back on the bed.

"What if our parents come home," he added, rubbing his chin. Sarah looked at him, the way he had said it made it seem as if he wanted to mate her. Matt looked at her, looking at her body in a new light now that they had decided it was his.

He felt another surge of sexual lust run through him and he lent forward, saying, "I don't care. We'll just have to avoid them both." Lying on top of her he could feel himself getting excited by the prospect of mating his best friend, girlfriend and sister. She was to, unknowingly getting wet in her lower regions.

"We shouldn't rush this," Matt warned. Sarah smiled, she was going to finally have sex with him after all these years.

"What do you suggest we do then?" she asked, staring into his beautiful eyes. He lay down next to her, rubbing her stomach with his paw.

"We should probably take the time to get used to each other's bodies, you know, like they teach you in Sex Ed."

"That's fine, but where do we start?" Sarah asked, before she got an idea. Thinking back to all she had learned in Sexual Education, she remembered learning about male wolf anatomy. She had never seen a penis in real life and was anxious to see. She moved down the bed until her face was above his crotch.

"What are you doing?" he asked, but he already knew the answer. Seeing his sister in that position made him start to get aroused. His penis began to emerge from it's sheath, first the tip and the the shaft slid out into full view of the curious female. She gasped, he was quite large.

Matt blushed when she looked up at him, but all she said was, "It's beautiful!" He sighed, she was so kind to him. She looked around it for a moment, noting the pulsing veins and pointed tip, all which would feel wonderful inside of her, she thought.

"Can I touch it?" she asked. Matt hesitated for a moment, once they started there would be no turning back.

"Go ahead," he told her. She tentatively touched the tip with her pad, wiping up a drop of pre which he had produced. Without even thinking about it she licked her paw.

"Wow, that's great," she said, amazed by the strong taste of the wolf's fluids.

He reached down and patted her head. She lay back across his chest again, savoring the warmth coming from his body. His heartbeat was as strong as ever, and now she could feel his length pulsing against her hip. She smiled, knowing that no matter what they did, she would be safe with him.

"What do want to do now?" he asked her softly.

"I want to make you happy," she said, looking down at his length.

"You already have," he said lovingly. She stroked his chest fur, glad that he was the only one who appreciated her for more than her body, unlike most of the other males at school.

"Why me?" she asked him, looking into his deep eyes. "why did you pick me?"

"Because," he replied, "you said it earlier, we are a perfect match in every way. Now I know why we've been so close all these years together, while others drifted apart." Sarah smiled, glad to finally know why he had decided to make her his mate.

"Plus, you're really hot," he added with a chuckle. She looked up at him, realizing he wasn't just saying it, he meant it. She blushed, glad she had fur to cover her body or she would have been bright red. He rubbed behind her ear, making his way down her back until his hand passed over her hips. There was no need to rush the proceedings, they had hours until their parents came home and truthfully, Sarah was quite nervous.

"I've never done anything like this before," Sarah said, a little embarrassed.

"Neither have I," Matt said, surprised his sister with that information.

"But, I thought last year you and Jessica..."

"Only hanging out, nothing more," Matt finished, stopping her sentence. She grinned broadly, unable to shake the joyous feeling that she would be his first. She looked down again at his wolfhood and felt an intense urge to touch it.

"It's so big..." she said, he voice wavering in awe of it's brilliance. She wondered if she would be able to take it in her.

She shuddered a little at the thought of her muscular brother mounting her, making love to her, breeding her. Her hand strayed to his member and she wrapped her paw around it, feeling like spark of electricity was running through her veins with the contact. She smiled, he was so gentle and loving. He took another long breath of her delicious scent and sighed, she was just perfect.

He brushed her cheek with his own, his mouth meeting hers in a passionate kiss, full of love and tenderness. She let go of his hot length again to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling herself up on his strong neck. They were in love, in every way, it was undeniable now. Sarah loved the aroma coming from his fur, it made her feel comfortable and safe.

His strong arms around her delicate body welcomed her into his warmth, his hands brushing over her lightly, making her moan in anticipatory pleasure. She stared into his eyes, her will lost to her now as she looked at her lover, her brother. She was his, and he was hers. She looked at him, ready to continue, wanting to show him that she could do anything for him.

She wrapped her whole paw around his shaft and began to rub it carefully. She didn't know if it would hurt him or not, so she only pressed lightly with her pads. He gasped in pleasure, nobody had ever touched him like that before. She realized she was making him happy, not hurting him, and squeezed a little harder.

When she had gotten a good feel for his long, thick length she slowly began to rub her paw up and down his length, making him shiver in delight. Everything in Matt's learned mind told him this was wrong, but everything else told him it was right. He loved his sister more than anything in the world, and making love with her just felt so... perfect.

He smiled as her delicately soft paw worked it's way along his shaft. She began to move faster, his pre-ejaculate making her paw a little slippery which helped her to slide along his length easier. Sarah breathed in his scent, which was now making her extremely horny. Matt could smell her arousal as well, making his penis even stiffer with need.

She continued to masturbate her brother, enjoying the feeling of being able to please her brother more than the actual act. For them, sex would not only be a way to have fun, but a way to re-enforce their powerful love for each other. He grunted as her paw passed over a sensitive spot on the tip, smearing more fluids over his length

"That feels amazing," Matt said happily and Sarah smiled at the comment. She looked at the length in her hand, studying it as she played with it. It was a deep red, pulsing with blood and quite large. He would have to be better endowed than any of the other wolves at the school, for sure. The tip was pointed a little, oozing little amounts of his fluids.

Sarah couldn't describe it, but a sudden urge to... taste it overtook her.

"Can I... uh," she said, stopping to look at him with embarrassment.

"Sarah," Matt said quietly, "you can ask or tell me anything. Nothing can change my opinion of you."

Sarah smiled, glad her brother was so open to her.

"I want to try... I mean, I want to put it in my mouth," she said, looking down in the hope Matt wouldn't think she was strange. He noticed her action and looked at her, puzzled.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Isn't it, kind of strange to want to do that?" she asked, not looking up.

"No, oral sex is actually quite normal, I think. I'm more surprised you offered to do it to me. I couldn't be more honored."

Sarah looked up at him, lunging forward and kissing him again fiercely.

"You're the best brother in the world," she said, breaking the kiss. Matt nodded, he felt the same about her. Going back down she assumed a comfortable position on the big multi-level bed, sniffing his meat with her sensitive sense of smell.

The scent coming from his penis made her extremely horny. She tentatively flicked out her tongue and licked the tip, a thin line of pre connecting them for a short second. She licked her lips, enticed by the sweet yet tangy taste. Wanting more, she eagerly put the whole tip into her mouth. Matt looked down approvingly, she was very careful with her teeth and had a wonderful mouth.

Sucking on it for a moment, she got quite a bit of his taste in her mouth before easing it back out and rolling her tongue up the entire length. Matt's back arched involuntarily, she was just so amazing at it. When she returned to sucking the tip he was amazed that she hadn't had any experience before. She was simply fantastic.

Sarah alternated between sucking the tip and licking the shaft, spending a few seconds on each activity before switching to the other. It kept Matt on edge, the constant changing of sensations in his body. He rubbed her head slowly as she worked her magic on him, making her eyes glisten contentedly.

Minutes passed unheeded as Sarah's wet tongue worked him over continuously. He was in heaven, all thoughts of indecency washed away by his sister's wonderful mouth. It no longer mattered that they were brother and sister, only that they were together. Every minute was bliss, every second was a dream come true.

Sarah stopped for a moment, signaling that she wanted to take it further. Matt nodded, willing to do anything for his sister. She licked the long shaft one more time before putting the tip back in her mouth, this time not stopping until two-thirds of his length had dissapeared into her. Matt groaned in ecstasy, the warmth surrounding his wolfhood was almost too much to take.

Sarah sucked on it for a while, rolling her tongue along the length so she could get used to having it in her mouth. It occasionally poked the back of her throat and she had to pull it out a little, but she was determined to satisfy her brother as best she could. He knew she was doing it only for him, and he was extremely grateful and proud to have such a fantastic sibling.

She slid it out slowly and then went straight back down, taking up a slow pace as she bobbed her head on his steamy meat. Matt stopped rubbing her head and clenched the sheets; the pleasure was beginning to become intense. She knew it too, enjoying the feeling of the male organ sliding between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

She sped up as best she could, her head bouncing up and down as she sought to bring him to orgasm. They hadn't explained it well in Sex Ed, but she knew that a kind of white fluid was meant to come out. She wondered if it would taste as good as the fluids she was getting now. Matt's mind was on the same thing, wondering if his sister would be ready for his upcoming release.

"I think I'm getting close," he said, "you don't have to take it if you don't want to." A warning, giving her a chance to pull of if she felt like it. She didn't.

"I want it all," she said confidently, taking a quick break from the oral to speak before getting right back to it.

Matt nodded, he knew she would go all the way for him. His body shuddered, he was almost ready. Sarah didn't stop once, sucking away at his groin eagerly. She had never wanted anything more in her life than his semen at this moment. Matt had no intention of denying her that now that she had made her intentions clear.

Finally, he gripped her shoulder and thrust upward, pushing into her mouth as he fired his thick, creamy cum into her awaiting throat. She coughed but held firm as he shot his warm seed into her, swallowing as best she could. Not wanting to waste a drop of the delicious substance she drank as fast as possible.

Rope after rope of his life-giving essence filled her mouth, making her cheeks bulge. Just when she thought she would have to open her mouth his orgasm slowed to a stop. She gulped the last of his precious fluids into her stomach, pulling her mouth off of the spent length in front of her. A little semen dribbled from the side of her mouth and Matt wiped it off her face with a paw.

Sarah grabbed it and licked it clean, not wanting to waste a drop. Matt grinned and she looked at him, smiling as well.

"That good, huh?" he asked. She nodded vigorously.

"You have no idea. That was the best thing I've ever tasted!"

She looked down and taped the huge knot that had expanded in front of her.

"What's that?" she asked him politely.

"It's called an knot. When a male has sex with a female it expands inside of them so none of the semen can get out. They call that action a 'tie'"

"So it gives you a better chance of making me have kids, is that it? she asked.

"Yes," he replied, rubbing her head.

She climbed back up onto her usual spot on his chest and worked her way into his mouth, kissing him once again.

Matt could taste his own fluids on her tongue and found them to be quite nice. They kissed for a few more moments before they stopped and just lay there, both smiling broadly. Sarah watched as his slippery member retreated back into it's sheath, and she found herself almost a little disappointed. She had hope to try and go one step further.

Still, she was just as happy to feel her brother's comforting arms around her body. She buried her head in his chest, sniffing his body again. His strong, masculine scent worked it's way into her nose and made her feel even happier to be with him. He shifted a little, rolling on top of her with one quick motion.

Sarah didn't even flinch, he knew that her brother would take care of her. As it turned out, he only wanted to roll over so he could be on top, kissing her with a fiery need, their mouths blending into one another as their love was communicated through touch. When they broke apart, he lay down next to her, so they were both facing the the bed above.

His fingers intertwined with hers, holding hands as love ran through both of their bodies.

"I wonder what mum would say about this?" Matt mused. Sarah shook her head.

"I have no idea," she told him truthfully, "but I doubt it would be good. Our relationship has to be a secret from everyone."

"Yes," Matt agreed, "but still, I wish society was more accepting. We will only be able to be together when nobody else is around." Sarah sighed, life was unfair sometimes.

"I really enjoyed that," she added, referring to the big load of wolf ejaculate she had just swallowed.

"If you liked it that much, we can do it again whenever you like," Matt told her. Her face turned into a broad smile and she kissed her brother again.

"Really?" she asked, "Can we really make love whenever I like?" Matt noticed the emphasis on the word 'whenever'.

"Whenever, wherever," he said with a smile spreading across his face. His sister was a dream, and he would surely wake up soon. It was just too good to be true. Sarah pictured all of the time she could spend with her brother, but another image popped back into her mind. She still wanted to finish the job they had started. She was still wet and needed her brother to satisfy her craving.

"I need you in me," Sarah stated finally. Matt looked at her, a little cautious.

"You want me to mate with you?" he asked, confirming what she had said.

"Yes, I don't care anymore, I just want to be with you in every way," Sarah said, her voice almost turning to a beg.

"I could get you pregnant, what would we do then? I don't have any condoms," he told her.

"I don't care anymore, I love you, I want you, I need you, that's all that matters. I want you to mate with me, take me, make me yours. I want to feel your penis inside of me. I want to make sweet love to you, to have sex with you, to breed with you." She was definitely begging now.

Matt stared at her, he hadn't realized just how much his sister needed him. She was willing to risk getting pregnant just to have him mount her. He nodded, and got off the bed, leaving her on the matress. She wondered what he was doing but then saw his erection forming.

He was using her body to get himself stiff, she realized. He must really think I'm hot!

Her body was so delicate, he knew he was going to have a hard time protecting her from harm. But he would do his best, no doubt about it. He lay back down and wrapped his arms around his wonderful sister, squeezing her tightly. He always made her feel so safe and put her complete trust in him. She was his to do with as he pleased now.

Sitting back on the bed he wanted to do it in a missionary position. The main reason was that he wanted to see her face, to be able to have more personal intercourse. He took his tongue and licked along the outside of her vagina. She squirmed, never having been touched there before, let alone by a tongue. The sensation was so amazing, and she wanted more.

He lubricated her opening a little, but he knew the leftover semen and her natural lubricants would do most of the help. Bringing his tongue from her slit he moved forward, positioning the tip of his cock just above her opening.

"Tell me if it hurts, alright," he said. She nodded.

"I've needed something like this for so long," she whispered, "I never thought it would be you who would be my first." Matt smiled, proud that she found him worthy of taking her virginity. She nodded and he put the tip on her swollen lips. She gasped involuntarily, it was just so intimate and sensitive.

He placed his paws on her hips and slid in slowly, pushing a third of his length into her. She closed her eyes and shivered in delight as she felt her brother in her finally. He couldn't go any further, however, because her hymen was preventing him from doing so.

"I'm ready," she said confidently.

He pulled out and thrust back in, knowing there was no way this wouldn't hurt her. He rammed into her hymen, which tore instantly and she cried out in pain as her virginity was taken by the powerful wolf. The pain was strong, she gripped her brothers paws which had clasped onto hers and squeezed tightly as she cried a little, tears forming in her eyes,

Matt kissed her and she stopped crying, instead looking down to see what had happened. A little blood was on the sheets, but aside from that she couldn't believe that her brother had nearly lodged his entire length in her body. She felt so happy at that point, she had thought she wouldn't be able to do it.

He waited more than a minute for her to be ready. She rubbed his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. He slid out almost fully until only the tip remained inside, then he thrust in again, causing her to moan in pleasure and pain. This time he had managed to fit his entire length in her. She smiled at him and they kissed again.

Pulling back out he pushed in again, this time not stopping as he sought to build up a somewhat steady pattern. It was hard because they both had no experience, but it was what made it so fun for them. The first-time awkwardness was sexy to both of them. Sarah's body shivered under him as he pushed into her repeatedly.

She could only smile, now that the pain had subsided there was nothing but bliss as her brother finally mated with her. Their pace was slow, each thrust coming into her deep so as to add to the pleasure. Her toes curled slightly, his long organ was hitting her in all the right places.

As best he could, Matt picked up the speed. He build up a good rhythm as he penetrated his sister, making him pant a little. It was hard work to do it in the position they were in. They kissed frequently; the missionary position meant they could kiss and have sex at the same time. It was simply amazing.

Sarah could feel every little bump on his sexy wolf cock as it spread her open time and time again. She loved the warm, full feeling it gave her and knew she would be sad when he had to pull it out. Simply the fact that it belonged to her brother made it even more special to her.

A soft liquid noise could be heard now as he plunged into her, their combined liquids slipping about inside of her. Every time he pulled out she got a glimpse of just how wet his length was before it dissapeared inside of her. She wondered how much her brother was enjoying it compared to her.

Matt was indeed was having just as good of a time, the warm smile never leaving his lips as he rocked into her. The bed wiggled a little under his motions but stayed reasonably still as he moved to and fro. He looked down between his legs, seeing his length slide in and out quickly.

It made him very happy to see that she had fully adjusted to his size. They fit together perfectly, like a lock and key just waiting to be put together. He supposed it was because she was his sister that she was a perfect match for him physically, due to their shared genes. Nothing could be more amazing.

Sarah rubbed his chest, admiring the streaks of gold that ran through his dark brown fur. Up close he was an amazing physical specimen and she now acknowledged just how good she had it as far as brothers went. She was the same color as well, but he just looked so handsome. She looked up at him, smiling lovingly.

She felt a rush of blood go to her cheeks as she the real weight of what they were doing hit her. She was actually, fucking, her own brother! He looked at her, not breaking eye contact. She felt so safe, yet so alive, knowing that her brother had all the control now. He could have pounded her senseless with his cock, but had deliberately gone at her pace.

Now, she wanted him to be a little more dominant. Not to the point of submission, but she wanted to be taken by her big wolf with a little more strength.

"Matt, stop," she said. He paused mid thrust, looking at her in confusion.

"What's wrong, do you not want this?" he asked.

"No, actually, it's the opposite. I know you want to make things easy for me, but now I want you to go a bit harder. I need to feel you over me, protecting me, mating me like there's no tomorrow." She smiled and he nodded acknowledgedly. His sister wanted him to breed her with a bit more fire.

"Anything for you," he said with a loving smile. He uncurled his arms from around her body and put his weight on his hands, getting in a better position. She shivered with delight as his penis moved within her while he adjusted himself. When he was done she spread her legs a little further apart, ushering him to commence.

With a hard thrust he pushed back into her, going deeper than ever before. He didn't stop, immediately pulling back out and ramming his stiff cock into her soft folds. He moved quickly, penetrating his sister with long, powerful movements. She moaned under him, reveling in the feeling of her handsome lover stuffing his length in her again and again.

She looked up at him, finally seeing why some wolves liked to mate this way. It was one thing to spend time in his arms, slowly mating the night way in loving ecstasy. It was another thing altogether, however, to get taken by her powerful brother with him in control. They were both amazing for different reasons, and she liked one just as much as the other.

Matt looked down into her eyes, realizing just how much trust she had put in him. He felt extremely proud at that moment of both of them. Still, even though he had complete control of the mating, he felt no urge to dominate her like most wolves did with their lovers. She was his equal, not his inferior. She deserved more that than to be mounted by some male who had no idea about her personally.

He smiled, seeing just how protective he had become of her. He could feel his orgasm building, and judging by the increase in her breathing, hers was too. They had been at it for a while now; Matt was amazed at how natural it felt. Her warm, inviting folds surrounded his length comfortably, he felt as though he was meant to be there.

"Do you really want this?" he asked, giving her a chance to refuse him. She shook her head wildly, she wanted nothing more than to do 'this'.

"Matt," she said, telling him some surprising news, "in Sex Ed they said that you can only get pregnant when you're in heat. The teacher said you would know when you are in heat, and I'm sure I'm not!"

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, you won't get me knocked up after all," she said with a grin. Matt smiled back and continued to push into her sexy body at a rapid pace, getting ready to release himself into her needy body.

The intercourse had become intense. Sarah couldn't talk any more because every thrust made her moan in satisfaction. Matt was likewise, panting heavily due to his exertions. Pressure was building in his groin, he knew he would come at any second. Sarah was determined to beat him to it, however, finally giving in to her body's desires.

Wrapping her arms around his back she climaxed heavily, her passage contracting around his length. The sensation of his sister squeezing his sensitive member sent him into his own orgasm. With a howl he thrust in one more time, his knot forcing it's way into her with a plop. His cock twitched and fired a wave of his delicious seed deep into her womb.

She groaned as she felt herself being filled with his mating fluids, which had no escape due to the large knot blocking the only exit. She cried out in pleasure as it expanded within her, stretching her further than she thought was possible. She knew it wouldn't be coming out in a hurry, that was for sure.

His warm, sticky cum coated her insides completely, filling her to the brim. She had no words to describe the feeling of being so full of her brother's emissions. It was the best feeling she had ever experienced in her life. He had thought that a male wolf would bite the female in orgasm, but he felt no such inclination. She was too beautiful to ruin, and the thought repulsed him.

More of his juices entered her, forcing their way up into her body with no other place to go. She sighed contentedly as he lay down on top of her, kissing her passionately before collapsing in a heap. He was exhausted and she wasn't far off. Still, she wouldn't have given it up for anything in the world.

She felt just above her vagina, tracing the bulge his length made withing her. When she got to the knot she couldn't get her fingers between their bodies. He had tied her well and truly, leaving no room for any escape for his wonderful semen. She squeezed his length a few more times, milking him for everything. Sarah didn't want to waste a drop.

When she was done she lay back, looking into the familiar blue eyes of her brother.

"Thankyou," she said.

"You're welcome," he replied, brushing her fur softly. She snuggled deeper into his chest and he rolled over, allowing her to be back on top.

This way Matt's weight wasn't all on her, and she could lay on him until...

"How long is this thing going to stay inside of me?" Sarah asked, tapping the area where his knot resided.

"I think... twenty minutes, or maybe thirty. I'm pretty sure that's it." Matt couldn't help but chuckle when he said that.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Our parents get home in about an hour. We're going to have to get cleaned up or things could get awkward." Matt rubbed his chin.

"Don't worry about that now," Sarah told him, "just let me enjoy having your big wolf penis inside of me."

Matt nodded, wrapping his arms around his sister and slowly kissing her, their tongues mixing happily together. He could feel his own fluids squelching around inside of her as he moved, it felt extremely good.

"When are we going to be able to do this again?" Sarah asked. Matt hadn't thought of that.

"Whenever you want, I'm all yours," he said. She considered it, imagining all the time she could spend with her older sibling having romantic sex in their bedroom. The mental image made her smile happily.

"Every day?" she asked.

"More, if you want me too," he replied, showing her that he was hers for the taking.

"I love you," she said, pushing deeper into his fur.

"I love you too."


"I thing it's just about ready to come out," Matt said sadly. He would miss the feeling of being in his sister.

"Really?" Sarah whined, "does it have to?"

"Unfortunately," Matt told her. Sitting up on the bed as best he could he gave a good pull and his cock pulled free of her.

Their combined fluids spilt out of her, running onto the bed and her fur. She sighed and Matt lent down, licking her clean in a brotherly way. She moaned as his lovely tongue ran over her slit, clearing it of the traces of their union. When he was done he licked his lips, rather enjoying the taste of his own semen.

"We had better get cleaned up, our parents will be home soon and there's going to be some damage to fix here and at school," Matt said.

Sarah nodded her head, and then went to the shower. As she walked she could feel his cum slide around within her. She smiled, picturing the amazing things they would do together over the upcoming years.

Yesterday, they had been brother and sister.

Today they become soulmates.

What would tomorrow bring?