Maverick Hunter - Sexual Side Story - The Red Bandana

Story by Blackstratus on SoFurry

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#14 of Maverick Hunter

Lu Kan Shengst. He needs a little more chaos in his life

The rain fell down in a melancholy drizzle. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small silver case. Snapping it open revealed a single cigarette. He pulled it out, lighting the tip and taking a long drag. The smoke burned his lungs like breathing in fire itself. He breathed deeply, exhaling smoke out of the two large nostrils at the end of his face.

It was a bad habit. He knew that. Days like this were his weakness though. New planet. New city. Rain.

He loved the sound of rain. It was one of the only things that kept his mind at bay. The static sound of the rain blocked out everything. The people walking by meant nothing to him. Everything was a sad peaceful. Where his ears would usually be flicking away, searching for the source of every subtle sound, they stood still, unmoved by the white noise.

He flicked away the cigarette butt as the last of his ash fell to the ground. Letting out the last plume of smoke he walked forward in the rain. It was just now getting dark and the rain was starting to let up. He sighed to himself and spoke out loud.

"That's enough peace for now... I need some chaos in my life."

His ears began twitching rapidly again as the sounds of the city tuned back in. The lights were starting to come on and he quickly made his way to the center of the city, where the nightlife seemed to pervade.

"The club is full, no entry," The large Rhintok said.

Luke stood above the Rhino, looking down at him. He huffed in a low whinny, leaning forward and bringing the end of his snout to the Rhintoks ear. After a second the Rhintok's eyes widened. Luke pulled himself back, a large bucktoothed smile on his face.

"You two ladies," the Rhintok said, waving towards two female Wolvruns waiting in line.

"Us?" they asked curiously, stepping up.

"You're in with the Horse, he's paid your cover, welcome to Eclipse."

The ladies looked over Luke, blushing at his toned muscles and large stature. He tilted his large brimmed hat at them and smiled. They giggled amongst themselves for a second before approaching him. He responded by wrapping each of his arms around their hips, pulling the ladies close to him. Together the three entered the club, music thumping as the doors opened.

"What did you say to him to get in?" one of them asked before the music got too loud.

"Don't y'all worry about that now. Just know that we're in and we're gonna have a good time," Luke replied, winking down at the lass in his arm. She blushed and giggled, pulling herself close to the horse.

The club was packed full of all kinds of beautiful women. Every species imaginable was there, bodies grinding against each other on the dance floor, sweat dripping as everyone's heat mixed together in dance. Various men joined them in their attempts to seduce and bring them home with them later in the night.

It didn't take long for Luke to buy his way into a booth, where he bought champagne for his party. A couple drinks later the ladies were rocking away, grinding up against him and running their tails against his chest and face. He whinnied in a buzzed pleasure as he groped at each of their asses playfully.

With a firm slap to both of the girls behinds, Luke spoke up, "You girls hit the dance floor, I'll meet you down there in a minute."

With that the two ladies pulled themselves away from the stud, swaying their asses teasingly at the horse as they danced away. Luke exhaled deeply, finishing off his booze and leaning back in the booth. It felt good to relax for a while. He felt that he did a good job picking the club, and the ladies he chose would suit him as well.

He draped his neck over the back of his seat as he lounged out. The dance floor behind him appeared upside down as his head hung. He watched the laser lights flash around to the rhythm of the music.

"Chaos... Beautiful, beautiful chaos," he sighed to himself.

As he was about to lift himself up and hit the floor himself, his vision drifted upon a break in the crowd. Through the break was the bar in the distance. At it sat a Wolvrun, sipping on some kind of mixed drink, nodding his head to the music's beat. Around his neck was a bright red bandana. Nothing was special about it, but for some reason it pulled him in.

Luke didn't even notice that his ears had stopped fluttering. In his head, his own little world, the music, the people, everything had ceased to exist. All he saw was the Wolvrun across the room, and the red bandana that he wore. The horse turned over slowly, keeping his eyes locked with the dog as he worked his way down onto the floor and through the crowd. At this point he wasn't even blinking, as if his entire being was afraid that if he lost sight of his target that it would be gone forever.

Before he even realized it he was nearly on top of the Wolvrun sitting at the bar. Luke stood there awkwardly for a moment. Luckily the dog wasn't paying attention, he had his eyes closed as he bobbed to the beat behind him. Luke snapped out of his stupor before he was noticed, looking around quickly and noticing a seat next to the Wolvrun. He sat down quickly, calling the bartender for a drink.

As the bartender left to fetch his order, he stole glances at the wolf next to him. His eyes couldn't keep off of him. He was unlike any Wolvrun he had ever seen, and he was enamored. The dog had finally opened its eyes as it stared down into its drink. The orbs held a dark blue iris that held a warm glow, like an ocean in the moonlight. His snout was thin, and at the end his cold wet nose wore that same blue. While his muzzle was white, the fur on his arms and face were nearly all black. The white fur connected to streak up in between his eyes and fade down into his chest. He couldn't tell how much further the white went, the rest of his fur was covered by the bandana and his clothing.

Luke coughed nervously. He didn't know what was coming over him. The heat in his chest was intense and he could hear his own heartbeat. When the bartender returned and placed his drink down he didn't even notice. Finally he spoke up to break the ice.

"Yah know, I aint ever seen a wolf like you before," Luke said, looking over to the Wolvrun.

The dog looked up in confusion, looking around quickly before realizing that that the large Equin was talking to him.

"Oh... me?" He asked curiously, looking around to make sure that the horse wasn't talking to anyone else.

"You're the only wolf around here, so who else would I be talking to?" Luke replied.

"Oh..." The Wolvrun looked back at his drink, then quickly looked back up and looked to Luke.

"Well, I'm not a wolf," he stated, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. Luke looked at him wondering what he could possibly mean by that. The dog sighed and continued, "Wolf is a term that the Terrans adopted for the Wol... I'm not a Wol. I'm a Ley."

Luke blinked rather stupidly. He found it hard to believe that he had never heard of or seen any of the other Wolvrun subspecies before. For some reason in all of his years he had never encountered them.

"To be fair... there are a lot more Wol than there are any of the rest of us," the dog stated.

He felt entirely stupid. He was drawn to, an attracted to, this Wolvrun, and he felt like he was already ruining his chances.

"Well... I like it," Luke stated point blank.

The Wolvrun Ley blushed deeply, his face nearly the color of his bandana. His eyes diverted nervously back to the drink in his hand. Luke noticed that the pads of his paws were the same color as his nose and eyes. A couple more seconds of awkward silence went by before look cleared his throat and spoke again.

"Y'know, in my culture, when a stud wears a red bandana it means he's an experienced wrangler," Luke said, letting out a low chuckled whinny. The Wolvrun turned and looked up at the large Equin in genuine curiosity.

"Oh? Well what does it mean to be an experienced wrangler then?" He asked, pawing at his bandana lightly with his fingers.

"It means they know how to handle a Horse," Luke replied, smiling broadly.

The flirting went on for hours it seemed. Each of the two bought each other drinks and shared various stories. Luke commanded most of the attention, but that was just how he was by nature. He had long forgotten the two Wolvrun ladies he had entered the club with, and as the night progressed it was clear that the Wolvrun Ley was all that he could see. It had been a long time since he had had a night as grand and entertaining as this one, and he was in love with every minute of it.

"Y'know, I feel like a right Jackass for just now realizing this, but, I never caught your name," Luke chuckled, sipping on what must have been his fiftieth drink by this point in the evening.

The Wolvrun did the same, sipping on his drink as well, "Its Digit... most of my friends just call me 'Pup' though. I really don't know why... it's kind of embarrassing."

"Well, Pup, I can see why they call you that, you're as cute as any Puppy I've ever seen."

He didn't even realize that he had let it slip out. He had been flirting with the dog all night, but he was keeping it subtle. Digit raised his paw to the bandana around his neck and twirled is playfully, staring into his drink.

"You really mean that?" He asked nervously, nearly letting his voice break.

"...Yeah... I do," Luke answered in reply.

It was like the entire club had gone silent around them. The lights, the music, the dance floor, the bar. It all disappeared. Just the two of them. Sitting there, soaking up each other's company.

"...I don't live too far away. Do you want to get out of here?" Digit asked, tugging nervously at the red cloth.

"I thought you would never ask."

They tripped as they passed through the doorway. Luke's long arms around Digit's waste as their lips interlocked. The horse's hand was already down the back of the dog's pants, groping at his ass. With every little squeeze he let out a slight moan. The two stumbled backwards through the small rooms and hallway before they burst into Digit's bedroom. The stud picked up the dog with ease, sliding his tongue deep into his muzzle as he laid the dog down on his bed.

Luke was almost twice the pup's size. Below him laid the Ley, panting slightly. Between his legs could be seen his tail, fluttering left and right in an excited frenzy. The underside of it was white, and much like the rest of him, the top was black. As he stared back up at the horse the red glow on his cheeks were more than visible. His eyes diverted away with an intimidated embarrassment.

He drifted his hand across the Wolvrun's cheek, softly scritching it's underside as he grabbed the muzzle. He pulled it back into his as he locked his lips with the dog again. He wasn't about to let the cute embarrassment overtake his lustful intentions.

Their tongues danced together in a heated adagio, spinning and twirling slowly against each other. For the night, the two lover's tongues tangoed together. To Luke, the pups taste was intoxicating. Every bit of salivation his tongue could capture drove his heat higher as he made love to the pup below him.

With his lips locked his hand moved freely across the soft clothing that the dog wore. The light touch sent sparks into the pup, causing him to arch his back in pleasure. The horse ran his hand underneath the fabric, brushing it directly against his soft fur. Even through the kiss all that could be heard was the moan that the pup let out.

Luke pulled away from the kiss, leaving the pup in an exasperated whimper. He chuckled softly as he reached down, hooking his hands around the dog's shirt. He lifted the clothing up and over his head, pulling the shirt away and tossing it to the side. Luke leaned up off of the bed, doing the same to the clothing that he wore. All that was left now were his pants.

Before he could hook his fingers into his waistband the pup sat up, grabbing his hands. Without saying a word he shook his head 'No', before reaching down to the pants himself. He slowly worked his paws across the outside of the garments, feeling the stud's thick muscles beneath. With every pass he heard the stallion huff deeply.

Digit pulled at the horse's belt, sliding it out of its loops as slowly as he could. He heard a deeper huff from above him as he did it as well. He knew that he was teasing the stud, and he loved it.

Without delaying any further the pup unbuttoned the stallion's pants, hooking his fingers into the waistband. He pulled them down slowly, revealing the horse's large sheath first. He tried his best to hide his envy, but the pup couldn't deny that his mouth was already beginning to water at the thought of the horse's member.

He pulled down further, freeing the large orbs that dangled directly below. As the two flopped out his eyes widened. The massive testicles hung lazily, each nearly the size and firmness of two large coconuts. Once freed, the stud's musk drifted across the Ley's snout. It was a heavy scent that left the dog feeling nearly drunk with desire. He couldn't even help pressing himself directly into them and inhaling deeply.

His tongue slid out of his muzzle curiously, wrapping around one of the orbs as best as it could. The dog suckled softly on the stallion's thick skin, as he dragged himself up and in between the two balls. His lips met the end of the large sheath where he closed them together, sucking on the exposed foreskin. Above him came a more satisfied huff, followed by a shudder and a low whinny.

Luke stood above the dog, trying his best to conceal his pleasure with every move that the dog made. As Digit's snout pushed into his sack he shuddered deeply within. As he felt the dog's lips suckle on his foreskin he stifled a pleasured moan. He wasn't going to let the pup see his weak side so easily. He could feel the heat building within him, and his member was beginning to grow.

The horse's cock enlarged, slipping out of his sheath more and more with every suckle and lap of the dog's lips and tongue. The member flopped out as it hardened, brushing against the pup's snout. Digit released his lips, allowing the phallus to engorge fully.

It was easily eighteen inches long, and about as thick as his bicep. While he had been with Equin before, this was by far the largest stud he had ever encountered. His mind raced at the possibilities, and the fears, but his lust took over once more as the musk drifted across his nostrils once more.

The Wolvrun dragged his tongue back across the stallion's large testicles before moving his way upwards. The soft pink flesh lapped out of his muzzle, tasting every inch of the stallion's cock along the way. By the time he had reached the top there were already large beads of pre-cum dribbling from the tip. He dragged his tongue across the cocks head, suckling where the pre leaked.

Luke couldn't hold his pleasure back any longer. The stallion whinnied deeply as his hips bucked lightly into the dog. Every suckle coaxing another hump from the horse's waist. The dog below him wrapped both paws around the large member, tilting his head slightly to the right to better take the cock in as he pulled the member into his muzzle.

He felt like he was watching a pornography as he stared at the Wolvrun below him. The pup's mouth making out with his cock just like they had made out only moments before. He reached down, placing his hand in between the dog's ears. The pup's eyes looked up at him softly before rolling in pleasure to his touch. Almost instinctually the horse scritched between the pup's ears. He could feel the vibrations of the dog's moans reverberating through his cock with every pass of his nails. He could see the dog's tail fluttering with increased speed with every scritch as well.

It felt like lightning had struck through his cock as the dog's tongue slid across it. His stomach twitched and knotted as he felt the heat rush into his body. Without realizing it, both of his hands grabbed the back of the pup's head, pulling him onto his cock fiercely.

The orgasm was unexpected for both of them. Luke pulled the dog's muzzle onto him as far as he could as his cum spurted in thick ropes down the pup's throat. Digit's paws gripped into the stallion's rump as he fought the urge to choke on the massive cock. He could feel every spurt as the phallus pumped deep into his gullet. Cum flooded his muzzle so quickly that he couldn't swallow the copious amount, which forced the thick liquid to ooze out the corner of his mouth with every additional spurt.

As the last bit poured out of him, Luke shuddered in a loud whinny, leaning over the pup and pulling himself free from his maw. His muscles twitched in pleasure as he held himself above the dog.

"--F--Fuck," he breathed shallowly as his body shuddered one last time from the sudden orgasm.

His breathing was heavy as he huffed intensely. Sweat dripped down his brow and body from the sudden rush of heat. He looked down at the Wolvrun underneath him, who smiled back up at him. On the side of his muzzle laid a thick strand of the horse's spunk. Without hesitation he grabbed the dog's muzzle, licking up his mess as he brought him in for another deep kiss.

Digit wasn't ready for the passion that the stallion was giving him. His surprise left him to every whim that the stud had. The kiss was hot and he felt the breath of the stallion within him with every passing of his soft tongue. He couldn't help but let out a whimpering moan of pleasure to the sensation.

The stallion's hand drifted down over the dog's crotch. He had forgotten that the Wolvrun Ley hadn't even removed his own pants yet. His hand brushed over a large bulge pushing against the pants tightly. As soon as his fingers undid the tight clasp the pup's meaty red cock pushed itself out into the cold air of the room. Digit shivered to the sudden and intense feeling.

He lifted the Wolvrun's legs up, shimmying the tight pants off as best as he could. He could hear the pup yipping below him as he tugged playfully. As he got both feet free the Wolvrun's foot paw accidently pushed into the side of his long face. His eyes dropped down to look at the paw, where he noticed that the pads were that same deep blue that he had noticed earlier. He didn't know why, but he wanted to taste them.

Luke grabbed both feet with his hands, bringing them to the front of his muzzle. Digit laid back with a confused look on his face as he stared up at the horse.

"What are you--," he has begun to say before he felt a warm, wet sensation drag across the heel of his paw.

"Hey, that tickles--," he started, before a shuddering feeling shot through him. The stallion's tongue had slipped between the dog's soft toes. Luke dragged his long tongue across the pads again before lowing the pup's feet and kissing him gently.

"That was... wow... No one's ever done that to me before," The Wolvrun panted softly as the horse broke away from the kiss once more.

It was hard to see through his thick brown facial hair, but there was a soft crimson glow leaking through as the horse canted his face away in embarrassment.

"It tickled... but I liked it," Digit said, reaching up and pulling the long face back in front of him. The stud smiled a broad smile and whinnied deeply.

The Wolvrun looked down, seeing that the horse was still at half-mast. His eyes twinkled mischievously as a thought fluttered through his mind.

The pup turned over, pushing his rump high into the air. The back of his head nuzzled against the horse's neck, tickling him with his soft fur. His tail wagged gently, brushing over the horse's tight abs. Each wag causing the stud's member to twitch slightly harder.

He pushed his rump into the stallion's tight waist, forcing the large cock to bump into his cheeks gently. He wagged his tail along with his entire rump, presenting himself like a bitch in heat.

Luke leaned back, grabbing his cock in his hand and lining it up with the pup's tailhole. He looked down at it nervously as he prodded the hole gently.

"I don't know, pup. I don't think this is going to fit," he said, staring down into the Ley's tight rump.

Digit looked back at the stallion and scoffed, "I wear a red bandana. I know how to handle my horses."

He couldn't help but let out a chuckling whinny to the Wolvrun's cheekiness, but the confidence in the dog's words turned him on even more, bringing his cock back to its full size.

Pre was beading at the end of his head once more, dribbling out gently. He rubbed his cockhead against the Ley's tight hole, smearing the slickness against it as his cock became lathered with every pass. After another brief moment he finally pushed forward.

He could see the Wolvrun biting his bottom lip as he pushed in. He almost stopped, thinking he was too much for the pup until Digit himself pushed back on him, letting out a whimpering moan as he bit his lip harder and pushed his head into the mattress. Luke's head had popped in and his tail had begun wagging slowly again.

The stallion continued to push himself in, shuddering himself as he pushed his medial ring into the pup. Below him the dog panted heavily, whimpering a pleasured whimper to every inch that was buried in him. Luke pulled himself back out of the pup slowly, beginning his long thrusts.

Luke bucked into the dog's tight rump slowly at first, huffing heavily with every thrust. The more the pup moaned the faster the stallion became. The dog's tail was fluttering quickly with every thrust of the large cock, stretching its hole to its limits. By this point Digit was panting and moaning to every thrust the stallion gave him, bucking his own hips back into the stud horse.

With a quick thrust, Luke felt his balls slap heavily into the Wolvrun's rump. The sensation confused him at first until it happened again a second later. He looked down to see himself hilted in the pup, balls slapping fiercely against the pup's soft rump fur. As soon as his balls connected with the dog's backside, Digit let out a loud and deep moan, sending waves of shivers through his entire body. The muscles in his ass clenched tightly around the horse's member with every hilt of his cock.

It was the first time anyone had ever hilted his cock before, and his body shuddered in awe at the feeling. His thrusts increased in speed rapidly at the intense pleasure as he began to buck wildly into the pup below him.

"F-fuck me harder," Digit said in a loud moan, pushing his ass as hard as he could into the Stallion.

Luke grabbed the scruff of the pup's neck, pulling him hard. His cock slammed deep into the dog's tight hole as he neighed loudly. He could feel his body tightening again like it had before.

The stallion pumped vigorously into the dog below him, bucking his entire body into the deep and hard thrusts. Each hump pushing him closer and closer to cumming once again.

"I'm cumming, f-f-fuck, I'm cumming," the pup moaned, pushing his muzzle even harder into the mattress below him. His knot had swollen up without him ever touching himself and his bright red dog cock began squirting wildly. Each squirt clenched his muscles around the horse's thick member.

Luke grunted deeply, pulling the dog onto him with one last, hard, thrust. His cock hilted deep inside of the pup as his seed pumped even further inside. Each squirt of the red doggy prick causing the horse cock to spurt another thick rope as the two came together.

The horse huffed and whinnied loudly as the dog below him whimpered and moaned. Both panted heavily as their cum continued to flow from their bodies. Surprisingly the stallion finished first, filling the pup to the brim with his last large spurt. Digit's cock continued to squirt small amounts for another minute as the horse's cock slowly slipped out of him.

In a sloppy wet 'pop', the stallions flared head slid out of the dog's hole, cum oozing out with it. The flared tip dragged across the dog's prostrate one last time, leaving the dog with one last large squirt as his orgasm ended.

Luke rolled over onto his back, huffing loudly as he exhaled deeply. Digit did the same, laying across the horse's tight stomach. He continued panting heavily as he tilted his head back to look directly at the stallion.

"See," he panted, "I'm an expert wrangler."

The Equin blinked for a moment before letting out a burst of laughter. The Wolvrun tilted his head curiously at the horse before him.

"What's so funny?" he asked earnestly.

Luke smiled broadly, showing off his bucked teeth as he continued to laugh. When he could finally calm down he wiped a tear away from his eyes and replied.

"Pup... I reckon you haven't been around Equin enough. Otherwise you would have known I entirely made up the thing about the red bandana."

A look of disappointment fell across the Wolvrun's face. His paw raised up to his bandana and his fingers rubbed gently into the fabric. Luke quickly snatched his paw away, pushing their muzzles together for another kiss.

"..but you can be my 'expert wrangler' any day," the horse finished, bringing the dog back in for a deep kiss.

"How about right now?" the pup said as he climbed up onto the stallion's tight stomach, "I was thinking maybe being your cowgirl instead."

He let out a low whinny, chuckling softly.

"You're on, pardner."


Maverick Hunter - Chapter 9

She stared at the small white dots as they flowed by. To her right was a screen fluttering through billions of lines of code per second in attempts to decrypt the data that they had recovered. Even with over two hundred years in between that technology...

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 8

The exercises were always the same. Breathe in. Breathe out. Slow steady squeeze on the trigger as you come to the natural respiratory pause. Steady the heart rate. Don't hold your breath. Keep your crosshairs on the target. Never hesitate. Click....

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 7

The last remnants of the sun peered over the tree line in an army of yellow-white beams. The sounds of wildlife were dying, and the sounds of insects grew more apparent with every passing minute. The monotonous buzzing and humming filled the valley and...

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