Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (3)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#4 of Mayday !!! Mayday !!! Mayday !!!

The next episode. Have sweet fun

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

*Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (3) *

Martin was driven to a not far away Hospital and there he did not stayed long. He only wanted to drink a cub of Lava Coffee, a special hot Coffee for Fire Pokémon and Morphs, and he let his Head wound become fixed with three baste. Afterwards he left the Hospital on his own risk but not through the front door because there were to many reporters waiting for him. Instead he ordered a Yellow Cab to the back exit and he told the doctor to not tell anyone that he had already left. Luckily, the doctor understood and followed his wish under the condition that he would come back on the next Day to a Checkup.

The Cab then driven him to the Air France Hotel and there he was now laying in a Bed, watching TV.

He was running through the senders since one hour to find something interesting to watch but nearly on each sender was only his landing to be seen or was a film running with a catastrophe in it. He had even tried to sleep but his Adrenalin kept him awake.

He was about to shut down the TV when someone knocked on the door.

" HHHHAAAHHHH.... Not again!" He said and got up from the Bed.

Once up, he took on his bath robe and went to the door saying.

" How many times should I say that I have nothing to say until....... Sam!"

Around 30 Minutes ago, a reporter had sneaked into the Hotel and had tried to get an interview with him but Martin had only said that he would say something after he had spoken with the investigator of the NTSB and then he closed the door and had called for the Hotel security. Right now he had thought that another Reporter had made it but once he had opened the door, he looked at Samantha which was also wearing a bath robe and in her Hands she carried a bottle of dry white wine and two glasses.

" I hope that.... I´m not disturbing you. " She said with a light blush on her face.

" No. Of course not. " Martin answered.

" Mind if I ... "

" OH No... Come in. "

" Thanks. "

She slowly walked into his room and set herself down on the Bed while he closed the door and moved after her.

" I hope that.... You like some. " She said and moved up a glass with some wine in it.

" Normally not but.... After today I think that it´s time to start something new. Thanks. " He answered and took the glass while he set himself down, right next to her.

Together they both drank the first glass and then her look dropped to the TV.

" That they still have to show it. It´s making me sick to see it so many times. " She said while she filled another glass.

" Me also but.... It´s the only fucking thing on the TV.... It´s only good to know that everyone has survived. "

" Yeah.... "

They both then drank another glass and shortly afterwards, and after some sender clicking, they both found a film which they wanted to watch.

While they watched, they both began to make themselves comfortable on the bed and not many time later, her hands and Body began to work on him. She pressed her Body close to his and her began o softly stroke over his stomach. He in return moved his left arm around her Head and he began to lowly growl in comfort until he suddenly growled a bit louder.

" Is something wrong?" She asked.

He didn´t said something in return and looked only down his Body.

She followed his look and once she found the place on where he was looking she got a shock because her Hand was somewhere she didn´t wanted it to be.

It had moved so far down that it was now resting on his panties and she could clearly see that he had been aroused by it. Quickly she pulled her Hand away and said with a really red Head and a bleeding nose.

" I´m sorry!!! I didn´t wanted to...." He cut her by taking her Hand into his and saying to her.

" Want to see and feel him?"

Her Eyes went wide after she had heard that and she began to stumble.

" What.... ÄHH... ÄÄHHH...Yes. Äh ... No.... I mean... Are you serious? In the Plane I thought.... " He cut her again.

"I am serious. In the plane I wanted to say that I wanted to search the female of my life alone and without help but then... All that happened and.... I became clear of something. "

" Of.... What?"

" That my whole Life was a Lie. On the moment when the plane hit the surface and on the moment when I dived to save the Growlithe....My Life went past my inner Eye and I had to discover that.... I was Living a Life that was not worthy to be called one. Something was deeply missing in it. "

" ..... What was.... Missing?" She feared to ask that but then her insides began to burn.

" Children.... I had always wanted to ground a family but.... I had always feared to search for a Mate....But then.... I....Please don´t laugh over me but.... Every time I try now to think of a way to search of a Mate my.... My thoughts are going onto you and..... The fact that you are in Heat since we met. "

Her Head and Body became red like Hell and she stumbled out.

" You... You... recognized ... How?... I tried to mask it so .... Hard. "

He looked at her with a smirk while he said.

" Did you really forgot that Males of the same species can always smell the Heat of a female from that species?"

" I.... Well.... NNNHHHH.... " Her Heat began to hurt her really hard.

Seeing this, Martin made a decision for himself.

He stood up from the Bed, turned around to face her, dropped down his bath robe and his panties and presented her a half erected Penis. Then he moved back onto the Bed and said to her while he made himself comfortable again.

" He will be all yours. Take him and do what you want with him. It doesn´t matter to me if you Love me or not. I only wanted to.... HHHHAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!! OOOOHHHHHH!!!! "

She had done it.

While he had talked, she had moved over to his Penis, had taken him with her right hand and began to lick and suck him hard while her left hand had begun to message his Balls.

Her efforts were quickly rewarded. He stood tall after some quick licks and some drops of pre began to escape his tip.

Once she had licked away the pre she began to suck him only and that really hard. She didn´t cared that she might would hurt him. All she wanted now was to get a full load of his seed and that she would get.

His Human shaped Penis was bumping inside her Mouth and she realised that his Base had also a knot which was now fully swollen but she didn´t tasted some Cum on her tongue. That was why she did her final move on him.

She released his entire Penis for a few seconds, grabbed his Penis very hard under the knot, pushed two fingers of her left Hand into his Ass and then took as much as she was able to take of his meat into her Mouth.

That was enough for him. He came and he came really hard. Wave after wave of his burning hot Cum escaped his Penis and was welcomed by her hungry mouth. There it didn´t stayed long because once she felt a wave, she drank it away like water. Once he had finished, after the fifth wave or sixth, she finally released him from her grip.

Panting heavily, he began to see some stars. Never had he ever dreamed of such feelings that he had felt. Never had he even thought that a Blowjob would feel that kind of good and never had he dreamed of that of what she was asking him now.

" Martin... " She said with a Voice full of Lust. " I will grant you your family wish but in return you have to swear me that you will always be there for me and that you always do me when I´m in heat. "

" I promise. No.... I swear it by my Life. "

" Come and finish me !!!" She said after she had thrown away her bath robe and presented her ass to him.

While she waited for him, she began to think of how he would feel inside of her. She had always dreamed of a knight in a shining armor and a Penis like a Hammer but his tool was even bigger than she had been able to think of and longer.

Her thoughts became interrupted when she felt his Hands on her back and she made herself ready for him but then, she began to wonder because she felt something wet and thin that was going over her pussylips in a quick pace. When she looked back at him, she found out that he had begun to lick her. She then wanted to protest but at that moment he pushed his tongue past her lips and her protest was silenced in a deep and loud Moan.

He quickly found her G-Spot and began to eat her out and sending her to heaven. Never had she thought that a tongue Job would feel that great and never had she reached her peak that fast as she did now. It took him only 6 licks on her G-spot before she collapsed with her front and only two more licks to let her paint his entire face with her juices.

Once he was done with her, he moved her weak Body so that she was laying with her Head on the pillow and once she was in position, he moved between her legs and brought his Penis into position.

Seeing him in that position, she began to stiffen her Body, making herself ready for his entry but it didn´t came. Instead he began to slit his Penis up and down on her Lips only pushing himself lightly in.

"Please....NNNHHH.... Stop teasing me......MMMMMMHHHH...... " She said after the 5´th slide.

" Only if .... You relax. " He answered.


He had finally done it. While she had talked, he had suddenly pushed into her but not slowly. In one motion, he had moved all of his length into her and had taken her Virginity with it. On the moment when he did that, she tried to move away on instinct but he didn´t let her because he pinned her down very hard and now he was laying on top of her.

" OOHHH... GOD.... It.... Hurts !!!!" She managed to say.

" I said to you that you.... Should relax. I knew that you had been a Virgin." He answered with a pain filled smile because he was suppressing his instinct to hump her wildly away right now.

" Hoowwww ...... NNNNNHHHHHHAAAAAA !!!!" He had released her from his holding and had shifted a bit to steady his weight.

" I.... Had felt your.... Hymn on.... my Tongue Tip.... When you .... Came.... OOOOHHHH GOD!!!! Your so.... wonderful.... Tight...... I.... cannot.... I´m..... Sorry...... "

He wasn´t able to hold back anymore. His instincts became too powerful for him. He began to hump slightly in and out of her and on each time he went in, she cried out in pure pain.

Her cries seemed like to pleasure him because after a series of short and slow humps he suddenly began to slide out more and go back in quicker. In return she began to cry and some tears began to roll down her face but not for long. Suddenly, her cries began to shift into low moans and once he increased his speed again, she moaned more and more.

He had reached a certain pace and they were both close to Orgasm when he suddenly stopped.

So close to her Orgasm she deeply wanted to protest but as if he had read her mind he whispered into her Ear.

" You deserve a full ride on your first time. "

Once said, he pushed into her as far as he could, grabbed her back with both Hands and tossed them both around so that she was now on top. That move brought her really close to her Orgasm and she now wanted to do the final push but again he did not let her. His grip on her back was so hard that she wasn´t able to move a millimeter and her Orgasm died down.

When he was sure that her Orgasm had reached a certain level he began to hump her again until their Orgasm was close again and like last time he stopped before they both reached it. Again he shifted their positions. This time he did her sideways. There he repeated the hole process and once again he stopped before they reached their peak.

Now he did something that she deeply hated. He pulled out completely.

She growled at him and wanted to bark out her anger but she didn´t came far because he quickly grabbed her back again, tossed her onto her knees and inserted himself with full speed and force, letting her Moan very loud. Yet before he began to hump her doggy Style, he lends in close and whispered into her Ear.

" Now become ready to receive my Knot and Seed, little needy Bitch. "

He began to Hump her like crazy and it didn´t took him long until he was ready to explode. His Knot was nearly fully hard and swollen when he pushed into her for the last time. It simply plopped into her and once inside it doubled its size to its final size within a second. Then they were both done.

They were both kicked over the edge very hardly.

On the moment when their Orgasm hit them and their fluids combined for the first time, they both began to see stars first and then they were both knocked out. No wonder because the power of 3 denied Orgasms was far too many for their first time.

They both dropped sleeping to the side and began to dream a dreamless sleep.

To be continue

Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (4)

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (2)

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (1)

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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