Ranger Maryland

Story by NoOneIsHome on SoFurry

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A high end resort in northern Canada, where cabins are rented out to rich businessmen, who want to get their true "outdoors experiences" while still having a phone, and internet, and room service, is a great attraction for many rich business types.  They offer cabin themed hotels, small cabins, large mansions built from wood, and all with all the amenities one can handle.  This story does not take place there; however, given the Status of Adathus Nexarus you would expect it to.  This story is about said Peacekeeper, who has an all expenses paid trip to said resort, but has chosen to buck the fancy rooms and smarmy guests for the campsite 3 hours north.  After a few days out there, a new party shows up, and much to his delight something catches his eye; A black-purple dragon, seeming to be colored by mother nature herself.  Allured, Adathus keeps watch on her, only to find she's been keeping watch on him all along. Adathus heads outside his cabin to gather wood, he heads out into the dense forest returning with some logs and takes his spot at the chopping block. And the rest is history. Chapter One

Outside the main sections of cabins, The Peacekeeper known as Adathus Nexarus chopped wood for his stove, donned in his outdoor gear and while wielding an axe, he split logs over a large, old stump.

Along the path in front of him a was a black scaled dragon known as Maryland, the Orchid Dragon bore soft, violet scales similar to an adder snake along her face with similar colors to that of her namesake plant. She had been wandering and keeping watch of her forest for hours lost in thought. She seemed to ignore loud thwack of the Peacekeepers axe.  She kept on her pace as she walked, thinking about dinner.  Adathus looked up to see her walking in front of him. He knew she had been keeping an eye on him while he was here; her long stares and small gestures had not gone unnoticed to the Peacekeeper.  Adathus had all the wood he needed, but figured a little more wouldn't hurt, especially if that female would need some tonight. He picked up a log and put it on the stump. I'll take the extra to her cabin, ask if "She needs some wood."  His slight smile turned to a full on shit-eating grin as he raised his axe and swung far harder than he needed to. The loud crack rang out but fell on deaf ears as the Orchid Dragon kept walking, Adathus took another log and swung at it again, keeping his focus on her. He missed most of the log, grazing the edge of it and sent it flying down the path and bounced across the gravel trail right in front of Maryland.   The errant log caught her attention. As she looked up, she was delighted to see that male she hadn't been able to stop thinking about.  She looked down at the mauled piece of wood and hesitated for second thinking he could have been responsible for it before she got an idea.  Maryland picked up the log and headed over to the chopping block

"Are you trying to collect firewood, you look like you could use some help." She said with an air of superority.  Adathus had begun piling his wood into his arm, he turned so she could place the stray piece onto the top of the pile in his arms. "I'm fine, but I can chop some more for you if you need it."  Maryland disregarded his comment and ripped the axe from the chopping block, taking a wider piece of wood and putting on the block before easily splitting it perfectly into two pieces with a sharp ripping from the blade, she took another log and again split it perfectly down the center.  Adathus dropped the entire pile of wood and stepped over to her, he took the axe from her hands and walked over to find the largest log he could find,  dropping it on the block it was almost bigger than the stump was.  Adathus moved back before raising the axe over his head and stepping into the swing, as the axe came down, it split straight through the log and embedded the axe deep into the chopping block.  Maryland hardly acknowledged his performance and began to stack up her pieces.  She stopped to watch him work as he picked up the two largest pieces he had made, she silently cursed the amount of clothing he wore and her mind started to wander thinking about what might have be under all that gear, her tail flicked idly behind her before he turned around and she composed herself.

"Can I help you take this back to your cabin?" Adathus asked looking into her ruby red eyes.  Maryland unthinkingly let her tail flip in excitement she almost impatiently grabbed the rest of her wood and started back to her cabin "If you can keep up lumberjack," she said in a sultry tone as she walked past him and towards her cabin.  Adathus followed, baring his teeth and keeping his eyes on her hips as she sauntered and walked leading him back to her cabin.  Maryland reaches her cabin and opens the door, heading in and placing her wood down near the small potbelly stove.  Adathus follows her in and drops all of his wood just inside the door, taking off his pack and dropping that on the floor as well.  He takes off his large jacket, making a show of elaborating the motion of lifting it off his arms, and tosses it over a chair.  He opens a small container of matches and starts to make a small fire in the stove.  Maryland watches as she slowly wiggles her hips to an imaginary tune in her head while she watches the Peacekeeper starting the fire. She takes off her jacket and pants, leaving her just in thinner leggings and her undershirt while Adathus opens his pack and takes out a large bag of preserved jerky, offering her a piece as he tears into his own. "Are you hungry?" He asks her  "Because you sure look hungry."  She saunters over behind him and takes a piece from the bag, bumping her hips against his as she takes the piece and tears it up.  She begins to notice a stirring in her belly, half lust, half hunger. The combination of the virile male beside her and the taste of meat on her tongue working her into a passion, unsure of what force is controlling her more. She puts her head on his shoulder and says seductively, "Oh, the lumberjack is a chef as well, Id love to be a taste tester."  Adathus smiles and feeds her another few pieces as she undoes his winter pants and lets them fall, now standing in just his jeans and long sleeve shirt he bends over, letting her feel him up on the way down before he turns around and runs his hands down her hips. "I've got quite a few recipes. What's your favorite dish?" he asks and he takes another piece of meat in his teeth and lets it hang from his mouth as he hooks a claw into her waistband. "I'm liking this appetizer,  but I'm partial to stake:  Rare, juicy, and thick." She whispers to him, dragging out the emphasis on the last word as she moves her head in to bite off the jerky in his mouth.  At the last second Adathus swallows it whole and pushes his lips into hers and kisses her.  Maryland winces softly and blushes as her cheeks darken to a subtle lavender, her belly burning with a passionate intensity as she locks  the Peacekeeper's lips with her own, unnoticing of her claws digging into the floor below her.  Her clothes set her body on fire as they break the kiss and look into each other's eyes.  Adathus can smell her aroused scent in the air now and moves more aggressively onto her, taking off her shirt and moving his hands down to cup her breasts and rub the fabric over her nipples as he presses his hips into hers, making sure she feels his erection through his pants as he starts to growl deeply and grind his hips into hers. "I'm hungry too," he rumbles, letting her run her hands down his well-toned muscles as she pushes her hands into his pants, feeling around until she grabs hold of the firm globes of his rear and gently presses her claws into them.  She presses back into another kiss as Adathus removes her bra and carefully traces his claw tips along her nipples.  She breaks the kiss and looks up to him and asks, "You're a lumberjack, and a cook, but are you a hunter?"  Her response comes instantly as Adathus snaps his jaws down to her neck as just as she looked up and bites her. He pushes his hands downwards and into her panties, he moves from her hips to her backside and caresses her rump before moving back to her front and grazes teasingly along her nethers before moving back and rubbing her rump and tail with his large paws. "Oh yes I am," he growls into her throat.  Maryland shivers with excitement and gets an idea to push things in her favor.  She lifts a leg and works and rubs it along Adathus's thigh, and then slips her heel behind his and catches him off guard, pulling with her foot and pushing with her chest and toppling them to the floor.  She gently holds herself over him as she moves up his body, keeping one hand tracing its claws along his neck and the other undoing the buttons in his shirt.  She presses her bust into his chest softly as she pops the buttons off of his shirt one by one. "You've got some fire to you, I like that," she whispers to him seductively and presses her hips into his.  Adathus's moves his hips in unison with hers and slides his hands up and down her body, working them along her breasts on the up strokes and along her thighs on the down. "Let's heat this up then shall we?" he asks, her ruby eyes are now full of hunger and lust he keeps his eyes locked on hers and moves along with her motions as he waits to see her next move.  Maryland sits up just above his groin and brings herself forward to rest her cheeks on either side of his shaft still trapped within his pants. She reaches back into his pants, fondling the stiff length trapped within and cleverly setting it free to rest between her supple cheeks after breaking the zipper and popping the meddlesome button her hand appearing to be attracted to the tantalizing member all on it's own as it remains behind her, deftly stroking the underside of the dragon's length "You naughty thing, you, all hot n' bothered, leering at my body," she teases before licking her lips.  Adathus wastes no time undoing her belt and pulling her pants open he crams his hand into her panties, finding her clit and teasing it as he sides his hand into her slit, one knuckle at a time until he has two roaming fingers inside of her.  Maryland hisses inward at the sudden spike in pleasure and only pays the peacekeeper a wry smile, grinding back up against the bulging erection kept at bay by simple denim and silk. "Get up," Adathus commands as he takes a hand and smacks her behind. "Ah, ah, ah, what's the magic word, horny boy?" "NOW!" he growls as he presses his claws into her butt and his grip grows tighter. "Someone's getting feisty..." she cooes as she swiftly glides over the throbbing member against her rump and places it in front of her before leaning down and pulling the dragon up off of his back so he's sitting upright with her in his lap, an unattended hard-on standing excitedly between them. "Is this good enough?" She asks innocently with her arms around his shoulders.  Adathus takes his cock in his hand and strokes it as he leans more forward until he is pushing against her, trying to push her over, and plants a deep kiss onto her lips.  Maryland props herself up with her tail in a coil and wraps a leg around his waist before tipping the both of them sideways where she manages to come out on top once again, breaking the kiss for a quick moment to flick her forked tongue swiftly across the dragon's nose giggling, "Four and a half years of wrestling, sweetie. You're gonna have to do a little better than that."   Adathus gets fed up and grabs her pants and panties in both hand and pulls down hard, pulling them clean off her hips and giving himself room to work. "Alright, let's play your way," he growls as he takes his cock in his hand and rubs the tip along her slit. "You ready?"

"I should be asking you that, Horny Boy." Maryland waits for the right moment in the dragon's teasing to sink her hips onto the pulsing mast and force it inside her moist, burning nethers, earning the Peacekeeper a hearty moan and a swiveling pair of hips on top of his cock.  Adathus leans back with a high pitched moan as she moves on him a split second before he pushed himself into her.   "Oooh, this is better than I could have imagined!" "Oh fuck yes," he groans as he snarls and presses back into her movements. Adathus moves to try and explore her depths with his cock, finding her sensitive spots and working them again and again as they pick up speed while rubbing one hand over her breasts and the other over her clit. "What a naughty mouth for such a naughty boy. Gonna have to punish you for that one," she says as he presses her hands against his chest and smacks her hips into his, burying the dragon's carnal flesh within her to the hilt, earning her a yelp of pleasure and a lewd hiss accompanied by a toothy grin. "Naughty?" he says trailing off as he reaches behind her and grips her butt and smacks her lightly twice. "Says the female who is attacking my cock," before smacking her hard and looking into her eyes, "And loving it."  Maryland yips and chirps in surprise from the smacks to her innocent cheeks, eyeing down the assertive dragon. "Oh hi there, Kettle, name's Pot." She giggles mischievously as she rocks and rolls her hips against the dampening junction of scaly hips "Get down here,"  he commands again, pulling her back down to meet him, and presses another long kiss into her mouth. Maryland happily complies and slithers her tongue to meet the peacekeeper's and coils around it while she slows her rolling hips to a more fluid and drawn out rhythm, her body moving like water as she makes out with the dragon.

Adathus rubs along her back with both paws and kicks the last of his pants off. He flips his tail up to twin it with hers and moves his hips along with hers as she rides him along the floor. Adathus slows his movement and casually puts his hands behind his head. "So when your ready for the main event, just roll over." "Oooh, someone's got a case of needy loins," she teases as she closes her legs inward along with the dragon's and tumbles him over on top of her with her own two paws crawling down mischievously to grope at the firm muscles within the peacekeeper's sexy cute tush. "Well, let's see whatcha got, stud!" she jeers as he pulls out of her and stands up, offering her an arm to pull herself up.  As soon as she grabs on, he leans into pulling her up, and just as she's on her feet he steps into her, putting his weight onto her shoulder throwing her onto her bed.

He laughs to himself as he moves back towards the stove and knocks the damper wide open. "You're going to enjoy this," he gloats grabbing her pants by the ankles and ripping them the rest of the way off of her body.  He takes two fingers and jabs them into her slit, searching for her G-spot, taking careful note of where she reacts to and what spots make her squirm the hardest. Maryland's purrs softly escalate to seductive moans as he searches valiantly for her goldmine, gasping sharply once he stumbles on it and lingers for a little, causing her to moan louder and squirm a little while she cups and massages her supple breasts. "You catch on quick, horny boy," she chides. Adathus responds by rubbing hard along her clit and lets his fingers go limp as he feels her throb around his digits, and then he slowly rubs side to side thrusting in and out of her. "Gotta make sure you're ready," he says before he picks up speed on his fingers working against her spot faster and faster before taking his free hand and putting it over her hips, just enough that he can work her clit in his thumb.  Maryland pants rhythmically to the super effective teasing as she practically soaks the dragon's fingers, moaning carelessly and coiling her tail around the closest body part she can find while her toes curl inward.  Adathus observes her, and keeps the pressure on as she soaks the bed below her as she nears her peak, he takes out his hand, grabs her legs, and throws her fully vertical on the be, then he lunges over her and sinks his throbbing rod back into her. Adathus takes her hand from her breasts and holds them down against the bed thrusting at full speed, and he begins to fuck her hard into the soaked mattress.  Maryland cries out as she can't contain the built up lust within her and reaches the first of what she hopes to be many climaxes, convulsing and squeezing against the intruding cock ravaging her tender, drenched nethers as she balls her fists and pulls hard against the bed sheets. Adathus feels her climax and opens his eyes to watch as she begins to convulse under him the now intense heat from the fire feels cold compared to her vent.  As she rides out her climax, Adathus lets himself go, shooting hard into her and working himself through his orgasm to draw hers out along with it. Adathus kisses her with his salivating mouth as he slows down, releases her pinned arms, and lets their fluids mix together.  For nearly a minute he pumps his cum into her while still plowing her in what is now effortlessly smooth strokes.  Maryland pants softly into the kiss while wrapping her arms and legs around the peacekeeper's back, still working her flooded nethers around the settling yet still throbbing member oozing out the rewards of their lust, urging him straight into the second round.   "How was the first Act?" he asks casually as he hilts himself and idly rubs his hips along hers. "Not too shabby, honey you ready for act two?"  Adathus grumbles back affirmatively and looks her over. "Its not over till the fat lady screams" he says, emphasizing on the last word and takes a hand up to her face.  She seizes the moment of peace and rolls the dragon over onto his back, pressing her claws against his firm, smooth chest while she gyrates and rolls her hips into his, adding to the wonderfully messy coupling as a few leaks trail into his crotch.  Adathus presses his hips into the bed and moves with the flow of hers he breathes in heavily as she cuts the tough skin under his fuzzy chest as he breaths out the cuts turn to fire and his mane stands on end.  He finds her tail again and closes his mouth to breathe in hard through his nose.  Every speck of scent in the air is caught by his mind: his seed, her secretions, the smoke from the fire, the hot metal of the stove, and their burning lusts and pheromones.  Adathus's cock throbs inside her, releasing a shot of pre seed into her as she glides effortlessly on soaked scales against soaked scales  Adathus moves himself where his tip is static in her depths, and his ridges rub her sensitive lips. The feeling of oversensitiveness is gone in seconds as she rolls herself up and down his cock, and she is soon back to the same fiery look as she begins to resume the making of love.  Maryland grins wider and wider as her breathing picks up in tempo along with her hips, leaning in close to the dragon's snout to flick her tongue against his nose while she presses her hips roughly against his, slipping his tip against a greater point within her nethers that seems to get an even greater sensation than the fingers could ever hope to achieve, her lust reaching dizzying new heights just from the feeling of being stuffed full of dragon meat alone. Adathus takes his hands from her hips and glides them up her flanks, he stops for a moment, working over her nipples before starting to massage her breasts.  The soft slick pressure of her vent makes his mind rush as deep carnal passions begin to seep into his mind, things around him stop becoming relevant.  Fading light slowly becoming a concern and being replaced with the thoughts of driving himself into the female on top of him.  He imagines himself piercing her depths, nearly visualizing his tip splitting her folds and driving his seed deeper into her. Knowing he's spreading and stretching her out fills him with determination as he leans back and adjusts himself to thrust hard into her as she brings herself down onto him.  Maryland cries out in ecstasy as she catches on to the dragon, almost sensing the same kind of bestial need to drive the male buried deep inside of her even deeper, lifting herself from his hips just enough to expose the rigid flesh betwixt them and impale herself upon it, driving the tip hard against her deepest reaches to scratch that special itch only a real male can. Looking down at the dragon with nothing but lust in her eyes, she tenderly licks his lips before slipping into another kiss with her tongue dancing erotically around her partner's.  Adathus grabs her head and pulls her muzzle into him as his mind begins to succumb to the deep instinct buried dormant in his genes.  There are flashes of the world around him growing distant as the soft warm heat between his legs becomes hotter, threatening to burn as he throbs and pulses inside of her.  He breaks the kiss for a moment and moves his mouth to her shoulder, he puts his teeth over her, ready to bite, as his last sense is stimulated.  He licks her scales, she tastes salty, earthy, and almost like the scent of the flower she's named after.  He begins to lick her shoulder, pressing his broad tongue along her scales, and then snaps his jaws down hard, the blood flows from the tiny wounds and is tastes bitter in contrast to the salty, earthy taste of her scales he bites down again and inhales as she moves position while riding him, blood fills his mouth and he feels the last shed or reality fly away into limbo.  He is now gone, and the female ontop of him is his only thought.  Fuck her.  Mate her.  And Breed her. Maryland winces a little bit at the sudden sting in her shoulder and quickly finds new stamina as she presses her body into the dragon beneath her, ignoring the small price of blood she paid to reach this state, her body feels as if it reset to virginal proportions, the throbbing shaft embedded deep within her musky, sloppy breeding hole feels massive, as if it grew three sizes in just a few pulses; the scent of the male's fur and scales intoxicate her further with it's heady, thick aroma, and the sound of their hips slapping into one another; all of these things send her into a blissful overdrive as her mind centers strictly on the male and his erection, her only goal in mind being to extract as much pure seed from his fertile loins as possible to quench her maddening thirst and extinguish the inferno nesting within her gut. Adathus grabs the female above him with teeth and claws, he presses his feet into the bed below him lifting his hips on his thrusts.  he presses into her sides, feeling her scales part under the pressure; although, somehow he is careful enough not to puncture her skin.  He wraps his arms around her and pulls in tight, she adjusts to his motions of sliding her soaked stomach along the matted fuzz of his chest, he presses into the bed with a leg and puts all his power into rolling himself over pushing as hard as he can against her resistance her overcomes her balance and the two dragons fall to the floor.  Her breath escapes her as she lands back on her back first.  Adathus draws back and digs his toes in, sliding her along the floor with every thrust as his motions near violent levels, their claws raking each other's backs as they battle for dominance in their feral mating. Maryland catches a breath as she sinks her claws into his back, drawing crimson lines over and over again as her legs attempt to crush his waist, trying to keep their hips together, snarling and hissing with primal lust as she sinks her teeth into his ear, gnawing and kneading in shallow motions as her claws take on a bloody color from digging into the dragon's back, unaware of the blood dripping from her shoulder. She forgets herself and rolls the Peacekeeper hard into the bed on his way to the bottom position he kicks the bedpost in his struggle and sends the entire bed set a few feet down the floor as he slams both of their hips against the ground with an audible thud.  Adathus yips and snarls as his skin is cut and burns hard, melting into raw passion.  He reaches and grabs at anything in arms reach to stabilize himself as he mates the female he rolls with her he grabs her and pushes back with his legs.  They collide with the wall of the cabin next to the bed and Adathus grabs onto it, pushing and pulling it hard as he thrusts up into her. He feels his ridges flare and his tip throbbing as the first premonition of an orgasm hit him.  He lashes out against her, striking and raking her as his passion takes him to fever pitch.  His body rolls over the edge and past the point of no return he lets out a feral scream and convulses under her kicking and hitting against anything he can find and holds his mate against him as hard as he can.   Maryland manages to catch the male's thrashing arm in her teeth and bites down on it tightly as she can feel the ridges within her raking her inner walls in the most pleasurable way and convulses into a vice around the stone-hard flesh. Her eyes rolling and fluttering as her jaw goes slack and her tongue drapes down onto the dragon's nose, feeling the throb of incoming climax rising through the male's shaft until it erupts like a plugged volcano within her. The sensation coming to her like a shotgun blast to the head as she lets out a fierce, shrill roar, the fresh, boiling seed filling her perfectly to the brim and then some as her nethers milk the maleness within for every last bit of sacred fluid, her feet resting in gouges dug up in the floor by her claws.. Adathus thrashes his arm as it's caught in her jaws trying to lash against her as his orgasm slams through him her body feels heavy against him. Flailing against her body pressing into her.  As the first eruption of cum shoots from his cock, he feels himself slip into her cervix and feels it drop around his tip to hold him in place.  He feels nothing, and his overstimulated mind draws a blank for what seems like minutes.  The day flashes before his eyes, their meeting, the wood chopping, the undressing, and the first mating. His mind snaps back to him fingering her, his hand grows warmer and wetter, the feeling flows up his arm along his chest.  He feels weightless and underwater before the feeling drops in an instant and her weight comes slamming back against him. His lungs, full of air, empty instantly and he releases the loudest roar of his life, screaming so hard he hits both the high and low ends of his voice at the same time, both combining into an earth rending roar and he draws in another breath and both dragons unleash roars that pierce the skies and shatter their worlds.  His eyes are slammed shut and his mental images shatter, the pieces breaking like glass through his mind.  Nothingness overcomes them. Chapter Two Maryland reaches her arms out and stretches, the little blades at the end of her paws extending out fully with a tinge of red stained on them. As the dragon slowly recovers from a nightly expedition of dreams, the weight of the previous night's recklessly violent activity shows its wear on her body through aches and stings and groans, making the simple task of rising upright more difficult than usual. Maryland yawns and flits her tongue about, habitually smelling the musky stench of a very rough and pleasurable night as her eyes manage to break free from the morning dew. the first thing she sees is the sleeping male she laid with and the countless cuts that have been carved into his chest. Maryland looks changing tenses at her own claws in surprise that she had such strength and ferocity to tear his body to ribbons in such a manner, though now she can only hope that he isn't too displeased with his present condition, she reaches out her paw and rests it on the Peacekeeper's shoulder, shaking it easily to jostle him awake.

Adathus groans tiredly and reaches for the warm body that was just laying on him.  As he slowly wakes the memories of the previous night come back to him.  The biting, screaming, and the rutting all coming back as he wakes up.  He opens his eyes to find that the vibrant female is still in the cabin with him and his face lights up in happiness "Good morning beautiful" he says, seeing her completely nude again stirs his sheath, feeling the aftermath of last night in his loins; The strong tingling down his crotch reminding him of how much seed he spent last night and the burning cuts and pain of his muscles giving a stark reminder to how violent they got near the end of it.  Maryland leans in close to the dragon and flits her tongue just above his throat as if to check for something, then pressing her ear against his chest listening to his heartbeat, and finally crawling over him and staring deeply into the male's eyes with a statuesque and strangely expressionless look on her face Adathus lets her explore his body and rubs his hands along her flanks, and nuzzles her gently, as she teases him, he lightly brushes over her breasts and lays one arm across her back and shivers.

"It got cold." he states as he looks at the fireplace "We should throw some more wood in there"

Ignoring him she asks,"You're different, what are you?" as her flicks her tail inquisitively. "I'm Called a Peacekeeper, I'm designed to be like the dragons of Japanese Mythology.  Created to defend Japanese families in the event of invasion in another world war.  And my name is Adathus Nexarus." He casually adds with a laugh and presses a kiss unto her.  She giggles into the kiss and runs her hands against the dragon's chest, propping herself up on top of him Maryland starts to chuckle excitedly  "My name's Maryland and I'm orchid dragon 1 of 2 in this existence. I'm supposed to grow up and be like my mother was before she died!" she explains excitedly forgetting her appearance.  Adathus laughs, at how casually and happily she mentions her past family "Well, I see. Nice to meet you Maryland" he says as if it was their first meeting "'Orchid' is certainly appropriate for you."  

"How does breakfast sound?" he asks as looks over the finer details of her coloring's and her body. "Amazing, I feel like haven't eaten in days" She groans playfully, lowering down on top of the dragon and gets comfortable, resting her body against his as she coils her tail with his.  Adathus lets her rest before standing up with her and setting her down on the bed as he gathers their clothes before they dress and head out.  Walking hand in hand through the fresh snow, it only takes a few steps before their steps are synchronized.  Adathus's pack burns on his shoulders, his injuries are exacerbated by the weight on his shoulders they arrive at Adathus's cabin and he quickly drops his pack, hissing and rolling his shoulders in relief. He takes out the food from his pack and spreads it on the table. "Dig in, This is our breakfast feast."  Adathus moves past her to start a small fire in the stove in his cabin. when he returns to the table, she is already halfway through the meats by the time he returns to the table, caught red handed about to devour a lamb chop in a single swift bite. Glancing at the meat and then back to the dragon, she opts to have manners and sensibly takes sizable bites.  Adathus looks her down before taking the piece of meat and ripping it in half with his jaws with a low growl as he smirks and laughs. "Just because you are my guest does not mean you need to be civil.  Go ahead I won't mind," he says encouragingly as he hands the piece of meat back.  Unexpectedly, Maryland climbs up onto the table and takes small nips at the meat, snarling as she tugs pieces of it off, sitting right in front of the peacekeeper. "Horny boy really is a good cook!" she states as she finishes a piece and then begins sampling the rest of the assorted meats on the table.  Adathus watches her intently and puts a hand up to his antlers

"They aren't 'horns' per say, they're antlers.  I look like a deer if i don't keep them in check," He says with a chuckle before reaching into his bag and getting out a few chocolate bars.  He breaks off a piece and holds it up to her like it's made of pure sin before taking his own piece. "Damn it feels good to be bad," he states as he leans back in his chair and presents himself to Maryland.  She takes her piece and savors it as she climbs into his lap.  They look deeply into each other's eyes, hers seem to begin to show a soft glow of excitement, she inches her way closer to him and into a soft but tender kiss as she breaks off another piece of his chocolate bar and enjoys it. "Naughty naughty, horny boy.  You should know better than to play with your food," she muses huskily, her tail swaying rhythmically behind her.  Adathus grabs onto her butt with one hand and puts more of the chocolate into his mouth, he moans and nuzzles her along her face and under her chin before kissing her again in a big chocolaty french kiss, smearing chocolate all over each other's lips.   "Naughty girl," he scolds. "You must have had a whole stack of these hidden away that you weren't sharing" Adathus lays a hard smack down on her butt and pokes his claws into her rump. "You should be punished" he growls into her ear.  Maryland grins mischievously and straightens herself up in the peacekeepers lap, her firm behind cushioning a noticeably growing tent within the dragon's pants.   "Ooh, looks like you've caught me red handed, horny boy. But I wonder what kind of punishment you had in mind for me?" She questions innocently as her hips slowly knead the erection through his pants.  Adathus returns the favor, pushing a hand into her crotch, working and watching her reactions to find the best spots he sticks his head into her shirt and licks along her breasts and shoulders, leaving streaks of chocolate on her chest and inside her shirt.   "You are going to be punished very hard," He scolds her, breathing down her neck as he slaps her butt through her pants again, "You have been bad." He slaps her one more time before taking a large bite of chocolate and picking her up. As they laugh at how bad his dirty talk sounds,  Adathus drops her on the bed and resumes the aggressive nuzzling.  Maryland gasps and purrs at the moist, warm heat against her body, yelping at the smacks to her rear biting her lip ever so gently as she awaits her punishment from the Peacekeeper.  Adathus licks along her pants and nuzzles into her crotch as she works her pants off with each discarded layer he keeps licking at the next until she exposes her slit he takes one long lick from top to bottom, both their flavors are still on her slit and his scent is overwhelming along her folds. "lay back, its time," is all he says and Maryland moans softly and needily as the embers from last night rekindle throughout her loins, reclining back against a few pillows as her body begins to tingle out of control from excitement Adathus undoes his pants and holds out his penis to her, bringing it up to her face and pressing the tip against her snout, both dragons with a large grin spread across their muzzles "Id like you to meet my fri-" he trails off in laughter as both dragons giggle in laughter as Maryland moves her head over his cock and coils her tongue around it before closing her mouth on his member, letting the Peacekeeper guide her along his cock.  She grabs onto his butt, holding his cheeks hard as his member intrudes her mouth.  Adathus keeps a strong hold on her head and pushes more of his flesh into her, making sure he doesn't push too fast into her.   "Goddamn you are good at this." Maryland pulls back from his hips and guides his length down her throat for a few moments before easing back and catching her breath through her nose, looking up at Adathus with just the dolliest pair of cute little ruby gemstones. "Aint you just the cutest little thing." Adathus relishes in the feeling of his shaft hitting the back of her mouth and feeling her adjust to take his whole length into her mouth.  After a few minutes, he feels his peak approaching and pulls out of her maw, sliding himself down and removing his pants and shirt he begins to work on her slit Adathus pushes her legs apart and licks along her vent again, her wetness already leaking onto the bed and more of the previous nights seed coming with it. Maryland hisses and moans with pleasure while her fiery loins offer his naughty tongue a taste of her lusty nectar as a reward, her claws cutting into the sheets as she bites back a mounting climax. Adathus works his tongue along her slit, dipping in occasionally before adding his right hand to work over her clit, tapping on it like a button, and rubbing in circles as he eat her out feverishly.

Adathus then adds a finger to her vent before moving himself into a better position and fingering her with more gusto.  he watches her squirm and moan under him as he instantly found her goldmine and began to ravage her with his hands now at her peak, he dips his mouth down to work over her clit as he breathes heavily over her.  Maryland grabs onto the dragon's head with one paw and an antler in the other as she pulls his mouth up against her needy muff, gasping and squirming excitedly as the dragon works her over like seasoned pro, pressing hard in all the right places.  Adathus gives a long press of his tongue into her clit before moving his mouth up to her breasts, licking and sucking on each one as he fingers her more slowly to keep her on the edge of climax he switches breasts and lightly bites at her nipples, squeezing them with his free hand and licking over them before planting a long kiss into her mouth.  Adathus moves back and works faster to begin to push her over the edge, moving his tongue back down to catch her fresh nectar.  Maryland takes a pillow in her teeth and bites into it as she feels the edge of her climax nearing, her moans picking up a bit in pitch and volume as her toes curl inward and she arches her back with her hips rising upward, stuffing his face deep into her nethers.  Adathus never slows as she climaxes, drawing her peak out for nearly a minute before she begins to release his head before removing his fingers and cuddling up beside her and licking them off in front of her

"You taste pretty damn good, I must say."  Adathus moves over her and slides his cock against her lips throbbing hard in anticipation, his ridges flare against her clit he slowly rubs them over her button before slowly pressing himself back in up to the hilt.  Maryland wraps her legs around the peacekeeper's waist and swiftly rolls him over, placing her hands over his wrists and pinning him down long enough to squeeze the intruding shaft into submission as she assumes control of the situation.  She leans upright with her hands carrying yours up to her groin to feel the coupling taking place within her tender body, hissing and purring softly as she savors the presence of the dragon's manhood within her Adathus lets her roll him over and sit herself on his cock he leans his head back and watches her bounce on him following her lead, he puts his hands on her hips and rubs her thighs as she bounces on him, "Good girl You know exactly where your place is."

He moves a hand over her slit so he can rub her clit rewardingly with his thumb. Maryland lets the peacekeeper work up her libido, swaying her hips and tail hypnotically as she baits him into pressing all of her buttons by guiding his hands throughout her body,"Yes... keep going..." she whispers under her breath as a clever smile draws across her face. Adathus obeys her and follows her guide, tenderly caressing her pert breasts and moving his hands along with hers gently massaging and rubbing here wherever she leads him. "You are redeeming yourself quite well," he mutters to her  Maryland plays along with the smug peacekeeper and continues to bounce on the dragon's girthy shaft, her peak nearing rapidly as her nerves send chills up her spine and through her body.

"My, my, gotten so sure of ourselves I see," she says with a flick of her tongue.  Adathus keeps himself propped up on his arms and just watches as the Orchid Dragon sinks his length into herself again and again.  he closes his eyes and can feel the spots she guides him into, letting his body enjoy the feeling of her using his cock to bring herself to bliss, he lays back and does nothing but let her use him, he lets her be dominant "Be a good girl and don't talk."  Maryland leans in close and slithers her tongue across the peacekeeper's snout, biting gently at his lip before driving him deep within her, kicking herself into gear just that little bit more as she stretches herself out bit by bit past her limits. Maryland holds her excitement in calmly as she can feel her lust and raw desire balloon within her, the searing heat of her loins making her more eager with every pulse of their synchronized heartbeats "More." She mutters huskily and quietly into the peacekeeper's ear.  Adathus shivers as he feels her push his cock deeper into herself, feeling her push him in the the last inch of her depth and still trying for more the desperation in her voice makes him throb spew a hard load of pre seed into her he reaches up to her backside and grabs onto it, pressing his claws into her butt, pulling her down on every stroke and pushing up against her movements as he picks up pace he moves his hips to bump her spots on every push his ears twitching as he listends to her desperate crescendo growing louder with each passing second.  He knows she is on the cusp of climax and drives himself hard into her as he fights to push her over the edge.  Maryland growls deeply and grins fiendishly as she crests the peak of her carnal desires, rapidly bucking against the dragon while her inner nethers flex and convulse along the throbbing, firm shaft trapped within her.  She takes an ear in her teeth and firmly bites into it, her claws drawn to the texture of the peacekeepers chest, digging into it and dragging them down to his belly, eagerly waiting to feel the rush of her partner's seed flow into her once more Adathus pushes and pulls himself from her depths again and again as she hits her peak, rubbing her clit hard and fast as she cums around his shaft.  He keeps bucking hard into her and never relents as she screams in pleasure.  The warm rushes of her cum flowing down his sac tickle thier sensitive hairs, but he holds himself back, not ready to climax just yet.  As she comes down he holds her hips firmly on his shaft and waits for her to collapse on to him.  Maryland catches on to the dragon's resiliency and drives herself through her orgasm without a second of hesitation, knowing that it'll only be a matter of time before he succumbs. Adathus hold her down slowly driving more of his claws into her as she resists until his claws press into her flesh and she loses her will in his arms. "Im not done with you yet,"  Maryland gasps and winces as the claws sinking into her backside leads her to tighten up and squeeze the stone-solid length crammed into her wet, messy box, letting the aggressive peacekeeper have his way with her. Adathus grabs the disobedient dragon and looks into her eyes, disapprovingly, of her actions.  He hoists her off of his cock and pushes her down the bed. He gets up and grabs her by one leg and spins her around so she's on the edge of the bed, he leans over her and crams himself back into her vent and fucks her hard in missionary at the edge of the bed.  Maryland grabs and holds onto the bed, panting and moaning rampantly as her body feels like it's fallen into a volcano, her legs slowly tiring from clutching around the dragon's hips as he hammers into her, Maryland snarls and hisses as yet another summit of ecstasy draws near, her mind feeling blank and airy through screams of bestial need.  Adathus plays on her weakness and grabs her hands, holding them in one of his he gropes her breasts and squeezes them as her screams grow louder than her voice can handle. He pulls her just off the edge of the bed and uses the leverage to slam deeper into her than ever before.  Adathus fully pulls himself out and slams all the way back in holding her over the edge of the bed.  His climax comes hard and fast, threatening to be the most powerful yet as he fully dominates her.  As she screams he grunts and gasps for air, feeling climax coming rapidly.  Maryland grabs at the Peacekeeper and sinks her claws into him as she roars ferociously in orgasm, her lower body spasming with her toes tightly curled in and chest crushed up against hers.  Adathus reaches both arms out and grabs the edge of bed, letting her hold herself on him as he holds on to the bed for dear life.  His orgasm comes hard and he unloads deep into her, feeling himself throb and his ridges flare as he shoots a massive load into her tight and stretched vent. Hard panting and spasming follows from both as Adathus unleashes himself and Maryland hits the second part of her back to back orgasms. Adathus pants hard as his peak fades and lets go of the bed, flopping on the floor and catching her as she falls with him.  Maryland flicks her tongue over the peacekeeper's nose before pressing their lips together into a deep kiss accented with a deep purr and a soft moan as the fire within her passionate groin gradually settles as their mixed fluids trail from her muff.  Between heavy pants all Adathus can say is, "Wow," as he is sexually exhausted.  His cock deflates quickly and he just drops his arms to the floor, not wanting or being able to move.  "You," he catches his breath, " You're amazing." as he lets every muscle go limp on the floor.  "You didn't actually think you were gonna come out on top, did you?" she teases as she spills the warm mess down his snout. "Now make sure you get in there nice and deep."  Adathus shudders as she gets closer and flicks his tongue impatiently before driving into her and working his tongue rapidly in her, cleaning her out completely and letting the excess runs down his chin and along his moustache.  Adathus's breathing picks up as he tries to get as much of her scent and taste as possible into his senses.  The slickness and warmth of her used vent driving him into fever pitch as he seems to be entranced by her sex and his determination to clean it completely.  Maryland presses his snout harder against her drooling slit, hissing with pleasure as his tongue slithers around the deepest reaches of her innermost cavern.  "That's it... just like that..." She moans and purrs softly, brushing her tail against the softened member behind her.  Adathus can't get enough of the salty, dull, fleshy taste of her, he works between licking deep into her and then pulling back to catch what comes out before pressing harder into her and repeating again and again, ignoring her ministrations with her tail, he keeps working, holding her hips to his mouth, and nuzzles at her, pushing his nose to her clit and sinking part of his chin into her.  The slickness of her flesh against the bottom of his tongue inside her pushes him over the edge and he's squirts the last of his seed onto her tail.  Maryland lifts her tail to inspect the careless spill the peacekeeper caused and whisks it off with her tongue, savoring the strong, bitter taste of the dragon's liquid perversion while leaving him to continue dealing with the mess he's already caused. "Such a naughty boy..." she giggles.   Adathus doesn't respond and keeps working himself around in her, now certain that hes cleared her out, he turns the focus to hit her G spot and rolls his tongue hard on it while rubbing his nose into her clit and breathing heavily trying to force another orgasm out of her.  Maryland moans voicelessly as a sudden spike of ecstasy ensnares her by the crotch, grabbing one of her breasts and squeezing it while gripping the head of her toy, delighted in his proactive thinking and eager spirit.  Adathus grabs at her tail tip and wraps more of it around his hand and jerks hard on it before grabbing the base and driving his claws into her tail base.  he takes his other hand and rubs along her back soothingly, giving her pleasure, pain, and comfort all at once, his chin and mustache are now totally soaked with her fem cum, he works his head around faster along her clit and inside her folds, pushed her to release just as hard as she is for herself.  Maryland lifts her hand from her breast up to her lips where she bites her finger, feeling the irresistible burn of an imminent orgasm as she rocks her hips gently against his snout, Adathus wrenches on her tail as she cums, keeping is tongue moving along her G spot and keeping is nose crammed against her button as he feels her clamping against his tongue and leaking along his mouth, shooting squirts into his mouth which he swallows down with the rest of her secretions.  Maryland pulls the peacekeepers nose up from her tender box and slides back down on top of him, immediately diving. into a deep french kiss with her tongue, solely focused on sharing the taste of her nectar with her partner, breaking the kiss after a few moments to lick the last few drops and splashes from his nose.  Adathus flips his tail around, feeling that his cock is still flaccid, he gives up, completely exhausted and out of stamina he relaxes his muscles and releases her tail. He taps out on the floor. "You win, I'm done."  his voice is in desperate pants as he feels like he is sinking into the floor. Maryland noses him and bounces on his spent, defeated member victoriously.  "Aww, that's okay, you did a great job, sweetie. You earned yourself some rest," she titters playfully while running her fingers along his antlers. "Id like to take you home with me." Adathus says rubbing his hands over hers as she feels his antlers.  "You would look good getting mounted over my fireplace."  Adathus kisses Maryland in a long passionate french kiss.  Maryland giggles into the kiss and nips at his lip.  "I may take you up on that offer, horny boy"  Adathus stands up and looks over the room, a complete disaster zone that reeks of passionate dragon sex.   "You gonna help me clean up?" Adathus grabs his pants and considers putting them on before turning back to her smiling "No, you are going to help clean me up." Adathus moves closer to her and stands legs spread waiting for her to start cleaning his crotch.  Maryland zeroes in on the flaccid member dripping with copious amounts of sexual fluids, taking the whole length in at once and letting her tongue swiftly flick about, snatching up every little bit of the slimy, sloppy mess and swallowing it without a second thought, a lone finger of hers dipping itself into her nethers for just a bit of fun on her end. Adathus tips his head back and moans as she takes his semi hard dick into her mouth the pleasure is there but it's too fleeting for his body to act on it her sucking creates an odd feeling and he enjoys the dull pleasure more than expected.  "thats a good girl, now don't forget to miss any spots while your down there."  Adathus pushes his claws against her scales as he forces her head around feeling her tongue go where he directs her mouth and pushes her all around his sheath and balls.  Maryland flicks and caresses his firm pouch with her tongue, not only liberating the trace spots of cum, but tickling and teasing the source of his potent seed before dipping her tongue down into his sheath to get the hard to reach spots.   Adathus shivers in delight and uncharacteristically chirps and coos in surprise at the feeling of tongue in sheath.

"Oh! oh! yes! oh WOW!" he yells out as his knees shake and tremble.  Maryland capitalizes on the sudden weak spot and slithers the rest of her tongue into the sheath, coiling it around the flesh within and flexing against it.  Adathus whines out in pleasure holding Maryland up to his sheath as he shakes in this virgin pleasure "Ohhh more more more more more more more," he whines in desperation, his voice growing faster and faster.  Maryland moans and deepthroats the semi-erect member in order to firmly press about within the dragon's sensitive sheath. Adathus trembles as his sheath is rubbed about and  holds on to Maryland for support, nearly falling down before dropping to his knees and leaning over her panting heavily Maryland swallows the tiny bit of seed that managed to spill from the worn out member, slowly and seductively, slithering her tongue out from the dragon's sheath, and kisses him firmly, forcing him to taste the sloppy mess that was once coating his cock.  Adathus tries to kiss her, taking breaths in between kisses, trying to get his breath back before moving back in and attacking her mouth.   "Oh Lords, Gods above.  Oh Maryland.  Oh God, that was amazing, how did you even know," he trails off as he falls down panting. "Oh, it was just a hunch." she giggles and pulls him over to her, resting his head on her breasts.  He looks out the window at the golden purple sunset and sighs before tensing up. "Oh shit," he laughs to himself "I missed my flight." Maryland laughs with him and they look into each others eyes. "But it was so worth it." Maryland puts her arms around him and they fall asleep exhausted.


Shiragos stirred on his bed; unable to sleep for yet another night. He glared over at his sister who was soundly asleep. The scents of the Clans males was all over her. He tried to push the thought of mating from his head but nearly every female in...

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