A Change in Flight Plan

Story by Jonathon Ford on SoFurry

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The following story may contain various acts of yiffery between furs of differing species. If such a thing is not your cup of tea, then by all means stop reading right here, otherwise read on and enjoy. Oh, and as usual this story is copyright by me, so ask before using anything from it. As usual comments are always welcome: [email protected]

A Change in Flight Plan

©Jonathon "CJ" Ford

Jordan couldn't help but suppress a grin as he turned the key in lock of the front door of the hangar. He wore a freshly pressed white shirt with navy trousers. The three gold bars on his shoulders reflected the early morning sunshine. The young fox pushed the door open and stepped into the office that was attached to the front of the hangar. Today was going to be his final line check before being cut loose. This was his first real paying job in aviation. In fact it was his first aviation job. His instructor was heading off to take up an airline based job with World Regional Express in Hong Kong, and had been good enough to recommend him as a replacement for this job. The twenty year old fox had only managed to finish his multi-engine command instrument rating and was now flying one of the newest corporate jets on the market, the Eclipse 500. Jordan thought about how he'd managed to get here as he submitted the flight plan for the days flying and went through the pre-flight checks around the airplane.

Jordan had been working his way through the last stage of his flight training, his command instrument rating, and was getting ready for his last hurdle, his flight test. Jordan was sitting in the study room of the flying school office looking over his charts for his test in two days, when he heard the unmistakable sound of a jet engine pulling up in front of the schools hangar at Maroochydore airport on Queensland's Sunshine Coast. He quickly put down the navigation chart that he'd been studying and rushed out into the hangar to see exactly what it was that was pulling up.

The glare that reflected off the new white paint of the aircraft intensely bright and hurt Jordan's eyes to look at the small jet as it turned to park parallel with the hangar. Jordan fished around on his forehead looking for his sunglasses until his paw found the metal frame. He quickly pulled them down over his bright green eyes, a feature that had gotten more then the odd comment from the few female students at the flying school. Now that he could see the aircraft properly without the harsh glare created by the winter Queensland sun, he put his paws over his black tipped ears to prevent himself being deafened by the echoing howl of the little Pratt & Whitney engines that powered the sleek craft. The howling died away sharply as the two engines were shutdown one right after the other. Without the deafening noise, Jordan pulled his paws out of his ears before leaning on the wingtip of the little Mooney that he'd come to know so well during his commercial license training.

The cabin door just forward of the left wing opened and his, hopefully soon to be former instructor, a brown furred timber wolf stepped down from the plane onto the parking area. He took a few steps away from the door before turning around to watch a rather stocky badger step out after him. The pair said a few things to each other before shaking paws, Jordan was to far away to hear what they were saying, but his instructor, Justin, had noticed him standing there. "Hey Jordan," he called out loud enough for the fox to hear, "Can you come here for a second."

Jordan pushed off the wingtip of the Mooney and threaded his way around the various bits of aircraft to where his instructor and the badger were standing. "Jordan have you met Mick yet?" Justin asked.

Jordan turned to the badger before answering, "No I don't believe I have." He said before extending a paw. "Nice to meet you Mick." Jordan said.

"Likewise." Mick replied with a heavy accent, taking Jordan's offered paw and shaking it with a very firm grip.

Mick released Jordan's paw before turning back to Justin. "So we just need to finish the paperwork for this flight and that's it for the day then?" he said.

Justin nodded, "Yeah that's about it. Go ahead and put it in your logbook Mick, I'll be in in just a minute."

Mick nodded and began to work his way through the maze that was the flying school's hangar, as Justin turned back to his young fox student. "Would you mind securing the aircraft for me while I de-brief Mick?"

Jordan, being a typical student pilot even though he was technically qualified, jumped at the chance to get a close look around the inside and all over this new aircraft. He took the keys for the door from Justin's paw and started the ten feet or so to the aircraft door as Justin made his way into the office after Mick.

Jordan unlocked the rear baggage door and pulled all of the interior window shades into a pile that he could sandwich between his paws without dropping any. Once he managed to get them sorted he walked back around the wing and dropped them inside the cabin door. He stepped up into the aircraft and sorted the window shades, grabbing the numbered ones and slipping them into the frames of all the cabin windows. He grabbed the two forward windshield covers and placed them in the right paw seat before he slid into the left. The flight deck on this little jet was about the closest thing to an airline cockpit as a fur could get without being on one. Its flat panel LCD screens, blank at the moment, and Flight Management Computer keyboard set neatly on the forward panel. The two throttle levers and fuel system switches resting on a little pedestal that attached to the forward panel at its base in between the two seats, and the little almost computer game like joystick sitting on his left. He gripped it in his paw and was pleasantly surprised at how well it fit him. He sighed as he put the last two window covers on and ducked back out of the cabin, closing and locking the door behind him. Now that the engines had had a minute to cool off Jordan pulled the engine cowling covers from the baggage compartment and laid them on the wing while he pulled the last few little covers from the compartment and locked it up again. Within another two minutes Jordan had all the covers in place and was kneeling down to slide the restraining chocks in front and behind the nose wheel of the aircraft.

With the aircraft nice and secure, Jordan came back into the office to finish planning for his flight test in two days time. He passed Justin as he was saying goodbye to Mick, the aircraft's owner. Justin turned to face him briefly, "Thanks for that Jordan." He said before turning back to watch Mick get into his car.

Jordan just smiled and nodded before returning to the study room, closing the door behind him so that none of the cool air from the AC got away. Despite the fact that it was winter it was still about 80 degrees out and the humidity was unusually high for this time of year.

Jordan didn't give the incident much more thought, just a good chance have a look at a nice aircraft. A few minutes later however Justin poked his head through the door, his hazel eyes scanned the room quickly until they settled on Jordan's. "Jordan can I see you for a moment please." He said before pulling his head back through the door.

Again Jordan put down the chart that he'd been getting data from and followed his instructor from the room, closing the door behind him. Justin lead him down to one of the school's briefing rooms and waited until Jordan had taken a seat at the little table in the middle of the room, before sliding the door closed to keep things private. Justin slid into the chair opposite Jordan and asked him how his test preparation was going. Jordan said that it was going well. Justin gave the young fox a few extra tips to help him get around things the he knew had a habit of popping up in flight tests and generally went through the test form to check that he knew everything he was expected to.

It was about that point that Jordan was beginning to think that Justin had just wanted to go over his test again. It was also about that point when Justin dropped about the biggest bomb on the fox that Jordan had ever heard of. "You know that I'm leaving in three weeks to go to Hong Kong?" Justin asked.

"Umm, no I didn't know that. What are you going to be doing over there?" Jordan replied a bit shocked that this was the first he'd heard of anything.

"I finished the last of my interviews with World Regional a couple weeks back and they offered me a job as a first officer on the triple seven. So I'll be leaving in three weeks to get settled before starting my training over there."

"That's great." Jordan replied, thrusting out his paw to congratulate his instructor.

"Thanks Jordan. But the reason that I wanted to see you is that since I'm leaving, Mick wanted me to find a replacement for the Eclipse. You're the best student that we've had through here for a while and I thought you might want the job."

All of a sudden Jordan felt very light headed and just about fell right off his chair. He barely heard Justin say that he'd have to fly the aircraft to the coal mines at Dysart three days a week. He was just recovering from the shock being offered a jet command as his first job when Justin just about made him fall off his chair again. "It pays pretty well for a general aviation job," he said, "around the fifty thousand mark, plus a company car."

Justin paused for a moment and looked questioningly at Jordan. "You all right Jordan?" he asked, tilting his head to one side slightly.

Jordan's bushy red and white tail fanned the air excitedly behind him as he just sort of nodded his head. His first job was going to be flying a twin engine jet, and that would certainly boost his chances of getting into an airline later, if he chose to go that path.

"So," Justin said leaning back in his chair, "I take it from your tail that you want the job then."

Jordan snapped out of his half daydreaming state. "Yes I definitely want the job. So when do I start."

"After you pass your flight test day after tomorrow, get that out of the way then I'll start you with the systems on the Eclipse."

The day prior to his flight test went by much faster then Jordan had really wanted it to and that night he could hardly sleep. Partly due to pre-test jitters and partly because of what he was going to get to do after his test in the morning. Jordan was up early the next morning, he took his time in the shower, letting the warm water soak through his rusty red fur on his back and sides. He turned slowly under the cascade of water letting it soak through the cream colored fur of his chest and tummy. He gave his fur a good thorough shampooing and added a good conditioner, just to make sure it was nice and glossy for the day. Not that having shiny well kept fur was going to get him any extra points with his testing officer, but it couldn't hurt either. After a good long rinse to make sure that he'd gotten all the remaining conditioner out of his fur, Jordan turned off the shower knobs and slid the first of the shower doors three sections open to retrieve his towel from the ledge next to the shower.

Jordan toweled himself off, getting his fur about ninety percent dry, before he picked up his brush and started brushing all the potential knots and tangles out before they set and became a right pain later. His bushy tail was always the worst he had a time trying to get it to come up evenly, but after about five minutes of steady brushing, his tail, along with the rest of him, had a nice healthy sheen about it.

Jordan hung the towel over the rack on the wall opposite before padding back down the short hall to his bedroom. He pulled out everything that he was going to be wearing today and laid it neatly on the bed before setting about getting dressed.

He pulled on his under shirt and got it sitting right over his fur, before he pulled on his short sleeve pilot shirt. He buttoned it from the top down before smoothing out the fur on his arms. Jordan pulled on his navy blue trousers and buttoned the tail flap before zipping and buttoning up the front. He threaded his black leather belt through the loops, pausing in the back left side to slip his Leatherman case onto the belt before pushing it through the last three loops and buckling it at the front. He brushed a few loose strands of fur from the front of his lap before looking at himself in the full length mirror on his closet door. He looked like the picture of a professional pilot, but he decided to remove his epaulettes from his shoulders just so as not to appear portentous.

He left his shoes and socks off for the time being, just because his feet got very warm inside his shoes, and the cool tile on the hallway and kitchen floors felt nice in the morning. Jordan padded out of his bedroom and down the hallway to the kitchen, past the dinning room, his toe claws clicking softly against the tile floor as he walked. He pulled a mug from the rack that sat on the center island and poured a cup of tea, which he'd made last night, and stuck it in the microwave to reheat. He set the timer for ninety seconds and pressed the start button before ducking over to the other side of the kitchen to grab a box of his favorite cereal, then over to a drawer to retrieve a bowl. He managed to get his cereal poured before the timer on the microwave beeped at him that his tea was ready. He set the box aside and hurried over to the microwave, he carefully removed the steaming cup from the turntable, slapping the door closed with his free paw. Setting the mug down on the counter top next to his cereal bowl he opened the ridge to retrieve the milk from the door. He held the door open with a foot paw while pouring both his cereal and his tea, putting the milk away before pushing the fridge door shut with his foot.

Jordan set his breakfast on the table before heading out to get the morning copy of the Sunshine Coast Daily newspaper. He settled into his seat and unwrapped the protecting clingy plastic from the paper and folding it so that it would sit at least more or less flat. He took his time reading the major events of the previous day as he steadily munched away at his cereal and sipped his tea. By the time he'd finished with the paper and his breakfast his watch told him that he'd have just enough time to brush his teeth and get down to the airport to get the plane refueled and ready to go, as well as submit his flight plan before his testing officer turned up.

Jordan made quite work of brushing his teeth, checking his white smile in the mirror before flipping out the light and heading for the front door, grabbing his flight bag on the way past the kitchen table. He twisted the little knob on the front door to lock it before pulling it shut firmly behind him. Jordan jumped in his car, a light green Mazda 626, and started the engine. The drive to the airport only ever took between fifteen and sixteen minutes, simply because there's never any real traffic going in his direction at this hour of the morning or any hour of the morning for that matter.

He arrived in the flying school's carpark just in time to see Justin standing up from undoing the bottom deadbolt of the front door. He stood up facing the door his tail fanning the air behind him slowly. Jordan looks at him through the windshield of his car. "He's a pretty good looking wolf," he thought to himself, "a bit shorter then average and a fraction over his ideal weight maybe, but not a bad looking canine." Jordan shook his head to dispel the thought, he had more important things to worry about today, and the wolf was his instructor for goodness sake. He opened the door of his car and stepped out onto the gravel parking lot before leaning back into his car and pulling his flight bag from the passenger seat. Pushing the door closed with his foot paw he walked around the back of the car to the walkway up to the front door.

When Jordan walked through the front door Justin was just pulling the flight record book and airplane keys from the top drawer of the filing cabinet that held the books and keys for all the schools aircraft. "Good morning Jordan." He said without turning to make sure it was him. "Nice and confident this morning I hope." He added before turning around and leaning an elbow atop the front desk counter.

"Yes. I don't think I'll have any problems today." Jordan replied, standing up tall and proud.

"Good to hear," Justin said with a smile, "I just got a call from Alan as I pulled in saying that he was leaving Pine Rivers. So he'll be here in about an hour."

Jordan nodded and headed off to the study room to get his plan finalized before submitting it to Air Traffic Control for approval and before going out to check the plane, a little twin engine Piper Seneca, and finally get the thing refueled. Jordan had his flight plan form laid out on the desk as he filled in the wind information from the forecasts. He was so intent on what he was doing that he didn't hear the door squeak open a fraction. Justin had popped his head in, "You want this thing with full tanks I presume?" he said, making Jordan jump in his chair slightly. Justin just grinned. He had a habit of doing things like that, just to see everyone's reaction.

"Yes please Justin." Was the meek reply as Jordan recovered his composure and continued to work.

"Right then." Justin said sliding his head back out the door.

Jordan heard the sound of the aircraft book and keys being lifted from the counter in the foyer and Justin's heavy paw steps as he headed out through the hangar to take the aircraft up to the fuel depot and get it refueled for the fox. A minute or so after Justin had taxied away Jordan had his plan finished and came out to behind the front desk, jumping on the internet to submit his plan to ATC.

By the time that Justin got back from fueling the aircraft Jordan had all his paperwork ready to go and sitting in the briefing room that Alan always used for the ground part of these tests. Justin walked past and looked at his watch as he leaned on the door frame. "You should have just enough time to get your daily inspection of the aircraft done before Alan gets here." He said.

Jordan nodded, pushed in the chair that he'd been leaning on, and padding out through the hangar and onto the active area of the airport, though it was still pretty quiet at this time of morning. He went around the airplane checking that everything was in order and the way that it should be before a flight. It took him about ten minutes to get all the way around the small twin, but he didn't want to miss anything. Finally satisfied that everything was as it should be, he headed back into the office, arriving just in time to see Alan, a slightly chubby raccoon with thin framed glasses get out of his car in the parking lot.

Jordan waited for Alan to get his gear out of his car and make his way to the office. Alan pushed the sliding door open and stepped into the building. He always had a smile on his face and he seemed to always have the same bushy haircut, no matter when you saw him.

"So Jordan," he said with a rather heavy New South Wales accent, "We'll grab a coffee and get this show started then hey."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Jordan replied. Jordan had been fortunate enough to have Alan do his commercial license test just over two months previous, and had thought enough of him to be willing to do his Instrument flight rules test as well. Alan always had a coffee before a test, because he could actually start the test while making the coffee and most candidates didn't even notice.

Alan and Jordan sat in the briefing room for more then an hour going over the various questions of law and rules that govern instrument flying, but once Alan had finished the ground questions he looked at his watch. "Shit. We finished that a lot sooner then I expected." He said. "What time did you put for our departure out of here?"

"Eleven." Jordan replied.

"Well just call the control tower and get them to change the times, we'll get this thing over and done before lunch if we're lucky."

Nodding his head Jordan lifted the phone behind the front desk and pressed the speed dial button for the tower. Less then a minute later the phone was hung up and he and Alan were headed out to the aircraft.

Jordan blitzed the flight portion of the test. Getting every approach right on the numbers and handling the simulated engine failures that Alan threw at him with practiced ease. Two and a half hours after they started the engines to begin the test Jordan was shutting them back down again. "You did very well Jordan. You passed with flying colors." Alan said shaking the fox's paw before hauling himself out of the aircraft and stepping off the wing onto the ground.

It took another forty-five minutes and one more cup of coffee before the paperwork was all signed and the little sticky label that said he'd passed was securely in his logbook. He waved Alan goodbye from the front door of the flying school, as he set off back to his home in Brisbane. When Jordan turned around to walk back inside where Justin was leaning on the front desk. A thick white folder rested on the desk under his elbow, and as Jordan walked in Justin slid his paw off the book and lifted it from the countertop and tossed it to the young fox. "Now I expect you to have read everything up to the performance section of that manual before we get started on the ground study for this little bird tomorrow. Oh and well done today Jordan. I'm very proud of you." The wolf said.

"Thanks Justin," Jordan replied with a blushing grin, the blush hidden beneath his red fur, "And I'll do my best with the manual tonight."

"Good to hear it. Now you've had a big day today," Justin said, "Go on and take an early mark. But I'll see you and that bushy red tail of yours in here at nine tomorrow."

Jordan giggled as he hefted his flight bag and placed the carry strap on his shoulder, which sagged slightly under the increased weight. He walked across the stepping stones that had been set into the garden to keep furs from trampling the plants and set his flight bag down in the passenger seat of his Mazda before jumping in himself and setting off home.

Once he got home Jordan unpacked the flight manual that Justin had given him and set it on the dinning room table and the bag with its remaining contents on the floor. He got a fresh pot of tea started by putting on the kettle to boil. While he was waiting for that he got stuck into the manual.

The rest of the week was heavy with ground school on all the systems of the Eclipse that Jordan had to learn before he could fly the thing. But at the end of a hard week of pouring over manual after manual Jordan was sitting in the left paw seat of the jet, starting its Pratt & Whitney engines for the first time.

If Jordan had though that Justin had been tough on him during his instrument training, this was taking things to a whole new level. Justin rode him hard for three days of flight training, doing take-off and landing after take-off and landing, it was hard work learning how everything in the aircraft really worked and how the thing handled under different conditions, because after all, there is only so much you can get out of manual.

A week had passed since then and now here he was finishing the last of the three line checks, or flights with his instructor riding shotgun but not actually doing anything. They pulled up in front of the hangar and Jordan shutdown the engines, listening to the humming dying away as he turned one then the other fuel switch off. Justin pulled the aircraft's flight log from the side pocket on the right paw side and jotted down the various numbers and readings that needed to be recorded after every flight. "Well Jordan," he said slipping his headset off of his lupine ears, "You've done better then I could have hoped for you to do and I'm very glad to have flown with you these last few months. I hope that you get wherever it is that you want to go in this silly game." He said before extending his paw across the center console.

Jordan took hold of the wolf's paw and shook it vigorously before smiling and slipping out of his seat. It took about fifteen minutes to get the aircraft covers on and the plane back into the hangar. He had another trip in two days time but for now he could go home and relax.

The weekend seemed to pass much too quickly for Jordan's liking, though the BBQ on Saturday afternoon with a few furs that had come up from Brisbane was nice to break things up. So now it was again Monday and the cycle of flying would start all over again. The sun was only just creeping over the horizon as Jordan stood by the door of the aircraft waiting for Mick and his other passengers to arrive.

Mick and his other traveling companions arrived and Jordan got things underway. The flight both up to Dysart and back were nice and uneventful, just the way he liked them. The flight on Wednesday for a midweek crew change was the same, in fact Jordan made very good time on the way home, arriving back at Maroochydore just under a half hour early, and giving him enough time to catch up if a few mates before dinner. Friday however was a much different story. The winds had been very poorly predicted and what should have been a good tailwind turned out to be a massive headwind, which meant that he'd burned a lot more fuel then planned and made it necessary to stop for fuel on the way home. After a quick look at the navigation chart while dropping off his passengers at Dysart Jordan decided that the city of Longreach was going to be his best option.

After getting airborne at Dysart Jordan called up Air Traffic Control and told them that he was going to make a stop at Longreach for fuel. The controller just acknowledged his slight change in plans and left him to his flight. About a half hour later the city and its airport came into view as Jordan descended from his cruise altitude. The giant Boeing 747 that sat parked as a part of the Qantas museum was a dead giveaway as to what airport he was flying over.

Jordan landed and taxied off the runway, calling ATC again to let them know that he'd landed safely. Jordan pulled up in front of the fuel depot and shut down the engines. He pulled the aircraft record book from the sidewall pocket on the right paw side of the cockpit and jotted down the times and other figures. He rested his headset on the two throttle levers before slipping out of his seat and back to the door of the aircraft.

As he opened the door a wave of heat rolled in on him, nearly causing him to break into a sweat just standing there. But he pushed the door open and stepped out onto the hot asphalt of the parking area. The airport refueling agent, a rather tall female dingo pushed open the door of her office and trotted down the few steps to the ground before making her way across the fuel compound. "G'day there mate," she said with a smile, "What can I do for ya?"

"I was hopping to get about three hundred liters of Jet A1 if I could." Jordan said reaching into his shirt pocket to retrieve his airBP fuel card.

"Well in that case it's a good thing you got here when you did, cause I was just about to head home for the afternoon. So three hundred of Jet A1 hey. We can do that." She said before swinging the gates open and heading for the cabin of the fuel tanker. The dingo climbed up into the cab and fired up the diesel engine. She pulled the tanker forward and out the gates of the compound, turning it side on to the little Eclipse.

Between the two of them it only took about twenty minutes to get the plane refueled and all the paperwork filled out. Jordan thanked the dingo for her help as she pulled the tanker away and parked in back in the compound. Jordan climbed back aboard his jet and slipped the fuel receipt into a folder with the rest of them to be processed at the end of the month. He flipped the switch that connected the aircraft's battery to all of the electrical systems and checked the core temperature of the engines. Three fifty degrees c the gauges read. Jordan sighed. The engines couldn't be restarted until the temperature dropped to below two hundred so he'd have to wait another fifteen minutes or so for them to cool enough. He considered waiting in the plane for a moment, but the ever increasing amount of sweat coming through his shirt made that idea very short lived. He decided to head into the main terminal, which at least was air conditioned and he could get a drink to replace some of his lost moisture at the same time.

Stepping out of the plane he closed and latched the door, more out of habit then actual concern that someone would nick something from inside. It was only about a hundred meters from where he'd parked to the airside doors of the terminal, but the walk over had him panting from the heat. Winter it may have been, but it was still a good forty degrees in the sun. Jordan sighed in relief as he opened the door to the terminal and a wave of cool air washed over him.

The terminal was fairly typical of a regional country airport, with some of the local attractions advertised on the walls, huge open beam ceilings, and none of the uptight security restrictions of the large metro airports on the coast. The terminal was pretty much deserted, since the last of the two daily flights to Brisbane had left as he was arriving. With the exception of the furs behind the counter in the café and him there was only one other fur in the entire building. And that was a rather lonely looking otter who was sitting in the passenger area as he walked through to the café.

Jordan ordered a medium bottle of diet coke and handed the old kangaroo behind the counter the correct change before heading over to one of the few tables that the café had. He sipped his drink for a few minutes as he looked around the terminal at some of the decorations on the walls. After about ten minutes Jordan got up and pushed his chair in before heading back to the airside doors. As he started to pass the passenger lounge he noticed that the otter hadn't moved since he's come in. As he got closer to her he noticed her face buried in her paws and he could hear her muffled sobs through them.

Jordan changed his path a bit and after a few paces he was leaning over the back of the chair directly across from the otter. He noticed it was a her as he knelt on the chair holding his drink lazily in one paw. "Miss your flight huh?" he said softly.

The otter's head just nodded as she continued to cry into her paws.

"Where were you headed?" Jordan asked.

"Brisbane," she replied between sobs, looking up at him for the first time, "But they closed my flight before I could get here and I really needed to get home today." She finished going back to crying into her paws.

"Well how much baggage do you have with you?" Jordan asked.

The otter sniffled back another sob, "Just my backpack and my laptop, why?"

"Well," Jordan replied smiling, "I was heading to Maroochydore. Brisbane's not that big of a detour, so you could fly back with me."

"But I don't have any money." She replied, starting to cry again.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just make something up in the flight log for today, the company won't mind." Jordan said with a shrug.

The otter virtually cleared the gap between the two rows of seats and the back of the chair that Jordan was leaning on. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you." She said starting to cry again.

Jordan couldn't suppress a giggle as he hugged her back. "Now grab your stuff and come with me." He said wriggling out of her rather firm grip and standing up from the chair. The otter quickly snatched up her bags and followed Jordan as he headed for the terminal door. "Oh, by the way I didn't get your name." He said as he held the door open for her.

"Celestte." She replied simply.

"Very nice name, I'm Jordan, and that's my plane right over there." He said extending a paw towards the little jet.

Jordan walked Celestte over to the little Eclipse and opened the cabin door before ushering her aboard. Jordan followed her into the cabin and unclipped the stretchy fabric divider that separated the baggage area from the cabin. He quickly got her backpack and laptop case stowed and the divider back in place. Jordan ushered Celestte up to the front of the aircraft and waved her over to the right paw seat.

Despite how fit Celestte was it took her a moment to figure out how to get herself into the seat without bumping any of the controls as she maneuvered around. Once she was seated Jordan showed her how to fasten the four point seatbelt without it doing odd things, after she had the belt done up Jordan helped her get the headset that Mick had left behind adjusted to fit her mustelid ears, in the process getting a very good look at her well toned body and ample breasts. Jordan could feel his foxhood swelling slightly beneath his navy blue uniform pants. Quickly he settled into the left paw seat and ran through the checklist before getting the engines started. With the engines running again the cabin began to cool rather nicely until it settled at a comfortable temperature. After starting the engines Jordan quickly checked that everything was operating properly before he released the parking brake and started to taxi for departure.

As they made their way around the airport to the runway Jordan got in touch with the Air Traffic Controller in Brisbane, making the required changes to his flight plan before departure. He copied down the particulars of his clearance before entering the changes into the aircraft's flight management computer. It was a long taxi back to the start of the runway that Jordan had elected to use and so he used the time to get all the pre-takeoff checks out of the way. As they pulled out onto the runway Jordan asked if Celestte's seatbelt was still done up, which of course it was, Jordan lined up the aircraft on the centerline of the runway, before holding the aircraft stopped on the brakes. Smoothly he opened the throttles letting the engines reach sixty percent and making sure that they were at equal power settings before releasing the brakes and pushing the throttles up to full.

With the fact that they were very light, the aircraft climbed quickly and it was only about ten minutes before they had reached cruising altitude. After about fifteen minutes of just idly looking out the windows of the plane and admiring the view as the outback slowly faded into grain country, Celestte started chatting to Jordan. She asked him about what this or that did, and about the various symbols that popped up from time to time on the little LCD screens in front of her. Jordan did his best to answer all her questions without going into too much depth and getting her lost. But at the same time having to try and hid the increasing bulge in the front of his pants.

It didn't take long for Celestte to figure out what was going on and her eyes traveled from his head down his chest and tummy towards his lap, continuing to discuss random topics. Celestte had thought that Jordan looked pretty cute for a fox when she'd first seen him in the terminal building. And it was fairly obvious from his reaction that he thought she was alright as well. She licked her muzzle as she gazed intently at Jordan's bulging foxhood. "You know there are other ways I can replay you for your kindness." She said softly.

Jordan looked at her in stunned shock for a moment as he followed her gaze down to his tenting pants. When we realized what she was suggesting his face and the insides of his ears flushed bright crimson and Jordan was sure that they were on fire. His red fur hid the fire from his face, but his ears, which stuck out a fair bit beyond his headset, gave him away. Slowly Jordan set the aircraft's autopilot to run off the programmed course in the Flight management Computer. Lifting the catch that held his seat in the forward position Jordan pushed back with his foot paws on the floor lightly, causing the seat to roll back along its tracks until it hit the full aft limit.

Celestte, since her seat already being as far back as it could be, unclipped her seatbelt with a quick twist of the wrist. Slowly she slid out of her seat and around the back of the center console, shuffling on her knees across the small cockpit. Slowly she unzipped the front of Jordan's trousers before reaching in under the navy blue material. Jordan gasped as he felt her nimble paw slide over his sheath and the tip of his maleness through the thin material of his boxers. Before she managed to get the single button on the fly of his boxers undone Jordan pressed a button on the radio control panel, sending the audio through to the loudspeaker in the roof. He let out a soft moan into the mic on his headset as Celestte worked her soft paw pads under the now unbuttoned fly of his boxers and started a gentle massage of his firm sheath. He turned the radio volume up to just below the maximum, ensuring that he wouldn't miss any calls that were for him whilst Celestte was keeping him otherwise occupied. He removed his headset and placed it roughly onto the side panel behind the control stick.

Celestte was hard at work rubbing her soft paw pads over Jordan's sheath coaxing his dark red member further from it furry home. It didn't take her very long to get Jordan's entire length out into the open as she gently maneuvered his member through the front of his boxers and into the cool air outside his pants. Slowly she lowered her head until her muzzle was hovering just above its pointed tip. Celestte drew her lips over her small, yet very sharp teeth before she slipped the head of Jordan's foxhood between her lips. Jordan threw his head back against the headrest of his seat with a loud gasp and a groan at the sudden moist warmth that enveloped the tip of his cock.

Inch by inch Celestte engulfed his meat, using the occasional bump in the air to her advantage. Since Jordan was pretty average sized for a fox Celestte had no trouble taking his full length into her maw, and it wasn't long before her soft nose was being tickled by Jordan's fluffy crotch fur. Jordan's tail thumped happily and rapidly against the aircraft floor, the sound muted however by the humming whine of the engines behind them. Celestte just about had Jordan to the point of panting uncontrollably when the loudspeaker came to life. "Foxtrot Oscar X-ray, Brisbane Center. Contact me now on one two two decimal three."

Jordan tapped Celestte on the top of her head in order to get her to stop for a second. He lifted his headset from beside him and pressed the transmit button on the control stick. "One two two decimal three, Foxtrot Oscar X-ray." He said trying very hard not to pant into the microphone. He quickly changed frequencies on the radio, wanting Celestte to resume her attentions as soon as possible, and contacted the new controller before setting the headset back onto the sideboard. Celestte took that as a cue that it was ok to begin again and resumed her slow bobbing up and down along his shaft. In moments Jordan was back to panting again as his paws played with the thick and soft fur between Celestte's ears.

Every time that Celestte would pull her head up she pressed her tongue firmly against the sensitive underbelly of Jordan's maleness, making him sit ridged in his seat, his head pressed hard against the padded headrest as he panted and gasped in pleasure. Celestte continued to work him slowly building him just to the point of no return and then backing off enough to keep him from going over the edge. The fact that Jordan had to make another frequency change after about a half hour helped her keep him on the edge.

After about an hour of being held on the edge and racked with so much pleasure that it was nearly to the point of being painful, Celestte decided that she'd better let the poor fox off the hook. Slowly she began to quicken her pace, her head bobbing up and down along his vulpine cock, sucking hard at its tip and running her strong tongue over its every contour. Jordan was pinned back into his seat from the pleasurable feelings that radiated out from his groin, spreading throughout his entire system like little shockwaves along his nerves. It was all he could do to control his paws from bumping any of the flight controls. Celestte took him fully into her muzzle on each stroke, she could feel and taste the pre that flowed freely from his tip as she stroked his member with her tongue and tightly pressed lips. When she felt his knot begin to swell markedly she opened her jaw wider and took it into her maw. The tip of Jordan's member pulsed and oozed pre as it was pressed against the back of her throat, Celestte made swallowing movements around his head, causing her throat muscles to contract and pulse tightly around the shaft and tip. Combined with the pressure of her lips locked tightly around the base of his knot and her expert tongue caressing the length of his shaft and licking all around his knot, it was too much for the fox.

Jordan's back went ridged and his head seemed like it would leave a permanent dent in the headrest as small electric shocks pulsed through his system. Celestte felt his cock head jump and pulse as he shot jet after jet of hot, thick fox seed down her throat. She swallowed eagerly, using her working throat muscles to milk Jordan's cock and balls for all he was worth. Jordan slumped in his seat exhausted after being held off for so long. His paws ran through Celestte's head fur behind her ears idly as he sat panting heavily, an odd grin on his muzzle. Celestte slowly withdrew his spent member from her muzzle, licking it clean as she let inch after inch out of her maw. The sensations it caused in Jordan's over sensed foxhood made him pant and gasp for breath even more then he already was. Finally Celestte gave his tip one last lick before sitting back on her haunches behind the center console. She licked her lips in order to capture every last drop of the fox's seed. She savored the taste of it. It wasn't often that she had a chance to taste a fox, but of the few that there had been, Jordan was the nicest.

Celestte shuffled her way back over into the right paw seat and readjusted her seatbelt as Jordan recovered enough to set the auto-flight system to descent mode and begin their descent into Brisbane. Jordan sat in his seat letting his member retreat into its furry home before he adjusted his boxers and got himself presentable again. After regaining most of his composure and they had passed through ten thousand feet on descent Jordan flipped off the autopilot and finished the descent by paw.

The wheels made a sharp squeaking noise as they spun up, and Jordan settled the craft onto the runway with an almost imperceptible bump. The engines howled as he applied reverse thrust in order to take pressure off the slightly underpowered wheel brakes. But he soon canceled the reverse as he guided the aircraft onto a rapid exit taxiway and started towards the General Aviation terminal area. Celestte pulled her cell phone from her shorts pocket, "You mind if I call my friends and let them know where to pick me up from?" she asked

"Not at all," Jordan replied, "Just tell them to meet you at the General Aviation terminal, it's not hard to find."

Celestte nodded as she dialed the number for her friends and Jordan listened to the one sided conversation as he guided the jet to his assigned parking bay. He brought the aircraft to a halt without so much as a bump in the parking bay and went about shutting down the engines as Celestte continued to chat away. It wasn't until he had both engines shutdown that she hung up the phone.

Jordan slide out of his chair and made his way down the back of the aircraft to retrieve all of Celestte's gear from the baggage area and open the door. He ushered her out onto the tarmac before handing her laptop case out to her and then backing out of the aircraft himself. Jordan hefted her pack onto his shoulder, "Shall we." He said waving a paw towards the exit gate.

It was only a couple hundred yards to the exit and Jordan punched in the code to open the gate before pushing the heavy thing open and stepping through, holding it for Celestte. Tucked in under the shade a tree the little GA terminal building sat. Jordan walked Celestte in before setting her bag down on one of the chairs. He was turning to go, when she grabbed his by the paw and turned him to face her, giving him a quick kiss and a hug.

"Thank you so much for flying me down here." She said, "I really enjoyed the trip."

Jordan smiled and flushed red under his fur again, "It was my pleasure Celestte. You have a good afternoon, and maybe we'll meet again some time."

Celestte nodded and hugged him again before he started his walk back to the plane, pausing at the gate to reenter the code to get back through. Out in the cockpit he sat in his seat for a moment, his tail thumping in time with his pen on the little booklet containing the flight details for each trip. Now all he had to do was work out how to explain the change in his flight plan.

The End...
