The Cards

The following story contains some facts and some stuff that is completely made up. It also may contain consensual acts of poker between various genders and species. The following is of course copyright by me. Read on and enjoy The Cards By: CJ...

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Love is More Than a Word

This story is a work of fiction, but was inspired by simulated actual events. It may contain various acts of yiffery between differing species of the same sex. If such a thing offends you or is against the rules in your area then please read no...

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A Change in Flight Plan

The following story may contain various acts of yiffery between furs of differing species. If such a thing is not your cup of tea, then by all means stop reading right here, otherwise read on and enjoy. Oh, and as usual this story is copyright by me,...

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Valley of the Wolf - Returning Home

The following story contains acts of yiffery between characters of the same gender and species. If such things are not permitted in your area then at least don't get caught, or if such things are not to your liking, don't read past this notice. For...

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Stress Leave 5 - Past and Present

The following story may contain acts of yiffery between characters of different species and the same and opposite sex's. If this is not legal in your area, please don't get caught. And if such things aren't to your liking, well don't finish the story....

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Stress Leave 4 - Travel Bonus'

The following story contains various acts of yiffery between two furries of different species. If this sort of thing isn't what you'd call a "good read" then I'd suggest something else. Anyway as always the following is copyright by me. And as always...

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Valley of the Wolf

This story may contain various acts of yiffery between characters the same sex. If such things are not your idea of a good read, then I ask "What are you doing here?" or if you are under age or things such as this are not legal in your area, please...

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ASL Files Chapter 9 - Fox's Falling

The following story is a work of fiction. It may contain scenes of romance and death, if such things aren't your idea of a good read, then read something else. Anyway this story is copyright by me. Comments and suggestions are always...

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Stress Leave 3 - Sharing the Secret

This story is a work of furry fiction. It contains acts of a sensual nature between furs of various kinds. If such things do not interest you or they are against some law where you are, mores the pity if it is. Please feel free to leave, otherwise read...

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Shooting Over Par

This story is a work of furry fiction and may very well contain sexual acts between two males of differing species. If such things are not your cup of tea, then I'd suggest Irish Breakfast. Or if such things are illegal in your area or you are under...

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Cassandra's Second Chance

This story is a work of furry fiction and is based around a story which I wrote for a friend some time ago. It may very well contain acts of yiffery. If such things are not your cup of tea, or they are forbidden, or you are under age, please leave now....

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Stress Leave 2- A Week Off

The following story is a work of furry fiction. As such it may contain sensual acts between furs. If reading such things isn't your idea of fun, or such things are against some sort of law, then I suggest you depart now or at least don't get caught. Oh...

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