The love of heat- Welcome home - part 14

Story by nicker11600 on SoFurry

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#14 of The Love of Heat

Several hours go by with the bright moon high in the sky as Simba has finished enjoying Mushoga's last lionesses, very exhausted from it but still had a wonderful experience taking each lioness from their vagina to their anus and also some with their mouths. Some lionesses fallen asleep while some others nuzzles Simba who lies passed out at the entrance of the cave as the awake lionesses nuzzle on him and his body. Before long the lionesses that are awake begin to feel drowsy and exhausted as they individually fall asleep either very close to Simba or their head on him.

The next morning the sun raises high in the sky as he wakes to the great pleasurable feel, he opens his eyes and looks down at his erected dick to see Samantha putting it in her muzzle and going down and up on it. Simba moans to the feel as Samantha looks up at him to see him wide awake, Samantha takes his dick out of her mouth for a second to speak,

Samantha:" sorry to wake you, your majesty but I just couldn't resist tasting the first load of the morning" she smiles before continuing to pleasure Simba's dick,

Simba:" no need for apologizes do as you wish for now, but soon I'll have to return to your king and the other allied kings" he smiles before moaning from the pleasure.

Several lionesses who heard says "awww"

Rosia:" going to miss you and that big hunk of meat you have" she says who lays next to him

Simba:" if Mushoga and my queen allows, I'll come and visit from time to time" he tells them as they nod liking the idea. After Simba shoots his load into the mouth of Samantha's he says his goodbyes to Rosia and the rest of the pride lionesses and turns back to the meeting land where the allied kings are located who which haven't woken up yet. Simba arrives at the land just in time to see Jerome walk out of the den like cave and stretch his limbs. Jerome looks around from where he stands before seeing Simba approaching,

Jerome:" where were you?" he asks

Simba:" just taking a little morning walk" he lies not wanting him or Baka to know where he's been, worried that if he tells them they would want a 'visit' also.

Jerome:" last day" he then says smiling

Simba:" it is, until two years" once Simba says that both Baka and Mushoga walks out of the cave as they stretch their limbs and yawn.

Baka:" good morning" he says smiling as Mushoga yawns and stretches his limbs right behind Baka.

Simba:" good morning you two" he smiles back. Several minutes of yawning and stretching their limbs and spending the few time they have to talk with one another before doing a final talk about their friendship over the years and then heading back home. Simba and Mushoga sits next to each other at the edge of the little waterhole as Simba tells Mushoga about all that happened in his pride.

Simba:" basically saying your lionesses are going to have a lot to say about me" he giggles finishing his little story

Mushoga:" glad they took 'care' of you and enjoyed your company" he chuckles as they both then begin to walk back to the area where the final meet is located. Baka and Jerome are already at the area waiting on Simba and Mushoga to return as they both turn their heads to see them approach.

Jerome:" everybody set for the final meeting?" he asks as he looks at the other three,

Baka:" when you guys are" he responds as they begin the meeting, the final meeting before heading home.

Meanwhile at pride rock, Nala paces around the entrance of pride rock knowing that Simba would be back sometime today, but her patience is running low with her heat still active as Tina lays close to where she can talk to her but out of the way from Nala's walking path.

Nala:" mmm, I hope he gets here soon" she whines while pacing back and forth.

Tina:" he'll be here" she says smiling at her friend,

Nala:" I hope so, just thinking of him coming back and being here just makes me less patient" she says as she walks out of pride rock to look out to the land.She looks at the large land in front as she sees Sarabi coming up the stairs. Nala walks back towards the entrance of the cave as Sarabi climbs the steps of pride rock to see Nala walking into the cave beginning to pace again.

Sarabi approaches her "your heat still bothering you?" she asks her daughter in law, who looks at her while pacing from left to right,

Nala:" it is, but not only that, Simba is suppose to be back sometime today, and I've lost my patience to wait any longer" she tells Sarabi who chuckles a bit,

Sarabi:" if it makes you feel any better, I've sent Zazu to scout around and to tell us if Simba is coming." She smiles. Nala's face lights up with a smile as she stops pacing,

Nala:" thank you so much Sarabi" she says then giving a lick to her cheek and a nuzzle,

Sarabi:" anything I can do to satisfy my daughter in law" she smiles nuzzling her back. They separate from nuzzling as Sarabi looks at Tina,

Sarabi:" how's your heat going Tina?" she asks, Tina looks over to her,

Tina:" it's tingling but it's not getting bad yet" she responds as Sarabi and Nala walk closer to her and lay near her with Nala's rear legs twitching every so often from her heat.

Sarabi:" that's good to hear" she tells her as Nala looks at her

Nala:" is there any danger of injury for being in heat for a long while?" she asks Sarabi.

Sarabi:" no, there's no harm in being in heat for a long while, it might be irritating, and very painful but other than that no." She nods with Nala sighing in relief along with Tina doing the same making Sarabi giggle a bit.

Several hours goes by as the sun begins to slowly go down towards the horizon as Nala sits at the tip of the slanted rock of pride rock; watching the pride animals do what they do to get ready for sleep while waiting for Simba to return who has yet to do so. Nala sighs and continues to look around the darkening land hoping to see her beloved mate once again but all she sees is the land in front of her, the trees, the pride animals, and the mountains in the horizon as she her ears twitch hearing someone approaching behind her. She looks over her shoulder to see her mother approaching

Sarafina:" it's getting late Nala" she tells her as she walks and sits next to her,

Nala:" I know but, I want to be here to see Simba, when he gets here" she tells her looking at the land then her.

Sarafina smiles "warms my heart hearing your loyalty to him"

Nala looks and smiles back: "of course I'd be loyal to him, he's my greatest friend and most wonderful mate, I can't even think of what my life would be like without him" she tells her. Sarafina then yawns from exhaustion as she then stands

Sarafina:" I hope you get to see him sometime tonight, but I unfortunately can't see myself staying up any longer" she tells her daughter

Nala:" ok, good night mom" she says to her as she watches her walk towards the cave of pride rock before disappearing into the darkness.

Nala looks back forward, out to the land with the sun almost completely gone into the horizon, to continue to wait for the arrival of Simba who is yet to be seen as she then hears a flapping sound getting louder and louder. Nala's ears perk hearing the sound and she looks around to see no one until hearing a familiar voice behind her,

"apologizes queen Nala" the voices says as Nala looks and turns around to see Zazu who looks exhausted.

Zazu:" I'm sorry to say queen Nala but I've seen no sign of Simba and I'm afraid the longer I look the more likely I'll fall out of the sky" he says then yawning very exhaustedly

Nala:" it's ok Zazu, you've done your best and I thank you for your efforts, you may be released from this request" she tells him as he bows

Zazu:" thank you queen Nala, and goodnight" he thanks one more time before flying away to where he usually sleeps.

Nala watches him fly away before looking at the sunset which only lasts about couple of minutes before completely disappearing leaving the land almost pitch black until starting to get highlighted from the light of the full moon that rises from the other side of the sky. Nala stays sitting up for another while before lying down while still looking out to the land slowly lighting up from the moon as she starts to drift off. She tries her best to stay awake but as time goes with her being alone, it becomes harder and harder until finally she lays her head down and drifts to sleep at the tip of the slanted rock of pride rock.

Meanwhile just couple of minutes from pride rock, Simba walks and walks the same path he took going to the meeting area where he and the three other allied kings meet. Simba looks ahead to see the figure of pride rock just right there in front of him, just from the sight of seeing home makes Simba the happiest but he has to see his beloved mate and queen Nala to be any happier as he begins to run to pride rock. Simba runs going by trees, tall grass and little water springs getting closer to pride rock as he finally quickly approach the steps of pride rock.

Simba slows down when reaching the steps so he doesn't miss a step; he then begins to climb the rocky stairs of pride rock as he makes it to the platform. He takes a big sighs of relief that's he's home and now looks to seek for Nala as he peeks into the cave to see the sleeping lionesses including his mother, Sarafina, Tina and others but no sign of Nala. Simba raises an eyebrow to not see her as he then turns around towards the slanted rock to see a lioness fast asleep near the tip of the slanted rock as he smiles knowing its Nala.

Simba walks towards her to then notice something a different color under her tail, he stops walking and from curiosity he looks to see a very redish pink pussy showing her heat has been active for days. Simba with a guilty face feeling bad that he left her in such a state, that might have drawn her crazy with. Simba then walks closer to her and lays next to her on her right side then puts his left arm over his lover as he move his head just close enough for the side of their muzzles to gently touch. The gentle touch and the feel of a mane was just enough to wake Nala as she looks to see the male that lays so close to her to be the one that made her shoot a smile.

Nala:" Simba!" she says almost screaming in excitement making Simba roll on his back as she gets on top of him having Simba quite surprise by her surprise as she nuzzles him and licks his cheek.

Nala:" I've missed you so much"

Simba:" I've missed you too" he smiles as he closes his eyes to nuzzle back,

Nala:" you don't know how much pain and irritation I'm in right now" she begins to say as Simba stops her from her saying anything else by locking his muzzle with hers for a quick second.

Simba:" I've noticed how redish pink it is and the lovely scent from it striking my nose, and I'm so sorry for not being here to take care of it" he apologizes to her as she locks her muzzle with is for a longer few minutes.

Nala:" no need for sorry, because you're here now" she says to him giving him seductive loving eyes, making Simba give her seductive eyes back.

Simba:" want to go to a more comfortable place so I can take care of your little problem?" he asks putting his nose on hers with a seductive tone,

Nala gives his nose a lick "that would be pleasant" she says to him as she gets off of him to let him get up as they walk down the steps of pride rock.

After several minutes of walking they've arrive at the jungle where they reunited for the first time during Scar's reign, the most relaxing and romantic place they know best with a plus Timon and Pumbaa don't live in the jungle anymore adding more privacy for the both of them. They walk around the jungle just to remember where each path leads in case they get lost, as they now approach the bottom of a hill where Simba finally pinned Nala for the first time in their little cubhood game; where there is also a wide area of soft bushy grass just perfect for them to lay on, along with the trees of the jungle that surrounds them being so thick it's almost impossible for anything to see anything. Nala walks on the bushy grass and feels the grass under her paws, as she turns to see Simba standing next to her. Simba smiles and nuzzles her as she nuzzles back,

Nala:" I love you, Simba" she says to him while still nuzzling him

Simba:" I love you Nala" he says back before getting pinned by Nala. Nala lays down on Simba and locks her muzzle with his for a loving passionate kiss, with their tongues meeting each other in the middle. They separate from kissing as Nala moves her head lower and begins to licks his neck, Simba closes his eyes to enjoy the love that Nala provides as she begins to move lower from his neck to his torso and continues to move lower. Simba watches her move lower and lower, reaching his stomach then finally she makes it to Simba's lion cock which is halfway out of his sheathe.

Nala then begins to smell the husky scent of Simba making her heat begin to become irritating but worse than it has in the past, but she toughs it out not wanting to rush this as she starts to lick Simba's royal sized lion cock and balls below which his cock is now fully erect. Simba sighs in relief of the pleasure that's being provided by Nala to his cock as she licks from the base to, the barbs that brushes her tongue as she goes over them, to the tip of it with doing the same thing again in a nice smooth pace while hearing little moans coming from Simba who watches her do her best work before feeling his cock get engulfed by Nala taking his lion dick into her muzzle with her tongue massaging his dick while going up and down on it. She lifts and fully engulfs it once before taking the dick out of her mouth. Nala looks at Simba with loving eye as she turns her body around where her rear is facing Simba,

Nala:" Simba, you ready?" she asks looking back at him with a smile, watching Simba quickly get on his paws and go towards her,

Simba:" you bet I am, my beautiful queen" he responds.

Nala:" then claim me, my big handsome king; you won't believe how much I want you inside me, how much I need you" she tells him as Simba stands over her and crouches with Nala lifting her rear a little higher for Simba's dick.

Simba:" well, who am I to keep my loving mate waiting" he says pushing his hips forward allowing his dick to enter her needy cunt,

Nala:" OOH" she moans out loud in both pleasure and such a relief to finally have Simba inside her to calm her heat and to finally claim her as his queen,

Simba:" ah... oh Nala, you're so tight" he says with Nala still moaning to the feel of her precious opening begin filled by Simba and his sized cock.

Nala:" you're.... oh ahhhhh.....*pants*... so... so big.... I needed this... I needed you, oh my this... this is amazing" she moans as she begins to have a tear or two of joy roll down her face from the feeling being so great to her. Simba leans forward and licks the back of her neck while still thrusting in and out of her with her feeling the barbs of his dick scraping the inner walls of her cunt adding such a unique pleasure, as Nala then decides to roll over to her back where she can see her lover thrust into her. She looks up at him as he looks back at her and leans forward for another time to lock his muzzling with hers while he still thrusts into her with the speed beginning to change as he starts to thrust faster. A muffled moan comes from both of them as they break out of their kiss with Simba pumping and pumping into his lover.

Simba:" I'm...*pant* I'm getting... getting close"

Nala:" I'm...*high pitch moan* ah... I'm with you" they both moan to each other as Nala's claws, claws the grass and ground below her paws,

Nala:" when... oh... you release let me have it all in me" she tells Simba,

Simba:" your wish...*pant* is my command" he smiles

Nala:" I want to... ah... I want to feel those cubs race to my womb" she continues as she begins to feel her orgasm approaching with Simba feeling his also.

Simba:" good god I missed you and love you" he says as he trusts faster,

Nala:" I love and missed you more" she says back.

Simba leans in and locks his muzzle with Nala before thrusting inside her one last time this time; he pushes as far as he can before releasing his cub making juice into her. Nala feels him shoot into her as she smiles feeling the smooth liquid inside her as she and Simba separate from their kiss. Simba waits few more seconds before pulling out as he then lies down beside her who nuzzles him with him nuzzling back.

Simba:" do you feel them racing inside you?" he smiles, Nala pauses for a second before looking at him

Nala:" I can" she giggles as they then nuzzle another time,

Nala:" I'm still so happy that you're home" she says continuing to nuzzle

Simba:" I'm very happy to be here, be in the pridelands, be home, but most importantly for me I'm most happy to be here with my most favorite, most lovely and beautiful lioness" he says as Nala licks his cheek while he nuzzles her as he then yawns.

Nala chuckles:" we ought to call it a night" she smiles whiles still nuzzling him before yawning herself.

Simba:" shall we spend a small time together in the morning?" he asks with a smile,

Nala:" sounds like a wonderful plan" she tells him before laying her head under Simbas.

Simba:" good night Nala" he softly tells her

Nala:" good night Simba" she softly says back as Simba gently licks and grooms the top of Nala's head while she falls asleep to the warm licking of Simba before he falls asleep himself shortly after.

End of part 14