Locker Room Cub: Epilouge

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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#13 of Locker Room Cub

By the time Rodney and Jace woke up they found themselves looking at each other with confused expressions before a click resounded behind them making the pair turn to see a smug Averal holding a camera phone in between his paws taking thei pictures. Had it been the day before this incident the two jocks might have tried to rush the wolf but since last night's occurrence they weren't sure what they could do bound as they least until the tiger noticed his arms were free.

Averal smiled before sniffing the room and waving his nose in a gesture of unpleasantness as he noted the stale after scent of cum, urine, sweat, and male musk permeating everything from the bed to the floor. Padding out of his room, the wolf got a bucket of water he had brought and filled from the bathroom and then dumped its contents over the two like a pair of rutting dogs. Jace and Rodney sputtered as they were drenched before snarling and then gasping when a chuckling Darin hid his grin behind his paw and a sleepy Dave rubbed his head while snickering and yawning at the same time.

Averal ordered the two jocks up off of his bed and then out of the house, which they complied to on the threat of having their photos plastered all over the school and knowing they couldn't take on both Averal and his new sidekick Dave. Mumbling and cursing the tiger and dog got up and left the house without a word with their heads held low to avoid looking each other in the eye as well as the two wolves and the greyhound. Of course they did have to gasp when little Darin said,

"I hope you guys come by again. Playing with you was lots of fun. Next time you both can switch places on the bed." The pup called making the two football players yelp, look at each other, blush and then run out of the house to the car they had shared getting over here while dripping water through the house.

When they slammed the door behind them the trio broke down and began howling laughing while clutching their stomachs.

The day moved on as it always does and by the time the three canids looked up Averal's parents were coming home through the garage door. Since they had the time to clean up and dump all the evidence of what had happened the night prior, the older wolf couple knew nothing but did have a say about the smell of wet dog in the house, to which Darin chuckled and Averal snorted. Dave had decided to head home once the cleaning was done that afternoon leaving the little pup and his older mate together, but not before a few more humps underneath his tailhole as well as a plug stuff between his anal cheeks as a reminder of the latest bout of fun.

When night came, Averal wasted little time taking his parents car out and driving the pup back home. He figured that it was enough time for Mr. Avalon to...satisfy any needs he might have that his doctor should be privy to. When he arrived at the dark house it was to the lack of a car in the driveway and the living room shimmering on. Unbuckling their seatbelts, the two wolves headed inside with their paws interlocking and awaiting what would come.

The fallout proved to be very subtle since Mr. Avalon was an understanding wolf...though the bruise on Averal's face might have spoken otherwise. The oldest wolf had made his concerns know about his thoughts concerning his son, but after seeing the determined fire in Averal's eyes and the bit of proud fury at standing for his mate the older wolf relented. Darin had been up in his room so he was innocent of the deeds downstairs and when he came down his first instinct was to lick and comfort his injured mate/brother. Seeing this and remembering the fond days of his own youth and happiness with his deceased mate, Mr. Avalon gave his blessing and a less than idle threat should Averal stray from the path of faithfulness.

The days passed like the sands through an hourglass and school began with the two mates together, Averal having decided to let his parents in on the news much little later since he was comforted in the knowledge that at least his sister was wise to what was happening. The older female wolf having given warm smiles to the two when she brought her new lover by; a chipper collie female who adored Darin as much as anyone.

By the time the new semester was in full swing another pair was making their own revelations as Jace and Rodney had decided to extend the length of time they had with each other in the privacy of their own friendship with one another. Averal only found this out when he had stumbled on the two making sounds of passion in the showers after school with the tiger thrusting his cock in between the folds of the canine's anal regions. As far as he was concerned as long as they kept their passions away from his mate he would have no problem with whatever they did together, though his mischievous side did rear up and an interesting video did sneak its way into Jace's bag one afternoon after practice.

As for Dave, the greyhound was frequently visiting Averal's house on weekends and exploring the depths of his sexuality with the older wolf and his little mate while confessing growing feelings for someone not in their high school. A tender young Doberman of the age of twelve had caught the eye of the dog and the attentions of his loins. Averal was more than austere on the follies of such a idea as what greyhound had, but it was Darin who enticed a new sort of link between Dave and his crush. Brining the Dobbie to his mate's home, along with the older canine, Darin manipulated the scenes so that nature was allowed to takes its course and inspire new flares of affairs.

As of that moment the Doberman found himself in possession of a new pup and the greyhound a new master with Averal guiding the reigns of the pair.

More time passed and Averal graduated with honors but kept himself near his mate even after high school, choosing instead to take some time away from school in order to learn a few trades at home where he could easily be accessible to his mate. The older wolf coming out about his love for Darin to his parents once his pup was of sixteen years old and gaining much support along the way. The knowledge of their tryst beforehand completely eluded the conversation as it forever would.

By the time the two wolves both into the throes of adulthood they both joined in a formal union with the gathering of friends and family who accepted them. Jill having had grown to bind her doggy lover to herself in matrimony years prior sat in awe while her lover nuzzled into her warm fur and whispered sweet words that tightened the female wolves loins.

Jace and Rodney still unsure but edging towards the idea of coming out together with the passing of days decided to stay together in college and take on scholarships to figure out what sort of future would be in the mix for them.

Dave and his Doberman master deciding on vetoing the idea for a more simplistic coupling of owner and pet without the troublesome burdens of legality standing in their way. Dave having started to work in a construction businesses while his mate worked to get his master's in finances and business.

Surprising enough, or maybe not so much; Mr. Avalon was seen with a large bruin giving Darin away at the ceremony with the two older males keeping their relationship a little secret as they wore bands of union around their middle fingers and clasping paws together once the little pup was given to his mate.

Once they were legally viewed in the eyes of the law as mates, Darin and Averal decided to settle down together in the home given to them by Averal's parents when the older couple retired and moved down south. In there the two made love over and over, inviting Jace, Rodney, Dave and his Doberman to share in their love together while relieving the moments of their youth on video.

Averal lay sleeping in the same bed he had mated with his pup curling closer to the not so little wolf anymore while nuzzling the pierced skin that marked the other wolf as his own while breathing in the musky, sweat scent of passionate rut between them before drifting off to sleep.

Isn't this the way love was supposed to be?