Wolfpack Core - Chapter 12 - Bring Me Round

Story by Reiji on SoFurry

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#12 of Wolfpack Core

Chapter 12 - Bring Me Round

"How do I know you're not just bullshitting me?" I asked him. The reluctance was obviously there.

"For every leader you defeat on their respective planet, I'll be giving you clues on where to find Terry's younger brother as well as Spike. And you know me better than anyone, Reiji. I'm a man of my word. You've said it yourself." He replied.

I grumbled, but if this meant finding Spike, then so be it.

"Fine, dad, you have yourself a deal... "I stuck out my hand. He shook it right back.

"That's the sign of a true man." He laughed in happiness. Something I haven't seen on his face in a while. "Now follow me to the arena they have here at the academy."

I followed him down to the lobby where they had their training area. It reminded me a lot of the one we had in Corneria.

"So, Reiji, are you ready to fight your old man?" He asked me.

Honestly, with no other pressure surrounding me, I actually felt ready to fight him. "Weapons alright, dad?"

"Now with the dad thing, huh? Decide if you hate me already!"

"I do fucking hate you, but it doesn't mean I can't shorten words to say something I intend to say."

"Well, at least it looks like you have the fire within you. I like that! Weapons are fine! Give me your worst!"

I quickly withdrew my blasters and shot in his general direction. With ease, Kurogane quickly dodged the blaster shots and started dashing over towards me. He was charging up a right hook, but I quickly read the attack and blocked it. We traded several punches and kicks back and fourth just barely grazing each other to strike a critical hit.

We were evenly matched throwing punches at each other. At this rate, neither of us could gain the upper hand.

"Enough of this shit." Kurogane said. His hand suddenly caught fire and he blasted me powerfully in chest. I flew back wondering what the hell just happened.

"What the fuck was that?!" I asked. I shot several blaster shots that he easily deflected with a wall of fire that he created on his hands.

"You'll never defeat me at this rate." He charged at me with his flaming fist. I attempted to block, but to no avail did my guard managed to strong. He quickly broke my guard and the punch drilled me straight to the ground. He had me pinned down I had absolutely no room to move.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked him again.

"The Fire Element that you and I both hold." He replied.

"Fire Element?"

"Every one in this solar system is born with some sort of element. They might control the wind, the power of water, or as we both have, the power of fire. It can only be activated if the person is aware of it and knows how to control its power. However to control the power, you have to unlock it from within."

"So how do I go about doing that?"

"We all unlock our potential differently. I can't exactly tell you how to do that."

"So do you know what Spike was born with and what about Reno and Terry? Do they have something like that as well?"

"He was a lucky one. He controls the power of the wind. Your mother possessed the same ability. Those who possess the wind element are rare these days. Reno and Terry though? Ironically got each other's elements. Reno has the water element and Terry is another lucky one with the wind element. Although, earth element users are pretty common themselves. I don't know all of them, but these are the ones I'm familiar with."

Wind element? Rare? Where did this sound familiar...?

"So, I obviously can't defeat you and you've burnt through part of this odd uniform that the Yakuza here wears. Why won't you get off of me?"

"You honestly don't see what's coming next?"

"Oh god dammit, what the hell is wrong with you?" Before I could even go on and continue bitching at him, he started kissing me directly on the lips, shutting me up immediately. I know I should find it wrong that I'm making love to my father right now, but I suppose it's the ONE thing I can't hate him for no matter how hurtful or awkward it is to me.

I moaned starting to reach that point of ecstasy. Getting extremely turned on, I started to tent in my pants.

"Oh, Reiji... You haven't changed a bit, have you?"

"Are you gonna fuck me or not, Dad?"

"Not until you're 100% submissive to me." He got off me and forcefully grabbed my head and stuck it under his left armpit. His right arm was too strong for me to resist. "Take it in, Rei... Submit to me already."

I deeply inhaled his distinct odor. Just something about it made it... Hypnotic, for the lack of a better word. Why the fuck am I into this kind of thing anyway?

After taking in a deep whiff of the sweat that resonated from his armpits, I seemed to have fallen into a trace at that point. It was that scent... That pungent scent that was forever locked in my mind. I was fully aware of what I was doing, but had almost no control of my actions. I suppose this is what it actually feels like to be hypnotized.

"You were always an odd one, Reiji..." Kurogane said to me. He laid my head down upon his lap as he said Indian style in the middle of the arena petting my head. "When you were little, and when she was still alive... We used to be so close... Just something about how you always wanted to be like me when you grew up." He chuckled a bit. "Maybe that was true back then... Back when I was part of the Cornerian Air Force... I had everything going for me. My life was perfect at the time. Spike was just little pup back then."

He gently nudged me to stand up and he did the same. He led me back to the camera room. He made me stand intently in front of the chair swiveling chair he used to spy on my group upon entering. "No one will see us in here, Reiji..."

"Mmhmm..." In my mind, my body felt heavy. I felt like I was about to collapse under my weight, but my body was completely upright and attentive. Having a voice reach deep into your subconscious is really an odd feeling. He started to circle around me as my body stood attentive and erect.

"You never left my side when you were little. You always had this interest in my body and I was more than willing to let you be curious about it. You would workout with me and always snuggle close to me, even when I was drenched in sweat. You seemed to like that a lot. In a way, I believe it helped you out more than I had ever imagined... So tell me, Reiji... Why Reno?"

I felt like I had no choice but to answer him. I felt like he wasn't going to suddenly beat me down for being honest about this. "He means a lot to me... It seems like he's the only person in the world that will listen to my problems and just be that rock that I've always wanted in my life... He's also pretty amazing in bed... If you've ever had a dragon cock, they feel amazing."

"I suspected as much, Reiji. Even when you were younger, he always just seemed like that one for you." His stood behind me and started to pull me closer to him. His tender touch caressing my body as he would slowly make his hands down to my cock. "I've also noticed something else with you, Reiji. Along with your fetish for odors, you always seemed to be in a complete muscle worship mode as well. The more beautifully crafted the body, the more it turns you on."

"I can't deny that..." I unconsciously replied. "Reno is quite the beautiful dragon..."

Kurogane with almost no effort ripped the top half of the uniform revealing my upper body. "But I'm proud of you, that idea behind muscle worship seems to have given you the motivation and the drive to build your own body as well. I must say though, I love what you've done. These scars along your chest... It's kind of a turn-on."

"I'm ready to receive your gift whenever you're ready..." Whoa, did I just say I was ready to be his bitch? Too late to take that back now. All I could do at this point was watch myself feel completely helpless and take whatever he was going to do to me.

"Very good then... I'm pretty sure you remember this from your childhood as well then..."

Wait... What the...?

And it suddenly hit me. I finally figured out why I never remembered a lot of things from my childhood in terms of sexuality. My father was fucking brainwashing me and just doing it on his own accord when I was younger. When I stopped spending time with him and became more independent, he moved on to another target.

Spike... How the fuck could I be so blind to that?!

I suddenly felt myself getting pushed down and felt my pants being ripped off and feel the warm aura of my father's cock resonating around my tail hole.

"By the looks of it, Reiji, You've just figure it all out, haven't you?"

Dammit, am I that fucking predictable?!

"You're used to this anyway, so let's jump right in, shall we?" In a slow, sensual way, he stuck his cock straight into me. He didn't do it in the rough way I was expecting him to.

My sub-conscious slowly started to re-gain control of my body. I decided not to struggle back.

"So you're not actually raping me. What's the deal?" I asked him.

"Why force something you enjoy on to you? If I'm going to have incestual sex with my son, I might as well enjoy it too."

"..." I grumbled at the fact that he was right. Butt sex is butt sex, regardless of if I'm giving or receiving, I'm probably going to enjoy it anyway, so I figured it wouldn't be a good idea to waste a good thing. "So are you gonna go rougher or not? Sticking a dildo into my ass could do a better job than this."

"Oh ho ho!" Kurogane chimed, "Now that's what I want to hear!"

He picked up his pace and started to grind into me faster. The force of his pelvis kept ramming into my ass harder and harder with each pump. Just to prevent me from moving, he pushed my head down into the ground, causing my arms to collapse down leaving my butt hovering in the air for him to fuck.

I grunted with each thrust plowing into me. Every thrust grew more intense than the last sending me further into ecstasy. I know I sound like a broken record saying that, but you try having something you want happen to you multiple times, it just feels amazing that way. I'd start describing it like really good pie, but that's another story for another day.

"So... Dad... Why did you do it...?" I asked him grunting under my voice.

"Do what?" he asked.

"This...? Brainwashing me like that..."

"Reiji, it's not my fault that you have a fetish for odors and just seem to lose control every time you find one that turns you on. Every time it happened, even when you were just a pup, the first thing you would do would be to go for my cock. It's like that was the only thing that seemed to put you at ease. It was safe to assume then that I would probably never have a son or anything, and it would probably be for the best that the Nomishito line ends with you."

"So... I was... Really that perverted when... I was a pup as well...?"

"Fraid so, Reiji, but listen, I'm here to help you and to satisfy our instincts right now. For the both of us, it just doesn't seem like the right time to even go off and kill each other. And by the look on your face, you agree with me too much for this moment not to happen."

"Why do you have to be fucking right all the time?!" I grunted as the tip of his cock began to hit my prostate.

"It's because I'm your father! Just because I don't see my children doesn't mean that I don't know shit about them!" The anger started to build up inside him causing him to thrust even harder against me.

"Fuck!" I yelled out as he kept plowing harder into me. "Start counting the days down, dad! You will fall... By my hands!"

"I... Hope... To... See... That... Day... As... WELL!" He said with each thrust. On the final word, he shot a huge load into my ass. I continuously felt shots of cum shoot into me that it began to overflow in between the cracks of my hole and his cock. His knot was trapped inside me as well. So I guess for sometime, we were stuck like this. As a result, he collapsed on top of me and we just lied down on the ground together as father and son. The position seemed all too familiar.

"I miss those days, Reiji." Kurogane said to me as he flipped from being directly on top of me to him spooning me laying on our right side.

"Miss what? You brainwashing me and having incestual sex or what?" I asked. I couldn't even look at him right now. I was just too confused about what had just happened and what was going to happen.

"Dammit, it's not always sexual! I miss the days of us just being a normal father and son." He actually pulled me closer and began to hug me in the position we were locked in. "I used to love the days when I would come home from work and you would come up and run to me and greet me at the door. While your mother was watching your brother, you would come with me to your mother's and my own room and we would just talk about everything. You would ask me how my day went and I would do that same. Come to think of it, I really miss those days."

"I remember those too..." I began to accept his embrace. "We really did have fun back in those days... What happened to us now? I'm a mercenary at the Cornerian Military Academy tracking down the Yakuza and you're now a mob boss trying to get top dog position in the whole organization... Where did either of us go wrong?"

"What's done is done, Reiji. We're fighting for each other to fight against each other. We've chosen our fates and we can't do anything about it."

"..." I grumbled at the thought. We were really close when I was younger and here we are now, sharing an embrace as enemies against each other trying to find out who is the stronger one. As much as I hated to face reality, I didn't actually want this moment to end. For this brief and fucked up moment in my life, I actually felt like he was acting like a real father to me. Almost reading me perfectly, he held me closer and I sank onto his arms a little as I rested my head on him. His knot was still stuck in me, but I closed my eyes trying to cherish the moment at hand knowing we probably wouldn't get another moment like this for the rest of our lives.

His movement started to calm down a lot as well. I assumed that he didn't want to move either.

As I closed my eyes cherishing this moment, I couldn't help but wonder... Where do we go from here? I've been slapped with an ultimatum and now I would have to face the rest of my team in this rather fucked up situation. How do I explain to them that in order for us to finish our mission, we have to help my father with his? How do I justify their broken bones with a sex session? Well... They don't have to know about that part... But how do I justify ANY of this?

Eh, I'll figure out something eventually. We probably stayed in this position on the dark camera room floor for about an hour. No matter how goody two-shoes I get and no matter how evil he becomes, it still doesn't change the fact he's my father and I'm his son.

Eventually, his knot size reduced and he withdrew out of me. We both got up in our naked glory looking at each other. I looked up at him as I always have, and he looked down at me with the same look he's always given me for years. We knew this was it. The last time we'd ever do something like this together.

"You know it doesn't have to end like this..." I said to him.

"I don't want it to either, Reiji, but it has to. With the paths we've chosen in our lives, one of us must fall. Sacrifices have to be made in order to get further in life. We might not one hundred percent agree with all of them, but we never said life would be easy." He held his arms open wanting a hug from me or something of the sort. I complied and hugged him back. My head rested on his chest as we held each other close.

"..." Why did it have to be this way...?

"I want you to take this, Reiji." he said to me.

"Huh?" As I said, pushing away from his chest.

He handed a shirt. It had a Yakuza type logo. One very similar to the one I had found on that necklace in his room.

"That logo... If you wear one of those, doesn't that mean you're marked by the Yakuza?" I asked. I wasn't going to accept that if it meant certain death to me.

"Quite the opposite, actually. Anyone who wears the given division's logo is protected by that one. It means that you're a part of that division. I take it you found the necklace in my room, huh?"

"Umm... Yeah, how did you know?"

"You showed it to Aiden, didn't you?"

"Yeah... I did."

"That tiger... Always had the wrong idea about everything... Trust me, Reiji. This will protect you from all of my men here in this division. Hell, maybe you could meet up with one and actually get them to join your cause. I'm sure that some are more than willing to get the hell out of here."

"Heh, I'll definitely look into that then."

As much as the shirt gave me comfort, I then realized how cold it was in the camera room.

"Um... Dad... The shirt is definitely reassuring for getting out of here, but..." I pointed down to my penis and it stood up in its cold and erect glory.

"Oh... Right." He began running to the door. "Give me a minute."

Kurogane left the room in a flash to find me some clothes. While he was gone, I took a huge whiff of the shirt that he had given me. It smelled just like him... Lovely.

The thought continued to plague me about the situation at hand. I was given an ultimatum and somehow, I need to make this work in my favor. On top of all that, now I'm learning about these elements that reside within us. How would I go about activating my own element to become stronger? Better yet, how in the world would I break this to Reno, Terry, and Wolf? God dammit... I was hoping that this mission would be a lot easier, but I suppose that just conceitedness talking. I realize I sound like a broken record, but I don't even think Ryan has it as hard as I do right now. All he has to do is kill a direct threat, I have to kill others to kill my father, but in turn it's only helping him.

_ FUCK. _

The door swung open as my father returned with a pair of dark blue jeans. "Eh, it's something from my wardrobe here. Apparently I had taken one of your pairs of jeans when I had left."

"And my favorite pair of jeans for that matter! I was wondering where the hell these went!"

I slipped on the jeans. Still feeling the chill, my dick tented through the jeans. Felt a little awkward without underwear, but it didn't feel too bad... Maybe I could get used to this.

Again, we stared at one another unsure about each other's futures and what fate had in store for us. Not really knowing what to do, I went over to my father and just gave him a hug.

"When we meet again, this will be different, right?" I asked.

"Mmhmm..." I heard him hum out. "Your friends should be fixed up by now. They should be waiting in the lobby for you."

"Even though I don't like you and I hate you with all my heart, don't forget that I always love you, dad." I hugged him a little tighter.

"I love you too, Rei..." He returned the favor. We released each other from our embrace. "Now get on outta here, alright?"

I decided not to wear the shirt out of the room. Figured it would dissipate his scent. I have to say this was one of the weirdest, but one of the happiest moments I've ever had in my life. My father is still the smart, sadistic asshole I've always known him for, but he's still the caring father figure that I'd raise my own kids with... Well, just without the sexual abuse and going evil part, but you know what I mean.

I made my way down to the lobby to find Reno and Terry just resting on one of the benches there. The seemed worn out and tired. I felt bad because they wouldn't have gotten into that situation if it wasn't for me. They were napping pretty soundly on each other.

I poked Reno and Terry. "Hey... Hey you two. Wakey wakey."

"Meh..." I saw Reno jerk up and awaken. "Rei...?"

"Yeah, you two still look pretty beat, are you alright?" Terry woke up at that point as well.

"Well, why are you worried about us? We should be worried for you. Are you alright?" Reno asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Don't worry about me."

"Well, while you were gone, Reiji... We got in contact with Wolf and he should be here shortly." Terry replied.

"Rei... I can't help but noticed that you've left this rather treacherous moment unscathed... Care to explain why?"

"Can this wait until we get on Wolfen?"

Oh boy...