A Lucky Lady

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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This was a Valentine's Day piece for PoesRaven with her characters that I love so much, Kezhon and O'Niece. It's supposed to feature their first Valentine's Day together and I had a lot of fun combining some of her art as inspiration, her characters themselves, and some of my own fantasy and excitement for spending MY first Valentine's Day physically with my Pooch coming up soon!

The art in there is by Poe herself. She's amazing. I actually stalked her gallery SO much to write this, there's references to lots of doodles and references outfits and such in here! The pictures featured are where I got the direct idea for the scenes they're in. I love taking Poe's art, when it's just a stand alone image without backstory, and use it to build in sorta "what's happening here" to the picture. It's really inspiring to me to work with her characters and her art as they are both simply amazing creations.

I hope everyone enjoys, please let me know what you think in the comments and let me know if you want a Valentine's commission too (I have a jouranl with special packages!)

Kezhon looked up from the stove where he hunched over top of a pan where vegetables were slowly softening alongside Asian noodles, all within simmering soy sauce. His nose twitched, breathing in the scent of his soap clinging to her. She sidled over, wrapping her arms around him low at his waist. Her breasts squashed into him, warm to his side.

"Is it almost ready?"

"Mhm, just making sure everything is warmed up!"

Food ready, they moved together to the table and fell into the quiet habit of dinner together. Silence lulled in between short bursts of narration.

"You should have seen the paintbrushes today! Little Ella took an hour, just staring at the canvas, but then in the last ten minutes she just went crazy! She painted with such excitement! It was beautiful. She painted a tree, with just a straight trunk, and then paint almost splattered for leaves. It was really inspired. But enough about that, what did you do today?"

Kezhon froze for a second, picturing a sudden montage of his hours racing from store to store, the half an hour alone spent deliberating over pasties and designing the perfect blend of peach-y flavors into the breakfast plan, and then the hour alone it took to haul it all inside, plus the detour he took to shop for himself... He gulped, "Cleaned."

"You just cleaned all day?" O'Niece asked, idly chewing at a carrot, not really questioning Kezhon's story, though the maned wolf certainly tremored a bit with nervous energy.

"Mhm! Doesn't the house look clean!?" He paused one second, not long enough for O'Niece to really think about that before he shifted. "More food?"

After they'd finished and washed dishes together: side by side with Kezhon manning an oversized dish rag while Niece's hands dove into the warm, soapy mash. They hummed, tails flicking side by side in tune with one another. Then, they moved effortlessly into the living room to curl up into an old, classic sci-fi movie that Kezhon had half memorized.

Partway through, Kezhon nudged her shoulder lightly, summoning two bright blue eyes up to his face. "So, this weekend..." He hesitated, a smile spreading over his face. "This weekend, for Valentine's Day, will you come over for breakfast?"

O'Niece smiled, chuckling softly at how Kezhon, despite his height and size, seemed to shrink into a sheepish little kid when he asked her that, eyes wide and hopeful while his lips shivered with excited anxiety.

"Of course, Big Guy!"

He gave a short burst of excited noise before his arms wrapped around the smaller girl, guiding her up into his lap where she melded into his chest for the rest of the film.


"Okay. Tomorrow is it..." Kezhon gave both arms a shake so that they loosened inside their sockets before he flung open the doors to his closet, letting a sudden flood of bags and flashes of pink and red pour out from within its confines.

"Where do I start?" Kezhon stared down at the floor to all the bags splayed over the space in front of the closet before he shrugged and plopped down onto the floor in front of them. Slowly, he emptied all the bags and started carefully piling the balloons together away from the individually wrapped truffles and other trinkets.

Then, one by one, he started to blow up the first of the red, heart-shaped balloons. His lungs expanded, filling up before he siphoned it all into the balloon and watched as it swelled in front of the end of his nose.

As he worked, emptying his lungs into one balloons after another, his mind wandered back in time through the expanse of their relationship...

Kezhon remembered sitting in the quiet, dim italian restaurant, the most classic and admittedly boring place to pick for a first date. He couldn't stop his hand from quivering. They'd seated at a window seat, with just a bit of a breeze wafting over from the door of the crisp evening.

He remembered the smell of the plants that sat around the front door of the restaurant wafting in, mixing with the italian spices, and hitting him in the face as he waited. He remembered his clothes, the dark slacks with a slim, black jacket over top. He'd even worn a red scarf, tucking it into the jacket when he left but having it fall out repeatedly on the way there until he let it out, flapping around his chest. His hat still sat atop his head, ears perking out from within the drooping, pom-pom topped hat.

The restaurant was nice, but not insanely fancy. He hadn't been worried about his clothes *that* much, but then O'Niece walked in.

She seemed to steal all the air from the room.

God, she'd worn red. The first thing he saw was just that she looked so vibrant. She had so much life in that red dress, not bright, but a vintage, classic shade in a ankle-length dress without straps, depending on its tight squeeze of her full bosom to stay up. She didn't wear a jacket of any type, not even with the chill in the air and had rushed inside quickly and her dress had fluttered back at a high slit, showing a glimpse of her pale legs beneath.

Oh, and her hair... Kezhon couldn't believe how much hair she had. It flowed behind her in a waterfall of just jet black. Then, she'd looked up and met his eyes exactly.

The rest of the night he'd been a stammering mess. He couldn't tell her what had happened when she'd met his eyes like that and his entire body had wanted to seize up. All night, around conversations about her teaching job and of his kid sister, Ravenna, he just wanted to blurt "You're Beautiful!" But he didn't, not until the very end, just as he said good night the words that had beat against the back of his mind all night demanding to be released had escaped and flow out.

And she'd kissed him for it.


"Kezhon, look! That's the tree I was talking about. Doesn't it look just like it has an old man's face?"

The warm sunlight beat against their backs as they walked, Kezhon's large hand enveloping O'Niece's dainty digits as they strolled. His steps had to shorten up, slow so she could keep up, but now the rhythm of it came naturally. He couldn't imagine a time when he wouldn't have her by his side as he wandered through the park nearest his house.

As O'Niece babbled, he just stared down at her, listening. Her face lit up when she talked. Her eyes would half close when she laughed, letting her mouth take over the focus of her face with a huge smile, a laughing, living smile. He couldn't help but stare at her, just smiling.


Image belongs to avatar?user=227358&character=0&clevel=2 PoesRaven Original Location


When summer and spring had faded all the way into fall, their walks never stopped. They wandered, talking all the time. Kezhon never felt more content then with nothing but O'Niece and nature around. He remembered the first true memory of fall.

Nothing but colors seemed to pop out. Grass still green, fading into that half point of yellow and green melding into one, freakishly bright green. Leaves were orange and red and yellow and every mix in between. The trunks were dark, starting to strip down as their leaves fell and fluttered down. Kezhon's sweater had been blue, the warmest thing he could find that morning. Then, it smelled of the girl for weeks after she'd snuggled into his chest drinking cider on a bench.

Her shirt had been red, a deep maroon that brought out the sleek midnight shade of her black.

"Remember rolling in the leaves as a kid? Did you jump into the piles?"

"As a kid? What's stopping us now?"

Rolling in the leaves had turned into wrestling, playful tickling as Kezhon used his massive mitts to his advantage, pouring the leaves out over the girl's hair, watching as the color speckled through the black backdrop.

Pink, then her cheeks had been flushed pink and warm.

He could remember every color like it'd happened the day before.


Image belongs to avatar?user=227358&character=0&clevel=2 PoesRaven Original Location


"Kezhon! It's freezing in here!"

"Come. Come. I have cocoa."

"I don't want cocoa! I want hugs! Snuggle me!"


"Okay. I want cocoa during snuggles."


"W-wow...." Kezhon panted once when his mind suddenly focused back on the present, glancing out over the floor of his bedroom slowly filling with the spread expanse of balloons as he worked through the entirety of the heart-shaped balloons and finally dropped the last of the regulars. Then, he scooped up the spilling back of streamers and headed downstairs.

Piece by piece, the streamers were hung. Then, the truffles and candies all found their way into dishes so that the pastels hearts and wrapped truffles added to the decor of the rest of the room. The rest of the furniture in the room shifted out, letting just the rounded dining table take the center focus before it was set with long stemmed candles, short squat candles with flickering wooden wicks, and miniature tea lights that scattered over every surface of the room. Then, the balloons made their way down to spill out over the floor of the room and the entryway. Once the candies made it to the entryway table in various sized bowls and vases, banners of hearts and miniature envelopes overflowing with kisses and tiny love letters strung over the wall and across the front of the entryway.

By the time he'd finished decorating, the windows were merely black outside with the fallen night. Then, he checked on the pastries ready to be popped into the oven in the morning once he woke up.

With a yawn and a final glance at his handiwork, Kezhon retired upstairs with a long, yawning sigh before he curled up beneath his quilt and closed his eyes, thinking ahead to the morning with building anticipation to unveil everything to her.


"This is it! This is it!" Kezhon took a last glance through the kitchen as the smell of fresh peach tart pastries wafted through the air from where they sat on a serving platter, each individual one showing its sliced peaches arranged to look like rose petals.

Kezhon hurried through the house again, checking every balloon and streamer before he turned towards the bedroom. "And now, for me!"

Out of the closet came one more bag, this one smaller and more dainty than all the rest before it was emptied and went flat. Then, Kezhon carefully slipped into the two piece pajama set in silky cotton. He'd found it in his shopping adventure and couldn't say no to the little, pink panties covered in red kisses and a matching top with scrolled writing that said: "Kiss me!"

Kezhon sighed happily at the comfy pieces, smoothing them out just as the doorbell gave it's chime. "She's here!"

He rushed down the stairs in two, wide stretched bounds before he tripped over several balloons, fell into the entryway, and threw open the door. "Good morning! Happy Valentine's Day, Dove!"

O'Niece's eyes wide huge, wide as saucers. As soon as the front door had opened, balloons all over the entryway floor had shifted into the new, open space and poured around the small woman's feet. Then, her eyes swam up away from the shifting sea of red and pink to the banners. Small, dainty hearts were strung up in colored layers across the backdrop of the entryway, framing Kezhon in a kind of heart tornado where he was the center in his silky soft pajama set, leaving his long, long legs all bare.

"Kezhon?" O'Niece murmured, stepping in and letting the door clunk shut as her eyes carried her feet into the living and dining area only to see the rest of Kezhon's handiwork. Streamers in pink, red, white, and lavender all draped down from the ceiling in drooping, upside down arched that he'd layered so the colors built and overlapped on each other. The actual ceiling merely peeked out through the meticulously laid streamers. Then, candle light bathed the entire room in a dancing, flickering glow of orange. The actual flames swirling atop the wicks of the countless candles throughout the entire room were all lighting the walls together with a flowing, moving lights. O'Niece's hands fluttered in front of her chest before rising, resting against her cheeks in an expression of disbelief while she struggled to take in the entire sight, but her eyes just kept falling onto Kezhon again with his little set of pajamas pleading with her to kiss him and his face, so hopeful and sheepish as she admired his handiwork.

"Did you do all this? By yourself?" O'Niece finally blurted, stumbling over a balloon and falling into the maned wolf's strong arms. He whisked her in closer before bending to kiss her forehead. "All for you, yes. But there's more!"

Like a kid, excited to show off his project, Kezhon brought the feline hybrid to the little table, the focal point of the room, and pulled out her chair. Then, he presented her with the rose-shaped peach tarts which instantly wafted out their rich, sweet scent.

"Peaches! You remembered!"

Kezhon chuckled, smiling at her as he scooted into the chair beside her so that she leaned into his shoulder as she tested the warm pastry. "Of course I remembered..." For a second, his eyes seemed to glaze over as their entire relationship so far rushed past him, just like it had the night before when he'd been preparing everything. "I don't want to forget a thing."

"Oh, Honey."

For a few minutes, they fell silent as the food beckoned more than conversation. In the veil of silence, O'Niece continued to stare around the room. At first, she couldn't handle the mere visual of so much happening. The balloons literally blanketed the floor in pink and red, making it hard to walk through without stumbling. The streamers were so thick they almost became a mess, yet the method showed through in their precision despite being too many layers and colors. The candles wafted out with vanilla and peach, but some of them had different scents too. Conflicting notes from a Halloween candle "Trick or Treat" hit her nose, her seasonal favorite. Then, a rainy-day esque, earth scent sprung up from one of them. When her nose crinkled, focusing in to find it's jar, the side read: "A Day in the Garden"

"Every candle is one of my favorite scents... all of my favorite scents!" O'Niece realized, sneaking a glance over at the maned wolf who chewed very solemnly and almost glared around the room.

"I hope she likes it. I just wanted to make it special, make her happy. I really, really hope she-"


He jerked, staring at her. "Yeah?"

"I love this. This is so special."

Then, she finally listened to his shirt and leaned up, hands finding his soft cheeks before she pulled him into a fierce, slow kiss. They kissed bathed in the flickering candle light as the sun lazily wandered into the sky. They kissed as streamers fluttered above and balloons shuffled below. They kissed as the breakfast got cold, and somewhere distantly in the house, the strains of Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling in Love" began to play from a stereo on a low volume that seemed to grow till it filled the room.

The pair found themselves shifting, Kezhon rising so that O'Niece stood balanced on his feet as they shuffled and danced through the room. The balloons danced with them, kicking up and floating through the air, hearts suspended all around them as they twirled and hummed without a word.

They didn't need to speak.

It was clear in every balloon. Every Streamer. Every candle. Every detail he'd gotten just right or tried to include. They all had the same message.

"I love you."


"How long did this even take you?" O'Niece finally broke the spell when her stomach had demanded the attention return to breakfast, especially since the tart was actually delicious! She licked warm granules of sugar from her lips before giggling, plucking up a fallen peach from her plate while her eyes tracked Kezhon, ever attentive to hear the behind the scenes scoop on the scene around them.

"Uh.. well.." Kezhon looked down, sheepishly hiding the knowing smirk on his face before he shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He shifted closer to her, wrapping both arms around the smaller feline's body before pulling her smoothly onto his lap so that she melted against his chest. "What matters is that you smiled."

O'Niece laughed, a huge smile spreading over her face.

"I didn't even get you anything!"

"Oh!" Kezhon blushed, unsure how to respond. "That's okay!"

"You dork! Of course I got you something!" O'Niece shifted so that she straddled over the male's lap, wriggling her hips playfully as her tail ruffled and danced behind her. She wriggled a bit extra, adjusting the flowy, white dress she wore. Kezhon hadn't truly noticed it until now when it fluttered out around her legs, but she wore a pale shade of cream with sleeves that slipped and showed her bare, freckled shoulders and let her hair cascade down against the backdrop of bare flesh. It flowed to mid-thigh, ending with a series of subtle ruffles before her nude legs showed beneath.

"But first, to get it, you have to unwrap me."

Kezhon blinked, flushing as he met O'Niece's playful eyes. Her gaze peered at him through her thick eyelashes, a playful mischief twinkling there as she raised her arms up above her head in an encouraging gesture.

With a last moment of hesitation, the maned wolf brought his long, slender fingers to the edge of her dress. With a little quiver, he gripped the edge and slowly began to raise the fabric before, catching onto the excitement in the air, he whisked it off in a smooth motion and let it flutter down atop the floor of balloons.

Then, Kezhon felt his heart skip.

Or something throbbed. Or burst. He wasn't sure.

His eyes went huge and his mouth went dry at the sight of the girl atop his lap. She wore a connected piece of lingerie, with a vintage, almost steampunk texture of lace laying over top of a deep red bra, with rivets connected to the straps. The bodice was well defined, lifting her ample chest up so that the smooth, pale skin showing of her cleavage was perky and bouncing within the lifted cups. But, then, a bow brought the eyes to the center in the valley between the two rounded orbs and a strap dipped down, breaking into two that connected into another strap that encircled the girl's waist with a bow hovering above her belly button. Her soft stomach and wide curves filled in the flirtatious piece as the straps stretched further apart, connecting into bows on the edges of her sex, where the leg met to her hips on either side.

He gulped. O'Niece fluttered her lashes and giggled before she fingers whisked up her sides, playfully cupping her breasts before they dipped down, tracing over the shape of her lower lips hidden beneath the panties.

"Do you like it?" O'Niece whispered, doe eyes staring up at Kezhon playfully. Her hips started to shift, grinding and dancing over his lap to a tune she started to hum quietly to herself, without her eyes eyes fully leaving Kezhon's. Instead, she watched the slow transformation from his state of shock and admiration to that, as she started to unlock the desire just hidden within him, a deep, wanting lust that flickered and glowed in his gaze.

"Careful teasing me like that-" He warned, flashing a playful grin before he felt the girl's fingers slide through his hair, finding the sensitive base of one ear and starting to gentle rub, stroking at it while her free hand slide down feeling down his chest. "A-ah- O'Niece, what are you trying to do?" He murmured, flushing and fidgeting beneath her playful teasing, but she just smirked. "You, silly!"

"That's it!" O'Niece gave a squeak as she was scooped up in Kezhon's single arm that he clutched to his chest. Then, carefully, his hand swept the table so that the candles were on the far side away from them and he placed the plates and serving platter onto the now empty chair. Then, he laid O'Niece into the emptied space and returned to his seat.

As she laid back, legs spreading slightly, Kezhon glimpsed where the panties slit between her thighs, showing her bare, pink sex beneath. Just barely, he could see the tuft of her dark, pubic hair carved out into her little heart-shaped accent atop her slit before the nub of her clitoris showed, marking the start of the pink folds. He licked at his lips, lazily spreading his fingers out over her thighs, spreading her legs further before his nose dipped, letting the very tip of his tongue slowly stroke up the entire length of her sex.

"OooOoh!" O'Niece gave a little cry, her back arching and tail thrashing once at the surprise of the first lick, but then, Kezhon didn't pull back. Instead he pinned her thighs to the table, ensuring she wouldn't thrash off the edge of into the candles flickering up above her head. Then, his tongue started to flick and lick along her entire sex, tasting the sweet, tangy flavor of her body atop the table as though she was really the Valentine's breakfast all along.

His tongue worked slowly at first, refusing to rush it's journey from the base of her lower folds to the very top where he'd flick the tip into her clit once- just enough to send a jolt through her body at the motion. Then, he repeated it. Again. And again. And again.

His strong jaws were stretched open, letting his tongue go without pause until O'Niece had started to whimper from where she lay back against the table. He could feel her, progressively, getting wetter beneath his tongue. Her flavor and her scent thickened in the air and in his mouth until he felt her actually tremoring beneath his grip on her thighs.

"C-come on, Big Guy. Don't tease me."

Kezhon allowed a mere moment of conversation: "Hmm? I thought you were my Valentine's present?" Then, his mouth locked around her clit, this time suckling and working the flickering tip just against that most sensitive buzzer. The girl's back arched. Her hips bucked hard, but beneath Kezhon's strength, her small frame wasn't really a factor. She didn't budge. She merely quivered and shook within his hold. Her moans came in burst, squeals and mewls that echoed back from the wall until her entire body froze.

She tensed.

Her butt seemed to shove into the table as she tried to jolt upright, curling around Kezhon's head in her lap before flopping back to the table with a sharp shriek. Then, with a howling feline moan, she came. But, Kezhon didn't let up then. Instead, as she spasmed around nothing, one of his digits slipped inside, curling and fidgeting until he heard a jump in her voice and pressed into the little spot, rubbing just slightly as his tongue continued to work.

"A-Ah! Oh! Kezh-! Ooooh! Kezhon! No! Eek!" Her body thrashed madly again, gibberish escaping her lips in between moans before she was riding the same rollercoaster again, shrieking as a second orgasm followed the first through her frame.

As she started to finish, Kezhon's attention easing back to examine her sensitivity, the feline jolted upright on the table. "That did not feel like a present for you!" She scolded, but her face was lit with a happy blush and she laughed.

Kezhon grinned back, taking in the sight of her hair now ruffled and her entire body glowing with the warmth of her orgasm. "You're silly. My present is getting to make you happy-"

"Well, aren't I just the luckiest girl alive then?"