
Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#4 of One Shots

Here's a short story that I actually had a dream about, weird but it's true. It's...

Here's a short story that I actually had a dream about, weird but it's true. It's a tragedy that has a hopeful ending, and there's no yiff in this one, sorry but you'll live.

Let me know what you thing like all the others through votes and comments.

Inside the small room at the child physiology clinic the boy remained curled up on the floor at the foot of his bed, his back against the wooden frame with his knees against his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. The doctor speaks with his parents outside the room as they watch the boy just sit and stare off into space

"Mrs. Veinstone, it's been over a year and your son still isn't speaking to anyone, he won't speak to our people nor will he talk to the other children" the white ram says looking into the room at the human boy before looking back at his human mother and finally to the large feline that was his father.

"I know it's hard but after so long I'm afraid that you're going to have to accept that he may never speak another word to anyone, we can't force him to just get over what happened so long ago, you can see him now if you'd like or you can go on home, I wish to keep him for a few more days to try one final test to get him to talk" with that the ram turning and started down the hall, his hooves clipping against the ground as he left.

The woman looked through the window at her son before clutching the large felines shirt, he wrapped his arms around his wife trying to console her though it was difficult after seeing her son in such a state for so long and he knew it, even if he wasn't the boys real father he hated seeing him and his mother like this.

*One Year Earlier*

Tim was outside in his tree house just reading through some of his books, kids novels and some manga that he had picked up, he never did like running around like a fool and getting himself dirty, just give him a quiet place and a few books and he'd be there all day. Tim was six years old with messy brown hair and eyes, a normal human boy by any standered though he never liked acting his age except on a few occasions. Standing from the corner and setting his book down before stretching out, he heard his mother calling out from the window to get inside since the sun was going down though he'd rather just stay in his tree house all day and night since he didn't have any friends. A personal preference of his, other children always just wanted to get him into trouble or trick him into doing stupid things because they were too scared to do it themselves, where as Tim, he was considered to be fearless.

Jumping from halfway up the ladder and turning to his home which was a large blue two story house, it was big inside and out, having a large living room, kitchen and dining room, three bathrooms, four upstairs bed rooms, a basement and an attic where Tim stayed since his mother wouldn't let him have the basement. Tim could be considered odd by many 'normal' people since he didn't want friends or to run around and play, not even in school though he was very smart, he made straight A's though never accepted the awards, his thoughts were 'What does a piece of paper mean to me?' and no one could force him to accept it.

Moving into his house giving a stretch as he removed his shoes at the door, his mother insisted on getting all hard wood floors and shoes left scuff marks and scratches, moving into his house immediately going for the stairs to go to his room but was stopped by a call from a man. Tim looked over his shoulder at the large cougar sitting on the couch, this was Jason, his mom's new husband and Tim couldn't care how much he tried to be a 'father' he was never his dad.

"You wanna stay down and watch some TV with your mom and me" the cougar asked giving a smile, he was nice and helped his mother out, it wasn't like he was a bad guy but that didn't change the fact that he was trying to replace his father.

Tim stated his answer by turning back and quickly moving up the stairs leaving the cougar there with his ears back and a disappointed sigh just as his new wife Lisa came in, watching her son run up the stairs to the attic before looking down at her new husband. Moving over and scratching behind his ears slowly hearing him begin to purr as she slipped into his lap.

"It's been eight months and Tim still won't even look me in the eye" the large feline sighed out before laying back, his wife slowly laying her head on his chest "Give him more time dear, Tim can be as stubborn as I can when he wants, he'll warm up to you" she comforted rubbing the cougars chest before standing up and pulling on his arm.

"Now, enough worrying out my stubborn son and come help me in the kitchen, Tim hasn't eaten yet, take him a plate and try to start up a conversation" Lisa said happily as the cougar moved to his feet and was dragged into the kitchen.

Tim was now in his room, a secluded place just like his tree house, pulling on the light bulb string and a purple light enveloped the room, he hated normal lights and so got a black light instead, always doing something to be different and never conceding defeat no matter how much someone told him he was a freak or was wrong in the way he thought, something his dad taught him.

Moving over to his bed in the corner of the room, the attic was large by any means, fitting Tim's dresser, bed, plasma screen TV and TV stand as well as his computer and desk and some things that he enjoyed, video games and movies and such. Sitting down and looking around his room before stretching himself out and turning on his TV, other than being distant and different he was also envied by others. He had the 'cool' clothing, expensive things and technology but he never really wanted to show it off or look down his nose, to him clothing was just things you wore so you weren't naked, a plasma screen was just an expensive box that you could watch movies on, not saying he was ungrateful but he just didn't view them as priceless like other children did.

Letting the anime movie play, something filled with cursing as well as fighting with blood spraying, the normal thing a boy would like to watch but hearing a knock on the trap door that was his bedroom door he stood and moved over pushing it open seeing Jason there with a smile and a plate of food. Sighing before pushing the ladder down fully and moving away letting the cougar up into his room, Jason was surprised at the young boys room telling him that his room when he was young was nothing like this though Tim showed little interest as he stared at the TV.

Jason didn't really know what to say to the human boy, they didn't seem to have much in common and he just didn't know how to spark a conversation with someone who wanted nothing to do with him, as he set the plate of food down on the computer desk something caught both the cougar and humans attention. A squeaking or squealing noise from the rafters in Tim's room, the cougar stepped back squinting his eyes letting his feline night vision separate the darkness as he looked around for what was making the noise. Tim had also moved over and looked up to where the cougar was looking and soon they found it, a small brown dot was wiggling around in the darkness on one of the rafter and with Jason being the larger of the two reached up and scooped up whatever it was.

Kneeling down with the dot in paw letting Tim see the bat laying there with a piece of string caught around it's right wing making it unable to fly, Tim was immediate to reach down and pull the string away letting the free, the bat in turn moved up and looked around shivering as its large ears moved around to find what was around it. Jason reached down to pet the bat who returned the kindness with a free nibbles to his large furry finger making Tim laugh, Jason looked around before setting the bat on Tim's bed

"Hmm, I wonder how it got in here" he asked standing and looking around for any holes in the ceiling as Tim kneeled by the bat to watch the little creature, poking at it a bit before petting it's head which it seemed to respond to by leaning into his finger.

Tim stood quickly "Do you think mom will let me keep him" he asked the cougar who looked back at the small human, this was the first time that he had ever asked anything of him and though it was a little strange for a boy his age to want a bat instead of a dog and Jason scratched his chin.

"I can talk with your mom, we'll see if I can't convince her" he said with a smile that grew a bit as he saw Tim's face light up and quickly move back to the bat, talking to the little creature before petting it a few more times.

Tim's mother though, was less than excited when Jason told her about the bat in Tim's room, immediately rejecting the idea of a bat being in her home let alone her sons pet but with a few conversations and a lot of outright 'No's' Jason finally convinced her to let Tim keep the bat so long as it wasn't flying around the house.

Tim was overjoyed when his mother said he could keep the bat as a pet and swore to take care of the bat and do everything that he needed to keep it happy and seeing how happy Tim was with the small creature his mother had to agree that it seemed like a good idea and Jason was happy that he finally got a foot in the loop with Tim.

Tim had decided to name the bat after he figured out if it was a male or a female, finding that his furry little friend was indeed a female he named her 'Rain,' he also found that Rain was a vampire bat or Desmodus rotundus as the scientists liked to spend all day coming up with very long and confusing words. Rain was normal when compared to the pictures, her body was covered in brown fur and she had a short muzzle with a similar short tail, he found that vampire bats such as her fed on blood like the name told as well that she wasn't like the movies and bit down to drain her victim dry, rather she simply lapped up the blood with her long tongue.

Looking from his computer at the little bat that was laying on his computer desk watching the screen with her little eyes, turns out she wasn't blind just had bad eye sight too, Tim always thought it strange, if bats were born blind completely why have eyes at all. Reaching over and running his finger back and forth over the top of Rain's head making her lean up into his petting before starting to nibble at his finger, he winced when she broke the skin and was ready to rip his hand away before he felt her lapping at the blood that seeped out, he watched with fascination as she drank his blood, leaning down and setting his head on the desk as she drank the blood down eagerly giving a smile at his new and only friend.

It had been a few days since Tim had gotten Rain and his attitude seemed to change a bit, he went outside more to walk Rain around and even let her fly, granted this was mostly at dusk or night time since Rain slept during the day which worked out since Tim had school. Everyday he'd come home and immediately go up to his room to his friend who always seemed to wake up just as he came up the ladder to his room, he'd feed her his blood and tell her about his day before they would watch TV or surf the internet. Rain and Tim lived happily but Tim didn't notice till after about a week that Rain had started becoming larger, he hadn't read anything about her species of bat growing larger than what she already was but being a kid, bigger was better.

Tim had Jason take him and Rain to the vet to have Rain checked out as well as get some shots and put her on record as Tim's pet, the vet couldn't find anything wrong with the bat or the reason as to why she was growing larger, they offered to keep her at the vet clinic for some observation but Tim quickly denied Rain staying anywhere else but in his room and Jason agreed, Rain was Tim's pet and apart of the family not some experiment to be watched.

Even though Rain was growing Tim acted like nothing was wrong and his mother along with Jason did the same, Tim had a friend and was very happy with them, he went to school looked after Rain and even talked to Jason more and was a part of the family so long as Rain was aloud down with much trepidation from Lisa but soon grew to love Rain just like Tim and Jason.

Rain had been Tim's pet for three months now and was a foot in a half in length with a four foot wing span though she never drank more blood, she kept taking the same amount from Tim's finger each and every day and sometimes Jason would give a bit as well though Rain seemed to favor the humans finger over the cougars. Taking Rain back to the vet they still couldn't find anything exactly wrong with the bat or give a reason as to why she was growing so much, she was a perfectly healthy bat.

The days continued on with Tim looking after Rain who was happy with her new home, she had free roam of the house and had even learned to use a litter box when she had to use the bathroom and it was Tim's job to clean it out, Jason and Lisa had grown fond of the little or rather large bat, Rain even tried to help out around the house by picking up small messes as well as keeping rodents out of the house. Tim's mother even started brushing out the bats fur which was now long and held to her more like a cats fur though Rain liked baths about as much as a cat did, Rain did however grow fond of Tim's tree house and Tim soon found that she was staying there more and more so Tim decided to let her have the place, she was close and he could still visit her after school every day.

Life went on, Tim would come home every day drop his things off in his room then immediately go out to his tree house to see Rain, Rain who has been with Tim and his family for nearly twelve months now had grown to stand at five feet on her hind legs and about four feet on all fours when she pushed herself up. Today Tim was excited since tomorrow would be the last day of school and was eagerly telling Rain how he would be around more and they would be able to hang out more and stay up late, Rain seemed excited from just the way Tim was telling her these things. Rain's now long tail swaying as she gently suckled on Tim's entire finger while he petting between her ears with his other hand, Rain was truly a lovable bat. Tim spent hours in his tree house with Rain telling her about what was going to happen tomorrow, he was supposed to get some kind of award at his school but he didn't want it so he would most likely just sneak out and head off, they were used to him doing that at awards anyway, calling out his name only to never have him show up.

Giving Rain a kiss on the ear as he had grown used to doing before patting her head and heading down the tree house and moving into his real house to get something to eat and go to bed, the sooner he went to sleep the sooner tomorrow would come and the school year would be over, at least for a moment. The family of three sat around the table with Tim's mom Lisa talking about what Tim would do, summer school was never a problem and summer camp was unthinkable since they wouldn't let Tim bring Rain though Jason suggesting a trip out to the woods to go camping sounded good. Tim was cautious about taking Rain out into the wilderness however, granted she was a large bat but she had been with them for nearly a year, she might not remember some of the dangers and get hurt or worse. The dinner table was surrounded with ideas of what to do for the summer and Tim constantly reminding that if Rain couldn't go he wasn't going but soon enough they all decided to cross that bridge when they got to it and they all headed to bed, Jason and Lisa going into the living room with Tim heading up stairs and going to bed.

Tim had woke up at his normal time and quickly got ready for school before running out to the tree house like he did every morning, petting the sleeping Rain's head before giving her ear a kiss and running off to catch the school bus, Rain however was awake when Tim left the tree house and watched him run out to what he called a 'bus.'

Looking up and sniffing the air, like all bats her eyes were not very good but she was also larger and as such had far better eye sight than any normal sized bat had, she could see about a yard in a half in front of her which for a bat was very well though she still relayed on her nose and sonar to find what she needed. After sniffing the air she was able to tell as well from the lack of pain from the sun in her eyes that it was a cloudy day, pushing herself up and quickly springing from the tree house and flapping her wings moving high into the air, Tim didn't know it but Rain had followed him to school quite often on cloudy days.

Gliding down and gently moving into the tree that she normally hid in and waiting for the bell that marked the start and end of Tim's final day of school, her large ears moving around as she lets out several sonar sounds to see what was around her and it didn't take long for her to find Tim, he was the only one that wasn't talking or running about happily, it was difficult to find him at first but it became easier to pick him out.

The bell rang and Tim looked up before moving into the building, today they would all just assemble for one class that was mainly just sitting around and talking before shoving every one into the gym for pieces of paper everyone seemed to want their kid to have so badly.

Tim sat quietly in class like normal just doodling in his book the entire class period which was only about half an hour before the principle's voice could be heard over the intercom telling everyone to gather up in the gym for the Award assembly. Tim sighed and stood with everyone before they filed out in a line, the hallway was loud with everyone talking and Tim just waited for the moment to slip away which came fast and he took it them and slipped into the boys bathroom and waited for all the noise to die down before slipping out and quickly moving outside.

Rain was still waiting in her tree licking over her wings before she heard someone calling out 'Tim,' looking up and sounding off a sonar seeing that Tim was standing there looking over at a larger figure who approached him.

The female wolf walked toward Tim as he sighed at being caught, this was the worst person to get caught by, she was mean to everyone for no other reason than she was on a power trip, being the vice principle she was happy to talk down her muzzle to the kids and didn't stand for any 'misconduct' as she liked to stretch out, otherwise do what she says or she'll call your mother and make up several big words to make you sound like a criminal.

Tim was a good boy he just hated it when other told him how he should act, he wasn't going to put on a mask for anyone especially someone that couldn't talk to him like he was a person and not some dog that had got into the trash

"What do you think you are doing out here..." the wolfess folded her arms over her chest as she gazed down at the human "You do know that there's an assembly going on and you are to accept your awards, now get moving" she commanded in her strict tone.

Tim looked up at the wolf then off to the side mumbling 'Why not just throw hand cuffs on me for breaking your laws' though even in a mumbled tone the wolf heard and immediately grabbed his wrist pulling him toward her "I'll have you know in my day you would have been taking into the office and paddled for such a remark"

Tim immediately jerked his hand back away from the wolf "And when was your time, did they have indoor plumping and electricity back then" he snapped back making the wolf put her paw to her chest like she Tim had just insulted her family.

The wolfess immediately grabbed Tims wrist again and pulled him along threatening to call his mother about this though Tim struggled to get out of the older wolfs grasp but soon a loud sound of rushing air caught their attention as Rain landing about a yard from the two. Tim was shocked but not as much as the wolf who screamed out in terror, Tim immediately trying to run toward Rain and tell her to get away but the wolf pulled him along quickly as she ran inside with Rain screeching after them in anger.

Once inside the vice principle screamed for help and told someone to call nine one one and that there was a huge monster outside, this brought a lot of attention to the windows to look at the large creature looking around for her human friend, sniffing the air and sounding off sonar's to try and find him. Tim was also fighting, screaming at the wolf to let him go, kicking and flailing his arms around until a panther grabbed him from the wolf and held him down thinking he was just scared that the bat was going to get him.

Rain moved around in a circle sounding off sonar's and hearing shouts from the large building, she couldn't find Tim even though he was struggling to get away from the panther that held him trying to calm him down and tell him that the bat wasn't going to get him though Tim just shouted to let him go and trashed more. Rain soon heard sounds off in the distance that quickly got louder as police cars sped into the school yard and cops stepping from their cars and quickly surrounding the bat and calling in for animal control, Tim looked over as a knock on the door was heard distracting the panther long enough for Tim to kick him between the legs and scramble to his feet.

Tim sprinted toward the door as the vice principle opened the door for the police dog and Tim took the opportunity to dash through the door pushing past the cop as he darted toward Rain who was hissing and screeching at the police that had surrounded her. Tim pushed them out of the way and immediately moved in front of Rain,

"Leave her alone" he yelled out many of the surrounding police trying to get the child away from the bat while others looked confused at the situation.

Rain looked up hearing Tim's voice able to make out the figure in front of her as Tim and quickly spreading her wings giving a large flap, Tim blinked as he looked over his shoulder seeing Rain lift herself up and lean her back legs forward grabbing onto his shoulders before lifting him up into the air with many shouts and screams from on lookers and police.

Tim didn't know what to do, he wasn't scared since Rain had done this once before and it wasn't like she was going to drop him or anything though as she flew higher he looked around and wondered where she was taking him, looking down and seeing several police cars following him as Rain flew away from the school. The building slowly began to change and Tim realized that Rain was taking him back home though he did watch as the police cars chased them he really didn't know what was going to happy to Rain now, she had ran from police which he knew was bad when a human or an anthro did it but what would happen to Rain.

Looking forward again as they neared his house he saw a white truck sitting outside of his house with a police car, his mother and Jason were in the front yard having a heated discussion with the animal control and police people when they hear the police cars coming and see Rain flying Tim back home. Immediately the police and animal control run back to their cars just as Rain tosses Tim to the ground, Tim staggers and falls to on his front hitting his head on a rock giving him a cut, turning himself over as the blood flowed out of his wound with Rain landing next to him before noticing the scent of blood, leaning over and finding the source before starting lick it up believing it to be Tim offering her his finger again.

Tim looked up seeing Rain leaning over him and began to pet her chest just as he heard shouts from behind him, the police run around the corner of the house just as Rain and began licking up the blood from Tim's head as he laid on the ground, the feline didn't know what had just happened but seeing the limp body of the human boy with the large bat licking up blood from his head he immediately took aim giving a shout.

Tim spun his head as Rain look up and lifting her head, Tim immediately moving to sit up and giving a shout at the feline to stop as several gun shots rang out just as the rain started to fall.


Lisa was sitting with Jason the day after the ram told them that he wanted to keep Tim for one more day, sitting in the waiting room for a few minutes before the ram called them back with a happy smile on his face. Moving back into the observation room that had a few chairs and a large glass two way mirror in it, showing a room with Tim sitting there with a smile on his face and even talking to the fur that was in the room with him.

Jason and Lisa couldn't believe that Tim was not only talking but laughing as well, looking over at the girl who was in the room with him as the ram stepped next to them "Her name is Essa, she's an orphan who's brought in every so often to see how she feels about being the states care." The girl slowly turned showing that she was a young anthro bat with short brown fur, two small ears and tail, her wings being attached to her arms as her and Tim talked about the movie they were watching, a vampire movie as it were.

The ram turning and held some papers out to the two parents "Here, just in case" Lisa took the papers and looked down seeing the words 'Adoption of Essa Right' making her smiled as a few tears came to her eyes before Jason wrapped his arms around her petting the humans head gently giving a nod to the Ram who smiled and stepped from the room.

Rain had been buried out under the tree where Tim's tree house built with a gave stone marked Rain engraved in it.