Blitzkrieg, Enlisted, A day of Infamy

Story by Wolf_Ghost on SoFurry

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#6 of War Heroes

Yay, I finally got to updating this lovely story! Man, I was debating on making Alex a sniper... and then I was like "You know what, why would we skip France and the Blitzkrieg?" Cause... well... I was writing about Operation Barbarossa... x.x anyways, hope you enjoy! And yes, species have not been named lol as always.

France, 1940

Alexander von Wulff, Wehrmacht

We were in France, pushing into the country, the panzers making short work of any French resistance. It would be an easy push, all we had to do was provide support for the panzers.

"You see kamerads, we have to keep on pushing," the major would tell us as he led us along one of the trails. As we followed him, he would turn to me and, with a stern movement of his arm, he says, "Unteroffizier, take three of the soldats up ahead and see if you can see anything."

"Ja major," and after calling out some names, my squad went off ahead to scout for any enemy positions. And that allowed them to actually spew out complaints.

"Unteroffizier, the major is a piece of scheiße."

"Soldat, watch your tongue, the major knows what he's doing... it's just... you know... different."

"He has the highest casualty rate out of... you know... everyone else."

"Johan, stop it. It's fine, just need to keep moving."

"At the rate we're going, we are all going to be dead before we even make it to Paris."

I would stop and, with a sigh, I would say, "So far, we haven't come across any enemy positions."

"That's because the main assault force took them out. All we are doing is just getting shot at by stragglers."

I would sigh heavily before I held my rifle firm. "Do you hear that?"

"All I hear is the wind... well... now I hear... French?"

So continuing along the path, we would walk right into some French village... and that lovely French we heard? Well, there were a couple of girls who were talking. And when they saw us... well...

"Courir! Les chiens allemands sont arrivés!"

I had no idea what she said so, ignoring her as her colleagues ran away, I grabbed my radio and said, "Major, we have arrived in some town. It is clear."

"Porcs allemands! Je souhaite que les Britanniques botter le cul!"

I would look up to see some fat man waving a pitchfork. "Kamerads, who's the swine?"

"Should we shoot him?"

"Si les Britanniques ne sont pas, je le ferai!"

"I don't like the sound of that... shoot him."

As he got closer, Johan raised his rifle and fired. I never saw someone's face change so quickly. He went from angry to scared... to sad... and then to dead.

"Did you get that major?"

"Ja, ja, I got that unteroffizier. We are heading towards your location now."

I would smile and, looking around, I said, "Let's go see where those French girls went."

"Sir, why are we going after the French girls?"

"Johan, no one gives a better blow job then the French. Why do you think their country is right next to ours?"

"Bad planning?"

"Oh shut up and just follow me."

James "Ace" Smith

"France has fallen, the British managed to rescue over three hundred thousand British, French, and Belgian soldiers. This has been labeled as the Miracle of Dunkirk... but it has also been labeled as a defeat."

I listened to the radio, biting my lip a bit. Those dirty krauts were pushing into France hard and it seems they took out any defenders. So, as I sat there, something rather lovely soon came up.

"To all the American men willing to join, please enlist. We must be prepared for the inevitable."

Well, I have no family... besides my two brothers, but they have wives and kids so... I might as well just join up. So, I made the plan to enlist tomorrow.

It was the next day that I went to one of the recruiters. He and I talked for... well... it felt like hours, but I think it was only for a couple of minutes.

"So, why do you want to be a pilot for the military?"

"Well... um... I love planes... and I feel like this would be a good start..."

"Son, this isn't some good start, this will be your new life. So, are you sure you want to do this?"

I sat there in silence, wondering if I should do it. Well... "Yes sir... I want to do this..."

And my days as a civilian were over. I was a pilot now...

One year later

"We are under attack! The Japs are hitting our ships!"

We managed to scramble up as many fighters as we could, answering the call that our Navy boys were under attack. So I got into my fighter and went on my way to aid our ships.

"This is Corporal Ace reporting." Ace, that's what my nickname was... turns out I was one hell of a pilot. So anyways, a couple of us actually got into the air while the others did what they could to figure out what the fuck they were doing.

And when we arrived at the battle... my heart sank. Both of my brothers had enlisted as Navy... one of them was serving on the Arizona... and as I looked, I saw her... sinking... I couldn't even call it that. It was... tilting... fucking Japs!

I spotted one of their planes so, in rage, I opened fire, watching as one of the wings caught fire... best part was when the wing snapped, sending the piece of shit spinning out of control. I hoped he burned in Hell...

"Alright, this is Silver Wing, we are moving in, engaging enemy fighters." Silver Wing... we called ourselves Silver Wing because we believed we would all survive and get a silver medal for our bravery.

Otherwise, we were called the three stooges by everyone else. We liked to have a bit of fun... but there was no fun here, we were angry...

As we flew over, all three of us opened fire, shooting what we could. Funny, the only thing I remember seeing was those red dots on their planes... that's all I shot at. I'm guessing they saw stars... because the next thing I remember...

"This is Silver Wing II, I've been hit, going down! I'm going down!" I would turn my head to see one of my best friends go down in flames... and he hit the water below. I really hoped he was alright.

Apparently, our boys on the ground watched as we came in... they were cheering in excitement. We weren't the only good guys in the air though, but they watched us in excitement... they were excited because they finally had hope.

I didn't even realize that the Japs had bombed our Naval hospital, damn near killing everyone inside... when I found out later... I cried...

I continued to shoot down as many as I- "Silver Wing III going down!" I turned my head to the left to see my left wingman going down, also hitting the water below.

"Silver Wing I, please return to base."

"Sir, I need to help out everyone here-"

"Corporal, this is a direct order, return to base now!"

I sigh heavily before... "This is Silver Wing I, I have been hit! I repeat, I have been hit!" I was doing what I could to hold my plane up, the Japanese must have decided that I was a bug that needed squashing.

"Silver Wing I, what is your status?!"


Not the best thing to say to a senior officer... but he asked. So I raised my plane a bit... and then water enveloped my plane, even breaking through the protective glass. As water rushed in, I ended up smacking my head on something... I don't remember anything after that...

One of my superiors would tell me that one of the rescue boats had rescued my two wingmen and I... I needed to find a time to thank them.


In a small city outside one of the major cities, a fox and a wolf played, running around, laughing and shouting. And as they ran, others watched on, eyes looking over the two children. "Can't catch me," shouted the fox as the wolf chased after him,...

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