Part One: Power Colors and Meanings

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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Hello, fans. I've seen at least two, if not three writers write some paragraphs detailing over how some elements of their worlds work. Soooooo, I thought I'd take a stab at the idea. looks at his palm as it glows with dark blue electricity before dissipating On top of that, I want to reduce the amount of exposition there is in my stories, because I feel I've only made longer chapters in The Calm Before the storm by shoving in a bunch of exposition into some of the chapters. And that honestly made a lot of the writing monotonous. You'd think I would learn, having already scrapped at least FOUR, if not FIVE stories, having been writing for the last two and a half years. (Sighs) Maybe I'm just not cut for writing longer chapters. Why did I bother writing that? .....So let's start off with what's the meanings of a power's color. This basically applies to any power that I plan on exploring in my universe. But let's start off on this: each power has it's own aura, and each aura has it's own properties, depending on the color. That, and what kind of personality one has with his or her Aura.There are seven primary colors for auras, but that doesn't stop them from having a different shade. For example, one could have a dark blue aura, while another could have a pure blue. On that note, let's start off with my personal favorite color. And keep this in mind, Aura manipulation is a completely different subject from what I am talking about, I'm just detailing the Aura properties for kinetic abilities in my universe.Kinetic abilities would include electrokinesis, telekinesis, and cryokinesis for examples. Anyway, back to the main topic.Blue Auras: In a nutshell, this is arguably the common color associated when talking about Auras. Ironically, an attack with a blue Aura is the weakest amongst the others. But what blue Auras lack in power, they make up in their craftiness, and intelligence. They continuously train their powers, and a few even develop abilities that other Auras cannot produce. I suppose the versatility of powers that a blue Aura can produce could be best compared to, say, a bike rider that is naturally gifted in biking versus a rider that has no experience in biking, but continuously trains to be better. As first the former will be better, but give it time, and eventually the less experienced will begin to reach the same level as the gifted, and unless the former trains to do great, he will eventually begin to do lousy.On top of that, they are generally known for showing a very effective degree of self control, between their powers and their emotions. This might not sound like much, but this gives them an advantage in a leadership position, even though the blues prefer to be followers, and let someone else do the leading.Those with Blue Auras do have their fair share of

weaknesses, though. Their lack of power is quite noticeable, but that's not all. They can grow fearful for things that wouldn't easily affect others. On top of that, unless they have positive influences in their lives, they can become easily depressed. This might not sound like much, but they possess a greater degree of sensitivity towards negative influences, such as criticisms and degradation. This can cause their Auras to change to a darker shade of blue, a recovery process that can become quite difficult to recover from. That, and they can become stressed more easily than the others, especially when it comes down to very minor stuff.Now onto the arguably most dangerous Aura. And the complete opposite of blue.Red Auras: What can I say about reds? They possess a far greater degree of power than any of the other Auras. They might not have the versatility of a blue Aura, but do you really need diversity with your power when anything you pull off hits like an eighteen wheeler...?Yeah, that's all I can really say for the Reds. They hit hard, and they can perform attacks more effectively than others. But like everything, a red Aura still has its weaknesses. A lack of versatility with what attacks are pulled off is already mentioned, but they have a more difficult time controlling the raw power they possess. On top of that, unless disciplined, they can go into bouts of borderline animalistic rage. Maintaining positive influences can nullify that somewhat, but an enemy may as well sign their death warrant should they decide to callously destroy those influences. Speaking of rage, they can become unsurprisingly blind to it, which can instantly doom them if they're fighting someone more experienced than them.Actually, I take that back on what I said about a lack of versatility. A Red Aura can pull off the same amount of tricks as the other Auras, it just takes a lot longer for them to do so.And possibly the easiest Aura to describe.Yellow Auras: Like the blues, they have high intelligence and are the more creative of the seven Auras. But that's where the similarities end. Those with a yellow Aura have a naturally higher intelligence, but the blues can think a lot faster than the yellows. Yellows are arguably the happier individuals. They're the more positive individuals, and they make fantastic companions. They aren't perfect like everything else. Like blue Auras, they can be fearful over things more easily than the other Auras. And they can become rather over analytical, bringing up stuff not necessary. And lastly, they can become overconfident with their intelligence, and their powers. Oh, yeah; and they dislike being ignored. No, they LOATHE being ignored!I just realized

something. The first three Auras I just talked about are the same colors of the first three Pokémon games that came out in the U.S. That's kind of funny....Anyway, onto the next color before I get sidetracked.Green Auras: They dislike fighting. Simple as that..... Okay, I'll explain. Those with a green Auras, or whose attacks have a green tint are generally passive; they prefer to be teachers instead fighters. If they are forced to fight, at best they'll end fights before they have a chance to begin. And at worst......they'll play attrition warfare. Even against those that are far more powerful than them.However, they can become jealous more easily than the other Auras, and when something goes wrong, they can be quick to blame others. And like the blues, they are very sensitive to criticism. And we've already reached the last two. I'll keep the last two simple. There are orange Auras, which are the more compassionate and enthusiastic individuals, but they stress more easily, like the blue auras. And there is pink, which is the more affectionate, but they can become obsessive. And that's really it.....wait, there's one more....(growls)Purple Auras....................................................................................................................................: (screams) DO! NOT! TRUST THEM! EVER!!!!!!!!! (sighs) That's all I have to say about them..........You want to hear more, fine! The quickest way I can describe them is that they embody the best characteristics of the blue and the red auras. But at the same time, they embody the absolute worst of the blues and the reds. And by Arceus, they are extremely dangerous. Purples are often seen as the more prideful amongst the other Auras, and there's an air of elitism to them. If there is a redeeming quality to purple Auras, I don't know of it.There are more Auras in my Pokémon universe than the ones I've listed, I'm not listing them 'cause spoilers. Anyway, I'm off. Motivation to write is still dead at the moment, so I'm just catching up on games.

Chapter 9 Draft 1

The next morning was rather uneventful for the Black residence. Even in spite of Amanda returning, let alone the fact that Ethan had a potential target on the back of his head if he wasn't careful. After his morning habit of a sponge bath to wash up,...

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Chapter 9: Departure

Normally the mornings over at the Black residence were generally quiet, save for the occasional sound of young flying type Pokémon chirping for food as their parents worked almost exhaustingly to ensure their young were nourished. However, was a...

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Chapter Two

Part of Ethan was expecting for whatever knocked him out to be already having his way with him as he woke up. Much to his surprise, he was alone as he took in his surroundings. Looking around, he saw the sight of trees up above him, and the light of...

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