Wolfpack Core - Chapter 13 - Now That You're Here

Story by Reiji on SoFurry

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#13 of Wolfpack Core

Author's Note: I had submitted this story once, but threw the order of the stories on the chapter list off. It annoyed me, so this is a re-submit. Nothing's different about this chapter if you had read it once already.


Chapter 13 - Now That You're Here

"Well, Wolf won't be here for sometime, plus we're pretty beat up, so we have time. Entertain us, Rei." Reno said.

Well, fuck.

"Fine... Where do you want me to start?" I asked.

"After they took us to the medical bay." Terry noted.

"Well, he talked to me about the Lylat Yakuza itself. Apparently, he hates how it's being run." I began.

"How's that possible?" Reno asked.

"According to him, he doesn't like the direction it's going in. He wants to do something about it..." Here was the kicker. "He wants me to help him..." I said mumbling under my breath.

"What was that, Rei? I didn't catch that last line." Terry questioned.

"He wants me to help him..." I continued to mumble.

"Speak up already!" Reno yelled.

"HE WANTS ME TO HELP HIM." I screamed.

"And you're helping him?" Reno asked. I nodded back. "WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU FUCKING ON?!"

"I didn't have much of a choice! This involves Terry as just as me!"

"What are you talking about, Reiji?" Terry asked.

"He doesn't like how the Yakuza is being run, so he wants to succeed anyone who's ahead of him in the running to become the next leader. That means every Yakuza leader on each planet except Corneria and Katina. He'll be giving us information about where to find each leader and then a clue on where we could find our siblings."

"How do you know we can trust him?" Reno asked.

"Well, after I surrendered to him, you guys were treated properly, right? Shouldn't that be enough assurance?"

"I suppose, but if we kill each Yakuza leader, that makes him stronger, right?"

"Right, but if we kill each Yakuza leader, doesn't that bring us one step closer to completing our mission and bringing Spike and Terry's brother home?"

"Dammit, I suppose you DIDN'T have much of a choice. Well, that's enough information to satisfy me. I'm gonna take a nap until Wolf gets here." Terry quickly zoned out and dozed off.

"Rei, do you mind if I speak to you in private?" Reno asked me.

"Yeah, sure." He led me outside to the Katina Military Academy main entrance.

"There's something you're not telling me." Reno bluntly said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him innocently.

"Don't bullshit me, Rei, my arm is broken and I'm not up for this kind of shit right now. I know the smell of evil. I also know the smell of cum and sweat. What did your father do to you in there?"

"Nothing..." I said.

"Reiji, stop bullshitting me! Give me a fucking break, you expect me to believe that you were in there alone and had consensual, incestual sex in there?!"

Again, all I could do is nod. Predictability is coming into play again.

"Rei... You didn't..."

"Well, spending time with him made me realize he's the same father I've always known and grew up with. The whole time we were together, we did actually spend time as father and son."

"By having sex with each other? It just sounds so wrong..."

"Well, I discovered a bit of myself in there as well. Apparently, I've always loved this sort of this since I was little. I have a weird fetish for odors as well."

I suddenly saw the biggest grin form on Reno's face. Shit, what the hell was he planning to do?

"So..." He grabbed the back of my head with his uninjured arm and placed my muzzle right under his armpit. "If I did this and you took a deep whiff of my musk..."

Well, fuck. I saw that one coming a mile away. Unlike my father's scent, his wasn't as musky... It was kinda light. Nothing to fawn over and definitely nothing that would send me into a trance.

"Well, something like that, but you don't have much of a musk at all, babe. Now will you let go of me?" I said as he set me free from his grip. "Ow, I think you might've pulled out a couple chunks of fur."

"Sorry about that. Well, it's just kinda hard to imagine that one of the only ways that you and your father can be close is literally being close."

"I've always said that I've lived a fucked up life, Reno. I can't really say much else besides that. It's either you take me for what I am, or don't take me at all."

"Well, I've already taken you as you've taken me." He bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "So, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised."

"Thanks for understanding."

"That's what I'm here for."

I suddenly heard a ringtone go off. "That must be Wolf." Reno picked up his phone. "Kusgari here... Oh, what's up... You've been given clearance to land in the Military Hangar? Awesome... What? You've been waiting for an hour already?! Well, sorry if we were waiting on another certain wolf... We'll be right there."

"I guess he's been waiting?"

"Yeah, we better go get Terry then."

We walked inside to find my father standing in the lobby, as if he was waiting for me. Terry was still sound lay flat out on the bench trying not to move his chest too much.

Reno had an angry look on his face staring him down. I held him back nudging him to calm down. I went over to my father.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"I forgot to give you something before you left... I also have something for the other two as well, so you might wanna wake the sleeping one up."

I turned back to Reno and pointed over to Terry. I closed my eyes, tilted my head to the side and attempted to make him understand that I needed him to wake Terry up. Although he looked back at me confused, I think he got the point as he went to wake him up anyway. I then motioned them to come over here.

"So, Mr. Nomishito, we meet again. Hopefully you're not out to kill us this time." Reno said.

"Cool it, Reno. For the time being we're allies. I'm sure that Reiji here has explained everything to you." The two nodded. "Aren't you supposed to have another member of your team?"

"I'm over here, dammit." a voice said from the entrance. We all turned to see Wolf coming in from main entrance. "I was getting pretty damn tired of waiting for you to show up, so I decided to see what the fuck was taking you guys so long."

"Wolf, it's been a while, hasn't it?" Kurogane said. Wolf came into our little group and shook his hand.

"It's been ages since I've seen you, Kurogane. How have you been?" he asked.

"You two know each other?" I asked both of them.

"Well, Rei, you know I'm a mercenary as well, wherever the money is, that's where I work. Your father has actually requested my help on several occasions. Despite him being part of the Yakuza, he's an honest working man. You're a lucky wolf to have a father like him." Wolf replied.

"I'm sure..." I grunted out.

"So what's the mission this time?" Wolf asked.

"Ultimately, to see either me or Reiji die, Wolf, but in order for that to happen, I need all of you to eliminate my competition, which in turn will lead you closer to completing your mission and finding both Takumei and Spike."

"Takumei?" I asked.

"That's the name of my younger brother, Reiji." Terry replied. "I'm surprised that you haven't heard his name yet."

"Well, I haven't. Everyone keeps referring to him as either your brother or the other kid that got kidnapped."

"We just call him Tak though. He hates being called by his full first name."

"I see."

"Anyway, get on with it, Kuro." Wolf said.

"Of course, I want to run the Yakuza because I'm unsatisfied with how it's currently being run. We have a bunch of idiots running other divisions on other planets. When I become leader, that's all going to change. However, I have the least seniority in the Yakuza being one of the younger leaders. I need you guys to eliminate the leaders on all the inhabitable planets. There are some Yakuza bases in Sector X, Y, and Z, so those are places you're going to have to go as well." Kurogane continued.

"Even Zoness?" I asked.

"Even Zoness." he replied.

"Fuck." That was the only place in the Lylat System I dreaded. I'd rather go to Solar.

"Anyway, despite the idiocy in the Yakuza, they are not going to be easy fights. They're at their positions for a reason. I'm just here to provide you with the upgraded weapons that will help make this job a little easier."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked

"Follow me to the training area." My father led us to the Katina Training Facility. The area was just as elaborate, if not more, than the one in Corneria... I have to get on General Pepper about this when we get back. We stood in the middle of the training facility. To the left of us was the shooting range; ahead was the arena that we had fought in earlier. To the left of us was the gym that student and faculty could use to train their bodies. What set Katina's training facility apart from ours was the holographic training area that students could use to fight computer AI opponents and train for battle.

"You first, Reiji. I know that you're quite the shot with a blaster. So here are your new blasters." He handed be a slightly darker model of the one I have now.

"What's the difference between the one I have now?" I asked.

"This one delivers a slight shock when an enemy is struck by this. The shock will paralyze them for a brief moment in time giving you an opportunity to strike physically and beat down your opponent." he explained to me. I saw a new setting on there that he had modified on to switch from shock blasts, to regular powerful blasts, and automatic settings. The automatic setting would act like a machine gun. Although the blasts are weaker, I blast more shots out at a continuous rate.

"Reno, I know you're a broadsword user. While you were injured, I had my staff work on your sword to remove some of the weight and still make it more effective to use." He handed Reno the sword. His still looked exactly the same. He took the sword out with his free hand.

"It's... So much lighter. I could definitely get in a couple of extra slashes when I strike. Thank you." I could tell that Reno was completely uncomfortable with the hand he was slashing with.

"Terry, you're a dagger user if I'm not mistaken, right?"

"That's right."

"There wasn't much that I could do with daggers since they're light to begin with, but I noticed you were only using a basic design. With these, you have two different styles." He handed Terry the set of dagger. He took both out from the sheath. They had slightly different designs on each dagger. The dagger he held in his right hand had sharp curved ridges that went with the curved design on the blade. The one he held in his left hand had curved ridges going in the opposite direction. "Since you're a righty, the standard issue dagger would work well in your favor. You could easily deal out damage by slashing your opponent quickly and swiftly. The one you're holding in your left hand would be used to deal critical hits to your opponent. Let's say you stabbed your opponent in the chest with that dagger. When you start to tug back, the ridges going in the opposite direction will start to cut up your opponent from the inside."

"Sound brutal."

"It definitely is. You managed to wipe out the original Katina Yakuza before I moved base here, so I'm sure you'll know what to do."

Terry held the two daggers up and attempted to slash. As tried to turn his body, he started to cringe in pain. The injuries were definitely slow the two of them down.

"Oh, I completely forgot the broken bones." Kurogane said. Reno and Terry just gave him the death glare because the bandages and the cast were blatantly obvious. "Let me deal with this..."

Kurogane approached Reno and grabbed his arm out of the cast.

"H-h-hey... What are you doing?! That fucking hurts!" Reno said. Kurogane held his arm up with his left hand. With the free right hand, he snapped his fingers and a soft orange glow emitted from his hands. "What the...?"

With his left hand, he rubbed gently into Reno's arm. I wasn't exactly sure what he was doing.

"That should just about do it." Kurogane said letting go of his arm. I jumped knowing that Reno's arm was injured ready to catch the broken one, but I suddenly saw that Reno had full motion back in his arm. It's like he was completely healed.

"My arm... What was that, Mr. Nomishito...?" Reno asked. He was in complete awe of what he had just done.

"That would be Elemental Healing, Reno." Wolf said. "I take it that you haven't heard of this before."

"No, I can't say that I have." Reno replied.

Kurogane went over to Terry and did the same thing to his chest. In no time, Terry was back to his old self as well.

"Wow... It feels like a weight has been taken off my shoulders... If you don't mind, I'd actually like to know more about this as well. I haven't heard anything about these elements before either." Terry said.

I hate to break the fourth wall, but you've already heard most of this from my father in the last chapter. Instead of wasting all this time trying to explaining something you've heard before, let's just move along with the story progress and see what happens next.

"... And in a nutshell, that's a being's natural element." Wolf longwindedly explained.

"So, both Reiji and Mr. Nomishito here are both Fire users... What are Terry and I?" Reno asked.

"Ironically, you got each other's expected natural element. Dragons normally get air or fire and otters usually get earth or water. Reno, you got water, Terry, you got air."

Reno and Terry just looked at each other with the biggest 'what the fuck' expressions I've ever seen on anyone's face.

"How the hell did THAT happen?" they asked each other.

"Blame the Lylat System." Wolf said.

"Speaking of elements, Wolf. What's yours?" I asked.

"I got earth, but I don't see any point of using it in battle. If my blaster and my claws fail to protect me, then I'd have my reason to use it, but they haven't failed me yet." Wolf said. "Anyway, Kurogane, we should be on our way. Where's our first target?"

"You'll be heading straight over to Aquas." he replied.

"What? The water planet? There's actually a Yakuza base there?" I asked.

"Yeah, you act as if there aren't sea creatures don't exist there to foil operations there. The Aquas Marine Academy has had some trouble with them for sometime. Mainly because their academy isn't as big as the others. There's only so many people in the sea that actually join the academy, but usually they use it as a ticket out of Aquas and into another military base on another planet. If anything, I'm sure they'd appreciate the land tactic help of Corneria and Katina down there. Who knows? We land lovers might actually have something of use down there in the deep blue sea."

"So who's in charge of Yakuza operations down in Aquas?" Reno asked.

"I can actually answer that one. The Aquas Yazuka Division Leader would be Jetai Mako."

"Mako...?" I asked.

"Uncle Jet as I prefer to call him." Terry replied.

"What? Your uncle?" I couldn't believe this. He had a family member in the Yakuza as well?

"Yeah, he's the reason I'm part of the Katina Military... He... killed my father. He killed him when I was about 7 years old. Since then, my mother moved us out of Aquas and here to Katina. She couldn't stand to live there knowing my Uncle was close by. I didn't want to see her suffer and I do hope one day that we can return to Aquas. So I joined the Katina Military to get strong enough to get revenge myself. I've been investigating him on my own time, but decided to join Reno in his efforts to stop the Yakuza here discovering that he was part of the Aquas Division Yakuza. Looks like I'll finally get my chance."

"I see... We'll definitely back you up though, Terry. As my father said, these battles aren't going to be easy."

"I'm aware... Thanks..." Terry smiled as he stuck his hand out. Instead of shaking his hand, I just gave him a hug instead.

"Now get out of here already. You're wasting all of our time just standing here and hugging." Kurogane said.

"Yeah, we'll definitely get going." I said. "Thanks again, Dad."

"Until next time, Reiji." he replied.

I suddenly remembered something as we were walking away. In a quick motion, I took out my blaster and where my father's head was. As quickly as I took my blaster out, he tilted his head to dodge it. As the blaster shot whizzed past his head, it hit an aluminum can on a bench causing it to fly up in there air wildly and land on the ground.

"I never test out my blaster! Works great, Dad. Your reflexes are as fast as ever." I said to my father.

"You're as predictable as ever." he replied back.

"fffffffffffffffff-" I just couldn't spit the word out at that point. I just really hate being predictable.

The four of us returned to the ship.

"Terry, I anticipated your return, so you have a room set up midway between Reiji's and Reno's room, so feel free to make yourself comfortable." Wolf said. "If you need me, I'll be on the bridge making departure preparations."

"Mind if I tag along?" Terry asked.

"Sure, the help would be nice." he replied back. Didn't expect that out of Wolf. He's usually the loner type. I'm surprised he even accepted the help. The two made their way to the bridge, and Reno and I stood alone in the living room area.

Without saying anything, I just grabbed his hand and we slowly walked back to our quarters on the ship. Today has been a really odd day and to receive some normality for once was actually nice. Although I don't show it all that much, I really appreciate Reno's company. I don't know what I would do if he didn't show up at my door that day. Would I even be caught in this little dilemma I'm in? Would Spike still be with me and living our lives peacefully on Corneria? Regardless, this has been some trip and just being with him makes me happy.

We entered my bedroom with almost the same idea in mind. We stripped off our clothes and jumped into bed together. Not to have crazy wild monkey sex, just to lie there and be a couple.

Being as big as he was he served as my pillow as I lay on his chest. With his newly healed left arm, he held me close making sure that I wouldn't slip or anything.

"Some crazy day, huh?" Reno said to me.

"I suppose you could say that..." I replied. I sighed knowing the situation we were caught in. "It sucks knowing that once we reach the end of this, someone is going to have to die... I'm scared as hell knowing there's a chance it could be me."

"Don't say that, Reiji. It's not going to be you."

"You saw what happened when my dad gave us our new weapons. I pulled my blaster out in a second and he managed to see right through my attack. He didn't even look startled with that blaster shot going right towards his face. Reno, you damn well know that I'm predictable as hell. My dad knows this too. Being predictable in battle almost means certain death."

"Well, that's just something you're gonna have to learn to overcome on this mission. If anything, you have a dragon, an otter, and another wolf to help you out with training. We're here for you, Rei."

"But you know, as much as I've cursed his name in the past, I really don't want my father to die..."

"I know..."

I could only sit there in silence knowing that this was the ultimatum that I had to deal with. In order to get paid from the Cornerian Military, I had to eliminate the Yakuza. However, if I eliminate the Yakuza, my father's goal start to reach completion, but if I attempt to kill him, I lose any lead on being able to find both Spike and Tak.

"Just rest up today... We'll just take this one day at a time."

I cuddled up closer to Reno. I suddenly thought up of a song that reminded me of this moment... "I hope you don't mind... I hope you don't mind... That I put down in words..."

Reno didn't miss a cue. "How wonderful life is... That you're in the world..."

AS corny as it sounded, it really did mean a lot to me that he's here with me.

"I love you, Reno." I said to him.

"I love you too, Rei." He gave me a kiss on the forehead. And I began to drift off to sleep. Tomorrow would be another day, and another glorious day with Reno.

I could only wonder what could possibly happen next.