Suit Sentence III

Story by Chams on SoFurry

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#6 of Adult/Fetish Stories

The final part for this series. I was going to do four, but I think three works better. It's heavy bondage like the others, along with some other stuff. Nothing too terrible, I don't think.

Keris had been relatively free for most of the morning. It had been five weeks now, since his sentence had begun. He was still in the suit, but his mouth was no longer sealed and he could see. Tiam had gone as far as to let him use his arms, although his hands remained almost permanently stuck inside the suit's latex 'mitts'. After his last mistake, Keris knew better than to stand up any higher than his knees. He looked out the glass doors and watched the trees sway slowly, a grey mist of rain making the wooden balcony wet. The house was isolated, perched on top of a hill a long way from the city. Keris would have escaped if he could, but he knew that the suit would stiffen and seal if he strayed more than a little way outside the house, and his collar would give him more than just a couple of shocks as punishment.

He could use some of the stuff around the house to keep himself occupied, if he wanted, like the hologram. Keris was aware of why. This morning he had put himself in a begging position at the end of the bed, after Tiam had suggested that he liked waking up to that. Along with a pillow at his dog bed, Keris had been rewarded with a level of freedom he hadn't known since the suit was put on.

The lion wandered into the room, dressed in a good shirt and black pants with a glass of iced water in his right hand. Outside of his bedroom, Tiam was always dressed very well. Tiam's hand came to rest on Keris' head. The cheetah glanced up at him. A few weeks ago, he would've protested at that.

" I thought you'd be keen on using the network."

" I prefer this right now."

Clawtips pressed around his skull.

" Sir." Keris muttered.

The grip eased back and he felt the claws gently rolling behind his ears. " I feel like cropping you today."

" But I haven't - "

" I know. It's happening anyway, a legal requirement mostly. Just fifteen - it won't be like when you've been asking for it. If you're coming into the spare room willingly, I'll let you rest up against my lap tonight, and you can stay free for most of tomorrow." Tiam offered.

It was as good an offer as Keris was going to get, and he knew it. As a slave, he had no choice in the matter, beyond the rewards and punishments that the lion offered. " Yes, Sir."

" Good pet."

The suit came to life around his neck and shoulders, gently stimulating Keris' muscles in a pleasurable manner, forcing a momentary purr out of his throat before he stopped himself from making that noise.

He caught a glimpse of the grin on Tiam's face.

As he looked out the window again, Keris found that he was barely angry anymore. Tiam had been insidious in his own way, showing a mix of affection and, when Keris disobeyed, a fierce dominance. By now, he had almost started wanting to please the lion. When it came down to it, Keris thought he would have been better off with the vixen, who seemed to have wanted to punish him regardless of what he did. At least then he might not have found himself being made a slave both in mind and body.

In any case, there was nothing he could do about it now. That fact had been made extremely clear.

He followed on all fours behind Tiam, taking the familiar path through the hallway and into the spare room, which was essentially a dungeon considering the manner in which it got used. Memories of being dragged on his back by the leash came to Keris, reminding him of the trial that was his first week here. Tiam looked at the cheetah, then at the padded bench. It had started to feel almost like he wanted to do stuff like this, lately. Keris pulled himself up onto the bench and lay on his back, resting his head against the soft material. The furniture itself was curved slightly inwards, making a comfortable spot for someone like Keris to lay. Tiam took a hold of the cheetah's arms and slowly pressed them up against his chest, flicking a button on his little console. The suit started to seal his arms to his body, restricting Keris in much the same way that a straitjacket would. He gave a small struggle, but only after the suit had finished binding him. A pleasant pressure rolled around Keris' shoulders, presumably as a reward for being bound without having to be forced.

" You're less angry than when I first got you." Tiam commented.

" Yeah, well..."

A steel shackle was locked around Keris' right ankle. After having been bound and gagged half the time, fucked repeatedly and made to act as Tiam's plaything, he didn't have much of an ego left to defend. That, and the fact that he found life inside the suit easier, in a way. Less responsibility and more time to think. Another shackle was locked around his left ankle. It was an effective deterrent. Keris was sure as hell that he wouldn't be putting himself in this situation ever again. Maybe. After two more years he was afraid of finding himself wanting to be put back in a suit voluntarily. If Tiam asked him to. Maybe. Chains were clipped to the shackles and pulled up to rivets in the walls, leaving his legs spread and pulled up high.

" How many slaves have you had?" Keris asked.

Tiam wrapped a silver rope around Keris' torso, crossing it over his chest and arms, then tying it down to the bench again and again until he could barely move. " Yes?"

He gritted his teeth. " Master."

" A few, full time. You've been adjusting pretty quickly, compared to the others. Or maybe I'm just more experienced with it now."

He stayed silent as his collar was chained down to the bench. It was comfortable for now, although he knew from experience that being stuck like this would begin to ache after a while.

" I'm starting to think you actually like it." Tiam observed.

He shot the lion a frown and tugged his ankles at the restraints.

" Got nothing to say to that?" The lion pressed a hand down against the bulge between Keri's legs, slowly massaging his fingers over it.

It had been two weeks since he'd been allowed release. " Hnf.."

The hand slid away and Tiam stroked over his latex covered belly. " That's about what I thought."

For a second, he opened his mouth as if to swear at the big male, but thought better of it. With a slight sense of dread he just watched as Tiam wandered over to collect his black riding crop. The muscles on Tiam's arms weren't just for show, he knew. It was going to sting. The first strike of it was as hard as it usually was, cracking over Keris' behind with a loud echo. He made a short struggle, chains rattling, before another hard hit crossed his cheeks. A third and fourth were just as forceful as the first two, making Keris thankful for the layer of protection the suit offered. It still hurt. After the fifth hit, he couldn't help himself.

" Fuck!" Keris shouted, looking at Tiam with wide eyes as soon as he made that mistake.

" What was that?" The crop tapped against his shiny behind.

" I didn't mean to, Sir."

" You know the rules, slave."

The suit started to pull at his jaw, making it harder and harder to open it. His tongue began to feel stickier with each passing second. " Ngghh... come on, that-ghh.."

It sealed up his maw competely, filling his mouth with what may as well have been a phallic gag, preventing anything resembling a word from getting out. Keris protested and wriggled inside his restraints, knowing that he'd be without his mouth for the next two days.

A gentle rub slid over Keris' chest. " You'll learn, eventually."

The rest of the crop hits weren't nearly as hard, especially not compared to what he'd experienced after he'd given Tiam a stream of insults a few weeks ago. The memory of it made him wince more than he did in response to his treatment right now.

Hands gripped around Keris' hip, and the lion leered over him, the zipper of his pants clear inside his ears. In response to it, the suit started to slicken up his already coated passage. That was basically his job, now - to please Tiam. Inside of his rim, it made Keris' body more sensitive. Despite the fact that he'd been taken more than a dozen times, he still couldn't help but cry out when the tip of Tiam's cock touched him, the latex making it almost unbearably pleasurable. Deep growls rolled out of the other feline's throat, his face taking on a much more predatory look as his snout dipped down, warm breath rolling over Keris' smooth chin. Trapped like he was, he found the male more than a little intimidating, his bulky form much stronger than Keris could ever hope to be. That was a feeling he had rarely experienced until lately. Chains rattled when he was pushed into, nose tilting back as Tiam's tongue brushed over his throat, followed by his sharp teeth. Each of the lion's claws extended and pushed hard into his hips, making sure that he knew exactly who was in charge.

When he clenched around that cock, the suit stimulated him, the whole world becoming blurry as he found it almost impossible to think of anything other than the feeling inside. Tiam was insistent, hips shoving forward repeatedly, the suit making it a perfect fit for him. Unable to speak a word and barely able to move, his sense of the lion's shaft was made that much more intense. For a second, Keris closed his eyes, right before he felt the lion bury himself right up to the tip of his sheath. They shot open again and he tilted his head right back and made a muffled cry. It only encouraged the male. His hips shoved harder, burying his cock into Keris again and again. As it came close, the suit started to tighten around the lion, making sure that its wearer would be treated to every single drop.

A bestial roar came and teeth buried themselves in his shoulder, claws grabbing at his sides as he felt Tiam's seed fill his insides again and again.

Fingertips slid over Keris' throat. He couldn't help but let out a whimper, the suit sealing as soon as his owner's tip drew back.

" Mm..." Keris complained.

Tiam ignored it, giving him a light pat on the belly, before wandering out of the room. After making a short wriggle, Keris sighed and flared his nostrils, staring at the open door. He heard the zipper in the distance. Business as usual. Humiliated, Keris tried to wriggle out of the ropes, tugging his ankles hard at the shackles. It didn't do him any good. After biting down on the gag, he made another squirm, trying to push down the feeling that he was actually enjoying this. Tiam padded around in the distance, probably making himself something to eat going by the sweet smell. Those were the two things he liked most - teasing his slave and cooking. Keris growled and found himself with a determination not to beg for food this time. He wasn't going to lower himself to that level...

" Hnnmmm!" He screamed out, pulling his collar against its short chains.

A soft chuckle came from the kitchen.

Slumping his head back against the cushioned bench, he decided just to wait. It took a while. Tiam usually had his meal before he decided to let the cheetah out of whatever predicament he'd been placed in. Eventually, the lion did come back. By then, there was a dull ache in Keris' legs, his ankles shifting the weight from one to the other to try and relieve the pressure as much as he was able.

" Settled down?" Tiam asked.

After making a huff through his nose, Keris made a small nod.

" Good slave. I'll let you out."

The chains were undone as was the rope, before the suit allowed Keris' arms free once more. He crawled off the bench and slumped to the floor on unsteady limbs, placing his hands on the ground and taking a moment to recover.

" Does the toy want his suit to massage him? I can imagine you're pretty sore by now."

He nodded, slowly.

" Ask nicely."

" Mmn." Keris replied, quietly.

It came to life again, kneading into his thighs with a gentle buzz. After rolling onto his back, Keris made a small sigh, watching as the lion padded off again - probably to get some work done in his oversized study.

The rest of the day was spent watching the rain or idly playing around with the console. Usually, he might have had his mouth and an electronic pen to manipulate it, but with Tiam's punishment he had to make do with his latex-covered paws. A faint taste of the lion's seed was inside his sealed muzzle, which he would have to put up with for another two days. No doubt that Tiam would get him to suck on his cock as soon as his muzzle was unsealed. The suit took care of his body for the most part, but it would have been nice to get a different taste in his maw, if only to not have yet another reminder of his place. In the late afternoon, Tiam finished his work. As soon as that happened, Keris found himself wearing his 'straitjacket' again.

" I did say I'd let you up on the couch. You were good today. Better than usual, anyway. You can stay on the couch tomorrow evening, too, if you don't slip up too much." Tiam said, slumping back against the cushions of it.

The couch itself was huge, halfway between a bed and a seat. It was comfortable, too. Keris knew it was a lot better than having to spend hours on the floor. He slid up onto it and rolled onto his belly, the back of his head on Tiam's lap. His suit pulled his legs in, sealing up and leaving his knees stuck close to his chest. Some thoughts about abusing the lion came into his head, if he were out of this suit, but... there was no real heat in those images. In fact, part of Keris recoiled at the thought of doing something like that to the big cat. A gentle pressure rolled over Keris' crotch, a pleasant one instead of the deliberate teasing he was used to. In front of them, the augmented display came to life, bringing up another one of those documentaries that Tiam liked to watch. Keris didn't mind those, so much.

He shuffled gently onto his side and felt padded fingertips stroking over his smooth throat, eyes focusing on the display before him.

" You _are_enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

Keris made a tiny wriggle and settled his cheek on Tiam's thigh.

" Mm." He admitted.

Suit Sentence II

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Sherra watched as an old ship started to ascend from the spaceport. It was a rattling old machine, burning smoke and fire as it coughed its dirty self out of the atmosphere. A real piece of garbage. Looking at it made Sherra miss her old ship. The old...

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Suit Sentence

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