Their Life Beyond #4

Story by Vorentia on SoFurry

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It was a cold and rainy Saturday morning.Angelica was have a troubled night again, neither having a pleasant dream or a nightmare. She awoke, glancing at her alarm clock, seeing it read 2:38 am. She yawned, stretching a little and rubbing her eyes, still nice and snug under her blanket. It was cold outside, the window letting in a slight breeze to keep their room unstuffed with their breath. She grasped her blanket, pulling it up over her shoulders, listening to the quiet of the night. The wind rustled through the trees in the backyard, the moonlight shining in and creating shadows against their wall. It was peaceful, and that usually help calm her emotions. She got up, placing a dressing gown on and walking to the window, opening it a little wider and resting against the sill, breathing in the cool and damp air of the morning.She looked up, the clouds partially hiding the moon, its rays shining down and around her body. She felt a natural attraction to the moon, a part of her more feral ancestors coming to the fore ground. She looked out over their backyard, her eyes trailing past their lawn to look into the deep forest beyond. Their parents owned a large portion of that forest, being quite wealthy as CEO and Chairlady of the second biggest electricity supplier. Angelica yawned, her jaw opening wide as she breathed in the cool air again, her eyes closing as she let out her breath. She tried to look into the forest, barely able to spot their small home retreat buried deep in the woods. One day... I will own this house. She mused to herself, wanting somewhere secluded, away from the unpleasantries of life. She heard a slight sound from behind her, the next moment a paw moving to wrap around her stomach and gently rub her. It was pleasent, and she almost huffed in pleasure from the warm touch.Carter was in heaven, his dream intoxicating and pleasant. It was the same as always, just his sister, but in her purest of forms. She stood among a black room, a light coming from nowhere and shining down on her body, her back to him as she leaned against something. It was a pleasent light, neither strong against the eye or low enough to strain them. She stood, her fur slightly ruffling in the breeze, its source unknown to him. He stood a few feet away, just basking in her glory and sight, taking in her naked features. He moved forward stepped over a few pieces of discarded clothing, not caring about where they were coming from. He moved around a large object, his leg brushing against the bed as he moved closer. He could hear her breath now, being just a few feet away. He stopped again, his breath small but slow in his chest.He could feel a breeze now, cold and damp, but neither unpleasant or uncomfortable. He took another step behind her, her chest rising and falling in tandem with her heartbeat, audible to him in the quiet night. Yes, he finally noticed it, the window, the breeze, the night sky, the moon light surrounding his twin sister. He moved up behind her, breathing a little heavily and snaking a paw around her mid section to gently rub her fur. He leaned down, gently kissing her neck while rubbing a paw up her body, still believing it to be a dream. He felt a warmth grow throughout his body, the touch, the scent, the overall feeling of being with his sister more intoxicating and desirable than he thought possible.Angelica yelped a little, her neck going limp at the gentle kiss, her body and fur waving in the breeze, the sensual touch and cool wind making her feel everything tenfold. She huffed out, pressing her body back into who ever was behind her, letting his touch caress her body, his lips moving to her cheek. She felt warm inside, her eyes closing as she breathed out into the damp air, her fur soft to touch. She slowly moved her paws to touch his, clutching them and turning around in his grasp. She leaned forward, resting her head on his chest and taking a deep breath in, scenting and taking in the male's musk. She opened her eyes, gazing into the slightly brown and white fur, sensing something very familiar about him.She looked up, resting in his embrace and looking into his face, seeing her brother with glazed over eyes, obviously in one of his sleeping dreams again. She smiled, nuzzling his cheek a little, enjoying his gentle touch. She looked up at him, pressing her lips against his cheek, kissing him slightly. She didn't know why she was acting this way, but she felt good, she felt at peace in his arms, her kiss natural against his fur. She watched, feeling a small pressure force her chin up, her eyes connection with his, their mutual love showing through. SheCarter felt something more than simple desire to be with her, his paw curling around her lower back and pressing her against him. He looked down at her, his vision slowly growing sharper as his senses were heightened by her kiss. He slowly placed a paw against her chin, angling it up a little before pressing his lips against hers, his body and mind finally agreeing with one another as he kissed his twin the way he shouldn't. He moved a paw to ruffle with her head fur, feeling her kiss him back with just as much passion.Angelica felt her head swim, her emotions and feelings for her brother out weighing her caution and wariness. She pressed back against him, her lips parting a little and moving her tongue to press into his maw, feeling his hot muscle slowly coil around hers. She moaned out, moving from the window to press Carter's legs against the bed, fall with him onto the surface, still embracing the kiss.Carter breathed deeply, his back pressed into her sheets, still warm from her sleep while he kissed her back, sharing their saliva in a kiss they would never have done before. He rubbed a paw along her back, sinking into the blanket under her, his hips pressed against hers, a leg in between hers, his breath hot and mixing with hers. He felt relaxed, and happy for once. Not a simple surface emotion, something deep inside, like he could get used to this. He felt his heart beat harder in his chest, almost hurting as it thumped against his ribs, looking up into his sister's eyes, blushing as he slowly awoke. He was neither shocked nor worried at what he finally saw, his emotions and love for her to strong to make anything else matter.Angelica was relaxed, her eyes growing heavy. She slowly pulled away from the kiss, rubbing her cheek against his and resting her head next to his, laying on top of her brother, feeling his deep breath slowly push her up and down. She smiled, rubbing a paw along his chest and kissing his brother once more, her breathing growing deeper as she drifted to sleep. She pleasantly slept, comforted by her brother, his arms holding her closer and his breath matching hers.Carter closed his eyes, looking into the inky blackness of the nether. He slipped into his sleep, no longer seeing his sister before him, but with him, arm in arm, sharing a kiss that was separable. He stayed like that, a constant image that spoke the beauty and passion the two felt for each other, each of their emotions enough to make the image as pleasurable and desirable as their own embrace.The twins slept, the hours slowly going by, each firmly clasped to the other, each feeling a wave of new emotions they had never felt before. They stayed in each others arms, the clock ticking past the hours...




8:32am The alarm went off, jolting the pair awake. They opened their eyes, looking into each others before blushing, slowly releasing each other from the hug and moving their seperate ways. They both reached the door at the same time, Carter wearing his boxers and Angelica her gown. They made eye contact, both blushing before smiling to each other, the love still there between them.