The Day After

Story by wolfielvr on SoFurry

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Okay here's the sequel to wasted, The Day After, I was totally wasted when I wrote wasted and forgot to name the main character and narrator. Fortunately it worked out pretty well but I still gave him a name in this one. Also I fucked up and now this story shows up as and independent story and so will the third and final installment. Sorry?

I awoke to the sound of my shower running. I immediately reached down to check my chest fur for last nights residue but surprised myself by finding nothing there. My chest was fuzzy as if I'd just showered. Unfortunately the mystery was to go unsolved because Garrett had walked in on my naked self. I quickly covered up and he, just as quickly, ran out. I was beginning to think that last nights fun was just a drunken dream, but it couldn't've been a dream. I was naked! Then again we were wasted, and it was really hot in the basement. I could've just taken my clothes off in the middle of the night to cool down. Deciding it must have been a dream I got dressed and walked upstairs to find that it was vuch later in the day than I thought and Garrett hadn't left yet. He and my brother were in the living room watching some anime show. I sat down in the armchair and started to enjoy the show, but Garrett wanted to converse without my brother overhearing, so I grabbed my phone and waited for his text. My phone went off with a soft buzzing almost immediately.

Garrett had texted, "Sorry for walking in on you this morning."

I hit reply and texted, "It's fine. We must've been really drunk, cuz I don't remember taking my clothes off. LOL!"

His phone lit up, it only took him a second to read, then, "Yeah, we were really wasted..."

With that Garrett got up and said, "Well, I should go, my parents wanted me home before noon and it's three."

"Yeah, sure, uh...did you remember everything?"

"Yeah, so...see you later then?"

"Yeah next week."

Garrett left and drove back home in his old beat up Camery. I went into the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. I kept thinking of that dream. About how nice his lops felt against mine, his coarse wet tongue exploring the depths of my mouth, but it was only a dream. When I was finished with my cereal, Alex, my older brother's phone rang. Alex was a jet-black wolf, just like my dad. I, of course, was like my mother bur with wolfish characteristics. I won't lie, I envied Alex. My fur was a simple gray, dull and rather boring. Bur Alex, he had fur so perfectly black, I swear you could see your reflection in it. In my dream state I missed whatever he'd said to the caller. He had turned the channel to some documentary of evolution, I was a little intrigued but all furs had learned all about evolution in grade school. A passing glare from outside caught my attention. There was a truck sitting outside our house, not moving, but nobody was getting out. Just then Alex's phone rang again, this time I listened.

"Yeah, he left a while ago. Yeah, okay come on in."

"Hey Al, who was that?"

"Hm? Oh. That was Derrick, he and Max are coming over."

Derrick was Alex's oldest friend, a very large black dragon. I had seen him once in the shower and he was very intimidating...down there. I hadn't met Max yet but if Alex liked him then I'm sure I would. Derrick walked in wearing rather tight pants and a Metallica T-shirt. Who must've been Max walked in mext wearing a ratty sweat-shirt and baggy camo-pants.

"Hi Derrick, and your Max right?"

Derrick responded, "Hi."

His voice was so low I could almost feel the vibrations. Max looked my way but said nothing. His fire red fox fur magnified his bright purple eyes. Not even the tip of his tail escaped the sea of red.

Alex broke the silence by saying, "Well, now that everyone's here, I think it's time for some bets to be fulfilled."

I couldn't have been more confused, but I went with it. "Who bet what?"

It was an innocent enough question. Innocent or otherwise it went unanswered. Derrick was next to speak,

"Fine. How much was it then?"

Max finally spoke with a deeper voice than I thought he possessed, "One hundred sixty-five dollars to the one who guessed Al's little bro's sexuality correctly."

An icy pain shot through my entire body and fluctuated back and forth, head to tail. I had known I was gay for some time but hadn't revealed that fact to my family! Derrick's voice boomed through my fear.

"HA! Well congratulations Jake! Finally came out eh?"

I stood there, flushed red, and too embarrassed to speak.

"My money Derrick? Then you can chat about your commonalities."

"Fine, but how'd you know? For sure I mean?"

"I caught him, drenched in cum, lying naked next to his friend."

"Dirty!" Max added.

I didn't think it possible but I turned a new shade of red. I couldn't take it anymore, I ran to my room, tears streaming out behind me.


"Guys we made him cry."

"Ugh! I feel so bad."

In the security of my room I grabbed my bowl and emergency weed and packed it enough for hours of high time. After a few hits I calmed down and hear someone at my door.

"We can smell that, and were wondering if you'd share?"

He was lying. I knew he had a fifty bag in his room but is still opened the door to see Alex, Derrick and Max, standing there looking at the ground.

Derrick was the first to speak again, "Jake, I'm sorry we made you cry. It was wrong of us to embarrass you like that."

"Yeah, little bro, could you forgive us?"

I thought about it for a second then passed them the bow, "Fine, but don't fuck up the row-tow."

We smoked another two bowls and started to really talk. Alex had left for work but Derrick and Max stayed behind to chat.

"Well Jake, lets just get it out there. Max and I are gay too."

I wasn't surprised by this confession but rather amazed that they were so cool about it. We were all really high and I just couldn't help myself. I propped myself onto Derrick's lap and lick his chin. Max looked over and grinned wickedly.

"Jake, I know you've seen my size, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Gods yes! Just take off your pants and fuck me!"

My pants were off in seconds and in the corner along with Max and Derrick's. Poor Max was whimpering and pawing at his massive erection. Derrick curled his tail around Max's waist and pulled him close to his hole. Max murred and licked the back of Derrick's neck. I looked down in shock. Derrick had grown a bit since I'd last seen him, his dragon cock was now at least to just below my chest and as wide as my wrist. I shot him a worried look and gave it a lick. He moaned and that was all I needed to proceed. Even after relaxing my jaw I gagged on his girth. Behind Derrick, Max was just starting to penetrate his hole. Derrick moaned and tried not to clamp shut on Max's ten inch dick. Finally after an agonizingly long ten minutes, Max had his whole cock in, just resting his fox hood in Derrick's hole wasn't enough for anyone, Derrick started to pull off, trying to get Max to buck into his ass, and inadvertently pushed further into my maw. Luckily I was ready and was able to take more of his meat without vomiting. This progressed for a bit longer, until max came all over Derrick's back and I felt ready to let Derrick take my ass. I pulled his cock form my mouth and let the gobs of pre flow down my throat.

"Ugh. No Jake don't stop."

"Oh don't worry we're just changing pace, besides your massive cock was destroying my throat."

Derrick chuckled. "Yeah, it happens."

I used his shoulders to lift myself onto his dragon pride, unfortunately his was too big and I needed Max's help to ease me onto him. The pain was so immense I almost passed out, I was only able to hold on because I could feel Max's mouth envelope my member. He had to have given a blowjob before, the way he worked his tongue, and how he nibbled on my tip. The pleasure he gave me almost made me forget the huge rod in my ass. Derrick was getting impatient and started to buck and hump further into my ass. The feeling of his thick, smooth member assaulting my prostate was more than I was ready for. I surprised Max by filling his maw with thick ropes of cum; he swallowed as fast as he could but still let a few drops escape. Then almost right after me Derrick let out a bellow and thrust deep into my ass, cumming hard over and over again. This time I did pass out, but not from the pain.

"Cute, the little guys in a sex coma."

"Yeah, let's clean him up and get to work, we're already late and that ass hole wants me fired."

"Yeah, ever find out why he doesn't like you?"

"Yeah, I turned down his offer of a blowjob for a promotion."

"Yuck, he's so old."


I woke up an hour later, still high, with a number written of a post-it stuck to my chest. It said, "Call me -- Max"