rose pregnet, jenna's new love and sex

Story by aleuandtaku38 on SoFurry

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this is rated r towards the end so i warned you ok i will draw a pic of raven and sunclaw and raven and jenna mating ok you guys will have to wait but yeah if ur under the age of 16 do not read towrds chapter 4 its rated R but yeah hope u guys liked

  1. 2 weeks later after lilac got raped and sunclaw was killed rose sat there and then her belly started hurting rose started feeling small little kicks. rose the crys for aleu aleu comes in and says'' whats wrong rose?'' rose says'' im having really bad pain in my belly''. aleu smiles and says'' rose you are pregnet of ur mate steeles pus congrates''. rose smiles and says'' dont tell steele'' aleu says '' i wont''. ( steele and jenna were hunting) jenna sits down for a rest and steele goes to use restroom. a big grey wolf with a bang that covers one eye with white tips on it and and white underbelly sees jenna then her goes to talk to her. the wolf says'' hello'' then he gulps jenna looks at him the wolfs heart the pumps fast. jenna says'' hello there''. the wolf says '' my names raven whats yours''. jenna says'' oh my names jenna im a husky''. raven then looks and says'' im just a plain wolf so jenna wanna hang out sometime????'' jenna looks and says'' ok meet me here tomorrow at 7:00 pm ok bye'' raven then says'' ok bye '' he then walks back to his pack steele comes back and says'' who was that?'' jenna says'' a friend ''. steele says in his mind umm hmm.

  2. the clouds turn grey and start to rain really hard and the flash of thunder hits the sky. steele shakes of the wet from his fur then says'' hi my love'' he then kisses rose. rose then says'' steele i have something to tell you''. steele says'' yeah'' rose looks down then says in a soft voice'' im pregnet''. steele then smiles and jumps in joy and kisses rose and says'' IM GONNA BE A DAD YAY''. 2 minutes later taku and tatsumo with nova come back with a big carabou the pack then eats. aleu and them go to sleep in the rain jenna stays up looks and the rainfall. jenna sighs then says'' balto my love this is a new begging for me i hope you are happy for me i know your dead but i think im falling for raven i dont know''. jenna the sighs and says'' why am i even talking to the sky?'' jenna goes to sleep. the next morning it was still raining rose gt up and drinks water steele then sits next to her and says '' morning my love'' rose says'' morning '' rose then gets u and walks steele follows and says'' is ur belly ok nothing feels wrong?''. rose says'' no im fine'' she then kisses steele then walks back to the cave.

  3. later that night jenna goes to see raven. raven sits on a rock then sees jenna raven says'' hi jenna'' jenna says'' hi raven'' then they starts talking about who they are and there back story and things like that jenna and raven then become friends. raven then says'' so what happend to ur old lover balto?'' jenna says'' oh he got killed trying to protect our daughter aleu''. raven then pounces on jenna then he starts to play with her. jenna play growls and then she jumps on raven they then roll down a hill the raven falls on top of jenna. raven blushes and says'' im sorry'' jenna blushes to and gets up then she says'' its ok raven''. raven then looks away and then jenna rubs her head on his fur then they looks and see the stars. raven then goes home same with jenna( raven were now best friend with jenna). aleu sees jenna and says" mom you were gone for long her u can have left overs''

  4. 5 months later raven and jenna had a good best best friens relationship and rose was 5 month pregnet. at 8 oclock at night jenna sees raven. raven says'' hi jenna ''. jenna says'' hi raven'' they then chase each other and start playing together. jenna and his nose link up together jenna then licks him and says'' raven i love you'' raven blushes and says'' i love you to'' jenna then pounces him then he falls ontop of her again he then sees her pussy. jenna was not looking then feels ravens tounge licking it and sucking her clit. jenna moans raven then stops jenna then gets up and then walks to a cave that was empty. she then put her ass in the air raven still licks her pussy. jenna moans loud. raven then grows a big bonner. jenna sees his really big knot then she preares for it. raven enters her jenna moans extra loud. then raven gets the knot in. jenna moans raven trust slow then he goes faster and faster jenna says'' OH MY GOD RAVEN FUCK ME REAL GOOD'' raven then howls extra loud then cums a waterfall deep in jennas pussy. raven then cums in her for 6 minutes then his bonner goes back in his dick. jenna lays down then says'' i think ur gonna get me pregnet'' raven then kisses his new mate then thay fall asleep.

new beggining, sunclaw death

Aleu and her mate and the wolf pack was walking to find a new home. jenna looked down sad aleu saw her and said'' mom its ok dad was a great mate and father but we have to stay strong for him he would not want us to be like this''. jenna looks up and...

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new pup and the big fight part 2

when aleu and the evil wolf pack leader she was abouts to attack then she heard a howl she looks then saw balto with steele rose jenna and aniu soul. aleu looks and says'' what are you guys doing here'' jenna said'' aniu told us that something really...

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aleu and taku:new pup and the big fight

The sun was shining and the birds chirp and the wolf pack run free. Aleu was giving birth to one new pup. Taku was outside the cave and lilac and tatsumo was scared. Tatsumo said" dad when will mom be done?" Taku said" I don't know son I'm scared...

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