Something to keep safe - Chapter X

Story by Ryat on SoFurry

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#10 of Something to Keep Safe

I'd have said "already the tenth chapter" if I hadn't been so slow writing those ^^

So yeah, not much to say about that one. Just AuRon and Hazel getting a bit frisky and getting more confidence.

AuRon widely yawned as he got awoken by the sun. Keeping his eyes closed, he let out an annoyed growl as he tried to get back to sleep and catch up that wonderful dream he was having. But it already was too late. The grey dragon could already only remember fuzzy details from his dream. What was it about, already ? Oh yeah it was about him and Hazel living together. And have some fun. A lot of fun. As his throbbing member between his legs reminded him, that kind of fun. AuRon sighed. That really would never stop.

But well, now he wasn't feeling guilty about those dreams. Hazel was now his mate. His mate. He still couldn't get used to the thought. AuRon tenderly watched her sleeping, her face showing a wide smile. Was she having the same kind of dreams that he had ? He got his answer as one of her hind legs twitched and a small moan escaped her mouth. Yeah visibly she also was enjoying her dreams. The grey dragon tenderly shifted his wing, protecting her face from the sun. It would be a shame she woke up in the middle of such a nice dream. He then closed his eyes, enjoying this simple moment with her.

Despite the protection of his wing, it wasn't long before the dragoness woke up as well. AuRon couldn't help but chuckle as he saw she had exactly the same reaction as himself : letting out an annoyed growl, keeping her eyes closed and letting out a sigh as she realized it wouldn't work.

"Hi, Hazel. Sweet dreams ?" the grey dragon softly asked, shifting his wing back to her flanks.

Hazel let out a small moan, her eyes opening. She looked at the grey dragon, not answering immediately.

"Almost as sweet as you." she replied with a smile.

AuRon chuckled and gave her a small lick on the muzzle. This made Hazel giggle, and the red dragoness replied with a lick on the young male's muzzle. The two dragons simultaneously locked their jaws, engaging a long and passionate kiss.

After a long minute, the two dragons disengaged from the kiss, both purring.

"Never has waking up been so nice." Hazel commented with a grin.

AuRon nodded, widely smiling. "Yes. And also... feels nice not to feel ashamed because of my morning wood for once."

Hazel blinked, slightly surprised by the sudden comment, and looked between the grey dragon's legs. He indeed had a serious boner, his cock fully erected between his two hind legs. She stared at it for a second, her heat suggesting a few naughty ideas about how she could use that piece of meat. But Hazel shook her head, looking back at AuRon.

"Oh, I see someone is happy to see me... Talking about that though how are your legs ?" she inquired, taking a more serious tone.

The grey dragon slightly moved his injured legs, letting out a smirk.

"Way better than yesterday, but they still need some healing." he sighed.

"Mmh, I see. Let me see that." Hazel replied.

AuRon started to blush, not moving.

"But... erm, I can do that myself, Hazel. You don't have to deal with my... you know." he almost stuttered.

The red dragoness giggled at that shy answer.

"Oh come on, I can deal with that. It's not like it's the first time I'm seeing it, silly. And it's not going to be the last either. Let me spare you a serious backache for trying to lick those wounds yourself."

AuRon slightly lowered his head. "You... you're sure ?" he timidly asked.

"Yes I am. So now get on your back so I can take care of those wounds." Hazel ordered.

AuRon obeyed, moving on his back and slightly spreading his legs to expose the wounds. The movement also exposed his member, which started to throb as it required some attention as well. Hazel got her head closer from the dragon's crotch, examining the wounds while trying to ignore her mate's member despite her heat telling her to actually care about it. As the grey dragon stated, the wounds were healing pretty nicely. At that rythm they should stop preventing AuRon from walking normally by the next day.

"Yeah indeed it's healing pretty nicely ! Alright let's clean this then." Hazel commented.

Before AuRon could say anything she began to work on the wounds. With one of her paws, she gently pushed AuRon's member out of her way and started licking one of the wounds. She stopped as AuRon suddenly gasped. Did she hurt him ? The red dragoness raised her head to see AuRon blushing, his whole head becoming red. And there wasn't a sight of pain on his expression. Hazel suddenly understood what was going on and chuckled. Apparently AuRon wasn't indifferent at the feeling of her paw on his member... That was something to remember. The dragoness went back to work on the grey dragon's wounds, quickly cleaning them. She was surprised to see AuRon managed not to turn entirely red, considering the occasional groans he was letting out when her paw happened to slip on the member. Once she got done, she raised her head and inspected the result. This was much better now. AuRon was watching her, an awkward blush engulfing his face.

"And there, cleaned. Tell me, did I dream or did someone here enjoy the treatment?" Hazel asked her mate, a meaningful grin on her face.

AuRon let out a nervous chuckle, still lying on his back.

"Kinda. Your paw... felt nice, you know." he awkwardly replied.

This made Hazel chuckle once again.

"Oh really? Did it feel 'that' kind of nice?" she asked, her grin getting wider.

She knew she hit something as AuRon's blush slightly expanded, reaching his neck.

"Well... Yeah." he admitted after a small silence.

The red dragoness let out another chuckle, but an idea suddenly struck her and made her lose her devious grin. If her paws were having such an effect on him, couldn't she actually pleasure him that way? She didn't feel nervous at all while she kept his member away, unlike when she tried to offer herself to him... She had been looking for a way to pleasure her mate, and she had just found it! After all it was like that he relieved the pressure last time, wasn't it? A wide grin appeared on her face as she contemplated the idea. Yes that was it!

AuRon looked a bit perplexed as Hazel lost her grin to retrieve it a few seconds later, even wider. What could she possibly be thinking about?

"Erm, Hazel? Is anything the matter?" he asked her.

He gasped as the dragoness suddenly put a finger on the tip of his member.

"Oh yes something is the matter! I think I found something to please you..." she crooned, lying in front of AuRon's crotch.

"Hazel! What are you doing? I already told you, don't force yourself just for... Ah !"

The grey dragon gasped once again as Hazel slid her finger on his whole length, reaching the knot.

"I know, AuRon. But do I look like I'm forcing myself right now? It seems like I don't have any problem... caring of you like this. So

there's only one question to be asked... Do YOU want it?" Hazel questioned.

AuRon didn't answer straight away, looking at Hazel and breathing heavily. The dragoness looked determined and as she mentioned, not nervous at all. No, this time it definitely wasn't one of her attempts to have him mate her. She truly wanted to please him. The grey dragon gulped, still uncertain about all this.

"I... I'm pretty curious." he only answered, not managing to admit he wanted it.

Hopefully his erected member conveyed the idea itself as it twitched, yearning for more attention.

"Alright then... Will you allow me to satisfy your 'curiosity' ?" Hazel grinned even wider.

AuRon shyly nodded. All that felt surreal. Was Hazel really going to...

His thoughts got interrupted as the dragoness slid an inquisitive finger down his shaft. Once again the grey dragon gasped, his breathing starting to accelerate. Hazel couldn't help but smile at this reaction. Somehow, it felt good to surprise him like this. And besides, she couldn't lie to herself, but she also was really curious about what she was doing. Never before she had been so close from the male's member, and never before could she touch it like that! The member was feeling warm under her finger, and it seemed extremely sensitive as it twitched each time she moved her finger on it. The knot had started to swell, and the dragoness couldn't help but be surprised by it. She had spotted that knot before, but it wasn't that big... Was it really supposed to be inside her? If it was she would be in for a stretch! She had to be honest it was a real turn-on for her. Hazel didn't have any reference as for size on this domain, but this surely was more than enough for her!

The shaft itself was covered in ridges, and Hazel could only wonder how they would feel inside her. She would know the answer one day, and something was telling her she definitively would like it. And then the tip. Well Hazel didn't really know to think about it. As AuRon's member twitched a small drop of transparent liquid formed at its extremity. Curious, Hazel moved her finger on that drop, and learned that it was slick. Yeah, now her finger was moving without any problems on the grey dragon's member. The dragoness decided to explore a bit, sliding her finger on various parts of her mate's member. Considering how AuRon gasped several times, he was enjoying it. Hazel soon found out that the most sensitive point was the back of the tip. For a short moment she concentrated her movements on that part. The grey dragon began to loudly moan as she worked the sensitive area. The red dragoness could feel her mate's breathing was becoming heavier... And the look on his face was saying it all. For a second she was almost jealous.

"Someone seems to enjoy the treatment, am I wrong?" she taunted him, motioning her finger again.

The loud moan AuRon emitted was a sufficient answer. Hazel giggled at that reaction, continuing to play with him.

Her curiosity grew even bigger though. Maybe she could pleasure him with more than just a finger? Slightly hesitantly, she closed her paw on the dragon's shaft. The gasp she received as an answer told her she was on a good track. She began to squeeze his shaft, studying his reaction. It felt odd to feel the member twitch inside her grasp. But just squeezing it didn't seem to please AuRon as much as before. Oh, right, the motion. Hazel moved her whole hand along the shaft, down, then up again... AuRon began to moan loudly. Yes, she was on something. As she continued her movement, she could feel her hand getting lubricated, sliding even easier along her mate's cock. AuRon was moaning without interruption, a look of pure bliss on his face. It was great to think she was causing this. She was pleasuring him, like no one ever did.

The dragoness positioned her other paw on the grey dragon's knot, and began to squeeze it, still maintaining the motion on the other paw. AuRon let out a loud moan once again. Hazel smiled as she could tell the grey dragon truly was enjoying her treatment. He had laid his head backward, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he continued to pant and moan.

"Oh, Hazel..." she heard him moan.

Yeah that was it, she had found how to pleasure him. So she continued her motions. Her right paw was moving up and down the dragon's shaft, her left paw was squeezing his knot. For minutes she continued the treatment, feeling the member twitch inside her hand, hearing AuRon moan in unisson to her movements, feeling his breath getting faster and louder... AuRon was in a true bliss.

"Ah... Hazel... I'm going to..." AuRon suddenly exclaimed.

The dragoness was caught off guard by this sudden sentence. What was going on? Was she doing something wrong? But suddenly AuRon's body arched, and the grey dragon let out a mighty roar. The young male involuntarily thrusted inside Hazel's paw as he climaxed. After being treated like this, AuRon violently ejaculated. However, Hazel had been keeping the tip of the member faced toward her. She got surprised as his member suddenly spurt a thick jet of cum right on her face. AuRon continued to roar as his member spurt jet after jet, totally oblivious of the problem on Hazel's end. After copiously splashing her a few times, the spurts got too weak to reach the dragoness's face, instead coating her paw. Eventually, the spurts stopped and AuRon's member just continued to twitch inside Hazel's paw.

The dragoness was too shocked to say anything while the young male was almost knocked down from his climax. It is only after a dozen of seconds that AuRon opened his eyes, noticing the mess he had made. The grey dragon instantly became red as he understood what had happened.

"Oh my... I'm sorry Hazel, I didn't meant to..." he began.

"What the hell was that?" Hazel exclaimed.

"Erm, well I don't really know. But apparently, when a male gets... excited, he... well, ejaculates this." the grey dragon tried to explain.

Hazel ran her clean paw over her face, trying to clean it from the white substance. She found out it was rather sticky, which didn't make it easier to clean. The dragoness watched her two paws, now covered by the white and sticky substance.

"I could have used a warning... Ugh, this is gross. Is that what you had on your chest last time? You could at least have watched out not to put that on my face!" she growled.

AuRon lowered his head, even more ashamed.

"I... I tried to, but it came so fast..." he once again apologized.

Hazel grumbled once again, but didn't add anything.

"Well I guess I learned something. Next time I'll watch for that. Anyway... I take it you enjoyed yourself?" she inquired, switching topics.

The purr AuRon made at that moment was a clear indication he did.

"That was... Really awesome. It just felt so good... Even better than when I did it myself!" the grey dragon excitedly replied.

Hazel smiled at that comment. It was right that AuRon had totally abandoned himself to the pleasure while she was working on him. More than just the sexual side of the thing, she had enjoyed pleasuring the grey dragon and watch him in a pure bliss.

"Then I take it you won't mind if we do this again sometimes soon?" she crooned, teasing him.

AuRon got a quick smile at that comment that made Hazel chuckle. Yeah, he sure was more than eager for it.

"I see... Well, I'm just going to wash my face a bit." the red dragoness continued.

With that, she stood up and headed toward the other part of the cave. There was a small stream of water there that should be enough to start washing her face.

AuRon stood there, lying on his back, as Hazel went to the other room of the cave. He just wasn't feeling like moving. This was a pretty strange morning... Not that he minded. Oh no, he sure didn't mind about all that! AuRon let out a sigh, enjoying the moment. What a pleasure... It felt almost too good to be true. The feeling of the dragoness taking care of his member... That was the most pleasurable thing he had ever lived. Was this how mating felt like? It wasn't really mating, but still... It had to be somewhere near this. Well he really was ashamed about what happened at the end. Hazel didn't take it too bad, but still, that was kind of gross... That was intriguing though. What could this substance be? Never before had he emitted something even close to that... Was that only related to mating? Well probably, considering it happened two times now, and only when the pleasure just felt like exploding. Did Hazel have something similar when she was enjoying herself? Maybe it would explain why she didn't take it badly? Guess he would have the answer to this sometime...

Well maybe he shouldn't stay on his back like this. The grey dragon rolled on his belly, adopting a more comfortable position. Being on his back was far from being comfortable after all, with his dorsal spikes. His legs almost didn't hurt during the movement. They would probably be healed by tomorrow. Well that was great, wasn't it? The grey dragon wondered what the two of them would do today. AuRon was still stuck with his injured legs. Maybe they could just chill this day? This was after all their very first day as mates! That already started extremely fast, with Hazel... well... Eh, he still was feeling a bit awkward thinking about what just happened. How did Hazel get the courage to make this? It really must have taken her a lot of self-control... But in the end, she seemed to have enjoyed herself as well. Of course not as much as AuRon did, but he could definitely understand why. Who wouldn't love to cause so much pleasure to someone they love? AuRon sure would...

At that moment something hit him. A wild idea. If Hazel took on herself to pleasure AuRon, what prevented him to do the same? Hazel was maybe afraid of mating, but she wasn't afraid by things related to sex as she just proved by pleasing him. So maybe the grey dragon could pleasure her with his paws like she just did? The idea sounded really tempting... After all, if he could help her with her heat, he had to do so! And well, he was sure she wouldn't mind at all. Would he manage to make her moan and roar like she made him? He hoped so! AuRon's tail was wagging behind him as he contemplated the idea. Oh yes he would definitely try it. He couldn't let her like this after what she had done to him. AuRon just waited where he was, waiting for Hazel to return from the other room.

Hazel soon came back, her face still wet with water. The small stream had proved to be enough for her to get rid of the cum on her face.

"There, way better. I was thinking about it while washing my face, but since you're stuck with your injured legs, I'll have to go hunting for us two. Where's the best place to hunt in your territory?" the red dragoness inquired.

AuRon suddenly seemed to remember they still didn't eat anything on this day. Hunting was definitely a good idea. But hunting would wait a bit... All he had to was to find a way to bring the topic.

"Well, I'd say the best place is near the lake. There are always preys drinking there." the grey dragon replied.

Hazel nodded at the answer.

"Seems logical. Alright I'll get us the breakfast then!" the dragoness replied.

She then started to walk toward the cave exit. AuRon was still thinking how he could engage the topic, when Hazel walked right next to him. Without thinking, the grey dragon grabbed her tail, preventing Hazel from going any further. The red dragoness glanced behind her, surprise by the sudden action.

"AuRon? Is there a problem?" she asked, blinking.

AuRon was almost as surprised by his own act as Hazel was. After a second he regained his composure and had a small grin.

"No, not really... But I might be able to help you with one of your own problems..." he replied.

Hazel blinked once again. That grin... It was the same kind of grin as when he was being playful. What did he have in mind?

"Oh, really? What kind of problem could you help me with?" The dragoness inquired, with a seductive tone.

AuRon didn't answer, but brought his other front paw on her tail. This paw moved up the dragoness's tail, eventually reaching its base. That's when Hazel understood what AuRon had in mind. She gasped as the paw slowly moved between her legs, getting close to her most sensitive zones.

"AuRon ! You naughty... Ah !"

AuRon smiled as he heard the dragoness gasping once more. Right in the middle of her sentence his paw had touched her folds. He instantly felt them reacting as Hazel let out a gasp. It was only a touch, and yet the dragoness had quite a reaction. A bit like him when she first touched his cock, actually.

"You naughty what?" the grey dragon taunted.

"You... Ah !"

Right as she started her answer, AuRon extended his fingers and reached her folds once again. This time the contact was slightly longer, and so was Hazel's gasp. Yes, that was it, she really seemed to like that. Well there was no reason to stop then!

"Hazel? Are you having problems to talk?" he continued to tease her.

And this time he didn't wait for her to answer. Extending his fingers once again, this time he let them slide over the sensitive folds. This time, Hazel let out a loud, surprised moan. Her breathing was getting heavier, and AuRon knew all too well what it meant. Just like him before, she was right in the mood. The grey dragon released Hazel's tail, and as if it had a life of its own it raised high, allowing AuRon to have a really clear view of Hazel's rump. Damn, that was quite a view actually! And quite a scent, as well. The smell of her heat was invading his nostrils, almost intoxicating. If he didn't have his self-control, right now he would jump on that rump and screw it like a good male! Never had he smelt that from so close. AuRon felt something between his legs, and he realized that despite having just been pleasure his member was now erected. Well, he would have to ignore it.

The grey dragon repositioned himself, sitting right behind Hazel's rear. He had to admit what he saw aroused him, but also made him curious. Never before had he gotten the opportunity to examine a female's private parts before... Well on top of that, he could experiment all he wanted.

AuRon ran a finger over the female's folds, hearing her moan under the movement. Was it like when she teased him with a single finger? If so, it would probably be a good idea to play a few minutes with that before moving on... The grey dragon began to motion his finger against the sensitive folds, smiling as Hazel began to moan. He tested every single inch of flesh he could see, even teasing the dragoness by sliding over the inner part of the folds. Hazel moaned even louder as AuRon began to play with a certain point over the main hole. A small blob of flesh was there, and it seemed like it was extremely pleasurable for Hazel when he rubbed his finger over there...

"Ah, AuRon !" she couldn't help but shout as the grey dragon began to play with her clitoris.

The grey dragon definitely was enjoying the moment. He could pleasure her mate, simply by moving a single finger. How awesome that was! He would definitely abuse of that! He motioned a few moments around her clitoris before getting back to the rest, occasionally teasing it again. Hazel's moan was getting more and more continuous, and her tail was getting higher and higher. He continued for long minutes, enjoying her moans and twitches as he worked to pleasure her. AuRon could feel his finger getting smeared of a substance that made it even easier for him to tease the dragoness. He briefly wondered what it was, but in any case it was quite useful.

And then he dug his finger inside her. He did so without any warning, without any hesitation. Hazel let out a shout as a jolt of pleasure went through her body. Her body arched, her rear paws fully extending and her head suddenly raising. Her vent violently contracted, her walls pressing against the intruding finger. AuRon was quite surprised by such a strong reaction for this act, but he sure regretted nothing. The grey dragon moved his finger inside Hazel's nethers, each of his movements greeted by a loud moan.

"Oh, AuRon... That... Ah !"

The dragoness barely managed to moan a few words before one of AuRon's movements caused another spike of pleasure. She was starting to lose herself in her own bliss. Her head slowly went down, her maw half opened as she panted in pleasure while AuRon was teasing her with his finger... Until the grey dragon withdrew it, and put it back in almost instantly. Hazel's head suddenly raised again, letting out a short shout that got interrupted by another, longer shout. The dragoness gave a look behind her, only to see AuRon grinning at her.

The grey dragon had a smile as he withdrew his finger once again, earning a moan from the dragoness. It was quite curious how her inners contracted so tightly on his finger. This was curious... And arousing. Would his cock get squeezed like this if he mated her? And he continued. He kept introducing his finger inside Hazel's hungry folds, and withdrawing it from the muscles attempting to keep it in. He enjoyed her moans, her shouts and her pants. It was now obvious that the dragoness had lost herself in her own pleasure, her tail was so raised it was almost flat on her back, and she had slightly spread her legs for AuRon to get a better position to please her. And pleasing her was what AuRon was doing. Soon enough though the grey dragon felt the need to experiment a bit more.

Hazel knew something was coming for her as AuRon completely withdrew his finger. But she didn't have the time to turn her head before AuRon acted. The grey dragon introduced not one, but two fingers in Hazel's vent. The red dragoness let out a shout, feeling her inners being slightly stretched by the additional digit. Her muscles clamped even tighter around the male's fingers as her shout became a continuous moan. But AuRon seemed to have stepped up the pace. This time he didn't even twisted his fingers inside her, he instantly withdrew them before inserting again. Hazel's moan switched in volume, in unisson with the young male's movement. And AuRon continued, again and again. Wet sounds echoes through the cave as the male's lubricated fingers slid through the tight opening and then popped out.

"Oh, AuRon... Oh, oh, ah, AH !"

AuRon got caught off guard as the dragoness suddenly began to shout, louder and louder. Her body violently ached, her neck raised and her inner muscles violently clenched on the dragon's fingers. Before he could realize what it meant, Hazel got her orgasm. A last push from his fingers, and Hazel began to roar as pleasure washed through her. AuRon could only get a feeling of déjà-vu before she began to squirt. Of course, with her current position, she squirt right on AuRon's face. After a few copious splashes and an additional dozen of seconds, Hazel's roars stopped. The dragoness was trembling from her orgasm, and it didn't take long before she actually lowered her body on the ground. Her tail remained flat on her back, and the grey dragon could see her vent muscles continued to act, sucking on something that wasn't there. AuRon took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling his mind getting clearer. Hazel basked in her afterglow for a minute before looking back at AuRon... and realizing the mess she had just made. She blushed, but at the same time giggled a bit.

"Well I got to make a mess on your face too!" she said with an awkward smile.

AuRon feigned to be angry at the comment.

"And you're the one talking about warning sooner!" he replied.

"I guess... I now can understand why it had been so hard for you. Oh my, you were so good with those fingers of yours..." Hazel replied.

AuRon smiled as he realized she probably had the same dreamy smile as he got some moments before. The grey dragon stood up, turning back to head further in the cave.

"AuRon? Where are you going?" Hazel asked as she heard him going away.

"Well, washing my face of course!" the young male replied.

He giggled as he heard Hazel letting out a small "Oh". He continued, heading toward the other room of the cave where that convenient stream of water was flowing. He somehow got the feeling he would be using it more than once...

A minute later, AuRon came back from the other room. Hazel almost hadn't moved, only having slightly reshuffled her position on the ground. The grey dragon laid down next to her, giving her a smile.

"Not feeling like moving?" he asked.

Hazel let out a short pleased sigh.

"Totally not. Thanks, AuRon."

"Thanks for what?" the male replied with a grin.

The red dragoness let out a falsely annoyed puff. Even after all that, he was still messing with her. But this time she would be the one having the upper hand in the discussion!

"You know what. Thank you for pleasuring me, for making me moan and pant like that, and for letting me make a mess on your face!" she replied, hoping to destabilize AuRon.

But the male only giggled to her comment.

"I'll let you make a mess on my face anytime you want, honey." he taunted her.

Hazel let out such a spontaneous exclamation AuRon couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, you win. Oh damn, don't ever think I'm going to forget that offer! In all honesty though, same for you. Pleasing you has been so fun." she replied, regaining her smile.

The grey dragon raised an interested eyebrow, letting out a purr at the sole idea of Hazel pleasuring him again.

"Well I'm also going to consider such a pleasant offer, Hazel. I think we enjoyed ourselves rather nicely..."

The red dragoness nodded at that comment. Oh yes, they both pleasured the other really nicely...

The two dragons laid next to each other, simply enjoying the moment. None of them really felt like moving, the remnants of their respective climax still feeling fresh. AuRon playfully began to lick Hazel's chin, and soon enough the two dragons found themselves deeply kissing. For the first time this morning, the two dragons had discovered how to pleasure the other... and oh yeah both of them were going to abuse of that!