Natural Attraction

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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What's this!? A second story from Smokey in as many days? WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!?!?

I've actually got a bunch of stuff sitting and waiting to be posted. What am I waiting on? Well never you mind, that's my own bees' wax, Bucky.

The better question is, how long did it take me to write this story? Not very long! I woke up Thursday morning with an idea in my head, likely the remnant of some random image floating around in my head left over from a dream, and then during my downtime at work that day, I started fleshing it out. After about an hour and a half, I had a good, solid skeleton of a story, three strong acts, and a couple of characters that had some genuine depth to them (in spite of the naughtiness I'm probably known for). I even started writing it out that same day. By the time I had to go home, I had almost completed the first act. No, I didn't spend all day at work writing porn, but I did have an unusually large amount of free time to do so that day.

Friday came and I had a similarly large amount of free time at work again, so I continued it. I made great progress on it, and was closing in on the finish line. After my workout at the gym, I went to eat at a local Waffle House (where I have been known to visit during the wee small hours of the morning to write more porn) and pretty much finished it. Then I re-read it to proof and edit over the weekend and re-wrote the ending to include something I decided I wanted to add.

All in all, it took me about 4 days to write this, from inception to editing. I'm rather pleased with the flow, the speed, and the overall quality. If I can harness this method and recreated it reliably, produce work of this quality this quickly, I might be able to focus more on my writing in the future.

Anyway, enough about the behind the scenes, time for the actual description.AHEM

Ida is a deer with a couple of unusual features. Shi's got antlers, not exactly common for a girl, and a rather large set of junk that puts most guys to shame. Out on the prowl one night, shi goes cruising through a rave at a night club and begins the hunt for someone who can satisfy hir. What shi finds was perhaps more than shi was really in the market for, but it turns out it was exactly what shi needed.

Hope you folks like this one, ya dirty, dirty boys and girls!

The ground thumped with the beat of electronic music, heavy on the bass. It almost completely drowned out the concussive force of a few hundred people jumping and stamping in time with the beat. At least for those outside on the street. Inside, however, was a different story. It was hard to hear anything other than the music and feel anything other than the stomp of so many feet. The club was dark for the most part, illuminated by the impressive artificial light show being put on by the DJ. It wasn't just about spinning tracks anymore, it was all about the full sensory experience: auditory, visual, tactile, and even olfactory and gustation. Many clubs had scent generators installed to create a prevailing aroma that would change based on the type of mood they wanted to set. Many were accused of utilizing the technology to induce an aphroditic effect, but nothing was ever proven. As for the sense of taste, that's where the club's menu came into play. It was all about immersion.

That was what Ida was after, total sensory immersion.

The rubenesque deer slowly waded hir way through the crowd. Hir curved frame gave hir weight enough to hip-check anyone who got too vigorous near hir. Sometimes shi did it just for laughs, but never enough to knock anyone over. Those broad hips were wrapped in a combination elastic-denim pair of shorts that hugged so close shi might as well not be wearing anything. All it did was cover a sizable bulge between hir thighs, doing nothing to conceal its size. And it was considerable. Ida's crop top strained to hold hir in, too; the doe opting out of wearing anything underneath. It left very little to the imagination, especially with how little material was actually covering hir. It drew more than a few glances from those nearby, especially after bumping into those yielding swells.

Ida's mind was focused laser sharp, even as shi inhaled the rave's humid air deep through hir nose. In spite of the efforts to maintain an artificial illusion of aroma, shi was able to detect the sweat and breath of those around hir. They were all working so hard to lose themselves in the illusory environment. The walls had melted away through the use of clever holographics to make it appear as though they were flying through a nebula or supernova remnant in the depths of space. Clouds of fake interstellar dust weaved between the writhing masses. It was an impressive production. Still, Ida found shi couldn't quite feel as lost in the facade as everyone else around hir.

As the cervine wandered, gazing over the many patrons, most making use of mind-altering substances to enhance the illusion, shi allowed hir body to flow and twist in a sort of dance. At least the music was working its way into hir being. And the hints of arousal coming from a few of the other guests definitely enticed hir. The hedonistic scene before hir stirred hir loins. Shi wanted to experience something, and this was one of the best places to do just that. Ida had been coming here for years, dragging off some poor hapless guy or girl to have a night of tawdry stimulation only to leave them wanting more, even if it wasn't what they were interested in at the start of the night. Shi had a good track record of turning people on to what shi offered. Tonight, though, shi felt a sense of longing. The deer concealed an emptiness that had been building over the last few months, and a good one night stand with a cute partner or two wouldn't be enough to fill it. Shi was missing something more from hir life, but shi couldn't put hir finger on it.

A waitress pushed through the crowd carrying a tray of drinks for anyone to take. Ida reached over and pulled the slinky girl towards hir. Within seconds, the two were locked lip to lip, the deer pressing tight against the poor server taken by surprise. Instantly, the waitress, an attractive young rabbit, melted into the kiss and moaned through it as the cervine practically pushed hir tongue down her throat. Just as quickly as the kiss came, it ended, and Ida took one of the glasses of light-amber colored liquid.

"Call me." Ida shouted over the noise and bumped a thin bracelet on hir left wrist to a similar one on the rabbit's. A soft ding chimed and a buzz passed between the two devices as contact information was swapped.

"S-sure..." The waitress was still rather dizzy after the kiss, but she was certainly interested now. She'd never kissed a girl before, and hadn't really wanted to. Now, all she could think about was feeling the deer's lips on hers again. Ida had that effect on people.

The deer tossed the drink back, emptying the glass into hir mouth faster than normally would be advised. Shi winced softly as it bit at the back of hir throat in just the way shi liked and sighed in satisfaction. One of the practical upshots of being hir; it took Ida a lot of booze to get even just a little tipsy. It was something shi appreciated greatly about hir biology. It meant guys could pump drinks into hir all night without any real nasty effects. Having a clear head while a cute boy ended up bubbly and easy to corral made hir job all the easier.

Ida usually left a trail of boys questioning their sexuality in hir wake, not to mention girls. A few found their way back into hir bed, but not many, and they were very few and far between.

Tonight, Ida's hollow feeling demanded a new sexual conquest, anxious to find someone who could properly satisfy hir. It wasn't so much that shi was insatiable, just that it didn't last long, and that period was getting shorter and shorter. It would need to be special tonight.

The deer's eyes scanned the room, having trained hirself to pick out shapes and faces from a crowd in a rapidly shifting spectral light show. Not many were as tall as shi was, especially with hir antlers. It was an odd sight, a rather busty doe with the adornment usually only found on bucks, but it worked on hir. Hir stature afforded hir the ability to look over the heads of almost everyone; something else shi appreciated about hirself. It gave hir no end of delight to take home someone smaller than hir and just ruin them in the most stimulating ways possible. If only shi could find someone who tickled hir fancy tonight. The hunt was on, even if shi wasn't sure what exactly shi was hunting for.

Then something unusual caught Ida's attention. It was a boy, possessing soft, peach-hued skin and dark green hair. His bangs hung down in two points, framing his face while a long ponytail draped, braided, over his left shoulder. The shorter, loose hair concealed the base of a pair of pointed ears, the tips just peaking out of his deep emerald locks at the sides of his head rather than on top. He looked human, but decidedly not. All Ida could see of him was from the shoulders up amidst the crowd, and it appeared as if he were trying to speak to someone, a waiter providing him with a drink.

Something about this boy told Ida this was hir quarry. A hand slipped into hir pocket and retrieved a thin set of glasses, perfectly flat and flexible, about as thick as an ID card. With a quick flick of hir wrist, the clear plastic eyewear flexed and stiffened, taking on a broad curve and holding it. Ida placed the visor across hir muzzle and pressed the lenses close to hir eyes. As the visor settled into place, it booted up, showing a quick splash of the operating system name. In moments, the lady's personalized heads-up display was overlaid across hir field of vision. A few soft taps on Ida's bracelet manipulated the HUD until shi had managed to highlight this curious, humanoid boy who, on the face of it, looked too young to be in such a place. He was cute, if a little underage. Deftly, Ida commanded hir visor to 'lock on' to hir target so shi could track him through the throngs of fur, scale, and feather. It wasn't often shi saw someone who lacked all three.

Ida slipped into hunter mode, gently pushing through the crowded dance floor towards hir intended 'victim'. It was a good thing shi locked onto him because he turned and began to make his way along the perimeter of the club, and at impressive speed in spite of how packed the place was. His head didn't even bob with his gait. Maybe he was wearing anti-grav skates since those were popular. It might account for his height too. Undeterred, Ida continued to pursue him. In a fluke of a coincidence, the boy turned his head and spotted the doe staring straight at him. He froze for a moment as if recognizing hir, then turned and continued on. His body language suggested he felt a need to get away from hir. A grin spread across hir muzzle as shi drew closer, seeing where he was trying to escape to and how fruitless it would be.

"Excuse me! I need to get to the restroom! Please! I'd like to get through!" The boy cried out to be heard over the thumping music, penetrating his chest and reverberating there.

A hand shoved its way into his path. Fingers tapped softly on the wall as the auburn fur-covered arm barred the young man's path. And then came a sensuous voice that seemed to cut through the din of the club.

"Hey there, cutie. Where you off to in such a hurry?" Ida mused, batting hir eyes slowly at him.

The boy recoiled softly, looking up into the pale blue pools looking him up and down.

"I... I... I just... need to use the bathroom." He stammered.

"Is it urgent? Or can a lady enjoy some company first?" Ida cooed, reaching out to run the back of the fingers of hir free hand down the boy's cheek.

That made him shiver a little, but he found he couldn't bring himself to turn and run, even though every fiber of his being told him he should. It wasn't out of a sense of fear of the curvaceous woman before him. It was an instinct that seemed to fixate on hir and hir alone. Ironically enough, it gave him a 'deer in the headlights' air about him, as well as a timid posture usually assumed of Ida's kind.

"I... I should... really..." He continued to stutter.

"Oh, that bad huh? Alright, sweetie. I won't stop you." Ida spoke using hir favorite soothingly sensual tone. Without another word, shi took the boy's hand and turned, pulling him through the crowds as if shi were an icebreaker ship in the far north. The restroom door materialized out of the masses, its label cycling slowly through a series of different languages, the lettering hovering just in front of the door rather than being plastered on it.

Ida tapped the panel to open the door and dragged hir prey in with hir. It was a small lavatory, enough to accommodate only two or three at a time. The doe commanded the door to shut behind hir and tapped hir bracelet against the access panel, engaging the lock. Now they could enjoy some privacy.

"This is the ladies' room!" The boy protested, turning about to look for exits. There weren't any except for the one Ida had just barred.

Now that they had a little space to move around in and reliable, albeit low, lighting, the deer got hir first good look at the boy. He was indeed floating, but not because of anti-grav skates or a hover-harness, or any such technological trickery. His feet were bare, and looking well manicured. Even his toenails were painted a deep green. He was hovering because of a pair of iridescent wings fluttering behind him. His clothing was closely fitted, a t-shirt and dark pants that housed a bulge not unlike Ida's, and similarly sized. He was a fairy, and a pretty well hung one at that. Suddenly shi felt better about how old he looked. Fairies, though extremely rare anymore, always seemed to look far younger than they actually were.

"Yeah it is, but I won't mind. Name's Ida. What's yours?" The doe continued hir pre-intimacy ritual, a bit of small talk, then some teasing, then would come the grinding and the moaning.

"F-F-F-Foster." He was such a timid little thing; delicate in build, effeminate one could argue. The term 'twink' ran through Ida's mind.

"Nice to meet you, Foster. What's a young fella like you doing in a place like this?" The doe crossed the floor towards him. Hir hooves clacked softly on the tile beneath.

"I... I don't know. I don't usually go to clubs. I guess I just... wanted to see... what it's like." Foster slowly backed away from the deer as shi approached. Hir curves and bulges had not been lost on him. He found hir deeply attractive, and yet there was this sense of 'I need to run from this creature' he couldn't shake.

"Mmhmm, well, now you've seen it. What do you think?" Ida grinned, clearly referring more to hirself than the rave outside. Shi gestured in a seductive manner to hammer the point home.

Foster blushed furiously, trembling anxiously. The desire to run was quite powerful, but not because of fear of harm. Instead, it was the idea of it being a game of chase that urged him to flee, to try and escape, and to be caught by this woman. He couldn't find an answer to hir question, and so he simply continued to stare, even as he backed into a stall and landed on the lid of the toilet under him.

Ida followed, closing the stall door. Someone would contact the club staff and have the entry unlocked soon enough. This at least gave them a little insulation from someone walking in. The doe could barely contain hir excitement. The fabric of hir shorts strained and stretched as shi grew more aroused. A hand cupped against the heavy swell, adjusting hirself for comfort. The boy's reaction to hir seemed to be scratching a long-untended itch shi didn't even know was there. This was what shi wanted, the thrill of capturing someone and doing with them what shi might. Shi'd done that before, though. A select few others in hir sexual exploits had reacted in a similar fashion, but it never really satisfied the way this already was, so shi never really paid it much mind. Until now. It was the fairy himself that was doing the trick.

"Why don't we get to know one another a little better?" Ida said smoothly, running a hand over the fairy's bulging crotch, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Foster gasped and tensed, finding his legs opening instinctively under the touch. He wasn't nearly as promiscuous as Ida was, or at least he didn't appear to be given the circumstances. The sensation of someone making contact like this stirred his loins. At this point, he couldn't escape, he was trapped. Shi had caught him. He was hirs to do with as shi pleased. And it was beginning to drive him wild.

"B-b-b-but, we can't! Not here! Not now!" Foster protested. It was a half-hearted protest at that. Secretly, in the back of his mind, he wanted hir to ignore his complaints and just take what shi wanted. And shi did not disappoint.

"Oh yeah, right here, right now." Ida murmured to him huskily.

The deer began working hir fingers over the fairy's pants, unsnapping and unzipping him slowly, playfully, gradually revealing the package the fabric concealed. He had opted out of wearing underwear, making Ida grin. The pink flesh of the boy's stomach gave way to what would be home to the 'treasure trail' but he was completely hairless from the neck down. Sleek, smooth, and sweetly, slightly sticky already. There was a softly moist patch in the groin of his pants, which Ida appreciated as shi tugged them down. Shi even leaned down to press hir nose against Foster's crotch. Shi inhaled his scent and sighed happily. The smell brought a strange, mild tingle to hir sinuses and a subtle dizziness. Shi wanted more.

The deer pressed hir muzzle against the fairy's plump features again, rumbling as shi felt his shaft twitch and plump under hir attention. His pants continued to slide away, revealing inch after inch of impressive manhood. He rivaled Ida in endowment, and that made hir mouth water. As soon as shi could see the entirety of his length, and that it was larger than his forearm, Ida dipped hir head low again and ran hir tongue across the full length. Shi giggled as the act elicited a strong twitch from the whale of a thing.

"Oh god." Foster muttered, his voice quivering as he melted in his seat.

Ida smirked at the reaction, cupping hir hands under his scrotum. Each sphere was large enough that it only just barely fit in the palm of each hand, and they were both very warm to the touch. The deer felt a chill run up hir spine as shi seemed to sense the vitality and fertility they contained. Shi wanted him. Now.

The doe gave hir bracelet a couple of taps, navigating casually through a menu on hir visor before it locked onto Foster with a new set of sensors and began reading his vitals. Shi liked to see what really got a partner's motor running, and monitoring their heart rate and respiration was a sure way to figure out what worked and what didn't. Shi giggled seeing how fast his heart was beating already, reading clouds of pheromones coming off him like steam off a hot spring. He was already deep in the throes of the moment. And shi had barely done anything to him. That had to change.

Ida opened hir mouth and brought the fairy boy's length to hir lips. Shi paused there, just on the tip of his rod, licking and suckling away on it as if it were a lollipop. Foster moaned and squeezed his eyes shut as he succumbed. Wasting no time at all, Ida pressed forward, inching hir way down over the monster in hir grasp. The hot, humid, slick flesh surrounding the fairy's shaft brought a new tremble to his form. Without really thinking too much about it, he reached up and gripped the lady's antlers. Odd though they were, they were certainly convenient as handholds.

The doe smirked and closed hir eyes as shi felt Foster take hold of hir head. With him braced, shi could really get going. Ida bobbed hir head, slowly at first, but making sure to push all the way down until hir nose bumped against the svelte boy's tummy. A strong exhale through hir nose tickled him, making his stomach tense. Foster squirmed as shi dragged hir tongue across his tender flesh, not holding back any moans or cries of pleasure. Shi had caught him alright.

Slowly, steadily, the deer gained speed, bumping hir nose to Foster's stomach again and again, faster and faster. Shi felt his shaft swell in hir mouth, pushing down hir throat as it began to leak its musky ooze behind hir teeth. Ida swallowed repeatedly, letting hir gullet aid in the effort to milk the boy dry. Foster rolled his hips forward, pulling himself towards Ida by the antlers. He huffed and groaned, unable to help himself at this point. Already he was close to the brink, as if he was not used to intimacy of any kind. Their chemistry had worked that well on him. The deer hammered forward, sliding hir hands under the lad's rump to squeeze those supple cheeks and tug him deeper into hir throat.

The thumping of the music outside the restroom was drowned out by the fairy's cries of passion. His body tensed reflexively while Ida did what shi did best. Hir tongue danced about, working to draw out what shi was interested in. A subtle shift here, a squeeze there, and soon shi felt the repetitive twitching of the boy's rod in hir muzzle. A warm, thick, gooey splash filled hir mouth, giving hir cheeks reason to bulge. Immediately, shi swallowed, gulping down the hearty first blast, then continued to gulp away as Foster loosed a long, almost pained moan. He had a lot to give, and the doe was eager to take every drop.

Shi glanced at his heart rate in hir visor, and it had jumped to peak levels. Shi had managed to put him there rather quickly, and it tickled hir. Such easy prey, this one was. For some reason, that pleased hir, more than just the act of drinking his release until he fell limp.

Eventually, Foster let go of Ida's antlers, his chest rising and falling quickly as his body struggled to recover. The deer slowly pulled hir lips from his shaft, still licking to clean him off until they had parted. A thin string of drool and semen connected the head of his member to the doe's lower lip. It was broken quickly as Ida licked hir chops.

"Mmm, that's what I've been looking for. You and me, we're gonna get along real good." Ida cooed, moving up to kiss the fairy.

Foster was limp in hir grasp, finding some reserve strength to lean forward into the kiss. He could taste his own release on hir tongue, and it made him shudder again. He wasn't above servicing himself, and had tasted that many times before, even enjoyed it. Now though, it was coming from someone else's mouth, and that added a new erotic layer to the experience. When shi let him up for air, he sighed, finding he didn't want to let go of hir.

"That was amazing." Foster said breathlessly.

"Glad you approve." Ida cooed, amused that he was practically clinging to hir now, wings fluttering to push him up into the doe's arms.

"If this is what it's like in every club, I gotta get out more." Foster said, letting out a tired chuckle.

"I dunno about other clubs," Ida said, "But you stick with me and you'll get that and a lot more. In fact, I think it's my turn to hold up my end of the bargain."

The deer scooped the boy up off the toilet lid and turned about, sitting down in his place. Foster ended up in Ida's lap, shivering a little at how strong shi was. Shi could move him with the greatest of ease. Hir legs spread for comfort around the growing bulge in hir pants, shifting again as shi felt the discomfort of a rising erection trapped under close-fitting fabric. Without a word, shi guided the fairy's hands to hir jeans, nudging him to do for hir what shi had done for him.

Foster worked his much smaller hands over the offending garment, cupping his palms against the heavy bulge before him. Shi was pretty huge, even proportionally speaking. Feeling how tense the hiding length was, he could guess what the deer wanted and began unfastening hir pants. What he found was bare flesh meeting fur, no undergarments to get in the way. It seemed they both preferred to go commando. Foster didn't take the same sort of time shi had with him, but he was just as effective. The warm, fragrant scent of hir thickening spire spilled out and hit his sinuses just as his aroma had hirs. He shivered and tugged all of hir out of the confining shorts, massaging the lady's rod as he did so.

"That's a good boy." Ida mused, stroking along the fairy's back. His wings fascinated hir, and it seemed he liked being rubbed just around their base.

Foster's touch was delicate and tantalizing, making the doe squirm softly in hir seat. It was riling hir up a little too much, and shi needed satisfaction. Ida growled softly and stood up, forcing the fairy to hover in the air just in front of hir. A hand gripped him at the hips and the other tugged his pants down all the way, landing on the floor in a heap. He hadn't worn any shoes since he didn't really walk anywhere, in favor of fluttering about. Foster gasped as he was taken hold of so firmly, then turned around and pushed against the door of the stall.

The sight before Ida was achingly enticing. Foster pressed his cheek and hands against the door in front of him, his back arched to accentuate the curve of his shapely rump, his legs spread as if waiting for whatever was to come. And it came soon. The deer stroked over hir throbbing shaft, stepping forward to press it against the fairy's back. The heat it radiated sent a shiver through Foster. His heart rate had jumped again after a brief slump. His own shaft pulsed under him as it hung in the air, still rigid and drooling.

"Looks to me like someone wants it bad." Ida grinned, already beginning to position hirself.

"I... I... I really do." Foster managed to spit out, his mind swirling and refusing to obey and let him form coherent thoughts.

"Can't let my little boy go wanting." Ida cackled quietly.

The deer rolled hir hips forward, the end of hir grand length bumping against the fairy's rounded bottom. The supple flesh of his cheeks parted around it easily, almost welcoming the intrusion. A muted cry of surprise was the response as Foster stiffened and twitched. Ida stepped forward, amusedly watching the fairy's wings flutter helplessly. The heat of his grasp passed down over hir length, gradually inching deeper and deeper, stretching the poor boy out. He didn't seem to show any sign of wanting it to stop, or pain for that matter, even as he rest a hand over his stomach, feeling it bulge from the invasion.

Ida rest hir hands on the boy's hips, holding him in place. He weighed almost nothing, which was probably because he was flapping his wings like mad. Something about that tickled a strange fancy the deer didn't know shi had. Shi cooed as shi hilted hirself in him and held there, just drinking in the moment. This just felt right; to both of them. With a strong buck, Ida thrust into the fairy, making him jump against the stall door. He yelped in shock and moaned as he eased into it. That set the tone for the rest of their session. The doe rocked against hir lover steadily and deeply. The fairy arched his back to push into the thrusts, panting for breath and hanging on for dear life.

Foster bit his lower lip, trying his best to hold out. Already he was back on the brink, his scrotum swaying and sloshing under him. What had been emptied by the deer grinding into him had quickly refilled, so much so that he felt a sense of discomfort, a need to unload himself. Ida slipped a hand around in front of the fairy, wrapping hir fingers around his equally impressive shaft. A considerate lover, shi began to pump over him, helping him reach the moment of release he seemed to need so very badly.

The partitions that made up the stall creaked and squeaked as they were jostled about. Foster could scarcely breathe at this point. Ida's monstrous shaft pushed so far into him it was forcing everything else out of the way, and he was loving it. Had he always been what he'd others describe as a 'size queen'? He couldn't remember doing this before. He couldn't remember even thinking about it before. And yet it felt oddly familiar. He reached out towards the sense of deja vu but was quickly ripped away from it.

A heavy blast flooded the fairy's innards. Ida tilted hir head back and groaned in delight as shi unloaded into the lad. Hir shaft bucked and spasmed wildly, pumping what felt like bucket after bucket of deer spunk into hir lover. Foster's voice caught in his throat as his stomach began to expand, rounding out to hold in the copious contribution. His own length throbbed in the doe's fingers until it rocked and gushed as well, painting the stall door and splattering across the floor below. The cervine's climax felt as though it lasted for ages and the fairy's belly swelled until he looked as if he were just about ready to give birth to twins. Foster winced as Ida continued to hump, not yielding even after shi descended from hir peak. An audible slosh came from the fairy's gut and he felt an odd pressure welling up in his throat. Before he could figure out what was happening, he was forced to clamp his mouth shut, his cheeks swelling with the very seed the deer had been filling him with from behind. Some of the sticky white ooze seeped from between his lips and down his chin, but he held it back for the most part.

Eventually, everything stopped and the two lovers managed to settle. Ida stepped backwards and sat down on the lid of the toilet, huffing a little. Foster had no choice but to go with hir, still impaled on hir. He leaned back against the deer and swallowed hard, trying to clear his throat. Even after he had managed to pack everything back into his stomach, he could still taste hir essence, and he shuddered in muted glee. Ida kept hir hand on the fairy's shaft, gently massaging it, enjoying how each pump made it twitch just a little.

"Hope I didn't break you, sweetie." Ida chuckled. Shi lifted hir free hand to pat the pink, fleshy tummy shi had given Foster.

Foster found himself unable to speak for the moment, awash in a sea of warmth and afterglow. The velvety soft pelt of the deer pressed against his rump and lower back was incredibly comforting. His head rest against the lady's bust, forcing him to look down gently, but it didn't feel awkward or unpleasant. It felt right, like he belonged there. Ida felt a similar contentedness. An urge stirred in the deer, and shi gripped the fairy in hir lap, turning him around so he faced hir without ever pulling him off hir shaft. Foster moaned as he was spun, clenching his bottom around the intruding rod, then crumpled, leaning forward against the big lady. His arms reached around hir torso and shi draped hirs about his back, a palm cradling his head against hir soft breasts. It was incredibly comfortable for both of them.

In that instant, their embrace triggered a powerful sense memory; vague and distant, but undeniably strong. Ida sighed quietly, feeling more at peace than shi had in quite some time, simply stroking the boy's back, feeling his bloated tummy press against hir stomach.

"I caught myself a cute little fairy, and now he's all mine." Shi murmured.

Foster blushed powerfully, burying his face in Ida's lovely bosom.

"Yup. You caught me. Now what are you gonna do with me?" Foster said, his voice muffled by the deer's fur and flesh. He pressed into hir more, clinging to the woman.

Ida smiled, hugging hir little fairy more tightly as he squeezed in against hir.

"I have some thoughts on that, actually." The deer cooed. Shi moved hir hand to cup under Foster's chin and bring him to look up at hir. Ida then craned hir neck down and pressed hir lips to his in a deep, passionate kiss. It wasn't one of lust like before. This one was of powerful affection. Shi was interested in keeping this one close, and an idea had just occurred to hir that shi had never considered before, as far as shi could recall.

Foster moved under hir command, allowing himself to be guided by the lady's touch. Slowly, he was lifted off hir still stiff rod. He whimpered, wriggling as if he wanted to stay there, but didn't try to stop hir. As soon as the broad thing slipped free with a lewd slurp, Foster clenched up again. After all, he couldn't let all that warm ooze escape. It was his, given to him by the beautiful deer who had caught him.

Ida sat him down in hir lap and began tugging his shirt off. There wasn't much to it, a close-fitting garment resplendent with abstract patterns, a style that seemed to be all the rage. Before, it had done little to cover his stomach. Now, it couldn't be bothered to even try. With it removed, Foster was completely naked, cradling his pregnant-looking middle, curling in against the deer, tucking his head under hir breasts. Ida chuckled and leaned down to kiss the crown of the boy's head before commanding him up out of hir lap so shi could stand. He whined and fluttered there, naked and full, his drooling shaft twitching, semi-flaccid.

Without a word, Ida began tugging hir shorts down at the waistband. They slid down hir hips and thighs before dropping to the ground, leaving hir completely unclothed from the waist down. Again, the deer wrapped hir arms around the fairy, kissing him once again as shi cradled his form against hirs. There was a strong desire to protect the boy, as if he was territory shi had laid claim to. But it was more than that. He wasn't a pet or a slave. He was someone dear to hir. Shi just couldn't place why.

The kiss broke and Ida guided Foster down along hir form. As he floated downward towards the floor, he stopped himself and pressed in against the doe's shaft, kissing and nuzzling into the grand length he'd just enjoyed. Ida grinned softly as shi closed hir eyes, enjoying his eagerness, but shi nudged him to continue down. Soon, Foster was sitting on his knees on the floor, looking up at the cervine towering over him.

No words passed between either of them, and yet they seemed to know exactly what the other wanted. Foster nodded to the lady and lowered his head a bit. His wings fluttered and drooped, laying flat against his back. Ida stepped forward to literally stand over the boy. As shi did, shi dragged hir weighty sac across the top of his head before it flopped down, resting hotly against the back of his skull. Foster shivered in delight feeling this and straightened his back, pushing up under the deer. A heavy feminine scent poured down over him, filling his nostrils. Unable to resist, Foster tilted his head up and pressed his lips to the delicate folds now within reach.

Ida sighed and cooed, letting hir tongue loll out of hir mouth. Shi flexed hir legs, bending at the knees, to push down against the fairy's face, mashing him against hir crotch. Shi wrapped a hand around hir length, quickly stiffening all over again as shi bobbed up and down on the boy's head. Foster moaned softly as the deer's womanhood was mashed into his face over and over again, licking and wiggling his head about between hir spread thighs. Ida bounced on top of the fairy, moaning gleefully as shi began to let more and more of hir weight fall on him. It was somewhat rare that shi let anyone pleasure hir female side, but he was certainly an exception. He was even pressing up into hir downward bounces.

And then a sharp, sudden, and rather intense bolt of pleasure shot through Ida. Shi gasped in surprise, then quickly eased into the moment. Something had entered hir, something pretty large. Given how it was moving, shi had a pretty good idea of what it was. Foster's head had slipped inside hir. He was still pushing up, too. Ida giggled and wiggled hir hips a bit, adjusting hir stance as shi bent hir knees further. Hir weight pressed down on the fairy, forcing more of him into the warm folds wrapping around him. Ida reveled in how much shi was stretching. The novelty of it satisfied a part of hir shi had been struggling to please. But in order to be sated, shi needed more. So down shi pushed, actively shoving hirself over the fairy. Foster's shoulders and chest quickly disappeared into the fleshy lips squeezing him.

More. They both needed more.

Foster was claimed by a powerful desire to simply climb up inside the deer. His needs were quickly squashed by Ida and hir own need to just sit right down on top of him, which shi did. A heavy thump saw hir bottom hit the floor, hir stomach suddenly bulging out with better than half of hir fairy companion now lodged inside hir womb. Shi panted fiercely as shi clutched at hir belly; the sudden stretch and Foster's subsequent wriggling drove hir mad with lust. Ida wiggled hir hips again, feeling the fairy's legs under hir as if shi were somehow sitting in his lap. Hir movements shifted the boy, helping to wedge him just a little deeper. Foster stretched himself upwards, then curled, pulling his hips in past the doe's motherly entrance. His once again rigid member pressed out against the velvety tunnel he was passing through, making Ida cry out, muted as shi pressed a hand over hir muzzle.

The deer began to bounce up and down on the floor, finding the ability to pull with the muscles gripping hir lover, and tugging him in bit by bit each time shi thumped down on the ground. In a few, heated moments, shi felt the last of Foster's tapering legs glide up inside hir and hir petals closed behind him. Shi panted furiously, both hands holding hir heavily swollen stomach. Shi could hardly believe what shi had just done. Shi didn't even know it was possible. Or did shi? Shi had never done this before, right?

Still dizzy, Ida climbed back to hir hooves and stood in the stall. Hir legs were still spread, a stance required for the new shift in hir center of gravity. Foster was still very lightweight, not adding much mass, but certainly changing hir distribution. Hir knees wobbled and shi stumbled back until shi landed back on top of the toilet. There shi sat, moaning every time Foster moved around under hir flesh.

"Oh my god... I can't believe we just did that." Shi managed to mutter.

Foster, still rather active, possibly trying to turn around into a comfortable position, tried to speak but his voice was somewhat muffled.

"I know. It's like I was on autopilot or something. I just... I just had to." Foster said through fatigued pants for breath.

Ida looked down at hir belly, sticking out far enough to be seen past hir heavy bust. It felt so unbelievably good. That itch shi had been needing to scratch was finally sated, and sated well. Who knew all shi had to do was shove someone into hir womb? Shi chuckled tiredly and slouched in hir seat, unable to keep from rubbing hir bloated middle. Of course shi knew. Shi had known for almost as long as shi had existed. Shi had just forgotten.

Then Ida jerked to attention, sitting upright as if shi'd been hit by a bolt of lightning. This new state, pregnant with the a lover shi'd just enjoyed a tawdry session of lust-filled sex with; it triggered another sense memory, far stronger than the previous one. Images and thoughts began to flood back to hir. Shi looked down at hir stomach, breathless in the revelation. Slowly, a knowing smile crept back across hir muzzle.

"Hey there, Foster. It's been a while." Shi cooed to hir belly.

Foster's movement slowed while the deer carrying him went through the same revelation he did. His own collection of memories poured in as if a gate had been opened. He smiled unseen under hir fur.

"Hey Ida. I missed you."

It was spring in the forest. All the animals had come out of hibernation or returned from migration. Flowers were in bloom. Trees were covered in brilliant, verdant leaves freshly grown from buds only a week or two prior. The smell of life returning to the land was strong in Ida's nose. Shi inhaled it strongly and sighed. Shi loved the spring. It was hir favorite time of year, no matter where in the world shi was. The deer moved between the trees slowly as shi drank in the sensation of the land awakening around hir. It wasn't just the weather and ambiance that made hir love this particular season. This was always the time of year that hir hunt would see the most excitement. Spring made it easy to track hir quarry. He was always wherever something was in bloom and animals were multiplying.

As the deer strolled nude through the forest, a new aroma tickled hir nose. Ida's lips pulled into a grin and shi crouched, slipping behind a cluster of bushes. The sound of delicate wings fluttering buzzed gently, growing louder. The doe watched carefully and quietly, hir tall ears swiveling about to pinpoint the source of the noise. And then shi spotted it. There he was. A fairy boy fluttered across the thicket some distance ahead of hir. He was busy tending to a patch of flowers, waving his hands over the green stalks as he sailed over them. As if on command, the blossoms all opened and stretched up towards the sun.

Once the fairy was pleased with his work, he turned his attention to a young grey rabbit that had emerged from the woods. She gazed at him curiously, tilting her head. She was clad in a simple, rough-edged robe with a cord tied around the waist to help stay put. The lady watched him with wide eyes, amazed at what she saw.

"Hello there little one. How are you today?" He spoke soothingly as he fluttered over to her. Foster was just as naked as the deer watching the scene as it unfolded.

The rabbit stuttered softly as she looked him up and down.

"A-a-a-are you... a fairy!?" She said in amazement.

Foster smiled.

"I am. What brings someone such as yourself this far out? We're a very long way from any village." The fairy's voice was warm and kind.

"I... I came out here to pray. The people in my town thought I was silly to do it, but... are you here to answer my pleas?" The rabbit sounded hopeful.

"Well that depends," Foster said with a grin, "What was it you came out to pray for?"

The rabbit lowered her head bashfully, somewhat ashamed of the answer.

"To become a mother. I prayed to the old gods that I be given a child. No one in town believes in them anymore, so I didn't think it would work." The lapine lady fidgeted in embarrassment.

"You just happen to be in luck," Foster smiled brightly, fluttering over to the girl, "I can grant your wish if you like."

The rabbit looked up to him in surprised, her eyes wide once again. She opened her mouth to speak but she found herself silenced by the fairy, a single finger pressed against her lips as he gently shushed her. No more words came between the two of them. Foster helped untie the lady's robe and slipped her out of it. She was very beautiful and young. The fact that she was having such difficulty conceiving suggested that perhaps it was an internal matter. The fairy was not concerned by this at all. With little ceremony, he kissed the rabbit, wrapping his arms around her so she would not fall as she practically fainted in his arms.

Foster fluttered his wings, keeping the two of them floating in the air as he cradled the young lady against him. She shivered and trembled, clinging to him. Ida watched, having seen the fairy do this countless times before. He made love to the girl, no doubt far better than any she had gotten before or since. When the deed was done, she had fallen asleep, her stomach swollen with the fairy lad's impressive contribution. He lowered her into the soft grass and kissed her cheek, offering her belly a loving caress.

"There you are my dear. When you awaken, you will return home to the arms of your lover. Soon you will be with child. Several children I'm sure. May this bring you all the joy and happiness you desire." Foster whispered to her.

There the two lovers stayed for a moment, the fairy admiring the beautiful young lady's now motherly shape. He lost himself for an instant, then was brought back. A snap of a twig brought his attention sharply into focus. His eyes darted up as he scanned his surroundings. And then he spotted what he was afraid of. A pair of antlers could be seen just barely poking out of the bushes not too far away.

In a flash, Foster was on the move, flying at great speed along the ground away from the hunter. Ida crashed through the bushes to give chase, hir course taking hir past the sleeping rabbit girl. As shi raced by, hir hand brushed across the lady's round belly. Almost immediately it shrank to a much smaller, softer paunch.

"Sorry, you naughty boy. You don't get to give her a huge litter. One is more than enough." Ida cackled quietly. His antics always amused hir.

Foster's heart raced as he darted between the trees, trying his best to evade the relentless cervine pursuing him. His wings beat furiously at the air to power him forward. If only shi had found him after he'd had a chance to catch his breath from his encounter with the rabbit. He was already beginning to tire. That meant he had only one option; he had to slow the deer down.

As the fairy flew, he spun over onto his back, looking towards the hunter behind him. Foster flung his arm skyward and rolled back over as a nest of vines, stalks, and shrubs sprouted immediately in Ida's path. If shi ran into the barrier, it would end up tangling around hir. Fortunately, shi had an alternative. Foster turned to look back again, unable to see the deer through the brush he'd summoned. He breathed a sigh of relief, but his ease faded swiftly as the doe launched hirself high into the air, clearing the barricade in a single bound. Shi made it look easy. After all, deer were excellent at jumping. Ida cackled as shi resumed the chase. Foster cried out in dismay and powered forward.

The fairy wouldn't be able to hold out for long. His speed came at great cost, since his stamina during a chase was rather poor. Still, he refused to give up, even as he began to slow. A new tactic saw him weaving through the trees, trying to make it difficult for the deer to track him. All it served to accomplish was to slow him down further. He wasn't good at tight turns. Ida's grin widened as shi closed the gap between them. Foster's heart thumped rapidly in his chest while Ida's beat like a metronome.

The hoof-falls crunching the grass below hammered on, driving the deer towards hir goal until shi leapt one more time, reaching out towards the fairy fleeing before hir. Foster loosed a cry of surprise as he looked over his shoulder to find the doe careening down towards him, eyes and smile both wide. A loud crash filled the woods as the two collided, hit the ground, and tumbled along the forest floor until they finally came to a halt. Ida lay on top of Foster, pinning him to the ground. Neither had sustained injury from what should have caused a few broken bones, bruises, and scrapes. Not even the fairy's wings had been damaged.

Foster looked up at the deer atop him, squirming and complaining as he tried to escape.

"Stop! Let me go!" He cried.

"No," Ida retorted with a grin, "I caught you fair and square."

Foster ceased his squirms and huffed, pouting up at the doe. Shi'd caught him, alright.

"It's too early." The fairy whined.

"It's never too early," Ida leaned in and whispered to him. Shi pressed hir chest against his, hir heavy, supple bust compressing against him nicely, "You managed to avoid me for a pretty good while, nowhere near your record, but a pretty good while."

"Two hundred some odd years isn't pretty good if you ask me," Foster frowned, "Mark my words, one of these times, I'll manage to keep from getting caught for at least half a millennium. You wait and see."

Ida laughed and slipped hir arms around the fairy, pinning his to his sides.

"No you won't. You'd miss me too much." Ida mused before pressing hir lips to his.

All of Foster's displeasure of being caught melted away as he squirmed again, managing to return hir embrace. The two long-time lovers lay there in the grass, reveling in the reunion and rekindling of their passion. It had been a while since last they'd held one another, or even seen one another at closer than across a field from each other.

It was a momentous occasion, just as it always was. And it would be celebrated just as it always had been. The two rolled back and forth in the grass, wasting no time whatsoever in making passionate love to each other. They remained locked together all morning, changing positions, hunter and prey, until at last they collapsed against one another. Spent, exhausted, and bloated from the filling they had given each other; they basked in the comfort of one another's touch.

"I really have missed you, Foster." Ida said, still catching hir breath.

Foster nuzzled into the deer's breasts, straddling hir hips as he lay on top of hir. The position felt very natural for the two of them.

"I've missed you too," Foster sighed happily, "Now... you didn't do anything to undo what I gave to that cute little rabbit earlier, did you?"

Ida smirked.

"I had to. You had given her a dozen some odd babies. She's a peasant in her village, she can't afford to raise that many children! I backed her down to just one. It's the right thing to do. The people in 'polite society' are getting too numerous as it is. We don't need to be making things worse." The deer explained.

"You just can't let me have my fun, can you? It's not like she'd have had them all at once. She'd wake up not remembering our little session, she'd go back to her town to her husband or beloved, or find one if she didn't have one already, and she'd just pop out a steady stream of them over the years. Much as I'd love to see that adorable belly grow that big all at once, I'm not as lecherous as you think I am." Foster retorted.

"Yes you are!" Ida cackled, "We both are! And my point still stands. Giving her one child is enough. Maybe if she's lucky, she'll have another sometime later, but I doubt it. And if she does, then it's just another person who'll have to witness the fall of civilization. It's almost time for another one. They're spreading like wildfire, the 'civilized' ones. It can't be sustained. You've seen it in our travels."

Foster nodded, resting his cheek against his lover's chest, sighing as he ran a hand over his bloated tummy. He did so enjoy it when shi filled him, and he enjoyed returning the favor almost as much. The fairy greatly preferred bottoming to his other half and shi certainly loved topping for him.

"I suppose you're right. They have gotten rather numerous. They're spreading further into the wilds, building roads, crossing oceans, expanding their farms. Why, I've seen them using their new skills working with metal to build larger, more impressive buildings in the bigger cities. I've even seen a boat that had no sails at all!" Foster exclaimed.

"No sails?" Ida asked.

"None! Instead, it had a large stalk sticking out of it that belched black clouds of soot and ash. There was a fire inside the boat, and the 'civilized ones' had harnessed it, used to turn a great wheel that pushed the boat forward under its own power. They no longer need rely on the currents of the sea or the wind. I've never seen anything like it." The fairy spoke contemplatively.

Ida frowned softly, "Strange, they're advancing quickly this time."

"They are indeed," Foster said, "But like you say, it cannot be sustained. I suspect their latest civilization will fall, probably by the same way as the Korathian Empire. The rabbits, the wolves, the foxes, even the dragons and the humans; all the different races, all of those who are 'civilized' are banding together in larger and larger groups and intermixing. It will lead to decadence and hedonism until they forget to tend to what holds their world together. Then, it will crumble."

"Maybe we should study this one more closely, keep an eye on it. Depending on how it falls, it could do considerable damage to the balance." Ida spoke with concern in hir voice.

Foster lifted his head and grinned up at the deer. He had heard such suggestions from hir before.

"Are you suggesting a prolonged companionship this time?" He giggled.

Ida smiled as shi wrapped hir arms more tightly around the fairy.

"I am indeed. But we must be careful. We will have to blend in with them, appear as though we belong in their society." The doe cooed, tracing up and down hir lover's back.

"You mean you will have to. I'll be hidden the whole time. How long do you think we should study them?" Foster smiled, resting his chin back on Ida's lovely breasts, feeling them squeeze in against his cheeks a little.

"Given what we know, I suspect they can't last more than a couple of years. After their society is laid low by their own short-sightedness, we can clean up the rest, bring them back to nature. After that, the chase can resume." Ida grinned at the fairy.

They did enjoy the hunt. It was just a shame that they had to wait so long between meetings. Ida would pursue, but lag far behind for a time, giving Foster a chance to bolster the diversity of life. The deer would follow in his wake, limiting the growth, keeping it in check so no one pack, forest, or tribe grew too wild. Together though, their powers were far greater. They could undo the damage done by war, plague, and even the most devastating natural disasters.

This would be the first time they would remain together for so long. Usually they reunited after a fallen civilization to renew the earth. It only took a few months, and then they would part ways to resume the thrill of the hunt. A couple of years would stretch far beyond their longest period together. They both relished the idea, they were in love after all. Their timing had just been a little off. That was all.

"I think I can agree to being with you for a couple of years. I'd be with you for eternity if I could!" Foster professed with dramatic flare, making his beloved giggle.

"Careful, little one. I might take you up on your offer. Now, I do believe we should get started. I'm yearning to feel you inside me again." Ida smoothly cooed to the fairy.

Foster nodded and suddenly found himself on his back on the grass. Ida pinned him there for a moment before slowly moving down along his form, kissing the boyish figure shi had come to love so very quickly so very long ago. So very long ago; shi couldn't even remember when they had met. It was as though they had always been. The deer affectionately doted on hir beloved's smooth form, adoring the soft, warm skin of his chest, the yielding sensation of his gurgling stomach so full of hir seed, and the ample girth and length of his manhood. A tender kiss was offered to that throbbing member before Ida sat up.

Shi sat at his feet, legs spread wide. Foster watched as the doe took his ankles in hand and guided his toes to hir groin, tucking them under hir heavy sac. The warm, moist touch of hir petals wrapped around his feet. The fairy sighed happily as he felt Ida's motherly form slowly consume him, inch by inch, the deer taking hir time to savor the act. It was both their favorite part of their unions.

Slowly, Ida's stomach swelled as shi took the fairy into hirself. Foster aided hir efforts, scooting himself towards the thighs spreading around him. Eventually, the doe laid back in the grass, flexing the walls of hir tunnel and nothing else. Shi resisted the urge to roll hir hips, only utilizing the power of hir womanhood to devour the fairy. And he resisted not in the least. The sun reached its zenith as Ida managed to kiss at Foster's neck with hir quivering lips. A puddle soaked the ground between hir legs, having been brought to climax a number of times. It was why shi liked taking hir time.

With a loving caress along the fairy's cheek, Ida reached up to the top of Foster's head and pushed him the rest of the way in. Shi cooed happily as shi felt him disappear into hir vulva, hir flower closing behind him. There shi lay, groping at hir gravid middle. The fairy turned about inside, making hir shiver as one last good orgasm filled hir. The resulting creamy-white stain that covered hir belly left hir giggling all over again.

"Mmm, there we go. Back where you belong. Now don't you go trying to escape until the world is good and ready." Ida cooed to hir tummy.

"It's hard to resist the hunt, but I will do my best, my love." Foster answered, his voice muffled by the deer's figure housing him.

With a bit of a grunt, Ida sat up, then climbed to hir hooves. Foster wasn't heavy. But shi would have to get used to the shift in balance all over again. It was just another part of this that shi adored. Without much thought, shi began to stroll through the woods. The sway of hir hips and tummy gave hir gait a new cadence shi had to adjust to as well.

"Now, how do we go about this? I can't just walk into a village and expect everyone to just accept a big, naked, pregnant deer with features between hir legs more manly than most men. I need an in." Ida mused, still cradling hir tummy.

"I'm not sure myself. It's the first time we've tried this." Foster replied.

Ida thought to hirself for a moment as hir body shifted, accepting the fairy's presence, not just physically, but in other ways as well. Shi smiled as shi looked down to see hir breasts swelling, even beginning to leak thin streams of milk. The deer hefted hir bust, feeling the added weight and sensitivity in hir chest. Shi gave them a good squeeze, which in turn forced more of the sweet cream to spurt from hir nipples. It felt quite lovely, and shi was tempted to continue the fun, but shi had business to tend to.

Shi felt the fairy's powers radiating out from hir belly, filling hir with their combined strength. Shi waved a hand over the grass as shi walked, marveling as it grew at hir command. Flowers began to sprout and bloom in hir dark hair, framing hir cheeks and antlers as if shi had picked them and formed a headdress for hirself. As the subtle changes passed, a thought occurred to hir.

"How about that cute little rabbit? I'm sure she could help us out. She won't remember you, but I'll make sure shi remembers me." Ida smirked, quickening hir pace. Hir loins were stirring again, suddenly thinking perhaps it would be alright if that adorable bunny had twins, maybe triplets instead of just one.

The doe returned to the sleeping rabbit's side and greeted her when she awoke. With little convincing, Ida coaxed the girl into another session of lovemaking, this time without putting her to sleep. The rabbit didn't question why a deer like hir was wandering the woods in the nude, pregnant, and being of both genders. She simply submitted to the wondrous sensations the doe provided. Little did she realize she had just taken her second immortal lover, and that this time, she'd be kept company by them for a good while longer.

Hanna, the rabbit both had come to impregnate, agreed to help Ida find a place to stay for the night in town. It happened to be in Hanna's bed with her. The rabbit could not resist curling up against the curves and swells of the deer. Shi was warm and comforting, providing a sense of security, that nothing bad would happen to Hannah while Ida was around.

Their company lasted for quite some time, and Ida began to learn as much about the new society shi was visiting as shi could. Hanna was ultimately wed and her husband fathered the triplets that the deer and the fairy both gave her, and not long after that, the deer took hir leave to travel and visit the cities of the world.

Clothing was a new experience. Initially it had been a repellant idea, covering hirself up, but Ida understood why it was necessary. After a few months, shi came to enjoy the idea of certain garments accentuating certain features. It helped attract lovers of all sorts, and they were all so eager to please. That was something shi enjoyed about this civilization. Shi could easily 'corrupt' so many, then take hir leave without shattering hearts.

Science was certainly a surprise to both Ida and Foster. They were of mixed feelings on the matter, seeing how it could be abused but also seeing how it could be terribly helpful. So much of the world had grown so fast since their last union. Governments had sprung up everywhere. Nations were built and expanded. Cultures of many wide and varied forms developed. The pair began to think that perhaps there was something to this civilization thing going on. In time, they gradually forgot about the balance of nature they had protected for so long. Ida delved deeper into the pleasures of 'modern society', finding it easy to make money and still keep a relatively low profile. Foster slept more and more, causing the two to forget one another, even though they were in such intimate contact.

Then, one morning, Ida woke with excitement. There was to be a demonstration of a new device, a 'steam locomotive', and shi was eager to see it. Shi hopped out of bed, not even noticing that hir stomach had shrank and flattened out completely. Foster was gone, escaped. Hir beloved had disappeared into the world and shi had not even realized. The fairy was similarly afflicted. The seduction of the modern world had clouded his mind as well. He awoke elsewhere in the world, not remembering who he was other than his name. His memory of the past was gone save for his understanding of how society worked. He carried himself off into the wilds of the city and sought to make a living for himself.

And so the two separated. They had lasted only just over a year before they had become blinded.

Time marched on and the great fall of civilization they had predicted never came to pass. Instead, society continued on. Wars were fought, governments toppled, regimes changed, and science advanced. But society, though it morphed and evolved, never fell.

Eventually, the two forgotten lovers and protectors of nature's balance found themselves in a world far different than what they had seen prior to their last union. Neither could remember anything from their life before. And then, without realizing it, the two were drawn together by the inherent desire to find one another. The hunt could finally continue, even if it was brief.

In what many might have called serendipity, the two lovers found each other again. And their reunion was a joyous one.

"Oh my god... I can't believe we just did that." Ida muttered, sitting there in the stall of the ladies' room attached to the writhing, thumping rave just outside.

Foster shifted under hir fur, feeling a strong sense of belonging deep in the cervine's womb.

"I know. It's like I was on autopilot or something. I just... I just had to." Foster said, slowly coming to realize what Ida was coming to understand as well.

The two lovers jerked in shock as the memory of their past life flooded back to them; the ages and ages they spent living carefree and happy in the wilds, watching societies rise and fall, and of course the decision to investigate at their last reunion. As they realized they had forgotten who they were, forgotten each other, and forgotten their roles, the fact that they had managed to find each other again gave them such great comfort and joy it was all they could do to keep calm and steady.

"Hey there, Foster. It's been a while." Shi cooed to hir belly.

"Hey Ida. I missed you." Foster smiled deep inside his beloved.

Ida slumped in hir seat, hugging hir rounded stomach as a sense of peace washed over hir. Foster settled as well, simply drinking in the moment. Never before in all their times apart had they forgotten each other. It was disturbing that they had this time, but it was equally wonderful that they had found each other in spite of it.

"How long has it been? About three hundred years?" Ida asked.

"Something like that. It's all still a little fuzzy so I can't remember exactly when we reconnected last. Frankly, I don't care. I'm just happy to be with you again." Foster almost cried out.

"I am too," Ida smiled, stroking over where shi felt the fairy's head under hir fur, "But, holy crap, the world today. We've got our work cut out for us, honey! They've got a city, and a university, on the moon! The moon for crying out loud!"

Foster chuckled a little, nodding and pressing out against the walls holding him in. He knew how much shi loved it when he stretched hir like this.

"We sure do. But this time, let's get it right. Let's not get so wrapped up we forget again. Look what happened while we were out of it." Foster had a point. The world had departed rather dramatically from nature's path. There were still great swaths of wild, untamed land, but nowhere near what had once been, and the damage done by advancing civilization had been considerable.

"I don't think we can pull this off, honey. Not in a few months, or even a few years." Ida remarked.

"Yeah, probably not. Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" Foster asked.

Ida suppressed a giggle, not having intended to pose the idea on their next meeting.

"I think it's time we looked into making this a permanent arrangement. Maybe you slip out from time to time so we can have a night of fun, then you dive back in." The deer's heart fluttered at the idea.

"You know what... after what happened this time, I think I'm okay with that," Foster confessed, "I'm glad I found you again, but... I don't ever want to forget you again. Ever."

Ida shivered at the idea of them never parting, remaining just like this for the rest of their lives. That would certainly give them all the time they might need to give the world a chance to re-balance.

Feeling a renewed sense of energy, the deer stood up and collected hir shorts, slipping back into them. The waistband refused to work with hir now rather pregnant belly, but that was fine by hir. The bulge in the groin of hir pants would have a little more slack, so shi'd be a little more comfortable.

"Now that I think about it," Ida said, "It might not be as hard as we thought. I remember hearing something about a resort out in the middle of nowhere. They pride themselves on preserving the woods around the area. Maybe we should give it a look."

"I think I've heard of that place. Rumors of depravity and such. I think we'd both fit right in!" Foster laughed.

Ida opened the stall and stepped out, moving to the sink to clean hirself up a little bit. As soon as shi caught sight of hirself in the mirror, shi froze, then turned in profile to enjoy the new figure. Hir stomach wasn't the only thing that had grown. Shi noticed hir bust stretching hir crop top to the limit. A couple of dark patches formed right where hir nipples where and shi giggled.

"I had forgotten how fast that happened." Ida mused. Shi slipped the top off and turned the faucet on. The top was dunked under the water, soaked thoroughly, then wrung out. After all, if the whole thing was wet, it'd be hard to see hir milking through the fabric.

Just as the deer was about done 'cleaning' hir shirt, the bathroom door chimed, signifying that the lockout was being removed. The door slid open and in walked the rabbit waitress from before. She stopped a few steps in upon seeing the now rather gravid doe, topless.

"Oh! It's you!" The rabbit cried, blushing furiously. She tried to step back out to give Ida some privacy, but the door had closed behind her and she couldn't find the panel to open it again in her panic.

Ida just grinned and turned, walking over to the flustered waitress, pressing her against the closed door with hir belly.

"Well hello there. Didn't think I'd be seeing you again so soon." Ida used the same silky voice shi had practiced so often on Foster. The fairy in hir belly grinned hearing his lover get to work right away.

"The door was locked! I... I came to open it since someone asked! Why did you take your shirt off!? And what happened to your stomach!? You weren't this big before!" The girl cried in a flummoxed fashion.

"Like what you see? Care to have a taste?" Ida hoisted one of hir breasts, cupping it towards the rabbit's mouth. Hir other hand moved to guide her in, resting just at the base of the bunny's skull.

The waitress wanted to resist, she had a job to do after all. But the kiss from earlier had made quite the impression. Now, she couldn't help herself. Tentatively, the girl leaned in and pressed her lips against the deer's pert nipple. Almost immediately, the pressure on the doe's bust brought a rich, creamy drink to the rabbit's tongue, enticing her to drink more. And so she did.

Ida cooed and stood there, nursing the bunny, not caring about whoever was waiting outside, needing in. Something about this girl reminded hir of the one who had lured hir away from hir old life. Maybe she was a descendant.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Ida said, keeping hir voice low and soothing.

The rabbit had become a little eager in her nursing, pulling herself away only just long enough to answer.

"Hannah." She muttered before sealing her lips back to the beautiful doe's breast.

Ida chuckled and smiled. Very likely she was indeed a descendant. That worked out just fine by hir.

"Well Hannah," Ida mused, "When do you get off work?"

The rabbit moaned softly as she tried to breathe around the nipple in her mouth, finding she couldn't get enough of the doe's milk.

"This was... the last thing... I needed to do. I could... leave... right now." She slurred softly between gulps.

"Good. You're coming home with me. We've got a lot to talk about. I've got a little project I just started and I could use some help." Ida whispered huskily into Hannah's ear.

The rabbit practically melted in the doe's arms, moaning softly. She was so weak in the knees now, it wasn't very likely she wouldn't be able to walk. Ida would have to carry her out. And in that instant, a rather naughty idea occurred to hir and shi grinned broadly.

"Hey, honey?" The deer called out to hir tummy, "Think you could put up with a little company? I know how you like bunnies."

Foster smirked and pressed out against the rabbit on the other side of his lover's flesh.

"You know me all too well. Feel free to send her in. But, are you sure you can stretch that far?" The fairy asked.

"Remember the problem with the antelope herds a couple thousand years ago?" Ida smirked, recalling how well shi ate almost every day while shi tried to thin out the overcrowded numbers.

"Yeah, I guess this wouldn't be a big deal for you after that." Foster chuckled.

Hannah looked between the doe and hir belly, confused.

"Are you... talking to someone... inside you?" The rabbit said with a softly dazed tone.

"That's right, cutie. I've got my boyfriend tucked away in my tummy. And guess what? You're going to join him. Definitely for the night. Probably for longer than that." Ida stated rather matter-of-factly.

Hannah didn't really question it, even though she knew she probably should. The doe guided her back into the stall previously used and sat her down on the toilet. As if shi were a mother tending to a sleepy child, Ida began undressing the compliant rabbit. Hannah moved easily to accommodate her clothing being removed, even helping out a little here and there. Soon, she was completely naked, giving the deer opportunity to appreciate her impressive figure.

She was quite gorgeous; ample bosom, broad hips, firm legs, and a graceful countenance that Ida could now see was the spitting image of the very rabbit that had helped introduce hir to the 'modern world' so long ago. The doe pulled the girl in close, wrapping hir arms around the rabbit in a tender, loving hug. Perhaps this was fate. The balance of nature had a funny way of putting things right where they needed to be right when they most needed to be there. Another kiss passed between the two ladies, different from before; deeper, more meaningful.

"What do I need to do?" Hannah asked once she was able.

"Just sit there and look beautiful." Ida smiled. Shi unfastened hir shorts again and let them fall to the ground just like before. With little coaxing, Hannah's head was tucked under the deer's scrotum and weight began to press down on her. The doe shivered happily as shi began to take hir second passenger. In all the ages shi and Foster had been bound to one another, shi'd never given him a playmate while sealed away inside hir. This would be a new experience, and shi eagerly welcomed it.

The rabbit closed her eyes and pressed up into the deer's folds, letting herself be consumed. The two ladies pressed into one another with greater strength, both needing this more than they realized. Soon, Hannah was standing under Ida, her large, soft paws flat against the floor. Ida hirself was flat-hoofed as well. Shi could just bend hir legs and sit down on the girl, but shi opted for a new approach. The deer held hir steadily swelling stomach, huffing as shi let the sensation of stretching wash over hir. The rippling muscles within gripped hir new lover and dragged her in. Hannah's paws lifted off the floor, her toes wiggling as she was drawn up into the womb of her new mistress.

Minutes ticked by as one girl slid up into the other. Ida moaned gleefully as hir stomach stretched and grew, soon too large for hir to reach around with both arms. A strong tickling tingle shot up the deer's spine as Hannah's paws slipped into hir with a wet slurp. Immediately, Foster wrapped himself around the rabbit and kissed her passionately. Ida's belly began to churn and writhe as hir two 'children' made passionate, almost violent love to each other. The heavy motion left hir weak in the knees. With a heavy thump, the doe sat down on the toilet once again, groping at hir wriggling gut. Shi could hear the moans coming from inside. Shi could even feel subtle features press against hir flesh from within. Shi could vaguely make out just what sort of position they were using. And all this information only drove hir further into the depths of erotic madness.

The bathroom was quickly filled by the sounds of lust, Ida moaning at the top of hir lungs. A heavy splash of thick, sticky ooze was painted across the inside of the stall door, the doe's rod bucking wildly as it made an even bigger mess than before. There shi sat for a solid fifteen minutes, during which the door was unlocked again and others came in to use the restroom. Some thought about investigating the moaning doe's plight, but the smell of sex so heavy in the air told them all they needed to know. That and the rather massive sticky puddle of white on the floor.

After an hour of this, Ida finally settled down again, panting for breath. Hir two passengers had not. They seemed to be tireless in their need to pleasure one another. Hir belly continued to wobble and sway, and shi just giggled breathlessly, squeezing and stroking hir middle.

"If this is what it's gonna be like from now on, I just might not ever let either of you out ever again, for anything!" Ida cried out happily.

Hir two passengers didn't respond, except with their moans of passion.

With a quiet groan here and there, Ida stood back up, hir balance thrown off a good deal more with the addition of the rabbit in hir gut. And shi loved it. The doe collected Hannah's clothing as well as Foster's, then spirited the sticky, damp garments away into a virtual purse. It was little more than a pocket dimension produced by the very bracelet shi wore. Most everyone had something like that at their disposal. It meant shi didn't have to carry an actual purse with hir, which was nice. Immediate recall of any item shi had stored, and no worry that the stickiness of the clothes would get on anything else shi'd stored.

The stall door opened and Ida waddled out slowly, squeezing through the now too-small doorway. The weight on hir hips was glorious, and every step sent a new jolt of pleasure up hir spine. Hir shaft twitched and throbbed below the giant belly forcing it down, leaking steadily. Shi was going to leave a very visible trail behind hir.

There wasn't any point in trying to get hir shorts back on. Hir belly would conceal enough of hir unmentionables that shi could get away with the trip back home before anyone called hir indecent. Maybe the fact that shi would be going without pants would draw a couple of onlookers along for some more fun. The shorts vanished into the same little pocket, as if blinking out of existence, and Ida looked at hir crop top. With a bit of effort, shi managed to squeeze back into it. Hir fur was nicely soaked by milk leaking from hir at this point, heavier than shi'd experienced before.

In fact, just trying to stuff hir chest back into the crop top showed hir that hir breasts had grown yet again, and by a fair bit. Flesh spilled over the 'neckline' of the garment, no longer able to properly house hir bosom. Ida found this terribly amusing and resolved to give hir new chest a thorough exploration once shi was home.

Satisfied with hir limited ability to clean hirself up, and pleased seeing the flowers emerging from hir hair once again, Ida turned and opened the door. The sides of hir still very active belly scraped against the frame, forcing hir to push hir way out. Shi stepped out into the club, hir belly writhing away visibly. It drew a few stares and the doe just shot a coy smile back at anyone shi caught gazing.

"Might wanna call a cleaning crew. It's a bit of a mess in there." Ida chuckled.

With that, the doe turned and began waddling hir way through the crowd, deciding perhaps shi might like to stay and dance a bit longer before going home. After all, shi was sure shi could convince one or two more new 'disciples' to convert. A forest spirit needed followers after all.