When A Fox Gets Drunk...

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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A blue tiger wearing a white polo with a bowling logo and khaki pants walks into a bar just as it's about to close. He takes a seat and shouts, "Hey Frank! The usual please!"

"Ok!" Frank, a honey bear with pink highlights in his fur, says back. As the tiger waits, he looks around at the empty place. Not another soul in here. "Here you go."

"Thanks," the tiger replies. He takes the small shot glass of vodka and downs it quickly. As he looks around again, mostly at the pictures on the wall, he sees a pair of black ears at a table in the corner. I guess I'm not alone, he thinks. Curious, he stands up and walks over to the corner.

A black fox who looks half-asleep sits there all by himself. The tiger reaches a paw out and gently shakes his shoulder. The fox snaps awake and turns his attention to him. "Can I h-help you.... S-Sir?" His speech sounds slurred and he looks a little dizzy.

"Hey, are you ok?" The tiger asks.

"Never better," the fox replies before slightly belching. "I'm just... just..."

"Drunk?" The tiger noticed a few empty bottles of Bud Light on the table. I can't leave this guy by himself, he thinks. "Do you need help?"

"Huh? No! I'm... I just need... t-to go home and sleep." There he goes with the slurred speech. The tiger could barely understand him at all. The fox tries to get up but doesn't even take a step before he falls down. The tiger catches him before he hits the ground.

"Are you sure you're ok?" The tiger asks again.

"Yeah. I'm... I'm f-fine," the fox says. He looks up and sees he's right between the tiger's legs. "Especially now that... that uhh... my dessert a-apparently showed up." He reaches his paws out but it takes him a few tries before he finds the tiger's legs.

"W-What're you doing?" The tiger asks, clearly nervous. Was this fox going where he thinks he's going.

"Oh I s-see... it's a... a... get-it-yourself buffet. I see how it is." The fox paws around the tiger's crotch until he finds the zipper. As he unzips it, the tiger's breathing increases as does his heartbeat. The fox reaches a paw inside the open hole and feels around. The tiger can't help but get aroused from that. The fox reaches past his boxers and pulls out the tiger's hard cock. "There... there it is."

"Dude, what are you going to do?" The tiger wasn't sure whether to stay or run. Was he seriously going to get blown? The fox wraps his fingers around it and strokes.

"I'm getting my... ice cream. What does it l-look like?" The fox asks before belching and covering his forehead again. He appears a bit dizzy again but nothing will stop him from getting his "dessert". He strokes the tiger a little more before he says, "Huh. I guess... the pumps b-broken. Guess I'll h-have t-to get it out myself." Before the tiger can protest, the fox takes the cock into his muzzle and starts sucking on it. The tiger moans but let's the fox do his thing.

"Ohhhhh foxy!" The tiger purrs. He looks around for Frank but doesn't see him. Thank goodness.

The drunk fox licks all over the tiger's shaft and tip, only making him more horny. Pleasure swirls around the tiger's mind as this stranger sucks him off for his dessert. He reaches down and plays with the fox's ears as he feels him wraps his tongue around his cock as he sucks.

The fox sucks harder, grabbing the tiger's hips so he would fall over from dizziness. He starts to feel something going on in his own pants but still doesn't quite get what's going on yet. At this point, the tiger has a paw on the back of the fox's head, helping him bob his head on his cock. The longer this goes, the more the tiger can feel his climax building.

"Ohhh fox! I feel it coming!" The tiger moans as the fox sucks him harder.

"Good. Papa n-needs his dessert," the fox says. He deep throats the tiger, making him slightly growl, and swirls his tongue around the hard shaft. Even teasing him by repeatedly licking the tip. "Mmmmmm tastes good. B-But where's my ice c-cream?" He licks the shaft all over some more.

"Don't worry, bud. It's coming," the tiger replies.

"That's great," the fox giggles. He deep throats him again and snakes his paws around to grope the tiger's ass. The tiger looks down at him and smiles. Not long after, his shaft starts to leak the saltiness of precum. "Here's th-the free water that c-c-comes with it. Now for my... my, uh..."


"Y-Yes!" The fox opens his muzzle and paws the tiger off.

"Mmmmmmmm," the tiger moans some more as he feels his load coming. What doesn't help is the sensitive touch from the drunk, yet seemingly horny fox. He feels his load coming through his cock. "Ohhhhhh fox!!! I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." He shoots his load before he could finish. The fox gets most of it in his muzzle and swallows.

"A bit s-salty. But... f-five stars, a-anyways," the fox replies with a smile. He stands up with a little help from the tiger, who's still in shock that he's just been blown by someone he met five minutes ago. But he does admit, it felt great.

"Want me to take you home?" The tiger asks.

"You want... to t-take me?" the fox asks. He reaches out at the table and picks up a bottle of beer. Still a little left.

"I think you've had enough of that," the tiger says, trying to grab it. Before he could, the fox downs what's left of it.

"I don't think y-you," the fox points at the tiger blindly, "have had enough of... of..." the fox tries to spank himself but only gets his hip, "this ass." The drunk fox giggles a little. He reaches down at the tiger shaft and rubs it.

"I can't fuck you here in the middle of the bar! Besides, I'm not gay!" The tiger says.

"But I... I can tell that you... you're an ass-man," the fox says, takes the tiger's paw and putting it on what he thinks is his rear end. "Besides, I know how... how m-men are these d-days. Sometimes we... just need someone to... to, uh... fuck! That's the word!"

"I... I..." the tiger wasn't sure what to say. Yes, he likes asses but he's never thought of a guy's ass that way. And it's true men do get horny and just want to fuck someone sometimes. But he just met this guy! He can't screw him over! He doesn't know what this man is carrying. He doesn't even know if he's married or not. The tiger looks at the fox's left paw. No ring. That's sort of a relief.

"I see," the fox says, still a bit sauced, "the k-kitty is scared to f-fuck me." He giggles and teases the tiger's cock some more. The tiger shivers and thinks to himself, I do need to get off a little. He helps the fox turn around and bend over the table he was drinking at earlier. He gently tugs the fox's pants down to reveal his tailhole and ass. He puts his paws on it and rubs it, unable to stop admiring how sexy it was to him. His asscheeks fit perfectly into my big paws, the tiger thinks.

"Damn, fox. You have a sexy-as-hell ass!" The tiger says, pawing himself a little from the thought of putting it in there.

"I kn-knew it!" The fox replies with another belch and giggle. The tiger gives his tailhole a few licks to lube it up, stand up and grabs the fox's hips.

"I'm gonna enjoy this," the tiger says to himself. He pushes himself slowly into the fox and the two of them moan from pleasure. The tiger buries his six inches inside this fox and spanks him a little before slowly thrusting into him.

"Ohhhh f-f-fuck!!" The fox moans. He wraps his tail around the tiger's stomach as he braces himself for this to pick up. The tiger gives the fox a couple more spanks, loving the sound of him crying out from each one. He softly rubs the fox's back, soothing him a little.

"Ohhh yes!!! Such a perfect tailhole!!" The tiger says. He grabs onto the fox's hips and fucks him a little faster. He closes his eyes and let's his hips naturally thrust forward into the fox's ass. His sexy-as-fuck ass. The thoughts make the tiger fuck him harder.

"Ohhhhhh!!!! F-foxy like!!" the fox says. He seems to be cuddling with an empty beer bottle as his ass gets pounded. With each thrust, the fox just moans and tightens his tail around the tiger.

Once again, the tiger feels his climax building. So many thoughts make him even more horny and makes him fuck the fox more: the thought of cumming in him, the fluffiness of the tail around him, the sexiness of another man's ass. All of them just makes the tiger smile.

"I can feel something coming!" The tiger says. He opens his eyes and sees the cute fox moaning and begging for more. He couldn't tell if he was drunk anymore but still wanted this canine ass of his. He fucks him harder and harder as his load approaches. "F-fuck me, kitty cat!"

"Oh I will!!" The tiger says with a small, lustful growl. He grabs the fox's hips harder and really pounds him, driving his hard cock into the fox with all the energy he's got. The fox just moans like a submissive bitch but all the tiger can focus on is cumming right into his small tailhole.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" the fox moans and moans as his ass gets dominated. Soon, pre gets shot up his ass, making the tiger growl a little more. He tightens his tailhole a little, making the tiger spank him hard. He wouldn't be surprised if it was red at this point.

"Ohhh yes!!! I love it when you beg!!" The tiger says. He's begging for you to cum, the tiger thinks to himself, give it to him! And give it he did.

After another minute, the tiger felt his load shooting into the fox's tight ass, stream after stream. The fox moans louder than he has before and the tiger growls louder than he has.

The two start to slow their breathing and calm down a little. The tiger picks up the fox and lies down on the ground with him in his arms. "I didn't know I'd get a free cuddle session," the fox whispers on the verge of sleep.

"I didn't know I'd get a sex session, but I loved it," the tiger whispers. He licks the fox's ears, making him giggle before another thought comes into mind. "What's your name, foxy?"

"Cory," he replies, "Cory Smith. You?"

"I'm Christian," the tiger says. "Christian McAlister. But I'd prefer if you called me Chris."

"Ok." After a while, the fox pulls off. Once he does, he cuddles up to the tiger and kisses him on the nose.

"So what were you doing all by yourself at a bar?" the tiger asks, petting his foxy's back.

"My ex-wife and I divorced last week," the fox says. "I thought if I came here and drank, I'd be over it soon."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." The tiger hugs him tight. "Wanna go back to my place? We can cuddle all day there." This makes the fox's ears perk up and his tail wag.

"I'd love that." Then the two start kissing.