Chapter 7 - The Star

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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Chapter 8

Location: ????

Elcypse squinted as he looked up into a bright light the hurt his eyes, he wondered if he was dead, the end of his existence. After all he had fallen off a mountain and he believed that nobody lived through that. He tried to move his arms as he shallowly took breaths but he could not move anything.

"Fr...Fr...Freya!" he whispered with a rasping voice. "I...I'm sorry" A single tear fell from his eyes and trickled through the fur on his face. He waited for what seemed like hours, the seconds trundling on to minutes before hearing the slightest voice which sounded like a conversation between two people.

"I want a status report" said a powerful female voice, the other voice was much more demure but still contained a lot of strength.

"He has broken 92% of bones in his body, his nervous system is shattered, we have him on respiratory and biological system support but even with our level of technology he will not survive without the procedure."

Elcypse lay back and still tried to move but he could not, all he felt was great pain that seemed to gather when he tried to move. Elcypse listened as he closed his eyes, blocking out the blinding light.

"We have no choice..." said the first woman. "We need him alive..."

"At once Lady Odin"

Elcypse opened his eyes.


He had that name before but like all his memories he had trouble remembering the details however the name reassured him that he was still alive.

Elcypse heard a machine rapidly whirling but he could not see it, he felt immense pain which caused him to black out while a tear rippled down his face.

There was no way to know exactly how much time had passed but Elcypse awoke with a start, he sat up from his lying down position on a bed. He could move again... but he was so confused.

He shook his head up the room came into focus, it was a small white cabin which had only a bed in it and for white walls. He looked down at the floor to see a massive glass window he was standing on as he stood up and through the glass was the most beautiful site he had ever seen. It was Terra, a lush blue/green planet that covered most of the windows and stars which glimmered in the distance.

This was space, timeless and magical.

He looked down in absolutely amazement and dropped to his knees causing what he thought was glass to flicker slightly. It was not glass at all, but something was keeping oxygen in the room.

He watched Terra slowly rotate, like it did to change the seasons when suddenly on of the white walls of the room vanished to reveal a woman who passed right through it and looked down at him.

The woman was a race that Elcypse had never seen before but something inside him made him know their name.


The woman was tall, with a powerful stature and long blazing red hair, she was incredibly beautiful and her stature and pose almost certainly commanded respect. She wore ancient battle armour and a long sword hung from her belt which was uncommon to see in this day and age.

"Good to see you awake" she said, looking down at him and not even smiling. Elcypse felt slightly threatened by her and retreated instantly to the other side of room. "Do not be threatened, Rise!" she commanded that made Elcypse comply with her command.

"Wh...who...who are you?" asked Elcypse, standing almost paralysed in fear by a combination of where he was and the woman who was in front of him.

"I am Odin" said the woman looking at him staring out of interest. "High Commander of Asgard"

Elcypse stared at her confused. "As...Asgard?" he asked feeling more inquisitive now then scared. He was certain for some unknown reason that he would not be harmed.

"Asgard is this vessel... a refuge for all of the Ascended ones" she said looking at him with her fiery green eyes. "We are the people of the planet Atlantia and we have existed for almost 20,000 years since our homeland was destroyed. We ascended from a once mortal frame into immortal beings, what you see now is just the reflection of your mind. This is how... you see Asgard and I picked this form because it is easier to communicate with you..."

Elcypse was completely confused by this huge influx of information all at once and could not begin to understand who these beings were but somehow he understood, even if it was in a rudimentary way. "Are you Gods?" he asked, interrupting Odin.

Odin just laughed and broke a small smile at him. "We are considered Gods by many even though we do not ask for it. But... no... We are ascended beings, we were mortal... like you once... but we need you."

Elcypse was taken back by the last addition to Odin's statement. Why did they need him? They were immensely more advanced then his, so why would such powerful beings that obviously saved him need him?

"We resurrected you" said Odin continuing while looking at Elcypse's bewildered face.

"No... that is incorrect... we created you."

Elcypse's face turned from confusion into horror. "You did what!?" he shouted.

Odin had trouble understanding his reaction but she put it down to his inferior mortal mind.

"We created you, you are the third one created, the first two Elcypse's were created to act as balances to nature and you are doing the same. Ada is one of us, an errant Atlantia that wishes to use her power to control through her hatred and fear of us, she and I were once friends and she betrayed us, taking Silmeria for herself, we created you to create to subdue her and serve as a balance of the natural order."

Elcypse was absolutely horrified... no wonder he had never seen his parents... there were none!

"I'm a construct!?" he shouted at Odin who stared blankly at him.

"Yes... we constructed you to be a guardian. Our race have evolved to a point where there is no need to kill a threat so we would rather imprison or contain her. You were created to play as Guardian to that cage however Ada has found a way to transfer her mind and possess others and because of our short-sightedness and because we have been more concerned with the resurrection and containment of Kestra, Freyja, one of our race has been captured and is being used to help free Ada from her orbital prison around Silmeria.

This cannot be allowed, so we are giving you, full access to your memory and your powers. You must stop her."

Elcypse looked up, he was tempted to refuse... to go down to Terra and live a normal life but he cared for Freya too much to allow an evil psychopathic spirit use her and then discard her.

"I will do it... but how do I start?"

"Leave that" said Odin confidently. "To us"

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