Border Worlds Tales Two: Fighter down

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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Border world tales 2 By Raven Fox: Fighter down. A nugget during a battle has her fighter damaged and crash-lands on Earth at Lynnwood Washington. Jared, Heather and Astrid go to Earth to recover the missing fighter and pilot. (I am introducing a new male character from Earth in this chapter. He's the victim of domestic violence from his wife.)

BWS Intrepid at lunar orbit.

Pete looked at the view screen on the bridge. It's been four hours since the CAP has been attacked. Being the captain of a battle cruiser, he wasn't taking any chances, now he has larger patrols screening his ship. The human turn to the vixen at a console. "Heather anything around us?"

Heather looked at her console for a moment, then looked up. "Only the American's space shuttle heading to the space station and a Russian capsule docking with it." Then an alarm sounded, the vixen did a few adjustments. "Captain, something large is heading to the Earth, it's between Venus and Earth. ETA, thirty minutes."

Pete gritted his teeth. "Set course for intercept, have fighters ready for launch. Charge up the main guns and load the torpedo tubes." He felt the ship shudder under his feet. "Time to earn my paycheck." The human thought to himself.

Hanger bay.

Astrid ran to her fighter, climbed the access ladder putting on her helmet and hooked up the connections. She flipped the switches to put the systems on standby. A voice spoke on the circuit. "Astrid, how many space battles have you been in?" The canine knew the voice to be Elaine.

"I've been in one battle and that was little over four hours ago. So you want some advice, listen to what your wingman tells you and don't pull any crazy stunts. One thing you should never do is leave your wingman to fend for himself, that's one way of getting yourself killed." Replied Astrid looking at her controls checking stuff.

"Come on Astrid, you flipped your fighter one hundred and eighty degrees and made it go backwards." Said a male voice on the circuit.

Astrid sighed. "It took me a few flights to perfect that maneuver, I don't want to encourage hot dogging. I did that stunt to save the CAG, so let's drop it; the correct way to get an enemy off your wingman's tail is the split S maneuver."

"She's right everyone, let's do stuff by the book and deal with this." Said Perce on the circuit.

Torpedo bay 19.

Jared stood by the launcher controls examining the systems. His place at action station is this room. The human watched as the torpedoes were placed in the launcher. "Dam those things are huge." Jared thought to himself.


Pete looked at the view screen examining the ship two thousand miles ahead. It is dark green looking like a giant potato bug. "Heather, identify it."

Heather typed on her keyboard, putting in inputs. The vixen looked at her screen, then looked up. "Captain, their ships have changed, the only thing close is a Manta class cruiser. That class carried twenty fighters, fifteen bombers. Armed with ten large guns and six torpedo launchers. The shields were average; it would take twenty hits from our main guns or four torpedo hits to get rid of the shields."

Pete nodded looking at the ship, then he saw small shapes flying out of it. "Launch all fighters and ready guns, raise shields."

Astrid's fighter.

Astrid grinned as her fighter went down the launch tube. She did the grunting routine to keep herself from getting short of breath. The canine maneuvered her fighter by the CAG and followed him. "Here they come, maneuver Delta, stay with your wingman." Said Perce on the radio circuit as the enemy fighters headed to them.

BWS Intrepid, bridge.

Pete felt a slight shudder as weapons fire from the enemy ship hit his. "Damage report."

Heather chuckled. "None didn't lose any shield strength."

Pete shook his head and sighed. "Time to end this, fire all disrupter cannons and fire one thru ten torpedo tubes." He watched as his weapons fire streaked to the enemy ship, it flashed and exploded. "I don't like this, it was too easy." The human thought to himself, seeing Heather looking at him. The vixen seem to be thinking the same thing.

Elaine's fighter.

Elaine howled as her wingman destroyed a fighter, but a missile in the fighter launched from the destroyed fighter. The wolf did the avoidance maneuver ejecting decoys, but it detonated to close to her fighter causing systems to shut down.

Astrid saw the accident, she tried repeated times to contact the disabled fighter with no success. There was nothing she could do but finish this skirmish, then try again.

Minutes later.

The last enemy fighter was destroyed and space is clear. The fighter group recommenced searching for Elaine's fighter, then the radio circuit replied. "Fighter group, this mother hen. The lost chick is falling in the foxes den." There are a few snickers on the radio circuit.

"Rodger mother hen, the chicks are returning to the roost." Said Perce.

Thirty minutes later cargo bay D.

Jared, Heather and Astrid stood by the 1973 Dodge Dart. Pete gave each female a watch, then he looked at Astrid. "The reason I am sending you Astrid is because I want you to access the fighter to see what it will take to make it fly again. If not place this device on it and turn it on. It will beam the fighter to the hanger bay, but make sure any small debris is ten feet from the fighter. I contacted our people in Lynnwood and they're sending a team to recover the pilot." He gave Astrid a round disk seven inches in diameter.

Astrid looked at Pete, then asked. "I take it the CAG is having the fighter group in standby in case something happens?"

Pete nodded, then replied. "Yes, that skirmish was way too easy and something's stinks if you know I what I mean."

Astrid nodded as she put on the watch. A flash of blue light appeared around her, then vanished. There stood a dirty blonde human female with a lean athletic build with silver blue eyes. The human female looked at herself then grinned. "Ok, this doesn't seem bad."

Heather looked at Astrid and put on her watch. A few seconds later, a red haired human female well endowed is standing there putting on contacts to turn her reddish brown eyes blue.

Jared looked at the two females grinning, then he turned to Pete. "Where are you sending us to?"

Pete showed him a map of Lynnwood. "At the Alder wood mall, the fighter went down in South Everett at that place where a large housing place was plan to be built, but the company went broke. Therefore, there's this large vacant area here east of Everett where there's hardly no people. The reason we're sending you to the mall is because it's one o'clock in the morning and someone might see the transporter flash if we send you to the crash site."

Jared nodded as the transporter beam sent him off the BWS Intrepid with his wives and car.

Everett Washington.

Elaine groaned as she regains conscious. The wolf looked around seeing a darken sky with large evergreen trees. She tried to restart the fighter, but nothing happen. The screen is showing a list of system failures. "Dam, this isn't good."

A set of headlights appeared near the fighter. Two human males walked up to the fighter. One called out. "Elaine, I am Jones of the planet Aztec. I've been sent by Pete to take you to a safe house."

Elaine climbed out of the fighter; Jones grabbed her arm slipping a watch on her. She felt a tickling sensation around her body. The other human walked around the fighter tossing pieces of the fighter closer to it, then he opened the nose cone then placed a box in a connector. A second later, there was a buzzing sound as the fighter cloaked. The wolf now a human is placed in a sleek car, she manages to read: Honda Accord EX.

Jones's looked at her grinning. "Don't worry; a recovery crew will be at your fighter in a half hour." He opened a cell phone dialing a number. "Pete, I got her, she's ok. A little shaken up, but ok. The fighter is a wreck; you'll need a repair hanger to get that bird flying again. I am taking her to safe house 34."

BWS Intrepid.

Pete nodded as he talked on the com device. "Ok, good work Jones and thanks." He looks around and blows his cheeks.

Alder wood mall, Lynnwood Washington.

Jared held the passenger door opened as Astrid and Heather went in the car. He walked around and went in the drivers' door. The human started the car and pulled it out of the parking garage.

Heather is sitting between Jared and Astrid. She turned to Jared grinning. "Well, should we take I-5 or highway 99?"

Jared chuckled making a clicking noise with his tongue. "Well it's a quarter after one in the morning, I think I-5." He turns toward the freeway.

Astrid looked as a car drove by other cars examining them every time Jared had to stop at a red light. She looked at Jared. "How come those cars are smaller than yours?"

"Jared's car is an old one made thirty seven years ago. Our husband prefers older vehicles, he thinks the new ones are junk." Answered Heather running her slim hand on the dash.

"What about aircraft?" Astrid asked looking at a Honda Civic taking off fast.

"The newer aircraft are neat; we'll swing on by the flight museum after this mission. All right, I always wanted to do this since my car was modified." Jared pushes the accelerator to the floor. The modified Dodge surged forward making a roaring sound, it passed the smaller car like it was standing still. Heather shook her head sighing, but Astrid has a big grin on her face.

Minutes later, crash site.

Jared stopped the car looking at the cleared area where houses would have been built, but all what was there is cleared lots and foundations. Astrid put a hand on his shoulder. "So what happen to this place?"

"This company was going to build a very large housing development, size of a small city. Well the head people in charge started stealing funds and send them to a bank account over seas. The feds got involved and some personal went to jail for all kinds charges." Jared sighed looking at a house in the starting phase of construction, now it's just a frame of two by fours. "I use to work for this company as a carpenter. I was framing that house when I was called to stop the job, to collect my last paycheck. Two days later I was driving in Oregon and Heather picked me up." He looked at the lots where foliage is starting to re grow and the asphalt still a gloss black.

Astrid took out a scanner and moved it around as she rotated her body. Then she walked to an area. "It's over there, the safe house personal have it cloaked." The human female felt around, then the fighter reappeared.

Heather and Jared walked up to it while Astrid climbed in to the cockpit hooking up a device. Astrid shook her dirty blonde hair while looking at something, "I can't get it flying, the missile blast damaged something in the main systems, let's scan the area and put all debris near it and send this fighter back to the Intrepid."

The three humans walked around with scanners picking up pieces of the fighter. A half hour later, they were done, Astrid took the disk given to her by Pete placing it on the fighter, then pressed a button on it and the fighter vanished. She shrugged. "Let's go get our pilot and leave, maybe later we can check this place out."

Forty-five minutes later safe house 34.

Jared looked at the two human males and a black hair female. One of them walked up to him grinning. "Hi Jared, I am Jones. I put one of our spare disguises on your pilot." He gestures to the black haired female.

Elaine walked up looking glum. "I am sorry; I guess I released the decoy a second to late."

Astrid patted her shoulder. "It's alright; let's get you back on the Intrepid." She takes out a com device and starts talking to it.

That moment BWS Intrepid.

Pete flinched as another ship appeared. He watched as a swarm of fighters exited it. The human sighed looking at a female wolf at Heather's station. "What type of ship are we dealing with?"

The wolf looked at her screen, then looked up. "It looks like a Ba toak class carrier."

Pete shook his head, then ordered action stations. He watched as the fighters exited his ship. Then he got on a com device.

Safe house 34.

Astrid listened to the com device. Jared saw her expression turn into a sneer. He knew if she were in her vixen-wolf form, the human would have seen a snarl. "Well, we're stuck here; the Intrepid is under attack by an Insectloyd carrier, might as well settle down. I have this feeling we're going to be here for awhile."

Then there's a noise next door. Heather turned her head, then she frown. "What is that noise?"

Jones sighed. "That's the Gregorie's fighting again, Christy picks a fight with her husband and beats him up. I tried a few times to get him to leave, but he would not leave her."

Astrid sneered and started to walk to the door but Jones stopped her. "No we can't get involved."

However, before she said anything, there's a yell and a crash. Heather went to a phone, dialed a number, and hung up the phone. She winked at Astrid giving her a smile and nodded.

A few minutes later, a police car pulled up to the Greggorie's house. A minute later an ambulance pulled up there. Astrid grabbed Jared putting her face to Jared. "Where are they going?!"

Jared in the first time in his life was scared of some one. He looked at the silver blue eyes glaring at him. The human regained his composure. "I think Everett hospital, wait, I'll drive."

The Dodge followed the ambulance to the hospital. Jared looked pass Heather to Astrid. She's just looked forward twitching her hands. Heather had a stone expression on her face. "Man, what set them off? For the first time I am afraid of them both." He thought to himself being quiet.

BWS Intrepid thirty minutes later.

Pete wiped his brow looking at the wreckage of the carrier and the debris of the fighters drifting around on the view screen. He turned to the wolf. "Any more contacts?"

The wolf shook her head. "No, all enemy craft destroyed. We lost five fighters and we got five ejection pods. SAR units in route to recover them."

Then a voice came on the com circuit, it had a clicking accent. "Border world's ship, you won this battle. But we'll be back soon; will you be able to defend your worlds and the puny planet Earth?"

Pete yelled. "Yes we can and we will. Unlike the Federation, we're always ready to defend ourselves and the planet Earth. I am looking forward to a rematch and we'll beat you again."

A moment's silence. "Ok, looking forward to meeting you on the fields of battle. We'll meet again Border world's ship."

Pete grinned. "Ok, let's get the salvage gear and grab all that wreckage, I got a feeling we'll be needing some raw materials. Get a hold of Jared to set up a pick up time and place."

Everett hospital.

The four humans walked in the hospital. Jones pointed to a woman with short light tan hair and slightly overweight. "That's Christy, Edward's wife. He told me the reason he stays with her is because she's pregnant with his child."

Heather took out a device looking like a flip style cell phone. She aimed it at the woman, then shook her head. "No, she's not pregnant, nothing in that oven but cobwebs. I think she was going to lie to him in awhile to say she suffered a miscarriage." The red haired human female sneered hate at Christy.

Astrid hissed. "I am going to set up a lie to her, but I am going to have a little fun with her. Now that I know she's not pregnant, I am not going to feel guilty of what I am going to do to her." She walks up to Christy.

Christy sat on a hard bench, she grinned to herself thinking of the lie she told the police. She told them her husband fell down the stairs, hoping for him to die of his injuries. "But the dam police showed up, I wonder who called them? I better lie low for now; it looks like he's in here for a while." The human female thought to herself as a dirty blonde hair female sat next to her.

"I know what happened at your house, plus in a few minutes I am telling the police. If you think your so tuff, we'll go to a room and settle this. However, if you don't, it would just prove how big of a coward you are. By the way I think all forms of abuse is just the way of an insecure low intelligent form of life to prove that they're brave, but in my book, they're lower than...what does my husband says.....oh yes, lower than whale shit." Said the blonde woman.

Christy looked at the blonde woman. She noted that the woman is a thin build like her husband. "I can take her, I'll play her game." The human thought to herself. "Ok bitch, you shouldn't be sticking your nose in other peoples business. I think the room second on the left is empty, plus I am not a coward, my dad abused my mom, that's why I am doing this."

"Two wrongs don't make a right, just proves that you have a low IQ." Replied Astrid as she stood up and walked down the hall. Christy followed the slender human female.

"I work at an office, so I am smart. What do you do for a living, a prostitute?" Said the human taking a swing at Astrid.

Astrid blocked the blow, then hit the human female making her crashed on the floor. "What is with you people? Every time you see a thin blonde hair woman, you think they're a hooker or something. I am going to slip in something more comfortable." She removes her watch causing a flash of blue light.

Christy screamed at the sight of the anthro wolf vixen hybrid. "Eeekkk, a werewolf!"

Astrid bared her teeth. "I am a visitor from another planet. I come from a world that has a shortage of males. We're going to take your husband and take him to a better place where he'll be treated with respect and dignity. But first I am going to give you the feeling of getting beaten up be some one who's stronger than you."

Christy felt a fist hit her making her fly across the room. She hit the wall cracking her head on it. The canine is walking up to her still showing those lethal teeth. "Come on hairless one, I thought you were tough. You beat up a male sending him to this place, come on I want a challenge." The human female got on her feet and rushed the canine.

Astrid dodged a few blows and hit Christy again making her go on the floor. She sighed looking at the overweight form sighing. "Pathetic, a forty two year old human male was more of a challenge. He was the only one who beaten me in a fight, but he tricked me."

The canine picked up Christy and put her on a bed. She put back on her watch, a few seconds later a dirty blonde-haired woman female sneered at the unconscious form. "I am not done with you yet." Said Astrid as she walked out of the room after using a device to heal Christy‘s injuries.

Edward's room.

Heather scanned the human male shaking her head as Astrid walked in. "He's in bad shape, we better send him to the Intrepid to the sickbay."

Astrid told Heather what happen, for a second Heather frown, then her human mouth broke in a grin as she got a com device. "Intrepid sickbay, scan the body in front of me and make a dead clone."

A few minutes later, the body shimmered as the switch was made, then alarms went off when the readings flat lined. The two human females walked out of the room, then went to Christy's room.

Minutes later, Christy's room.

Christy opened her eyes, then felt a handcuff on her right wrist. She looked around seeing a police officer glaring at her. The human's head felt funny. "Uh, why am I handcuffed?"

The police officer sneered at her. "You're under arrest of manslaughter; your husband died minutes ago from his injuries, plus the autopsy is going to start in the morning. You're going to the county jail in the morning."

"There's a werewolf here, a slim blonde woman beat me up and turned into a werewolf. Load your service pistol with silver bullets and shoot that blonde woman who beaten me up." Yelled Christy looking around the room.

The police officer laughed. "What drugs are you on, there's no such thing as werewolves. I think you got drunk, beaten up your husband. Went in this room, lay in the bed and passed out drunk or you're taking hallucinating drugs. There‘s no injuries on you."

A doctor walked in looking at Christy with a stern look. He's reading a clipboard. "She has a bunch of drugs in her system; it would explain her fantasy of werewolves. We all know that they don't exist."

The police officer continued to laugh looking at the doctor. "The DA will need a copy of that lab report for this case. Where's the body?"

"The werewolf said that she'll take my husband away." Said Christy.

"Shut up, your husband is in the morgue on a drawer in a cooler. He died of his injuries and for the last time, there's no such thing as werewolves. Sorry officer, I got to fill out a report for a patient dying on my watch." Said the doctor leaving the room.

The police officer glared at Christy one last time and walked to the door. Christy pulled one last time on her handcuff and cried. "The werewolf was right two wrongs don't make a right."

"Shut up murder, werewolves don't exist." Said the police officer from the doorway. "I hate guarding prisoners."

Next morning, Airport way heading north, Everett Washington.

"Jared, what used to be at that giant building?" Asked Astrid looking at a structure.

Jared sighed. "Boeing used to build airplanes here, but this state made it so hard to run a business here that they took all their stuff to Mobile Alabama. I was moving out of here when Heather picked me up. I had a job offer in Rock Springs Wyoming to build some houses."

Heather put a hand on Jared's knee gently squeezing it. "Personal from safe house 34 told us about him."

"Ok, here's the flight museum, they have some air craft here. There's another one in Seattle, but we'll talk to Pete to set up a day to go there." Said Jared as he pulled into a parking spot.

BWS Intrepid sickbay.

Edward woke up looking around. He saw an older human male looking at him with graying brown hair. The older guy looked like he hasn't slept in awhile. His eyes are bloodshot. "Where am I?"

Pete sighed rubbing his eyes. "I am going to explain, you're on my ship the BWS Intrepid. You almost died of the injuries inflicted on you by your wife." He saw that the human was going to say something else but interrupted him. "A couple of my crewmembers saw what happen to you and I believe them."

"But my wife is pregnant with my kid, I can't leave her." Replied Edward looking around.

"She lied to you and used you for a punching bag. We at the Border worlds have a zero tolerance of domestic violence. So you're our guest, plus right now your ex-wife is on her way to jail for your murder." Said Pete looking at him.

Edward ran his fingers thru his black hair. "So how do your women treat their husbands?"

Pete grinned at Edward. "Oh you'll be treated with respect and love, but you half to get use to the fur, musk smell and continuous sex."

Edward looked over seeing a female wolf with black hair looking at him with green eyes. "You're females are anthro canines?" He noted Pete nodding his head.

"That's a long story." Pete pulls a chair up to the bed and sits down. "Man when you reach your forties, you start feeling aches and pain more often. Ok, years ago we use to be part of a....." He told Edward the history of the Border worlds.

Later outside the flight museum.

"Man, that place is so cool." Said Astrid wearing a cap with a silhouette of a 787 on it. "I liked that cockpit of that 727, man I sure like to try flying one of those."

Heather is wearing the same type of cap, but with the numbers 747. She looked at Jared holding his arm rubbing it. Astrid looked at Heather and her eyes widen, then she whispered to Jared. "She's going into heat, you're going to busy tonight."

They called the BSW Intrepid to set up a pick up time and place.

BWS Intrepid sickbay.

Edward watched as Pete left the sick bay. He stared at the ceiling thinking of what he's going to do at another world. The human heard a rustling and padded footsteps, then some one else sat on the chair. "You sure look a lot better from when I last saw you." Said a female voice.

Edward turned seeing the female wolf looking at him. He studied her knowing that she's young and lean with a muscular build. The human saw that she has large breasts and can see the nipples poking thru the gown fabric. "I am Edward, from Everett Washington."

The wolf looked at him running her fingers thru her glossy black hair. "I am Elaine, a fighter pilot, plus I am twenty two years old." She brought her muzzle close to his face giving him a lick. "One thing Pete failed to mention is a side effect of that drug makes us females of the Border worlds want sex a lot; it's been a while for me because females outnumber the males." The wolf climbs onto the bed sitting on his hips removing her gown.

Edward gasped as he saw the female wolf naked sitting on him. A different feeling went thru him. "Screw it from what Christy said, I am a furry again, I find anthros sexy again." His penis hardens as Elaine brought his hands to her large breasts. "She must be a 42 DD, bigger than my wife's breasts but nicer." The human male shuddered as the wolf got off his hips and pulled up his gown. She cocked her head looking at the harden penis then started licking it.

He shuddered feeling the smooth tongue licking his member. A few minutes later, she straddled him holding up his penis. Edward gasped as the pink lips touched the head of his member, then watched as his length slid inside the wolf. His face is brought to one of the large breasts and his mouth is brought to the pink areola. The human heard the wolf moan as he felt the tight vaginal canal contract on his organ.

That same moment, Jared's stateroom.

Jared found himself in a unique situation. The human has a naked fox vixen literally wrapped around him. Heather's legs are wrapped around his waist and her arms around his chest. The vixen's musk smell is very strong and her vaginal canal seems warmer. He tried to pry Heather off himself earlier to have a gentle round of sex, but the vixen snarled at him and for some reason the female canines are very strong.

Heather calmed down just a little stroking his hair. She looked at him giving him a lick across the face. "Just relax dear husband, I am almost cooled off." The vixen brought her body tighter against his.

Intrepid sickbay.

Edward looked at the green eyes of Elaine looking at him. The wolf still naked is holding him against her. The human is now relaxed at the feeling of long fur against his naked body. He ran his fingers thru her glossy black head hair, then he caressed her breasts feeling the firm tissue. "Just to let you know, I am twenty seven meaning I am a few years older than you."

The wolf rubbed her body against him stroking his face. "I don't mind it, I know it's too soon, do you want to live with me in my stateroom?"

Edward looked at the female wolf. He knew that she's a fighter pilot, plus he's still getting over the shock of his current situation. The human knew that he just showed great love to this young female. "Uh, sure, no problem. I just got to figure out what I am going to do on another world."

Elaine squeezed him gently and closed her eyes.

Hours later Jared's stateroom.

Astrid walked in looking at Jared sleeping. She looked at Heather with a calm expression while sleeping on Jared‘s chest. The canine took out a scanner and aimed it at Heather. Astrid grinned looking at the readout. "Well, it looks like I am going to be an assistant mother in nine months. I'll give Jared a break tonight, he needs the rest." She strokes Jared's cheek looking at him. "My turn will be coming up in a half year dear husband." The canine slips under the covers putting an arm around Jared.


Next chapter: The BWS Intrepid gets relieved and Jared, Heather and Astrid spend a day in Seattle be fore heading back to the planet Athens. Astrid thinks back in her life and when she first became a fighter pilot