Flippy's Birthday Gift

Story by Korvas Terindar on SoFurry

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Flaky is called away from the comfort of her home to deliver a birthday cake to Flippy, the object of her greatest fear. However, once there, Flippy tries to relax her, and gets significantly more than cake for his birthday.

I hope you all enjoy this little departure from HTF tradition and I look forward to reading your comments

Flaky stood in her kitchen, eyeing everything inside it with terror. She had planned on making herself something to eat but upon seeing the knives, forks, and other sharp implements she had frozen in fear. She scanned the room once more, trembling at the knees slightly, whimpering as she eyed those things which could harm her. After another few moments, her stomach gave a loud growl and she gulped, breathing deep to steady her nerves. Being scared wouldn't get her fed. She scooted forward into the kitchen and opened her refrigerator carefully, looking through it.

She had the basic ingredients for a salad, that'd be simple, and nice. She reached into the refrigerator and pulled out the various vegetables she'd need before turning to the counter. Once she had done that, she pulled a bowl out of the cabinet and began to prepare her salad. As she began peeling apart the lettuce, she came to realize that she was going to need a knife. The tomato for her salad sat on the counter beside the bowl, her eye being drawn to it after each piece of lettuce she pulled off the head. Finally, when she could put it off no more she inhaled deeply and reached out to grab a knife from her knife rack. Her hand was trembling violently as her fingers inched forward.

She gingerly grasped the handle of the knife and pulled it out from the stand. She whimpered and pulled the tomato over to her, gripping the knife tightly as she prepared to slice the fruit up. As she slowly slid the knife towards the tomato...


Flaky screamed and about jumped out of her skin as her phone suddenly rang. The sudden jerk of her body sent the knife in her hand flying into the air, spiraling several times before starting to fall point first to the counter. Flaky took several quick breaths in an attempt to calm herself, leaning her hands against the counter breathing hard. As the phone continued ringing, she turned around from the counter, the knife thudding into the counter top where her hand had been seconds before. She flinched and moved over to her phone, picking it up and answering shakily, "Hello?"

On the other end of the phone she heard the sweet voice of her friend Petunia, "Hi Flaky! I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Flaky looked back at the quivering knife in the counter top and shook her head, replying, "No...not really. I was making myself a salad when you called."

She heard Petunia grunt slightly and then reply, "I see. Hey, do you think you could come over for a bit? I have a favor I want to ask you."

Flaky frowned and said, "Couldn't you just ask me now? I mean we are on the phone."

She heard a gasp then Petunia replied, sounding a little breathless, "I was wondering if you could help me with a birthday cake I was making for one of our friends."

Flaky perked up and smiled a bit as she asked, "Who's the cake for?"

She heard Petunia giggle and she said, "That's a surprise, so you gonna come over?"

Flaky stood there for a moment, thinking. Eventually she sighed and said, "Sure, I'll be right over."

Petunia giggled a bit over the phone, follow by a series of sharp noises that sounded like Petunia dropped the receiver. Flaky narrowed her eyes curiously before she heard the phone rustling and suddenly Petunia's voice came back on, sounding like she taken been running, her breathing coming in gasps, interspersed with giggling, "Great! *giggle* I'll see you soon."

Flaky heard a soft click on the line and she promptly hung the phone up, wondering what on earth all that was about. Sighing, Flaky returned to the counter and yanked her knife out of the kitchen counter. She was more preoccupied with her coming trip to Petunia's and wondering what friend she had who had a birthday today. She quickly, and carefully, assembled a simple salad and ate her lunch.

Once done she headed towards the front door, grabbing her car keys off a hook on the wall and getting in her car, heading towards Petunia's house. She arrived in short order and on the way towards the front door, it opened suddenly and Pop came outside, tying the sash on the front of his robe as he went along. He smiled at Flaky as he passed, saying nothing more as he walked down the street, whistling merrily to himself. Flaky watched him go for a moment before heading inside.

She saw Petunia in the kitchen, applying whipped cream in small mounds to the top of a chocolate frosted cake, humming cheerily to herself. Flaky smiled a bit and walked over towards the kitchen, looking around at the house with mild interest. It really hadn't changed all that much, other than the obvious signs of repair from yesterday's mayhem. She heard Petunia clear her throat and Flaky looked back at her, seeing the skunk smiling pleasantly as she held out her arms in a welcoming gesture. Flaky smiled and hugged Petunia before stepping back and asking, "What was Pop doing here?"

Petunia seemed to flush a darker color for a moment but she didn't skip a beat as she said, "Oh that? He came over to ask if I wouldn't mind coming over sometime and watch Cub for him. He's apparently got something important coming up."

Flaky nodded in understanding, still curious, but deciding not to ask. She looked at the cake and asked, "Is this the birthday cake you wanted my help with?"

Petunia nodded as she made her way over to the refrigerator and said, "Yep, that's it. I'm almost done with it, I just need to put a few more finishing touches on it and then you can deliver it for me."

Flaky blinked, looking back over to Petunia in confusion, "You want me to deliver the cake? Deliver it to who? Aren't you going to come with me?"

Petunia closed the refrigerator door, holding a bag of green cake frosting and a bowl of fresh strawberries in her hand. She moved past Flaky and set them down before saying, "Nope, I'm not coming with. I've got a date with Handy in about an hour or so, so I need to finish this up, and then you can deliver it for me."

Flaky stepped back as Petunia bent over the cake with the frosting bag and quickly made movements over it as she traced letters onto the cake. As she worked Flaky said, "But I don't even know who it's for, how can I deliver it?"

As if to answer her question, Petunia moved away from the cake and set down bag, grabbing the strawberries instead. As she did this, Flaky got a good look at the words written in the cake, "Happy Birthday Flippy."

Flaky felt her blood run cold. A small volcano of sheer panic and terror were building up in her, threatening to explode out in a scream of fear. Petunia started placing the strawberries onto the cake and as she did so, she heard Flaky whimper. She looked back at Flaky and saw her trembling, starring wide eyed at the name on the cake.

Petunia frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Flaky pointed at Flippy's name and said shakily, "You...You...You want me...to deliver it to him...?"

Petunia nodded and said, "Yeah that was kind of the idea. Don't worry about it Flaky, he's a nice guy."

Flaky could think of several arguments to counter that but she didn't voice them. She had said she would help Petunia out and despite her instincts and feelings of self-preservation screaming at her to refuse to accept this, she sighed and said, "Alright...I said I'd help...Just do me a favor, if I go missing, call the sheriff for me."

Petunia rolled her eyes at her worrisome friend and placed the finished cake into a box, closing the lid and wrapping it with a bright red bow. She smiled and handed the cake to Flaky and said, "If you don't mind, please don't drop the cake."

Flaky nodded and visibly forced herself to calm down and still her shaking hands. She smiled faintly at Petunia and said, "Have fun on your date."

Petunia grinned as she went to cleaning up the kitchen, "Oh don't worry, I will."

Flaky turned and left the house and placed the cake in the passenger seat of her car, buckling it in gently to ensure it didn't go anywhere. After that, she slid into the driver seat, taking a deep breath before starting the car and driving off towards Flippy's house. She had reason to fear Flippy, everyone in town did. But of everyone in town either gave him an extremely generous benefit of the doubt or simply was ignorant of it.

Flippy was a killer, he had bursts of psychotic episodes that usually resulted in the death of several other people. She herself had been on the receiving end of his murderous rampages a number of times. When he wasn't going crazy, he was a reasonably nice guy, well respected among the rest of town and quite friendly. Despite this however, Flaky knew he could turn at the drop of a hat, she knew that being near him would put her at risk, so why would her friends so casually throw her at him.

She sighed, answering her own question by recalling that the rest of the town seemed to take his episodes in stride. It was true that his flip outs were infrequent, but when they did happen, his body count soared. She grimaced as she pulled into his driveway a few moments later, driving down the long dirt path to his home in the hills. As she neared his house, her trembling returned to her, her fears boiling in her like a seething cauldron.

It was all she could do to prevent herself from hallucinating the horrors he would inflict upon her, the pain she would be in. As she pulled up to his house, she saw his car parked in next to it, he was obviously home. She took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself, her stomach feeling terrible as her nerves tingled all over. She gulped heavily and then picked the cake up from the passenger seat and getting out of the car, walking over towards the front door to his home, her legs dragging like lead weights with every foot nearer she went.

Eventually, she reached the front door of his home and reached up to the door bell, her hands trembling viciously. She recoiled from the door bell, shaking badly as she clutched at the cake box in an effort to save her sanity. After another few moments she reached out and finally, her finger pushed the doorbell. The doorbell rang throughout Flippy's home and a strange sense of calm came over Flaky. Well, it wasn't calm per se, more like acceptance of her inevitable death. Even though her hands were trembling and her heart was pounding, she seemed to feel these at a distance.

She heard footsteps from behind the door and it swung open to reveal the lime green bear standing there, wearing an army camo jacket and a set of dog tags hanging from his neck, on top of head he wore a beret with the chevron of a master sergeant stitched onto the from. He looked at Flaky for a moment and said, "Hello? Can I help you?"

Flaky flinched at the sound of his voice and held up the box in her trembling hands and said, "I.....I brought you something..."

She smiled gingerly, trying to appear friendly. Flippy scratched his head a bit then took the box and said, "Uh...thanks."

He pulled the bow off and opened the box, revealing the cake inside, causing a warm smile to cross his face as he said, "Why thank you. It's always nice to receive birthday wishes."

He looked up at Flaky, whom seemed to relax a bit and she said, "Well...every friend needs to be treated well on their birthday." She smiled slightly and rubbed the back of her head gently before saying, "Well, I guess I should get going..."

Flippy looked up at her and said, "What? You're not staying?"

Flaky felt her heart rate spike at the thought of staying with him and said, "W...well I was...wasn't really..."

She faltered, seeing the saddened look on Flippy's face. It was well known that he generally kept to himself and also didn't really socialize all that much, but whenever he did, he enjoyed the time with others. She frowned and looked back to her car with a slight look of longing and after another moment, she smiled faintly and looked back at Flippy and said, "Sure...I can stay for a bit."

Flippy smiled and stepped aside, motioning for Flaky to come inside. She walked in across the threshold of his home. Inside, she saw that it was actually very comfortably furnished, a nice single armchair sat in the middle of the room, facing towards a sizable flatscreen tv. Arrayed around the walls were shelves of awards, medals, and, much to the despair of her frayed nerves, collections of weapons and armor from around the world. Her eyes darted nervously to Flippy as he walked through a door into what she assumed was the kitchen, a warm smile on his face as he went.

He seemed to be unaffected by the weapons in his home, which she found odd...but then, perhaps this was because this, his home, was where he felt safe. Maybe his flip outs were triggered by a desire to protect himself. She scratched her head curiously and pondered the meaning behind his strange calm. He returned a short while later with two slices of cake on two plates, handing one of them to Flaky before moving over to his arm chair. Before he reached it though, he stomped his foot on the floor and to Flaky's amazement, a couch rose from a hidden elevator built into the floor, sitting perfectly just to the left of the arm chair.

Flippy sat in the chair and made to eat his cake, but paused when he noticed that Flaky had not moved. He raised an eyebrow and then motioned to the couch and said, "Make yourself at home Flaky, you are my guest after all." Flaky flinched slightly and then slowly walked over to the couch, sitting down on it. It felt so strange to be near this killer and have him be perfectly sociable and nice. She didn't know what to make of it. After a moment or two, she decided to eat the cake given her, if only to not appear rude. As she did, she couldn't help but notice that Flippy was watching her out of the corner of his eye, a heavy silence fell over them that was only interrupted by the sound of the TV. It was an uncomfortable silence, one that seemed to weigh heavily in the room, so thick that you could almost see it. As Flaky finished the last of her cake, Flippy moved from the chair and Flaky visibly tensed.

The action wasn't lost on Flippy who paused, looking at her curiously. Eventually he asked, "Are you alright?"

Flaky jumped slightly and, attempting to pass of her fear as nothing, forced an unconvincing smile onto her face and said, "Yeah, of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" She laughed weakly and Flippy stared at her, clearly unconvinced. He reached out his hand for her plate and she handed it to him quickly and without hesitation. As he took it, she noticed a scar on his wrist, which piqued her interest. It was not an uncommon occurrence in their world for death to come in violent and bloody ways, and due to a strange magic of their world, it was mostly an inconvenience, as they were whole and undamaged within a day.

As such, scarring was exceedingly rare, usually having been acquired before the cycle of death began. Flippy left her and returned to the kitchen, dropping of the plates in the sink and returning in short order. He noticed that Flaky seemed lost in thought and he asked, "Flaky? You okay?"

Flaky looked up at him and decided to boldly ask, "Your wrist, how'd you get the scar on it?"

Flippy paused and looked down at his wrist for a moment, then sighed and said, "I lost both my hands in the war."

He pulled back the sleeves on his shirt to reveal both of his wrists, each having an identical circular scar from where he lost his hands. She frowned and said, "Can...can I ask about the war?"

Flippy seemed to tense a little, which caused Flaky to drain of color in fear of having pushed the wrong button, but to her relieve, he nodded and said, "I suppose there's no harm in it."

He sat in the armchair and asked, "What did you want to know?"

Flaky thought for a moment then said, "Well...if you have scars, then it must have been before this cycle of death started."

Flippy raised an eyebrow and then said, "I'm surprised you are aware of that. Most people aren't, or at the very least pretend that it doesn't exist. But yeah, it was before the Rejuvenation Event."

Flaky raised an eyebrow and Flippy quickly explained that this was what the army called the cycle of death and revival. Flaky nodded and after a moment asked, "So, you fought in the war...how did it end?"

Flippy shrugged and said, "Well, I was the one who killed the enemy leader in battle, but that's not what ended the war. The Rejuvenation Event happened shortly afterward, and that made war entirely pointless. Some of the militants still fought, and even resorted to deathless torture, but when your enemy can't be permanently killed, and all you can do is bring the conflict to a stalemate, what all can you do? The war was ended on the grounds of it being entirely pointless by that point."

Flaky digested this information and after a moment plucked up the courage to ask, "So...how do your flip outs happen?"

Flippy gave her a confused look and said, "My what?"

Flaky felt her heart stop. He didn't know about his random bursts of insanity? Or how they were triggered? Then how could she stay in the same room with him. She jolted suddenly as she felt Flippy's hand on her head as he asked, "Are you feeling alright?"

Flaky screamed and rolled sideways away from him, causing him to leap back in alarm. He watched as Flaky jumped behind to couch and looked at him from behind it, clearly shaking. Flaky knew she could be nervous, but he hadn't known she could be THAT nervous. He put his hands on his hips and asked point blank, "Flaky, are you afraid of me?"

Flaky hesitated, then nodded. Flippy sighed and said, "So was your coming in here to be with me just out of pity or because you wanted to be friends?"

Flaky couldn't deny that the first part was the biggest one, she had felt sorry for him being alone on his birthday. But now, as she thought about it, she was causing more emotional damage by hiding behind his couch, cowering in fear from him. She gulped, took a few breaths and stepped out from behind the couch and said, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to upset you."

Flippy crossed his arms and said, "Well, that's fine, but that still doesn't answer my question."

Flaky looked at the floor in shame and admitted to joining him out of pity. Flippy eyed her for a moment, then sighed and said, "Well, not the way I was hoping our time together would go. Flaky, you don't need to be afraid of me. I am a trained soldier, this is true, but I don't use my skills to harm my friends."

Flaky could counter this in 13 different ways, but she stayed silent. If what he was saying was true, then perhaps he wasn't to blame for what went wrong sometimes. Flippy reached out with a hand and rubbed her shoulder gently, in a reassuring sort of way and she looked up at him. He smiled, then, as if on an afterthought said, "Say, how about we engage in a little trust exercise?"

Flaky shuffled her feet slightly and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Flippy smiled a bit and said, "It's simple, you put yourself in my hands, and I prove to you that you can feel safe around me. That way, you don't have to be afraid of me."

Flaky looked down for a moment, then nodded her agreement to the idea. She could have refused of course, but then she would always have that fear, and as her self-help tapes and psychiatrist kept telling her, she needed to overcome that fear.

Flippy took her by the hand and led her through his house to a room, which upon opening it, was revealed to be a bedroom. She looked hesitantly at the room, and once inside, Flippy motioned to the bed and said, "Go on and lie down."

After he said this, he proceeded to start taking off his clothes. Flaky's mind immediately filled with dozens of ideas of what he had meant by a trust exercise and felt a swell of indignity build in her at the idea that she may have been tricked into doing something dirty. She looked away from Flippy towards the door, tempted to just run through it.

Before she could do anything though, Flippy cleared his throat and she looked back at him. To her relief, he wasn't standing there naked, but instead had changed into a simple white shirt with matching white sweats. He frowned at her and then said, "What? Did you think I was going to do something inappropriate to you?"

Flaky hesitated, then admitted to having that thought cross her mind. To her surprise though, Flippy simply chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that. Just trust me."

Flaky nodded, then followed Flippy's instructions and climbed onto the bed, lying down on it. Flaky asked her to close her eyes and relax. Closing her eyes was easy, relaxing, not so much. As it was, she was in a very vulnerable position in close proximity to a male who scared her senseless. She felt a soft something be draped over her waist and groin and then felt something pleasantly warm dripped across her leg.

She flinched slightly and cracked her eyes open to see what he was doing. She saw him holding a clear bottle of some sort of fluid that he was squeezing out onto her. She felt her heart rate quicken, wondering what on earth he was doing to her. Then, the pleasing aroma hit her, the soft fragrance of rose petals and lavender filling the air in a lovely cloud. He smiled over at her and said, "No peeking."

Flaky eeped and closed her eyes, then felt his hands on her leg, gently rubbing the oil into her fur and skin, his motions slow, firm, and deliberate. It was then she realized what he was doing, giving her a massage. It was wondrous, feeling the tenseness of her muscles just slowly begin to melt away under the slow firm fingers of her host. She let out a long sigh of pleasure as contentment began to wash over her, alleviating her fear and worry. She heard Flippy chuckle and say, "There we go, doesn't that feel better?"

Flaky moaned gently and asked, "Where did you learn to do this...?"

She heard Flippy pop open the massage oil bottle again and he said, "From my physical therapist after the war. I was taught these techniques as a means to ease muscle pain and relieve stress. It creates a nice start for the day."

Flaky felt him applying the oil to her other leg and allowed him to continue working, content in the knowledge that if he was going to kill her, he would have done so by now. She sighed, a feeling of peace rolling over her as Flippy continued his slow massage on her other leg.

Meanwhile, Flippy watched her with a small smile as her breathing slowed as she relaxed. He was glad that she was starting relax a little and so, once he had finished her legs, he drizzled some of the massage oil onto her stomach. She giggled gently when his fingers rubbed the oil into her fur, gently squeezing and rubbing across her belly. It was then that he realized that he would soon encounter a problem. As his hands snaked up towards her chest, he realized that he wouldn't be able to complete his massage without touching her breasts. As flat and hidden as they were, they were still there.

He gulped, hoping to not incur her anger as he snaked his way towards them. His fingers lightly grazed the underside of her breasts and as he had expected, he heard her gasp softly. Steeling his courage, he cupped them slightly and massaged the tender flesh. Her breasts were small, feeling nearly undeveloped. He knew that until her first pregnancy, they would never get any larger. He saw a blush rising in her cheeks and he tried to ignore the heat rising in his own cheeks as the realization that he was groping her hit him. He didn't stop though, rubbing the soft flesh and tender muscles beneath his fingers.

It almost seemed indecent, but he reasoned that this was purely professional...it had to stay that way. Soon he finished with her chest and moved his hands away, feeling his fingertips burning from the embarrassment flooding through him. Flaky was flushed all over and trembling and he felt for a moment that he had made her afraid of him again, that he had broken his word and now she didn't trust him. He paused in his action and said, "I'm...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...It's just that..."

Any and all excuses he could think of seemed woefully feeble and insufficient. What do you say to a female who trusted you enough to put her body in your hands, only to wind up being groped by him?

Flaky gave no reply to his apology and Flippy sighed, scooting away from the bed, feeling ashamed of himself. He felt Flaky shifting on the mattress and then felt her hand upon his shoulder. He looked at her hand and heard her say, "It's alright...I'm not angry...I've just never been touched that way before..."

He frowned and looked up at her. He had expected her to be upset, but not calm, and collected. She was still trembling slightly and he wondered why that was. As for Flaky, if she was honest with herself, she didn't feel much of anything in terms of anger. When his hand had first touched her breasts, she had thought that perhaps it had been an accident. She had been willing to let it slide until his hands had grabbed them completely. All she could do then was gasp as a wealth of sensations the likes of which she had never known had washed over her. It was an electric, tingling sensation that spread out from her breasts in arcs with each rolling squeeze his hands had made.

Her momentary anger had fled from her and in that moment, for the however brief it had been, she had felt lost in a sea of this sensation, one she could only describe as pleasure. The fact that it was being delivered to her by the hands of another had only intensified the sensations. Even now, the trembling in her body was not caused by fear, but rather by the lingering after effects of what his touch had done to her. She smiled faintly at Flippy and said with perfect honesty, "It...it felt nice..."

Her blush intensified tremendously by admitting to something like that and she felt somewhat relieved to see a blush rising in his cheeks too. He smiled and replied, "Yeah well...being stimulated like that usually does..."

He shuffled his feet silently then said, "I think we should stop now..."

Flaky frowned slightly, looking back at the bed for a moment. She felt that perhaps Flippy didn't trust himself to be near her, to be in the position to do more to her. To be honest, she didn't know what would happen if he did do more to her. Perhaps it was her clouded judgment, or maybe a small inner desire she had never known existed, but she smiled at Flippy and lay back down upon the mattress, rolling over onto her front, the towel falling away as she said, "I do believe there is more left to do in this massage. You haven't done my back yet."

Flippy sat there, staring at her with a mixture of disbelief and confusion on his face. He didn't know if he should comply, or if he should refuse. In fact, he didn't know if she was placing more trust in him than he felt he deserved. Flaky turned her head to look at him and said, "This is a trust exercise after all, trust me." Flippy sat there for a moment more before getting to his feet and saying, "Okay, if you feel comfortable with it, then I will finish."

He smiled and secretly thought to himself, "Let's hope this doesn't get out of hand." Flaky smiled at him and lay her head down upon her arms, waiting for Flippy to start.

Flippy gulped and reached down to grab the bottle of massage oil he had left on the floor. Opening the lid, he started on Flaky's legs, as he had done before. His movements were slow and careful, but as his hands snaked up her thighs, his fingers couldn't help but brush against the underside of her tight butt. He heard her sigh contentedly and he moved to pretend that he hadn't touched her there at all and jumped over her butt to the small of her back. As he trickled oil onto her back her heard her say, "I think you skipped something Flippy."

Flippy froze, looking at her in disbelief, surely she wasn't asking him to grope her butt, what on earth had come over her. He cleared his throat and said, "Well...there are massages for those muscles..."

He looked at her butt for a long moment and as he did so he heard Flaky say, "Well, you gonna give me the complete package?"

Flippy gulped heavily and picked up the bottle of massage oil, opening it and proceeding to squirt some of the liquid onto her butt cheeks. He didn't know if she was aware of the sensations one could get from this stimulation, or if she was aware of all he'd be able to see. He didn't even know if she was fully aware of what she was asking him to do. His hands shaking, Flippy reached out slowly and stroked along her ass, rubbing the oil into her fur and skin with slow, gentle movements.

He heard Flaky gasp slightly but he strove to ignore it as he sank his fingers into her flesh, rubbing and squeezing each cheek with one hand. It was now completely impossible to hide his own growing arousal, his pants tenting uncomfortably as he spread her ass apart, getting a clear view of her vagina, glistening in the dim light of the room. She was clean and well kempt, which was pleasant to see. As he continued to knead and stroke her butt, he became aware of another thing. A strong heady scent began to fill the air, mingling with the scent of the message oil. It could only be one thing, arousal.

His touch and what he was doing was pleasuring her, arousing her. This must have been why she told him to keep going, to get more from him, to feel more pleasure, to enjoy the sensations in silence. She was trembling slightly and he knew that if he were to confront her about it, she would deny it all together, or get extremely embarrassed. He shook his head, trying to ignore the heady scent that was thick in the air, and stopped massaging her ass, moving his paws across her back, trying to finish quickly, and gently.

It took him another few minutes, mostly due to her quills being too sharp to work through, and in short order, he finished his massage. He stepped away from the bed and said, "There...all done."

Flaky looked over at him, smiling and she said, "Thanks...that was wonderful..."

Her voice trailed away as her eyes fixed on something. Flippy looked behind himself and saw nothing really of interest. He did however nearly jump out of his skin when he felt a hand stroke across his stomach.

He looked down quickly at Flaky and saw her sitting on her knees at eye level with his crotch, transfixed by the bulge in his pants. The scent of a female's arousal intensified significantly, filling the air with an intoxicating aroma that weighed heavily on him. His arms felt like lead, his eyelids drooped heavily, his inhibitions melting away with each passing moment. Flippy's soldier training kicked in and he shook his head, focusing his attention on combating the scent that sought to control him. He looked back down at Flaky and saw her sitting there, staring at his package transfixed, eventually prompting Flippy to say, "Flaky...we...we can't just..."

She looked up at him and he could see in her eyes a deep primal hunger. The clouded lust filled gaze of her eyes and her unfocused features told him only one things... She was running on instinct...instinct usually had no place in tree friend society unless...unless born from inexperience or fear. Flaky was obviously not afraid so that only left one solution. Flippy sighed as the realization of what was going on it him. She was a virgin, unused to the pleasures of intimacy, or the pleasures of the body. With no experience to work with, she had fallen into a classic trap for other tree friends, where instinct pushed you on instead of romance.

To have sex with Flaky now would be almost like rape, she wasn't in her right mind... However, to refuse her would be dangerous to her and those around her. Tree Friends running on instinct would seek out a partner until satisfied, even when denied. Throwing Flaky out of the house would be like setting a wild animal loose. Really, there was only one thing he could do. As a soldier, a male of honor, he couldn't throw Flaky out and let others pay for it.

Resigning himself to the task, he gently cupped Flaky's chin and tilted her face up to look at him. Smiling faintly, he said, "I'll do this for you..."

He helped her to her feet and smiling, leaned in slowly towards her. Flaky mirrored his movements and leaned forwards as well, her eyes heavy lidded as her lips parted slightly. Flippy's lips met hers in a tender kiss that sent electric shocks running through his body. He could feel Flaky pushing against him, her lips locking with his fiercely as she tried to steal affection away from him, tried to get some of his warmth in her body.

He ran his hands down her front, fingers tracing across her pert nipples, rubbing them in soft, small circles. He smiled as Flaky moaned gently against him and he went further, cupping her small breasts in his hands, still passionately kissing her, getting more and more into what he was doing, forgetting his earlier reluctance all together. It had been so long since he had enjoyed the company of a female that he couldn't help but enjoy this. He broke away from the kiss, looking into Flaky's lust clouded eyes.

She smiled pleasantly at him and let her hand slide down his front towards his crotch. He was tempted to grab her hand but he let her go on. Her hand draped across his confined erection and she started slightly, looking down at the thing she had touched. Flaky didn't move for a good long moment and Flippy was prompted to get her attention. He gripped her wrist gently and placed her hand on the waistband of his pants. He smiled and said, "Go on, you can take them off."

Flaky stared at her hand, then hooked her fingers into his waistband and pulled on them. She didn't get anywhere, the fabric catching before it moved more than a few inches. She let out a grunt of annoyance and dropped to her knees, curling her fingers around the waistband and pulling down sharply. His pants fell to the floor in an instant and his cock sprung free to the open air. Flaky's eyes were transfixed on the bobbing flesh before her, the pink of his cock clashing with his lime green fur. Flaky stared at the erection before her eyes like it was some strange creature, fascinated by it. He smiled a little then jumped as he felt her wet nose bury itself in his crotch. She sniffed him, his musk filling her nose and intensifying her animalistic mind.

Grinning, Flaky licked the side of his cock, dragging her tongue along it in slow motions, tasting his scent and the salt of his sweat. She moaned softly, licking more and more, dragging her tongue up his shaft until she reached his cock head. She looked up at Flippy, smiling seductively as she circled her tongue around his tip, before popping the tip of it into her mouth with a short move of her head.

Flippy groaned broadly, being pleasured by her was incredible, the warmth of her tongue and the hot confines of her mouth were heaven. After been alone for so long, it was all he could do to stop him grabbing her head and using her mouth for release. He held back his desires, feeling Flaky suckle his cock gently. He reached down and stroked her head gently, careful to avoid her spines as best he could. She sighed at his touch and slid more of his cock into her mouth, causing Flippy to tense with pleasure as he prodded the back of her throat with his shaft.

It seemed almost impossible that she could do it, but she did. Without even a single gag, she slid still further on his cock, his shaft penetrating into her incredibly tight throat as her face pressed gently into his crotch. Flippy groaned, holding her head gently, fighting the powerful sensations pounding through him with every gulp that she made, her throat rippling around his cock. Flippy gasped and said, "Flaky, if you keep that up, I won't be able to hold on."

She hummed pleasantly, the vibrations causing his cock to tingle all over. He swore, griping her head harder as she pulled back off, a soft slurping filling the room as she drove back down onto his cock, forcing him to fuck her mouth. He growled, holding on for dear life as she slammed her mouth repeatedly back down onto his cock, spearing him into her throat with each motion. His hips pistoned forward, almost pulling free of her mouth as she pulled away, restraint failing him as he desperately tried to reach his climax. She smiled, wrapping her hands around his hips, squeezing his ass as he mated with her mouth with reckless abandon.

He grunted and groaned as a pressure built up deep inside his loins, a powerful urge to release, to cum. The need to seed her pounded through his mind like a mantra of instinct, one he couldn't ignore. Flaky seemed perfectly content with this whole situation, moaning softly as her mouth was used by Flippy, her arousing sent filling the room and overwhelming everything. Finally, Flippy could hold it in no more. He thrust harder still into Flaky's throat before climaxing hard. His seed burst from his cock tip, spilling into her throat before he pulled back, filling her mouth with the rest of his climax.

He sighed heavily and flopped back down onto the bed, his shaft pulling free from Flaky's mouth with a soft slurp. Her scent was so powerful that his erection didn't even wane, his cock staying as firm as it had started. Flaky smiled at him, before opening her mouth to show him his seed, the mounds of white cum making a beautiful sight inside her maw. She grinned broader still as Flippy's cock twitched in appreciation before swallowing his seed down in one gulp, licking her lips for added effect. Flippy smiled broadly and said, "Well...that was fun. But we aren't done yet."

He patted his chest gently and Flaky took the cue. He watched as Flaky climbed up onto the bed, climbing up onto him, cuddling against him gently, rubbing his chest through his shirt in slow soft motions. He grinned and shifted her gently, pulling her legs open and letting her sit against him. She lifted her head up to look at him, looking slightly confused. He smiled reassuringly and thrust his hips up gently, his cock head sliding up along the crack of her pussy. She gasped, her eyes fluttering as she cooed at the sensations running through her. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, kissing him tenderly as he ground his cock against her in slow, gentle movements, sliding along her slit with slow, teasing movements.

Flaky moaned softly, holding tight against Flippy as she wiggled her butt against his cock, trying to stimulate herself even more with his tool. She kissed his neck gently, nibbling along his collar as he ran his hands along her sides, gently tickling her as he slid against her most private of places. Soon, he felt it was time to move on. Holding her gently, he sat up straight, her weight pressing heavily against his throbbing cock. She looked at him, seemingly confused about what he was doing. Flippy smiled and kissed against her, pressing up into her pussy with one sharp thrust.

She whimpered slightly as the head of his cock pressed into her, the folds of her vagina spreading open for the first time around him. Tears rolled down her cheeks as drops of blood beaded around his cock, her torn virginity obvious. He held her to him, his arms carefully aligned between her quills, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as he rode out this precious moment with her. When she calmed slightly, Flippy pulled away slightly and said, "There, that wasn't so bad."

Flaky looked back at him, and for a moment, he thought he saw a moment of clarity in her eyes. She looked down at the point where they were joined together, then looked back at him. He frowned slightly and asked, "Flaky?"

She sniffed slightly and said, "I'm...I'm alright..."

Flippy frowned slightly as Flaky sniffed slightly and he said, "I'm sorry...I just...I didn't..."

It was already very clear to him that the slight pain of losing her virginity had cleared the instinct from her mind, although by how much he didn't know. He could see it, the fog of lust lifting from her eyes as realization of what was happening came over her. He felt his cock softening and he looked away from her. What did you say to someone in this situation...? She had placed her trust in him. All the arguments he had used to justify this seemed feeble now. He moved to move her away but to his surprise, she gripped him tight.

Flippy looked back at her and saw that she seemed to be struggling with something, like she wanted to say something. He opened his mouth to say something but she pressed a finger to his lips. Looking into his eyes, Flaky smiled a bit and said, "Flippy, I know you were trying to help me...I'm only a little upset. But..."

She leaned in closer to him and whispered, "I'll be even more upset if you stop making love to me."

She giggled softly and kissed him, a sweet, deep kiss. Flippy was surprised by this, her acceptance of his actions, but, it seemed like she was asking for more than a simple romp on the bed. She slid her hips back across his lap and his cock jumped to attention immediately. She giggled again as the throbbing cock poked against her pussy and she nuzzled the green bear in her arms. Flippy smiled and took a chance, tossing his apprehension to the wind and going at it full speed.

He kissed against Flaky's neck gently, pushing up against her womanhood until he found what he was aiming for, his cock spreading her wide once again as he pressed inside. Flaky cooed softly as pleasure blossomed out through her, a warm tingling fire building in her as he thrust up inside. He fear and apprehension just seemed so distant in the arms of this strong male, one who had though so much of her to do this for her. She didn't want it to stop, to be over.

She dropped her hips down suddenly, spearing the rest of his cock deep inside her, pressing up against her womb, the touch exciting her, more pleasure pulsing through her from the touch. She grinned at Flippy and kissed him again, before raising her hips up, sliding him back out, before plopping back down into his lap, impaling herself on him yet again. Flippy grunted, looking up at Flaky, wondering if perhaps her instincts were coming back, but no, he could see the clarity in her eyes. But there was something else, a wild, free spirit. She grinned at him, all fear gone, she wanted this, wanted the force of his love making. He knew full well, she wanted it rough.

He grinned and quickly moved his arms from behind her, tilting forward so that she fell backwards onto the bed, her quills sticking into the mattress and holding her in place. He grinned at her and kissed her passionately, thrusting forward as deeply as he could, eliciting a squeal of delight from her as he drove deeply inside. He pulled back and grabbed her legs, holding them tightly and he pounded into her, rolling his thumb over her clit as he roughly mated with her. Flaky's joy was evident, she moaned loud as the dual stimulation smashed into her, rocking her mind with the intensity of it as Flippy bent low over her, rutting her for all that he was worth.

He locked lips with her, his tongue playing with hers as he plowed deeply into her, wet slaps of his hips against hers filling the room, interspersed with moans and groans from both of them. To others, this may not have seemed like anything more than simple fucking, but it was so much more than that; Flaky wanted to feel alive, she wanted to power that this soldier, this killer, thrown at her in this moment of romance, she wanted that thrill, her fear taking a backseat to wild, unbridled energy and sex.

Flippy meanwhile, wanted her affections, wanted this closeness, and wanted to make her happy, and if that meant mating with her with all that he was, then so be it. They wanted each other, they wanted this moment.

Flippy's hips and legs started to cramp as he drove against her as hard as he could, reaching around her, he lifted her hips, angling even deeper than before. Flaky moaned louder as his cock speared in against her womb, grinding against the closed ring of flesh that denied him. His thrusts became desperate, pressing deeper and harder, the ring of flesh yielding little by little. Flaky could feel her orgasm, tapping at her mind, pressing at her being, threatening to overwhelm her.

The pressure of it grew more and more intense, becoming mind numbing as it nearly broke. Flippy grunted and with one mighty thrust, slammed his cock in as far as it would go, pressing into her womb, the deepest of depths and the sudden stretching of her cervix caused Flaky's impending orgasm to break.

She let out a scream of pleasure, squeezing Flippy as tightly as she could, her mind rocked with a shattering orgasm, the green bear in her arms becoming reality, becoming everything real and important. She felt that letting go of him would be to let go of sanity and she didn't want that. Her body shuddered as Flippy continued to hump against her tenderly, every slow thrust sending lances of pleasure through her. He finally pressed against her and groaned, a hot warmth spilling into her as he climaxed as well, filling her wet tunnel with his seed.

He looked up into her eyes, seeing a deep contentment in them, a deep peace. Knowing that he had given this to her made him happy, and he smiled, kissing her gently. She returned his affection and soon felt his weight fall against her as his legs gave out.

She wrapped her arms around him and held him close. In this mad world, if only for a few blissful moments, she was happy. Snuggling against Flippy's chest she sighed and said, "I love you."

Flippy smiled and kissed the top of her head and said, "I know."

He squeezed her tightly to him and after a few moments, sleep overcame them both and they fell asleep in each-others arms, happy and content.