The Empress and the Wardancer Chapter 1

Story by Fire3 on SoFurry

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Hi there, this is the first thing I uploaded to this site, despite being posting to dA and FA. I do have a different username here, comapred to those two, so this story isn't stolen.

Anyway, this story is about a dethroned Empress, who ends up on the other side of the universe. This follows as she and her people still loyal to her, as they try to settle. With new allies and a terrible enemy to face.

Draconians, Andrians, Wardancers are owned by my friend . He does good art, so check him out.

Anyway, hope you do enjoy this. :)

The ragtag fleet flew with haste, through the cold void of space. Ships of all sizes from cargo ships to transports made up the fleet, with five battleships providing as much defence as they could. Panicked masses huddled in each ship, as they fled from the place they once called home. Betrayed by their own people, when the War Council turned on the Empress. The fleet was in rough shape, taken damage from the defences of the system they had fled from.

At the front of the fleet was one of the battleship and the Empress's personal cruiser. The normally well kept, and looked after cruiser had seen better days. The hull scorched and dented from impacts from the traitor's weapons. Decks badly damaged and closed off, rooms filled with those who could get there and what they could carry with them. Hallways littered with the things that can't fit in the crowded rooms.

The bridge was in all sense of the word, chaotic. Smoke clung to the ceiling as alarms and warnings blared over the speakers. The crew was rushing from console to console, reading the text flashing on the screens reading out the damage report. One screen keeping a constant update of the Empress's condition.

The lioness laid on the bed, in critical condition. Her entire body ached and burned, cuts from whip lashes, covering her body. Normally clean, silky creamy fur now muttered, with blood, dirt and semen from her betrayal at the hands of the War Council. Her yellow eyes, staring up at the ceiling, her face a combination of shock and blankness as the reality of what happen sinking in. 'Where did I go wrong?' she thought to herself. Her lips cracked and caked in dried blood, as she struggled to see out of the black eye, she had. An oxygen mask over her muzzle as she tried to move. She felt the tubes and bandages covering her, as the medics did what they could to help her.

She moved slightly to look at her bodyguard, but wincing and cried out in pain. The whip, the council members used to whip her in public, still lodged firmly into her pussy. She remembers the medics, saying that they couldn't remove it without proper assistance. Shoved in hard and held tight, cutting up the tender, sensitive flesh, it would cause more damage if they attempted to remove it. For the meantime, the accursed object would just have to stick there; at least until they reached friendly space, where she hoped it would be removed and burned to cinders.

A pained groaned added itself to the steady beeping of the medical devices and the blaring klaxons. Amira'tla turned her head to the right, ignoring the pain even as a pained moan forced its way past her lips. There, on the other bed, she saw a sight that added more to her emotional pain. Xue'tsa, her loyal Captain of the Royal Guard, lied there bandage up as the medics did their best to treat her wounds. The Snow Leopard looked in pretty bad shape, her white fur with black spots, matted. Dried blood here and there from a few uncovered wounds, as medics dressed them, to prevent infection from spreading. Her eyes closed, as her chest rose up and down, with each laboured breath.

The dethroned Empress's mind blamed herself for all this, how could she let this all happen. The injured snow leopard was not only her trusted bodyguard, but her only, closest friend. Always been there for her, lending all types of support, even as she suspects, taken her to bed when she fell asleep on the job. The Snow Leopard female was always the strong silent type, but in private, between the two of them, Xue'tsa became a bit more lively, more happy in the presence of the lioness.

It still escapes Amira'lta, why her body guard did this sort of thing, but she was still glad to have her. Her thoughts were interrupted as she coughed, her body shuddering in pain as she resisted crying out again, from the pain. The lioness turned her head back around, staring up at the flashing red lights on the ceiling. The ship shuddered as she wondered a bit what was happening.

The gazelle gripped the arms of her chair, as the ship shuddered again. "Shields at 84% and falling captain!" a lynx crewman shouted out over the noise. Captain Tariro'xle had always had pride in knowing she ran a discipline ship, but now, all that was thrown out the window, as she surveyed a constant stream of data on her arm chair screen. "Captain! Contacts we got..." the signals officer started before double checking the data. "Damn, we got the whole bloody fleet giving chase.... They have opened fire!" Signals shouted, as the ship shuddered more, consoles sparking. The gazelle looked at the navigations officer as she shouted her order, "Get us out of here!" Navigations turned to face her, "Where?! Where'd we jump to?!" Tariro'xle looked the officer in the eye. "Anywhere is better than here!" she shouted back. The officer turned back to her station, as hands flew across the console. "Where? Sol Fed, Sauria? What? Got coordinates?" she asked, looking over her shoulders at the captain.

Before the gazelle could give an answer, the whole ship shook violently. The sound of straining metal echoed up to the bridge. The bridge crew thrown out of position as Tariro'xle toppled out of her seat. Pain shot through her shoulder as it slammed into the ground, behind her she heard a crewman scream as he got a face of sparks as his console exploded.

"Get him to sick bay, and someone put out that fire!"

"Yes captain!"

"Engineering reports that decks 2 and 4 have been hit. Decompressing in those decks" Signals said as she got back to the console. "Evacuate the areas affected and seal them off!" "Of course captain" the reply came.

"Captain! I need coordinates or we will all die!" navigations shouted, looking back over at the gazelle. "ANYWHERE!" Tariro'xle shouted, startling a few of the bridge crew.

"Ok, powering up the jump drives. The fleet has been informed, their jump drives powering up as well" Navigation reported, hands flying across the panel, laying in a franticly plotted course.

Out in space, the sleek, almost bird like shape of the Vega Empire warships, fired on the fleeing ragtag fleet. Five warships, crewed by loyalists, returned fired, doing their best to protect the fleet from their former brethren. A laser bolt from one of the loyalists, slammed into the bridge of one of the attacking fleet. Fireballs started to rip the hit ship apart, but not before it could get one final shot in. A beam of blue energy streaked across space, speeding past all ships of the loyalist fleet, until it slammed into the scorched and battered hull of the once sleek, luxurious ship that was the Empress's personal cruiser.

"The jump drive has been damaged!" the Signals officer shouted, as the blow rocked the ship violently. "Engaging jump now!" the navigator shouted as the final sequence of numbers were punched in. "What?! I just said the engines are damaged; jumping could cause them to explode and kill us all! Are you sure you want to risk it?!" Signals shouted, wondering if her Captain had gone insane. "YES! Jump now!" Tariro'xle shouted. The Navigator nodded as the order was given.

There was a huge groaning noise, echoing around the ship as it strained under the failing drive. The rest of the fleet formed up, their own drives powering. Tariro'xle looked on in dread as some ships vanished in massive fireballs, as their drives failed. The captain uttered a small prayer for the souls that were just lost to the hatred that was currently consuming and filling the hearts of the War Council's lackeys. 'If only we had more, we could fight back' she thought to herself. "We will set up a memorial for those that perished. But right now, we need to get beyond the reach of Council. We must keep, OUR people and Empress, from them" the captain said, determination in her voice. The officers on the bridge turned to her, and gave a nod of respect, to the dead. "Punch it!" she shouted, almost startling the navigator, who nodded.

The view screen filled up with a glowing portal, the jump window as the engines reached enough power. The entire cruiser jerked violently as the stabilisers started to fail, as it jumped. The normal star field of space was replaced with nothing but blue, as the fleet jumped to hyperspace. But the navigations array was damaged in the escape, as the fleet started to careen wildly in hyperspace.

"How is the fleet holding up?" she asked looking towards the Signals officer. "Not good captain, we are careening around wildly. Navigation, are you trying to make us sick?" the officer shouted, as the normal blue of hyperspace, was replaced with an eerie black. A dark area of hyperspace that was theoretically meant to exist. "What do you think I am trying to do!" the navigator shouted. "DAMNIT, CAPTAIN!!! Can't you control this blasted thing?!" the navigator snapped, glaring at the captain. "Watch your tone, or you will be court martialled" the gazelle shot back, her voice full of irritation as she made her way to the console near the officer. "I am trying!" she growled, ignoring the look as she punched in commands, hoping that they can bring the ship under control.

Outside in the void of hyperspace, the ships engines were acting as a beacon to the others of the fleet, as they continued on their erratic journey. Parts of the cruiser's hull started to peel away, from the top and bottom, like a dandelion caught in the wind. Gun turrets were ripped off, as their circuits hung from the holes they were once attached to on the ship.

Back on the bridge, the navigator went from angry to worried, as she read the current read out on the screen. "We're off chart!" she shouted, fear replacing the anger, as she double checked the readings. Her captain looked at her, with a similar look of fear at this. If they were off chart, then who the hell knows where they could end up! "How far off?" she asked, everything driven from her mind mostly now. "Who the hell knows?! We've swerved past the core... I think it caused a slingshot... Ma'am I hate to say this, but I don't think we are no longer in the galaxy" she said, looking up towards the captain.

"Great! Unknown space with limited supplies, don't even know what the extant of the damage is" she said, as she walked back and collapsed in her chair. Her face looked like she had aged decades in the past couple of hours, since they rescued the Empress. "Well...." The signals officer begun, checking out a readout. "Yeah?" Tariro'xle asked, partly dreading what the news would be. "We still got signals, communications, some life support, spare fuel and one gun....." the officer was cut off as a loud, terrible groaning sound echoed from deep within the ship. The experienced captain paled, knowing just what happed. "Scratch, spare fuel" signals added as the captain just nodded. "Of course! This day is just getting better and better!"

She took a deep breathe, and looked up, still seeing the blackness of this void they were travelling in. "Maybe we can seek aid from race out there. Start sending out a distress signal" she ordered as she rubbed the base of her horns. "Trying, but Ma'am, how do we send a distress call in hyperspace?" the signals officer asked, as Tariro'xle mentally kicked herself, at forgetting they were still in this unknown part of hyperspace. The officer at navigations looked up, and confirmed their day was getting much worse. "Jump drive is reaching critical! It's going to implode!" she shouted, the fear increasing in her voice.

"Bring us out, and start sending that message. Tell the fleet to stop as well" she commanded as she looked over the bridge. She sighed, knowing it will take a miracle for it to get it back to its normal look. Panels and circuits would need to be replaced, same with the crewmen they lost during this escape. There is a sudden lurch, throwing everyone out of their seats as the ship came out with a groaning tortured sound. There was a bright flash of light, an explosion as the ship entered real space again. "....OK.... Sorry to say this captain, but we got no more jump drive... other ships are reporting they don't or theirs are barely working now..." Navigations said, as Tariro'xle let out her hundredth sigh for the day. "Start sending that distress signal now. And get me some reading of where we are" she said as she looked up at the star field.

She didn't need to be told though, they were in unknown space. None of the stars or constellations looks familiar to her, she just hoped now there was a species out there friendly enough to help them... if they can communicate with each other that is.

"Right.... Sending...." The signals officer replied, as experienced hands moved across the console. The distress call was sent out, on all channels, all known ways to communicate. All they can do is hope that they get a friendly species to help them. "Captain, I got some news, and you ain't going to like it" navigations reported, as she peered at her screen. With a groan, the gazelle stood up and crossed the tattered, debris field bridge. "Yeah?" she asked, peering at the screen. "Well..... See that faint dot...." She asked, pointing to a small, faint pixel on the screen, near the bottom right corner. "Yea...." Tariro'xle asked, feeling dread again. "Well.... That's the Milky Way... we... I think we are on the other side of the known universe.

"Captain, I'm picking up multiple hyperspace signatures, unknown configuration" the signals officer said, looking over the shoulder at the captain. "Bring them on screen" the gazelle said tiredly, looking forward to sleep, if she can that is. "God damnit, gimme a minute to fix the damn thing" the officer said, annoyed as he tried to reroute the connections to the screen. "Alright, there got it!"

As soon as it was up, a signal came through on the official hailing channel, as the signals officer patched them through. The screen blinked, as the star field was replaced with an anthro dragon in full armour. Its eyes looking around as it took in the ruined bridge. "We are in draconic space?" the navigator asked, completely surprised. Tariro'xle shook her head, "No. That armour is off, the Draconic prefer to have a more artistic feel to their armour" she explained, having met the dragons of the Milky Way, a few times. They took pride in their art, which went from everyday stuff to their military. "Y...yeah, and is... is that duct tape behind him...her.... Whatever it is?" the navigations officer asked, peering at some tape like on what looked like a console behind the dragon.

During all this the dragon started to speak in a language. It seemed to flow, sounding like Japanese poetry, Tariro'xle heard on one of her tours to Earth, mixed with the other earth language Latin. Though there seemed to be some chirps, growls and barks in it, but other than that, sounded almost beautiful. "They are saying something.... Can't seem to translate it, it's in none of our databases. And... Captain...." The signals officer said, trailing off as eyes widen in terror. "Yes, what is it?" Tariro'xle asked, turning to facing the officer, but keeping one eye on the strange dragon. "Captain, I am detecting all weapon batteries are armed, and...facing us!" the officer shouted, as the klaxons rang again, as Tariro'xle looked at the officer, in fear as well. "You sure?" she asked, hoping it was a sensors malfunction. "I am afraid so captain, I triple checked. All weapon batteries are aimed at us and charging. Their shields are up... We can't withstand a blast if they fire..."

"Is it just one?" she asked, hoping if it comes to a fight, they can outgun it, with the warships in the group. "No, Ma'am, detecting a small fleet, all armed and aimed at us... We don't stand a chance, not in our damaged state if they fire" the signals officer reported grimly. Captain Tariro'xle, nodded as she turned to face the anthro dragon, looking at her and she gulped a bit. Hoping that communications was up and she could talk to them.