Tiny Eros Chapter 4

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#4 of Tiny Eros

It seems that lollipop has attracted the attention of some school girls, who in turn confront Penny on the matter. What happens next I wonder?

Thanks to Toshubi for use of his characters and creating the TiE icon.

Peer Pressure

Spec couldn't get any answers from Penny as she fell asleep. He figured there was no point in trying wake her. He would get the same answers in the morning. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. When he woke up he turned to see that Penny wasn't there. He sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking around for her. He couldn't see her but her bag was still against the wall. He stretched out before standing up and made his way to the living room where he could hear the TV.

He stepped out and saw Penny watching cartoons while sitting on the couch. She seemed to be eating something as he approached her. It was a bowl of frosted cereal that he kept for when he didn't feel like cooking or just wanted a quick snack. He noticed that she changed out of her slip. She was wearing what looked like one of his tee shirts. He sat down next to her yawning. The sound got her attention.

"Morning Spec, did you sleep well?"

"I slept well. I see you found my cereal."

"Yep, hope you don't mind me helping myself to some."

"It's fine. So we never finished our conversation from last night. What did you mean you and your friends owe sexual favors for lollipops?"

She continued to eat her cereal whilr watching TV. Once she swallowed her mouth full, she answered him.

"I'd think it pretty much explains its self. If you get one of those lollipops we owe you big time so we can do something sexual to call it even."

Spec couldn't believe what he was hearing. At the same time it didn't surprise him too much as she did cuff him to a pipe and give him a blow job. Penny could see he was upset.

"Would you feel better if I told you I'm still a virgin and you're the only one I've given a lollipop to?"

"A little, but really it just gives me a lot more questions. Mostly about your friends and what you all do."

Penny was the one who started to look uneasy. She stopped eating and looked down at her bowl. Spec felt bad and put his arm around her.

"You don't have to tell me what you all do. I mean, it's not like I'm innocent either."

She smiled and hugged him, being sure not to tip the bowl or spill its contents. She instantly perked up as she finished her cereal. Spec started to watch cartoons with her as she kicked her feet.

"I have one more question for you Penny. Is that my tee shirt you are wearing?"

Penny chuckled as she scrunched up a bit.

"Yeah... I sorta borrowed one from you. I hope that was okay."

"It's fine Penny." He said with a smile as they both watched TV.

** ** ** ** **

Penny left Sunday afternoon. They did nothing of a sexual nature before she left. Spec didn't question her any further about the lollipop or her friends. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that she scrambled the Rubik's Cube again before leaving. He toyed with it for a bit but only solved one side before taking a break.

The week started off quiet as Penny hadn't shown up. For some reason it felt right leaving the lollipop on display at the check out counter. No one seemed to pay it any mind until a pair of twin albino rabbit girls entered the shop. They went to the magazine racks to look at the comics but one stopped when they saw the candy next to the register. She motioned for her twin to look at it as well. Spec was confused at first but noticed they wore the same school uniform as Penny.

"Can I help you girls with anything?"

"Where did you" "Get that lollipop?"

Spec simply said "okay..." and froze as one of the twins finished the others sentence. He straightened up a bit as he could feel their bright red eyes were locked onto him.

"A friend of mine gave it to me."

They whispered between themselves for a moment before facing him again.

"What's your friends name?" "Can we see it?

They finished with a "Please?" in unison. The twin gimmick was starting to get creepy as Spec raised his eyebrows while looking between the pair. He reached for the lollipop and slowly handed it to them with a nervous "Okay." One of the rabbits held it while the other examined it, as if looking for something.

"Who gave this to you mister?"

"A girl named Penny. Do you know her?"

The twin that was examining the candy seemed to notice something as the two giggled. They returned the lollipop to him. "We know her." They said in unison once again. The nodded to each other before making their way to the door. They waved and exited with one last "Bye Mister!" in unison. When they were out of sight, Spec shuddered as he could feel his fur crawling.

"Man that was creepy. I will never get why twins do that. I swear if my sister ever started doing that with me..."

** ** ** ** **

The twins made their way to the food court of the local mall. They were looking around for someone when they spotted a teenage raccoon reading a copy of International Regions, while drinking a milk shake. They ran up to her, full of energy which got her attention.

"Mindy! We've got something we need to tell you." They said together. The raccoon looked up while taking a sip of her shake. When she saw who was calling her, Mindy marked her page and put her book down.

"Hey Anna, hey Emma. What's up?"

The twins sat down on opposite sides of Mindy while still giggling.

"We have some news." "News about Penny."

"What about her?"

They could barely contain themselves as they both announced "She's made her first mark!" Mindy chocked a bit on her shake upon hearing the news. After a couple of coughs to clear her throat, she looked at both of them and asked, "Are you sure? How do you know?" They both nodded as they leaned in to speak quietly.

"We're sure. We found a guy we've never meet before." "With a lollipop that has Penny's mark and everything."

Mindy sat back and had more of her shake as a smirk formed on her face.

"Where did you see this guy?"

"Twilight books, down town." they said together.

"Thanks for the heads up girls. I've gotta go make a call to Amy about our friend Penny."

She took out her phone and gave both rabbits a kiss on the forehead. She grabbed her drink and placed her magazine under her arm. She went to find a quieter spot to make her call. She found a corner near the family rest area where she took a seat in one of the lounge chairs. She held the ringing phone to her ear as she adjusted the gold plated bangles she wore, one on each wrist. It wasn't long before Mindy got a hold of who she was looking for.

"What's up Mindy?"

"Amy, we need to talk about our other potential leader in the making for Hotel."

"What about Penny?"

"Well..." She paused to hold out her arm to admire her bangle as it hung from her wrist.

"The twins just told me they met someone no one else has heard of with a lollipop. Some guy that works at 'Twilight Books'. Don't suppose you know who they are talking about."

"Nope, don't know who they are talking about. I know of the book store though. I'll check it out myself later. Do me a favor though and text me what her mark is."

"Will do Amy. Let me know what you want to do. I want to be around for this."

"Okay Mindy, I'll talk to you later."

** ** ** ** **

A couple of days later, Penny got a message to meet up with Amy at one of the coffee shops their group used for meetings. When she arrived, the terrier was greeted by a young white rabbit with blue eyes and Mindy.

"Over here Penny, have a seat so we can talk."

"Hello Amy, Mindy. Mind if I order a drink first?"

"Sure, we'll be here when you are ready."

Penny left and returned a few minutes later with an iced vanilla latte. She took her seat on one side of the square table where Amy was enjoying a hot drink and Mindy, a blended mocha.

"So what's up Amy? You said it was something important."

"Well, Mindy told me that the twins discovered you gave a lollipop to the owner of Twilight books. I checked it out and found your lollipop with your mark on it."

Penny looked a little nervous as she bit her lower lip. She had hoped to keep Spec a secret from the rest of her friends. She sipped from her drink as Mindy looked at her with a grin. Penny sighed as she sat back a bit into her chair.

"Yeah I did, what about it?"

"Well, you know there has been talk about you stepping up as the leader of Hotel since Bobbi's incident. And Mindy is going to be leaving soon to take charge of Romeo. But the fact of the matter is you are a virgin. That is unless you've actually slept with this Spec guy."

"That's my personal business Amy."

"It is, but you also know to be a proper cell leader you need to have an established mark and not be a virgin. Mindy already has hers but you were always better at running things with the members of Hotel. That's why she's taking over Romeo."

"Okay, so she's done it already, big deal. What does this have to do with me and Spec?"

"It's simple Penny, fuck him so we can black mail him for a safe house."

"Shut up Mindy, I'm not just going to fuck him so you can have a spot to lay low at."

Penny and Mindy stared at each other for a moment while Amy took a sip of her drink.

"Penny, I understand who and what you do is your business but Mindy is right. His book store is down town and would be a good safe house. The fact you gave him a lollipop means he's already mixed up with us. If you don't want to sleep with him for what ever reason I can get Brandi to"

"Don't you dare let that cow near him." Penny said to Amy. Mindy smiled at the terrier's reaction as she stirred her drink a bit with her straw. Penny took a minute to cool down before speaking again.

"I'll... I'll do him, okay? He already knows he's fucked if we spill the beans about him but I don't think we need to black mail him."

"I still say we should let Brandi have a go with him. She'd be the perfect bait for"

"Damn it Mindy, will you shut the hell up?"

"Will both of you please calm down before people start to stare?"

Penny and Mindy both sat back in their seats while staring at each other. Amy finished her coffee and stood up before speaking.

"Penny, take care of what you need to so we can have some leverage on this guy. I'll have a back up plan in case. Mindy, try to get along with others, okay? You are going to be a cell leader soon. It's a good idea to lead by good example."

Amy threw her cup away as she left the shop, leaving Mindy and Penny at the table, staring at each other. Penny let out a low growl as she balled up her fist.

"What's your damn problem Mindy?"

"Calmed the hell down, I'm just having some fun. Look, I respect you and everything that you've done with Hotel but you are making the same mistakes Bobbi did. She let her emotions fuck with her thinking and now she and Marry are in deep shit... As much as I don't want to admit it, I don't want to see another one of us get caught cause we aren't using our heads."

"It's not like that Mindy. He just..."

"I get it Penny, you like him and want him to be yours but you gotta be smart about it too. Don't let your heart make choices your head should be making."

"I'm not, okay? Just... Let me take care of him okay? I don't want anyone else messing with him just yet."

"So is he fair game after you fuck him?"

She growled at Mindy who laughed.

"I'm messing with you bitch, I'll stay away from him till you say its okay."

"You better Mindy..."

Penny paused as she finished her coffee.

"I'll take care of Spec by Sunday night. Till then, just let me get myself ready okay?"

"Okay, I'm gonna get going. I'll catch you later."

"Hey Mindy, did you mean what you said about me leading Hotel?"

"Yeah I did." the raccoon replied with out looking back at Penny. Before she was out of ear shot Penny called out "Hey". Mindy looked back at the terrier.

"For what it's worth, I think you'll make a great leader for Romeo."

Mindy smirked and replied "Thanks" before leaving the shop. Penny sat for a few more minutes as she processed what she would need to do in her mind. She knew if she didn't give up her virginity to Spec, another member of the Loli's would fuck him instead.

Tiny Eros Chapter 5

Penny's Predicament "Wait a sec Jon, explain to me again what is going on with your back?" Spec was addressing a brown ferret who sat next to him behind the check out counter reading a comic book. He closed his book to better address the...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Sunlight filtered through the curtains that covered the windows. Spec noticed it through his eye lids causing him to stir a bit. He lifted his hand up to cover his eyes when he realized he couldn't move his body fully. He looked over to see...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Spec sat at the edge of the bed slipping on his robe. After he fastened the robes belt he turned in time to see Cindy slipping on a well worn green tee shirt. She stood up revealing the shirt was a bit big on her. It went down past her...

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