Twilight Eros Chapter 16

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#16 of Twilight Eros

Another chapter without sex. I apologize in advance. This chapter felt right to have some down time and see how the twins interacted with each other. Seems there is more to them then they let on. Also a couple or real life product name changes. See if you can find them.

Trivia time. I love me some Skee ball. I blame the move Dogma for that. I never collect the tickets i just love playing the game. I do in fact leave my tickets just laying around for some kid to pick up. Well, at least I hope a kid gets them. Would hate to them just tossed out.

TE thumbnail done by the lovely zenia

Chapter 16

The next morning Spec woke and found him self alone in bed. He rubbed his eyes before putting his robe on. He went to the living room where he found Cindy and Luna eating cereal from bowls with milk.

"Now if you really want to get him going you need to... Morning brother; hope you don't mind that we helped ourselves to your cereal."

He shook his head and got a bowl and spoon for himself. The milk was already at the coffee table with the cereal boxes.

"As long as you saved me some, we'll be fine. Do I want to know what you were telling Cindy?"

"I was just giving her some pointers for turning you on in bed."

"Yeah, like she needs any help in that department."

He grinned as he rubbed the black fur on Cindy's exposed thigh. She smiled as she put her hand on his.

"Well aren't you two just the sweetest couple? Makes me wish I had someone stable to be with."

"A bit hard to do when you are always flirting with all the models you meet during shoots."

He grinned as he poured bowl of fruit rings and milk for himself. Luna growls a bit at her brother while Cindy continued to eat her cereal. Luna sighed and had more cereal herself.

"Just you wait brother. I'll find some one that gets me and loves me just the way I am."

"No doubt you will Luna. You just have to keep your eyes open."

"Not to brake up this beautiful sibling moment but what should we all do today?"

The twins looked at each other with puzzled looks. It was a moment before Spec spoke.

"I guess we'll just hang out here. I mean we have Kit and Jen coming in on Monday so we should get ready to train them. And Luna, well you are welcome to stay but you have to get back to work eventually."

"True, but I don't have to do anything right away. I've got a few days to rest up before I have to go back to the old editing board. But what about you Cindy, anything you want to do today?"

She looked back at Luna wondering what would be ideal as she didn't want to stay inside all day.

"Well I wouldn't mind going shopping or seeing a movie. It would just be a waste if we stayed inside all day."

"That sounds like a plan. What do you say brother? Want to take a couple of ladies out for a good time?"

He smiled and nodded as he drank the milk from his bowl.

"I'd love to show a couple of ladies a good time."

He wrapped his arm around Cindy and hugged her close.

"Well here is my lady. Where's the other one?"

Cindy let out a chuckle as Luna instinctively bopped her bother on the head with a couch pillow. He did his best to block the blows but several connected as he released Cindy while he fell backwards. Cindy laughed as she scooted away using her legs. She smiled as she watched the siblings rough house with one another. She could simply tell they were both happy as they did.


After the dishes were cleaned and every one was dressed and freshened up properly they headed out to the mall. It was convenient as there was also a market next to it. It would save a trip on the way back home.

"So do you ladies have any idea what you want to see at the movies?"

"I'm actually not feeling movies. I'd rather take Cindy shopping."

"I really don't have the money to get any new cloths Luna."

"Don't worry about it Cindy, I'll treat you to something. Got a nice bonus from the last shoot I did. It was an extended travel expense you could say."

Luna grinned as she skipped ahead of the couple. Spec just moaned as Cindy watched Luna.

"I don't know about this Spec. I mean I don't know how I'd feel about getting anything from her after just meeting."

"You should just take it as a gift. She makes good money and she's not shy about sharing it with others. I've also seen her bank accounts. She's well off so don't worry about getting a few things from her."

"If you say so Spec. I just don't want to take advantage of her."

"Oh believe me, she'll find a way to get something out of you in the long run. Not in a bad way but she has her weird ways."

"Will you two stop talking about me and pick it up? I want to at least try and beat the Sunday crowds."


The mall was surprisingly quiet for a Sunday. Only a handful of people were walking around or waiting in line for the movies. The three of them looked over the selection of movies but nothing seemed to catch their attention.

"I'm not seeing anything, how about you two?"

Luna and Cindy both shook their heads as they walked away from the theater.

"Well that blew. Why didn't we check to see what was playing before we came here?"

"I believe you were the one that wanted to beat the crowd dear sister."

Luna was about to say something but continued walking.

"Fair enough, but what do we do now?"

"Well, didn't you say you wanted to go shopping?"

Spec quickly regretted mentioning that to his sister as she instantly perked up.

"No point in wasting time then. Come on Cindy lets find something for you."

She took Cindy by the hand, dragging her towards a clothing store, leaving Spec behind.

"What about your brother?"

Luna looked back while walking.

"Keep your phone on Spec. I promise we won't be too long."

He sighed as he walked towards Sun Dollar coffee.

"First things first, I need a latte. After that, off to the arcade for some Skee ball."


The two ladies made their way into Veronica's undergarments. Luna gravitated instantly to the first baby blue piece she saw.

"Are you sure Spec will be fine by himself? I mean, we just sort of left him standing there."

"Don't worry about him Cindy. If I know my brother he's off to get a coffee. After that he'll want to play some games at the arcade, most likely Skee ball. Besides, I wanted to be alone when I talked to you about him."

Cindy had a curious expression on her face as she held up a thong. She made a face at it before putting it back down.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well what I really wanted to do was ask you a question. Has Spec mentioned our last name yet?"

"Well he mentioned it but he hasn't told me. What is the deal with your last name?"

Luna paused and looked at some more underwear.

"It's complicated Cindy. But it really isn't a big thing. It's just something he needs to work through. He also made me promise not to tell any of his girlfriends. Its part of the deal he and I have."

Cindy looked away, wondering about the twins' last name. She picked up a purple nightie, admiring the lacey pattern.

"I really do care about your brother Luna. If you say it's nothing I'll trust you. But I still think it's kind of weird."

"It is but trusts me. It will be worth it when you find out. But forget about that, I love that nightie you have there."

Luna looked it over as Cindy held it up higher.

"You have to try that on Cindy. The color would look so good on you."

"Well I do have a thing for purple."

Both chuckled as Cindy went to the dressing room. Luna quickly followed with a similar baby blue nightie for herself. A few minutes passed before they both emerged from their separate rooms to show each other the pieces they picked out.

"Purple really suites you Cindy."

"Thank you Luna. I really do like this fabric. It's so light but not too drafty you know? You look great in yours too."

"Thank you. I don't know why I love baby blue so much."

"Well it does match your collar."

"Yeah, it does match it pretty well."

Luna fiddled with the coin that hung from her collar.

"You know Spec gave me my first collar. It was the same collar as this one. It's a little worn because it's so old but I still keep it."

"Spec sort of told me about when he gave it to you. It must be really special."

Luna nodded as she thought back to her sixteenth birthday. She shook her head as she snapped back to reality looking at Cindy turning in front of a full body mirror, swaying her tail as she moved.

"Well I guess I should take this off. It's nice and all but I really shouldn't be buying something like this right now."

"Oh you can take it off but you aren't putting it back. I'm getting that for you, and indirectly for my brother."

"Luna, that's generous of you but I can't accept a gift like this. It would be weird."

"We are well past weird Cindy. Or is it common for you to have sex with your boyfriend and his blood relative in your family?"

Luna asked sarcastically as Cindy grinned thinking about some of the things her family had done, especially Scotty.

"Be that as it may Luna I really couldn't accept this."

"Well I'll tell you what. You buy me lunch or something and we'll call it even okay? Besides, that may be indirectly for my brother but it's also a little bit for my own personal pleasure."

She gave the skunk a firm pat on the ass before heading to her dressing room to change. Cindy was taken back by her actions as she smiled and went to change herself. She didn't dislike the wolf's attention but it was certainly different from some one she had just met.


The ladies made their way to the arcade. Sure enough they found Spec playing Skee ball as he had a small pile of tickets building next to him. Cindy was impressed as it would have taken her quite some time to build a similar collection. Spec was concentrating as Luna came up behind him.

"Don't miss Spec!"

He was startled by his sister's sudden outburst. He tossed his ball short as it fell into the foul zone resulting in no points. He grumbled as he looked back at his sister who was grinning. He gathered his tickets up and set them on the ramp as he grabbed his cup of coffee.

"So did you two have fun shopping?"

"Sure did. We both got something you might like."

"I don't even want to know."

Luna could see through his obvious lie as his ears were perked up and his tail wagging. Cindy also noticed as she followed.

"So do you two want to do anything else while we are out here?"

"Well Luna and I went shopping. Is there anything store you'd like to go to Spec?"

"Maybe the model and toy store. I could use some geek stuff."

Luna perked up at the mentioning of geek stuff.

"Do you think they have luchador mask?"

"Luna you have like five masks from Mexico and Japan. Why would you need a new one?"

"A lady can never have too many wrestling mask dear brother."

She puffed out her chest as she walked ahead of him and Cindy, tail swaying. Cindy tapped Spec's shoulder with a confused look.

"Do I want to know what she is talking about?"

"We still like to watch professional. She likes it so much she actually collects mask and does some actual wrestling some times. She's been known to try out submission moves on me."

"Is that safe? I mean, can't you get hurt?"

"Yeah but it hasn't happened yet. She actually went to some wrestling instructors so she knows how to properly perform moves."

"Case in point, I give you the cross face chicken wing!"

Luna surprised both of them as she took her brother's arm and pulled it back just under his shoulders. She locked her arm into his while using her other to reach across his face putting him in a rather uncomfortable looking position.

"Damn it Luna! I'm tapping, I'm tapping"

He was slapping against her forearm as she let him go. She seemed content as her brother was looming over her, teeth bared.

"Was that necessary Luna?"

"No it wasn't but it was fun for me."

"Luna, maybe it's not the best idea to wrestle with your brother in a public place."

"So are you saying it would be better to do it in a private place?"

"At least in private I can give you a well deserved spanking."

She laughed before turning to Cindy.

"Well I'd love to wrestle with you at some point Cindy. I promise to go easy on you."

Cindy was blushing as they continued walking. She scooted up next to Spec again.

"You weren't kidding when you said she was very forward."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Spec smiled as they entered the toy and collectables store. He instantly went to the robot mech models as Luna went to the collection of wrestling mask and championship belts. Cindy, who was a bit overwhelmed by everything, decided to walk around and see if anything caught her eye. Nothing did as she made her way back to Spec who was looking as an interesting looking mech with dragon wings.

"Find anything you like Spec?"

"Maybe but it's still a bit high in price. I think I'll wait and see if it drops. How about you, anything catch your fancy?"

She shook her head as she hugged his arm.

"I can't say that I did. Maybe I'll find something next time. Do you think Luna found anything?"

"Nope, I didn't find anything either. Maybe we should just get some stuff from the super market and head home."

"I'm not feeling up to cooking. Why don't we just get some mixers and order some pizzas or something?"

"Is it me Spec, or do we seem to go out to eat a lot?" Cindy asked as they made their way out of the mall.

"Now that you mention it, we do seem to go out a lot. Well we can still go to the super market to get food so we can cook in the next few days. I just don't feel like cooking tonight."


Upon returning to Spec's apartment he stored the groceries while Luna and Cindy put their purchases away. Luna went to Spec's humidor and picked out a cigar.

"I assume you want me to smoke on the roof still?"

"Please do sis. If you give me a few minutes I'll join you."

"Sounds like a plan. What about you Cindy? Would you like to have a cigar?"

"Well if they were like the one Spec shared with me last night I wouldn't mind having one."

Cindy made her way to the humidor now picking out a cigar for her self. She located Spec's cutter, noticing the initials on it. Luna grabbed a couple cans of soda to drink while they smoked. Spec finished and picked out his cigar as they all headed to the roof.


"I have to say Cindy; I never pictured you as the cigar type."

Cindy passed the lighter to Luna after starting her cigar. She smiled as she exhaled.

"I picked it up in my last job. It helped to have some common interest with the bosses. Even more so when you find a smooth flavor you like. What about you Luna, how did you get into cigars?"

Luna passed the lighter to Spec before answering.

"Same way my brother did, through our dad. He smokes them and taught us how to find a good, smooth flavor. We didn't like them at first but out taste changed as we got older."

"Your dad sounds interesting. I hope I get to meet him someday."

"You will Cindy. But when you do you may have to play some board games. Dad loves board games."

Luna chuckled before puffing her cigar again.

"Oh and don't forget the hats. Spec and dad have this thing about wearing weird hats when they play Gambit."

"Don't mock my gaming fez sister. It's not my fault dad likes to think he's an army general when playing war games."

"I can understand that but does he have to wear the helmet?"

"Wait, he wears an army helmet; while playing board games?"

The siblings nod as they both puffed away.

"We love our dad but he's a little out there."

Luna chuckled as she finished talking. Spec shook his head before exhaling his smoke.

"Like you are one to talk Luna, Ms. luchador mask and championship belts."

"Hey, you have a mask too brother. And I won that belt from you fair and square."

Cindy chuckled as she took another puff.

"You know what? This is nice, the causal smoking and being together that is."

"Well my brother has a way of bring people together. Speaking of gatherings, what do you two have in mind for this party?"

Cindy and Spec looked at each other realizing they had not it out beyond the remodeling.

"Well first we should have Doc finish up with the basement remodeling. After that we get a guest list from Cindy and set an official date. From there we can focus on supplies and I can dig out some books to be used as 'party favors'."

Spec made air quotes as Cindy nodded.

"Well I can get a guest list together soon. Figure with a couple of weeks we can get all the party supplies we need at decent prices."

"Well Cindy, money is no object for Spec. I'm sure he can get you whatever you need."

"You're the one with the savings account Ms. Wolf Pack photographer slash head editor. You could fund this thing by yourself if you wanted to."

"I could, but I have to start working on the new pictures tomorrow."

"In other words you just want to hang around for the fun after we do all the work."

Luna grinned as she wagged her tail.

"Don't forget, we have to get Scotty with us too. He wants to help but I don't think he'd be a big fan of the cigars. My cousin was never a fan of smoking. The smell always bothered him."

"When am I going to meet this Scotty? You speak so highly of him Cindy. It's like he's a living legend at this point."

"You might have to wait. I've only met him once but he seems nice enough, especially the way Cindy talks about him."

Cindy started to blush as she continued to smoke. The sun was setting as her stomach started to growl.

"Let's finish up so we can order our food. I'm starting to get hungry."

"I agree. I need to get back home so I can get ready for work tomorrow."

"Luna you set your own hours when you aren't shooting. Besides if anyone needs to get some sleep it's me and Cindy. Tomorrow is the day the new employees start."

Twilight Eros Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Spec was groggy as he fumbled with the coffee maker. Luna left last night after having dinner and some drinks with the couple. Cindy was in the bathroom freshening up and getting dressed. "Do you want some coffee Cindy? If so I'll make a...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 15

Chapter 15 (Warning: See info box for list of extreme kinks.) Spec sat on the side of the lawn chair as Cindy stood in front of him. He took another puff of his cigar trying to calm his nerves. "What do you want to tell me about Luna Spec?" He let...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 14

Chapter 14 The next day Cindy was alone while Spec did the lunch run. It was pretty slow as she decided to do a word search. She heard something from the back room as Spec walked up to the front of the store. "Hey Cindy, I'm back now." "How did you...

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