Tales of Terra - Chapter 1

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of Terra

Location: Phoenixa Academy â€" Chentrilla City - Terra

Chapter 1

"Come on Leyton! We are going to be late"

Leyton ran along the the quad up towards the main school building, he watched as Kariko ran in front of him. He was a slim and athletic build and was relatively short. His body was light and petite compared to most of the students at the academy. His fur was grey that covered his body and he always felt like the most boring species on Terra... as a wolf at least.

Kariko ushered him up the stairs into the main school building which was made was a large brick building with a large dome shaped roof. Kariko was also a small and elegant fox, he had fluffy blue fur and sharp green eyes. Leyton always used to play tease him about his colour which was unusual for his species but they had always got on well. They banded together for protection against a harsh world.

"Mr Argus!" shouted a voice from across the of the beautiful academy building. A long faced equine came striding out of the office on the other side of the building making Leyton stopping in his tracks. The equine was a lot tall then Leyton and towered above him, he was wearing a suit and looking down at him with displeasure.

"Um...." said Leyton, looking up at the horse and sighing. He had always been in trouble with the Commandant of the Academy. He always got the feeling that Mr Scholer did not like him very much.

Kariko turned around in his rush to see Leyton being stopped by Mr Scholer, he sighed himself and walked up to equine to hear what he was saying.

"I have a report..." started Aries Scholer, looking down at Leyton from his grey suit. He had been put in charge of the academy by Chentrilla's government which called for a hard hand to help mould their children into respectable adults... He was famous for being a tough and hard cookie. "That you and Kariko were seen out the back of the school smoking..."

Leyton closed his eyes with a guilty look. He could not get away with anything in this school, he had been smoking for years, he started at the tender age of 14 but now, 4 years later. He just could not get away with it.

Kariko heard what the Commandant had said and he turned to try and get out of there. His mother would be furious about it however Aries saw him before he had the chance to.

"Kariko!" he shouted out, making him stop in his tracks. Kariko turned round to face Aries, almost apologetic in the way that he posed.

"But sir... I'm going to be late for class" he said, not taking his eyes off Leyton who was equally scared of the consequences of his actions.

Aries looked like he had swallowed a lemon, his rippling muscles bulged through his tight white office shirt as he looked down upon the small fox and the wolf. "You two... my office... now!"

Kariko shot a look at Leyton who was looking down at the floor as they walked across the marble hall to the office on the other side. Leyton was following him from behind, watching in dismay as the other students stood and watched his exodus, laughing and sniggering.

Aries slammed open the door to his modestly arranged office. Leyton had the layout of this room etched into his mind, he had been here a total of nine times since the start of the term.

The room was well lit with large windows that looked out over the courtyard of the academy that dipped down. There was only one bookcase in the furthest corner of the room and a desk in the center. Aries proceeded to sit down in front of the desk and tapped a few keys on his computer.

Both Leyton and Kariko sat down in front of the desk both feeling sorry for themselves as they stared at Aries, who took out a disciplinary form from under his desk and began to right while flicking back his long brown mane out of his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Leyton opened his mouth to speak. "Not... another word" said Aries still looking down and writing as Leyton looked up in surprise. He finished writing and looked up at both of them expectantly.

"So boys... how long do you continue to keep expecting to ignore the rules?" he boomed at them making Leyton and Kariko's tails twitch slightly. Leyton opened his mouth but Aries put his hand up as he stood up.

"Well... now about punishment?"

Both Leyton and Kariko felt the fur on the back of their necks stand on end as they looked at Aries.

"Obviously..." started Aries, taking off his belt from his trousers. Kariko twitched in fear as Aries used his massive strength to easily pick up the fox and bend him over the table, causing the stationary to fall to the ground as the fox struggled to get away. Leyton was rooted in fear on the spot. "You need to learn..."

Aries continued to pull the fox's trousers down, ripping them off with ease as he revealed a furry, small and pert backside.

"Lift your tail up!" shouted Aries. Kariko whimpered, causing his tail to go up in the air on command. His tail hole was so tight that it looked like a pinprick embedded in his furry orange backside. Aries felt a surge of pleasure as he lifted his hand and spanked Kariko hard. Kariko whimpered in pain, making a really high-pitched whine.

All Leyton could do was sit there and watch this huge horse defile a small and innocent fox. He kept thinking how he should report Aries for misconduct but somehow...

This was arousing him...

Leyton felt his meat starting to emerge from the sheath in his trousers. He had always lusted after Kariko and seeing him spread across the table being spanked by an older horse somehow made him extremely aroused. He attempted to tame his gathering erection in his trousers but Aries fixed his eyes of the wolf's bulge before he had a chance to hide it.

"Oh... so you like this eh?" said Aries, smashing his hand into Kariko's ass causing another high yelp. Aries eyes blazed with lust for both of these students, his wife had been ignoring his sexual needs and somehow he needed his pleasure. Inside his trousers, he felt his massive horse cock get harder and harder.

Aries smirked as he found a wonderful idea, he dragged Kariko round so that he was facing towards Leyton on the desk. "Get it out..."

"But... sir"

"NO BUTS!" shouted Aries knowing the walls of his office were very thick and impossible to hear through. "You want this little fox-slut... have him! Do it or I put you on detention for smoking inside academy grounds..."

Leyton felt a certain level of coercion however he also felt a certain element of lust from within himself. He looked a Kariko's face, the large green eyes that were telling him not to do it. To risk detention and their parents finding out. But inside... inside was the wanting... the lust.

Leyton had made his decision, he buttoned his trousers and allowed them to fall to the floor as Kariko watched helplessly from his position on the desk. Leyton pulled down his trousers to reveal, a large erection. His penis was about seven inches long and was throbbing hard from watch Kariko get spanked. He had an unusually large head that was already dripping a slight bit of pre-cum from it.

"Alright then..." said Aries, both hands holding down on Kariko, making it impossible to escape this situation. "Feed it to him..."

At that moment, Leyton pushed his throbbing cock into Kariko's wet maw. A new sensation came over his body, one that he had not felt very often. He had wanted Kariko to lust after him for so long...

Kariko eyes were full of surprise at first as the rather large and big-headed wolf cock slid into his mouth. However he began to enjoy the taste after only a few seconds, he began to suck independently.

Leyton moaned in pleasure as Kariko became more and more loving this his cock. He twirled his long over the wet head, licking the pre-cum as if it was sweet ice cream. Leyton had so waited for this moment but he had never expected it to come with his head-master holding his down.

"Good..." said Aries, noticing that he longer needed to hold down Kariko who was more then happy to be on the desk with Leyton's thick meat in his mouth. He released Kariko who immediately got on all fours, his ass flying straight into the air with his little ball-sack hanging just slightly below.

His hole seemed to twitch and pulse with energy as Aries stared at it. Was he trying to entice him? Did he willingly want to be fucked?

Aries could not control himself, he watched as Kariko licked and sucked Leyton's cock in front of him, working his tongue from his balls all the way up the underside of his shaft. Was Kariko trying to put on a show there?

"Well... what are you waiting for?" suddenly asked Kariko, his hand jerking Leyton's meat as stared back at the head master. "Pound my little foxy ass..."