The Escort and the Tollbooth Attendant

Story by mochaotter on SoFurry

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This is a story about two creatures from different walks of life finding love in the summer of 1965. Samuel the male escort, and Connor the married tollbooth worker. In the very first chapter there is brief description of a female touching herself over clothing, but that is the only female sexual stuff mentioned for the entire story.

I have a history of not being able to finish a story, but tried a new method to keep me going until the end. I know it's not perfect, but I hope you enjoy and leave some constructive feedback.

The Escort and The Tollbooth Attendant

By Mocha Otter


Chinatown in New York City was a decent place to live, there were usually plenty of street vendors selling food from foreign cultures. If you lived on a high enough floor the street noise was practically nonexistent. A small middle aged lapine with reddish white fur sat on a small dining stool in her tiny apartment kitchen. A radio nearby was a newscast talking about the upcoming Gemini 4 mission. There was a smell of savory beef and tender vegetables wafting from a steamer basket on the stove. Though it wasn't the food that was making her hot under the dress.

Lying under the sink was a sandy otter of 24, wearing grey khaki shorts, and an unbuttoned blue shirt, showing off a creamy belly, face hidden in the darkness of the cupboard. The lapines eyes were gazing lustfully over the figure of the toned otter, picturing all the things she would do to the repairman. Occasionally a webbed paw would reach out and grab a different tool from the toolbox. The otter pretending to be completely unaware of the lapines hungry lust. The repairman's long thick rudder beat softly on the floor, while Mrs. Themmes hand rubbed over her own loins.

The rabbit wasn't allowed to enjoy herself for very long though as the otter came out from under the sink, stood up and turned on the faucet. "There we go, that seems much better now." HE turned and smiled using a rag to wipe some water from his face. Blue eyes shining some as he pocketed the rag and looked at Mrs. Themmes. She was happy to have the sink fixed, but sad she wouldn't be able to finish herself off to a live view. "Oh thank you so much Samuel. My darn husband thinks the sink is the garbage can and refuses to change his mind." She said, smiling as she bounced up off the stool. Samuel was a short fellow, but nowhere as small as the just under five foot rabbit. "Here, I know I asked for you kind of early so I thought you could enjoy some breakfast." Placing six steamed dumplings onto a plate and laying a cloth over them.

The otter smiled and graciously accepted, heading on his way with toolbox and tasty breakfast in paw. Stopping only briefly by his apartment to grab a can of cola, then headed straight to the rooftop of the multi story building. It was one of his favorite places to go relax, only he and the landlord had the key, a little oasis he could enjoy.

Foo tpaws dangling off the edge of the roof, there was a slight upcurrent in the wind helping to keep the otter cool in the hot summer air. He looked down at Canal street watching the hustle and bustle of cars, while enjoying several of the dumplings. It was already starting to smell like the food carts were getting ready for the lunch rush, most gathered near the subway exit. It wasn't such a bad life Samuel thought to himself, free rent in exchange for being the repairman of the apartment building. Not to mention all the free food most neighbors would offer him. He glanced down at a watch on paw and noticed the time, he best get on his way not wanting to be late for one of his best clients. In and out like a flash Samuel had a day bag in hand and took off onto the subway train, headed for the largest skyscraper in the city.


Working a nine to five wasn't so bad for most people, it provided stability, and usually there was a loving wife at home. Only part of this mentality was true for Connor, a mid thirties German Shepherd. He'd just recently gotten up from his night spent on the sofa and was attempting to make breakfast. The toaster popped and spit out two burned slices of bread "Burnt toast and scrambled favorite" He said to himself with a sigh, his white but speckled ear lowered as he looked down the hallway. The door to the master bedroom was slightly ajar, wife Karen still asleep.

HE took one bite of the toast, though quickly spit it back onto the plate and dumped the uneaten breakfast into the trash. Just grabbing himself an apple as he left the apartment and headed down to the street, dressed in blue and gray uniform. Thirty minutes later he was at work, counting money for his cash drawer, than getting assigned to toll booth lane 2 on the NY thruway. It wasn't a very hard job, but didn't have much thrill to it anymore. Rush hour was typically the only time Connor stayed busy, the rest of the time he had to himself. It was closer to ten in the morning now and apparently there was a multi car accident before the toll lanes all lanes of the thruway were closed. The other attendants decided to go inside and enjoy the AC but Connor stayed in his booth.

This was a rare moment for Connor, privacy, no wife, no co-workers, just complete privacy. He let out a small bark of excitement and reached down to his belt, unfastening it and sliding his pants down below his crotch. A strong whiff of Alpha male musk hit Connor in the face and he enjoyed every second of it. He glanced left, then right, completely alone for now. With a determined paw he slid down his white briefs and freed a rather large and thick sheath, heavy orbs next to come. He was very well endowed for a canine, blessed with a package that would put most jocks to shame.

The glistening pink tip of his shaft was already peeking out, dripping with a small amount of precum. The G shep slowly rubbed a hand up and down the length of the fat sheathe, little by little coaxing out all eight inches of the semi erect shaft, his heart beating fast. It had been over a week since the last time Connor shaft got any attention, usually having to rely on his own hand to even get attention. He gripped firmly around the fully exposed shaft, letting out a soft whimper as slightly rough paw pads brushed over the tender flesh. Feverishly he started pawing his member, free hand down below tugging and yanking on the very large orbs, growling out rather loudly into the open air. Every fast stroke swelled the shaft further and further, knot starting to inflate as he grew close to a rather quick climax. It only took a moment before he hunched over. With open maw he groaned over his shaft as it shot thick rope after rope of cum into his mouth. The finally spurt landing on the side of Connor's maw, which was quickly licked clean with his thick tongue.

As quick as the fun had started, it was over. Back to work, the accident was completely cleared ten minutes later and back to work.

Samuel and the CEO

Lunch time at the Manhattan Tower, currently New York's largest skyscraper. The first five floors were comprised of a large retail store, while the remainder of the building was office space. Samuel was hesitantly standing on the sidewalk in front of the business entrance. The street was full of cars whizzing by, and other city residents walking along the sidewalk. One stranger accidentally bumped the otter, knocking the river dog out of his nervous frozen state. The otter let out a bit of a sigh and made his way inside, he went to the farthest elevator, which was meant only for the CEO and whomever had the key.

The otter pulled out a silver key and used it to call the elevator. While he stood inside, waiting for it to climb to the 52nd floor, his back felt increasingly like it was on fire. He had never been a complete fan of this client. Though the money he got from just one session was practically irresistible. With a chime the doors opened to a penthouse, a chill running down the otters spine as he was suddenly bathed in arctic air. The creature's breath was visible in the air, with tentative steps he made his way from the elevator over to the focal point of the whole penthouse. A large slightly sunken seating area around a freestanding polar white fireplace. The floor to ceiling windows that surrounded most of the penthouse were only a teasing reminder of the hot summer air so near, yet so far from the practically polar ice cap of the abode.

Executives ran on a fairly tight schedule, if even one minute was wasted it could be very harmful to their financial gain. Samuel was already stripping naked by the fireplace, folding each piece of his clothing and letting it sit on just one seat of the large couch. With a webbed paw he rummaged around in his day bag, pulling out two separate leather cuffs, slipping one onto each wrist. He strolled through the apartment, heading past the large kitchen full of prototype appliances. Stepping into the bathroom that was adjacent to the bedroom.

The bathroom was easily bigger than the otters entire apartment. It's most defining feature being a large practically pool like tub, fed by a man made waterfall that cascaded out from a faux rock wall. What was noticeably different this time to the otter, was a metal chain hanging down from the ceiling in the middle of the room, centered right over a floor drain. Samuel wasn't quite sure why it was there, but would very soon find out.

Right on schedule a large polar bear entered the penthouse from a separate door, one that came from the CEO's large office. His deep black eyes had tinges of brown around the edge of the iris, noticeable only by those that would dare get close enough to take a look; glanced over at the sofa, noticing the clothing laying there. The sight of it elicited a deep rumbling growl from the bruin, his loins already starting to stir. The polar bear started to undress, hanging each piece of custom tailored clothing up on hooks near the door. When fully nude his massive frame, slightly shaggy fur, and a crotch that would put many horses to shame, made him look more akin to the polar bears that chose to live wild style. With every step he took towards the bathroom, the clacking of his sharp toe claws became more and more noticeable to the otter.

The executives hulking frame lumbered in the doorway, allowing the otter to get a glimpse of the silhouetted figure. "Rrrr. I been thinking about this all morning little river dog. You been thinking about me also? Come on you can admit it, no one can resist the Ben the big bad polar bear." Ben the CEO said followed by a deep growl, his red cock tip peeking out from the pure white furred sheath. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you love, every time I close my eyes I can't help but see myself worshiping your big fat knotted cock." Samuel said, though this was a complete lie.

Ben made his way closer to the otter, laying a paw on the underside of Samuel's muzzle, letting one sharp claw trace along the length of it. Ben was a goliath when compared to the river otters small stature, but the polar bear didn't care. He always had a passion for flexible, stretchy toys. The CEO hunched over growling loudly right over the top of the otters small rounded ears. Samuel was trembling in a mixture of fear and pleasure. Some part deep down inside Samuel always enjoyed his sessions with Ben. The smart CEO knew this and only got more enjoyment out of every session, hoping each one would coax out more and more of the otters desire to be the bears full time play thing.

"My wife wants to go on a two week cruise. Can you believe that? Two weeks of boring vanilla sex." Said Ben. The bear grabbed the otters arms one at a time and stretched them up, locking each one to the chain above. This was also a new thing, before it had only been clips, but this time it was actual padlocks. This second change from the way sessions usually went made Samuel tremble even more. "She can't do that, can she? What am I going to do without you my big bad burr?" Cooed the river dog, bucking his small hips. The bucking revealed to the large bruin, that Samuel was fully erect, that small otter cock looked so nice in the cold air.

Ben walked briefly over to the wall and used a pulley the chain was connected to, too lower the river dog down onto his knees. "Don't worry my little river pup. This big bad burr is gonna treat you right. I'll make sure you will be longing for me the whole time I'm gone." Said Ben as he walked back over to the now kneeling otter, arms still stretched out above the river dogs head.

"I don't have as much time as I was expecting to, so I guess I'll have to settle for making your sweet little muzzle ache for the next week." said the bear, followed by more deep growling. Ben's fully swollen cock was a fearsome sight to some, but there it was in all its musky glory right before the otters mouth. The tapered tip of the canine like cock was oozing so much precum, one had to wonder just how much cum would end up in the otters gut later.

Samuel was moaning softly, his weakness had always been a creature's natural musk. The scent of an Alpha predator was one of his favorite things. The otter took long deep breaths, inhaling the scent of power wafting from the bears fat member. "That's it little pup, drink in this bear's scent. If I had my way you'd get to drink it in every night." Ben said, once more subtly suggestion his want for the otter to be living in that penthouse full time.

The polar bear suddenly stuck a finger in the otters maw, wedging the fat rough padded digit in the toothless spot on the side of the river dogs muzzle. Soon sticking a second finger in, forcing the otter to open wide. Samuel never even had a chance to protest, suddenly finding that large knotted cock sliding over his tongue, every slow push inwards filled the river dogs mouth with the taste of an Alpha, and the fine wine of the bruins precum. Samuels arms jerked a little, tugging on the slightly loose chain. Ben wasn't exactly giving the otter much time to adjust, mostly because he knew just how stretchy the creature was.

Ben's large rounded ears were fully perked, loving the sound of the otters moans mixed with occasional gagging. Samuel's toes curled, loving the feeling of the large cock starting to slide down his throat. The polar bear grunted and suddenly yanked on the chain from the ceiling. Pulling the river dog forward at an angle, the sudden change in position allowed the bears fat cock to pop all the way down into the otters throat. "Rrr, oh yes pup. Just like that, you know your mouth was meant for just this bears cock." Said the CEO with a deep groan.

Ben kept one arm on the chain so the otter would stay at an angle, but his other was firmly grasping otters left shoulder, sharp claws piercing into the flesh; drawing out pinpricks of blood. Ben snarled with predatory lust and pulled out just to the tip before slamming back in to knot base again in one fast aggressive thrust. Samuel groaned in pleasured pain, his own cock smacking against his toned stomach, matting the fur with sticky otter preseed.

Ben's thrusting only got faster and faster. His snarling and grunting becoming more primal in nature, his pleasure and lust practically blinding. The polar bear's stomach heaved in and out with every heavy short breath. The sharp clawed paw now raking over the otters shoulder blade and up to the otters neck, drawing out thin lines of blood along the length of the scratches.

The polar bear used his hold on the chain to keep some amount of balance, taking one of his foot paws off the floor and pushing it firmly against the otters cock, the rough pads agitating the tender otter cock flesh. Samuel whined with a mixture of discomfort and increased pleasure, his little hips bucking as best they could in the awkward position. The added feeling of that large foot paw squishing Samuel's cock was more than enough to make the river dog cum. A few thick spurts of otter seed oozing out squished between the underside of the bear's foot, and his own toned stomach.

Ben roared loudly into the air, suddenly forcing his knot past the otter's teeth, loving the feeling of the sharp teeth scratching the cock meat behind the knot. The bears massive cock practically swelled bigger and shrunk a little with every massive shot of cum that landed deep in the otters stomach, the polar bears climax seemed to go on for an eternity. The thick seed was coming out so fast it was backing up the otters throat and even a little bit oozed out of the otter's nose. Making the inner flesh of it burn with discomfort.

As the executives orgasm tapered off, the thick stream of cum turned into a different sort of stream. A full morning's bladder was now emptying itself into the otter, with each passing second Ben would pull his cock out further and further. With that cock tip now resting on the otters tongue, Samuel was forced to taste the salty nectar, which was lightly flavored with some expensive brand of coffee. The river dog tried to close his mouth, but a thick digit was again exploiting that naturally toothless gap to keep the otters muzzle nice and open.

The executive pulled out completely, with enough piss left over to soak Samuel from head to toe in bear scent. Whenever piss managed to run over the otters one shoulder, the salty nectar made the deep scratches burn. Finally the torrent came to a stop, Ben smacking his still swollen cock firmly on top of the otters muzzle a few times, shaking off a few extra drops of piss.

Ben's ears perked up as he heard the phone in the bathroom ringing. He answered it quickly and suddenly seemed furious. "WHAT?! Say that again, I dare you to fucking tell me again!" He roared into the phone, something had come up at work. It wasn't the work complication that made him mad, it was the fact it ruined his secret plans. Ben was suddenly very cold in nature, uncuffing the piss soaked otter who was starting to shiver as the nectar cooled in the arctic air. "Your moneys in the kitchen." Ben didn't really say what was wrong, he only knew that now he would have to try again next time.

Samuel was left to clean himself up, the bear already gone, dressed, and not caring he smelt like sex. By the time Samuel reached the kitchen his coat was dry thanks to it's unique nature, but it would take quite a bit of showering at home to wash away the scent of the CEO. He took the money off the counter, three hundred dollars, then headed off for an early dinner.

Early Diner Dinner

It was minutes away from the start of rush hour on the metro. A perfectly good time to stop for a bite to eat, if you weren't in a rush to do anything else that evening. Samuel had made his way to Roosevelt Island heading for Paul's Diner, a pretty popular place for locals in the know. Samuel headed inside and immediately took a seat in the most empty part of the establishment, which still wasn't very empty. The river dog knew he smelt heavily of bear piss and was trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

Samuel distracted himself by reading over the menu, pondering on what he would treat himself to tonight. His long rudder tail was draping just a few inches onto the checkered floor, slowly swishing back and forth.

Meanwhile Connor had met his wife Karen at the metro station, it was date night, probably the only pleasant evenings Karen and he shared anymore. The tall German Shepherd held open the door to the diner, and let his wife walk in first. Connor was trying not to comment about the two large shopping bags from Lacey's that Karen was carrying. They made their way to the only empty booth left, which happened to be close to where the otter was sitting. It was a nice enough booth, it had a partial view of the Queensboro Bridge, so that was nice.

Connor sat across from Karen and immediately started going over the menu. "You're looking exceptionally wonderful today hun." Connor said with a smile as he briefly lowered the menu. "Well you still look ridiculous in that uniform." Karen replied. Connors large radar dish like ears lowered down almost flat, though he tried to smile at the waitress that came by.

"Welcome to Paul's. My name is Violet, and I get you started with some drinks?" Asked a red fox dressed in a floral blue uniform with a white skirt apron. Connor and Karen placed their order, and Samuel meanwhile was placing his. "So, I was thinking. Maybe we could take a weekend vacation to Vermont. I was reading a travel brochure on my break, that said they are going to have a hot air balloon festival." Connor proposed. The German Shepherd was always trying to find ways to make his wife happy. Things between them ever since they ultimately were unable to have any children, had turned to shit. Connor was infetile, and Karen ever since they found out, resent Connor for that fact.

Samuel was sipping on a chocolate malt, his long rudder still swishing back and forth across the floor. The heft of the tail was enough to make the counter diner seat swivel slightly back and forth. The cool, creamy taste of the malt was rather soothing on the otters inflamed throat. A webbed paw was thumbing through a small leatherbound notebook, looking over his various appointments. The next few days looked rather sparse. Samuel knew that he needed to try and drum up some new clients. Perhaps a trip to Central Park was in order. As he tucked the notebook back into his day bag, a large serving of meatloaf and mash was plopped onto the counter before him. While he ate, he was rather nosily listening to any conversations going on near him. It was one way he enjoyed his free time, people listening.

A large salad was set before Karen, and a double cheeseburger for Connor. That had still been talking about the potential weekend vacation. "I don't know Connor. It sounds nice, but I don't like being too far from my mother. Can we even afford it?" Karen asked, though she knew the answer. She had spent many times stealing money from Connor, going on shopping sprees to fill up their empty second bedroom. Connor did have the funds for the trip, but it was money she'd rather spend on even more shopping. "It would be a stretch, but it would be good for us. Get away from the stress of the city." Connor commented, paw reaching for the ketchup bottle which was apparently empty. He stood from the booth and padded over to the busy counter.

Samuel felt a tap on his shoulder his head immediately shot up. Choking briefly ona piece of meatloaf, trying to regain his composure "Sorry about that buddy. I was just hoping I could borrow your ketchup." Connor asked, trying to be polite about it. Connors nose could easily smell the bear piss, a smell a river otter should not have, though his rather vanilla mind couldn't think of a good reason why an otter would smell that way. Samuel grabbed the glass bottle of ketchup and turned slightly in his chair.

For a moment the otter thought he might have been seeing things, a subtle lit glow around the whole of Connors figure, those brown canine eyes quite fetching. The river dogs loins stirred, it had been a long time since Samuel had seen anyone that turned him on just from appearance. " you go." Samuel's voice briefly effeminate. The interaction between the two was fleeting, Connor already having thanked the otter and sat back with his wife.

As Samuel was finishing his meal, he overheard the couple again. "Look Connor, I just don't want to do it alright. Why don't you ever think about what I want? Connor this, Connor that. How about asking my advice? Maybe my mother was right about you." She snorted and dropped her fork coldly on the empty salad plate. Connor's head was lowered, ears drooping once again "You're right. I'm Sorry." Connor's life had always been about his wife, they had been sweethearts ever since they met during a traffic jam. "My sister is hosting a tupperware party at our apartment tonight. Why don't you find something to do by yourself for a couple hours so you don't bother us." Karen commented and was already packing up to leave." "Alright Karen, I love you." Connor sad with a smile and stood up. "Yea." Was the only reply Karen gave, and they pecked the side of each others maws. Karen went on her way to catch the train home, Connor figuring he might go spend some time in Central Park.

Samuel left several minutes after the couple departed, headed to the metro to catch a ride to Central Park. Maybe sometime at the otters favorite gloryhole would bring opportunities for new clients.

Central Park Shock

As much as Samuel wanted to drum up some new clients, a session with the CEO was always a difficult thing to recover energy from. Gloryhole would be the easiest options, just offer up some blowjobs and a phone number. He could leave getting bent over a bench for another day. Casually he strolled through the beauty of central park which was quickly starting to empty out as families and residents went off to dinner and homes.

He had found his way to a restroom in the middle area of the park, it was usually a pretty empty area. The vandalism on its exterior and broken light features scared most people off, which was a nice aspect for cruisers in the know. The interior was surprisingly clean though, three stalls one of which was missing a door and a toilet. Several urinals, and a tile floor with a grimy coating comparable to a public bathroom at a beach.

The river dog made for the very last stall, hung his bag up on a hook on the wall than sat on the toilet. He would occasionally glance over at the rather large glory hole, big enough to accommodate most species, most of the graffiti was in the adjacent stall. Advertisements for good times, and claims of various people being homos.

Connor had gotten off the Central Park subway a short time earlier and was happily enjoying the stroll through the park. All the trees were full of leaves making it hard in most spots to see the towering skyscrapers. It was a perfect escape from most unpleasant situations, including the stern rejection of his wife Karen. Still dressed in his uniform he spent some time lounging near Bethesda Fountain, watching a few children splashing in the water. He felt briefly saddened by the sight of them, a reminder of something he could never give his wife.

Some ten minutes later he had walked further into the park and was feeling a need to unload three too many colas. The vandalized bathroom before him seemed to be the closest, although not the most favorable option. The swinging door made a loud creaking noise as the G shep made his way in, all of the urinals appeared to be out of order, and only one working stall was left unoccupied. Connor was quick to undo his pants and relieve himself into the porcelain bowl.

As he stood there reading some of the graffiti he felt as if he smelled something uniquely familiar. His mind was unable to place it, but he was certain he had noticed the smell not so long ago. The golden stream continued to splash into the bowl, Connor lowered his snout to sniff casually at one of his pitts, maybe that was the source, no. He gave up wondering and went back to reading the graffiti. "Looking to bust a nut, stick it through" Those words were the ones that brought Connors attention to the glory hole. He'd heard about them in passing conversations with co-workers, but never expected to actually come across one.

The shep was immediately faced with two very conflicting thoughts. One thought wanted him to shake off and leave the bathroom right away, while the other wanted to find out what would happen if he stayed. Still feeling down about yet another night where he wouldn't have sex, he decided to stay. His pants lingered on the grimy floor, and the pinkish tip of Connors shaft was peaking out with a drip of piss still on it. Every moment he spent moving his junk closer to the hole between the stalls, was a moment to question his actions. Yet Connor found a complete lack of interest in leaving immediately. Soon he found his packaged pushed through, balls and sheathe exposed to whomever might be on the other side. For a few seconds the G shep thought there was no one there, until it happened.

Sammy had spent only a short while left to his thoughts, which might have been for the best. The otter grinned toothily as he saw the creamy package pushed through in its entirety. Samuel shuffled and got to his knees, muzzle lingering close to the large package, taking time to savor the musk. Connor was on the other side trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement. The hot breath washing over the sheps sheathe was something he hadn't gotten to enjoy for a long time. With each passing second a little more of the canines pinkish rocket was exposing itself to the total stranger.

Samuel lowered his head slightly and bumped his warm nose into those large orbs, taking a deep and loud inhale, churring happily as he enjoyed the smell. Connor let out a whimper, just the sensation of another muzzle touching his loins after so long, was practically like having sex for the first time. The otter opened his muzzle wide as he could, letting one of the fuzzy orbs drape into the open mouth, resting over the hot wide tongue. Samuel with free paw was massaging the thick sheath, rubbing against the hidden parts of the canines shaft, spending time kneading his fingers around the sheathed knot.

Connor let out a loud bark, paws suddenly scratching the metal of the stall divider. The canine had never known such a unique pleasure. The fiery heat of the muzzle encasing an orb sent shock waves of pleasure trembling through the whole of Connor's being. He could feel the stranger's tongue darting, lapping and slurping over every inch of the sack, each movement bringing out all nine inches of the shepherds cock. The feeling of Samuels fingers kneading Connors sheathe enhanced his pleasure even further. He felt a sudden coldness though as his sac was freed from the moist confines, drawing out another whimper.

Samuels own shaft was rock hard, tucked away in the loose khaki shorts, though throbbing uncomfortably against the white briefs. He was moaning softly the whole time, always loving the action of servicing a complete stranger. His warm nose touched the knotted base of the exposed shaft and slowly moved upwards. As the muzzle moved up, so did Samuels tongue slurping up the length of the nine inches like a tasty rocket pop. The otter not even lingering on the tip for long, burying half of the canines fat shaft into his mouth, the tip bumping the back of the otters throat.

Connor was growling deeply, claws raking noisily over the metal divider, one of his foot paws kicking at the tiled floor. It had been so long, he'd forgot how amazing it felt to receive a blow job. Whining and whimpering in pleasured bliss as that tongue dragged up the length of his member. By the time the stranger got to the tip, Connor was leaking precum excessively, giving the stranger a full taste of things to come. "Oh god take it all please, it's been so long." Connor said followed with a groan as the rest of his shaft was now engulfed in the stranger's mouth.

Samuel's tight throat was clenching, and relaxing around the now fully buried shaft, the knot bumping against the otters sharp teeth. Though the occasional pricks of teeth to cock flesh only seemed to excite Connor. The G shep couldn't contain himself, bucking his hips so hard against the divider it creaked loudly with every thrust.

At this point Samuel kept his muzzle a little loose, tongue curled like a U as he allowed the canine to do all the work. With every thrust Samuel would moan louder and louder, a webbed hand now down low, rubbing at his own tented loins. Every passing moment Connors knot would swell further and further. Samuel was letting his mouth stretch as far as it could knowing the canine would be bursting soon. Connor thrust forward more powerful than any so far, and buried his knot past the otter's teeth, Samuel taking the immediate opportunity to seal his muzzle shut, applying pressure to the spot behind the knot simulating a tie. Connor howled so loud a few birds on the roof of the building took off, the shepherd unleashing a torrent of thick canine seed straight into the strangers gut. The otter was groaning deeply, swallowing as fast as he could to take every drop deep inside. Though some of the seed did manage to back up and dribble out the sides of the otters muzzle.

Both creatures lingered in the afterglow, shepherd cum drying in the otters chin fur. Connor was the first to pull away, while the otter went to grab something from his bag. Samuel could hear the canine pulling up his shorts, but quickly with two fingers held a piece of paper through the hole. The shep took the paper finding a phone number on it, slid it into his pocket, and what came next would have been one of the biggest shocks of his life. "You ever want something more, give me a call. First timers get a discount." Came the certainly male voice of Samuel the escort.

Every bit of lingering pleasure from the situation left Connor in that moment. Did a dude just suck him off? "What the fuck!?" Connor said aloud, it couldn't have been. Connor left the bathroom very suddenly, choosing not to face whoever was on the other side. He was just hearing things, it had to be a woman on the other side. No man could ever give a blow job like that. Connor took the subway home, the whole time trying to convince himself what just happened was normal, and performed by a willing female.

Samuel spent the better part of the evening servicing a few more gentleman. Though for some reason none of those blow jobs seemed to have elicited as much enjoyment for Samuel, as the one he gave Connor earlier in the evening. He headed off home, to get some rest before having to spend the new day doing some heavy maintenance work for the building.

The Phonecall

Two days had passed since the fateful gloryhole blowjob. Connor repeatedly try to deny it happened, though the experience always found a way back into his thoughts. What made matters worse, whenever he and Karen fought, Connor could only think of that moment. Even if the blowjob had been anonymous, it was the only loving attention any part of him had experience in a long time. Connor made a decision, he had to call the person. He didn't want to call for sex, at least not yet. Maybe he could be friends with the escort, making a weird excuse to bring the escort into his life, and whatever happened after that was for a reason in his mind.

Karen was visiting her mother for the weekend, so Connor was alone. The sheps fingers were trembling as he dialed the number on the rotary phone. One ring, two rings, it felt like an eternity of ringing, then came a click as someone picked up. "This is Samuel." spoke the otter on the other end of the line. The voice was most certainly the one Connor had heard in the bathroom. For a moment Connor felt as if he had no voice, but he was a strong man, they were just gonna meet like two friends. That was the plan at least. "Hello...." came a mere whimper of a greeting from Connor. Samuels rounded ears perked up a little. "I....I um. Well you..." Connor felt like he couldn't admit it, but he had to. " sucked me off. I was wondering if I could meet you."

A small smile was creeping over Samuels muzzle, he was smart enough and had been around the block many times. Just the way the brief conversation had gone he knew it was the first person he blew in the bathroom just a few nights before. The otter finally spoke up "Well like I said, if you recall. First timers get a discount, I charge.." Samuel was suddenly cut off. "No no no! Not like that." Connor quickly exclaimed "Couldn't we in person? I've never done anything like this before."

Samuel found himself in a very unusual position, a brand new experience. Sure he'd been hit on during sessions, but never had anyone met the otter just for a chat. That strange excitement was starting to swell up in the otter, similar to that first experience with the shep. An experience that made him do something he never had before. "Well, I guess that's alright. I've really gotta get the water pump fixed though. I tell you what, let me give you my address, and we can share some good food and conversation while I work on it. Alright?" Samuel inquired. Connor agreed to the offer though still felt odd about it, he wrote down the address and prepared to leave.

Water Pump Lunch

Sammy didn't give his address to anyone, it was very bad business to let any client know where you lived. Far too many risks involved in that action. An hour later the intercom in Samuels apartment buzzed, finding out it was Connor, the otter buzzed the dog in. He instructed Connor to meet him at the very top of the six flights of stairs. He took a bag full of Chinese food out from the oven, having kept it warm in there. Toolbox and food in hand Sammy made his way up.

Connor was dressed in long slacks, and a thin light blue button down shirt, the top two buttons were left undone and tan chest fluff was poking through. As the shep stood in front of the roof top access door, he could hear paw steps coming up the stairs. Step by step the Samuel made his way up top. When he saw Connor, Samuel had to admit the canine was extremely attractive, though clearly made timid by this whole situation.

Samuel was dressed in navy blue khaki shorts, while his upper half was wearing a thick khaki jacket stained and ripped from several years of use. The jacket was left open exposing the otters creamy torso. "Hi there! Mind holding this for a second?" He offered up the heavy bag of Chinese food. Connor was shocked, how could a creature so small make him feel so insecure about things. He felt unable to speak once more, his entire frame trembling.

What made the situation even stranger for Connor was the fact he found the otter to be very attractive. Maybe it was the short stature, or the lithe frame. He reached out a large paw and grabbed the bag though still didn't say anything. Samuel was fishing through a plethora of keys on a large ring looking for the right one. "Ah, here we go. Come on, it might be hot out but there's always a nice updraft here." Samuel said as he held open the door to the rooftop, letting Connor out first, the heavy metal door slamming shut behind them.

Most people wouldn't pay rooftops much mind, though this seemed to be quite an impressive one. There was a good sized water tower sitting on top of a large water pump.The water tower itself was surrounded by a metal walkway, with a lawn chair rested on it, alongside a small coffee table. From that seat there was a particularly nice view of the east river. "My name is Samuel, it's nice to meet you." The sandy otter smiled warmly and walked with Connor towards the water tower. Connor introduced himself, something about the roof top view, open air, was calming his nerves.

"I guess you must think I'm pretty stupid, just wanting to meet and chat. I mean I didn't think a person like...." Connor stopped himself quickly, he came close to implying that an escort wasn't really a person. Just some sex pervert. Samuel was keen on words though. "You don't have to be careful about what you say. I may be small but I can hold my own." Samuel said with a small chittering laugh. "It's kinda nice honestly. The only people I have to talk to are the residents, but that usually only happens when something in their unit breaks." Sammy said as they got onto the catwalk around the tower the otter helped unpack the food, it all smelled amazing. "I wasn't sure what you might like. So I got a bit of everything, you have not had good food until you try some of Mrs. Themmes cooking, great restaurant down the block." The otter commented, taking a pair of chopsticks to grab a dumpling which he quickly gobbled up. "Help yourself! I'll be right under you." Sammy grabbed the toolbox back up and stepped off the catwalk, landing with a soft bounce on the rooftop, disappearing under the large structure.

Connor had to admit the food smelled amazing, Karen never liked a lot of foreign type foods. He grabbed some chopsticks and just tried bits and pieces of whatever looked good, not minding the various sauces sticking to bits of his maw. "You really have a nice view up here Samuel. So you work here?" Connor inquired as he gobbled up some more of the tasty food. Every bit of the chinese food was good, something he hadn't been able to enjoy in a long time.

"Well I guess technically it's work. I don't mind it so much, the rent is free, the neighbors are nice. Usually I get lots of free food out of it too, so that helps. But, yea I've been the repairman here for about three years now." Samuel said though suddenly he shouted an obscenity. "You alright?!" Connor called out as he heard the swear. "Yea, damn thing squirted oil on my face. I keep telling the landlord we need a new pump. So tell me about yourself." Samuel expressed with interest as he kept working on the damaged pump.

"Well I guess there's not much to say. I just work for the Thruway, collecting tolls, sounds exciting, doesn't it?" He gruffed a bit at the thought of it. "Lived in New York all my life though, I have a wife her name is Karen. She and I...well let's just say things aren't great." Connor felt like a weight was lifting off his chest. How long had it been since he could speak freely, to not worry about crossing a line? "We met during a traffic jam, sounds like a silly place to meet really." Connor starting to really just talk as if he were speaking to an old friend, "During a traffic jam? That sounds pretty neat actually. How many people get to have a story like that?" Came the voice of Samuel who was still genuinely interested in every word.

"We used to be so close. But ever since we couldn't have a baby she turned's not her fault really." Connor was trying to keep the blame on himself, it was hard for him to look at Karen in a negative light. Though that was quickly becoming a difficult thing to do.

There was a loud popping noise, than a subtle but loud humming noise. "There we go, that should hold for now." Samuel climbed out and up onto the catwalk, he sat on the edge of the metal. His face was black with oil but it didn't seem to bother him. He grabbed the container of dumplings and started to eat his lunch. Samuel thought it was cute, the sticky sauced muzzle of the hungry shepherd. "What about you Samuel? You seem like you have a good job, and home. Why do you sell yourself?" Connor inquired as he seemed to stop eating. He felt truly interested in hearing the reasoning behind the otters choices.

"It's all I've ever known. I didn't use to be this lucky. When I first started it was because of this ex-marine, he got me addicted to heroine. I had to sell my body, or he would cut me off. Now I'm free of the heroine, I can't really picture a life where I don't offer myself for money." explained Samuel.

"You never had a girlfriend?" Asked Connor. "Well for me it would be a boyfriend. But no one looks at me like that. I know it sounds stupid. But people can see it on me, to most I'm some filthy escort, and to just about everyone else I'm just a prey creature with nothing good to offer." Samuel sighed a little bit, taking another dumpling into his maw.

Connor and Samuel seemed to talk until the sun went down. Going back and forth about their past lives, each of which had good times and bad. By the time it was getting a bit nippy on the rooftop, Samuel was sitting on the metal right next to Connor in that lawn chair. "Come on, let's head into my apartment. No sense trying to get on a train now it will be far too busy." Samuel hopped to his feet starting to clean up. As they both headed inside they seemed to be walking very close together, Connors bushy tail was beating back and forth, occasionally smacking into the otters side.

Connor's First time

Samuels apartment was very small, but still seemed nice. There was a very small kitchen, the main room of the apartment was full of mix and match furniture. Every piece there was something left behind from any old residents of the building. A three person couch, small B&W TV, and a coffee table with one leg being replaced by a stack of books. The river dog showed Connor inside and offered him a seat. Sammy took a moment to fetch two cans of beer, while Connor's eyes darted around the interior of the apartment.. He noticed a very distinct blue glow coming from the bedroom. "Hey uh...Samuel why is your bedroom blue?" Connor asked, cracking open the beer he was given.

"It's because of the neon from the other buildings. I usually have a blanket over the window, but it's been so nice out I had the window open." Samuel responded, cutting the T.V on, Gunsmoke seemed to be airing at the moment. The river dog took a seat at the opposite end of the couch sipping slowly on the cold beer. Connor was nervous about the whole situation now that he was in the confines of an apartment. Yet, his strong alpha like nature was starting to come back.

It was almost as if Samuel was thinking what was on Connor's mind, mostly because Samuel was having the same feelings. "Listen, if you uh wanna do anything. I'm not going to charge you. Truth is, just letting you know where I live is something I've never done before. It's a big risk for me. I just, everytime I thought about our first encounter, it made me feel different. You probably think it's stupid that I got emotional about a blowjob." As Sammy said this his head lowered a little bit.

Connors feelings of arousal had been building up for a while, and just talking with the otter had eased so much nervousness. He felt like he was several years younger, experience feelings of love for the first time. "It's not stupid Samuel. My heads been racing about all of this, but you make me feel different too. Could...Could I kiss you Samuel?" Connor inquired, his tail was thumping quite loudly on the sofa. Sammy smiled at Connor, it was the only answer the shep needed.

Connor scooted closer to the river dog, a large trembling paw reaching out to cup the back of Samuels neck. Connor bumped his muzzle against Sammy's, nuzzling their maws together. The sheps breath was hot and heavy, lightly flavored with the scent of cheap beer. Samuel was whimpering submissively, his muzzle parted open just slightly. Connor could hardly hold back. He pushed his mouth and body forward, forcing Samuel to lean back over the arm of the sofa. The shepherds fat broad tongue lapping deeply into the otters mouth. Every jab, thrust, and slurp of the tongue that invaded the river dogs mouth brought immense pleasure to both creatures.

Samuel had his arms wrapped tightly around the sheps back, keeping the dog close to him. The otter turning his head slightly, so they could both lock muzzles even deeper together. Connor broke away from the kiss, drawing out a wanting whine from the otter.

The shepherd was nuzzling his way down into the otters neck, taking in deep breaths of river dogs scent. It was slightly musky, the smell of an otter who worked hard to make his own way, mixed with bits of lingering juice from Chinese dumplings. "Oh Sam, it's been so long since I've felt this way." Connor said, it was amazing to him. Samuel was feeling something he had never experienced before, and that feeling was growing with every passing moment.

Connors face was nosing in circles over the taunt otter stomach, still savoring every bit of the river dogs natural scent. The shepherd let out a dominant growl and jerked off the otters shorts, leaving the creature naked on the couch. Samuel's six inch member was fully erect, glistening with precum.

As Sammy felt his shorts ripped off he let out an excited whimper, he felt practically virgin in this experience. So exposed and vulnerable on so many levels, alls the otter could do was submit to the canine. But Samuel wanted every bit of it. Connor had ripped off his own clothing, the large muscular frame of the shepherd now fully exposed.

Even with a small amount of belly, Connor looked like an Adonis. The long slightly shaggy fur moved like grass in a meadow with every heavy breath. That large, thick canine cock throbbing, smacking against Connors gut with every heartbeat. Connor didn't care about foreplay, not in this instance. It had been so long since someone would let him breed.

Then came Samuels voice. "Oh Connor, please I want you to take me." Samuel was lucky that Connor leaked precum like an open faucet, it would be the only lube the otter would get. Connor let Samuel turn over, the otter propping himself up on the couch arm, letting his luscious rear stick up into the air. Connor drew closer, his tapered cock tip bumping sharply into Samuel's pucker.

In that moment Connor wasn't some modern day creature, he was a wild horny animal, nothing but mixed feelings of lust, and attraction filled him now. The shep rested a paw on Samuels right shoulder, using the free paw to make sure his fat member was lined up just right. Slowly Connor started to push forward, drawing out loud moans from both creatures. Samuels ass felt so hot and tight, the slightly moist inside was even better than the otters mouth. Connor growled deeply and suddenly bucked his hips hard, burying the nine inch member to the tip of the knot, whining deeply in overwhelmed bliss. Sammy was trembling in bliss, the canine cock felt so big inside him, so deeply filling, his own member stayed hard staining the couch cushion with sticky otter preseed.

Connor was having a very hard time containing himself, trying for even a second to resist the urge to just hump and hump. His lust and arousal won in the end, he pulled out completely, leaving the tip resting on Sams pucker. Suddenly thrusting back in to knot tip once more, repeating the action over and over. Forcing Samuels tight rump to spread open wide with every new thrust. The shep hunched over almost his entire frame laying ontop of Samuel. The riverdog was howling out in bliss, his sharp claws scratching up the side of the couch, pushing his rump back in time with every powerful thrust.

Sam suddenly let out a loud yip, feeling Connors muzzle bite down firmly on his tender scruff. The shep making sure his bitch wasn't going to get away, every thrust came faster and faster, no longer did Connor pull out all the way. The sheps fat shaft was making short, hard, fast jabs pummeling every inch back and forth. The canines large heavy balls smacking against the otters. Samuel suddenly let out a loud gasp, his hole clenched tighter than ever before, a torrent of his thick spunk splattering over his stomach and the couch. The tightness seemed to drive Connor to thrust even deeper in one hard push, burying his knot deep inside the otter. The knot swelled up to the size of a baseball, locking that shaft firmly in the otters ass. Connor howled out so loud the living room window shook, his plump balls unleashing what seemed like an eternity's worth of pent up seed. With every spurt the canine would hump and jab his shaft, making sure Samuel felt every bit of the alpha creatures climax. The whole while Samuel was crying out in bliss, even after having shot his load, Sam's cock kept throbbing and jerking having a dry climax right after his first.

Both creatures were basked in the afterglow, occasionally Connors cock would throb and more cum would ooze out. Sammy already feeling like his gut was noticeably bigger. Connor collapsed on top of Samuel. Though with some strength he managed to help them both get onto their sides. Spooned close together, with canine cock knotted deep in the otters ass. Samuel let out a slight whimper as Connor helped them turned, a slight twinge of pain as the swollen knot almost started to pop out.

Connor and Samuel lay there silently, both worn out from what was a virgin experience for them both. Connor had his head lain on top of Samuel's, their breathing in sync they both seemed to drift off to sleep.

Connor and Samuel spent the night, sleeping in each other's arms on the sofa. The shepherd was the first to wake the next morning, his pubic fur matted with cum that had managed to leak from the otter once Connors shaft softened. What surprised Connor is that he felt no shame. He felt like a happy pup, finding someone who understood him better. He lay there spooning with Samuel,sunlight starting to fill in while the otter slept the most peacefully he ever had in his entire life.

Connor spent time enjoying the otter's body, paws roaming, feeling every bit of it. Though as his paws moved to Samuels back, Connor noticed something not so pleasant. Connor could feel many scars hidden under the back fur, some short, some long. Connor parted the fur in spots with two fingers to confirm his suspicious. He wondered what happened to Samuel, but didn't think it was something he should ask about, not yet at least.

Samuel seemed to be knocked right out, and Connor took time to shower, knowing he had to work the evening shift that day. He left a note saying he would be in touch, as well as a poorly made plate of eggs and burnt toast sitting on the coffee table for Samuel.

New Love

Samuel had never experienced something so intense as the first time Connor bred the him. Samuel's entire life had him being a servant in one form or another. Connor didn't treat the otter like that though, all Connor wanted in the beginning was someone to talk to. So accustomed to being nothing but a sex doll, this sparked new emotions inside of Samuel. While Samuel continued to perform his escort services, he and Connor would date frequently.

Their dates usually couldn't last very long, just a short period of time after the end, or before the start of the shepherds work shift. Every time they met up, both tails started to wag, and didn't stop until they had to part ways again. They would eat lunch together, spend time walking through Central Park, and Samuel would even introduce Connor to all sorts of new cuisines.

The first time they were able to have an all day date was a week after that one eventful evening in Samuels apartment. Karen was out of town to visit her sister, leaving Connor the freedom to do whatever he wanted with his time.

Samuel and Connor had taken the train to Coney Island, it was a particularly hot Summer day, which crowded the stretch of land quite heavily. Connor who had been experiencing new things all week, was very intent on getting the otter to try new things. With quite a bit of strong apprehension Connor led Samuel to a roller coaster, both creatures getting strapped right into the front row.

Samuel looked a nervous wreck, his sharp claws were dug so firmly into the padded leather restraint they touched the metal bar underneath Connor chuckled a bit at the sight, one of his paws resting on Samuel's thigh. "It's gonna be alright I promise." Connor was trying to reassure the otter, but the shep could tell Samuel would grow to enjoy the ride ahead. They had barely started going up the incline, when Samuel leaned over and wrapped one of his arms around Connor's side, holding awkwardly tight to him. The first steep hill down brought Samuel damn close to cutting off the circulation in Connor's arm, but by the third hill he was howling with fearful excitement right alongside the excited shepherd.

The new couple shared a boardwalk lunch, consisting of corn dogs, funnel cake, and a large cola. They spent the entire day there, riding all the rides, and just enjoying each others company freely. To anyone not in the know, the two just looked like a couple of best friends. But to Samuel and Connor it was something much deeper. Samuel and Connor were seated at the end of the pier, legs hanging off the edge, basked in the glow of the setting sun. The multiple amusement rides behind them starting to light up in a full rainbow array of colors. Screams, cheers, and general sounds of amusement filled the air, though somewhat muddled by the water crashing against the underside of the pier.

Samuel had something on his mind. He had all week to think about it, what to say, how to express it. The amazing day they spent together had only deeply rooted the attraction between Connor and Samuel even more. "Connor I...I've never felt the way you've made me feel. I've never really had a friend, or anyone in my life that I didn't work for. You're the first person I've met to look at me as if I had more than just a body. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." Samuel expressed with all his heart. Three little words were making Samuel tremble, and quite nervous. He had feared a bit that Connor would reject him, if Samuel let those three little words slip out. "I...I love you." The words came out followed by a nervous chirp.

Connors tail was beating loudly on the wooden boardwalk, and a tear was noticeably rolling down the side of his muzzle. He felt love for Samuel too, love that made Connor feel cared about again. Connor looked quickly over his shoulder, the two creatures seemed for however brief a moment, to be alone together. Connors response was wordless but clear, he suddenly locked muzzles with Samuel, sharing a passionate though brief french kiss. "Oh Sammy. I love you too. You're the only person in my life that even cares about an old dog like me." said Connor. Both creatures were now crying happy tears.

Before they went home Connor won Samuel a teddy bear from a ball toss game, and they took the train back to Samuels apartment. The rest of the night was spent with cuddling, and watching tv. They didn't feel the need to have sex, just the deep and close cuddling and rubbing seemed enough. But as Connors paws caressed Samuels back, feeling over those scars once more, this time he had to speak up. "Sam, why does your back have so many scars?" Connor inquired, moving to nibble gently on the otters scruff. Samuel explained how some of his more lucrative clients could be a bit rough, not mentioning that it was only one specific person that caused all the scars.

Connor left the subject alone after that, it seemed to be something that upset Samuel quite deeply. Tonight wasn't the night to probe on such a very deep matter. They curled up together in Samuels bed, the concave mattress making them spoon throughout the entire evening. Connor had to leave early for work, but this time the breakfast he left set aside for Samuel wasn't burned. Connor had been practicing all week, trying to learn how to cook just a little bit better, just for Samuel.

The Confrontation

Things were going great between Connor and Samuel. With each and every date, their love for each other grew stronger. Though with each and every date, the distance between Connor and Karen had been growing. Connor had at one point loved his wife Karen very much. The hostility Karen sent his way though, ever since they found out that Connor was infertile, had increased with every passing month. Until Samuel met Connor, Karen had emotionally beaten down what was once a very proud dog.

Connor was working a normal day shift, it was an incredibly hot day, he felt like a piece of meat in an oven. While Karen was at home tending to some chores, both of their days seemed to be headed for nothing but mediocrity again. That was until, Karen was doing the laundry, checking pants pockets like normal.

In one of Connor's khaki slacks was a tenderly folded piece of paper. Karen unfolded the small parchment and what her eyes saw was almost impossible to comprehend. There in simple cursive, a name and a phone number. "Sam? Who the hell was Sam?" Karen thought to herself. With every passing hour of that day Karen's self concocted explanation was leaning greatly on Connor cheating on her with some girl named Samantha.

By the time Connor got home, Karens only kindness, the only inkling that she had ever loved Connor, in what came next was the fact she delicately packed all of Connor's possessions into two large suitcases. She had placed them on the coffee table, and stood facing the door with a vase in hand. The minute Connor stepped in, SMASH. Karen threw the vase at the wall, the ceramic vessel shattering with a loud noise on the wall. Eliciting a startled yelp from Connor.

Karen was fuming. "You filthy mutt! How could you?! You thought it wasn't harsh enough, not giving me a baby? Is that it, you like seeing me suffer? I slave at home everyday, and you go behind my back to find a new hump." She was yelling at the top of her lungs, with the fire of a thousand suns coursing through her veins. Connor just stood there trembling, still shocked by the vase coming so close to his face, now the irate yelling of his wife.

Karen had never slaved at home, the majority of the time she was out on the city spending the shepherds money. "Who the hell is Samantha? I found her phone number tucked in your pants pocket." Karen was still growling, hardly ever giving a chance for Connor to speak up. Though she seemed to need a moment to breath. "Samant...." Connor cut himself off, his face very noticeably expressing the realization she found Samuels phone number.

"If you want to go hump some filthy mongrel like you, fine! You get the hell out of here Connor, I don't ever want to see you again." She said followed by a fierce toothsome snarl. She stormed off and locked herself in the master bedroom.

Connor was still standing there in a bit of a shock, he felt full of bulletholes, and completely humiliated by his wife. He saw the suitcases and took them, for a moment he thought about saying something. But deep down he knew the truth. Connor had tried and tried to save their marriage, but Karen never really seemed interested in that. As he walked down three flights of stairs, and exited onto the street, he glanced up at the building he had spent so many years in, taking one last look.

It used to be easy for him to recall all the good memories they had, but now the three story brick building seemed a fitting mausoleum for a relationship that died years ago. He got onto the nearest subway, it wasn't even on his mind to call Samuel first. Connor just assuming the otter he felt so much love for, would let the shep stay there. It was around nine now, Connor had to fish for the spare key Samuel had given him. Samuel was in another unit making an emergency repair. Connor went into the bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, burying his face into the blankets that smelled so strongly of the sandy furred otter. Tears streaming down his face, vocal sobbing muffled by the thick blankets.

Samuel walked into his apartment ten minutes later, the first thing he noticed was the two large suitcases. The otter could just barely make out whimpering from the bedroom. He walked hurriedly over and saw Connor laying there. As Samuel started to climb into bed, still dressed in a one piece grey jump suit, Connor practically yanked the otter down onto the bed. Pulling the entire of the sandy riverdogs body against the shepherds body.

It took a bit for Connor to calm down, deeply comforted by the otter's soft churring, and gentle petting. Finally the shepherd felt strong enough to tell Samuel everything. They spent the rest of the night in that bed, Connor not once letting the otter get away.

Connor and Samuel were now living together, two new lovers brought together by the most unusual of circumstances.

Life Together

The next morning was the first time Samuel actually got to wake up and still see Connor next to him. It was a very wonderful feeling for Sammy, it was all real. Connor was there living with the otter full time, an experience he never thought would come.

As Connor continued to sleep Samuel stripped down and headed into the small shower, sighing softly as the hot water cascaded over his body. Lathering up his fur, he took his time, reflecting on all the wonderful days that lead up to Connor being here. He never heard the lustful growling of Connor standing in the doorway, a horny canine with a fully erect morning wood. The shepherd admiring the nude body of his mate. Watching Samuel bathe made Connor feel at peace. He couldn't even recall the horrible fight that had happened only the night before with his now ex wife.

Samuels back was to Connor, scrubbing up his arms with soap, working it deep into the water resistant coat. Sammy let out a startled yelp, the entire of Connors body pressed against the riverdogs backside. The fully swollen canine morning wood pressing against Samuels lower back. It was a tight squeeze for both of them, Connor standing half out of the shower stall, water beating over his head and trickling down onto the tiled floor.

Sam was whimpering submissivly, filled with excitement as his mate Connor was grinding that fat cock along the small of the otters back. Connor pulled away only for a few minutes, with a gentle grip on the otters shoulder, the canine turned Samuel around. Silhouetted by the overhead bathroom light made Connors form look even more impressive. The otter squeaked, suddenly finding himself grabbed by the hips and lifted off the shower floor, his head just shy of hitting the ceiling. Connor was murring, holding the otter up, pinned to the wall with the tapered tip of his cock bumping against the mustelids hole.

Samuel wrapped his arms around Connor's neck, legs wrapping around the canines back. "Oh Connor, I love you so much." The otter said followed by a coo. The canine suddenly thrust the otter downward, burying every single inch, even slipping that tight ring halfway over the fat knot of his cock. Connors muzzle at the same instant locked with Samuels, forcing the otter to moan into the shepherd's mouth. As the broad canine tongue probed deep into the otters mouth, all Samuel could do was hang on for the ride of his life. Connors paws still gripping the otters rear, bouncing them firmly up and down, only ever managing to pull out half his length with each bounce. Connors brown eyes staring lustfully into Samuel's blue ones, uncontrollable snarls making the deep and passionate kiss a little awkward and sloppy, bits of drool and saliva dripping down onto Samuels chest.

The riverdogs own member was fully hard, squished between his stomach, and Connors slight gut, getting a deep tummy massage with every bounce of his body, and thrust of the german shepherds powerful hips. The canines knot was almost fully swollen, and was repeatedly popping in and out of the otters tight rump. Pleasured squeaks escaping into the air as they both broke from the kiss. Conner lowered his head and clamped his muzzle around the front of Samuels neck, those sharp teeth lightly grazing the flesh beneath the fur.

The shepherds breath was hot and heavy, his hips practically a blur as his member pile drove into the otters ass with such force a few of the shower wall tiles were developing hairline cracks. With one final thrust Connors knot popped in for the last time, swelling large enough to keep the beta otter in place. A torrent of hot puppy batter filling the otters gut, at the same time as Samuel climaxed, with his seed nowhere to escape it oozed out, collecting in the stomach fur of Connor and his own, his sharp claws raking noisily over the tiled wall. Every few seconds Connor would buck his hips a little, jabbing the tapered tip deeper as he coaxed out every bit of his seed.

With the hot water still pouring, Connors hunched over body almost completely shielded the otters figure from it. After a few minutes he was able to pull free, but Samuel didn't seem interested in stopping just yet.

As fast as Connor had stepped back, the otter was on his knees, which were a little bit shaky. Canine cum running down his taint and over his creamy otter balls. Samuel placed a paw on Connors orbs, suddenly taking the entirety of Connor cum slicked shaft into his small boxy muzzle, and down into his throat. The shepherd was startled at this action and moaned quite noticeably, his toes curling on the floor. Samuels head bobbed slowly back and forth, his small tongue curled, lapping up and down every inch of the member, cleaning it free of the canines seed. Connor was growling deeply, a sign of his pleasure in the moment, with a sudden bark another shot is his thick seed splattered onto Samuels tongue, making the otter churr happily.

Both creatures took turns showering off, with the otter walking a little awkwardly for the next hour. Connor and Samuel headed out for an early lunch, before catching a matinee showing of Goldfinger.

July 4th

Connor and Samuel had been living together for a week now. The german shepherd couldn't even recall the brief period of time where he'd been shocked by a gloryhole blowjob from a dude. Samuel sometimes still wondering if all this was a dream, it had felt like it at times. Every minute spent with Connor made the otter feel alive, not some creature droning through the days. Samuel had started seeing less clients, not really needing it as much now that he actually had someone who loved him. Though being an escort was a hard habit to quit, and there was one client who still had plans for the otter.

It was around four in the afternoon, a lot of the residents were coming home from work, preparing to have a big cookout on the rooftop. July 4th was one of only two nights out of the year, that the landlord allowed residents on the roof.

Whenever Connor and Samuel were at home, and not out on a date, the canine liked to explore different ways of having sex. Connor had never felt the ability to be so open with someone before. The shepherd hardly even knew of a lot of fetishes, but was happy that Samuel let him experiment.

Connor had just gotten home from work, it had been an extremely hot day, so the canines musk was stronger than ever. Samuel loved that about Connor, the musk was so filling, just the scent alone kept Samuel slightly aroused whenever he was with the shepherd.

Tonight was going to be special for both of them. They had pillowed talked about a certain sex act for a while. Samuel had been waiting at the doorway, two items in hand, and one sitting near by. As Connor walked in he growled excitedly, rubbing a paw over Samuels cheek. "Are you sure you want to Connor? I don't want to hurt you." Inquired Samuel.

"I'm sure love, if I don't like it. I'll just flip over and have my way with you again." Connor said with an odd growling chuckle. Samuel reached up and slid a leather muzzle over Connors maw, clipping and adjusting the straps around the back of the shepherds head. Next came a leather collar, Connor found it to be rather fitting in all honesty, the smooth slightly cool leather just seemed to add to the sexual attractiveness of the shepherd. The next thing to come was a short leash that Samuel clipped to the collar, excitedly leading Connor to the bedroom.

Samuel undressed himself first, then helped slide Connors uniform off. With a sudden shove Samuel pushed Connor on his belly, onto the bed. The otter churring quite loudly, there was something oddly exciting about seeing his muzzled mate looking like a house pet who needed a bit of taming. The young riverdog was rubbing a webbed paw slowly up and down the length of his own sheathe, coaxing out the hidden member little by little.

Connor was whimpering with nervous excitement, that large bushy tail beating so fast it could almost be considered a defense weapon.

The sandy mustelide got down onto his knees at the edge of the bed, letting the shepherds bushy beating tail slap back and forth across his boxy whiskered maw. The first thing to touch Connors virgin pucker, was Samuels cold wet nose, the spongy leathery flesh bumped right up to the ring. Samuel took several deep breaths, exhaling slowly after each one so the hot breath washed right over the quivering ring. Connor was whimpering timidly, his whole body seemed to shudder quite heavily with each exhale the otter made.

Samuel knew he had to be careful about his actions, he didn't want Connor to climax to soon just out of the excitement. But, at the same time Samuel just wanted to give his canine mate, the time of his life. The riverdogs tongue slipped out, gently lapping small circles around the tight virgin ring. Connor groaned as loud as the muzzle would allow, his rump pushing back towards the otters face. Samuel was excited that Connor was still so eager, so the riverdog didn't hold back much longer. He started lapping as wildly and erratic in nature, as he did whenever Connor and him shared a kiss. Samuels tongue several times managing to push inside the tight rump, helping to lube it up for what would come next.

As Samuel moved his maw away, Connor wanted to whine, but the leather muzzle wouldn't allow it. Sam sucked gently on two of his fingers, wetting the fur as best he could. "It might feel odd love, just try and relax."Said Samuel in as calming of a voice as he could. Samuel circled a finger over the tight ring, the tip of it just starting to apply a little pressure, slowly sinking in until the otters webbing wouldn't allow it to go any farther. The shepherd was groaning so loud the leather of the muzzle was slightly digging into the strained canine mouth.

Samuel slowly slid the half finger in and out before adding the second one, occasionally spreading the two fingers to stretch open the virgin ring just a little bit more. Connor's hand paws were raking across the mattress, the feeling wasn't pain. It was just an odd sort of discomforting pressure. Connor suddenly finding his rump empty again, taking a moment to breath and regain his composure.

The riverdog helped Connor up onto the bed on all fours facing the open closet door. "I got a little surprise, I hope you like it." Said Samuel as he walked over to the closet, he shut the door revealing a mirror that was hanging over it. Connor could see his muzzled self there on the bed, that fat canine cock fully erect beneath him wetting a portion of the mattress with precum.

Samuel made his way back over and slowly climbed onto the bed, the old coils squeaking under the extra weight. There Samuel was right behind the muzzled shepherd, Connor getting a full view of the sandy otter. Sammy rested his swollen member against Connors rump, just letting the dog feel the heat of it. "I'll go easy, just try and relax. I promise it will start to feel good." Said Samuel as he gently stroked a paw along the length of Connor's back.

Samuel worked up a good wad of spit, using both his paws to spread the shepherds cheeks. The otter let the wad of spit land right on the virgin ring. Samuel lined up the fat tip of his modest cock to the pucker. Using his once more free paw to caress Connors back. Samuel whimpered a bit, hesitant for a moment, hoping Connor would enjoy it. With a deep breath Samuel pushed forward, the fat tip spreading the shepherds pucker open slowly. The otters cock leaking just a small amount of precum, but it seemed enough to aid in the otters entry. Connors claws dug into the mattress, whining in slight pain from the feeling of being stretched open.

Samuel took a hold of the leash and pulled it taunt, making sure Connor kept his head up, looking into that mirror. "It's ok love, I promise it won't hurt for long." Cooed Samuel as he pushed even further in. He buried half his length deep inside Connor's ass, before letting both of them rest. "Just take some deep breaths Connor, you just give me a sign when you're ready." Connor was trembling on all fours, his claws still dug into the mattress.

Connor looked at himself in the mirror, it was an odd but very attractive site. His canine cock was still rock hard, even though Connor felt in a bit of pain. The sight of the otter tugging on that leash for some reason just made the experience even more enjoyable. While at the same time, Connor was picturing putting Samuel in the same situation, leash and muzzle forced to obey the canines lust. After a solid minute Connor pushed his hip back very suddenly.

This action caught Samuel off guard and he almost fell off the bed, the near fall causing Connor to get briefly choked by the leash and collar. This didn't seem to stop them both from enjoying the situation though. "Alright love." Samuel grinned and gave a sudden thrust, burying the remaining half of his shaft deep inside the shepherds ass. "I love you so much, thank you for letting me take your cherry, my wonderful shepherd" Said the otter followed by a groan. Connor's eyes screwed shut from the sudden shock of pain, but as the otter bottomed out it brushed against the shepherds prostate, eliciting a loud moan.

Samuel was in bliss he just couldn't contain himself any longer. The otter kept a tight grip on the leash and started bucking his hips in short fast motions. Samuel never managed to take more than half his length before thrusting back in, those plump otter balls smacking into Connor's large sac with every fevered thrust. Samuel was groaning loudly, Connor was whining in deep bliss, while the bed springs squeaked up a storm with every hard thrust from the otters loins.

Samuel was never the best at holding his climax for long whenever he mounted someone. It was a rare occurrence he got to, and now here he was popping his mate's tight tight cherry. As Samuel thrusted with all his might, the otter just couldn't keep in control. Samuel suddenly buried himself right down to his pubic fur, inside of Connor, several thick ropes of otter cum exploding into Connor's ass, seeding the shepherd deeply. Samuel was groaning, lost in such pleasure he had dropped the leash.

Connor was in heaven, he had never felt anything so amazing as the hot warmth of the cum shooting into him, enhanced by the sounds of his pleasured mustelidae lover. Connor wasn't going to just let his own load shoot onto the bed though, the shepherd moved almost as fast as lightning. Samuel lost in bliss hardly had time to react as he found his sticky otter cock open to the cool air, and suddenly on his back with Connor hanging over him. Connor raised up the otters legs, lifting that plump rump up off the bed just enough.

Cum trickled down Connors taint and over his orbs, which only seemed to fuel the shepherds arousal. The muzzle on Connor's maw made the shepherd in this moment seem like a feral wild animal. The canines hips thrusting blindly, jabbing the tapered tip into the otters butt cheeks several times. "Conn...Conner what are you doo" Samuel was cut off suddenly, Connor had found his mark and wasted no time burying deep to the bone. Connors thrusts were hard, fast and filled with only one goal in mind. Seed Samuels rump as deeply as possible. Connor was snarling into the muzzle, eyes filled with fiery lust. Samuel was churring deeply, his body completely giving itself to Connor yet again. After only a minute Connors knot was buried and swollen inside the otter, another day's worth of pent up cum unloading into the sweet loving otter.

Samuel somehow found the strength to undo Connors muzzle, an action which quickly led to Connor raping the otters mouth with that big fat tongue. As they both lay there in the afterglow, waiting for Connors knot to go down, they held each other closely. "I hope I didn't hurt you Connor." said the otter in a meek whisper. "Rrr it only hurt at first, but next time. I want to see you with the muzzle and leash." Connor replied, moving his muzzle in close to nibble on the otters tender neck.

An hour later they had both cleaned up, and headed to the rooftop cookout. The two creatures gathering up a plate of food for themselves before taking a seat on the water tower catwalk. Samuels large rudder was curled around Connors rump, both creatures undies had a damp spot from where each others lingering cum had managed to leak out.

The whole building was on the roof, playing games, having conversations and just enjoying good food. It was time for the fireworks, as the first one went off Connor placed his arm around Samuels neck, holding the riverdog closer. A vast array of multi colored fireworks was illuminating all of Manhattan and the surrounding burrows.

As the shepherd and river otter sat there watching the patriotic display, they reflected internally on what had brought them together. The unique circumstances of their separate lives, that led them to cross paths and find happiness.

While their love might have been new, they both felt as if they were meant to be with each other in the end. Even though they were surrounded by the other building residents, Connor and Samuel couldn't help but share a quick kiss. Both looking forward to their future together.