decision on agumon's

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#12 of digi love

Gabumon was back from the recording agumon was happy that gabumon was back, and that he has forgiven, agumon tried his best to make everything he do to make gabumon happy, but gabumon didn't care because he just glad that agumon is back with him.

"Hay gabumon, err," mumbled agumon

"What is it sweetie?" asked gabumon

"Would you like to go out tonight and watch a film with me?" asked agumon

"I would love to," said gabumon

"Cool, I though you would say no," said agumon

"I wouldn't say no," said gabumon as he lean toward agumon and kissed him passionately, agumon didn't resist gabumon kiss, but instead he held onto gabumon and kissed him back. Then gabumon broke the kiss and said, "I see you later," agumon was puzzled and asked gabumon "Where are you going?" gabumon smiled at him and said, "I'm going to pick up snowagumon and dorumon from armadillomon house they been there nearly 5 days," said gabumon. Agumon got up his ass and held onto gabumon paw and said to gabumon, "I can't let my cute little doggie go all by himself," gabumon just giggled and walked with agumon.

As gabumon and agumon walked to armadillomon house gabumon asked agumon some questions.

"Hay agumon, I know you brought that wedding ring for me, and I'm really happy about it but?" said gabumon

"But what?" asked agumon

"Do you it a bit early for us to be getting married?" asked gabumon

"Well we wont know until we tried, and don't worry I haven't asked you to marry yet," said agumon

"I know," said gabumon

"I'm just waiting until the right moment," said agumon

"Ok, if you say so," said gabumon

Agumon just looked at gabumon, with the cute face agumon broke of holding gabumon paw, but instead agumon wrapped his arm around gabumon hips and swung gabumon up his face and said, "Don't worry about it gabumon, everything will work out for us," as he rubbed his nose against gabumon nose, "Yeah your right I'm worrying to much," said gabumon

So they both carried on walking together, but this time instead of holding hands, agumon had his arm over gabumon shoulder and gabumon hand one of his around agumon waist. Once they got to armadillomon house, agumon knock at on door and a teenage armadillomon answered the door.

"Hay armadillomon, I came to pick snowagumon and dorumon," said gabumon

"Hay I'm here to pick up my twin sister," said agumon

"Ok," said armadillomon

Armadillomon turn around and shouted, "Hay snowagumon, dorumon and the twin agumon come down here, you're brother's are here to pick you up" there were no reply at then someone shouted "Ok we just needed to pack our things up," then armadillomon turn back around to face gabumon and agumon and started a convocation with them both,

"So when did you two get back together?" asked armadillomon

"The night before my single came out," said gabumon

"Ok, so what made you take agumon back? Gabumon," asked armadillomon

"I think it was my love for agumon, I could never hate him, because I love him way too much," said gabumon

"Please don't say that gabumon, after all the bad thing I done to you, I'm lucky to have you beside me," said agumon

"Yeah your right about that," mumbled armadillomon

"Anyway how do you guys know each other?" asked agumon

"Oh armadillomon took care of me when I was mad at you, and we work together at the studio," said gabumon

"I hope you guys didn't have sex," asked agumon while face gabumon

Gabumon blushed and said "Oh no we didn't," said he hugged agumon

"Man I wish we did," said armadillomon

"What," said agumon

"You heard me," said armadillomon

"Shut your mouth, and keep away from gabumon your dirty pervert," said agumon

"Agumon, don't say that, to armadillomon, sure he my be a sexy freak, but he my friend," said gabumon

"Oh, gabumon you have no idea what I wanted," Said armadillomon

"What do you mean armadillomon?" questioned gabumon

"It wasn't just me, blackagumon and blackveemon wanted you as well, we all tried to win you over, but no you just ignored us and focus on working on your single," said armadillomon

"Well yeah, because I need this single to make a better life for snowagumon and dorumon," said gabumon

"Yeah, yeah whatever," said armadillomon

"Anyway if you wanted you could of just asked, I was vulnerable when I was at the studio," said gabumon

"Damn it your right, I missed my shot with you," said armadillomon

"Well you not getting the chance this time, gabumon is mine," said agumon

Armadillomon stared at agumon like he was picking a fight, then snowagumon, dorumon and the agumon twins came down the stairs, they saw the stare of between about and armadillomon then gabumon stop them by saying, "Come let go home," as the four of them came running to gabumon.

"Hay guys did you have fun?" asked gabumon

"Yeah we sure did," replied snowagumon

"Come on tell me about it, on the way back home," said gabumon

"Ok," said all 4 of them

"Come on, agumon," said gabumon

Agumon listens to gabumon and turns away from armadillomon and walked off with gabumon and the others. Then armadillomon ran and tackled agumon in the, and started a fight, with agumon, gabumon and the saw everything and so did the kids that are still at armadillomon.

"Stop it the both of you," said gabumon

"No can do gabumon, I'm not letting this guy take you away from me," said armadillomon

"Sorry, gabumon, I'm trying to stop him from beating me up," said agumon

"Stop it, big brother," shouted the twin agumon's

Gabumon couldn't take it anymore, for them to stop fighting gabumon have to stop them by force, so instead of reasoning which it didn't work, gabumon punch armadillomon in the face to stop him, and the gabumon wrack on the head knocking agumon out cold, gabumon dragged agumon back home as he walked off with the other (Band new side of gabumon that no one seen before, expect agumon and armadillomon, when gabumon hit agumon and green gabumon).

"Big brother, when did you start fitting other digimon?" asked dorumon

"I only hit other digimon if I have no choice," said gabumon

"Oh, ok that understandable," said agumon (red arm strap)

"Ok, when did you and big brother get back together?" asked agumon (pink arm strap)

"That a good question, when did you, big brother?" asked dorumon

"Yeah tell us," said snowagumon

"Ok, calm down you guys," said gabumon as he tries to calm the 4 of them down.

"I got back with agumon last night," said gabumon

"Oh, that cool, what made him realize, he was doing something stupid," asked agumon (pink arm strap)

"I don't know, but I went to him," said gabumon

"Oh really that so romantic, big brother" said dorumon

Snowagumon looked really happy for his but for some reason he was sad at the same time and he couldn't figure out why he was sad, so he totally forgot about and continue talking with the others. After a while of the sky started to turn grey, and it slowly started to rain, gabumon took everyone to a close shelter so that they don't get wet from the rain.

"Hay you guys stay here and wait for me," said gabumon

"Why where are you going big brother?" asked snowagumon

"I'm going to the shop to get us some umbrella's ok," said gabumon

"Ok," said snowagumon

"Ok, all of you be good, and if you get scared while I'm gone wake agumon up, ok," said gabumon

"Ok," said the 4 of them

"Ok, I wont be long," said gabumon

As soon as gabumon stepped out of the shelter he took everyone to the rain started to come down hard and it was getting gabumon all wet, and it was bad for gabumon because he was wearing a white T-shirt with short jeans, gabumon thought to himself, "This is so going to be embarrassing walking into the shop completely drenched." But on his way he ran into blackveemon, who has done a bit of shopping, and she saw gabumon.

"HAY GABUMON," shouted blackveemon

Gabumon heard blackveemon voice, and then looked around to see where he was, but gabumon could see him, but blackveemon could see gabumon very clearly in the heavy rain, as gabumon stood around in the rain his T-shirt have completely become see though, beside that is short jean was slightly falling because of the rain, blackveemon could see gabumon nice body, and epically gabumon ass, blackveemon start to get an erection just by looking at gabumon. Gabumon gave up looking around for blackveemon and ran to the close shop to get some umbrellas for the other. Once gabumon got the shop, he was drench from head to toe, even his fur was soaked but his clothes were worse than his fur. Gabumon walked into the shop and he was went to look for some umbrellas, but there wasn't many other digimon the shop because of the ran, so it would be easier for gabumon to get back to the others faster. But with in the shop gabumon bummed into blackagumon.

"Oh, hay gabumon," said blackagumon

"Oh hay blackagumon, what's up?" asked gabumon

"Doing a bit of shopping, and you?" asked blackagumon

"Oh I just getting some umbrellas," said gabumon

"Nah you don't need any, look at you," said blackagumon

"What are you talking about? I'm completely drench, my T-shirt is see though and my short keep falling down and it also feels really heavy," said gabumon

"That what I mean, you look so sexy like that I can't stop staring at your sexy body," said blackagumon, as he walks over to gabumon and started to feeling gabumon, blackagumon was getting an erection just by feeling gabumon, gabumon was trying to resist what blackagumon was doing to him, but then blackagumon stuck his claws down the back of gabumon short jean, so that he can play with gabumon asshole, gabumon was getting an erection from.

"Please stop it blackagumon," pleaded gabumon

"Come on gabumon, you know you want to do it with me, so just enjoy the feeling" said blackagumon

"Please stop blackagumon, before the shopkeeper come and find us," said gabumon

"I don't mind he or she can join in with us," said blackagumon

"No I said STOP," screamed gabumon

The shopkeeper heard gabumon scream and ran to where it came from, "Hay stop that and get out of here," shouted the shopkeeper (which was a grey agumon) he then saw blackagumon trying to rape gabumon by playing around with gabumon body in his wet clothes, the shopkeeper just watch as he get and nose bleed and a erection at the same time. Blackagumon saw the shopkeeper standing there and said to him, "Fancy joining in?" the shopkeeper went and locked the doors and switched the lights off, blackagumon started to ripe gabumon clothes off as gabumon as powerless to resist him, the shopkeeper stripe himself down naked with his 7inch hard cock, blackagumon told the shopkeeper to play with gabumon for a bit so that he can get ready. The shopkeeper forced gabumon down onto his knee and focus his cock into gabumon mouth, gabumon was resisting by moving his body about so that he can get away from them both, so blackagumon got a rope off the shelf and tied his paws together so that gabumon could move about anymore, once that was done blackagumon is fully naked he was ready to have some fun, he got onto his knees and put a condom on his 8inch hard dick, and forced it into gabumon ass. "Oh my god, gabumon your ass is so tight," moan blackagumon as he push back and forth against gabumon ass, gabumon was crying, he didn't want this to happen, he never wanted to get rape ever again, gabumon was so scared of what was happen, blackagumon continued pounding gabumon ass, he went faster and harder, until the shopkeeper asked if he could fuck gabumon, blackagumon just nodded, so they switch places, gabumon was crying because he was getting raped by the both of them, but then shopkeeper shoved his dick into gabumon ass as hard as he can, gabumon scream with a lot of pain, but blackagumon took that chance and shoved his dick into gabumon shutting him up ramming his dick back and forth with a lot of force, gabumon was in a lot pain and he was getting really scared, because he knew nobody can save him from what was going, because of that fear gabumon focused himself to digivoled into a cute looking garurumon, garurumon force the rope that tied his paws together to ripe apart blackagumon and the shopkeeper back off straight away, garurumon was crying and looked at blackagumon and the shopkeeper, he then grabbed his ripped clothes and jumped though the window, garurumon ran back to the shelter naked, while he was running his ass and his right leg was bleeding. Garurumon ass was bleeding because of blackagumon and the shopkeeper forcing their dick into, and his right leg was a piece of glass stuck in it, garurumon had nothing in his mind but fear of getting raped again, he ran as fast as he can back to the shelter where the other are, where he knew agumon was waiting for him, garurumon was so scared of anything right he wasn't paying attention where he was going, he reached the shelter where everyone was waiting for him, the he ran right into a tree, knocking himself out, everyone saw it, but they didn't know that cute looking garurumon was until he turn into back gabumon, everyone ran over to gabumon, and took him into the shelter.

(Agumon took of his shirt and put it on top of gabumon so that it cover up most of his body)

"Gabumon, wake up, gabumon," shouted agumon

"Calm down, big brother," said agumon (red arm strap)

"Yeah help up to stop the bleeding from his leg," said agumon (pink arm strap)

Dorumon took the piece of glass out of gabumon leg, snowagumon put some lotion to it and agumon bandage it up.

"There some to be more bleeding from somewhere," said snowagumon

"Where?" asked agumon (pink arm strap)

"No, no way," said agumon

"Where is it from?" asked dorumon

"From big brother bum," said snowagumon

Everyone stayed quite for the moment then gabumon woke up, everyone gather around him, when gabumon saw so many different type of agumon he freaked out.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME," shouted gabumon with fear in his face

"What's wrong gabumon?" asked agumon as agumon held him

"STAY AWAY FROM ME," shouted gabumon as he pushed agumon away from him

Gabumon put his paws on his head and laid on the ground and said, "It never happened, it was all a bad dream," repeatedly, dorumon crawled over to her big brother, and patted him on the head and said "What happen big brother," gabumon was so scared of what just happen to him he started crying like crazy. Agumon ran over to hold onto gabumon and tried to calm him down, but gabumon was so scared of any agumon look alike he screamed for his life, and he also said, "Please don't, I'm begging you don't rape me please," agumon eye's opened widely as he let go of gabumon, and walked back as he fell on his as, snowagumon walked over to his big brother, gabumon was scared he throw his ripe clothes at snowagumon, and said, "Stay away from, I'm begging you," when snowagumon heard that his heart just shattered into pieces, hearing his own brother saying that, who he love so much, say such a thing to him, dorumon said "Agumon call gaomon or guilmon for help please," gabumon then started crawling out of the shelter to the tree he crashed into, because he though he would be a lot safer there. Agumon and snowagumon was heartbroken to see gabumon like that the agumon twins was crying because they were scared for him, only dorumon could get close to gabumon for now until guilmon or gaomon come. Agumon just sat there and held onto snowagumon and tries to comfort him, agumon tries to find something to help snowagumon but he couldn't hide the right words to say, but isn't he just gave snowagumon a hug.

Then 2 cars pulled up guilmon got out of one car and gaomon got out the other, they both ran over to the others, and asked what had happen but nobody know expect gabumon himself, beside that gabumon was now scared of any type of agumon that he saw even his own little brother, guilmon took the agumon's into one car and drove of home, gaomon took gabumon and dorumon into his car, and followed guilmon car, back to guilmon place.

Once they got back to agumon and guilmon place, all the agumon type sat on one side of the place so they know what was wrong with gabumon, because he was so scared of any shape of an agumon.

"Big brother, what happen to you?" asked dorumon as both of her paws held onto both of gabumon arms

"No I don't want to, talk about it," cried gabumon

"Gabumon you have to tell us what happen to you," said guilmon

"Guilmon right, the only thing we know, that you could have been rape, cause of the bleeding from your ass, and beside it also a agumon figure," said gaomon

"Yeah it would explain why he so scared of the different type of agumon at the moment," said greymon

"Hay let get to the bottom of his fast, it breaking up our family here," cried dorumon

"Oh, yeah your right, sorry about that dorumon" said guilmon

"Come on big brother, you have to tell us, do you want to force snowagumon away from us?" asked dorumon as she start to cries.

As soon as dorumon said that to gabumon, gabumon looked at snowagumon face, and remember all the he spent raising him up with dorumon, all the good and bad memory together they had when gabumon took them him. Gabumon then got up and shouted "Snowagumon," as he slowly walks to him, snowagumon ran to gabumon and hugs him, "Big brother," he said, as he was crying in gabumon arms.

"I'm sorry for being an agumon big brother," cried snowagumon

Gabumon cried and tried his best not to be afraid of snowagumon, "No I'm sorry for being scared," cried gabumon as he tries and hug snowagumon, but he couldn't do it not until, dorumon help gabumon put his arm around snowagumon, as he was still scared, gabumon looks at his younger sister and smiles, as she hugs him and started crying along with gabumon and snowagumon.

"So what happen to you gabumon?" asked gaomon

"I...I..I. Was rape by blackagumon and a grey agumon at the shop," cried gabumon

Agumon, snowagumon, gaomon, guilmon and dorumon eye's shot opened, after what gabumon just said, they all stood right up

"Mom take care of gabumon for us," said agumon

"Ok where are you lot going?" asked greymon

"Teaching blackagumon a lesson, that he'll never forget, No one messes with my family and get away with it," said gaomon

"No one tries to break our family up and get away with it," said dorumon with a angry face, and grabbed snowagumon claw and dragged him along

"I'll make those two to pay, what they have done, to big brother," said snowagumon

"No dorumon and snowagumon, I don't want you both fighting," cried gabumon

"But we're doing this for you," cried dorumon

"Yeah, big brother, they made you scared of all agumon's look alike, you can even look at me can you big brother," cried snowagumon as he drop to his knee's in front of gabumon, gabumon couldn't look at snowagumon at all, but then greymon stood up,

"You two aint going anywhere, your staying her to help us take care of gabumon," said greymon

"Hay I don't want to see you hurt," said guilmon

"And I think if about knew you got hurt, he would jump off a cliff or something, worrying sick about you two," said agumon

"Yeah your right," said dorumon as she just sit next to gabumon

"Anyway I don't want to see any of my cute cousin hurt like that any more, trust me I will get revenge for our family, ok," said gaomon

"Fine, but can you make sure you hurt blackagumon real bad please," asked snowagumon

"That's a promise, we can make," said agumon

"Damn right," said guilmon

"Let go kick a black dino ass," said gaomon

So the three of them walked out of the door, and got into gaomon car, where his dad was waiting for the lot of them to tell him what had happen, as soon as the 3 of them got into the car he drove them off where they needed to go.

"So what to gabumon?" asked machgaogamon

"Dad you don't want to know," said gaomon

"Why do you say that gaomon?" asked machgaogamon

"Because you will get mad for what happen to a member of our family," said gaomon

"Of course I would get mad, look what happen to gabumon, he scared of looking at his own little brother and he can't even look at his boyfriend anymore, no offence agumon," said machgaogamon

"None taken," said agumon

"Gaomon, I think you should tell you dad, it is a family problem on both your and our basic," said guilmon and he put one of his claws on gaomon shoulders

"Your right guilmon," said gaomon as he put his paw on top of guilmon claw.

"Oh I warn you now, if it something really bad I'm gonna kill whoever did it," said machgaogamon

"Dad just promise you wont freak out when I tell you this," said gabumon

"Me, freak out, stop joking," said machgaogamon

"Ok, whatever dad," said gaomon

"So are you going to tell me what happen to gabumon or not?" asked machgaogamon

"Ok, fine, gabumon got rape by a blackagumon and a shopkeeper that look like a grey agumon, he is now scared to look or touch any other agumon look a likes now," said gaomon

"WHAT!!!" shouted machgaogamon, as he slam his foot on the break pedal

Gaomon and the other looked at machgaogamon and said, "You just freak out," machgaogamon was still in shock to hear that his cute and adorable nephew was rape by a couple of agumon. While machgaogamon recovered everyone waited then they notice a shadowed agumon figure standing under some from the rain shelter, agumon got out of the car and went to have a look. Agumon ran to the shelter and it was another agumon there, but this agumon was grey.

"Hay what wrong?" asked agumon

"Oh, nothing, I was following this cute looking digimon, that broke my shop window, so I'm looking for him so that he could pay for the damage he done," said the shopkeeper

"What was this digimon?" asked agumon

"Oh, it was this cute looking gabumon that I never seen before," said the shopkeeper

"How did he break the window?" asked agumon

"Well, please don't tell anyone this, but me and this blackagumon kind of rape him, he has the nice and tightest ass I have ever fuck," said the shopkeeper

After the shopkeeper said that, agumon punched him in the face, gaomon and guilmon saw it from the car, they both got out so they can stop agumon, the shopkeeper got up and said "What was that for," agumon carried on punching him in the face, "Because you rape my boyfriend, and he afraid to look at or to torch me, but the worst of all he has a little brother that look like us," said agumon then gaomon and guilmon stop agumon from punching the daylight out of the shopkeeper.

"Calm down agumon," said guilmon

"How can I calm down when he was the own that rape gabumon," cried agumon

"What!!!" said gaomon and guilmon

Gaomon let go of agumon but guilmon didn't, gaomon lifted the shopkeeper up but holding onto his shirt, "What are you looking you mutt," said the shopkeeper while his face is bleeding from agumon punches, "How dare you, do such a thing to my cousin," said gaomon the shopkeeper laughed, "So what he was so nice I want to keep him for my personal use," laughed the shopkeeper after said that agumon when crazy but guilmon held him back, gaomon was now angry, "Go sit shit you fucking pervert," as he throw the shopkeeper to a tree, the shopkeeper hit the tree hard, but he was able to stand up, gaomon cam running in and did some lighting fast punches all over the shopkeeper body, guilmon then shouted, "That enough gaomon, we need to go find blackagumon," so gaomon stop and walk to guilmon and agumon who still wanted to beat the his out of him, but suddenly the shopkeeper got up and grabbed gaomon from behind, he then ripe gaomon top off and said, "I'm not letting such a fine bitch get away," guilmon came running and punched him in the face, "Don't even thing about it, he my boyfriend, you son of a bitch," guilmon took his hoddy off and gave it gaomon, then guilmon went to kick the crap out of the shopkeeper, for trying to rape gaomon, they all walked away but suddenly they shopkeeper digivoled in a grey greymon.

"Ah, man, this guy don't know when to give up," said guilmon

"That fine by me, let start around 2," said gaomon

"It is funeral," said agumon

So the 3 of them know that they can't stop grey greymon how they are right now, so all 3 of them digivoled, agumon digivoled into a greymon, gaomon digivoled into gaogamon, and guilmon digivoled into a growlmon, but before, they can fight machgaogamon kicked grey greymon in the face, "Don't even think about laying a finger on my son and his friends," said machgaogamon.

"Wow, thanks machgaogamon," said greymon

"Thank me later, I be right back," said machgaogamon he ran over to grey greymon and grabbed him by the tail, and started swing round and round in a circle, when machgaogamon was fast enough he let go of grey greymon tail and sent him flying, greymon, gaogamon and growlmon was amazed what he just did.

"Dad that was really cool," said gaogamon

"It was nothing," said machgaogamon

"Man I would hate to get on your bad side," said growlmon

"You better not break up with me then sweetie," said gaogamon

"No way, even if you play me to, it would still be a no," said growlmon

"Anyway shouldn't we go and look for blackagumon?" asked greymon

"Oh yeah," said everyone

So then greymon, gaogamon and growlmon de-digivoled into the rookie form and got into the car with machgaogamon and carried on looking for blackagumon. Agumon though of all the bad things that have ever happened to gabumon, but this was the worst thing that had happen getting rape by 2 agumon's in a shop where no one can help, and he doesn't want to see gabumon hurt like this ever again.

~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~

"Let go back," said machgaogamon

"Yeah, we been looking for a few hours now," said gaomon

"Yeah, your right, let call it a day," said guilmon

"Damn it, where are you blackagumon," said agumon

"Don't worry agumon, we find him sooner or later," said gaomon

"If we're lucky he might find us," said guilmon

"Yeah, or gabumon," said agumon

"Hay, what do you by that agumon?" asked machgaogamon

"Oh yeah, you don't know dad," said gaomon

"So spill it," said machgaogamon

"Blackagumon use to be gabumon stalker," said gaomon

"Why don't anyone ever tell me anything, anymore," said machgaogamon

"Cause your always at the gym training," said gaomon

"Yeah that true," said machgaogamon

"Ok, we're back at you place guys, I help you guys search for blackagumon tomorrow ok," said gaomon

"Ok I see you later," said agumon as he get out of the car

"See ya later, sweetie," said gaomon

"I see ya soon," said guilmon as he kissed gaomon on the cheek, then get out of the car

"Later guys," said machgaogamon as he drive off home with gaomon

Agumon and guilmon walked up to the flat, where everyone else was, snowagumon and the agumon twin was sat on the sofa, while greymon was putting food on the table, gabumon was sat on agumon bed with dorumon holding onto him.

"Mom how's gabumon doing?" asked guilmon

"He's doing better," said greymon

"Has anything new come up with gabumon and snowagumon?" asked agumon

"Only a little," said greymon

"What do you mean?" asked agumon

Well gabumon can look at him now, but I don't think he can torch him yet," said greymon

"Hay that kind of good," said guilmon

"Oh yeah they staying over for dinner by the way," said greymon

"Don't you think you pushing his fear recovery a bit to fast mom?" asked agumon

"Well, I think it's a bad idea, but gabumon asked if he could stay, and I could say no to the poor dear," said greymon

"So this is all of gabumon idea," said guilmon

"Yeah," said greymon

So guilmon when to the sofa and told snowagumon the good and bad news but he was happy anyway because the shopkeeper got what he deservers and sad that they could find blackagumon, but snowagumon was happy a bit because his brother can look at him again without begin scared, agumon and guilmon just smiled, agumon then walked into his room where gabumon and dorumon was.

"Hay gabumon how did it go?" asked dorumon

"Hay dorumon, hi gabumon," said agumon

"Hi agumon," said gabumon as he looked at agumon

"We tort that shopkeeper a lesson, but we could find blackagumon," said agumon

"Damn it, well a least one of them got a good beating," said dorumon

"Yeah," said agumon, as he looked at gabumon, gabumon just put his head down

"Blackagumon will come back for me sooner or later," said gabumon

"No he wont," said agumon

"Dorumon can you give us a minute, please," asked gabumon

"Ok, if it agumon, I know you will be safe," said dorumon as she got off the bed and left the room and close the door on her way out (Not fully)

"What do you, mean agumon," said gabumon as he looked agumon in the face

"I wont let him hurt you or torch you anymore, because I want to stay by your side forever," said agumon

Gabumon was so torch of what agumon had just said, "Thank you," gabumon try and torch agumon claws, but agumon went and hugged gabumon instead, holding gabumon tightly in his arms, crying on gabumon shoulders

"I don't want to lose you, I love you gabumon," cried agumon

Gabumon pushed agumon back and put his head down and said, "I'm sorry agumon," as he held onto himself.

But then agumon went onto his closet and pull out a small box, he then went back to gabumon got down on one knee.

"Hay everyone you got to see his, agumon is about to propose to big brother," said dorumon as she was watching what was going on, everyone went over to see what was going on in agumon.

"Gabumon I promise you, I will never leave you alone again, I swear on my life I will protect you from anyone and anything that will try and hurt forever," said agumon as he open the small box and said "Gabumon will you marry," Gabumon cried and said "Yes," and jumped onto agumon, "Please don't leave me alone," everyone busted into the room and started cheering, then greymon said "Gabumon I think agumon just help you fully recover," everyone looked at gabumon holding onto agumon without freaking out in fear.

"Man what a fast recovery," said guilmon

"Yay we're a family again," said dorumon as she hugs snowagumon

"Yeah with a new big brother," said snowagumon

"Hay I get a new little brother and little sister, that are cute," said guilmon

"Hay aint we cute for you," said agumon (pink arm strap)

"Yeah," said agumon (red arm strap)

"Well, this is one weird day for me," said greymon

"Same here greymon," said gabumon

"Call me mom now, gabumon," said greymon

"Family hug," said snowagumon

Everyone crowed around agumon and gabumon force then to kiss cause of the family hug, and then agumon screamed, "Get out of my room," everyone ran out and left agumon room leaving the door wide open, only agumon and gabumon was alone in the room while everyone watch from out side the room.

"Sorry about the unexpected kiss gabumon, I know your still trying to recover," said agumon as gabumon cuts him off by putting his single paw on his mouth and said, "Shut up and kiss me," as gabumon pull agumon head in for a kiss.

Then agumon mind came back to went reality and then said, "Damn it, I though that was real," gabumon look confused from what agumon was saying.

"Oh fuck it, I'll give it try," said agumon

"Give what a try?" asked gabumon

"You find out in a bit," said agumon

So agumon walked to his closet for real this time and got the proposal ring out and went back to gabumon, "What are you doing agumon?" asked gabumon, "Something I should have done a while ago," said agumon, he then got onto one knee and said his speech to gabumon, just like his thought dorumon was watching from the door gap, and she told everyone to come and watch, gabumon started to cry, agumon was hoping that he would say "Yes," like he his daydream, a moment ago.

"No, I cant agumon, I'm sorry," cried gabumon

"But why, I though this all you dreamed about," said agumon

"I did, I love you so much agumon, but if I can't torch you, what the point of us bring together," said gabumon

"Because I love you, gabumon," said agumon

"Agumon, I'm really sorry but I not to get married just ready," gabumon

"Ok, I understand, but I wait until your ready," said agumon

Gabumon felt guilty for doing to agumon, agumon just walked to the door closing it fully having his back facing gabumon while his head leaned against the door, but then gabumon said to agumon, "Agumon would you please stay with me tonight at my place," after agumon heard that, he face gabumon and just walked over to him, "I would love to, even if I couldn't sleep in the same bed with, I will still watch over you, from the sofa," said agumon, gabumon felt a little bit of guilt going so then close his eye's and try to kiss agumon without looking at him, so that he wouldn't be scared, agumon saw what gabumon was trying to do, he put his right claw onto gabumon cheek and kissed gabumon passionately, gabumon felt agumon compassion from the kiss and wish it could last forever, but he knew if he opened his eye's his fear will come right back away. Agumon broke the kiss off and let gabumon open his eye's, but gabumon wasn't that afraid anymore he was still a bit shaky but he wasn't that scared of agumon anymore.

"Hay let go to dinner ok," said agumon

"The food not ready yet agumon," said greymon as she was ease dropping with everyone else on the other side of the door,

"Mom," said guilmon the agumon twin

"Err... so gabumon, when does your single come out?" asked agumon

"It's come out tomorrow," replied gabumon

"Oh ok, I hope it goes well in the sale," said agumon

"I don't," said gabumon as he held his paws together

"How come?" asked agumon

"Because I don't want to leave you, even though we just got back together," said gabumon

"Remember I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes," said agumon

"Agumon," said gabumon as he looked at him, agumon just looked into gabumon ruby red eyes that he always so lost in.

"Ok dinner ready," said greymon

So both agumon and gabumon walked out of the room and went to dinner with everyone.

~~~~~~After dinner~~~~~

Gabumon, snowagumon and dorumon went back to flat with agumon along with them, dorumon and snowagumon went to bed straight away without taking a bath, gabumon, got a spare set of clothes for agumon to sleep in, and let agumon have a shower first, so that gabumon can get a spare pillow and blanket to sleep on the sofa.

"Gabumon do you if I live with you, just until we can track down blackagumon?" asked agumon

"I'm so sure," said gabumon

"I know I still scare you a little bit, but it would be a lot safer, because that sick bastard know where you live, and he can come here whenever he feel like it," said agumon

"I know but what will your family think," asked gabumon

"Don't worry I think they will understand," said agumon

"Thank you," said gabumon

"It's ok, well I guess I go have a shower now," said agumon as he walks into the bathroom

About them minutes later agumon came out of the bathroom with only a towel on, he went to gabumon hoping that he was there, "Hay gabumon I forgot to get clothes of you," said agumon as he walked right into gabumon bedroom, gabumon was half naked, only wearing the shirt that agumon gave him early on but in a sexy position where gabumon was just about to take the top off, agumon though to himself "Damn I have hot boyfriend," then he started to get and erection and then realized he was getting one, he went back out of gabumon bedroom to give gabumon time to put his boxers back on, "I'm sorry about that, gabumon" said agumon, gabumon came out of the bedroom gave agumon his clothes and nicked his towel and ran to the bathroom, "Agumon do you watching over while I have a shower?" asked gabumon, agumon quickly replied "Of course, gabumon," even though he thought gabumon would never asked agumon of then. Agumon just walked back into the bathroom butt naked as watches gabumon have a shower. Gabumon was alone in the bathroom with agumon both of them was but naked and agumon was just looking at gabumon, "Gabumon look really sexy when he wet," as agumon thought to himself, as he started to get another erection, then gabumon turn around and saw agumon dick, so gabumon then started to rum his ass just to tease agumon.

"Err...Gabumon, I'm just going to go outside for a second," said agumon

"No, don't please stay here with me," said gabumon with a sexy voice

Agumon started to masturbate over it, then gabumon didn't look at agumon and said, "Agumon would you, err, like to have sex with me now," gabumon face turned bright red from saying that, he turn his head around and agumon just walked slowly toward him, and when agumon was right in front of gabumon face, he said "Are you sure gabumon?" gabumon just nodded and held onto agumon body, gabumon was trying to get over his fear of agumon as fast as he could, so he planned all this to see if he could. "Fine if your sure of this gabumon," said agumon, gabumon just nodded his head against agumon body, "I'll be gentle o promise," whisper agumon.

Gabumon turn the shower water off and slowly went down agumon body, lick a straight line to his dick, agumon the tip of agumon dick, agumon moan a bit and said "You don't to do this gabumon," said agumon, gabumon just ignore what gabumon just said and start sucking slowly and passionately, agumon start moaning a lot, gabumon went faster on the sucking until agumon pre-cummed in his mouth. Agumon pulled his dick away from gabumon's mouth, and then agumon went down to like gabumon balls, gabumon got a mayor erection from what agumon was doing, gabumon was moan with joy, the agumon started to sucking on gabumon dick, gabumon but his paws on agumon head, agumon started to suck faster, until gabumon pre-cummed in his mouth, agumon the turn gabumon until gabumon ass was facing him, then agumon started to like gabumon ass, gabumon started wanking because he love the feeling when someone else is licking his ass, agumon put one of his claw on gabumon paw to stop him from cumming then agumon got up behind gabumon, and whisper into his ear "Are you sure about his, part?" asked agumon, gabumon nodded and then turn his head to face agumon. Agumon slowly pushed the tip of his dick into gabumon ass, gabumon close this paw together because it was hurting a little, then gabumon said "Please don't stop agumon," agumon slowly and gently pushed the rest of his dick up gabumon ass and he slowly pushed it back and forth, gabumon pain was slow going away, agumon held onto gabumon and said "Gabumon, I love you so much," gabumon pushed his ass away from agumon, "Fuck me face to face agumon," said gabumon, gabumon laid on the floor with his legs up in the air, agumon bent over him and gabumon legs onto his shoulder so he would be able to fuck gabumon and kiss him at the same time, agumon slowly and gently pushed his dick into gabumon ass. "I love you agumon," moan gabumon, agumon slowly pushed his dick against gabumon ass and slowly pull it, and then slowly it went faster, "I'm cumming agumon," moaned gabumon, "Same here," moaned agumon. Gabumon cummed all over agumon body where it also started dripping onto his body, agumon cummed into gabumon ass.

"Oh crap," said agumon

"What wrong agumon?" asked gabumon

"I'd just cummed inside of you," said agumon

"So," said gabumon

"But wont you get pregnant again," said agumon

"I can always take a pill, plus I going to have your babies sooner or later," said gabumon

"You mean, you want to start a family with me," said agumon

"Of course silly, now let get cleaned up," said gabumon

So the both of them when into the and clean themselves up, and went of to bed, agumon and gabumon slept separately but they we're both ok with it, gabumon guilt have let him for turning agumon proposal down but instead he want to carry agumon child inside of him.

~~~~~Later on in the night~~~~~

Gabumon was having a nightmare, which blackagumon was with him in his room raping him again, but nobody could hear gabumon scream for help and nobody would come and save him, then a the shopkeeper that was raping him with blackagumon cam back but with more agumon just like him, they all jumped on him, then gabumon woke up in the middle of the night and screamed but he was stopped by a claw in his mouth, he looked to who claw was it, and when he looked it was blackagumon right next to him, it seem he came thought the window.

"Hello gabumon, I hereto finish of what we started," said blackagumon

Gabumon pushed blackagumon away, and scream for help, agumon came running from the living room to see what was wrong with gabumon, when he got to gabumon bedroom blackagumon was on gabumon bed.


Dorumon and snowagumon woke to see what was the matter and then they saw blackagumon in their big brother bedroom.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BROTHER YOU SICK BASTARD," scream snowagumon as he went to punched blackagumon in the face

"GO TO HELL," shouted dorumon as she kicked him in the balls

Agumon grabbed him and throw him out of the window, "Snowagumon protect your brother, dorumon call gaomon and guilmon and tell them what just happen, I hold of blackagumon," said agumon, the both of them just nodded and did what agumon told them to do. Dorumon went to get the phone and called guilmon first, the phone was ringing, then an answer from guilmon, "Hello, do you know time is it," moaned guilmon as he was half a sleep "Guilmon help blackagumon is here," said dorumon after dorumon said that, a moment later guilmon scream down the phone "WHERE IS HE," dorumon told him to look outside his window, guilmon did that and he saw agumon and blackagumon fighting, guilmon then hung up the phone, and ran down to help agumon, dorumon then called gaomon, the phone rang for ages then an answer, "Hello, who is it, better have a good reason for calling in the middle of the night," moaned gaomon as was also half asleep, dorumon told gaomon that agumon and guilmon is fighting blackagumon because he broke into gabumon bedroom, there was a moment of silent just like guilmon, so dorumon held the phone away from her head, then gaomon screamed down the phone, "I'll be right over." Dorumon went back into the gabumon room where gabumon was shaking in fear snowagumon was holding onto his big brother, dorumon went to see how it was going, agumon and guilmon seem to be holding blackagumon of then something came fly that way, dorumon told agumon and guilmon to watch out, when they heard dorumon scream that blackagumon punched they both of them sending them both flying to the wall, but the thing that was flying toward them earlier that dorumon warned them about seem to hit blackagumon shoulder, "It seem to be a brick, but who thrown it," thought blackagumon then another brick came fly at him, and hit blackagumon leg, "Next one going for the face," said gaomon was he was holding a brick. Agumon and guilmon was glad to see gaomon but blackagumon smirk and digivoled onto a black greymon, all 3 of them digivoled into their champion form and started kick black greymon ass, "Big brother there kicking black greymon ass, snowagumon and gabumon went to have a looked, when gabumon saw everyone fighting for revenge gabumon felt bad, because of blackagumon everyone that loves him is fighting for him, gabumon could take it anymore, he couldn't sit around while everything fight for him, "Dorumon, snowagumon stay here where it is safe ok," said gabumon, dorumon and snowagumon ignore what gabumon was saying because they were watching the fight, gabumon jumped through the window, dorumon and snowagumon though gabumon gone crazy, they both shouted "Big brother," everyone that was fighting looked up, and saw gabumon flying down to black greymon. Black greymon just smirked and opens his arms and said "Come do daddy," then gabumon digivoled in garurumon and said "In you fucking dreams," and slashed black greymon face with his sharp claws.

"Garurumon, what are you doing?" asked greymon

"I'm fight along side with the one I love," said garurumon

"Ok, let take this guy out, and I don't mean the fancy date type," said growlmon

"I'm in," said gaogamon

"Yeah I want to back to bed damn it," said greymon

"Your not the only one," said garurumon

"If you not going to hit me, I hit you first," said black greymon as he swing his tail to hit them gaogamon and garurumon jump to dodge it, greymon grabbed the tail growlmon help greymon holding onto black greymon tail, they both dragged him away from the building, garurumon and gaogamon double kick black greymon in the face, but he then use his claw to slash garurumon injured leg, "You bastard," shouted gaogamon, greymon and growlmon saw what happen so they both lifted black greymon by his tail and slam him onto the floor, over and over again, until he past out, garurumon got back up and he slash black greymon face over and over until he was to ugly to look at, then greymon and growlmon did what machgaogamon did, by spinning around until he was fast enough to send someone flying, garurumon and gaogamon was impress by their boyfriends, once they sent black greymon flying, everyone went back to gabumon to go to sleep, dorumon and snowagumon slept in their own room, guilmon and gaomon slept in gabumon room, and finally gabumon slept with agumon in the living room.

"Look like your fear of agumon, is over," said agumon

"Look like it sweetie," said gabumon

"I'm to have my little doggie back, said agumon

"Glad to be back," said gabumon as he kisses agumon, they both went to sleep like everyone.

the single

So gabumon been at the studio for a few hours now and he getting for the first recording, it took gabumon 5 min to sort himself out, once he was done he walked out the door and he found armadillomon waiting for him. "Hay gorgeous where are you...

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destiny part 3

A few days have passed since gabumon called black tyrannomon and he was really nervous about meeting black tyrannomon because it was only a few hours away before they meet up for their meeting. Gabumon was running around like a train going back and...

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destin part 2

So the talk between gabumon and his younger siblings begins, about gabumon future career. "So what did you guys think of my singing tonight?" asked gabumon "I really like it big brother," said snowagumon "Yeah it is really good big...

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