Suprising Daddy 3

Story by Bronwyn Rose on SoFurry

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Mark sighed as he finally saw the lights of his home town come into view. Only a few more miles and he would be at home again. He had enjoyed the last year of college, would even miss the few friends he had made while there. Yet he was also was glad to be home.

He had missed his dad and sister, especially his sister. He had never, and probably would never, tell anyone this, but he had always loved seeing his little sister walking around in her thin nightgowns. The clinging material had shown off every curve of her slight little preteen, then teen, figure. He couldn't wait to see how her figure had blossomed over the time he had been away.

Mark turned down the last road and parked in front of the house. The stuff he had brought with him could wait till the morning to be unloaded; he thought as he got out and made his way towards the kitchen door. Deciding to make it a surprise, he didn't call out a welcoming as he opened the door. He closed it quietly and stepped into the house, stopping at the sudden, and unmistakable, sounds of people pleasuring each other. He made his way slowly through the kitchen, then down the hallway towards his dad's bedroom. The door was open, but he still hung back in the shadows, his mind going blank at what he saw.

Kim, his now sixteen year old sister, was lying on her back, her largely pregnant belly thrusting up again and again with the motion of her hips. Her delicate paws and fingers were splayed over breasts that looked to have grown from slight bumps into larger, obviously milk swollen, orbs. Lengthy, if still slightly gangly, legs were spread wide, giving his father room to bury his head between her luscious thighs.

Kim moaned and squeezed her breasts slightly, making the milky liquid filling them leek out of the two pert nipples and drip down the slopes of her round breasts into her soft chest fur. He had such an urge to lick his tongue over those twin orbs, to see exactly what that milk tasted like.

As he stood watching, Kim's small body began to writhe in the throes of passion and climax. He could feel the heat of his own arousal spreading through his body and shaft, making it harden and press painfully against his pants. Moving on its own, his paw slid down over his length, then back up to slip into his pants to free his now aching shaft.

Now bare, his palm stroked over his sensitive shaft ripping a moan from his throat. Kim lazily turned her head and smiled at the beautiful sight in the hallway. There stood her older brother, back against the wall for support, his gorgeous long cock in his hand, eyes glued to her naked body. She motioned him into the room, murring at the things their father was doing with his tongue.

Dad looked up as Marks weight settled on the bed, and smiled as his sons fingers trailed lightly over the round belly in front of them. Dad smiled and lowered back down, running his tongue over the folds of Kim's dripping sex. His teeth gently grazed the nub of her clit making her arch off the bed as his tongue delved deep into her dripping cunny.

Mark ran his hands from her swollen belly up to her swollen breasts. They felt so hard and full to his touch, and when he pinched the nipple gently with his fingers, fresh milk oozed out. His mind was so gone; he couldn't have stopped himself if he had wanted as he bent to catch the drip of milk on his tongue. The first taste was like a drop of water to a dying man. He latched his lips onto the breast, tongue flicking over the nipple, and suckled like a babe. The groan of pleasure from his sister had his heart racing and groaning in return.

With his body and paws moving of their own accord, he shifted his position, slipping his cloths from his slim and muscular frame, only barely noticing as his father's position changed to be kneeling and suckling on the other breast. When all of his cloths had been tossed carelessly to the floor he lowered himself down and, while still suckling, slid his hand between her legs and slid his finger deep between the folds of her sex. She arched and moaned, loving the touching.

His hard shaft rubbed against her thigh as she moved, bringing her attention back to his need. She exchanged a whispered conversation with Dad then, with a grin, pushed Mark onto his back, being sure to shove a pillow under his firm and tasty ass. She ran her paws down his shaft, fingers finding sensitive places to drive him mad before she moved to straddle his hips. She was wet from before so his shaft slid in deep with no resistance making them both groan. Mark grabbed her hips and thrust himself up hard, filling her completely and making her shudder.

They moved together a few times till she slowed the pace. Dad had moved around behind her and was slowly spreading lube over his own hard throbbing shaft, then around her tight hot tail star. Occasionally his massaging fingers would slip down and tease across his sons balls and where his shaft impaled his daughter. Mark shivered, trying to push deeper inside Kim's dripping body, but Kim held him hostage, not letting either of them move while she waited for Dad.

After about a minute more, Dad pushed Kim down a little from behind, then moved up to her. Mark lay, holding his breath, feeling every movement as Dad's shaft slowly parted her tail star. Groans sounded from all three as they each felt the fullness and tightness of Kim's soft cunny. When Dad was buried deep inside the two men began to move, pushing Kim's body back and forth between them. Soon their rhythm gained speed and force. Marks lips opened as he saw one of Kim's pert nipples bob past his face, catching it in his mouth and suckled hard, nipping gently with his teeth to make her cry out with pleasure.

Kim's soft paw caressed down Marks hips, touching him to urge him on. He raised his paws from their grips on the sheets and let them slide up her arms and down her body, resting one on her tight ass and moving the other up to caress at her free and bouncing breast. Dad's fingers dug gently into Kim's hips helping him to thrust deeper and harder into his daughter's sweet and tight ass. She opened her mouth and let out a long low moan before sucking in a gasping breath only to cry out again with pleasure. Her whole body had gotten very sensitive with the pregnancy, and having both shafts inside, as well as all of the touches of fingers and fur, was making her lose control of herself fast.

They were all getting close to climaxing as they continued to thrust back and forth. The only sounds in the room were a mixture of panting moans and the soft slurp of Kim's ass and cunny being pounced harder and faster. Then suddenly, Kim stiffened, eyes popping open as she threw back her head and screamed her pleasure. Her muscles clamped hard around both shafts, squeezing and milking her father and brother.

The gripping climax was too much for both men, and with equally loud roars of pleasure, they climaxed together. Both shafts pumped Jen's small body full with hot cum until, panting and spent, they all fell to the side, still tied together. Mark shifted a little till he lay more comfortably; not wanting to press to hard against the baby snuggled happily in its womb.

He closed his eyes for a moment and felt her soft lips brush against his throat. With a smile he curled his arm around to first give her a soft squeeze then to rest lightly on his side. He opened his eyes at the soft sound of her sleeping and looked into Dad's eyes, smiling at him.

"Well, now. That was one hell of a welcome home, Pops."

"Yeah, that it was, "he said, then hesitated a moment. "I am sorry we didn't tell you. "

"Tell me what? About the baby? Or about the fact that the baby is yours?"

His dad looked a little sheepish and shrugged, "Both. I guess we were kind of afraid of your reaction. I mean, this is not exactly the normal thing for a family. But the question of whether or not you would find it disgusting has just been answered."

Mark rested his hand on Kim's full belly and smiled when the baby inside gave a happy kick in response.

"No, Dad, I find it wonderful. Is it ok if I continue college here in town? I don't want to leave you and Kim again."

"Sure son," he said softly before bending and kissing Mark gently on the forehead, "Stay forever if you like."