Red's Adventures At Highschool(PT. 2)

Story by red_wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Red's Fun Times At Highschool

Red © ME

Ash © His Player(and yes, he is my boyfriend IRL ^^)

James © His Player

Red awoke from his sleep, waking next to his brother. He grinned, his cock getting stiff, as he remembered the night before. He looked at his brother, Jake, and grinned. He pulled the sheets off of the two of them. He slid down on the mattress and licked his brother's sheath, making his brother moan in his sleep. Red smirked, then continued to lick his brother's sheath, watching as his brother's tip peeked out. He took his brothers tip in his muzzle, sucking gently on it, getting another moan from his brother. Red continued to suck his brother's cock into his muzzle, as Jake's wolfhood grew hard.

Jake opened his eyes slowly, and murred as he realized it wasn't a dream, realizing his brother really was sucking his cock. He watched as his brother started bobbing his head up and down his shaft. Jake moaned happily, placing a paw on his brother's head, he thrusts gently under instinct. He murred happily as he watched his brother suck him off, his pleasure building. He pets his brother's head as he feels his orgasm drawing near.

Red continues to suck his brother off, swallowing his pre happily, murring sending vibrations through his brother's shaft. He could tell his brother's orgasm was drawing near. He sucked harder on his brother's thick wolfhood, eliciting a moan from his brother. He continued to suck hard as he bobbed his head along the shaft, pulling his brother closer and closer to orgasm.

Jake moaned and started to lightly thrust into his brother muzzle, his knot swelling rapidly as he moans and howls loudly, shooting his seed into his brother muzzle and down the back of his throat. He murred happily as he gave his brother what he'd been aiming for. He panted heavily as he shot his load into his brother's muzzle.

Red murrs, getting his breakfast as he sucked hard on his brother's shaft. Enjoying his brother's seed, swallowing happily. He sucked hard as his brothers thick seed went down his throat, milking it for all it was worth as the flow slowly ended as he licked his brother's tip clean, getting one last shot before he pulled off and murred smiling at his brother. He went up and kissed his brother, sharing the treat with him as they explored each other's muzzles. They kissed deeply, and heard a knock at the door, their eyes shot open and they pulled away from the kiss, Jake rolled off the bed and under it, and Red put his pants on, not knowing where his underwear went, he buttoned and zipped them up and then yelled out, "Yeah!?" He watched as his father opened the door, looking in at him.

Tom, Red and Jake's father, looked in and asked, "What was all the noise?"

"What noise?" Red replied, thinking, "Man I hope Jake hid well."

Tom said, "I could've swore I heard a noise in here."

"I didn't hear anything, I was just about to get dressed for school" Red lied, almost like an expert.

"Ok, I'll let you do that then, breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes" Tom replied as he closed the door

Red waited a second and then sighed, "That was a close one Jake"

Jake crawled out from under the bed and sighed, and then giggled, the risk of getting caught made everything so much more exciting. "Yeah, I know" Jake managed to say before he walked over to the door. Red stopped him in his tracks and kissed him, groping his brother with a loud murr. Jake kissed back after pausing for a second and murred as he tasted a bit of his own cum left in his brother's muzzle. Jake broke apart from the kiss opening the door and running down to his room to get changed. Feeling spread from the night before. He wondered if he could get it from both ends from his brother and his brother's mate. Grabbing his clothes, he quickly went into the shower before his parents could see him naked with dried cum on the inside of his thighs.

Red grabbed some de-scenting stuff since he knew his brother was going to be using the shower. He sprayed it on himself then sprayed deodorant under his arms. He put his clothes on, cleaning any traces of last night and the morning's activities. He grabbed his books, threw them in his backpack, and ran downstairs with his backpack over his shoulder.

Tom looked over his shoulder to see the older of his 2 sons walking through the door to the kitchen and dropping his backpack near the door, out of the way. Tom had already set the table.

"Good morning Red." Tom said.

"Morning." Red replied, sitting down at the table.

"Where's your brother?" Tom asked.

Red shrugged "I dunno, in the shower maybe?" he said.

Meanwhile, Jake had gotten into the shower and was cleaning himself off, rubbing all the dried cum out of his fur. Jake started rubbing chest softly, thinking of what had happened the night before. He slowly rubbed a down from his chest rubbing down his flat stomach, gently raking his claws down through his fur. His spine tingling with delight as his paw reaches down, grasping his sheath and softly stroking it, his member growing out of his sheath. He continues stroking himself gently, his shaft reaching his full length. His paw slowly stroking slowly up and down, breathing deeply, thinking of his brother. He started stroking a bit faster, reaching down under his tail, rubbing his pucker softly, letting out a low moan. Jake continued stroking faster and faster as his pleasure slowly began to build up. His knot swelled up quickly as he began pushing his finger into his tailhole, moaning a bit as he reached his knuckles, his finger rubbing along his prostate. He suddenly bit his lip a bit, holding back his howl as his member starts twitching, shooting thick white ropes of his seed onto the shower wall. He stands there for a moment, basking in the afterglow. He wiped the shower wall off after he could think straight again, finishing washing off and getting out of the shower. Standing in the fur dryer, the motion sensors turning it on and the air, cold at first and slowly turning warm, began to blow through his fur, drying it quickly. When the dryer turned off, he quickly brushed out the extremely poofy fur. He went to the counter where he'd placed his clothes, seeing the time on his watch he dressed quickly, walking out of the bathroom to the kitchen where his dad and brother were talking.

"Speak of the devil." Tom said as he turned to put the food onto the table. Red turning to see Jake walk through the door, setting his backpack next to Red's.

"Morning" Jake said.

"Morning" Tom and Red said in a reply simultaneously, Red saying it as if it were the first time this morning seeing his brother.

Jake sat at the table, Tom following suit. Their mother, Shaina, walking in,"ooh, what a nice looking breakfast hun, hope it tastes half as good as it looks" she said, smiling and sitting at the last chair next to Tom.

When Red got to school he met up with Ash, his boyfriend, in their usual place and chatted, sneaking off to the bathroom with him and locking the door. Red turned, pulling Ash closely and kissing him deeply. His tongue meeting with Ash's as their muzzles locked, only having enough time to make out, but later that night there would be more...much more...

Ash(or Ashley as he preferred his boyfriend, Red, to call him) is just your basic house cat, with tan fur, a more feminine body, and in private he'd sometimes wear skirts and other girls clothes which made Red horny beyond belief. He would also wear the collar that Red got him for their six month anniversary. The collar being a pink leather, with a purple tag in the shape of a heart that read "The Love of Red".

Ash and Red continued to make out passionately for about 5 - 10 minutes or so before they had to go to class, each going their own ways. The 2 of them not even having one class together. Red went to math and Ash went to science. Each one couldn't wait until that night. They were going to make love for the first time, and each one was very excited about it.

Jake spent the day, having found out that morning on the walk to school with Red, that Red wasn't coming home that night. Red was going to spend the night over at his boyfriend's house. Which left him alone in bed that night. In his 3rd hour class was when he decided he needed to get a boyfriend. "But who?", he thought. "All the other kids that are openly gay all have boyfriends.." he thought, sighing silently.

Later that day, during gym class, he looked at other guys in the locker room. Catching glimpses of some of their organs. Big and small, thick and thin, cut and uncut, he just wanted to get on his knees and get showered in cum from every one of them. He was damn near drooling at this one horse who happened to be standing 2 showers over. He finally caught himself getting hard and quickly finished cleaning, getting dressed and heading to his next class.

The rest of the day he couldn't get that horse out of his mind. He just couldn't think about anything other than those big furry orbs and that thick meat that was so big that it had slipped out of the horses sheath a few times while he was showering. He continued daydreaming through his last 2 classes.

After his last class he caught up with the horse, having gotten the balls to do what he wanted to do.

"Uh, hello, my names Jake" Jake said, nervously holding out his paw to the larger horse.

The horse blinked, looking at the rather cute wolf, then his paw. He reached his paw out, taking the wolf's in his own and shaking it gently.

"Well hi there, nice to meet you Jake, my names James", the horse said. His body being well toned but not based around his muscles.

"Umm, can we talk somewhere uh, more private?" Jake said shyly.

"Sure", said James.

Jake led the horse to the bathroom, making sure no one else was in there before turning to the horse.

"Umm, w..would you uh, um be willing to..." Jake stuttered.

"Go out with you?", James finished bluntly. Jake damn near falling back on his head at how openly the horse stated it.

"Uh, y..yeah", Jake responded.

"I'd love to, I noticed you looking me over in the showers" James said with a bit of a wink. Jake's cheeks flushing severly.

"You will?" Jake asked.

"Yes" James said, handing Jake a little slip of paper with his phone number, "Call me cutey" James said before winking and leaving the restroom. Jake stood there a in shock. He had just asked out the hottest fur he'd ever seen, and he got a yes, and a phone number. It was only then that his heart started to race in excitement, "I HAVE BOYFRIEND!"he thought. Putting the paper in his pocket and leaving the school and walking home, having already gotten his backpack and stuff ready.

Red met up with Ash after classes in the parking lot."Ready?" Red asked. "Mmhmm", Ash replied as they started their walk to Ash's place.

Both of the 2 wolves have quite a night in store for them. What will happen with Red and Ash? Find out in the next chapter. As for Jake and the horse? Keep a lookout after the next chapter for Chapter 4 ^.~.

Email: [email protected]

and please, only constructive comments, this is only my second somewhat lengthy story..