Tiny Eros Chapter 7

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#7 of Tiny Eros

The aftermath of Spec and Penny's sexual romp results in breakfast... Well hopefully something will happen when the leaders of the loli cells make themselves know to Spec.

So this was the longest Tiny Eros chapter to date I believe. It was super fun to write though as I fired through this as well as a full chapter for Twilight Eros at the same time in about a week. Good times.

Thanks to Toshubi for use of his characters, help with the book store banter/conversation and for drawing the TiE icon. Check out his work on his profile.

Initial Intimidation

Penny and Spec both slept soundly after cleaning up with his bath towel and drinking some water. The next morning, Spec woke upon feeling Penny moving against him as she stayed closed to him while she slept.

"Morning Penny, you want some breakfast?"

She yawned with a stretch before nodding. She let out a soft moan as she reached for her glasses case. Spec found his glasses fairly quickly as he didn't put them in a case and just left them on his night stand. He went to the bathroom first to wash up. Penny stepped in as Spec made his way to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast sausage, eggs and toast. Penny came out dressed in her street cloths as she yawned again.

"How do you want your eggs cooked Penny?"

"Scrambled please. Do you have any juice?"

"Orange and apple in the fridge. Go ahead and help your self."

Spec brought down two glasses and handed her one as he continued to brown the sausage patties. Penny sipped her glass of orange juice as Spec took out the first two slices of toast and inserted another two into the toaster. He plated the sausage patties and quickly wiped the pan with a couple of sheets of paper towels and put it back on stove top. He added some butter and quickly scrambled six eggs as the second round of toast popped up.

Spec handed Penny her plate and brought out the butter and grape jelly. He took a seat next to her at the kitchen table as she pet the pet rock again.

"Hey, what's your pet rock's name?"

Spec stalled for time as he looked around the room. His eyes locked onto his mini rose bush as he said "Rosie." Penny smiled as she continued to pet Rosie. "Good morning Rosie. Hey Spec, do you have the book that tells you how to take care of your pet rock?"

"No... I lost it a while ago. It's not like they are very high maintenance. Most just gotta keep em near fruit and put a paper under them just in case." he said as he placed it on top of a some old letters. Penny seemed amused as she started to butter her toast.

"I'm going to go see my friends later today around lunch time. I shouldn't be long though. I can bring you back something to eat later if you like."

"You don't have to Penny. I assume you have to see your friends so you can show them your proof."

"Yeah." She said as she poked her eggs before trying some. She added a little pepper to hers before eating some more. He could tell she was a little nervous. Spec took out his phone and started to type in some thing.

"What's your number Penny? I'll text you so you can call me later when you are done."

"Here, let me put it in for you." She said as she took his phone and put her number in. After saving her number to his phone she handed it back to him.

"There, you can text me later so I have your number too."

"Okay Penny, I'll do it a little later today after you leave."

"I can't wait." she said while wagging her tail and continued eating her breakfast.

** ** ** ** **

Penny hung out a bit longer after breakfast before heading out. She made her way to the coffee shop where she met Mindy and Amy earlier in the week. When she was about a block away, she happened to run into Mindy.

"So Penny, pop your cherry yet?"

"Yeah, I did. What's it to you?" She replied as she stuck her tongue out at her. Mindy laughed, knowing she got under Penny's skin.

"Congrats Penny, looks like you and me are becoming cell leaders today."

"More of a step up for you then me. I was already second in command of Hotel. You had to transfer out."

"Shut up." replied Mindy. Penny knew she didn't like authority. The fact Mindy was out ranked by two younger girls in her old cell didn't sit well with the fourteen year old raccoon. The rest of the walk took place in silence as Penny entered the coffee shop first. They could see Amy sitting at a table talking to a younger skunk girl. They seem to be in good spirits as Mindy called out to them.

"Hey Amy, we're here."

The rabbit waved them over to take seats as the skunk sipped from her blended vanilla bean drink. Penny sat down first as she greeted the girls.

"Hi Amy. Good to see you Mandy. Is Sherri coming?"

"It's been awhile Penny. And no, Sherri wont be joining us. Like most of Sierra, we only call them if we really need to." replied the skunk as she sat her drink back down. Mindy took her seat in front of a blended mocha.

"I figured you would want your usual drinks so I ordered for you both." Amy said as Penny noticed the iced coffee in front of her.

"Thanks Amy, what do I owe you?"

"I've got it this time. More importantly, did you bring proof?"

Penny nodded as she took out her phone. She looked around quickly to make sure no one was close by as she brought up the picture of her being penetrated by Spec. she put it in the middle of the table as all three girls leaned in to check. Amy and Mandy smiled while Mindy smirked.

"Well, it seems everything is in order. Mindy, Penny, you are now the leaders of Loli cell Romeo and Hotel respectively." Amy said to both girls as she took another sip of her coffee.

"That being said, all you two need to do now is get in contact with your sponsors to let them know it's official. Mindy, I know you're mark is established and where Romeo will operate out of but what about you Penny?"

"Hotel can operate out of Twilight books downtown like we talked about. Spec's apartment is right above the store so it is perfect for meetings and laying low."

"It will be good to have a place to lay down town."

"Or you could just not get caught when you steal stuff Mindy." Penny replied causing Mindy to snarl at her. Mandy smirked as she looked to Amy who just rolled her eyes before continuing.

"Regardless, we need to make sure Spec understands his situation. If his store is open Monday, I think we should all bring another member from our cells to meet him after school."

"I don't think we need to do that Amy. I mean, he knows he can't exactly rat us out without exposing himself. Besides, he really seems to care. I think I can just explain to him what we are going to do." Penny said a bit nervous.

"I promise we wont be overly intimidating with him Penny."

"Speak for yourself Amy." said Mindy which got her a look from the other girls. "Jeez, I'm kidding. Learn to take a joke." Mindy said with her arms up in the air. Amy shook her head and continued.

"As I was saying. We still need to show we aren't a group of girls that he can take for granted. If it makes you feel better Penny, We'll all decide who we bring with us Monday before we leave here. I'm going to bring Jennifer. She'll be able to get a good read on him."

"I'll bring Tabitha. She should be free after school and can make sure things don't go south." said Mandy as she had another sip of her drink.

"I don't need to bring anyone. I'll show up by myself." said Mindy, much to Amy's disapproval. Mindy noticed as she took a sip of her drink. "What? You said we don't want to be too intimidating. There's going to be seven of us there, assuming Penny brings someone. Do we really need an eighth person?"

Amy sighed and had more of her own coffee. "Okay, you make a decent point Mindy. Well Penny, who are you going to bring?" Amy asked.

"I think I'll bring Betty with me."

Mindy gave a a short whistle of surprise at Penny's answer. " Are you sure you want to bring the 'daddy's girl' to meet your boy toy?"

"Spec's not like that Mindy. I'll make sure Betty behaves." replied Penny with a tone in her voice. Amy looked to Mandy who shrugged. With a sigh, Amy spoke.

"Okay, then it's agreed. We'll all meet up at Twilight books Monday after school. When the shop is fairly empty we'll make our move. Me and Penny will do the talking agreed?"

The other girls nodded to Amy's question before Amy continued.

"Okay, I think that covers everything. I'll see you girls Monday."

The four of them took their drinks and exited the coffee shop. Penny was the first to leave as she got a text message alert from her cell. She checked to see that it was Spec, asking what she was up to. She replied back that she was headed back to his apartment.

** ** ** ** **

The weekend passed and Penny went home Sunday afternoon. Spec spent the rest of his weekend alone before falling asleep. Monday was at typical slow day as few people came through for magazines and a random cross word book through out the day. Things changed around 3:00pm as he noticed something.

Young girls started to show up at his store. Normally this wouldn't get his attention but the first one he noticed was Mindy. Her hair bow and bangles stood out as she has been mentioned before in several shop lifting alerts from local police. He called over his two fox employees to keep an eye on her while they worked.

His attention changed when a young skunk and a mixed breed canine walked in wearing the uniform of the local military academy. The canine had to be twice the age of the skunk but there was something familiar about her. He sensed it when he saw the canine's face and noticed her pupils were different colors.

Shortly after that, yet another two girls entered. This time a black lamb and a white rabbit. He smirked as he was slowly putting things together. He remembered seeing the rabbit before as she was examining the lollipop Penny gave him from afar about a week ago. He just waited, wondering when Penny would show up.

He didn't have long to wait as Penny showed up, still dressed in her school uniform with a young badger girl, who was wearing the same uniform. He chuckled under his breath as he called over his two employees. He instructed them to take their breaks and to grab a coffee or something. They questioned if he would be okay by himself with some many people in the store but he assured them he would be fine.

As the two fox employees left, all seven of the girls approached the check out counter, led by the white rabbit. Penny was right behind her as they stopped in front of Spec, who looked up and smiled at all of them.

"Let me guess, this an impromptu Girl Sprouts meeting."

All the girls looked directly at Penny who seemed to panic a little. Mindy simply laughed out loud briefly at the situation before Penny could respond.

"Hey, I just told him about the Loli's, I never mentioned anything about the Sprouts."

"Penny's telling the truth girls. Besides, she isn't the one that gave you all away. It was the rabbit." said Spec as he pointed directly at Amy. The girls were now staring at Amy who was a bit shocked at Spec's statement.

"Wait, how did I give us away?" Amy asked while holding up her hands as she had no clue what Spec was talking about.

"You were here about a week ago and you were checking out the lollipop Penny gave me. You seemed to know what it signified and you wore the exact same outfit then as well."

Amy hung her head at Spec's statement as she realized she did wear the same outfit then. All the girls shook their heads as Mindy once again let out a loud "HA". Spec turned his attention to the chuckling raccoon once she was done.

"I'm just going to take a wild guess her and say that your name is Mindy."

Mindy staggered a bit, wondering how he could have known that. She quickly looked at Penny while smiling.

"Let me guess, Penny told you who I am?"

"No, just the cops have been telling local business owners to watch out for a young raccoon who always wears gold bangles as she's known to shop lift and goes by the name of Mindy."

Mindy growled at the fact she had such a reputation. Penny just smiled at the stewing raccoon while the other girls sighed. The only exception was the mixed canine who pointed at Mindy and laughed. Desperate to get things back on track, Amy spoke up before anyone could say anything else.

"Okay, so it seems you know about us. We are just here to make sure that"

"You want to make sure I understand that I'm working for the Loli's now. I kind of figured as much considering what I've done with Penny. You don't have to worry about me. Just don't expect me to do anything too extreme for you all." Spec said cutting Amy off prematurely.

The girls all looked a bit stunned as Spec pretty much spelled out what they were going to tell him. The mixed canine seemed annoyed as she said to the skunk, "So explain to me why you needed me here again Mandy?" Mandy looked up a the canine and replied, "We didn't know it would be this easy Tabitha. Just think of it as scouting a new safe haven if we need it."

"Well then... So you are okay with Penny and her cell using your store as a front?" Amy asked Spec.

"Like I said, as long as it's nothing too crazy I'm fine with it. Just don't expect me to help you get rid of a body or something." Replied Spec. Amy turned to the black lamb and asked, "What do you think Jennifer?" The lamb looked at Spec and nodded back to Amy. At that point Penny said. "I told you Amy."

Amy sighed and rolled her eyes as she would rather be cautious then get caught. The rabbit composed herself and extended her hand out in front of her. Spec shook it as she continued to speak.

"Well then, I hope we can work well together in the future Spec. You already know Penny obviously. Betty the badger works within Penny's cell, Hotel. I'm Amy and I'm in charge of cell Victor. This black lamb here is my recruiter, Jennifer. You've heard of the infamous Mindy over there. She's in charge of cell Romeo. And from cell X Ray we have Mandy the Skunk, and her second in command Tabitha, the coywolf. There are more of us of course but we'd like to consider this a greeting party of sorts."

All the girls waved or gestured as Amy introduced them. Spec nodded and acknowledged each of them. He check the time on his watch before continuing.

"While it has been a pleasure meeting all of you, I think its best if you all left or at least got away from the check out counter. If my employees see you all here they might start asking questions. No need to draw unwanted attention after all."

Amy nodded and said "Agreed." as She and Jennifer left. Mandy also left but Tabitha stayed behind to look at some magazines before going. Mindy tried to leave as Spec saw a rolled up magazine in her pocket. Spec said "Put it back." as she passed. She grumbled as she took out a copy of International Regions and tossed it up onto the counter before exiting the store. This caused Penny to laugh. Before long, Tabitha also left leaving only Penny and Betty in the store.

"Well, that went better then I had hopped Spec."

"Well it helped you explained a little to me what was going to happen before hand Penny."

"Yeah... Well I have to get going. I'll see you later Spec." Penny jumped up and kissed him on the cheek. She left as Betty stayed behind for a bit. The badger looked at the wolf for a moment with intense eyes before speaking.

"I look forward to working with you." She said before she walked away casually, leaving Spec to wonder what that was about.

** ** ** ** **

Penny was on her way home as she took out her cell and dialed a number. The phone rang a couple of times before someone picked up.

"Hey Penny, How's it going?"

"Hi Cindy. It's official, I'm a cell leader now and I have a base front and everything."

"That's great. Where are you based out of now?"

"It's that book store down town. Twilight Books. You should come visit some time soon."

"I know where you are talking about, and I will. I've gotta go for now but I'll see you soon Penny."

"Okay Cindy, I'll see you soon." replied Penny before she hung up and continued on her way home.

Tiny Eros Chapter 8

Hotel Check-In It was business as usual at Twilight books following the Loli's introducing themselves to Spec. Things didn't pick up till Wednesday, when the new books and magazine came out. Spec and Penny would text each other through out the week...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 45

Chapter 45 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) The Twilight Pack return to the table with their drinks. Thea and Spencer both got seconds as everyone else continued eating their first portion. "So Scotty, Luna tells me that you love apples. I...

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Tiny Eros Chapter 6

Done Deed After dinner was finished and the left overs put away, Spec cut up an apple pie. He warmed the slices slightly in the microwave and added a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream. One had it on top of the pie and the other to the side. "I...

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