The Morning After

Story by Jay1743 on SoFurry

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The light from the sunrise shines through the window and onto Claudia' face, waking her out of her restless sleep with a groan. The rabbit's head is throbbing, and her body aches. As she opens an eye slightly to stare around the unfamiliar room, the realization strikes her that a stranger's arms are wrapped around her. And his engorged cock is tied snugly inside her.

Claudia tries desperately to remember how she ended in this room, her mind clawing at the fog of the previous night's events. She and James, her boyfriend, had gone out to celebrate his birthday in one of the seedier parts of town. They had both had a bit too much to drink. Everything after that is a blur. She has no idea how she got here.

A deep snore beside her pulls her back to the present. She turns her head slowly, to get a better look at the stranger without waking him up. He is behind her, spooning with her. One of his arms is wrapped around her, fondling her breasts, and the other under her, is supporting her head. His frame is massive and muscular, covered with soft grey fur. Out of the corner of her eye, she catches of a glimpse of his face. He's a wolf, sleeping with a very contented look on his face.

As for herself, Claudia looks much like one would expect a bunny to look after a night of passion with a wolf. Her fur is matted all over, and sticky in several places with the remnants from last night's activities. Her aching shoulder is dotted with red, where his love bite broke the skin. Her normally tight tailhole stretched out from when he had obviously taken her rear. Inside of her, she can feel the pressure from his oversized cock and several loads of wolf cum locked inside.

Ever so delicately, Claudia starts to extricate herself. With much effort, she is able to lift his enormous arm, and sets it down on his on his naked thigh as gently as possible. She pulls her arms under her, and gracefully lifts her head off his other arm. Then she gives her midsection a tug, to no effect. His knot is locked tight inside of her vagina. She gives another tug, again to no effect. The third time, she hears him groan in his sleep from the stimulation his cock is getting.

Claudia decides to try tugging from a different angle. Crawling on all fours, she turns herself around on the bed, corkscrewing herself around his cock. She groans pleasantly as she feels his tip dragging against her inner walls. Then she feels the added warmth and pressure as he spurts inside of her, his body shuddering in pleasure. In desperation, she reaches a paw down between her legs, and begins massaging his balls and the base of his cock, willing the knot to go down. James, her boyfriend, is also a rabbit, so knotplay is not something she's had a whole lot of experience with. All she does is succeed in further pleasuring the horny wolf.

Claudia is startled almost senseless when the canine, awakened by her unintentional pleasuring, reaches up and pulls her back into spooning position. "Mmmm... so last night wasn't enough? My little bunny wants more?" he says, as he begins to thrust his engorged cock around inside her. In spite of herself, Claudia groans in ecstasy, as the wolf hits all the right spots. Not that that's hard when you're as big as he is.

"Please... nrfff... let me.....ohhhh.... go."

"Oh, I don't think you want to leave. We're just getting started." he says, as he lowers his head and starts chowing down on her nipples.

An electric shock runs through Claudia as she is ravished by the wolf. His tongue is doing amazing things with her sensitive breasts, things no man has ever done for her before. Soon, her lapine nature kicks in, and she begins thrusting back at him eagerly. He groans as her tight snatch squeezes around him like a warm glove.

That old familiar tingling sensation runs through her, followed by a massive orgasm. She clamps down on the wolf like a vice. A few more thrusts, and the wolf lets out a feral howl as he cums in her once more. Then they both slump back in the bed, exhausted.

After a few minutes of post-orgasmic bliss, Claudia works up the nerve to question the wolf.

"Who are you? How did I get here?", she asks sheepishly.

The wolf stares at her blankly for a few seconds. "You really don't know?"

Claudia shakes her head, obviously troubled by her inability to remember.

"At the bar last night, you and the guy you were with got plastered. He left with another woman from the bar. A skunk, I think. You, uhh... didn't take it well. I think you hooked up with me to spite him."

Claudia searches her memory for any trace of what he's saying, but again comes up empty.

"Oh, and I'm Theo", the wolf adds, helpfully.

"Claudia", she replies, blushing self-consciously as she realizes how ridiculous it is to introduce herself to him while his cum is leaking out around his shaft and running down their legs.

They spend the next few minutes making awkward small talk, as Theo's engorged knot shrinks. Finally, he pulls out of her, with an almost audible pop. His dark red cock is followed by a huge gout of cum, which pools underneath Claudia on the sheets. She sighs contentedly, as the pressure inside her subsides. Claudia stands up, taking a more detailed survey of herself. It's even worse than she first thought.

"Do you mind if I take a shower?" she asks.

The wolf is laying belly up on the bed. His face is a mask of sheer contentedness, his still-hard cock waving in the air. "Be my guest. The bathroom is right there", he says, pointing to a door on the far wall.

Claudia makes her way into the bathroom. The bathroom, and everything in it are huge - probably the reason the over-sized wolf chose to live here. Like the bedroom, it's a bit shabby and run-down. She steps into the tub, pulls the curtain closed, and turns on the shower. Water arcs down on her from high overhead, and she begins the laborious task of scrubbing her fur clean. All she wants right now is to clean herself up and get the hell out of here.

Claudia is too distracted with her grooming to notice the wolf as he creeps into the bathroom. He slides the shower curtain aside, and slips behind her into the hot shower.

"I decided I could probably use a shower too", he says mischievously.

Claudia is irritated by the wolf's advances. Last night she was drunk and didn't know what she was doing. This morning was an accident, albeit a very enjoyable one. But it has to stop now. Claudia already has a boyfriend, even if he is cheating scum. And she only just met this wolf.

Claudia turns around to tell the wolf off only to come face-to-face with his crotch. His still engorged dark-red cock sways gently as water bounces off it. Laying down, Claudia hadn't realized how truely humongous the wolf was. He could easily be the largest canine she's ever seen.

"I also, uhh... had a favor to ask." he says, reaching a paw around the back of her head and nudging her towards his cock.

She forcefully pushes his arm away. "No. Please leave." she says, her voice deadly serious.

"Come on, you know you want to."

"Get out!"

"Well, if you're going to be that way...", the wolf says, ominously. Quick as lightening, his paws reach out. He grabs her by the back of the head and the shoulders, dragging her face first against his very erect cock.

"And you better not bite, bitch, or it'll be the last thing you do."

"No, please, let...."

Her words are cut off in mid-sentence as he thrusts forcefully into her mouth.

Claudia gags as his huge cock fills her mouth and hits the back of her throat. She can taste her own juices on him, but the overwhelming taste is of his cum. She whines, tears welling up in her bright blue eyes.

"Oh yeah", he sighs.

She tries to pull off of him, but a wolf paw on the back of her head prevents her from moving backwards. He starts thrusting, face-fucking her slowly. She can taste the bitter essence of his pre-cum on her tongue. His growing knot begins to fill her field of view.

Realizing that there is no way out of this other than giving the wolf what he wants, Claudia decides to give in. She starts sucking him as best she knows how. She'd sucked plenty of cock before, but never one this big. If she tried, she might barely be able to wrap both of her paws around his girth. She reaches up a timid paw and starts playing his balls, and then starts squeezing and jerking the base of his shaft with her other paw. The reaction is almost instantaneous.

"Oh loooooooord...." he says, as the hand on the back of her head slackens.

By now, the pre-cum had begun to pool in her mouth and drool down her face. With some difficulty, she manages to swallow it, causing the wolf to shudder ecstatically. Theo can't believe how good she is at this. He definitely won't last long.

She reaches both paws to his knot, and starts squeezing it, imitating a tie, while sucking with all her might. This pushes the wolf over the edge. He pulls her down even further on his cock, his glans slipping down her throat as he cums. He lets out a rough growl as he drains himself once more into the wonderful bunny. Claudia, gagging on his enormous size, is powerless to do anything but keep her throat open and swallow his load.

Eventually the flood slows to a trickle. Theo pulls out, the last of couple of spurts splattering across Claudia's face and chest. She collapses to the floor, sobbing and panting for air, as the water continues running over her.

Theo picks the exhausted bunny up by the scruff of her neck, holding her at eye level. "Can't have you going to the police, now can I?." He smiles at her, his big whitish-yellow teeth looming large in front of her, and a faintly familiar smell on his breath. Claudia is too terrified to cry out, which suits the wolf just fine. Gripping her at the waist, he shoves her face-first into his maw, his tongue slapping against her eyes and snout. Claudia, belatedly realizing the danger of inaction, begins flailing and kicking as best she can. Her struggles succeed in amusing the hungry wolf, but little else. He tilts back his head and gives a huge swallow, pulling the lapine in up to the torso. His tongue laps at her breasts, tasting her. Claudia tries crying out as loud as she can, but the wolf's vice-like gullet squeezes it into a barely-audible sob.

Theo swallow again, pulling Claudia in to her knees. His tongue darts between her legs, lapping her inside and out. Theo can taste the remnants of the morning's activities. The sudden, unexpected sensations take Claudia by surprise and she stops struggling.

Another swallow, and Claudia is pulled entirely inside him, into his gullet up to her ankles. Theo takes a minute to tickle her footpaws with his tongue, causing her to kick and wriggle inside him, just the way Theo likes. One final swallow, and he feels her slide all the way down.

Claudia is shoved face-first into his stomach, forced by the tight confines to curl into a ball. Next to her is something furry and un-moving. "LET ME OUT!" She kicks and punches the stomach wall furiously, to no effect. As her eyes adjust to the darkness, she can better see the fur she is sharing the stomach with. He's clearly dead, his skin and fur melted away by the harsh stomach acids, which are starting to make her skin tingle. She turns him over so she can see his face, and screams.

Theo flops on the bed, his stomach wriggling pleasantly. He never gets tired of the sensation of live prey struggling inside him. Bunnies have always been his favorite. They're great fucks too. Theo wonders if Claudia ever caught on to his lie about last night. How Theo had helpfully offered Claudia and her boyfriend James a ride home from the bar. How they were too drunk to realize he was taking them back to his apartment. How he had taken them both for his pleasure, and made James his midnight snack. Ah well. There's always tomorrow night.