New Employees

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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#4 of Days At The Office

It's another evening winding down at the office. After Janesse and John end up falling asleep for night, a pair of coworkers get a bit too nosy. What could possibly happen next?

It really was a long call that evening. By the time Brynn was done explaining, it was the early hours of the morning. He had explained the current situation, and also summarized the last few months. The phone made a soft beep when he finally hung up. He laid it on his desk, and slumped over in his chair. After typing out a quick plan for Janesse to take care of the otter for the foreseeable future, he put his machine into standby. Not long later, he collapsed onto his bed. The newly installed memory gel bed conformed to his shape, and not long later, he was asleep.

Meanwhile... elsewhere in the facility.

Janesses' tablet beeped, a small notification appearing in a corner. She had retired back to the spare guest room, with John in tow. They had been streaming a comedy to a screen mounted on the wall when the message came in.

"Might be a small stutter, gonna check that." Her back cracked a bit. Sitting in a recliner for that long had made her a bit stiff.

"That's fine." John was chowing down on his second serving of food for the day.

She flicked the tablet back into active mode, and opened her inbox. It took but a moment to load the mail Brynn had sent her. After she tapped on it, she noted that it was addressed to both her and John. That was unusual.

"Apparently it's for both of us. Gonna pause the movie and cast it to the big screen." She raised an eye ridge as she skimmed the warnings before it popped up on the mentioned screen.

"Janesse, John, I'd deliver this to you personally, but I'm probably already asleep in my room. I was unable to get into contact with the shipping company. I did end up shooting out a few messages to some of our suppliers, though. We're going to be getting quotes from some newer, better shipping companies. For now, Janesse, the otter is your responsibility. Make sure he's treated well, and continue your duties as usual. If the shipping company calls, forward them to me. Nab him a place to stay, either here, in town, or at your place. Again, make sure he's treated well, and getting the appropriate amount of rest.

P.S. Forward any invoices for costs incurred, and I'll reimburse.

-Brynn out."

She leaned back, and cracked her knuckles as she waited for the otter to finish reading. It was completely quiet in the room until he broke the silence.

"So... I guess he doesn't want me going back to work?" He put the plate back onto the cart, completely empty.

"Doesn't look like it. Probably also wants you to stay in town until he sorts this out, too."

"Must be really concerned. It's all well and good that he wants to look out for me, but I've got bills to pay."

"He'll cover them. And if you do get fired, he will also find you a new job that pays better, with fewer hours." She grabbed a toothpick, and was playing with it.

"Okaaaay then." He drew out the word.

"Don't worry about it. Now how about that movie." She dismissed her inbox, and continued casting the movie to the screen.

John just shrugged and leaned back on the bed. He wasn't sure how to respond to the outpouring of concern for his health and livelihood by her boss. Either way, it sounded like he had it covered for the time being. Though, he wasn't sure how Brynn would have that much pull, just by being a regional manager. He dismissed the thoughts. He could worry later. For now, he'd enjoy the comedy, the comfy bed, and the rather enjoyable company of the dragoness sitting next to him.

They didn't talk much for the rest of the movie, but they did laugh. Janesse was glad for the soundproofed walls. Otherwise, they might have had to be a bit quieter, as the night staff were going about their duties. That, and it was probably best the otter had time to relax without running into more naked people. Of course... she didn't mind that a bit, though. Soon, the credits were rolling, and as she looked over, she noticed he had fallen asleep sometime during the movie.

She debated waking him up, but decided against it. He needed his rest. She, on the other hand, could poke around a bit. There wasn't much to do at night here, other than watch more movies, but she didn't want to leave him here alone. Of course, a good nights' rest would do them both some good, after the rough day yesterday. There were a few spare blankets and pillows in a small wardrobe in the corner. The dragoness ended up retrieving them, and sleeping on the recliner. Before she did, she made it a point to hang an 'occupied' sign on the door. If only to ensure their rest would be uninterrupted. Soon, they were both snoozing, the only thing lighting the room was the soft glow of the screens' power LED.

Of course, this being an occupied building with people doing actual work. Some wondered what was going on all night in the room...

"You don't think they've been going at it all night, do you?"

"Of course not! Brynn probably ended up having her watch him until he can get whatever it is worked out."

"That's what you think."

"Oh, please, Vince."

"Like they're actually sleeping in there, Chance."

The pair stood outside the door, debating chancing Janesses' wrath. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead flickered a bit.

"They probably are! And if they were, I wouldn't want to wake them up." He spoke in a loud whisper.

"But what if they aren't? We could get some footage!" Vince leaned against the door, trying to hear any sounds coming from the room.

"You really are insatiable. I'm telling you they're not, and that's that. If you want to see, go on in." Chance finished with a huff.

"Fine. But stay right there if they are." His lips split in a wide smile.

His hand slowly turned the doorknob, and the door creaked open. First just a sliver of an opening, then a bit wider. It took only moments for Vince to realize Chance was right. His smile turned into a frown, as the light spilled into the room onto the two sleeping people.

"I guess you're right, this time." He stated in a quiet whisper.

"As alw-"


"Turn it off!" Vince panicked, and shut the door a bit more harshly than he intended. Chance stabbed a digit into the cameras' control panel, but the damage had been done.

"I don't think they heard it... but if they did, it is rather-"

"Early!" A annoyed Janesse spoke from behind the door.

They both swore in unison.

"Is the coffee made, at least?" She poked her head out into the hallway. To say she looked a bit rough was an understatement.

"No, but it's cooking now, both pots." Vince clarified.

"Good. Come get me again when it's ready." She left the door ajar, and a soft, small light crackled to life within.


"I thought she'd be a bit more upset than that, to tell you the truth." Chance looked visibly relieved.

"She's a bit too sleepy to be more upset." Vince turned toward the kitchenette.

"You make a valid point. I'm guessing it's normal and decaf?"


They both walked a while, until they were standing at the doorway to the miniature kitchen. The pleasant aroma of brewing coffee wafted across their noses. A microwave was making its' distinct hum, and the smells of reheated foods floated out of the room.

"I'm gonna go put this unit in processing before I get us into more trouble. Guessing you're gonna grab some coffee and head back to the two?" Chance readjusted his grip on said camera.

"Yeah, that's about it."

"Alright." And with that, the fuzzy canine disappeared, bulky equipment in tow.

Vince didn't particularly care between decaf, or normal coffee, so he poured himself two mugs. One decaf, and one 'normal'. He figured whichever Janesse didn't like, he'd drink. Of course, if their guest wanted some, he'd grab himself another. It was only polite, after all. He heard a pair of footsteps coming from down the hall.

"Chance? Back already?" He asked, while still pouring the coffee.

"Nope." Came the gruff, coarse voice.

"Brynn!" Vince recognized his voice immediately, even if it was a bit off.

"Mmhmm. Just here for some coffee and a snack. Then going back to my office. Probably go back to sleep."

"Alright. Everything go alright last night?" Vince asked, after he'd moved aside for the dragon to pour his own cup of joe.

"No. I'll be getting the rest of it sorted out today though. John might be sticking around for a while." The machine sputtered as Brynn set another pot of coffee on, after moving the decaf to the back hotplate.

"That's the otters' name, I'm guessing?"

"Yep." He sat down and sipped on his still too-hot coffee.

"Alright. Give me a shout if there's anything I can help you or John with, then."

"Janesse will let you know if she needs help. Besides, if she's up at this hour, that's probably her mug, heh."

Vince smirked. "Funny story, that..."

"Lemme guess, you woke her up." Brynns' tone was calm, and he slurped his coffee.

"Yeah. I guess we'll find out if John is a coffee person here later." Vince set one of the mugs down to scratch at the back of his neck.

"Don't keep her waiting, and don't wake the otter up if you can help it." Brynn stuffed some leftover Chinese into the microwave.

"Will do, see you around."


Vince shuffled out of the room, coffee in paw. Brynn definitely sounded like he had a rough night last night. Even more so if he actually slept in his office. Something was certainly afoot, Vince guessed. Oh well, if it were important, he'd be filled in at some point. For now, all he had was the speculations of his rather idle mind. Chance was already waiting at the door when he got back.

"You smell like coffee and Brynn. Was he up already?"

"Yep. Sounded rather tired, and maybe a bit distracted."

"Probably something related to the otter. Either way..." He pulled open the door for Vince.

"How gentlemanly." Vince quipped, as he stepped through the doorway.

"Don't be too noisy." Janesse hushed him, looking up from her tablet.

"Aight. You know if he likes coffee?" He nodded his head towards the still sleeping otter.

"No idea. If that's decaf and normal, set the normal on the cart. Can keep the decaf." She looked back down at the tablet.

"Gotcha. Anything I can help with this morn?"

"Not in particular, maybe check the server room, and any shoots. I'll shoot you a message if I need your help." She dismissed him with a wave of a paw, tablet pen still in hand.

"Any bets on when he'll wake up?" Vince asked, after he sipped from the coffee.

"No idea."

Vince just shrugged, and left the room. Chance was still holding the door when he went through the doorway. He pushed it shut with an audible click, again sealing it off from the outside world.

"You heard the lady. Not much to do this morning, so basically just poke around and see if anyone else needs help."

"I think I'll just follow you around a while." Chance beamed.

"That's... fine, I guess." Vince sighed. It was going to be an interesting day ahead.

"... Are they gone?"

Janesse arched an eyeridge.

"If you're asking if Vince and Chance are gone, then yes, they are."

The otter opened his eyes, and sat up.

"While I'm sure they're nice people, you'll forgive me if I wake up startled when I hear loud beeping noises." He said, completely deadpan.

"Yeah. Not something you hear every day. Your fake sleeping game is on point though, I've gotta admit." She poked.

"Of course, when working overtime in logistics, it helps to hear the boss coming, and look like you're being productive." He flopped back down onto the bed.

"Honestly, not such a good thing to participate in often enough that you get THAT good at it." She emphasized the point.

"I know. Gonna see if I can't sleep in a while longer. Still a bit sleepy." He pulled the covers back up to his chin, and rolled over.

"Anything I can get you in the mean time?"

"If they bring by coffee again, I prefer decaf with no sugar. Probably won't be hungry until noon-ish."

"Alright, will keep that in mind. Enjoy your rest, and do let me know if I'm too noisy, or bothering you at all."

"You're fine just where you are, and I'd rather have you watching me, than anyone else."

"Not even Brynn?"

"Maybe Brynn, definitely not Clovas, though."

She laughed a bit.

"He is a little rough around the edges. Does a good job though."

"Yeah. Enjoy the morning."

"Yup. You enjoy your rest, things might get noisy later." She trailed off, as she heard soft snoring. It took him mere moments to fall asleep, it seemed.

That was fine, she could poke around in her inbox while she woke up. Maybe even shoot out some performance reviews while she did. Once the coffee was in her system, she'd probably want to be up and about anyways. Maybe she'd actually get around to reviewing those papers the giraffe wanted her to see. She kicked the recliner back a bit more. No reason to not be comfy while waking up. She made a note of him waking up, and going back to sleep. Of course, she omitted the part where he was woken up by the pair of snooping coworkers.

"Think the truck needs unloading?" Chance asked, as he leaned against the wall.

"Maybe. We'll go ask in a few." He and Vince were quite literally twiddling their thumbs for the moment. It was a slow morning. Not a single shoot was going, and only the small-capacity cameras were empty. The rest were processing footage, and sending it onto the local intranet server for storage.

"Even unloading stuff is more exciting than this." He huffed.

"Yeah. Let's go poke around, again."

Soon, the two were walking through the halls, and stopping people to ask them if they knew of anything that needed doing. Of course, none did, at least not for the moment. Either way, they meandered their way over to the more industrial side of the building. Soon, they were asking people that might have known the answer to their question. Sure enough, after they stopped a leopard, they found their answer.

"Yeah, truck still needs unloading last I heard. If you wanna help, we'll probably start unloading in about an hour." He answered, almost grateful for the extra help.

"Thanks, we'll go wait at the loading docks." Vince confirmed.

He got a thumbs up, as the spotted feline made his way toward the kitchen, lunch bag in hand.

"Say, aren't there supposed to be loading bots for this sort of thing?" Chance asked.

"While I'm sure they exist, I think they wouldn't get used often enough to justify the expense. We only get stuff once every month or two anyway. Forklifts and people work fine for that." Vince stated.

"I'll ask Brynn, or Janesse about it later."

"Might be an idea to remind them, or ask about more cameras, too."

"Definitely with you on the more cameras idea. Maybe more swappable storage, at least."

They both continued their walk toward the loading area, and around a few stacks of crates. Really was quite the large building, if you bothered to walk it all. Vince recalled overhearing that it was once a large factory, then they renovated part of it to make room for the offices and modeling rooms. Of course, he had no idea if what he'd heard was correct, but it did make sense for the floor plan. And there it was. Trailer docked to the spare loading bay, and with the door slightly ajar. Various generic-looking crates peeked out from underneath the door.

"So... now we wait?"


They both leaned against the wall on either side of the large door. Vince cracked his knuckles, and Chance gave his claws a once-over.

"So, think we did good yesterday?" Chance piped up, after a few moments of silence.

"Probably. Truth be told, my jaw still aches a little bit from Janesses' knot." Almost as if on cue, Chance heard a loud pop from Vinces' jaw.

"I thought it was pretty hot. Not something you see too often."

"Not really, and for good reason, too. If I knew before hand, I'd have found a way to stretch my jaw muscles a bit."

"I'm sure there are things you could do. And if not... I'm sure there are plenty of people that could help with that."

Vince looked over toward Chance, eyes alight with an idea.

"Well, it is a slow morning after all." He insinuated.

"I'm down if you are." Chance offered.

"Sure thing. Let's move away from the work area first, though."

"And here I thought you were all about messes." The large puppy poked.

"Only when they're not in the way."

They laughed a bit, before moving to the side of the door, and walking around a stack of crates. The entire area was vacant, perfect for some privacy. Chance was already readjusting himself through his shorts. After they were both thoroughly hidden by the boxes, they pulled each other closer.

"I'm guessing a bit of soreness later isn't going to stop you, huh?" Chance teased.

"You're just a big pup sometimes. Now just relax."

Vince slowly began to disrobe. Yanking his shirt off, and tossing it onto a nearby crate, the pants following likewise. He smelled the enthusiastic canines' scent on the air. Right before he noticed the growing bulge in his companions' cargo shorts. He made quick work of his companions' shirt, pulling it over his head, and tossing it onto the pile. His hands found their way down, until they were tugging on the waistband of the remaining clothing. A short pull later, and the canines' malehood was free, exposed to the world. And one leering, eager to please dragon.

Canine musk floated on the dusty air, setting Vinces' senses alight with lust. He didn't even need to glance down to know that he was also stiff and ready for action. After taking a moment to admire the fine manhood, he lightly grasped it in a paw. A few gentle strokes later, and the rest of it was rolling free of the restrictive sheath. Vince wrapped his other paw around the base, partially around the sheath as well. He could tend to his own needs later.

Chance let out a soft moan as Vince teased along his shaft with his forked tongue. If he wasn't quite fully awake by now, he definitely was after that. The dragon made it a point to tug on the canines' shaft as he lapped at, and around the tip. The same taste that poured down his gullet yesterday was once again on his taste buds. A bit less salty, but there was quite a bit more this time. A reassuring paw found its' way to the back of his head, urging him onwards.

Vince was more than happy to comply, moving one of his paws out of the way, only to rest it on the small of the canines' back. He made it a point to stretch his jaw a bit, before enveloping the thick shaft in soft, slick warmth. Chance whined loudly, and his eyes screwed shut. His mind was ablaze with pleasure, and addled by pure ecstasy. Maybe he'd make it a point to return the favor, if they had time. A sharp gust of air blew through his fur as Vince took him all the way down to the root. The shaft poked into his throat as Vince stayed there, letting his mouth and jaw adjust. He felt the knot growing inside his muzzle. While not quite a problem now, it was a challenge he'd tackle before he was done. Or at least try to, anyway.

Chance pulled back a bit after a few long moments of this. He was impatient to get on with it, and Vince was more than happy to oblige. A bit of drool leaked out around his lips as he slowly pulled back. The rod, now slick with a mixture of pre and saliva, now moved easily with the extra lubrication. Soon, he was engulfed again in the hot warmth of his partners' maw. The two moved together like a well-oiled machine, both enjoying the other.

Vince felt another paw on the back of his head, and the growing knot popping into, and out of his mouth. Chance must have been close, as he hazarded a glance upwards. It was quite a sight to see, the canine had his tongue lolling out of his muzzle, and was panting heavily. His gaze was broken when the canines furred hips began to grind forward. While his neck hadn't been sore before, it surely would after Chance was done muzzlefucking him. He was more than happy to let the canine do the work for him. All he had to do was concentrate on not scraping the rod with his teeth too much.

He closed his eyes, and felt the knot shove into his maw one last time, before swelling to its' largest size. This time, he was prepared, and stretched his jaw open as much as he could. Thick waves of seed blasted down the back of his throat as Chance emptied his hefty balls. Vince couldn't quite taste it, but he knew he wouldn't be eating for a while, or tasting anything but seed. He nudged Chance back a bit, just enough for him to not have fur poking into his nostrils. Feeling the bulge at the back of his throat caused him to continue swallowing, almost involuntarily.

Chance leaned back a bit, almost dragging the dragon with him. He propped himself up against a stack of crates with an arm. There wasn't much in the way of small talk he could spark a conversation with, what with the only other person being rather occupied at the moment. The feeling of a proper knot was divine for him, almost as good as the orgasm that had wracked his body just moments earlier. One of his paws found its' way to his hip, before he remembered that he'd had his shorts tugged down to the floor.

"I know you can't respond, but mind fishing my phone out of my shorts? Should be in the right pocket." Chance asked, as politely as he could, given the circumstances.

"Mmhmm" Vince mumbled, as he rifled through the pockets.

Eventually, he found the thin rectangle that was the canines phone, and passed it up to him.

"Thanks much. Mind if I take a picture?"

He got the thumbs up, and snapped a few shots.

"Much appreciated, I know a certain dragoness that would be rather interested. Also, you making noise from your mouth while I'm still lodged in there feels divine." Chance poked.

Vince rolled his eyes, and did his best to ignore the growing discomfort in the back of his jaw. The only noise that interrupted the two was that of soft, bubbly tapping coming from Chances' phone. Tapatapatap. Tap tap tap.

"And send."

Just as he felt the knot swelling, Vince felt the knot in his mouth begin to deflate. At first, slowly, then more quickly as time dragged on. His stomach felt full from all the seed he had just devoured. Though, as nice as the taste was, he was craving something to wash it all down. His jaw popped again as Chance tugged himself out. The pup coughed a bit before speaking.

"Thanks much. Learn anything?"

Vince wiped his chin with a scaled forearm, before lapping it clean.

"I'm slowly coming to appreciate the feeling, and understand why people think it's a bit hot." He smiled after stating the seemingly obvious.

"Well then. Bit of a roundabout compared to what you thought earlier."

"Nah. Now, if we've got time, you could return the favor."

Chance rumbled a bit as he thought it over for a short moment.

"Well, I don't hear anyone yet..." He tapped his phone to check the time. "And it is a bit early, too."

"What was it you said earlier? Something about 'I'm down if you are.'" Vince made airquotes as he slowly stood up.

Chance smirked as he saw the toned dragon haul himself onto a low stack of boxes.

"Well, at least I won't have to try to gag down a knot."

"Of course not, just some soft spines." He leaned back, and shifted his tail from side to side.

"Better get comfy." He put his phone back into his pocket, and stepped out of his shorts. He kicked them away, towards the small pile of clothing. Maybe they'd stay there all day.

Chance rubbed at his jaw, and felt his mouth water a bit. Vince just sat there, cock still at full mast, seemingly begging for attention. Attention the pup would gladly lavish on it, and soon. The dragon smirked as Chance kneeled down, just between his relaxed legs. Perfect for leverage. A paw wrapped around his rod, and Vince purred. He relaxed, and let his head flop to the side. Little more than featureless masses of boxes obscured his vision, but he didn't need to see to know what Chance was doing.

His paw gently stroked the drake, almost as light as a feather, before tightening. It was an odd feeling, to have the spines rub across his hand, and bend as they disappeared into his grip. He looked past the rod, and saw Vince grinning, with his tongue poking out between his teeth. Chance watched him, and took a slow lap across the length of his rod. A bit fruity, but not at all unpleasant. It was a taste Chance wanted to sample more of, and soon. He continued lapping at the rod, licking across his own paw to get at the spines all along the underside of Vinces' breeding tool. Hefty amounts of pre began to leak out of his tip, seemingly like a faucet with no handles. Well, other than the one in his paw, that is.

It wasn't something he did often, but he was learning to enjoy it. While he'd never admit it, he enjoyed this as much as he enjoyed being on top. Vince looked down just in time for the canine to plant a kiss on the tip of his rod. Right before it disappeared into the waiting, hungry maw. Chance tucked his lips just over his teeth, pressing down gently. Just enough to give the sensation a bit of texture. His tongue slid out of his mouth, dragging just behind the tight suction, leaving a trail of mixed fluids.

Vinces' hands balled up into fists, and his claws dug into some of the crates. They could handle it, of course. He wrapped his legs encouragingly around Chance, pulling him further onto his rod. All the while pushing Vince deeper into his eagerly waiting throat. He felt the pup gag a bit, but it only took him a moment to suppress the feeling.

"Goooood pup..." Vince murmured, eyes screwed shut in pleasure.

"Mmmhmmrk." Chance mumbled out around his mouthful of dragon malehood.

Vinces' teeth grit shut at the sensation. Now he knew exactly what Chance was talking about earlier! It was something he'd certainly remember for later. Vince could have sworn he heard the shuffling of paws, but his mind was preoccupied for the moment, too oblivious to care. His tail swished back and forth, swatting Chances' legs.

Chance smelled the scent of male dragon as he took Vince all the way to the base. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was strong, and intoxicating. The spines dragged along his tongue, offering a unique sensation every time he pulled up. Of course, he couldn't quite leave the rod exposed for any length of time, as Vince pulled him back onto his tool. That was fine, though. Chance would rather not leave his task unfinished.

Vince felt his legs tense up first, before the telltale tightening inside of him gave way to a hefty orgasm. Hot dragon seed spilled out of him, right into Chances' tight throat, being pumped straight into his stomach. He felt Chance huff, the air blowing across his thin scales, tickling him a bit. He felt him swallow time after time, until he had nothing more to give. Still, even as he tried to chug down the fruity, and yet somehow salty mixture, a bit washed back onto Vince. It took him a while for him to soften, and Chance didn't make that easy at all. He didn't pull off. Rather, Vinces' tool retreated from his maw, and he followed it with kisses, and licks.

"You know, it's going to take longer if you keep doing that." Vince stated, trying to not betray his overstimulation.

"Not my fault I really like the taste." Chance said, the dirty words spilling out of his far too innocent mouth.

A mouth that had just been enjoying Vince a bit too much.

"Uh-huh." Vince let his head flop back to the side. His eyes widened when he saw a snake leaning back and watching.

"So... you two done? We're just about ready to start unloading that truck, you know." The tan snake stated, almost disinterested in the scene.

Vince scowled. "You know, it's impolite to watch and not help."

Chance took a moment to state the obvious.

"Now you know how Janesse and Brynn felt, huh?"

A chuckle escaped Vinces' throat, and he was joined by his two companions in a hearty, bellowing laugh.

"Yeah, I suppose I do now." He smiled.

"Well, Bael, if you'd toss our clothes over here, I'll clean this right up..." The overly eager pup continued lapping across Vince, slurping up the rest of the mess.

"Can do." Bael stated, gathering up the clothes and carrying them to the two.

Meanwhile, back with Janesse and John...

"So, I guess the actuality of working here wasn't quite what I thought it was. Much different when compared to the idea I had." John stated, while chowing down on yet another bowl of beef noodles.

"No, it certainly is completely different. None of that even applies remotely. Everyone here is a volunteer, and glad to work here. Benefits are really good, too." Janesse clarified, chugging down the last of her cold coffee.

"Good to know. Thanks much for clearing that up." The otter rubbed the back of his neck, feeling rather sheepish.

"You're welcome. The media doesn't help things much, and I understand the district you're from is a fair bit more conservative on that front." She crossed her legs.

"Quite. I think we're about out of coffee this morning." He swirled the last bit of decaf, before he gulped it down. A bitter grimace marred his features.

"Yeah, about time to go get some more. Feeling up for a walk?" She asked, as she stood up.

"Uh, sure." He set his plate down, picked clean of food already.

He took a moment to roll his shoulder, wincing after hearing several cracks. A moment later, he was swinging his legs around to step out of the bed.

"You're sure you're fine to walk?" Janesse asked, voice full of concern.

"Yeah. Much better than yester-"

The door opened, interrupting him.

"-day." He finished.

All eyes were on the door. It was Brynn.

"So, I've got some bad news."

Janesse frowned, and John sat bolt upright, ears twitching.

"You've been fired, John." Brynn stated, completely deadpan.

John blinked, and his paws clenched hard around the fork he was holding. He shook for a moment, but remained deathly silent. Brynn shut the door, and complete silence reigned until he broke the silence again.

"But I can offer you a job working here instead."

(Authors' note... I think I went a bit too long without updating this series, but I'll try to not do that in the future. In the meantime, don't forget to vote and favorite! If you notice a bit of odd syntax, poor wording, or abnormal formatting, mention it in the comments, and I'll fix it.)

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