First and Only

Story by Vaille on SoFurry

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Flash fiction. 1000 words. It has sexual elements, but is not intended to be porn or fapworthy. I did not edit; the story is raw. In my head, that's how it needs to be. It is rough.

I took his hand, lacing my fingers with his, squeezing


as I buried my nose against the crux of his neck and breathed. The scent was rich. Sweet. He nipped my shoulder, then bit, holding me loosely between his teeth. A hand crept up the front of my soccer jersey as the other slid down the rear of my shorts. A claw flicked against the base of my tail.

I shuddered, drawing back slightly, letting our golden eyes meet. His fur was a beautiful. Orange. White. Black. Classic tiger. A finger skirted under my tail. "You okay with this?" he said quietly.

I nodded, looking away. "Yeah. I've... Well, I've never done this before."

He leaned in slowly until his nose pad touched mine. His fingers stroked gently through my chest fur. "You're a lion and you've never--

"Yeah." The sound was more of a growl than word.

The hand in my shorts slid up, under my shirt and he locked me in his arms, hugging tight. "Hon, you really don't know..."


Bryan hugged tighter. "You don't know how special this is... that I'm your first..."

I hugged back. Panted a kiss on his nose. "And only..."

A smile, broad and toothy, graced his muzzle. His eyes radiated. We'd only been dating a few months. Early on, we'd discussed mating, but only a little. I wasn't ready. I needed time to get to know him. To get comfortable with things. He'd been a gentleman about it. Respected me and the boundaries of our relationship. I hadn't told him I was a virgin.

But now I had and I'd chosen to give him my virginity.

Our muzzles met, my lion tan against his tiger's orange, white and black. Our tongues danced. Both of his hands disappeared into my shorts, gripping my rear beneath my tail as I slowly massaged his groin through his jeans. His sheath was just on the other side of the fabric. I could feel it swelling, much like my own.

My tail was gripped. A claw circled my tailhole, tickling. Dipped in, if only for a moment, then was out again. The sensation was incredible and my lionhood stood at full attention in my shorts.

"Like that?" Bryan growled in my year.

I nodded. I could do little else.

"Then let's get rid of these..." An instant later, my shorts, jock and underwear lay in a heap around my footpaws. Then he lifted off my shirt and tossed it to the side of his bedroom. Bryan looked me over from head to toe for the very first time, erection and all. Behind him, his striped tail waved and swayed with eager anticipation. "You really are a beautiful cat, you know that?"

I smiled, glancing at him shyly, as I stepped from my pile of clothes. I kicked them to my shirt.

Bryan lifted off his shirt and threw it aside. Then he undid his pants and stripped out of them. I'd never seen another male naked before; just in porn. He was slightly taller than me. Lanky but muscular. I touched his belly fur. It was soft beneath my pads. Like down. I traced a claw lower and lower still until the pad of my palm rested against the pointed tip of his penis.

I gripped it. He gasped. It was very hot and very hard. I could feel his heartbeat. Tentatively, I stroked it. Bryan shuddered, a low rumble in his throat. "Gavin..."

"Hmmm?" I replied.

"Again, silly... Or, better yet, let's do this..." He took a step forward. Then another. Then another. All the while, I held onto his tigerhood, unwilling to let go. Finally, backed against his bed, he bumped his chest to mine and knocked me backwards onto the mattress. He followed, landing atop me, catching himself on his elbows. I still had his penis.

He found mine. Lowering himself, he pressed against me and rolled onto his side, pulling me with him. Our fists pumped. Fingers flitted against sheathes. Claws skittered across balls. We kissed again. Deeply. Passionately. His tongue pushing towards my throat. Pulling out. Mine into his.

Breathing hastened. My pads were slick. Hand fur damp. He'd licked a few fingers. Was teasing my rear with them. My tail would hike up and he would tease even more. Finally, his strong hand settled on my shoulder and he locked his amber gaze with mine. "You sure?"

I kissed his nose, then his lips. "Yeah."

Gently but firmly, he nudged me over and around. He gripped my tail and lifted. A pop. A squirt. A cold smear against my tailhole, then into it. Pressure. Slowly, his tip opened me. Penetrated. The chill of the lube. The heat of his tigerhood. Hot. Hard. Throbbing. The head pushed into me, stretching. I tried to push against him, wanting him fully inside.

"Don't. Not if this is your first time. It'll hurt if you do."

I nodded.

Another inch. Then another. Wider and wider. There was a burn, but there was also pleasure. And then it happened. The resistance gave way and he slipped in completely. I shuddered around him and in his arms as he held me.

We lay there like that for a while, together, him holding me; me holding him. I knew what this was. Not sex. Love. I loved him. I wanted him. Needed him. Now and forever.

And I knew that was what he wanted as well.

An hour later, our sheets were damp and our fur was sticky. He held me. I held him. Our hands met. Fingers laced. Squeezed. "I love


you," I whispered into his ear as I continued to hold his hand. The echocardiograph beeped slowly, rhythmically. I looked at the nurse, then to the doctor. Tears wetted my eyes. "You're sure?"

The nurse, a middle-aged panda, glanced at the doctor. The zebra shook his head.

The accident. I'd rolled the car. Bryan hit his head and never woke up. Only the life support was keeping him alive. "He wouldn't want this," I said shaking my head. "He wouldn't want this."

Choking back a sob, I kissed the back of hand. "I love you, hon. I love you so much."

And without a look, I nodded. The beeping stopped and I cried as I held his hand against my forehead.

"I love you so much, my first and only."

Inspired by: