The Dark Lord's Pet

Story by FurryPlague on SoFurry

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The Lord of Darkness, Zyl, isn't your pity him he has a sad story kind of guy. He is The very Lord of Darkness. God of Evil, hate, everything negative pretty much. And an unfortunate 'Anthrian', An Albino Kirin, is captured by Zyl. The Anthrian, Brevelia, is now treated like a pet by Zyl, and used like a slave. But Zyl keeps her by his side, often petting her and cooing over her rarity. But Brevelia just becomes more scared.

I. Hated. Zyl. He always called me pet and forced me to do chores. He forced me to call him Master. Zyl always sat on his comfy looking throne, That arrogant smug look on his Draconic face. He never fed me my fill, so I was like a twig. Zyl was The Lord of Darkness. I always heard fairy-tails of him. But I never knew he was real, until now. Zyl was a rather tall Dragon. His scales were hidden by fur, Black fur. His eyes were entirely white, and they glowed. Zyl had many horns adorning his head. His wings were made of darkness and shadow, giving them a flame look. "Pet!~" Zyl called in a sing song voice. A fluffy clawed hand was placed upon my shoulder, I turned around to see Zyl towering over me. Did I mention that he was Eleven feet tall? "what are you doing loafing around? shouldn't you be doing your c-chores?" Zyl questioned, stuttering at the end. I turned and went to finish my chores, I only had to sweep the kitchen floors and I was done. After an hour of sweeping everything up, I put the broom away. I yawned, stretching my back. I went to Zyl's throne room to find him asleep on his throne. I quietly crept onto his throne, curling up into a ball on his lap. Suddenly I felt his hand stroke my back. I shuddered under his warm touch, but then he stopped. He placed his hand on my side, feeling around. "pet...have you not been eating all your food?" Zyl asked, noticing my ribs were showing. "yes, Master." I answered meakly. Zyl growled, before picking me up and going to the kitchen. He set me down on one of the chairs. He started cooking something, I didn't smell any meat thankfully. After awhile he came back with a plate of Onions, Potatoes, Lettuce, and Peppers. he set it down in front of me, patting my head. I sniffed it, it seemed to be boiled mostly. It smelled really good, I took a small bite. It was mouth-watering good, I quickly devoured all of it, licking the plate clean. I yawned, now full for once. Zyl picked me up, laughing. "such a rare little Kirin~ yes you are~ hehe~" Zyl started baby talking me, cooing and fauning over me too. He carried me back to his throne. He sat down, setting me down on his lap. I curled back into a ball, yawning. I felt his hand stroke my back, again I shuddered. How was he so warm in such a cold and dark place? I smiled, enjoying Zyl's attention. I started to get drowsy, I fell asleep on Zyl's lap. I awoke to a door slamming open. "ZYL!!" a male voice screamed. "oh~ why do you pester me now, Zroxel?" Zyl asked, annoyed. Zroxel was a dragon just like Zyl, but he was white with golden wings and blue eyes. Zroxel was The Lord of Light. Suddenly I was snatched up into the arms of Zroxel. Zyl instantly got up, growling. "Zyl...why do you have a mortal here?" Zroxel growled, angry. "give me back, my pet!" Zyl yelled. "pet? She isn't your pet or your slave! she's leaving! She probably wants to leave!" Zroxel yelled. Zroxel turned around and carried me away from Zyl and his dark throne, I struggled to get out of Zroxel's grip. "shhh~ I'll get you out. no need to be in a fuss." I looked at Zyl, he was mad. I bit Zroxel's arm, making him drop me. I quickly ran back to Zyl, hiding behind him. Zroxel looked back, bearing his fangs. "yOu LiTtLe BiTcH!" he screamed, vanishing. "Brevelia, are you alright pet?" Zyl asked, I nodded. Zyl picked me up again, nuzzling me. He carried me to his room, and laid me down on his bed. "Brevelia~" Zyl moaned, a look of lust in his eyes. He ripped my clothing off, growling. "Brevelia~" he moaned again, now taking off his clothes. I was hit in the face with the overwhelming smell of heat. "BrEvElIa~" he groaned, his tail wrapping around me. His black dick was huge. It was fifteen inches tall, and very thick. I was scared if anything, I struggled to get away. "B-Brevelia, stop~" Zyl ordered, But I still struggled. Zyl shoved his Black Dick into my Flower. "MaStER!" I screamed, crying for him to stop. He pulled out slowly before slaming back in, forcing himself in more. "BreVeLIA~ Oh~" Zyl growled and moaned. "M-MASTER!! STO-STOP!" I screamed. His tail began to wrap around my breast, squeezing them. The pain died away, racking my body with wave after wave of pleasure. "M-Mas-Masterrrr~" I moaned, bucking my hips towards his. "Brevelia~ Good Girl~" Zyl moaned, thrusting into me over and over again. Zyl started ramming himself into me, panting and sweating. "M-Master?" I questioned his actions. "S-Stop calling m-me that" Zyl growled, slamming into me. "t-then Oh~ what d-do I call you?" I asked, moaning. "Zyl..." Zyl said, panting and moaning. Zyl's wings shielded me from anyone elses view. Zyl began pushing his full length in, knotting us together. I felt his seed blast into my swollen Pussy. I moaned loudly, panting. "Zyl..."