Tale Of The Lonesome Prankster Part 1: The Sleeping Forest

Story by Fawayne on SoFurry

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#1 of Tale Of The Lonesome Prankster

-Story updated

Here it is: The first part of my now multiple chapter long writing. There is just a bit of erotica in the first chapter, but i promise you that further parts will be filled with it. I tried to use a different perspective, as well as a drifferent (more epic and less practical) narrative style of writing. I orginally planned to release it as a whole, but i figured i could use all of your feedback to enhance it along the way.


Finding your place in the whole wide world will inevitably lead you to darkness. And coming to your own terms with it is an integral part of growing up. Reid the wild Zoroark may has found his own way of life, but has yet to uncover his true place in the world.


The Story contains:

-A comming of age Zoroark story

-Violance and an adult themed story

-Kinks involving Size Difference and Role Reversal

Many thanks to the benevolent AstroSecant, who took his time to correct the story from the many mistakes I made.

As always, your feedback is essential. Just Tell me everything you think of this little piece of fiction.

Tale of the Lonesome Prankster.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or any related material. This is a work of fiction. Any references or connections you may see here are purely accidental. This story is adult themed and is intended for mature audiences only.

Disclaimer Disclaimer: This story also contains a good heap of violence (shame on me). You have been warned

"Those who seem unable to blend themselves into our world could be close to find their own." -Herrman Hesse

The rays of the setting sun softly danced in the dense foliage of an unknown forest, bathing the huge cedar trees in a warm orange glow. Most inhabitants would use the little time of light they had left to retreat back to their own little resting places, fortifying themselves and their beloved ones against the dangers of the night. A lonesome Zoroark however, had a different goal in mind.

Sunset had always been Reid's favourite time of the day - those precious minutes when he felt like the whole forest now belonged to him. The agile Zoroark grinned as it leapt from branch to branch, enjoying the eerie evening silence. To avoid unwanted detection, Reid made always sure to mask the sound of his movements well. Dancing trough the treetops like he was the wind itself, Reid deliberately used only the most flexible branches to move himself forward to conceal the sound as he sped trough the forest. His set of strong paws, adored with a set crimson-coloured claws propelled him towards his destination. It was rare for him to stay at home during spring, for Reid was an explorer by nature. The unknown had always drawn him. He just couldn't just take it easy if he knew that there was something new to discover. Normally, he would be gone already, traveling far and wide until he returned by the signs of the first snow. Reid never knew why he always chose to come back, nor did he ever ask himself why he decided to face the perils of traversing the wild lands over and over again, if all he achieved was to return empty handed.

Year after year.

But there was no place like his home.

It wasn't like there was something or someone to return to. While he used every warm season for a new journey, his old friends rather used their time to find mates, building their heritage without even thinking about what kind of wonders could be hiding beyond the borders of the woods. Yes, while his friends found love, he found solitude. While they stagnated in their perfect little lives, he had thrived even further.

But this season was different...because there was nothing left for him to explore.

Years ago he had climbed the mountainous paths to the north, trading blows with the strongest Fighting Pokemon as he learned their ways. Reid had nearly lost his left eye in a fierce fight against a particular nasty opponent. A gruesome scar just millimetres under his eye was a reminder of his young foolishness, etched forever on his face.

The Zoroark also traversed trough the swamplands in the south the year after. He had managed to nearly drown on a rainy day, as he slipped and fell into a flooded river. His reward was the sight of beautiful meadow, hidden beneath a rocky ravine. It was overgrown with flowers in every colour imaginable and filled with beautiful Pokemon. Reid remembered how he smiled as he dragged his battered body ashore.

The adventurous Zoroark had also tried to cross the dry plains to the west. A place devoid of water, devoid of food...

...and devoid of hope.

It was the first time in his life that he had killed something to eat it. The act he commited had changed him. Crazy with hunger, he became painfully aware of the fact that he was alive, like everything else in this world. He accepted everything as his starved body gave in to his basic desire... he craved the kill. The plains had beaten him. Truly, they had. But Reid had found his inner truth in one of the most desolate places there is.

His last journey had brought him to human civilisation in the east. His strength alone wasn't enough to survive in their strange and shiny environment. He had to make use of his slyness in order to protect his own freedom. By the end of the season, he played with those delightful humans and their mindless pets like they were his own little prey, benefiting tremendously from their sheltered ignorance.

As he came back yet again last autumn, Reid finally knew every little patch that surrounded the forest. If he dared to move any further away from it, he would have been caught in the first the icy rain on his way back. Traversing the lands in the summer was already dangerous enough, even for a skilled traveler like him. Traversing those lands alone in winter would be more than foolish, it would be suicidal. Therefore, there was nothing left for him to explore, no wonders left for Reid to discover...and now there was also no one he hold close at night.

He became painfully aware of the fact that someone like him was always alone in this world. The opposite sex had never attracted him for too long. He told himself multiple times that he simply wasn't made to start a family on his own. All he always wanted was to seek something new, to improve himself and keep his mind and body busy, each and every day. Now he couldn't fulfill them anymore.

But he had accepted his fate with a smile. Now he could keep himself busy with his second-favorite occupation:

To prank the innocent!

Reid had been known as the notorious prankster of the forest since was a little Zorua. And it had become worse as he got older. Worse for his victims, anyway. He never had any parents that could have scolded him, and had never encountered any dangerous Pokemon that would have beat him for his actions. The forest had food and territory in abundance, so there was rarely any need for conflict. If anything, Reid's actions were the only thing that brought movement into the dull and sleepy lives of the forest Pokemon.

At least, that was what Reid told himself to justify his actions.

A familiar scent suddenly assaulted Reid's nostrils, making him nearly lose his balance. Smiling, he changed direction, this situation was too good to let it pass by. Following the scent was easy for the keen nose of the Zoroark. A while later, he found himself at the edge of a small clearing. The sun had already set, shading the little field in a moonless darkness. Despite the lack of light, he saw perfectly fine. A single Pokemon occupied the clearing, struggling to fetch a fruit from a lonesome tree. The poor critter clearly didn't know the rules of the night. He was panting and groaning louder than a pair of love making Rhyhorns. A nasty smile exposed Reid's predatory teeth.

"Looks like I got myself a lucky catch today..."

Sneaking up on prey like this was child's play for Reid. The poor Quilava was focusing his whole attention onto swiping a single ripe and delicious looking fruit from one of the lower-hanging tree branches. His movements defined desperation as he tried to jump high enough to reach his supposed meal, but the small Pokemon couldn't even make up half the needed distance. It was an amusing sight for Reid.

He took his time and watched the cream-coloured badger Pokemon struggle for a while, snickering in silence as he observed the countless futile efforts without giving in. Reid waited patiently for the Quilava to tire himself out.

The poor little Pokemon never saw it coming.

Just when he was about to catch his breath after another series of failed attempts, his world suddenly flipped over. Or rather, the Quilava himself was flipped on his back in a single motion. The Zoroark wasted no time and grabbed the dazed Pokemon by the smallish ankles of his rear legs, spreading them apart and lifting his backside just a liiiittle bit of the ground. His prey hat lost all means of escape before it even realised that it was caught.

As the Quilava`s eyes adjusted, he was suddenly peering into the gaping maw of a hungry Zoroark, his row of sharp teeth just millimetres away from his fear-filled face! For him, Reid's throat looked like a blackened abyss that could devour him whole. And it probably would.

The much smaller Pokemon tensed up as Reid's meaty tongue suddenly lashed at his face, coating the face of his prey with heaps of saliva.


The poor Pokemon was overcome with fear as his loud and surprisingly feminine sounding scream cut trough the silence of the night. The Quilava closed his eyes, seeing his whole life flashing in an instant as he waited for the inevitable end.

Then Reid suddenly laughed out loud!

He hadn't managed to best someone like that in ages. "Didn't even know that you could scream like a female, Coal."

The Quilava opened his eyes in utter surprise. The darkness made it hard for him to see, but a moment of concentration was all it took for him to recognize the face of the one who nearly gave him a heart attack. "The... hell... Reid?! Is that you? What the heck?! I nearly peed myself!"

Reid was still holding the now struggling Quilava firmly at bay. "Still worth every second of it! Haven't seen you around since the last snow melted. Did your mate finally manage trap you fully inside of her den or something?" Reid snickered, making Coal blush as he mustered his childhood friend, who still struggled to break free of Reid's grasp.

"Y-You know how demanding Ivy can be in spring!"

Reid just smiled as he teasingly rubbed over the Quilava's small pawpads. "Then, perhaps you shouldn't heed_all_ of her demands. Trying to pluck Oran Berries in the middle of the night can sometimes lead to... shady encounters..." Reid's muzzle slowly darted lower between the Quilava's still forcefully spread legs, inhaling the weak musk of his much smaller companion. Coal tried his hardest to break free.

"Damnnn... Reid... Stop It! W-We aren't cubs anymore! My mate will get angry if she smells s-someone else down there... Reid?! Listen to me! Stop it... Ahh!"

Reid ignored Coals begging as he lapped at everything the cute little Quilava had to offer. Coal's taste never got old! Thinking back, they had always made bets when they were younger. The pranked one had to offer himself up to the prankster. And Reid rarely lost those bets.

Coal was reduced to a moaning and wildly trashing furball in a matter of seconds. Reid's skilled tongue lapped on Coals cock, balls and even his tailhole in a single motion. His clawed hands were still massaging the Quilavas sensitive pawpads, adding some extra sensations to the already edged fire Pokemon. Reid was a large dark-type Pokemon, even for his kind. In his slightly hunched stance he could already tower over most of the Pokemon Trainers which he had encountered during his travels. The amount of strength which he needed to use in order to hold poor little Coal in place was laughable. It didn't take long for the Quilava to cum. His body simply let loose, overwhelmed by the emotions and unexpected stimuli it was forced to endure. "Ahh.. R-Reid..daaamnit..."

Coal weakly humped against Reid's muzzle while Reid tried his best to swallow each drop of seed. He always liked the earthy note it carried. "Just like old times, huh Coal?" Reid smiled as he finally let go of the blushing Quilava.

"Hah!... Last time... y-you were smaller than me... quite a lot smaller than me, actually... things used to be...less awkward..."

Reid laughed, "You should grow larger then! I can help you to get stronger if you want! I could show you the things that I learned and..."

"Reid, Stop it!" Coal interrupted him harshly. "I'm fine with how I am. And besides, Ivy wouldn't like if we suddenly had to look for a larger den..."

Reid sadly shook his head. "Just why do you always insist on putting your mate in front of everything else?"

"Because I love her!" came Coal`s harsh reply "And she loves me too! Just... go and finally find someone for yourself, Reid, and stop getting on everyone else nerves. Then maybe even someone like you can understand what it feels like to have a mate."

With that, the Quilava trotted off, not even looking back at his old friend. Just when he was about to leave the small clearing, he was softly hit with a ripe and sweet smelling Oran Berry. Coal was about to offer a word of thanks when he noticed that Reid had already left...

The Zoroark didn't slept well that night. His mind was just too preoccupied with the things Coal had said to him. They were like brothers once, cast aside as orphans to fend for themselves. As part of the same ragtag pack of misfits, they had vowed to protect each other in all times. It was needless to say that Coal`s words had hurt him more than the beatings he'd gotten from the last opponent he'd lost a battle to. He just yearned for someone to whom he could belong. And just a little bit of action in this sleepy forest wouldn't be wrong either. Who could blame him?

Reid just guessed that no one could stay the same forever. Coal wasn't the only one who had changed. Swipe, once a cheerful Buizel, now rarely left his secluded little riverside home, growing more lazy and chubby with each passing day. The sea weasel had no reason to move or exercise, considering that his food literally swam right into his mouth. Ivy and Crystal, the two little Eevee sisters of his old pack had grown into beautiful females. He was never on good terms with Ivy, trough. The only ones that hadn't changed much where Coble, the shy little Sandshrew who endlessly expanded their old den, as well as Boss, their old pack leader. But the Zoroark hadn't gotten to see either of them in ages.

The last thing those two probably remember of him was how he annoyingly pranked them during winter. He liked to switch his victims once in a while, but it wasn't easy for him to find new ones, considering that most of the emotions he could evoke now were fear and respect. Being the largest, strongest and most daring Pokemon for miles around gave him the reputation of a fierce warrior. A lonesome warrior who simply took what he wanted without any hint of mercy.

Reid never wished to be treated like that.

One time, he had managed to trap a cheerful Deerling in a swallow pitfall, even cushioned with cotton. He had used his illusive powers to lure her in, but he was never really good at using them. Sometimes, they did the trick, trough. The results, however, were not what he expected: the poor Pokemon looked like it would faint from shock when she saw Reid emerging above the cushioned trap. Even trough he tried to resolve the situation peacefully, he had to depend on Coble and Coal to free the frightened grass type. Since then, he had started to stay out of everyone's sight.

An unfamiliar scent drew him out of his thoughts. No, not unfamiliar, just unexpected. The smell of burning wood and leaves...

As Reid pinpointed the source, his eyes fell upon a column of smoke, which was elegantly dancing along the northern tree line. Wildfires were nothing unusual, considering the forest was also home to quite a few fire-type Pokemon. What did disturb Reid was the scent mixed in with it... a wicked scent he had never once smelled in his home.

It was the scent of burned flesh.

Wasting no time, Reid took off, covering the distance to the forest's edge for what felt like seconds to him. Despite the serious situation, he was grinning in a way only a Zoroark could, for there was finally something that would free him from his boredom.

Finally, some action!

The sight that greeted him at the fire's source, however, killed his mood in an instant. He had expected to see a small wildfire, maybe a Pokemon or two to save.

Instead, he saw carnage.

Nearly a half-dozen bodies littered the ground. Some were ripped apart, others burned beyond recognition. The smoke that had signaled him rose from flaming trees nearby. From the straight lines of burned grass nearby, Reid was certain the fire had started from a missed Pokemon attack. Whoever disturbed the peace of his forest was powerful enough to light up a whole line of trees within seconds.

A weak moan inside one of the blood-sprayed bushes caught his attention. His heart raced as he carefully lifted the quivering form of a badly burned Leafeon out of it.

"Ivy... For Arceus sake, what... have they done to you?!"

The Leafeon in question looked weakly up to him, the tear-filled expression on her face only adding fuel to his already burning rage. "R..Reid... They... attacked us... out of nowhere..." Ivy was breathing heavily, a fire attack seemed to have grazed her body. One of her beautiful green eyes was crusted shut and one of her leafy ears was badly burned. Reid looked for more survivors, but found no one alive. None of these bodies looked like they could belong to someone he knew...but that didn't do much to lift his spirits. Returning to the injured Leafeon he carefully cradled her against his tufty chest.

"C...Coal, Y-you have to get to him. He is...with Boss and my... sis... our old hideout, could you carry me to my ma..." *Cough*

The Leafeon coughed up blood as she fainted, leaving teary-eyed Zoroark alone and lost amidst the line of burning trees. Embers whirled around him as the sound of cracking wood filled the silence. The blaze around him was nothing compared to his own burning desire for revenge.

He carefully made his way to their old den where he used to live with the others. The entrance was a small and well-hidden passage. A tunnel connected it to a larger chamber where they used to collect their treasures. Unfortunately, it was too small for Reid to enter it in his evolved form. Cursing, he hoped that someone was at least inside.

"Coal!... Boss!... anyone inside?!"

No answer.

Reid panicked. He had to go after the intruders before they could spread any more terror through his beloved home. But he couldn't just abandon Ivy in front of an empty den. They may not have gotten along very well, but that didn't mean he could just leave her to die.

"Coal... Crystal! Anyone... Please!!"

This time, he heard faint steps, accompanied by an annoying sounding voice. A few seconds later, the head of a female Glaceon appeared out of the entrance. "Reid, I dare you! If this is one you your lousy pranks again, I am going to free... ze.. y-ou." She stopped mid-sentence as her eyes fell upon the battered and burned body of her older sister. She just stood there, frozen in place. Reid's throat felt like someone was choking it. They had once vowed to protect each other, but he had failed. And even though it wasn't his fault, Reid felt like this whole ordeal was born out of his simple minded desire for just a little bit of excitement. Nevertheless, he had to press onward. Otherwise there would be more suffering...more death.

He was the only one who could protect the forest and he knew that.

"T-Take care of her for me. Someone has invaded our home and I...I have to stop them! Where is your mate Crys? Where is Boss?"

Crystal still looked like she was overwhelmed by the situation as she carefully nuzzled her sister, cooling her wounds with her icy touch. "I-I don't... I don't know where Boss is... Oh Ivy..."

The Zoroark shook his head. Boss was the only reliable Pokemon he could at least partially count on. But it seemed that he had to handle the intruders without his friend and ex-pack leader. He took off without giving Crystal his regrets.

More smoke pillars had already arisen from farther within the forest. Reid just followed the smell of burned flesh and the cries of pain, flinching each time the sound of a small explosion echoed trough the woods. He knew the world outside of his home could be fierce and unforgiving...but whoever these Pokemon were, it seemed like they rampaged without any sense or reason. Like they were hurting and killing others for the sheer fun of it, instead of survival. He couldn't stand it.

The small river in which he used to play and swim came into view. Currents of red now soiled the once crystal clear stream. A beaten Floatzel was caged between a group of strong looking Mightyena. Accompanying them was a small, visibly shaking Houndour. The young cub was the only one who advanced towards the poor Floatzel.

Reid's eyes suddenly grew big. He knew that Pokemon! It was Swipe, one of his old packmates, and another Pokemon who Reid had vowed to protect.

He may have already failed once. But this time he would make things right. Even though his anger began to cloud his vision, he was by no means a fool. The cunning Zoroark knew that he wouldn't last long against overwhelming numbers if he tried to take those four enemies (and said cub) head on. He looked around frantically for something he could use to his advantage.

By chance he noticed a strong branch hanging just above the attacking pack. Reid wasted no time to size the opportunity. Never in his life had he traversed so carefully between the treetops of his own home. His movements were less agile, yet more refined as he silently crept upon the hostile pack. For Reid, it felt like the blind spot above them was created just for him. He felt like he had received a gift from the forest itself...

With the calmness of a hunter he observed them. All of his sharp senses were on high alert as he tried to grasp every subtle detail of his soon-to-be victims, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Reid knew that even the smallest mistake in his execution would mean certain death. Hunched in the shades of the leafy treetop, he steeled himself while listening to the fiends who dared to disrupt the peace of the forest. All of the Mightyena sounded male. Their stances, scars and chipped talons radiated battle experience. Their eyes and ears shifted constantly, passively surveying as they barked at the small Houndour.

Was this... a hunting lesson?

"That was just too easy!" barked a young looking Mightyena on the left. "I've never seen a Buizel this fat and juicy before!"

"That's a Floatzel you moron!" Interrupted a ragged looking one right next to the cub. "Buizels can evolve and become much larger and meatier. How is it that a meathead like you is still alive after all these years?"

Taken aback by the insult, the black dog immediately snarled at him. "How should I know that? Regius always wants those little water-sprayers killed on sight, remember? And even the smaller ones can be a hassle sometimes."

The third dog Pokemon nodded in agreement. "This fat piece of meat couldn't even manage to run away! Let's just kill it and be done with it. I want some wet females for myself before some idiot kills them all off!" Nodding in unsion, the other two Mightyena stepped forward to claim their pray.

Their sudden action put Reid in a tight spot. There was still no opening for him to exploit, but if he dared to hesitate much longer Swipe would meet a gruesome end. Reid could never forgive himself if he let that happen.


The oldest looking Mightyena stepped forward. His presence was calm and calculated, yet slightly annoyed. "This is Zeal's first kill. Regius will personally turn us into charcoal we spoil it!"

Angrily, the mob stepped back. "I cannot see why we always have to waste our time to babysit this stupid runt. Everyone else is having the time of their lives at the moment, why can't we have it too? The Boss has already procured more offspring than the four of us will ever have!"

The older black dog who seemed to be in charge of the group simply shock his head. "I don't like this waste of time either. Everyone knows that the pup will never become like his father. And yet, we always have to waste our finest hunts for the likes of him."

The poor pup flinched at the harsh words of his caretakers. "I... I-I don't want to be here... either. C-Can you just...k-kill it for me? I...won't say anything to father that you did it, I promise!"

The mob howled.

"See, what did I tell you? Nothing like his father at all! Let's just get it ovERARAGH!"

The Mightyena was dead even before his body sagged to the ground, his canine laughter silenced in an instant. Reid had used their self-made distraction to ambush them from above. Using his strong legs the Zoroark leaped down, silently impaling two of the Mightyena as his sharp crimson claws wormed their way into their necks. The sheer impact force separated bone, blood vessels and drove his talons deep enough to puncture their throats. The gory spectacle lasted not longer than a second, yet Reid felt like an eternity had passed. He was filled with rage and bloodlust. His expression however, was calm and neutral. He despised killing for all it was worth, but those savages had driven him way beyond his breaking point.

The Houndour was the first who registered the situation. Instinctively, he ran, not even looking at the monster who had just killed two of his father's best hunters with a single blow. His little escape was short lived, for he collided with a massive wall of orange fur just a second later.

The two remaining Mightyena showed their battle experience as they immediately leapt back as far as they could from their sudden foe. Reid smirked. He had already anticipated their movement. Using the advantage of his bipedal build, he delivered a heavy kick against the smaller one of the remaining Mightyena, driving him against a nearby tree. The sickening sound of breaking ribs echoed trough the woods, telling Reid that he had managed to pull a lucky hit. Now it was just one against one. The remaining Mightyena snarled at Reid. The enemy left was their group leader and therefore unfortunately the most dangerous opponent of them all. The Zoroark wasted no time and rushed at his foe.

The size of the dog Pokemon was roughly just a third of Reid's height, making him more agile and thus harder to hit for Reid. His strikes missed his target as the dog twisted himself out of his way. He too seemed to know his advantages well. Imprisoned in his own momentum, Reid had no choice but to brace himself as a large shadow ball struck his flank. Even though his type nature nullified some of the damage, Reid still snarled out as pain shot through him. His opponent was a hard hitter and even surpassed Reid in movement and speed. The Zoroark flinched as he tried sidestep. Looking down he saw blood slowly tickling down his left leg. His foe smiled as he saw that Reid had lost his agility. Reid knew that he was as good as dead. There was no way he could evade another shadow ball.

The Mightyena however did something Reid hadn't expected in the least. Instead of safely finishing him from afar, the Mightyena suddenly licked his fangs and charged straight at him! To never underestimate your opponent was the most important thing that Reid had learned during first real journey. The Zoroark couldn't even guess why the experienced hunter would even make such a foolish decision. And yet, the Mightyena charged... it would pay dearly for his act.

Reid adjusted his foothold just before the black dog jumped at his neck. Using the momentum of his foe and the force of his strong legs, Reid suddenly hunched down, avoiding the sharp fangs of his opponent just by millimetres. The Mightyena`s eyes got wide as he realised his disastrous decision. But there was little he could do to change the inevitable. Wasting no time, the Zoroark quickly grabbed the flanks of his leaping foe. Straining his legs as hard as he could Reid propelled himself upward in a twisting motion. Not only was he adding momentum to the already airborne Mightyena, his twisting motion also flipped them over. It was Reid's special, a very impromptu version of a ridiculous seismic toss. The surprised foe tried to lash out at Reid, but his claws only managed to rip away some of Reid's thick fur. There was no escape for the dog Pokemon.

It had already lost.

The Mightyena came down hard on the ground. His face twisted an agony as his back collided onto the rocky ground near the riverbed. He saw white as the tremendous might of Reid's bodyweight crashed down on his belly. A bloody howl came from the stunned Pokemon as the air was forcefully pressed out of his lungs.

Reid didn't even took a glimpse at the damage he had already inflicted. Yanking on the head of his dazed foe finally exposed Reid`s salvation...

His fangs came down hard, crunching away every bit of life force that was still left in the battered body of his beaten enemy. Blinded by rage, his jaws continued to mutilate what was left of the already dead Mightyena. It took a while for him to register that there was no texture of bone left in the puddle in which he dug his teeth in... only meat.

The whole spectacle hadn't even lasted two minutes, yet the Zoroark felt like there was nothing else left in this bloody world than himself and those enemies. Drunken with bloodlust he finally rose...for there was still one enemy left to exterminate.

Staggering, he closed the distance to Swipe, who was still holding onto his consciousness. A wailing cup was cuddled in his arms. What a measly opponent! Reid was covered in blood from head to toe and grinning like a madman as he raised his dripping claw for another strike. Just one strike left to finally extinguish that burning feeling of revenge.


A voice well known to him boomed through the air. He was sure that he knew it, but it sounded too distant to make it out. Was that an order? Who dared to order_HIM_ around?! Here was still something left for him to kill! He couldn't stop now! Not until each of these barbaric invaders was dead!


It was Swipe's voice, it sounded loud and clear this time. The poor Floatzel summoned every bit of strength he had left to scream some sense into Reid. Slowly, he lowered his claw. It felt like he had awoken from a bad dream. He remembered that he had dreamed of violence and bloodshed...and the most nightmarish part was the fact that he felt like he had thoroughly enjoyed all of it.

Reid came crashing down, crying. The wrongness of it all finally had taken its toll on him. And yet, he knew the battle was far from over. Reid was pushing himself against Swipe's blood mattered fur, right next to the sobbing pup which he had nearly struck down in his frenzy. Swipe tried his best to console both of them.

In the eyes of the beaten Floatzel, they both looked equally innocent.