The Aquatic Vore Ritual
Among of typhlosion's group, floatzel came with a pleasant smile. "floatzel!" yuka said shouting with joy. the two hugged and floatzel licked his face drying her tears. "i'm sorry for running away, you hate me?" floatzel said sad.
Tari's Floatzel
Tari's grin set floatzel on edge, "that's not for me to use floatzel." floatzel's eyes widened in realization and pointed to himself hesitantly, tari nodded. "use bubble on the dildo floatzel."
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Buizel's First Friend (1/2)
floatzel says before giving the swing a more forceful push.
The Breakthrough
floatzel pulled back at the last moment, getting a shot of pre onto his tongue. isaac gave an unabated whine as the pokemon released him, getting him to sit up and look at floatzel.
Merry Xmas and a happy full belly
Suddenly, bryce heard a noise and was floatzel entering it. floatzel starts to search the place. bryce was changing shelter for floatzel can't find. floatzel give up to search and came flygon to search too.
PokeNNN - Round 28
When he got home, he looked for the floatzel card and there was his phone and an email. he called the floatzel and the first time, he just communicated. after trying a few more times, he finally answered.
Adventures In Pokeland: Chapter Four- For Fucks Sake
He lay between floatzel's legs, licking the underside of my cock and floatzel's vagina. his tongue rasped over my knot, up my shaft, across my head, and into floatzel's vagina in warm, wet sweeping motions.
Hot Water
floatzel." the floatzel consoled himself in a gentle voice, dropping down onto his fat rear and scratching at his pudgy, growling gut.
Deep Space Hunt (Vore Story)
On top of that, they seemed to be helping falco's innards move the floatzel further along inside of him.
Getting Wet
Up for the floatzel to fuck his ass "ahh yes floatzel fuck me hard!"
Weasaly Times on the Beach
When floatzel played a pred, he filled the role well. floatzel creeped in towards your face with his grin still flashed and looked right in your eyes.
Pokemon New Evolutions:Working things out
That and the fact that shi could smell that floatzel was coming into heat made hir mind up. "come on" arctales said as shi gently placed a hand on floatzels shoulders "let's see what i can do."