Joys of Writing

Story by Crimsonred on SoFurry

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WARNING: This story contains EXPLICIT scenes of masturbation and imagined scenes of vaginal sex between two consenting adults(oh noes, imagined straight sex? eek!) If this kind of content is not what you're looking for, or you're under the age of 18, then please, run away now, before the boogieman comes and rapes your ass. Anyway, this story includes Jeeves! But wait... I'm not Jeeves! Scandal! But no, this is merely a little fan fic I woke up and decided to write. I use Jeeves with his permission, always make sure you have permission guys. I might do something like this again.... But tell me... if I were to start writing commissions, would any of you guys buy one? Just a thought... anyway, enjoy the story!

Jeeves is the property of his player

Jeeves the roo was bouncing. This was not an uncommon event; as a kangaroo, he often used short little hops to get places, even if he was able to walk there normally. Add into that his bubbly personality, and it became a fairly common sight to see the jovial kanga bouncing about. But today, on this morning, he was bouncing for a different reason. Only his hips were moving, the rest of his upper body moving in time with it, his breathing a bit heavier, his soft pants husky. Jeeves the roo was masturbating.

He did this a lot when he wrote; an extremely prolific writer, he had written enough smut to sate most any furry craving. It had garnered him attention from anthros everywhere, and he had a rather sizable following. But the kangaroo didn't write for fame, or for glory, or even for money. He wrote because he enjoyed it, and while he didn't masturbate much more than anyone else, he found that a story that turned himself on could generally do the same for others. All the better if it was one he wrote.

And that was precisely what he was doing at the moment, his paw sliding up and down his shaft, masturbating to something he had written. Some would think it was pretentious, getting off to one's own work, but Jeeves didn't care. Jeeves was turned on, and when he got turned on, he typically relieved himself, barring extraordinary circumstances or nosy maternal figures. But right now, he was alone, slowly bouncing his rear on the bed, jeans unzipped and pulled down slightly, underwear peeled down to expose the throbbing red roo flesh to the open air, paw still working happily. The roo looked down at his screen, reading over the text there, the simple characters in black print aspiring and inspiring an image in his mind, an image he had solely created.

He saw two young lovers, looking back to see how things had developed between them. He pictured those initial moments of awkward shyness, blushing face mixed with down turned eyes, clear nervousness and anxiety masking feeling of warmth and attraction. He saw that first kiss, lips slowly meeting, trying to express what was that growing, glowing passion whose destiny had yet to be determined. He imagined their first night made carnal, heavy breathing and kisses slowly turning to caresses, the unsnapping of clothing, the slow, initial thrust, the soft panting turned to moans. And then finally, moans turning into cries, the initial entry turning into many repeated entries, all in the name of love, and that one moment, where time stood still, both lovers' feelings bursting from their chests and their genitals, fiery orgasm wrenching away doubts and fears, leaving two lovers. And who cared if it was him who wrote that, it was hot dammit!

And so the roo breathed a bit harder, moaning softly as he worked his paw quicker and quicker, the soft fuzzy fingers running down the length of his shaft, stopping at the sheath-lip, before going back up, rubbing the throbbing red flesh until he hit the sensitive tip, a little jolt of pleasure flowing from his crotch to the rest of his body. He gave the slightest of shudders and a tiny exhalation of breath resulting from the action, pleasure flowing through his furry body.

He imagined his characters, two lovers, together as they fucked. He saw their hips slap against each other, slamming his cock deep into the woman's delighted treasure, the delicious slapping, the full contact, the passionate kisses only missionary can bring. The kangaroo moaned then, not from the paw that was furiously stroking his member, not because his characters were in the throes of passion, gloriously fucking, but for both! He was the male furiously fucking his lover, he was the woman getting penetrated hard and deep, and at that moment he was the roo whose pleasure was being translated through a diligent paw.

He grunted again, breathing going shorter, shallower as he took in air quickly, exhaling rapidly. He felt his entire tool start to tingle, throbbing, lightning pleasure expanding through his body as his toes clenched and unclenched, utterly beyond his control. His cock pulled back, his stomach sucking into itself as he neared perfection, orgasmic bliss impending as he found himself teetering on the edge, his lovers going primal, furiously fucking to an incredible climax.

A few more hard strokes, his breath catching in his chest, and then his balls pulled up inside of him, throbbing roo hood finally releasing its heavy burden, a gushing flow of his semen shooting down his urethra. He gave a little bark, a soft cry of pleasure, the lovers' union being copulated in his brain as he was thrown about the seas of orgasmic bliss. An arc of milky white liquid shot from his tip, closely followed by another and another. The trio spattered onto the laptop, the sticky goo slowly dribbling down the screen. The roo could see nothing, as his eyes were squeezed tightly shut, hand still moving at breakneck speeds, more and more and even more cum being urged from his tip. The subsequent shots of his kanga cannon were far weaker, shooting onto his crossed legs, matting and staining the bright blue denim of his pants. More and more doomed sperm leaked out, covering his paw with the sticky substance as his orgasm started to reach toward its dying end. There were no more jets, just a constant dribble of his sticky white essence, the lovers having locked in their hungry passion, riding out the storm of emotion together.

The last bits faded away, his cock having given all that it had. He breathed again, panting softly as he tried to get his breath back from the powerful orgasm. His eyes relaxed a bit, going from squeezed tight to simply closed, footpaws unwrapping the concealed kangaroo digits that had been unceremoniously curled throughout the act. He sighed and leaned back, grinning wide as his eyes finally opened. Things were a sticky mess, his fur awash with cum, paw covered in jizz, several conspicuous stains on his jeans. He looked forward and saw his screen, the errant cumshots slowly making their way down, approaching the bottom of the screen. As amusing as they were, he couldn't allow the laptop to be damaged, so he reached forward with his clean paw and gathered his seed, cleaning it all off. He had a bit of cum in his paw, and the smiling roo brought the fingers to his mouth, enjoying the flavor.

Jeeves was satisfied, and he continued to type, looking to perfect what was already beyond compare.

Reversing the Roles

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Craig's Fight no. 4

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Cops and Robbers

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