Tiny Eros Chapter 9

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#9 of Tiny Eros

Warning: Light drug use in this chapter.

Spec has some one on one time with the infamous kleptomaniac that is Mindy. Let us see what happens when Spec catches her trying to take something.

Thanks to Toshubi for use of his characters and providing the the TiE icon. Go check his work out for more cute loli activity.

Mindy's Meddling

The surprise visit from the girls went off fairly well, aside from the yo-yo incident. Spec kept his hand wrapped for a couple of days, which caught the attention of his employees. When asked he told them that it was from trying to catch a steel yo-yo, they either laughed or walked away confused. His friend Jon was the only one who questioned him in some detail.

"So why were you trying to catch a flying steel yo-yo?" ask the ferret as he handed Spec a bag from Burrito Chime. Spec took the bag with an annoyed growl. He knew Jon would probe the matter more then anyone else.

"Like I said, this girl was doing tricks with a yo-yo when some one shouting startled her. The yo-yo went flying towards me and I tried to catch it with my hand out of reflex."

"Okay, still not sure why you tried to catch it, but why did she have a steel yo-yo?"

"How the hell should I know? I didn't exactly take the time to pull her to the side and ask her."

Spec took a bite from his burrito as he realized he never did ask Betty why she had a steel yo-yo. It was well designed as well the more he thought about it.

"Okay, so you catch a high speed, steel yo-yo with your bare hand. Some how without breaking it as well, which I find odd. You then just left and wrapped your hand by yourself without saying a thing to her?"

"No Jon, she helped wrapped my hand. Turns out she was a Girl Sprout and had a first aid kit. She was already freaking out and helped me so I wasn't about to add to that by yelling at her some more for something that wasn't her fault."

"Hmm, doesn't seem like something you would do."

"So what, I'm just a pissed off wolf who yells at everyone?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"...If you weren't my best friend and hadn't bought lunch, I'd toss you out on your furry brown, ferret ass Jon."

Jon laughed as he ate the rest of his food. Spec was just grateful that it was a slow lunch and there was no one in the store to hear their conversation. Jon left after he finished eating. Spec was glad he didn't have to answer anymore questions about his accident as the rest of the day passed.

** ** ** ** **

Around 3pm, the front door opened and a familiar raccoon walked up to the check out counter. Spec looked up to see it was Mindy. She walked passed and whispered, "If any one asks I've been here for awhile. Cover for me and I'll owe you."

Spec blinked as he watched her pick up a copy of International Regions and started reading. Spec saw a couple of police officers walking past the shop outside the window. They seemed to be looking for someone as they were looking about as they moved quickly. Spec assumed they were after Mindy but it was too soon to assume it was safe for her to leave.

Mindy walked away from the magazine shelves with the magazine still in her hand. She looked outside quickly and saw the police were now checking stores. She whispered "Shit." as she went back to Spec.

"Hey, is there a place I can hide out for a bit? Didn't Penny say your apartment is upstairs or something?"

Spec had his reservations about letting Mindy into the apartment but he couldn't let her just relax in the brake room, where the staff could see her. He moaned as he passed Mindy his keys.

"Take the stairs in the back and head straight down the hall when you reach the top. Help yourself to a drink but don't even think about taking anything."

"Who the hell do you think I am old man?"

"Mindy the kleptomaniac."

Mindy growled as her reputation was well known. She took the keys and magazine and disappeared into the back. She seemed to make it unnoticed as none of the staff asked about her.

** ** ** ** **

Some time passed and the police officers that Mindy saw eventually entered the shop. They asked Spec if he had seen Mindy. He lied and told them he didn't see a young female raccoon in the store today. They left and Spec didn't hear from them after. It was closing time and Spec realized Mindy still hadn't come back down. He locked up and headed upstairs to see if she was okay.

When he opened the door, he saw that Mindy was sitting next to the window. She blew out a puff of smoke as he realized she was smoking a joint. He blinked as he looked to his wooden box where he kept his pot. The lid was open and he quickly put two and two together. He looked at Mindy as he spoke with anger in his voice.

"Are you actually smoking my pot?"

She took another drag from her joint as it was pretty much used up at that point. She tossed what was left out the window as she stood up, looking at Spec with cold eyes. Spec growled as he asked another question.

"Why are you smoking my pot? How did you even know where to find it?"

"Fuck you old man. You have enough to spare a joint. Besides you said help yourself. Just instead of a drink I decided to smoke. Did those cops that were looking for me leave yet?"

"Yeah, they left. Do I even want to know why they were after you?"

"No. Thanks for covering for me. I owe you one."

She tossed Spec his keys and made her way to the door. Spec stood in the door way to block her way as he wasn't finished talking yet.

"Look, I know I basically work for the Loli's now but there is still a thing called boundaries and courtesies. You can't just go digging through my stuff and taking what you want."

"Whatever old man, get out of my way." She said as she tried to get by him. He blocked her at every attempt she took to leave. She growled as she was getting annoyed.

"I'm serious Mindy. I'm more then willing to"

"Get the fuck out of my way god damn it!"

She reached into her right pants pocket and pulled out a collapsible baton. She flicked her wrist to extend it and swung for Spec's head. She took long enough for Spec to realize what was happening as he put his left hand up to catch the baton. It wasn't until he caught it that he realized the mistake he made.

He yelled out "SHIT!" as he caught the baton at its middle section. He felt the sting surge through his body from his left hand as he clenched the baton tight and pushed Mindy back. She fell back onto her rear with a thud as the magazine she had hidden in her pocket and under her shirt flew out. Spec grunted as he clenched, and relaxed his left hand to make sure there was still sensation in it.

"Fucking twice in a week." He said through his teeth as he as he noticed the magazine. He looked at it and Mindy who was still on the floor as she realized she was caught and disarmed. She watched and waited to see how the wolf would react. To her surprised he said nothing as he collapsed the baton and picked up the magazine.

He went to his box and took out another joint that was already rolled up. As he walked towards the window, he laid her baton about a foot away from her. She was confused and continued to watch him as he sat where she was sitting and lit up his joint. After a long drag he tossed the magazine onto the kitchen table. He took anther drag and held it before blowing the smoke out the window.

"You're quick but you are wasting energy swinging for the head. When you fight someone bigger then you, go for the legs. If you can hit their lower leg or knee hard enough their leg will buckle. Once you bring them closer to your level, then go for the head."

Mindy just looked shocked as Spec finished talking. She stood up and took her weapon as she approached him.

"What the fuck? I just attacked you and you're telling me how to do it better? I know I'm good with a baton but fuck, did I hit your hand so damn hard it fucked your brain up too?"

Spec blow a puff of smoke into her face. She coughed slightly as she wasn't ready for it. She could see Spec smiling as he flexed his hand again.

"I saw it in you're eyes kid. You knew you were down and caught. No point in putting you down further."

"Fuck you, I don't need anything from you." she said with an annoyed tone in her voice. Spec smirked as he replied.

"You're right. If anything, you owe me for hiding your ring tailed ass from the cops. And for almost busting my hand a second time in less then a week."

Mindy growled under her breath as she had no come back for what he said. She put her baton away as Spec was about half way done with the joint he was working on. When she looked up she saw he was offering it to her as he coughed a little.

"Want another hit and a drink?"

"Sure." she said as she took the joint and inhaled. Spec walked to the fridge and got two cans of soda. He offered one to Mindy as he popped open his own and had a gulp.

"So how did you bust your hand up in the first place?" She asked before taking her puff and passing the joint back to Spec.

"Penny brought the Hotel girls here Saturday. Betty's yo-yo went flying and I didn't know it was made of steel. I caught it, trying to keep it from breaking my rose plant over there."

Mindy looked to where Spec pointed. She snicked at first as she eventually just started laughing out loud.

"Serves you right! You're lucky you didn't shatter every bone in your hand. Betty is scary with that thing."

Spec sighed at Mindy's behavior as he passed the joint again. "Yeah, no shit. You got a mouth on you, you know that?"

"No shit." she said as she puffed. Spec looked at her and he sipped his soda. There was something familiar about her that he couldn't put his finger on.

"Why do wear gold bangles if you steal things? They stand out way too much and they snag on things easily.

"None of your fucking business, that's why!" she said with a tone of spite. Spec could tell he touched a nerve as he said "Sorry for asking." Mindy took a long drag and passed it back to Spec. There was enough for one more good puff before the joint would be to hot to handle. Spec took it and put it out before going for another joint.

Spec lit up as the two stood in silence for a bit. Mindy eventually asked, "You gonna pass that or what?"

"You already smoked one by yourself. Besides, my hand still hurts."

Mindy couldn't argue the point as she chugged the rest of her soda. She burped after she finished and put her can on the table.

"Look, I'm not part of Hotel anymore but I'm gonna be around here a lot. I live close by and like you said, you basically work for the Loli's now."

"That's fine but don't go through my stuff okay? I mean you already know about my pot, obviously. I'm willing to share but ask me first okay?"

"Yeah, okay... You like Penny and her girls?"

Spec was confused as he inhaled. After exhaling he asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean do you actually care about Penny and the girls in Hotel or are you just fucking Penny cause she's super underage jail bate?"

Spec wasn't sure where this line of questioning was going as he smoked some more. He exhaled and sighed to buy time and gather his thoughts.

"Yes, I care about Penny and the girls of Hotel. I'm not exactly sure to what degree but I know I care about them."

"I mean it, don't you fucking cross them. If you do, I know about half a dozen pissed off girls that are more then wiling to tear you a new one for every day of the week. Two in particular that will make you wish you were dead, and that's not including me. Are we clear?"

Spec was getting annoyed with the tone Mindy was giving him. He picked his words carefully as he could tell she was genuinely concerned for her friends and didn't want things to escalate.

"Look, I don't know what bug crawled up you ass, but yeah, we are clear. I'm not out to screw these girls , or any other Loli over. But I'm not about to be disrespected either with out good reason. Are we clear?"

The two stared each other down for a moment. Spec thought Mindy was going to do something. Instead she replied. "Yeah, we're clear."

She seemed to relax as she looked outside.

"I'm going to get going but I'll leave you with some advice. Get to know as much as possible about the girls in Hotel. If you under estimate them, you will lose your mind. Also keep an eye out for Betty. She has...'interesting' taste."

Mindy turned to walk away. Spec watched her as she was about to open the front door as he noticed the position her arm was in. He looked down at the kitchen table and called out.

"When you leave, go right and head down the stairs. It will lead to a door to the street. Try to stay out of trouble and I'll see you around. Oh, and leave the magazine or expect to pay for it next time you come here."

She growled as she tossed the magazine onto the table stand next to the door. As she left she called out "Fuck you old man." as she closed the door behind her.

Tiny Eros Chapter 10

Unexpected Guest It was a short day for Spec as he left the shop early, leaving one of his employees in charge with a key to lock up. He looked at his still wrapped hand as he flexed it. It was still a bit sore and it didn't help when he caught...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 46

Chapter 46 After everyone rested for a bit it was time for showers. Thankfully, there were enough showers so all three couples could shower at the same time. About twenty minutes later, everyone gathered in the kitchen for a quick, before bed snack....

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Tiny Eros Chapter 8

Hotel Check-In It was business as usual at Twilight books following the Loli's introducing themselves to Spec. Things didn't pick up till Wednesday, when the new books and magazine came out. Spec and Penny would text each other through out the week...

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