The Cat's Stroll 07

Story by PermaFrost on SoFurry

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#7 of The Cat's Stroll

Okay, I think things might be starting to shape up from here on.

Thanks to Mahcha and dragonmaster12 for the appreciation they've shown.

By the way, I was actually surprised that last chapter got faved, nothing much happened on it after all

Chapter 7: Winner an** d Loser**

He hesitated for a moment, before grabbing the head of the stake and giving it a pull with his full strength. The stake did come out, but a chunk of rock also broke off and fell with a loud clatter.

Kyu Cao could only wince and hope that it didn't sound too unnatural as he collected his things and ran toward a tree to hide himself.

He might have not considered this course of action if the other party were patrolling soldiers or some adult. But just from the pitch of that laughter, he could tell that it belonged to a youth. In this case, a meeting could take unexpected turns.

Behind the tree, he hoped that whoever it was, that person wouldn't coincidentally come here. But soon Kyu Cao was disappointed, as four young theriopes came to where he had just been.

Dressed in light armor, the tiger youth wore red, the other three brown. Two of the brown clothed youths were males, a sturdy looking bull, and rat with shrewd eyes, while the female in the group was a snake with a curvaceous body.

"I am certain that sound came from here," spoke the rat youth. His shrewd eyes darted back and forth and his whiskers were quivering, evidently looking for something.

The ox youth only took a glance around, before turning to the rat youth, "aren't you thinking too much? There doesn't seem to be anything here."

"That just means it's not at plain sight. Good stuff is always hidden."

"That sounds reasonable, but Ti Ping, you always say the same," with a benevolent laugh, the tiger teased the rat youth named Ti Ping.

This group of four was a group of good friends, new soldiers in training of the army.

The tiger youth's name was Bloodstripe Wonlai, a member of a branch family of the Bloodstripe Clan. This explained his slightly better, red colored suit of armor.

Ti Ping only sulked slightly, but didn't stop his actions.

"It seems someone was trying to climb up here," a voice sweet like nectar of a flower suddenly spoke out.

"Li Ling, you discovered something?" Wonlai asked interested to the snake girl, who had moved to the base of the cliff and was inspecting part of the rock.

The others too, turned their heads with interest, especially Ti Ping, whose eyes were almost sparkling.

"Here," she pointed to a hole in the rock, the hole which resulted from Kyu Cao pulling out the iron stake. "It seems someone tried to... carve a path up."

"How can you be sure?" asked the ox youth.

"Bi Gong, you are always so pessimistic," Li Ling helplessly shook her head, "this wasn't caused by a beast, neither it broke naturally. Here, it actually seems like it was gouged out. Maybe there's something up here? I have a good feeling."

"Well, you're usually right in these things. We don't lose anything taking a look. I shall go and see."

"Wait, Young Master! You shouldn't bother with something this trivial, this lowly one will do!" Ti Ping smacked his chest, giving a proud look to Wonlai, before he walked toward the cliff.

"Wait," suddenly spoke Bi Gong, "if it's really as you said. Then wouldn't the one who tried to climb before be close?"

The other eyes revealed understanding, but none showed nervousness or hesitation.

"Ha, even if that's the case, so what?" Wonlai said dominantly. "If they left and are hiding because of us, they can't amount to much. And even if they wanted to come back," his eyes revealed a cold glint, "we will see who's worthier of receiving the prize."

Li Ling, Ti Ping, and Bi Gong's expressions also turned resolute and dangerous. It was obvious after all, that when it came to resources, only the strong could enjoy them, and they held some confidence in this aspect.

Not wasting any more time, Ti Ping began to climb up the wall of rock. With his slim body and thin limbs, he climbed dexterously like a lizard, and equally eerily. It only took a few hundredths of hour to reach high on the cliff. Then he stopped.

"Th-This!... Young, Young Master!"

"What is it? What did you find?!"

"Jack-Jackpot! This is a huge jackpot!!!"

"Wha-" Wonlai didn't have time to finish speaking, when a loud bang exploded. Debris of rock fell from above, making the three of them take a few steps back. Then he stared wide-eyed as Ti Ping quickly began to climb down the cliff in a manner so hazardous it made one worry.

When the rat landed, he turned, his face burning with excitement as hoarse pants came from his maw. Clutched between his bony fingers, was a chunk of rock. And on this rock, a small tree-like plant grew.

This plant was red colored, but also seemed to glow with a seven colored sheen. Only seven leaves grew on it, and curiously, no smell or sign of presence could be perceived from it.

When to others saw this plant, surprise and delight appeared on their faces. But only on Wonlai and Li Ling's also appeared recognition, and then deep amazement.

"A Sun Drenched Red Herb!"

"Se-Seven leaves. It actually has seven leaves! A seven hundred years old Sun Drenched Red Herb!" Stuttered Li Ling from shock.

Hearing this, the other two weren't that sure of what this herb was, but they knew that it must be amazing. That was a given.

Because this must be, a spirit herb!

Ti Ping's paws were faintly trembling. Finally, he had succeeded on finding good fortune! And by the looks of it, it even exceeded any of his previous expectations.

"Sun Drenched Red Herb? Young Master, is it that amazing?" Bi Gong asked a little disbelieving.

"Of course it is!" It was Li Ling who rebuked the bull. "A Sun Drenched Red Herb is extremely beneficial for a peak Earthly Warrior. That's because even a young herb... can help an Earthly Warrior to advance to the Heavenly Root Realm even if eaten raw, lest speak about a seven hundred old herb. And because it only absorbs the energy from sundown, it's extremely docile. Ping, you brute! What if you had damaged this Sun Drenched Red Herb?!" Even though she said that, she didn't spare a glance to the rat, and neither was her tone truly angry.

"Heh, how could that be possible? With my skills, not even a root would be harmed," Ti Ping said incredibly confident.

Of course she knew this. But how could she let this treasure digger act so smug? "That's only because it's a low rank spirit herb. Had it had even a little sentience, you would only be left roaming the ground."

"Well, let us not argue about this," Wonlai waved his paw placatingly. "This, at the end can be counted a great fortune for the four of us."

The others tore their eyes from the spirit herb and turned toward the tiger, sobering slightly. They knew that now they had to decide what to do with this precious herb.

Complicated thoughts seemed to cross Ti Ping's eyes, as well as great struggle. He glanced down to the chunk of rock and the herb on his paws, then looked at the tiger in front of him. It only took a brief instant for the resolution to form in his heart.

"Yo-Young Master. I believe this herb would be used best by Young Master," even though he tried to sound steady, his voice came out a bit shaky.

Wonlai stared somewhat surprised at the young rat, who was now offering the spirit herb to him. He could see some lamentation on his expression, but he couldn't blame the rat. He was clear on how precious this spirit herb was, even more than Ti Ping.

He glanced to the other two. The bull's expression was not much different, seeming to think this was the obvious outcome. As for Li Ling's, she also looked disappointed, but the glance she threw Ti Ping was an approving one.

It seemed the three would not object if he took the herb for himself.

Of course, this wasn't really free. It was obvious to Wonlai, that with this they hoped to greatly gain his favor, and that he would return it later sometime. He found this natural.

The four of them had met at the training camp, as part of the same batch of recruits. Wonlai was an unimportant member of a branch family of the Bloodstripe Clan. He had neither high standing within the branch, nor dazzling talent like others.

He was, however, still a member of the Bloodstripe bloodline. In the eyes of the other recruits, his standing was incomparable.

He too, believed that as a descendant of the Bloodstripe Clan, he should be a model role and leader for the others.

He'd tried to gather his own group of followers to compete with the other members of the clan. Though his position was not great, that didn't mean he didn't have ambition.

In the end, he found these three, who were all acceptable in term of loyalty, temperament, and abilities.

They became his followers, and with time, friendship was also born.

Wonlai understood that right now they not only were acting out of loyalty, but also friendship. They believed that he would benefit the most from this spirit herb, as the most talented among them, and that he would keep this act in his heart and not abandon them.

Indeed, seeing how they held back their own desires and gave way to him, Wonlai was extremely moved.

Especially touching was Ti Ping.

This wiry rat always rambled about looking for treasures and finding fortunes. He was quite passionate about this fantasy of his. But now he was giving the treasure in his paws to him.

But since the moment he saw this seven hundred years Sun Drenched Red Herb, Wonlai had already thought of a plan.

He had considered it, thinking how would the Great General handle this situation.

"No," he shook his head, "even if I were to consume this Sun Drenched Red Herb. The benefits would not be as good as you think. I might advance two, maybe three levels. But that would be it."

Hearing this, the other three were dumbfounded. Two or three levels, that wasn't good enough?! Ti Ping and Bi Gong sported magnificent incredulous expressions, but Li Ling looked to have realized something.

Nobody said anything, so Wonlai continued to speak.

"However, if we hand in this Sun Drenched Red Herb to the Treasury Vault, we might receive something more beneficial for our level. Moreover... it can be something we can share between us four."

Wonlai suggestion was not without reason.

The Sun Drenched Red Herb was a spirit herb best suitable for fire attuned Cultivators in the Earthly Warrior Realm. While it could be greatly beneficial for the Cultivation level of low level Cultivators, its true preciousness lay in its special property to help breakthrough to the next realm, the Heavenly Root Realm.

It didn't need to be discussed. Between an Earthly Warrior theriope and a Heavenly Root one, it was obvious who held more value. Not even ten peak Earthly Warriors would be enough to balance out the scale.

If Wonlai ate this Sun Drenched Red Herb, he might raise his Cultivation level by a couple of levels. But that wouldn't be worth much in the eyes of the army officials.

Quite the opposite. It might actually be viewed as a huge waste!

But if he offered this herb, he wasn't just offering a regular spirit herb, it was equivalent to offering a Heavenly Root Cultivator!

That would hold many times more merit.

To say that they could receive a reward big enough to share between the four of them that was more suitable for their levels, that was no exaggeration.

This was the plan that Wonlai had thought, thinking in how to raise the overall strength of the group, instead of only his own.

This is how he thought the Great General Dai Dao would handle the situation.

When the others heard this, they first showed surprise, and then realization, and then extreme joy. Especially Ti Ping, he looked at his Young Master with a gaze full of gratitude and adoration. How could he not understand what the young tiger was thinking when suggesting this?

Actually not only him, Bi Gong and Li Ling understood that their Young Master was counting on them, and was full of expectations. They could only swear to themselves that they would do their utmost best and not disappoint him.

Facing their fervent gazes, Wonlai was quite satisfied with his decision. "Let stop dillydaying here. With this treasure, we are risking danger just standing around. Ti Ping, steady your paws. Do not let it fall!"

"Ye-Yes! You can count on me, Young Master!"

They didn't tarry any longer, hastily shooting through the forest like arrows released from the bow. Both hurry and anticipation hastened their feet.

Kyu Cao waited for a long time for the group of four to get far away.

But even then, he didn't move. It was like as if he had lost the ability to control his body.

Eventually, he began to walk, but after some steps he stopped again.

The words from those four roiled inside his head like a turbulent tempest.

It wasn't that he'd wished for the herb as zealously as them.

But still, it was a treasure he'd found first.

He had believed it would be his.

He had made all the necessary preparations.

Yet it was snatched from him.

He lost.

He had never failed on something he had decided to do.

And he even lost without having done anything!

He could accept a loss at a fair competition, but his performance just now...

Even when they had indirectly ridiculed him and taunted him, he didn't step out.

When he thought back to how that rat youth had climbed up the cliff so easily with his bare paws, he couldn't help but ask himself if he could have done the same.

He cultivated now. His strength was many more times greater compared to before. So, probably...

When he thought like this, a prickling feeling rose from Kyu Cao's guts. It was an indescribable and intolerable sensation, like being dipped in a pool of disgusting and dirty waters.

Not knowing what to do with this sensation, he suddenly recovered control of his body and strode forward with impetus.

His direction was not toward the forest's exit though.

It was toward the wild lake.

He didn't feel very good right now, and his mind was not calm, but something inside him told him that right now only some time in Cultivation would help him feel him better.

I originally thought these guys' appearance would be brief. Who knew they would end stealing the limelight.

The Cat's Stroll 06

# **Chapter 6: Stroll Through the Forest** * * * # What were Martial Arts? They were spectacular and breathtaking, quite magical. At least from Kyu Cao's perspective, they were grand displays of mighty power and flashy lights, quite exciting and...

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The Cat's Stroll 05

**Chapter 5: Backdoor's Forest** * * * After that brief encounter with his brothers, Kyu Cao discarded any afterthought and continued to walk around the state. The original reason he had come out, wasn't only because he had grown stuffed inside his...

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The Cat's Stroll 04

**Chapter 4: The Three Young Masters of the Bloodstripe Clan** * * * Kyu Cao sat with closed eyes on the bed inside his room. He was circulating the Qi according to the first stage of the Seven Deep Hells Frozen Record. The air surrounding him...

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