Embers - Prologue

Story by showeringwithbeer on SoFurry

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A wolf and his partner try to survive when the zombie apocalypse hits. Contains zombies, post-apocalyptic awesomeness, and hot gay sex. If you're into that sort of stuff, and I hope you are. ;)

Give it a chance, lemme know what you think!

And sofurry is butchering my formatting, so if you want a cleaner version the prologue is also on FA here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17296564/

I upload current chapters there first, but I intend to get them all up on sofurry eventually.


Light streamed through the windows onto the worn wood of the floor, motes of dust floating lazily in the morning glow. Birds chirped in the pine trees right outside the door, the more brash ones making their way onto the weathered railings to juxtapose the quiet daybreak with loud chirps and songs. I sat up, stretching sore joints and tight muscles before rising off the beaten chuck of foam insulation that served as my bed. As the room around me comes into focus so do the surroundings; the tree limbs sway in a slow breeze, the stale summer air makes me feel hot and clammy, and the low groan of walkers pricks my ears.

This long into the post-modern world zombies were now a part of things, another facet of daily life to be dealt with like food, water and ammo. Annoyingly, King wasn't up watching the front door like he was supposed to be, but rather slumped up against the fireplace mantle with his rifle in his lap. I tip-toed across the floor towards him, watching as his eyes fluttered and his mouth lolled in a deep slumber. He needed a reminder every now and then that vigilance had to be constant, and I knew just the way to show him. It was always a laugh to fuck with the lion, who went out of his way to take the later watches and more dangerous scouting assignments to prove...whatever he had to prove I guess. I figured unloading his rifle and attacking him out of his restful sleep might be a laugh, especially when he fired an empty gun at me. Reaching towards the magazine on his rifle I pressed the small button on the side, ejecting the magazine quietly into my paw with a small click. Grabbing the bolt, I went to eject the remaining round King always kept in the chamber when I felt a set of sharp claws dig into the flesh of my forearm.

"No, no little wolf," King said in a low growl, eyes snapping open as his hand reflexively tightened its grip on the stock of his gun. "One of these days you are going to be too sloppy with that trick, and I'm going to wake up to see a very stupid, very dead black dog on the ground beside me, and I might actually feel kind of bad." I sneered at the feline, flashing my canines as I let go of his rifle. Although played as a joke between us, I knew the cat was deadly serious in the way he "slept." Some time ago, a coyote and fox pair linked up with us as we looted an old National Guard armory. They cleared a group of walkers with us, throwing us some canned food and two whole magazines for my rifle. After discovering a lifetime's worth of ammo, guns and food still intact we shacked up for the night with them to plan a way to move our newly found haul in the morning.

I woke up to hear a pair of gunshots. Apparently somebody had tried to grab King's gun as he slept and get the jump on us both, or at least that's what he told me. King put a round in both their foreheads, and neither looked as though they had ever gotten up off their bedrolls. No consequence really, them or us. And what we failed to see was that the pile of bodies they started burning later behind the armory hadn't all died from headshots. Maybe King and I were next up on the list, I'd like to think that. Since then we have had to be a bit more careful on how we move and who we trust, a system that basically ensures that we stay alive by talking to, helping, and going near, absolutely no one but each other.

"We need to get moving if we are going to reach that town by the end of today," I said as King pulled on his pants and boots. "It has to be 20km from where we spotted it yesterday, and I doubt we covered half that yesterday." The lion sighed as he re-chambered his rifle and hefted his pack up onto his shoulders. "And I'm sure that 20km estimate is wildly inaccurate too, so let's have breakfast and get a move on." I tried not to react to his snipe as we cleared the furniture we were using to barricade the front door, but I couldn't help but glare at him from time to time.

Outside I started a fire for our 'breakfast,' which consisted of canned pork and beans, chased down with some foraged berries and water that tasted like the metallic pot we'd had to boil it in. Lately water filters and purification tabs had become more and more difficult to scavenge, meaning that the only potable hydration came in the form of metallic, tasteless water boiled in a pot or kettle.

Shoving aside the furniture we had barricaded the door with, King and I stepped cautiously out into what I am sure used to be the well-manicured front lawn of a stunning summer vacation home. High in the Appalachian Mountains, the view from almost anywhere in the clear summer morning was almost guaranteed to be spectacular, and this one didn't disappoint. Craggy, broken peaks spread across as far as the eye could see, as the morning slowly ebbed in. A soft blue sky had formed, streaked brilliantly with pink rays of early sunlight, chasing shadows off of the mountains as the day rose. Nothing stood out immediately, meaning that King and I saw nothing smoking, burning, or covered with walkers, so we started slowly making our way down the side of the house back to the wooded trail we had been using yesterday.

I had no trouble making my way down the trail as King dawdled behind me, checking his gear, his rifle, his fucking shoelaces for all I know. I never took King's fastidiousness for granted because it was useful, but his attention to detail could be a bit much sometimes. Even if he would argue that it was the very thing keeping us alive, you only need to adjust a fucking pack so many times a day. Ahead of me lurked a dodgy looking curve, doubling back on itself. On this elevation, it offered a perfect ambush spot for both dead and undead alike. Looking back to see if King recognized this potential danger, I saw him instead rifling through his backpack, undoubtedly scrounging around for one of the ridiculous T-shirts he always managed to find to wear during the hotter parts of the daytime hike.

Recently he had taken a liking to classic rock bands, like the tie-dye Pink Floyd shirt I made him take off at gunpoint the other day. Although I conceded that 'zombies are not music snobs' as King protested, I firmly explained to him that bandits can see that shirt a mile away, and with a good rifle, they can shoot just as far. Finding his shirt King shirked the light jacket he had taken to wearing at night, and my qualms with him, annoyingly began to melt away. Under that shirt were those rippled biceps and shoulders, tight stomach (that a lack of food always seemed to push into a tight set of abs), and the full extent of his mane, which I can attest does really trail all the way down to that ample bulge his pants are currently hiding.

Hot under the collar and growing tighter in my trousers, I decided King was going to get part two of this morning's pranks. Diving off the road, I checked around me, listening and looking for anything out of place. After a moment I dove behind a large oak tree, dropping my gear and beginning to strip down to my bare fur. I was going to finally get the drop on King, but I was going to make sure he wouldn't forget it. In nothing more than my boots, I hid behind the tree next to the trail, listening for King's slowly approaching footsteps. _Swish, swish, swish_across the leaves meant a living body, more specifically the light feline falls King made in this forest underbrush. After a moment his footfalls lightened, then ceased, just as I thought he was about to round the corner. Patiently I waited for him to tie his shoe or whatever he had to do before he came around the corner, but after a moment I began to feel worried. I was confident I had heard him stop, and equally sure the trail was clear of walkers around us. My nose had gotten pretty damn good, and there was no way a zombie could crash through the forest without this wolf hearing him a mile away. But what if the living had gotten him? They were the real threat now, they could have gotten him and be watching me right now...

Heart racing, I began to peak at the trees and bushes around me, trying to decipher a color or shape out of place. Scanning around I saw nothing, and still couldn't hear King at all. Leaning back down to my clothes on the ground I took my pistol out of the holster on my pants. I felt foolish for being naked in the woods now, but if anyone had tried to snag King they were going to feel even more foolish when a very naked, very armed black wolf got a hold of them. Clicking off the safety I could feel the bark of the tree on my back through my fur as my adrenaline heightened. Hesitation kills these days, so one good breath, and on three I had to swivel around the tree to check the trail behind me. One,_a sharp crack echoes across the side of the hill from a branch being broken not ten feet away, _Two, heavy footfalls drag across the ground, so heavy they have to be the dead feet of a walker, Three, I grip my pistol as I hear a low groan from the other side of the tree, the unmistakable foul sound that only a zombie can emit, I have to move.

Turning the corner I lowered my pistol, ready to put a round clear through his brain, and free him from the chore of hunting the living. Moving around the trunk of the tree I pick up a shape directly in front of me, much closer than I am comfortable with. In a reflex motion I flip off the safety and aim at the head.

Staring ahead I am greeted by King, leaning against a tall pine tree. Completely naked, he smiles at me with his already semi-hard cock resting in his paw. "What brings you around these parts Tex?" he asks me with a shit eating grin on his face. While my brain doesn't know whether to hug or shoot this big idiot yet, the sudden tightness in my sheath is telling me to just shut up. Walking over, I slowly approach him and lower my weapon, King smugly extends a paw towards me. Grabbing his paw, I jerk his arm around, simultaneously spinning the lion to pin it behind his back. I hold my pistol to his head and twist his arm, feeling King tense up and hold his breath from the jab of pain. After a moment I let go of his arm, using my now free hand to fondle his cock and balls. Dropping my gun to the ground I start to stroke King's length and rub his hefty sac, letting my growing erection dig between the cheeks of his ass. "Just so we're clear though," I whisper into his ear, "that ambush was my idea and I am taking sole credit for its success."

King continues to smirk at me, drawing me in with the golden shimmer of his eyes. When I back off of him he seizes the opportunity, sweeping my legs out from under me and pinning me face down on the ground. Feeling his hard erection now pressed up against my tailhole he leans over my shoulder to put his muzzle against my ear. "Who said it was your idea wolf?" With that he kisses me deep on my lips, his scratchy tongue lashing around in my mouth. Before I can retort, he starts pushing his cock slowly inside me, and I forget everything I wanted to yell at him about.