Smoking In The Boy's Room

Story by Bevan on SoFurry

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On the off chance I still have fans, or anyone that remembers me- Hi. Long story short- I've been busy, and had a few computer problems ( drive failures ) that ate stories and generally beat my muse into the ground. Today while I mostly sat around and ferried an idiot along on their errands, I was struck with inspiration and scribbled some good old fashioned stereotype filled smut. Hopefully more, less poorly written smut will follow as I get my head back into writing. Hopefully I didn't screw up the upload.

If you aren't eighteen, or otherwise of legal age for your given area to read pornography : Don't. Don't or cover your tracks. This is material of an adult nature, of animal... People... Things, fucking. Gayly. Copyrighted companies or materials thereof belong to them, obviously, and my creations belong to me.

Eric stomped down the halls at a brisk pace, driven by anger and the need to satisfy an addiction. The wolf had stepped in from practice ten minutes early and caught his girlfriend blowing the waterboy in the equipment room. To their credit, he didn't hear them, hell! He wouldn't have even known they were there if he hadn't seen them, spotted them by chance with a passing glance at the tall, narrow window set in the door.

They never noticed him, the waterboy with his eyes closed, her with her face full of his dick... The very thought of it was enough to make him clench his fists, his black claws biting at his palms. He could have beaten the scrawny bastard to a pulp, done it with easy, and it would have felt... Good, so good. But he wasn't sure he could have stopped once he started.

Every inch of black fur on his muscular body bristled with restrained energy and rage. Every inch of his 6'2" height, every ounce of his two hundred and twenty nine pound form was begging to be unleashed. He smacked his fist into a passing locker, shattering the silence of the empty hall with a metallic rattle.

Eric turned a few feet after, shoving his way into the boy's room. He was still wearing his uniform, a red and white jersey with matching tights complete with a pair of cleats. They clacked distinctly on the blue tile underfoot as he stormed into bathroom, his nostrils flaring. He dug into his tights to remove the softpack of Malboros hidden snugly down in the front, secure in the waistband of his jock.

He popped a cigarette between his lips and pulled out a lighter along with it. Every fruitless spark, every moment he was denied a flame, his rage soared like a rocket. After the third try he flung it at the far corner of the room, sending it skipping across the tiled floor.

"Aw... What's the matter puppy, outta gas?" Eric jerked his head up, directing a loathsome glare at the owner of the voice, a short, white rabbit. His anger was overridden by surprise as he soaked the image of the rabbit into his mind, bit by bit. He was five foot nothing, slender as a reed and looking right at him with the most startling blue eyes he'd ever seen. His body wasn't the most surprising part though, not by a longshot, no. The surprise came from what the rabbit adorned his body with. A short grey and black pleated skirt, an immaculate white blouse, and lipstick so red and vibrant it all but glew.

All in all he would have been right at home in an early Britney Spears' video, especially with his perfect blonde hair. He leant off the wall and walked over to Eric, holding out his own lit cigarette.

"Don't worry puppy, I'll lend you a hand." He took Eric's wrist delicately into his paw, cradling it as he drew it close to his face. The rabbit's cigarette flared up when the two cancer sticks touched, coaxing Eric's to life with his cherry. Eric stared in stunned silence, right back into the blue eyes looking into his.

"Thanks." The anger that had been so tangible just moments ago slipped through his fingers, subsiding, gone but not forgotten. Eric lifted his cigarette up to his lips, taking in not only the sweet flavor of nicotine but the smell of the rabbit before him, the scent of smoke coming along with a light, floral scent.

"Anything for a man in a uniform." Eric grinned without even realizing it. Something about the line made him laugh, or maybe it was how it was delivered. He spoke with a tone that was half lyrical, half smug, as androgynous as his pretty little face.

"I didn't know girls smoked." Eric replied after a second of thought, his amber eyes drawn to the cherry of the rabbit's cigarette.

"I didn't know jocks talked to fags." Touche. The boy's lengthy ears twitched when he swept his long hair back behind them, away from his eyes. It was then that Eric caught sight of the small, golden rings piercing his ears at irregular intervals, mostly gathered around the upper halves. They jiggled whenever his ears twitched, rose or fell, catching and reflecting the low light filtering into the room from the cloudy glass of the windows above.

"I talk to whoever I want to talk to." The boy smiled, his long white teeth framed by ruby red.

"And you want to talk to me?" When he drew the cigarette from his lips to flick ash off of the tip, Eric could see the lipstick smudged on the filter.

"You gave me a light, least I could do is talk to you." He paused and something clicked. "Sue." That was his name, Eric had just remembered. A guy like that had a habit of sticking out, one way or the other. Sue had... Well, something of a reputation, or a legend, depending on how one looked at it. Blowjobs behind the school, lifting his tail for grades from lonely teachers... Think of a rumor, it probably went around at some point.

"Ain't you afraid of getting caught talking to me?"

"Why would I be afraid of anything?" The black wolf folded his arms across his broad chest, seemingly indignant at the mere implication of him being capable of fear.

"You're right, big strong man like you... What was I thinking? You aren't afraid of anything."

"If I was afraid of anything I wouldn't be able to do what I do on the field."

"Defensive lineman, I know. I saw you last Friday night, when you sacked that quarterback. The interception the Friday before that? That was a work of art. I didn't know a guy as big as you could jump like that, or grab like that. You're pretty good with your hands." The way Eric was looking at him, the surprise must have been written all over his face. "What? Fags can't like football?"

"Naw, I just didn't expect it." It was the truth, he was damn surprised by it. None of the guys had girl friends that were into the game, and his own ( the cheating whore ) only showed up when she wanted face time with the popular kids. It was a good thing he never gave her his jacket, he didn't know how to get cum stains out.

"I bet a lot of things about me would surprise you." Sue murmured, reaching out with one paw to touch Eric's forearm.

"Why don't you try me." Eric murmured right back. The rabbit tilted his head to the side, staring at him curiously, their eyes locked. When the bunny boy leant forward and up on his toes, Eric seized his sides in his masculine hands, holding him close. Their cigarettes fell from their muzzles and onto the floor, just before their lips met.

Eric didn't know what the hell he was doing, didn't have any idea why he was shoving his tongue into the rabbit's mouth... Or why he was enjoying it so damn much. The taste of ash wasn't a palatable one, but it was oh so suitable to the smoldering anger, the passion he felt surging back up within him.

Maybe seeing his girl with another guy had his head in a spin, or maybe all that anger, that energy he'd felt earlier was demanding a release. Whatever it was, for the first time he had his tongue inside the mouth of another guy... And shit, it was good. Sue had to stand up the tips of his toes to make it work, to hold his lips to Eric's. His fingers tangled in the wolf's short black hair, pulling on it forcefully, making Eric's lips lock with his for every last possible second that he could. Eric's hands helped keep him up, squeezing him, his claws biting through the rabbit's blouse and pinching at his flesh.

"Your hair is soaked." Sue gasped out when their lips broke apart for the first time. Eric hadn't showered after practice, not in his rush to get out of the locker room. Every patch of his fur was still damp with sweat, some more than others. It amplified his already normally rich scent, making it so thick in the air around him it could be cut with a knife.

"Didn't get a chance for a shower." Honest, not even a thought of lying came into his mind.

"Poor woofy." Sue smiled as his hands ran down the wolf's rock solid stomach, his fingers worming into Eric's waistband. "Lets get you outta those sweaty clothes." Eric drew a short breath as Sue pulled the drawstring from his tights, unwinding the knot with his brightly painted claws. Eric didn't make a single move to stop him, didn't even think so much as to mutter a 'stop' as Sue yanked his tights down around his athletic thighs in the middle of the bathroom.

"Damn." He whispered, taking in the sight of the Eric's jockstrap and the tantalizing outlines barely hidden by it's thin white fabric.

Sue's eyes grey as wide as saucers as he drew back the wolf's jock, letting every thick, sweat coated inch of flesh jut out before him. The awestruck expression that crept across his face was more befitting of a kid on Christmas morning than it was of a boy staring at a prick.

Eric grabbed him by the collar of his blouse and yanked, sending buttons flying as he pulled Sue into the closest stall.

"My fucking shirt!" He hissed, just before being silenced by Eric's tongue. More buttons bounced to the floor as Eric's hands tore his blouse open, exposing his flat, white stomach, and a small golden ring hidden in the white fuzz of his navel.

In a few quick seconds of manhandling, Eric went from kissing Sue to pinning him face first against the chipped, blue surface of the thin, wooden dividing wall.

It was a good thing that Eric was so excited his dick was drooling even before he'd had Sue bent over and spread out in front of him. The mixture of lingering sweat and precum smeared across his tip... It'd be just enough lube to pop his wolfcock right up Sue's asshole.

"I wanna fuck you." He breathed into Sue's long ear, his teeth plucking one of Sue's golden earrings.

"Don't ask, do!" Truth be told... Well. Eric didn't know what to do! Sure, he'd been with girls, but they never let him in through the back door...

"Fuck it." He muttered, his hands reaching under the rabbit's skirt. His fingers found themselves running across lace- Red lace, he saw for himself when he yanked Sue's panties down around his thighs. From there he ran his hands up the back of Sue's thighs, his paws pushing his skirt up around his wrists. His hands cupped at the rabbit's perfect, shapely ass, his thumbs pulling apart Sue's cheeks for a look at his tight, little pucker.

They gasped and swore in unison as Eric's dick shoved it's way past the rabbit's hole and drove right into his body. The resistance that Sue's body could muster, it was nothing compared to the brute force that Eric was pushing with- It hurt, hurt like hell, but even as he felt his eyes well up, Sue's face was split with hedonistic glee. Sue's ass was nothing like a pussy, not in the slightest. The heat, the wonderful, mind blowing heat alone... It was warmer than anything Eric had ever felt before, and every inch further he went, every extra, tiny little fraction of an inch he pushed in... It brought pure joy, a rush of beautiful euphoria.

He was huffing and puffing loud enough to put the Big Bad Wolf to shame by the time he was balls deep in the rabbit's clenching asshole. There were no words now, no speaking- To speak, even to try would be risking a wayward shout, a scream or a howl. There was only their shared panting, restrained grunts, the grinding of their teeth, and the quaking, creaking wall they were fucking against.

Eric didn't hold back, and even if he could Sue wouldn't have asked him to. In moments he'd gone from short, yet strong grinds of his growing knot teasing around Sue's pucker to full on, ass wrecking lunges that pushed in a little bit more each time. Eric could feel it coming, a building tension, a knot that begged to be used. He could have held back- Really, he could have. Could have... But didn't. Sue must have felt it, that swelling of cum slick flesh stretching him a little wider with every push.

"Tie me." He begged. "Tie me!" He gasped, pleading with the wolf. "Fuck that knot into me you big stud, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" He shouted out the last words, his shrill voice reverberating off the graffiti laden stall walls. Eric took one hand off Sue's ass and punched the thin wall, cracking it, nearly knocking a hole clean through it.

He was cumming even before he forced his knot into the pucker clutching at his throbbing dick. Cum shot out of Sue's asshole with every last, frantic pump of Eric's hips, spattering to the floor and onto the clothing gathered around their thighs. Without even a single touch to his cock, Sue hit his peak and shot his load all over the inner layer of his skirt- He'd have had a fit if he realized then he was ruining a second favorite garment in the past twenty minutes.

Would have, if his mind had the capacity to focus on anything but the wolfmeat locked between his thighs, still feeding cum into his belly. Sue slumped back against the wolf, basking in the warmth of his body and the wet heat pooling against oh so sensitive areas within him. No matter how fast, no matter how hard he panted, he just couldn't refill his burning lungs fast enough to sate them.

Eric drew his hands away from Sue's ass, sliding out from under his skirt, up around his slender form. Those big, black arms enveloped him, pulling him down as the wolf sat down on the toilet, panting for air in his long ear. Minutes after he'd cum, his heart was still pounding like he was running down a quarterback. What was this? What had he done, and... Why did he want more?

"Hey, Eric?" Sue breathlessly whispered, looking over his shoulder at Eric. "You wanna... Sleep over at my place tonight?" Eric hadn't thought longer than a second before he replied with a hoarse whisper.

"You bet your ass."