A New way of Life

Story by HellhoundCerberus on SoFurry

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*Another attempt at trying something new. Hope you enjoy*

"So this is it . . . this is Dragon Haven." Ray spoke to himself as he looked down at the great fields below.

Ray was a dragon, but he was a dragon unlike any other. For one, he was not raised in Dragon Haven like the others were. This automatically made him weaker then any other. The Dragons in Dragon Haven went through rigorous training, and each had to fend for themselves. This in return made them more powerful then any other species. This wasn't the case with Ray. When he was still a baby, two wolves had found him and raised him on their own. They of course, were not aware that Ray was a Dragon at the time. It was forbidden for any creature to interfere with the life of a newly born dragon. Those who did usually lost their lives to the dragon they took in or else they would be tortured for all eternity.

Ray looked more like a wolf with the standard colored fur when he was young, but as he grew it became obvious that he wasn't. His tail grew long and he started to grow wings. His size wasn't that much of an indicator because he was equal to his two parents in height by time he turned 18, his current age. His parents knew the risk that would come about the longer they kept Ray, and the more he changed into his dragon form. They didn't care because they came to love Ray as their only son. Ray on the other hand did care. He didn't want anything bad to happen to his parents, let alone by him. He told them the sad news that he was going to leave them. His parents were persistent that he stay, but Ray eventually managed to convince them otherwise. His parents, wanting the best for him, told him about Dragon Haven. They did not know where it was, but knew Ray somehow had to. They spent their last day together doing all sorts of fun activities, and when the next day came, they saw Ray off with a smile.

Ray immediately went back to the area his parents found him, knowing that Dragon Haven could not be too far off. He searched for days and finally found it.

"This place is very beautiful. It's a shame many cannot come here without being brutally killed." Ray shook his head, flying down towards the fields below. As he landed he felt a claw on his shoulder. He turned to be greeted by a dragon his size. It had a friendly smile on it's face.

"Who may you be?" The dragon said in a friendly but serious tone. Ray looked at the dragon as if he were lost, but he did answer.

"My name is Ray. Who are you?" The dragon laughed and gave Ray a Friendly nudge. "Call me Tank." Ray gave the older dragon a look over and could see how he could get a name like that. He was very muscular and looked as if he could rip Ray in half. Tank noticed and laughed a bit.

"I can tell you're not from around here. You look like another outside dragon." Ray looked like he was heartbroken at hearing that line."

"What do you mean by that, Tank?" Ray asked hoping it had nothing to do with his physical appearance. He was the strongest kid in his school, though now looking at Tank that meant nothing.

"Well all you outside dragons seem to be missing something that all of us in Dragon Haven have. That certain something would be strength and independence. See, all of us here have different shapes and sizes, but we can fend for ourselves. You look like you wouldn't last a week without your parents."

"Im here aren't I? I left my parents . . . only to come to this place." Ray sighed and looked out over the fields, already missing the two that had raised him.

"Who's your parents?" Tank asked curiously. He knew every dragon in Dragon Haven, and he knew how to use that knowledge.

"You wouldn't know them. They were wolves." Ray replied. He started to shake from what he just said and turned to face Tank who had a confused look on his face. "Please don't tell anyone that! They raised me ever since I was a cub, and they have protected me."

Tank only looked at Ray, not saying anything to him. This made Ray nervous, and he did not know whether he would simply try to silence the other or not. He could try, but Tank definitely wasn't going to be an easy target. Ray sighed at his thoughts, knowing them to be strange at times. As Ray thought to himself, Tank noticed his various expressions. He seemed confused by Ray but he didn't bother showing him any more emotions. His expression became blank, and he looked into Ray's eyes.

"Well . . . you could raise that cute tail of yours for me." Ray was somewhat surprised by that and he looked at Tank with a slight glare. He wasn't the type to do that with another male. If he did, he definitely wasn't going to be the bottom.

"Im not gay." Ray stated coldly. His thoughts were simply that if he was with another male, he could not have a child. He wanted to have a child more then anything, and he wanted to raise it with the knowledge that he had learned. Tank laughed and smiled at Ray

"Don't worry, im not either. You can ask any one of my four female mates." Tank said and gave Ray a pat on the back. "That was a test and a warning if you view this situation correctly. Most guys here like to take advantage of the weaker dragons, or basically anyone with secrets they don't want out. I like to tease some of the males and even play with them, but that's rare. Only the ones who strike me as handsome can have the luxury of having my dick up their ass." Ray didn't even blush at what the male had said, and he even seemed to be glaring at him more. "You qualify as handsome. Sadly, I have somewhere else to be." Tank stated, spreading his wings and preparing himself for flight. "Ill leave you to learn the lands." He said before beginning to take off.

"So your one of those dragons then." Ray said, catching Tank's attention.

"I have my moments. Besides, I know when to stop. Some of these brutes don't. Keep that in mind kid, and don't let anyone find out your little secret. I have a few, and I have kept them to myself. Hell, if you can figure one out, ill let you fuck me anywhere and however you like." Tank teased and laughed at Ray before taking off, eventually disappearing in the distance. Ray shook his head and took flight also, going in the direction Tank had. Tank obviously knew where he was going and it couldn't hurt to follow behind him. It didn't take long for Ray to start to notice other Dragons, mainly those who looked as if they would attack him without hesitation. They each growled at him as if they could see something on him. The truth was that Ray had that scent they all hated...the scent of an outsider. A outside dragon only enraged the older ones since they would have more competition to deal with and yet another young soul to break in. It was kind of discrimination. No one liked a outside dragon, and most were mainly treated like slaves until they proved they could fend for themselves.

Ray landed in a small village like spot where several muscular dragons were. Most were male, but there were a few females too. Ray looked around, noticing that the males were wearing tight shirts, and only shirts. Some were half erect, fully erect, and some didn't have erections at all. Ray was amazed at how big some of the dragons were, but he surely didn't make it obvious that he was noticing their hardons. The females were completely naked, except for some jewelry some might have been wearing. Ray didn't understand why, and didn't take the time to ask. He walked down a path trying to ignore the fact that everyone was glaring at him. Not able to take it much longer, he walked near what seemed to be a lake, free of all of the glares.

"Finally.." Ray stated and took a breath before noticing sounds coming from around him. He looked around and noticed that there were indeed more dragons around. Some were in trees, some were actually in the lake, and some were in the tall grass surrounding the area. What Ray noticed kind of took him by surprise. Most of the dragons were mating. It was strange for him to see males with males and females with females. Mostly it was a male and a number of females though.

As Ray looked around in almost disbelief, he noticed Tank was one of the dragons that were mating. Tank wasn't with a female though, he was with two males. The males were as muscular as Ray was. Each were servicing Tank...eagerly licking at his large dragon dick. Tank seemed to be enjoying it. He had his eyes closed, and he was stroking both of the males heads. Ray leaned forward and looked across the field to see a heavily muscular dragon flying over towards Tank. Seeming to not be ashamed, he got on his knees and began to lick at the dicks of the two males servicing Tank. Ray didn't know what to think and turned to leave...but not before Tank opened his eyes and seemingly glanced across a large lake all the way over at Ray. It seemed that Tank was trying to call him over, but Ray decided to leave without anymore hesitation. He walked back to the village and noticed that dragons were mating there too. Ray didn't notice this before because he was trying to ignore their glares. It was different now, seeing as how Ray was examining The others.

"What the fuck?" Ray whispered to himself, though he was heard by nearly everyone around him. The dragons that were mating tried to pay no attention to Ray, but the ones that weren't couldn't take their eyes off of him. What Ray soon noticed was that the fully erect dragons were the ones who were mating, and the ones who were half erect seemed to be waiting to find someone to mate with. The ones who weren't erect at all were the ones who were staring at Ray. They were the ones who didn't seem interested in mating. This was only Ray's theory though, seeing as how the half erect dragons were also the ones who were being mated and the fully erect dragons were sometimes just posing to most likely show off their manhoods. It started making sense why the dragons wore nothing, and why the ones who did only wore shirts. Ray came to Dragon Haven only wearing a pair of shorts. He was doing things backwards it seemed. Ray didn't care though, and he again spread his wings to go off to another location. He found a nice quiet spot where there really were no other dragons. It was shady, and a perfect spot for him to take a rest. Ray sat down against a tree and closed his eyes, thinking about everything he saw. He was turned on by some of the females he saw, and that was encouragement enough for him to paw off. A bulge became noticeable in his shorts, but he showed restraint and resisted jerking one out. He closed his eyes and was close to napping, but was woken up when he heard noises coming from around him. Ray Stood up and began to look around, hoping that it was simply a small creature. He was wrong, and two dragons appeared on either side of him. They didn't look happy at all to see Ray.

"Outsider..." One of the dragons spoke, way taller then Ray was.

"Go back to your own land..." The other smaller, yet muscular dragon spoke. Ray looked at them both but didn't reply to them. He had already made a choice of coming here, and he would be damned if he went all the way back. Why everyone hated him was a sure mystery. Ray had done nothing to anyone, and he didn't try to show off in anyway.

"This is my land." Ray replied. The others began to growl and move towards Ray but he stood still. "I came a long way...and I wont leave now because of idiots like you." The other dragons stopped in their place, knowing they would get in severe trouble with the big man if they attacked a outsider that had some restraint.

"Your different then the others..." The blue dragon said and moved next to Ray, though no longer growling.

"Yeah, you actually have control.." The silver one said and stood in front of Ray. "Any other outsider would have attacked us." The dragon extended his paw to Ray. "Im panther by the way." Ray didn't take the dragon's paw and simply stared at him. "That over there is Tiger."

"You can call me Ray." Ray spoke, not entirely happy with the two dragons.

"Im one of the powerful guardians of this area. I protect the people who are within my clan. You can definitely rely on me if you need help." Ray noticed now that Tiger was sniffing at him. "Tiger is the more...less reliable of us. I wouldn't advise trusting him with something valuable. He would simply waste the effort you had put into getting it." Tiger looked up at Panther and growled at him

"what do you mean by that?" Tiger said, slightly upset by that comment. Panther shrugged

"You're a waste of time." He stated coldly, continuing from where he left off. "There's one other Guardian. His name is Blitzkrieg, but he likes to be called Blitz. He's the fastest out of us three, and he is definitely the most wild." Panther chuckled and smiled at Ray. Ray still wasn't sure about these two strange dragons, but if they were guardians then they couldn't be all that bad.

"Its nice to meet you." Ray stated.

"Same here." Both dragons replied.

"You must have been raised by two great parents." Tiger asked while sniffing at Ray's lower body. Ray sighed and moved back slightly

"Yeah, they were great wolves." Ray said, focusing more on the sniffing Dragon.

"Oh really? Two wolves?" Panther spoke. Ray noticed that both of the dragons had smirks on their faces now. "That sounds highly illegal to me." Ray focused his attention on Panther after hearing that.

"What about it? You can keep that to yourself, cant you panther?" Tiger said, chuckling to himself

"I don't know Tiger, I don't keep things from the big guy. Besides, im sure Blitz would love to know about this. Why don't you go get him for me?" Panther spoke, watching Ray's reaction carefully. Tiger shrugged and took flight, heading back in the direction of the village. Ray now only had one dragon to deal with, which made things somewhat easier. It would have been greater if Tiger had stayed and Panther went. Tiger looked easy to manipulate, but then again it could of been an act.

"Well? Are you going to remain quiet Ray?" Ray glared at Panther and shook his head.

"What is there to say? Do you expect me to beg you not to say anything? It wont happen." Ray was determined to try and change the dragon's mind about this. He knew showing fear was what panther wanted.

"Actually yeah, I do. Being raised by two wolves is highly illegal. When Blitz finds out about this, your so called parents are going to die. What's funnier is that its going to have to be by you." Ray began to growl, but he knew better then to attack a guardian. "Though, I am willing to make a deal with you. Me and Blitz are lovers. Tiger is our son...sorta. Anyway, you make me happy and im sure I can do the same with Blitz. I could convince him to keep your little secret." Ray stopped growling and took a deep breath, not really having any other choice at this point.

"What will make you happy?" Ray spoke softly, not seeing any point in going into a state of rage. This was exactly what Panther wanted. Getting Ray in this kind of position would seriously help in controlling him.

"I don't know. What do you think would make me happy?"

"Burning in hell?" Ray stated and shrugged. Panther only laughed and shook his head

"Maybe some other time. Why don't you guess again?" Ray noticed the dragon's dick starting to appear. He tried his best to ignore it because he knew what it would lead to."

"I become your son?" Ray suggested, merely trying all of his options.

"You? As my son? I don't think that would ever happen. Blitz would probably tear you apart if he even heard you say that." Panther seemed to be getting tired of the guessing game and he grabbed Ray, forcing him down towards his dick. "Now, take a final guess." Panther was already half way erect and he was still growing.

"My final guess is that you're the bitch in the relationship. You don't look like you know how to fuck someone and next to that, you don't look like you have the size for it." Panther blushed and snarled, grabbing Ray's head and forcing it to take in his dick. Panther had barbs that he could control, but he purposely left them extended. He wanted Ray to remember this one way or another, even if it meant leaving a permanent mark. Ray had a disagreement though. The dragon touching him...and even forcing him onto a barb covered dick was all it took. Ray bit down on Panther's dick and forced him to flinch. As his grip loosened, Ray ducked down and away from the massive male.

"Ow! Your gonna-" Panther didn't have time to finish his speech. Ray stood up and spread his wings, jumping towards the male and tackling him down to the ground. He wasn't thinking any of this through, and he just did what his instincts told him to. He turned around on the muscular dragon and kept him pinned down. Ray's dick started to slip out of his sheath now. It was one of the few things that stayed with him as he aged, along with his knot.

"How about you make me happy instead?" Ray said as he came out of his sheath more, his dick starting to poke against Panther's chest. Panther wasn't as easy to keep down as Ray thought though. without much difficulty he managed to throw Ray off of him. Ray was slightly shooken up but he recovered and re-focused on the dragon coming back at him. Panther grabbed Ray and threw him to the ground, exciting a yelp from him.

"Not a chance. I see im going to have to teach you your place outsider." Panther spoke and placed one of his footpaws onto Ray, placing his heavy weight on Ray and even digging his claws into him. Ray was in pain, but he couldn't let Panther know that. He grabbed Panther's foot and forced it off of him. It took all of his strength just to get that one foot off of him. From that point onward, Ray knew that this little brawl would already be one sided. He stood up and started backing away from Panther. "Where you going? Don't tell me your running away already. I haven't even used any of my abilities." Panther spread his wings and leaped towards Ray, tackling him and throwing both of them into the pond. Ray couldn't believe this was all happening on his first day in Dragon Haven. Everything seemed messed up to him.

As Ray tried to stand up in the water, he was forced back down into it by Panther who was holding him down. The dragon didn't seem interested in showing mercy, and he planned on drowning Ray unless he submitted. "Hmm, now who are you going to serve for the rest of your life?" Ray didn't reply and he struggled to get free of Panther's grip. Panther's strength was amazing, and was sadly being used against Ray. He didn't have much longer to make a choice since he was already beginning to choke. Ray was sure he was doomed, but at the last second Panther's weight was removed from him and he was able to stand up. He wasn't sure what happened.

"You should know better then to try to kill a new outsider Panther." Ray heard someone say. "What kind of a guardian are you?"

"A damn good one." Panther replied and seemingly started to fight another dragon. Ray still stunned tried his best to shake it off. When he finally managed to, he turned and looked for the others. He saw that Panther was fighting another muscular dragon. Ray didn't know who the dragon was at first glance, but it soon became obvious to him. That dragon was Tank. By the looks of it, Tank was owning Panther. He had him pinned on the ground.

"I cant kill you panther, but I can surely hurt you." Tank stated, starting to have problems with holding down the dragon. Ray immediately took flight and leaped over to the two. He joined Tank and helped him keep Panther down.

"Your both making a mistake. You will pay dearly for this...especially you Tank. You may not have the balls to kill me...but I definitely have the balls to kill you." Panther wasn't happy that Tank was assisting an outsider. He was just as surprised as Ray was though.

"You two know each other?" Ray questioned.

"know each other? Were brothers. Trust me, he's always been a bully." Brothers? What the hell was going on around here? The two dragons looked nothing alike to Ray and they weren't even near the same size. This place was strange to Ray, but it was where he belonged. At this point Panther stopped trying to get free. He had a smirk on his face and simply stared up at the two.

"Brother, you have never learned what it means to get your ass handed to you. We will teach you now."

"We?" Both Ray and Tank asked. Nearly following panther's statement, they heard roars and turned around, only to be tackled and thrown away by both Tiger and Blitz. Blitz appeared to be the strongest of the three, and he was definitely the largest. He was a white dragon. Both him and Tiger moved to Panther and helped him up. In return Panther gave both Tiger and Blitz deep passionate kisses, paying no attention to the others.

"Thanks guys. You two can handle Tank. I have business with the outsider. Treat Tank as if he were a traitor, and eliminate him if you have to." Tiger and Blitz nodded to Panther, each moving to attack Tank. Ray looked surprised and shocked. Panther was willing to kill his own brother. He had no loyalty to his family.

"Your horrible." Ray spoke to Panther. He only laughed at Ray and glared at him. Ray didn't know if he was still stunned or not, because he started to find it harder and harder to move his body.

"I know I am." Panther said proudly and walked behind Ray, grabbing hold of him as he began to take flight." Lets go somewhere else, shall we?" Ray didn't have a choice. He couldn't move and try to break free.

"Would you really let them kill your own brother?"

"Ill let them kill anyone who opposes me. By time we return, Tank should be bloody." Ray couldn't believe anything he was hearing. How could this guy be a guardian if he killed so openly? Ray had so many questions, and every time he asked one, he became more and more aggravated with the dragon, though this seemed to make him more and more proud.

Panther stopped a considerable distance into the air. "Mmm, lets try this again. Lift your tail for me." Ray growled.

"No way! Im not going to submit to you."

"Have it your way then..." Panther released Ray and he began to fall down towards the ground. Ray had lost control of his body, and he could not use his wings to save his life. It was simply a matter of time before he hit the ground...hard. He began to yell out now, distraught at the fact that he could do nothing but spin in the air and wait until it happened. Panther was watching to see Ray's reaction, and it was the exact one he wanted. He swooped down and caught Ray upside-down in the air. His dick was placed directly in front of Ray's maw, and Ray's ass had been in front of Panther's maw. "Are you going to suck my dick now, outsider?" Ray said nothing and shook his head. "Stop being so damn stubborn. Ill forgive you for everything if you become my slave and pleasure me. If you don't..ill kill you. After your good and dead ill tear the flesh from your body and give whatever is left over to Blitz. When im done with that, ill get the word out about your parents. Their scent is over you, and I can easily track them down." Ray heard the dragon's words and opened his eyes, staring at his fully erect dick. It had a strong musk about it, one that could scare away someone who knew no better. "Its your choice." Ray began to whine, seeing no way out of this. He would not allow innocent lives to be taken because of him.

"If I do it will you promise not to tell anyone about my parents?" Panther smirked

"Why of course."

"And will you promise to not kill Tank?"

"I cant make any promises on that. Its out of my hands now." Ray continued to whine and grabbed hold of the dragon's dick. The barbs on it was fully extended. He had no real choice though, and he leaned forward to take the tip into his maw. "Good boy. Now move your tail." Ray moved his tail away, allowing full access to his tail hole. He couldn't believe this was happening. Why did these things always happen to him?

Panther laughed, knowing now that Ray would eat his shit if he ordered him to. He moved his maw down to Ray's entrance and began to lick over it. He wanted Ray's tail hole nice and wet. "Take it in deeper, outsider." Ray sighed and took more of the dragon's musky meat into his maw. If the odor and taste wasn't bad enough, Panther's sharp barbs made it difficult for Ray to take in most if any of it. He knew Panther purposely had the barbs out though, and only wanted to Torment him as much as possible.

Ray shivered as he felt something penetrate him. Panther's tongue wasn't warm like most others, it was much hotter. Surprisingly, it slipped right into Ray with the slightest of ease and was able to go deep into him. Panther's tongue stopped a ways into Ray before it started to lick around his walls. Following its examination, it pulled directly out of Ray so that Panther could talk.

"Mmm...someone seems to have a secret." Ray began to growl on Panther's dick, but was silenced when Panther thrusted himself forward to choke Ray. "I can taste it...everything you have eaten, everything you have gulped down, and everything that has been up there." Ray didnt know what Panther had found, and he didn't want to know."I wont say it if you deep throat me good enough. Ill be moaning too much to usher it..." Ray closed his eyes and began to push himself down on Panther. He truly tried to take it all in, but those damn barbs prevented him from doing so. "Seems you cant even do that. ill just be sure to tell that to Blitz and see what he thinks." Ray felt like crying at this point. Again there was no choice for him. He swallowed his pride and tried again, ignoring the pain the barbs brought him. He made sure to take in every bit of the dragon's manhood, and he made sure to cover it in his saliva. He worked his tongue around the pulsing shaft in his maw to try to get Panther to moan. Each lick got him a cut on his tongue though. Ray hoped that this would be good enough.

"Oh wow...that's way better. Its not good enough though. Maybe if you choke on my dick it'll get me excited enough." Ray couldn't even hold back his tears anymore. He opened his eyes and let them stream down his face. He moved his maw in a way that made him choke on Panther's dick. He gagged and even vomited slightly, but he tried to not let Panther know that. "Yeah, that's way better outsider. I think im close to filling that hot maw of yours. Stay on my dick and suck on my balls and then maybe you'll get something for it." Ray pulled back slightly so that he would stop choking. When he stopped, he moved back down onto Panther's dick and went deep enough to be at his base. There was no way for him to suck on Panther's balls, so he managed to worm his tongue outwards and got it to lick at them instead. "Damn! That's close enough." Panther said and roared out, now shooting his thick cum directly down Ray's throat. He forced Ray off of his dick and let the rest of his seed flow directly over his muzzle. He didn't want Ray to swallow it. He wanted Ray to feel it on his face so he would get the feeling of having no control.

Ray said and did nothing. He allowed Panther to cover him completely in his musky seed. Panther was enjoying this to the fullest of course, but Ray obviously wasn't. As Panther finished up with his seed, he began to take flight higher into the air. "Now, how about I fuck your hot tail hole next, outsider?" Ray starting to think he was in hell. After everything that was going on, what else would he think? At the last moment though, Ray received some hope. He noticed that he was able to move again. Panther had not been paying attention and he most likely wasn't focusing on the paralysis he was causing Ray. Thinking this one out, Ray slid down under Panther and around to his back, now holding onto him from behind. He had abilities of his own, and he surely was ready to use them. Panther was surprised and began to growl, but before he could do anything, he felt his own wings turn cold and eventually they became numb. His ascending speed quickly turned into that one of a descending one, seeing as how Ray could not hold both of them into the air.

"Its my turn now." Ray stated and spun the two so that they were in a diving position. He spread his wings as they both flew down towards the ground.

"What are you doing!? Release my wings or we will both perish."

"I wont be killed because I have a nice cushion to land on. You on the other hand will feel the full impact of the ground and my weight. I doubt you will die though. You seem like the type that never does." Panther growled and tried to get Ray off of him but failed miserably. He looked down and gasped as the ground became all the more closer.

"What do you want from me?"

"Revenge." Ray said and braced himself. Panther did the same, but it would prove to be useless in the long run. Panther closed his eyes as he finally made contact with the ground, stirring grass and dirt everywhere. A loud boom could be heard for miles, and a huge crater was created within the ground. Panther had felt it all, and he had been considerably damaged. Ray was damaged also, but not as bad as Panther was. Ray was shooken up and stayed down to the ground, first wanting all of the debris to clear.

The debris finally cleared up after awhile and Ray got off of Panther. He walked around the dragon and checked to see if it was still alive. Panther's eyes were shut, but it was evident that he was still breathing. The impact must of knocked him unconscious.

Ray shook his head. He thought it was sad how some dragons grew up and became like this. They would be willing to hurt their own family. Ray spread his wings and was about to take flight, but noticed that Panther was moving. He opened his eyes and began to try to get up. Ray was quickly noticed and Panther began to glare. "You'll pay for that also." Panther spoke, struggling to get onto his feet. Ray didn't give him the chance though. He moved behind Panther and forced him to get on all fours.

"I don't think your in any position to make threats." Ray spoke softly. His dick was still out and it was overdue for some fun. Ray bent down and raised Panther's now dirt covered tail. It had done well to keep most of the debris away from his tailhole. Ray wasn't really into getting intimate with a guy, but if it made Panther pissed he didn't care. He moved his face to the loose entrance and began to lick at it. He mimicked exactly what Panther did to him, and he made sure to stick his tongue in deep. Panther moaned, but it seemed to be more from pain. Ray had no intention of easing up though. This was his first time rimming another, and he definitely enjoyed it. It was only partially from arousal though. Most of it was from it being familiar. Maybe it was something that had to do with the dragon's sweat and strong scent. Whatever it was, it made it difficult for Ray to stop. Ray knew what was going to happen and he decided to pull himself out of the dragon's tasty hole.

"Addicting...isn't it?" Panther muttered. Ray shrugged and gave the dragon a pretty hard slap on the ass. Panther flinched and roared. He knew Ray did that on purpose and was trying to hurt him just as he did. Ray moved back slightly from the roar, but smirked and grabbed hold of the dragons dirt covered ass. He didn't want to be anywhere near gentle with Panther. Ray almost instinctively began to thrust into Panther, getting a lot of roars out of him. He ignored them though, and wildly fucked the dragon's ass. Ray was a virgin when he came to Dragon Haven, and now because of Panther that had been changed. He wanted to lose his virginity to a female he truly cared about, and a female that he knew he would spend the rest of his life with. He couldn't do that now, and he wanted the male responsible to pay in every way that he possible could. All of these thoughts in Ray's head only angered him more, and in return he sped up into the inviting entrance. Panther began to cry out and Ray noticed he had tears streaming down his face. Panther's head was down and his eyes were closed. It looked as if he actually had regret. Ray looked away from him, because he knew he would began to feel pity and regret himself. Oddly enough, Ray was already turned on from everything that had happened earlier. Maybe it was because he was inexperienced, or maybe it was because he wanted to humiliate the dragon. Whatever it was, Ray found himself approaching his orgasm extremely quickly. His knot was already formed and it was only waiting to slip inside the hot entrance. Panther felt it against him and began to talk through his groans and roars. "Please...you..cant. Don't cum...inside of me." Ray ignored Panther again and continued. Even if he wanted to stop he was in too much bliss. Ray began to pant and didn't seem to have control of his actions anymore. His feral side took over, and it wanted him to thrust into this bitch and breed him. Rays knot slipped into Panther's ass without a problem, locking the two together. While Ray was in his own little world, Panther was shocked. He started to feel Ray's dick pulse and shoot its new seed directly into him. Panther couldn't believe what Ray had just done. He shook his head sadly and cried silently to himself. Ray couldn't help but notice and began to feel sorry for the dragon.


"You know...you did this to yourself. Someone who kills their own family will most likely get hurt." Panther just shook his head in response. He lifted his head and looked back at Ray.

"I didn't kill anyone. Im a guardian..." Ray glared down at the large dragon.

"What does that mean? You ordered your lover to hurt your brother." Panther shook his head.

"Blitz...wont actually harm his brother." Ray sighed.

"Just because Tank is in your family doesn't mean your lover wont hurt him. I know a few situations where a guy hurt his mate's family." Panther shook his head once again

"No...your misunderstanding. Me, Tank, and Blitz are blood brothers. Tank is the youngest and Blitz is the oldest. Im the middle child."

"How is that possible? I thought Blitz was your lover." Panther sighed softly

"He is. Blitz has always been there for me...and he has always kept me safe. We spent most of our time together growing up. One time I was bit by something poisonous...and guess who was by my side the whole time to ensure that I recovered. He did everything to heal me, and I am eternally grateful for that." Ray looked at Panther confused. "As time went on, it became evident to me that I couldn't stand to be without him. He had mates before me...and I was jealous of each one. They were all females. The thought of seeing Blitz with another...and seeing him without me just made me depressed, even though none of his relationships worked out. In a way I was happy, but I was sad because the male I loved was sad." Ray felt his knot shrink, but it wasn't small enough for him to pull out yet. This whole story was kind of weird to him, but it was interesting.

"By the sounds of it Blitz is straight. How did you two come together?"

"Well, one day Blitz noticed how depressed I was. He asked me what was wrong. I couldn't lie to him though. I cant bring myself to do such a thing when it involves him. I told him how I felt...and he said nothing to me and left. I expected him to. At the time he hated the idea of two or more males being together. I knew I was taking a risk when I said so. I was risking the friendship of the one male I truly cared for."

"So your gay?"

"No, im not. Im bisexual. I was straight before, but I became confused every time I thought about Blitz." Ray was still confused. Panther's story didn't make much sense to him. If Blitz was truly straight and he rejected Panther the first time, why were they together now.

"So how exactly did you get together?" Panther still had tears flowing down his face, but he wasn't crying as much as before. He even seemed to be healing.

"The night of the day I told him, I went to my favorite spot. The exact spot you were in when we met is where it is. Anyway, I was surprised to see Blitz already there. He was leaning against the same tree you were against...in the same way too. That's why when i saw you at the tree, I originally thought you were Blitz. Anyway...when I landed Blitz glared at me. He asked me how long I have felt that way about him. I replied ever since I was born...and that I would continue to love him for an eternity. He snorted and said that an eternity doesn't last as long as one would expect it to. That's when I took another chance and moved in to kiss him. He stopped me, and said he needed time to think about it because we both knew how he felt about such things...and he rarely ever contradicts himself." Rays knot was small enough now and he pulled out of Panther.

"And then what happened?"

"Well...a few days went by without us saying anything to each other. I couldn't take it, but I knew it was for the best. The same silence repeated itself for a few months. I felt like crying by this time, because I didn't know if Blitz didn't want to have to do anything with me anymore. A few more months went by and I really couldn't take it anymore. I...I actually began to cry every time I went back to my spot." Panther laughed a bit and more tears started to stream down his face. "I started to expect him to be there waiting for me...to tell me that he didn't hate me and simply needed some time alone. That never happened though. Those months eventually turned into years, and that's when the silence between us was broken. Blitz approached me one day while I was at my spot crying. He brought two females with him...and each were one of his mates. Blitz only stared at me while the two females were laughing. He finally asked me a question that I could never forget." Ray's ears perked up and he had a sad look on his face. He couldn't believe he was actually feeling sorry for this dragon of all people!

"What was the question?"

"He asked me if I would do anything for him. I said yes. He replied by asking me if I was willing to take on the two females as my mates also. I nodded and said that I would take them on as my mates, but my loyalty and my love would only be within him." Panther took a moment to wipe his face before continuing. "What Blitz did after that surprised me. He smiled at me before raising his paw and moving it in a dismissing manner towards the females. 'Im done with you, go and find someone else to be your lover.' That's exactly what he said without even looking them in the eye. His focus was on me only. He was staring into my eyes in such a way that you could never be mad at the person. The females wasn't happy at all though. They each starting talking and arguing with Blitz...but he didn't care. He growled at them while keeping his eyes on me. They got the message, and they left without saying anything more. Getting on Blitz's bad side wasn't isn't something you want to do." Panther began to smile and his tail regained motion behind him.

"Let me guess, he said he loved you afterwards?"

"No. He kept staring into my eyes...and I stared back into his." Panther laughed again. "We stood looking into each other's eyes for at least half an hour. Even though we didn't say anything to each other, I think we knew what was on each others mind. Words couldn't even describe how I felt at that moment, and Blitz knew it. Finally, he decided to walk to me. He gave me a kiss...a passionate one that led to more then one thing later on. Anyway...that's how we met and came together. Blitz said he was still straight, but that I was the one and only exception he would make." Ray was definitely impressed. This cruel dragon actually had compassion within him.

"Where did Tiger come from then?"

"From that moment, Blitz knew that I was the one he wanted to raise a child with. He was still against the idea of two males being together though." Panther took a breath before continuing. This story would prove to be somewhat complicated. "To fix that, he said that we would go to the village and mate the females we saw worthy to pass on their genes. We each did." Ray's ears perked up.

"So does that mean you have a lot of children?"

"No, we do not." Panther sighed and shook his head, the look of regret returning. "Some females became pregnant, some didn't. The ones that did each had a child with their genes included. If Blitz didn't like the genes a certain child had..." Panther fell silent for a moment.

"Then what?" Ray inquired

"Then....then we would kill it."

"You what..!?"

"Of all the children we had by females, only one appealed to Blitz. That one was Tiger. That is why I said he is sort of our son." Ray was speechless at hearing what happened to others. He shook his head in disbelief that someone would kill all of those newborns. "Tiger...isn't a only child though."

"Well I think you covered that, monster."

"No, I mean he's not the only living one. As time went on, me and Blitz thought that it wasn't fair that Tiger had to grow up without any siblings....living siblings. It had been quite a ways into the relationship, and Blitz's previous ideas had changed. I was kind of surprised when he came to me...and held me in his arms. He whispered in my ear that the next child we had...would have both of our genes. Basically, after that talk, we had a lot of sex. Tiger sometimes watched cause Blitz wanted him to learn everything he knew."

"How old was he when this started...?"

"Tiger was just becoming a teenager. Anyway, after a long time of fucking...I finally became pregnant."

"Again...how is that even possible?"

"Im a herm. Its hard to explain, but im the only one in this generation. Anyway, when I was pregnant, it became harder for me to assist blitz when we became guardians. Eventually, he was left out on his own. I think this is when he started to become the wild and crazy dragon we know now. This is also when we noticed that raising another newborn would become difficult." Panther had tears beginning to run down his face again. "The time eventually came when the child was born. This child wasn't like most others though. Me and Blitz both decided with everything going on that we would not keep the child...but we would not kill it. Blitz took the child and left it outside of Dragon Haven, to see if it could survive on its own." Ray was really curious now. Panther seemed really upset.

"What was wrong with the child? What happened to it?"

"Nothing was really wrong, except that it looked like a wolf pup." Ray raised a brow, starting to see where this was going. "As for what happened to it...it apparently was taken in by two wolves, and it grew up to be a normal dragon. One who is new to dragon haven." Panther looked up at Ray sadly. Ray on the other hand glared down at him. He started feeling so much anger and rage. Without even paying much attention to his actions, he gave a swift kick to Panther's side.

"Don't you dare imply you were my birth father! There's no possible way! We don't look alike, we don't act alike, and..."

"and to be able to tell our child from another, I placed some of my cum into him...where it wouldn't interfere with his growth, but where it could be reached and seen by another dragon." Ray turned to see Blitz and Tiger standing behind him. It was blitz who had talked though. They both went over to Panther and helped him up.

"That cum was what I tasted inside of you Ray...it was faint, but it was definitely familiar. It was Blitz's cum." Panther spoke. He seemed to have recovered from the fall, and his moment of regret seemed to have ended. He had that same smirk back on his face. "Say hello to your younger brother, Tiger." Ray shook his head again in disbelief. Things did start to make sense though. The reason Tiger was sniffing him was because he had Ray's scent from before. He probably couldn't remember that it was his brothers, but he knew it was very familiar to him.

"Your horrible...and your liars!" Ray turned and spread his wings, almost immediately taking off. He didn't know where he would go, but he wanted to clear his head of everything. The three guardians didn't follow after him though, and neither said anything to stop him. If everything was true...then Ray had one hell of a family. It was one family he didn't want to be apart of though...