Lifestyle Change

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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#3 of Self-Improvement

Part three of three. Some rifts are too great to be crossed...but maybe it's better off if they aren't, anyway. At times, the best thing to do is just change your life completely, especially if things just aren't working out. And sometimes you don't get much say in whether they change...only how. But how can be the most important thing to know.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between males, mentions of slightly non-consensual acts, and a bit of sappy mushiness.

Well off the beaten path, in a cluster of trees near a cliffside, a Charmeleon was following a trail. It had been a long slog, but he was starting to get used to it...the fresh air of the wild was a lot sweeter than the stale air choked with chemicals and other things that he'd spent most of his life around. His body was worn out but it was a good fatigue, one that was really pretty satisfying. More and more he was certain that the direction his life had taken was a good one.

His search had taken him rather far and wide, to places he'd never even imagined. He only had some very vague idea where to look in the first place, a brief mention hastily sent to him through a proxy, and he'd had to go chasing down his targets on his own from there. It was mostly luck, he felt, that he'd managed to actually track down where they'd gone, and now he was almost to them. Even now he questioned whether finding them was the best course of action, but he didn't really have anything else to work was the best idea he could come up with.

Now, looking through the trees, he could see them, a human and another Charmeleon in the midst of the woods. He knew them pretty well for how little he'd seen them: Ral and Zeke, probably the pair most attuned to the wild you'd ever see. Though it might not have looked it at that moment; Ral was face-down on the grass, ass and back painted with a whiteness that was hard to mistake, while Zeke was simply sitting against a tree grinning at him.

"Ugh...I did not expect that."

Zeke snickered at that line. "I told you to watch out if you were going to try to wrestle with Machokes. You know they can get rough."

"You didn't tell me they were going to treat it as an invitation."

"They don't. You invited. You don't stick your hand down a Machoke's speedo unless you want to be fucked by them. Especially when you're wrestling or fighting with them, that makes them super horny."

Ral groaned. "That's what did it? That was an accident, my hand totally slipped."

"You sure about that?" Zeke replied with a snicker. "Maybe you wanted that all along, and that was your subconscious acting on its own."

"My subconscious didn't make Machoke sweat enough to make it hard to get a grip. Besides, if it wanted that, why didn't I do it for the first two?"

"Hey, you tell me. There has to be a reason you wanted to wrestle with a dozen Machokes."

"They're the ones who wanted me to go up against them! You know that, you were there when that one made the proposal."

"And you accepted...just couldn't hold yourself back could you? Just had to get some of that sweet muscle lizard dick inside you..."

"Mmph. Whose fantasy are we talking about now?"

Zeke paused for a moment. "...Both of ours, I guess. I'll have to ask to join in tomorrow. Anyway, you up for number four?"

"I need another minute or so. Not like they don't have me all day long or anything..."

The searching Chargmeleon decided to take this moment to make his appearance. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out into their line of sight. "Ral? Zeke?"

Zeke turned at the sound of the voice, eyes widening as he laid sight on the speaker. The recognition was instant, but he was still surprised in one way. "Coal? Is that you? Wow, you're looking amazing, no lie."

Coal averted his gaze a bit, looking a bit flushed at the compliment. It was the truth, though; the once chubby Charmeleon had worked himself to a level of fitness close to Zeke's, and in a lot less time. He was lean, muscled, his tail flame was energetic, and he looked a lot sharper in tooth, claw, and mind. It was an incredible transformation after just 20 months.

", is he all right?"

Ral nodded from his position on the ground. "I'm fine...just got a bit more action from a Machoke than I bargained for is all."

Coal cocked his head, not making the connection. "Huh?"

"Never mind that. What are you doing all the way out here? Don't tell me Gus came here too."

A wry laugh escaped Coal's mouth. "That fat fuck would've had a heart attack before he got out the front door. Actually, he'd probably have had a heart attack screaming at me first. No...that's over, thank goodness. He threw me out two months ago."

Zeke's eyes widened. "Whoa, really? I mean, good riddance, but I wasn't sure he'd actually go through with something like that. What happened?"

"Gus got accepted into qualifiers for a regional tournament...well, more like bribed his way in, didn't have an actual record to go off of but he made such a stink about it that they let him in just to shut him up. He went to the qualifying round with me and five other Pokémon...and let me tell you, they were in worse shape than I was the first time you faced me. Gus totally doubled down on himself, went full fat and lazy and stupid...and he says he's never lost a real battle again, you know that? He doesn't even count the two times you guys came in, he refuses to even acknowledge that you had battles."

"Man...I can't believe he went that far. I don't think there's any hope for him anymore."

"Me either. So we went in against our opponent against the qualifiers, and Gus was talking huge trash...and then he proceeds to got absolutely curbstomped. His other five Pokémon never stood a chance, they got soundly thrashed in seconds each time. He doesn't want to even use me but he does, and I actually KO the guy's first Pokémon, but then he sends out a Rhydon and I knew it wasn't gonna end well."

"At least you kept yourself from embarrassing yourself as much as you could," Zeke said.

"Yeah, but that wasn't the kicker. We all get brought back after fainting, and right there in the lobby Gus just lays into me. Screaming like a banshee, accusing me of trying to make him look bad. Says I embarrassed him and made him look like a fool out there and that was why he lost. Right in front of dozens of people, who were looking at him like he was mad, which was the right way to look at him. I finally snap and talk back to him, telling him that if he wanted fat lazy slobs who were worthless in battle he deserved to lose...and the fucker slapped me."

"He didn't!" Ral exclaimed.

"Right across the face...probably hurt him more than me, but it was just doing it that was the thing that caught me. Then he says he doesn't want to see me ever again, and I'm not his Pokémon any longer. And he just leaves me there, without a care in the world, doesn't even care that everyone's disgusted by what he just did...he's gonna have a hell of a bad reputation for a long time."

"Deserves it and more," Zeke said with a snarl. "He's lucky you didn't take his hand one would've convicted you."

"Yeah, but I didn't want that hanging over my head...was just happy to be rid of him, to be honest. He was basically trying to starve me, I was mooching food from other people in town because he was telling his parents that he wouldn't allow them to waste food on my anymore. I was half-tempted to go off on my own without even telling him, but I thought the tournament might wake him up to his failures...I guess I was wrong, but it got me where I was gonna be going anyway."

"Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say. But what brought you all the way out here then?"

"Well...I guess I wanted to know if I could travel with you guys for a bit. I'm kinda...well, aimless, I don't really know what I want right now...and I'm really new at this whole 'on your own in the wilds' thing and I wanted someone who could kind of help me get adjusted, but I don't really know anyone else. I don't have to let me, I know you two have your thing going on..."

"Oh, nonsense, we'd be more than happy to help you get year bearings," Zeke replied insistently. "After what you've been through, there's no question, right?"

Ral nodded. "Yeah, stick around for a while. It's never a good idea to just be completely on your own, that just invites trouble of all sorts. We'll help you out."

Coal smiled shyly. "Th-thanks...I really appreciate it. I'll make sure I pull my weight, too, I don't want to be a burden."

"Eh, not much weight to pull, it's not like we've got a real destination. We just go with the flow, do what we run into. And sometimes who we run into. Speaking of, want to watch Ral have a few rounds with Machokes? They're fresh and he isn't, so it's bound to be a load of fun."

"You're so concerned about my well-being, aren't you?" Ral grumbled sarcastically.

"You're the one who got yourself into it. Plus, I see Machoke #4 coming this way, so you'll have to be ready anyway." Zeke stepped back as the burly Fighting Pokémon appeared from the brush, Coal joining his side after a moment, blushing at the obvious display of masculinity. Ral looked plenty tired as he was picking himself up off the ground, but there was at least one sign that he wasn't as unhappy about the situation as he claimed...

Later on, the two Charmeleons were sitting near the cliffside, watching the sunset over the wide woods below. The sky was brilliantly illuminated with oranges and pinks, amplified by a few light, streaky clouds which seemed to glow even more brightly. Ral wasn't with them; he had been cordially invited to spend the evening with the Machokes he'd been wrestling. However sore he was at the end of the gauntlet, he would be several times that when they'd see him again.

"You sure Ral's gonna be all right?"

"Oh, yeah, he'll be fine. He can handle being nailed by a few Machokes."

"You sure? He looked pretty exhausted..."

"Yeah, well, wrestling with a dozen hugely powerful Pokémon and getting fucked by five of them will do that to you. But hey, if he didn't want to have that latter part happen, he wouldn't have basically conceded to the last three of them."

Coal shook his head. "I wasn't expecting that...he didn't even try to wrestle the last two, just started getting them hot and bothered. He didn't seem like the type..."

"Oh, he enjoys a good reaming from a Pokémon or several, trust me. He just doesn't do it all that often...I was glad to see him give it a bit to his desires, though I think just being plain exhausted had something to do with it. Anyway, he'll probably want to be familiar with the feeling."

"Why's that?"

"Because they told me privately that there's a pair of Machamps coming in tomorrow who want a crack at him."

Coal covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. "Oh goodness...he's not gonna be able to sit for days!"

"Totally worth it," Zeke snickered. "I was tempted to get in on that action, but I don't have the size to properly wrestle with them. Maybe they'll be eager for more tomorrow and won't care, but I figured I'd let them have their fun with him as they wanted this time. If there's more tomorrow, I'm definitely getting in on that."

"Nice. I might have to do that as well. Have you ever, you know, done that with Ral?"

"Oh, goodness, no. He's practically my brother, that'd just be too weird."

"Really? I'd've thought as close as you two are, you might've at least tried it once. You hear lots of stories about trainers and Pokémon..."

"W-well...I...have thought about it, to be honest. I don't want to say anything to Ral because I don't want things to get weird, but...yeah, I'd definitely do him if it came down to it. And honestly I kinda think he might think the same way, but we're not at the point where we're ready to take that step. Like I said, practically brothers...I guess some brothers do that but it's still a weird thought."

"Oh. Didn't mean to bring up something you weren't comfortable with..."

"Ah, don't sweat it. We'll have to deal with it sooner or later. So...what's your plan? What do you want to do?"

"...I'm not entirely sure. I'm still trying to figure things out. I've never been on my own before, and it's really kind of doesn't really give me a chance to think things through because I'm so focused on just surviving. That's why I wanted to find you guys and hang around for a'll give me a chance to actually think about the future rather than just scramble around."

"I guess I get that. You got any thoughts so far?"

"Nothing concrete. Part of me wants to just forego any trainers at all, because Gus hurt me so much...I don't know if I could handle that again. On the other hand, I really want to have a relationship like you and Ral have, someone so close I can trust them fully and completely, and I can't really get that on my own. So it's kind of one of those cases where I'm not sure what I want more."

Zeke nodded. "I've known some that have found happiness with each one. Me, I don't know what I'd do without Ral...he's basically made me into what I am today. I don't know that I'd last a day in the wild on my own."

"You? As rough and rugged as you are? You look like you could take down just about anyone that came at you!"

"Yeah, but looks aren't everything. I'd've committed suicide by sass long ago without Ral, he's kinda the one that keeps my mouth in check. And it's been training with him, wanting to keep up with him and get better for him that's gotten me as fit and skilled as I am. And he's taught me a lot about fighting, helped me develop the skills I have. Of course, I've taught him quite a bit,'s pretty gratifying being both teacher and student, I think that's really what this whole trainer/Pokémon dynamic is supposed to be about."

Coal nodded, quiet for a moment. That was what he had wanted with Gus, the close friendship, the ability to learn and to help him, everything he'd sought for him at first...but Gus wasn't a good teacher, and he wasn't a good friend either. Only caring about himself, and only liking you if you did what he wanted, it was satisfying only as long as he kidded himself. Once his delusions had been broken, though, he couldn't do that anymore...he wanted to be better than what he was, and he couldn't do the same thing for Gus. Could he start over with another trainer? They wouldn't have the history he did with Gus, they wouldn't know him so thoroughly...but maybe they could reach that point.

"You don't have to make a decision right away. It's probably best if you don't, really...when pain's pretty fresh in your head, it messes with your choices. Even if it's been two months, it still sounds like it's on your mind a lot...sometimes the best thing is to just step back and let things happen for a while. There's no need to rush things, it's not like we're gonna kick you out any time soon."

"Yeah...thanks. I think I'll take your advice, I need to get my mind straight before I decide how I want to go about the rest of my life. I think I'm already starting...the further I get from Gus, the less I'm worried about him. I mean, I don't know that I should be anyway, he's in no shape to come after me and it's not like any of his Pokémon could hunt me down...I guess it's just his influence that I'm getting away from."

Zeke nodded in understanding. "They have that effect on us. I guess we have it on them, as well...the fact that Gus just didn't care shows how poor a trainer he really is. It's not just about his utter lack of intelligence or self-control, it's that he doesn't actually connect with Pokémon...he just lords over them and acts nice as long as they do what he wants, he doesn't truly bond with them at all. I don't know what happened to him, I thought I remembered him being different...never really liked him, but I at least thought he wasn't a bad person, just not the type that I got along well with."

"I dunno. He wasn't always so utterly delusional. I don't know what happened to make him that way...though I guess I shouldn't talk, I bought it hook line and sinker. Ug,h I feel so stupid whenever I think about how I was back then..."

"You shouldn't stress out about that too much, I'd say you recovered nicely." Zeke brought a hand up to rub at Coal's fit, firm chest and abdomen. "Heh, really nicely, if I'm speaking frankly. You're a treat for the eyes now."

Coal felt himself flush a bit. "Thanks...I'm glad you think so. I've been working hard, and being on my own traveling around to find you was definitely something that pushed me to keep in good shape. It helped that you made me feel like it was more worthwhile...and that's what really gave me the strength to go on."

"I'm glad you did, you turned out really well." Zeke's hand trailed down toward's Coal's groin, poking around at his slit a bit. "Perhaps...would you like to spend some time doing a different kind of workout? I imagine you've had a tough time finding time for that with all that you've been through...wouldn't mind helping fix that problem."

"'re right about that. Wouldn't have any problem saying no to another reaming from you, though, it felt pretty damn good last time."

"Well...would you say no to taking it the other way around?"

"Other mean..."

Zeke nodded. "I tend to be, ah, selective about who gets to take me that way...they gotta really make me want it. I think you fit the bill very nicely, the way you look...I'd love it if you were willing to bend me over and plow me like I know you can."

"Oh...gosh..." Coal's face flushed, darkening at the knowledge that he was considered desirable by someone like Zeke. It was a definite boost to his morale. "I...I'd be honored to...but, um, could I...have you facing me instead?"

"Heh, sure, that works fine as well." Zeke leaned back onto the ground, spreading his legs and showing his tailhole to the other Charmeleon, his slit already spreading to reveal his hardening cock. "Show me what you've got, Coal."

Coal nodded, feeling shyness creep up on him before he pushed it back down. Now wasn't the time to get skittish, he had a sexy Charmeleon that had changed his life waiting for him. He crawled over Zeke, still blushing heavily and panting with growing lust. His cock was fully hardened, dripping with steaming pre, slickening up that tailhole for its coming use.

"Ah...that looks good," Zeke said with a grin. "You're bigger than you were the first time we clashed, aren't you?"

Coal nodded, averting his gaze a bit; from being noticeably shorter and thinner, he'd gained up to roughly the same size as Zeke. "Y-yeah...I never realized I was supposed to be bigger than I was..."

"It was that unhealthy lifestyle. It was suppressing your hormones, stunting your started training and got that back into gear, now you look like you were always meant to. I can't wait to feel it..."

"Then...then I won't make you wait..." Swallowing, Coal placed his hands in position alongside Zeke, touching his length to that hot tailhole. Taking a deep breath, he pushed in vigorously, burying the whole of it inside his partner in one swift moment. Immediately the two both let out sharp gasps of pleasure; for Coal, the first time he'd ever had his cock wrapped up in the tight grip of another Pokémon's tailhole, and for Zeke, the satisfying feeling of being filled by one of his own type, one that was made for someone like him.

It took Coal a moment to recover, the impact of the pleasure almost too much for him to process, but he finally got a hold of himself and pulled himself back out, leaving just the tip embedded inside before pushing back down into Zeke. He'd never imagined it could feel this good, even knowing that it was supposed to be wonderful...there was no truly imagining something like this, it had to be experienced. Zeke clung to him so fantastically, despite not fighting his entry at all, and the heat of his rear was triggering his nerves in just the right way to maximize the pleasure on his entire shaft. And to think he almost was ready to go his whole life without a real chance to experience it...

His pace picked up very quickly, going from next to nothing to full blast in moments. Zeke's growls of pleasure were encouraging, making him work harder to get more of that. Sensing a quick resolution, he brought one of his hands up to stroke himself while getting plowed, speeding himself along in time with Coal. He didn't mind in the least; this was a new realm of pleasure, one very different from being physically overwhelmed like he usually was when bottoming. And he rather liked it, to understate it.

Cola was too absorbed in the pleasure to pay too much attention to what Zeke was doing. He just kept hammering away, his breaths coming hot and heavy, washing over Zeke's face. Already he could feel the throb in his loins, signaling his impending release...his claws dug into the ground, his toes burying themselves to provide better leverage as his hips thumped the solid flesh below him. Desperate grunts and growls escaped his mouth, betraying the aching need he was feeling.

A moment later he hit his limit, crying out as his seed came out in great gushes, a prolific load from his lack of action in the last several months. The heavy spurts filled Zeke nicely, making him murr out appreciatively; he especially liked the heat of Coal's cum, it felt perfectly suited to his body. He paused his stroking to arch his back and push himself into that spurting cock, milking it of everything he could manage. It helped lengthen Coal's climax, keeping him up at that peak a fair bit longer than he expected to be, leaving him even more satisfied when that height of pleasure went away.

"Heh...I guess the next thing to work on will be lasting power," Zeke said with a good-natured chuckle.


"No need for apologies, that happens to most people the first time they get to stick it in. I think I probably blew even faster my first time, though I'd been getting teased for about ten minutes beforehand. But this was your reward, it was for you to take how you wanted it."

Coal looked down at Zeke's body, eyes spying his unattended cock. "Maybe...but I don't want to leave you short." Before Zeke could say anything else, Coal pulled back and shifted down, muzzle opening wide and taking the other Charmeleon's cock to the hilt. Zeke let out a hiss as he felt that hot, wet muzzle encircle him, driving his pleasure up hard; he rarely got good oral treatment, anything smaller struggled to fit him in and anything larger he preferred to be the giver. So this was a unique treat for him for sure.

And Coal wasn't really minding it himself. He'd perhaps gone a bit overboard on the entry, fighting to settle his throat from the unexpected intrusion, but soon enough instinct took over and he was sucking and licking with abandon. The taste of the other Charmeleon was fantastic, the masculine tenor going well with the fiery flavor that matched so perfectly with him...he relished it, took it in without hesitation. It was his own reward to Zeke for all he'd done, for turning him into something he could respect, something worthy of desire, and he was going to give his all.

Soon Coal felt a grip on his crest as Zeke grabbed hold, holding him deep onto his cock, bucking in slightly as the pleasure of the act overtook him. Coal responded by digging his claws into the ground and bobbing and sucking harder, swallowing around the length inside his throat to give Zeke the best he could. He held nothing back, even spraying smoky breath against Zeke's slit to provide another angle of pleasure to him.

It wasn't much longer before Zeke let out a yell and started shooting into Coal's mouth. He wasn't totally prepared for it and got a bit overwhelmed at first at the sensation of the fluid spurting down his throat, but quickly caught up as the newness of the sensations was processed and he adjusted to them. He suckled hard, draining Zeke as best he could, before pulling back up and taking a fair bit of his load into his mouth, relishing the full taste of the other Charmeleon's essence. It was everything his cock's taste was amplified, and he held it in his mouth, bathing his tongue in the flavor as long as he could. Only when he felt Zeke's shaft go slack did he pull away and swallow what was in his maw, licking his lips at the taste. "That...that was really good."

"That...was better than really good," Zeke panted, pushing himself to a sitting position to look at Coal. " did really good there...I might have to take lessons from you on that."

"" Coal felt himself blushing again. "I'm...really glad I came out here. It was a rough travel but it was worth it...not just for this, I mean, but...yeah, this was part of it for sure."

"Heh, glad you think so. This is just the start of what sex can be like...there's a whole world of experience out there for you. Don't worry, we'll help get you into it, for sure."

"I'd like that, I think." Coal nestled up next to Zeke, and the two of them laid down in each other's arms. "Thank you for everything...I don't know what I'm gonna do in my life, but I'm happy for it to be anything that wasn't what I was before. Thanks for letting me stick around while I try to figure things out."

"It's my're quite welcome." Zeke leaned his head against Coal, one clawed hand underneath him while the other rested on top of him, feeling slight thumps from the beating of Coal's heart. It was going to be really nice having him around for a while, he thought...a far cry from what he had thought of him earlier. It was a rare feeling for him...admiration, for the one who had overcome so much, even more than Zeke had in his eyes...perhaps there were still things he could learn.